HELPING YOU LIVE UNITED IN THE WORKPLACE 2014 CAMPAIGN COORDINATOR’S GUIDE United Way of Central Kentucky TABLE OF CONTENTS About Your United Way………………….……………………………………………………………...p. 2 How to Talk About United Way………………….……………………………………………………...p. 3 Campaign Basics………………………….…………………………………………………………….p. 4 Concerns & Objections………………………………………………………………………………….p. 8 Campaign Checklist…………….………………………………………………………………………p. 10 Resources for Your Campaign…………………………………………………………………………p. 11 The Power of Giving…………………………………………………………………………………… p. 12 Sample Communications………………………………………………………………………………p. 13 Thank You/Important Contact Information……………………………………………………………p. 15 THANK YOU FOR MAKING AN IMPACT IN OUR COMMUNITY United Way of Central Kentucky’s annual campaign is about bringing people together to address our community’s most important issues. As a United Way Campaign Coordinator, you stand alongside hundreds of other volunteers who are dedicated to making a measurable impact in the lives of people in our community. Due to the success of the workplace campaign, the generosity of our donors, and the dedication of our volunteers, UWCK is able to support 31 programs throughout our region of Hardin, Breckinridge, Grayson, LaRue, and Meade Counties. These programs are hard at work every day improving lives and advancing the common good for our friends, neighbors, and families. This handbook focuses on the role and responsibilities of an Employee Campaign Coordinator. It is designed to lead you step-by-step through a United Way Campaign while offering tools, tips, and best practices to ensure success. While we hope this offers a good overview of the Campaign, it may not answer every question you have. We encourage you to visit our website at for additional resources or contact the UWCK office at 270-737-6608. Thank you for volunteering to be part of the annual United Way Campaign. By giving your time, talent, and spreading the word, you are helping advance the common good. Together, united, we can inspire hope and create opportunities for a better tomorrow. That is what it means to LIVE UNITED. United Way of Central Kentucky 1 ABOUT LOCAL YOUR UNITED WAY Our Mission Connecting our community for the common good. Our Vision That each individual in our community is self sufficient in the areas of Education, Financial Stability, Health, and Basic Needs, the building blocks for a good quality of life for all. Who We Help: One Success Story I had always wanted to be a mother, and was elated when the doctor told me I was indeed pregnant. I dreamed of the things I would do with my child, and the wonderful life we would have together. Just eight weeks into my pregnancy, I had a stroke. My baby didn't seem to be harmed, but my body suffered severe damage. I gave birth to my son, but was confined to a wheelchair. Caring for him was a challenge. He is now 3 years old and I worry about his development. He seems to be a little behind the rest of the kids his age. Since it is so difficult for me to get around, we spend most of our time alone in our home. He really doesn't have much of an opportunity to be around other children. That is one of the reasons I am so thankful for the First Connections program with Hardin County Schools. They are helping me to get my son into pre-school, and helping to ease the isolation I feel in my life. I feel my life is finally beginning to get back on track. United Way of Central Kentucky 2 HOW TO TALK ABOUT UNITED WAY What We Do United Way of Central Kentucky brings industry, individuals, and nonprofits together to connect our community for the common good. This means creating opportunities for a better life for all right in our 5 county region. Advancing the common good is less about helping one person at a time and more about changing systems to help all of us. It’s the idea that we are all connected and interdependent: the idea that we all win when a child succeeds in school, when families are financially stable, and when people are healthy. How We Do It We focus on the building blocks for a good quality of life for all- Education, Financial Stability, and Health, while continuing to provide a safety net of services that meet Basic Needs. We research the needs of the community and recruit people and organizations that bring the passion, expertise, and resources needed to get things done. When you give to United Way of Central Kentucky, your investment funds programs that promote collaboration, efficiency, innovation, and accountability. Why It’s Important One individual or organization can’t solve our community’s issues alone, especially in these uncertain economic times. That’s why United Way of Central Kentucky is so important. Working together, united, we are providing individuals and families with a better life while creating lasting social change. What You Can Do We invite you to be part of the change. You can volunteer, you can advocate for our cause, and you can invest in your community by giving to United Way of Central Kentucky. However you choose to LIVE UNITED, you can inspire hope and create opportunities for a better tomorrow. Tip: Practice Your Elevator Speech You never know when you might need to say a few words about United Way. Prepare a 15-30 second “pitch” on what we do and what it means to LIVE UNITED. United Way of Central Kentucky 3 CAMPAIGN BASICS: 10 STEPS TO SUCCESS 1. GET CONNECTED • Contact your United Way representative to learn how we can assist you. • Attend our annual Employee Campaign Manager (ECM) training to meet other Campaign Coordinators and share ideas or best practices. • Visit our website for in-depth ideas and access to campaign resources. 2. OBTAIN TOP MANAGEMENT SUPPORT • Talk to your company’s leadership about approving a campaign committee and budget and allowing use of company time for campaign meetings and activities. • Ask top managers to publicly support, endorse and participate in the campaign and events. • Discuss the possibility of matching a percentage of employee gifts with a corporate contribution. • Develop a strategy for engaging other company leaders, possibly through the use of a separate leadership campaign. 3. RECRUIT A STRONG CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE • Build a campaign team that is diverse and includes individuals from multiple departments and every level within the organization. • Team members who have been helped or had prior involvement with United Way are a great addition and can speak personally during the campaign. • Invite your United Way representative to campaign planning meetings to answer questions and offer ideas. United Way of Central Kentucky 4 CAMPAIGN BASICS (continued) 4. DEVELOP YOUR CAMPAIGN PLAN • Set a campaign timeline. Most campaigns run in the fall with a duration of about two weeks to a month. However, campaigns can take place any time during the year. • Set a campaign goal. Identify some areas for improvement and set some measurable goals to achieve them. Some companies may identify a dollar goal, increased participation, or increased average gift as their goal. Talk to your UWCK representative for more help in identifying your campaign goals. • Identify campaign responsibilities and which team member will be responsible for them. Who is in charge of the pledge forms, the campaign events, incentives, and collection of the forms? • Consider some incentives that can be used to encourage new gifts and prompt existing donors to increase their contributions. Ask your UWCK representative for a list of ideas. • Decide how you will reach out to different groups at your company like upper management. Talk with your UWCK representative to learn more about Leadership Giving and special events for this group. • Choose campaign strategies and approaches that fit your company culture. Here is a recommended Campaign timeline: 4 -5 weeks before the Campaign Meet with your CEO Talk with the previous campaign coordinator Talk with United Way staff Recruit your campaign team Analyze your past campaign Week of Campaign Connect with UWCK office Conduct special events Hold company meetings Start meetings on time Introduce program/agenda Acknowledge management support 3 -4 weeks before the Campaign Meet with your team Set your goals and objectives Set your dates/times and tell UWCK Review all campaign resources Plan your special events Schedule United Way speaker Promote your campaign 1 -2 weeks after the Campaign Follow up on pledge forms Report results promptly to UWCK Report results internally Analyze your campaign with your team Say Thank You! Start a year-round communication program 1 week before the Campaign Obtain pledge forms and other materials Send out endorsement letters Send out email announcing campaign Confirm meeting location(s) and time(s) Hint: Don’t forget to decide how you will collect pledge forms. Are you having employees fill them out during the meeting or do you have another plan for follow-up? Having employees complete them during meetings is recommended for large companies or manufacturing plants where you may not have another chance for face-to-face contact with all staff. United Way of Central Kentucky 5 CAMPAIGN BASICS (continued) 5. PROMOTE AND PREPARE • Promote the campaign with posters, flyers, and email blasts (find samples on our website) Include campaign communications in company newsletters, message boards, and through a memo from the CEO. • Work with your United Way representative to ensure that you have pledge forms, brochures, and all other necessary campaign materials for the campaign. • Send a weekly United Way email during the campaign with United Way facts (also found on our website and in this handbook). handbook) • Announce the campaign at various department and staff meetings. 6. CAMPAIGN KICK-OFF • Start your campaign with leadership and senior managers one week prior to your kick-off. • Make your personal gift to United Way before the campaign begins. • Invite all staff to a kick-off event that communicates management support, campaign goals, and activities. • Invite your United Way representative to speak at the kick-off and campaign events. 7. MAKE THE ASK • Make sure that everyone is asked to give through the kick-off, departments meetings, and one-on-one conversations. The number one reason people say they didn’t give to the campaign is because they weren’t asked! • Host a Leadership Giving luncheon or event for management. • Have the campaign committee personally ask their co-workers to join them in their support of United Way. Be prepared to talk about why you support United Way and answer questions to help employees understand how United Way works. • Show donors the impact that their individual contribution makes. Giving goes up when people know their gift is making a real difference. Check out the United Way website to see the impact! • Tell employees when the campaign ends, where to turn in their forms, and how they can get more involved. United Way of Central Kentucky 6 CAMPAIGN BASICS (continued) 8. MONITOR AND REPORT YOUR PROGRESS • Keep a running total as the pledges are collected. Verify compare against the goals identified by the campaign committee. Confirm that pledge forms are filled out completely. • Provide regular progress updates to employees. • Hold a mid-campaign review to check the progress toward your goal. Identify any interventions needed. • Make personal follow-ups with individuals who have not turned in their pledge forms. 9. CAMPAIGN WRAP-UP • Collect pledge forms and donations from employees. Verify totals before returning to UWCK. • Schedule a brief meeting with your United Way representative to complete all required paperwork. • Report your final total to employees and leadership. • Hold a final campaign committee meeting to evaluate your efforts. 10. THANK EVERYONE! • Send thank you emails, a memo from the CEO, or hang thank you posters. Don’t forget to send a special note of appreciation to the campaign committee. TIPS FOR YEAR ROUND ENGAGEMENT • Continue to share United Way updates and news with employees so that they can see the impact of their contributions. Work with United Way to arrange a volunteer project to further engage employees. • New hire and retiree packets can be used to introduce new staff to United Way and allow retirees to continue their involvement. Contact your United Way representative for these materials. • United Way of Central Kentucky 7 CONCERNS & OBJECTIONS You may occasionally encounter people who object to contributing to United Way. Keep in mind that objections are a natural part of the campaign and offer you an opportunity to present more information. Here are some insights into objections and suggestions for handling them: Objections are not personal. Remember, they are not directed at you. Objections are often based on incorrect information. Try to identify the real issue. Show sympathy. Listen carefully and show your concern. This does not mean that you agree, but that you care about the concern. Don’t argue. Instead, offer information about the many ways United Way helps people or offer to discuss the issue further after the group meeting. Don’t be afraid to say you don’t know. Let those with questions know you’ll get back to them with the answer. Then call United Way at 270-737-6608 or visit our website for more information. Remember, education, not coercion. The most responsive donors are those who have the opportunity to become informed and involved. Experience clearly shows that coercion creates animosity, hinders communication and understanding, and can lead to decreased support. United Way of Central Kentucky 8 ANTICIPATE FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS How does United Way spend my donation? Simply put, money raised here stays here to make the greatest possible impact in our community. Most pledges are not designated for a certain destination. Those dollars are allocated by United Way volunteers from all 5 of UWCK’s counties who spend hours vetting applicants, evaluating their effectiveness and efficiency. They sift through funding requests, analyze the needs of the community, and make informed decisions in allocating United Way dollars. A complete listing of United Way’s annual allocations can be found on our website or provided by calling our office. Our fundraising and administrative percentage is 16.8 %, well below the Better Business Bureau’s standard of 35%. That means 83 cents of every dollar goes directly to a program or service. How do I know that I can trust the United Way of Central Kentucky? UWCK has been reviewed and certified by the Better Business Bureau to affirm the organization meets all 20 of its new charitable accountability standards. In addition, UWCK can provide a complete financial report prepared by an independent auditor and the standards in place for membership certification through United Way Worldwide upon request. Our financials are also presented in our annual report, available on our website for review at any time at I can’t afford to give to United Way. We are all feeling that there is less disposable income to give to charity during these uncertain economic times. The people who feel it most are the health and human service agencies. It’s a catch-22. There is less money being allocated to them, yet there are more people turning to them for assistance. We must examine our own situation and make a choice. Through the United Way campaign, we have the opportunity to spread our generosity throughout the entire year. By utilizing payroll deduction you can have a small amount taken each pay period. For as little as $1 a week, your generosity can greatly impact the lives of others. I already give money to church or another charity. Supporting your religious belief is important and reflects your personal religious convictions and your desire to help other people. But consider giving to United Way as a way to enhance your charitable portfolio. The benefits derived from our United Way gifts are vitally important to our entire community, just as our religious contributions are to our church community. It’s not our job to help people who just want a handout. We agree that it’s important to give people the tools they need to support themselves. That’s why our nonprofit partners are held to high standards and must prove the long-term results they create with the donations they receive. Most people who are impacted by our services need help through no fault of their own. We all know someone who has found themselves in crisis after they were laid off from work, suffered an unexpected illness, or had their life uprooted by a natural disaster. It’s important that we support agencies that can help people get back on their feet since we’re all one stroke of bad luck away from needing a hand up. We aren’t just funding good causes, we’re funding change. I don’t want to give because when I or someone I knew needed help, the United Way didn’t help at all. The United Way is not set up to provide direct services to individuals. We refer people to our funded partners and other community resources who specialize in working with clients. The agencies themselves determine eligibility and amount of aid given to those in need, usually in terms of government guidelines or established policies. The United Way raises money for the programs and services that can help the most people as effectively as possible. They are listed in our campaign brochure and on our website at I read stories and hear ads about the United Way that talk about different services than are offered here. The United Way of Central Kentucky is independent and autonomous from all other United Ways, including Metro United Way. We are operated by our own Board of Directors and serve the people of our 5 county region. Information you read or hear about United Way in other communities does not reflect the operations of this one. United Way of Central Kentucky 9 CAMPAIGN CHECKLIST Before the Campaign Meet with your United Way representative. Secure CEO/Senior Management support. Review Campaign history and set your goals. Recruit a campaign committee to help with the campaign. Determine your campaign plan, timeframe and any incentives. Gather your campaign communications and any campaign materials. Visit the United Way website for sample communications and ideas! Schedule your kick-off, United Way speaker and any special events. Promote the campaign with a campaign announcement. During the Campaign Distribute pledge forms and campaign materials to every employee. Promote the campaign, kick-off and special events through numerous channels. Hold a mid-campaign committee meeting to review the progress towards the goal. Send regular progress reports to employees. Follow-up with individuals who have yet to turn in their pledge form. Send reminders about campaign events, incentives and deadlines. After the Campaign Collect all pledge forms and campaign materials and check for completeness. Schedule a time with your United Way representative to complete the paperwork. Take care of any corporate contributions or matches on employee giving. Send a thank you letter to everyone including the campaign committee and the CEO. Publish a short story, photo and the results of your campaign in the company newsletter. Hold a post campaign committee meeting to evaluate the challenges and successes of the campaign. Keep the notes handy for next year! Talk to your United Way representative so that we can continue to improve our service. Year Round Keep employees updated on the activities and impact of United Way. Promote volunteer opportunities to employees. United Way of Central Kentucky 10 RESOUCES FOR YOUR CAMPAIGN We understand that people are busy and the United Way campaign is an addition to all of your other job responsibilities. With that in mind, we want to give you all the tools, resources, and support you need to make your campaign a success without becoming a burden. Pledge forms and brochures. Your United Way representative can provide you with any number of pledge forms, brochures, and lists of programs supported by United Way. County brochure inserts. If your employees want specific information about programs funded in each of our five counties, these inserts share not only what agencies are serving their community, but also what they do and how to contact them. Posters. Use to promote the campaign and decorate for employee meetings and special events. Tip: hang some in break rooms, cafeterias, and other common areas. Campaign video. Let our locally-filmed video help you tell the United Way story. The video can be shared on a DVD or on our website through our YouTube account. Tip: send a link to the video in an email to ensure all employees get the chance to view it. Yard sign. Show off your commitment to the community so anyone driving by your business can see that you make philanthropy a priority. United Way logos. Download these from our website for use in your promotional materials. Sample communications. These emails and letters can be customized, copied, and pasted into any communications. Simply visit for digital versions of the communications shared on pages 12-14 of this manual. Also available on the Campaign Central section of our website: Pledge report form Special event and incentive ideas County-specific fact sheets Templates for Certificates of Appreciation Information on the impact of Leadership Giving Need something but don’t see a resource for it? Contact your United Way representative and we’ll be happy to provide any other tools you need. United Way of Central Kentucky 11 THE POWER OF GIVING $1 a week ($52/year) covers training costs for one CASA of the Heartland volunteer who, in turn, advocates for up to 4 abused and neglected children over the course of a year, and countless numbers over the course of a lifetime. $1 a week ($52/year) can provide one child with bi-weekly Cradle School classes through Hardin County Schools for a semester. $1 a week ($52/year) can purchase 3 boxes of 100 insulin syringes for a diabetic patient to self administer their life saving medication through the Community Health Clinic. $1 a week ($52/year) can provide a 6 week program of youth sports for a child in need at the Meade Activity Center. $1 a week ($52/year) can provide a subscription to one of the student based magazines which are used in the classrooms at Grayson County Schools. $1 a week ($52/year) can provide activities, materials, and snack for a child enrolled in our weekly preschool readiness program at Kids Crew Plus. $5 a week ($260/year) can provide 2 people with clothing and shoes during a disaster through American Red Cross. $5 a week ($260/year) can provide an at risk child a school year of academic support and enrichment opportunities in afterschool programs at Panther Place. $5 a week ($260/year) can provide a training class for Tri-County CASA volunteers. $5 a week ($260/year) can provide school uniforms for a primary student for a school year at Meade County Schools. $5 a week ($260/year) can provide 20 hours of in-home services per week for one month to one Senior Companion Program client $5 a week ($260/year) can provide every household with personal hygiene products (i.e., soap, detergent, toothpaste, etc.) through the Grayson County Alliance. $5 a week ($260/year) can provide school lunches for 2 students who are living at the SpringHaven Domestic Violence Shelter. $10 a week ($520/year) can allow Head Start to offer three fatherhood classes for 40 families in a school year. $10 a week ($520/year) provide 4,333 meals of fresh Kentucky produce to those who are struggling with hunger through Feeding America, Kentucky’s Heartland. $10 a week ($520 a year) can send 50 special needs students to both the Fall and Spring Day Camp through the Lincoln Heritage Boy Scouts of America. $10 a week ($520/year) can provide deposits for independent housing for a victim and her children through SpringHaven Domestic Violence Program. United Way of Central Kentucky 12 SAMPLE COMMUNICATIONS Use the following sample letters when you and/or your Chief Executive Officer are composing letters to promote United Way. These samples are appropriate for emails, company publications, payroll stuffers, and personalized letters. Feel free to use them in part or in their entirety. Sample Letter 1: Campaign Announcement from the CEO Dear Colleagues: Many of our neighbors may be less fortunate this year, but we can make a difference. Right now (COMPANY NAME) can help create opportunities for a better life for all by participating in United Way of Central Kentucky’s annual workplace campaign. I am pleased to announce that (EMPLOYEE CAMPAIGN MANAGER) has agreed to lead and coordinate our United Way campaign this year. I know (NAME) will appreciate your efforts and support. When we reach out a hand to one, we influence the condition of all. Everyone wins when children succeed in school, families are financially stable, and people are healthy. I invite you to join me this year in United Way’s effort to advance the common good. Please consider supporting United Way’s campaign as our community strives to LIVE UNITED. Your gift does make a difference by supporting crucial safety net programs and long-term efforts to strengthen our community. Sincerely, Sample Letter 2: Campaign Announcement from the CEO Dear Colleagues: The strength of our community largely is defined by how we take care of one another. When we reach out a hand to one, we improve conditions for all. The economic crisis is being felt throughout our communities. More people than ever are struggling to make ends meet, thereby putting a greater demand on non-profit agencies that provide critical services and receive support from United Way of Central Kentucky. UWCK takes the guesswork out of philanthropy by funding tremendous local agencies like (Hardin County Schools, the American Red Cross, and area food pantries- or whatever agencies are of interest to your co-workers). All of the money we raise benefits our local community. Your contributions make a difference by supporting programs that deliver positive results for our own friends, neighbors, co-workers, and families: (INSERT FACTS FROM POWER OF $1/$5/$10 RESOURCE) Please take a few moments to learn more about how our United Way is helping in our neighborhoods as we help advance the common good. Together we strive to LIVE UNITED. Sincerely, United Way of Central Kentucky 13 SAMPLE COMMUNICATIONS Sample Letter 3: Campaign Kickoff Announcement from the CEO Please mark your calendars for (DATE) as the kickoff date for the (COMPANY NAME) United Way annual workplace campaign. This year’s fundraising effort will run from (DATE TO DATE). Investing in our community is an important responsibility and United Way of Central Kentucky works hard to create lasting changes in the critical areas of Education, Financial Stability, and Health. That’s because everyone wins when children succeed in school, families are financially stable and people are healthy. We all have a role in advancing the common good by giving, advocating and volunteering. Together we can achieve more than any one group on its own. That’s what it means to LIVE UNITED. I am proud to support United Way of Central Kentucky, but the key to our campaign’s success is you. Your gift does make a difference by supporting crucial, effective safety net programs and long-term efforts to strengthen our community. Please join me in showing our community how we can work together to LIVE UNITED. Sincerely, Sample Letter 4: MidMid-Campaign Update EE- Mail/ Letter from CEO or ECM Dear Colleagues: We are halfway through our United Way annual workplace campaign. Thanks to all of you who have already submitted your pledge card; your investment in our community means you understand the importance of advancing the common good here in our community. We LIVE UNITED when we Give, Advocate and Volunteer. United Way of Central Kentucky helps create opportunities for a better life for all by investing in strategies that address the causes of problems, not just the symptoms. Together, we are helping to create lasting changes that ripple out to the community as a whole. Our campaign will wrap up on (DATE). If you have not already done so, please complete your pledge cards and return them. Thank you again for your attention to this important community investment! I am proud to say that the (COMPANY NAME) LIVES UNITED. Sincerely, Sample Letter 5: Thank you Letter from the CEO or ECM Dear Colleagues: Thanks go to each and every one of you who contributed to this year’s United Way campaign. Once again, you have gone the extra mile to make our community a better place for us to live and work. When you give to United Way of Central Kentucky, you are investing in the strength and future of our community. Every time a family becomes financially stable, a child succeeds in school, and people improve their health, our entire community benefits. Help ensure that a wide variety of needs are met, including services for the hungry and homeless, the sick and homebound, our youth and senior citizens and so much more. Again, thank you for partnering with United Way of Central Kentucky to advance the common good. Sincerely, United Way of Central Kentucky 14 THANK YOU! Once again we would like to thank you for your participation in this year’s Annual Campaign. Without you, none of this would be possible! IMPORTANT CONTACT INFORMATION My United Way Representative is: ___________________________________________________ United Way Representative phone: __________________________________________________ United Way Representative email: ___________________________________________________ United Way Office 850 West Park Rd Elizabethtown, KY 42701 Phone: 270-737-6608 Find Us Online Website: Facebook: YouTube: NOTES ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ United Way of Central Kentucky 15
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