Oversize/ Overweight Permit Manual New Hampshire Foreword The Specialized Carriers & Rigging Association is pleased to publish this Oversize/ Overweight Permit Manual. Each state analysis includes information in a standardized format: contact, legal limits, special permit limits, general restrictions, types of permits available, fees, escort needs, fines, and restricted travel areas. Telephone numbers, locations, and hours of operation are listed for ports of entry and permit branches. However, readers are always advised to check with the state offices on current laws and procedures. This project could not have been completed without the advice and consultation of many state officials. We thank all of those who provided permit manuals, maps, laws, regulations, and various other forms of documentation. Legal Notice This SC&RA Oversize/Overweight Permit Manual is intended only to provide concise, easily read information, useful in planning movements of overdimensional and overweight loads. This Permit Manual is not intended to be an accurate summary of all the applicable laws and regulations. Users of the Permit Manual should confirm the information contained herein before dispatching vehicles and loads. The SC&RA cautions Permit Manual users that state laws and regulations are subject to change without notice, and that some time elapses between the effective date of such changes and the amendment of the Permit Manual to reflect those changes. The SC&RA assumes no responsibility for accident, injury, loss or claim, penalties or any other damage resulting from reliance on the contents of this Permit Manual. Specialized Carriers & Rigging Association 5870 Trinity Parkway, Suite 200 Centreville, VA 20120 PHONE: (703) 698-0291 Fax: (571) 722-1698 Website: www.scranet.org Email: [email protected] NH-1 02/14 Copyright 1987-2014 by the Specialized Carriers & Rigging Association. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher, Joel M. Dandrea, Executive Vice President, Specialized Carrier & Rigging Association. Requests to the publisher for permission should be addressed to Joel M. Dandrea, Specialized Carriers & Rigging Association, 5870 Trinity Parkway, Suite 200, Centreville, VA 20120. SC&RA Oversize/Overweight Permit Manual NEW HAMPSHIRE CONTACT Permit Office Department of Transportation Bureau of Highway Maintenance John O Morton Building Room 120 PO Box 483 7 Hazen Drive Concord, NH 03302-0483 Hours: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm (M-F) (603) 271-2691 Fax (603) 271-5990 Oversize/Overweight Vehicle Permit Regulations & Instructions: www.nh.gov/dot/org/operations/highwaymaintenance/overhaul/documents/oversizevehiclemanu al.pdf LEGAL LIMITS (see RSA 266:18, 266:18-A, 266:18-B) oo ooo oooo Interstate & Defense Hwy System w/Cert 33,400 47,500 single unit* 47,500 single unit* Non-Interstate & General Highway without Cert 33,400 37,400 55,000* 65,000 60,000* 73,000 WIDTH HEIGHT LENGTH Federal Bridge Formula applies 8'6" 13'6" 45' 48' 53’ 28’ 65’ 75’ OVERHANG 4’ single unit semitrailer designated highways only doubles designated only NR overall length autotransporter (plus 3’ front, 4’ rear overhang) stinger-steered autotransporter (plus 3’ front, 4’ rear overhang) within legal limits PERMIT LIMITS Cargo, Construction Equipment and Miscellaneous Items _______________Limits______________ Type Permit Length Width Height Single Trip As indicated by load Annual - Statewide 75’ 0” 10’ 6” 13’ 6” Annual - 100 mi. Radius 75’ 0” 10’ 6” Construction Season 75’ 0” 14’ 6” (Place of business to contract sites.) 13’ 6” 13’ 6” ALL PERMIT APPLICANTS MOVING OVERWEIGHT LOADS: The Weight_ _ Registered (Up to 80,000) (Up to 80,000) 120,000 Permit Fee Sliding scale $115.00 $60.00 Supplemental New Load/Axle Weight Criteria went into effect as of April 05, 2010. Individual carriers can find information on how to use the new Bridge Overweight Permit Review (BOPR) software that the Department has created for public use at the NHDOT Bridge Design Webpage. ALL OVERLENGTH AND OVERHEIGHT LOADS greater than 110' Long and/or greater than 13'6” High, the state will require a "Physical Route Survey" and/or a "Physical Height Survey" for ALL ROUTES Traveled. This can be provided either directly by the individual carrier online through OverHaul or directly to us by faxing a copy to the permit office @ 603-271-5990. OS/OW Permit shall be submitted to Bridge Design for bridge review if: NH-2 02/14 SC&RA Oversize/Overweight Permit Manual Description of bridge review “trigger”: Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any bridge on the proposed route has a load posting or weight restriction axle spacing less than 4'-0" single axle exceeds 27,500 pounds. (10'-0" or more to any adjacent axle) axle of a tandem group exceeds 25,000 pounds. (see note 2) axle of a tridem group exceeds 22,500 pounds. (see note 2) axle of a quad group exceeds 20,000 pounds. (see note 2) group of five axles. (see note 2) 2-Axle Single Unit exceeds 55,000 pounds. 3-Axle Single Unit exceeds 72,500 pounds. 4-Axle Single Unit exceeds 90,000 pounds. 5-Axle Single Unit exceeds 100,000 pounds. Single Unit, with 6 or more axles, exceeds 110,000 pounds. 3-Axle combination Unit exceeds 82,500 pounds. 4-Axle combination Unit exceeds 95,000 pounds. 5-Axle Combination Vehicle exceeds 108,000 pounds. 6-Axle Combination Vehicle exceeds 120,000 pounds. 7-Axle Combination Vehicle exceeds 130,000 pounds. Combination Vehicle, with 8 or more axles, exceeds 149,999 pounds. Note 1) RSA 266:18-c states that a vehicle or combination of vehicles shall not be driven or moved over any bridge or other structure on any way if the weight of such vehicle, or combination of vehicles and load, is greater than the capacity of the structure as shown by a sign on the right side of or overhead on the structure. It is assumed that the weight of the OS/OW permit vehicle will be in excess of the provisions of RSA 266:18-b, and therefore will exceed the posted capacity of the bridge. Note 2) For purposes of this table, axles together are considered a group of axles (tandem, tridem, quad, etc.) when each individual axle space in the group is less than 10'-0". Note 3) Speed of permit vehicle shall not exceed 20 miles per hour while crossing bridges (except for bridges on the interstate and turnpike system, or corridors designed to meet interstate standards...includingNH101 from Manchester to Hampton, etc.). PERMIT RESTRICTIONS General - Permits are valid for five business days. Travel is restricted on Saturdays, Sundays, legal holidays, and days following legal holidays, if required. Travel is limited to one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset. No travel restrictions apply to vehicles having legal dimensions but are an overweight load. Vehicles which are overweight only shall not be restricted to the time of travel. New Hampshire is a member of the multistate permit agreement with Maine only. Multi-state permits may be obtained only for vehicles and loads falling within the size envelope limits as follows: weight - 108,000 lbs. (five or more axles), 120,000 (6 or more axles) length - 90'; height 13'6"; width - 14' (additional 6" of overhang for eaves on mobile and modular home components only is permissible). For vehicles exceeding these limits, individual state permits must be obtained from each state permit office. Off-road-type earth movers and haulers on a permit may carry no load except normal parts and accessories pertaining to the major item hauled. Divisible load permits are not available, unless needed under the recently enacted MAP-21 legislation, signed into law by the President of the United States of America, included language regarding permitting of divisible loads for moving relief supplies following a Presidential declared emergency or major disaster under the Stafford Act. - Emergency Overweight Permits for Divisible Loads. Night/Weekend Travel - Movement of over-dimensional loads shall be restricted to daylight hours. Daylight hours are considered to be the period one-half hour before sunrise and one-half hour after sunset. Permits are also void during weekends. Insurance - Not required for interstate carriers; intrastate carriers must carry cargo insurance in reasonable amounts relative to the value of the commodity. Applicant may be required to file a bond to cover any damage to highway or bridges. Permit Information Required - Tractor and trailer information; load descriptions; registered weight; if NH-3 02/14 SC&RA Oversize/Overweight Permit Manual overweight, axles weights and spacings, and tire capacities; overall dimensions; total gross weight; origin and destination; routes to be traveled. Holiday Restrictions 2014 Travel Restrictions New Year’s Day Martin Luther King Jr./Civil Rights Day President’s Day Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Columbus Day Veteran’s Day Thanksgiving Day Thanksgiving-Day After Christmas Day Wednesday, Jan. 1 Monday, Jan. 20 Monday, Feb. 17 Monday, May 26 Friday, July 4 Monday, Sept. 1 Monday, Oct. 13 Tuesday, Nov. 11 Thursday, Nov. 27 Friday, Nov. 28 Thursday, Dec. 25 Inclement Weather - Permits are void during periods of slippery pavement conditions or inclement weather (e.g. fog, haze, heavy rain, freezing rain, snow) creating hazardous driving conditions. PERMITS TYPES Single Trip Annual Permit – See note under “Recent Changes”. Annual Permit Details There are two types of Annual Permits, one for a limited radius and one for statewide travel in NH for a period of one calendar year. The limited radius permit has a lower fee than the statewide permit. Limited Radius Your travel must be within NH and within your specified limited radius with the center of your radius defined at your business location. Limited radius Annual permits will be issued to cover units registered and based in NH only. The permit is for one vehicle and the overall dimensions must be within the limits of the annual permit (annual permit limits). If you have an annual permit and exceed your permit limits with a new load, you can request a supplemental permit that springs from your annual permit for a single-trip exception. Statewide Your travel must be within NH. The permit is for one vehicle and the overall dimensions must be within the limits of the annual permit (annual permit limits). If you have an annual permit and exceed your permit limits with a new load, you can request a supplemental permit that springs from your annual permit for a single-trip exception. Single Trip Permit There are two types of Single Trip Permits, one for statewide travel in NH and one for Multi-state travel. New Hampshire NH-4 Your travel must be within New Hampshire. This permit shall be issued for all types of moves when a vehicle or load exceeds legal limits of either length, width, height and weight or combination thereof. This permit shall be issued for a single trip which shall be completed within 5 business days 02/14 SC&RA Oversize/Overweight Permit Manual from date of issue. Multi-state Your travel must meet the requirements of the New England Transportation Consortium (NETC) handbook. Your vehicle dimension and load limits meet the requirements of the NETC handbook. Your routes must meet the requirements of the NETC handbook. FEES Overdimension Only - $6.00 Annual permit for vehicles no greater than 75' in length, 10'6" in width, 13'6" in height, and NH Legal Registered Weight-GVW - $115 for statewide travel, $60 for travel within a 100 mile radius for New Hampshire based and registered carriers only. Overweight: Vehicle and load over registered weight but not exceeding: 50,000 lbs. $ 5.50 50,001 60,000 6.50 60,001 – 70,000 7.50 70,001 – 80,000 8.50 80,001 – 90,000 9.50 90,001 – 100,000 10.50 each additional 10,000 pounds 2.00 ESCORTS AND SIGNS Certification - Pilot Car Escort Certification is not currently required. Labeling - Red flags at least 18" square shall be required on all overdimensioned loads. All warning flags shall be secured by at least one corner or mounted on a staff. Overwidth loads shall have at least 2 and up to 6 flags depending on the configuration of the load mounted at the widest extremity and the corners of the load. Overlength loads or loads with rear or front end overhang in excess of 4' shall display one flag at the end of the overhang if less than 2' wide and 2 flags if the overhang is over 2' wide. Signs for escort reading “oversize load” must be displayed on a vehicle the size of a compact car or larger, properly registered and inspected, The shape of the warning sign shall be varied to fit the escort vehicle but shall not be less than 5 feet 0 inches wide and 12 inches high. Signs must also be displayed on the front and rear of escort vehicles with letters 10" in height (1.4" brush stroke) on a yellow background. Escorts - No escort shall be required if front or rear overhang is less than 15' with proper flags displayed. One escort vehicle shall be required if the front or rear overhang is 15' or more. When Escorts are Needed # of Escorts Undivided Highways Width at 12' or greater Length at 80' or greater Divided Highways: Width at 12' or greater Length at 80' or greater Overhang over 15' 1 Front 1 FrontOverhang over 15' 1 Front 1 Rear 1 Rear 1 Rear On divided and undivided highways: Rear Overhang over 15' and Width over 12': 1 Front & 1 Rear Police Escort: A state police escort shall be required when load, including NH-5 02/14 SC&RA Oversize/Overweight Permit Manual hauling vehicle, exceeds 18 feet 0 inches in width. In instances of overall length only of 100 feet 0 inches or more, a state police escort shall be required unless exempted from this requirement by state police due to determination that weather conditions are optimum, visibility is not impaired, traffic flow is not heavy or other conditions which shall not compromise safe movement. Cost $70 per hr and must have a 4 hr. min. Beyond 4 hrs, and every half hr, after is $35 PH: 603/271-6298 or 1-800-443-5268 (State Police need 48 hour notice) After hours: 603/271-3636 The initial contact will be with State Police who will then either make an escort vehicle available or contact the appropriate Sheriff’s Department for assistance. Road closure require three NH state police escorts Mobile Homes: Manufactured homes are restricted to 16' wide, 110' long, 14’-6” high. Width less than 12' Width at 12’ or Greater , not over 14' Width Greater than 14' to 16', with approved route Length at 80’ or Greater Height Greater than 13'6" Rear Overhang Greater than 15' Width greater than 12' and Front or Rear overhang is greater than 15' Length at 100’ or Greater Road Closure None 1 escort 2SP+1 escort 1 escort Height Survey and 1 escort 1 escort 1SP + 1 escort 3SP + escort as above 2 escorts Escorts must have a flashing or rotating amber light mounted on top of the vehicle. A 2-way radio allowing contact with the permitted vehicle at all times. The state police require 48 hours notice for transporting the overdimensional load. FINES 266:25 Penalty for Overload. – I. Except as provided in paragraph II, any person who shall drive or cause to be driven on the ways of this state a vehicle whose weight is in excess of that prescribed in this subdivision shall be guilty of a violation, and notwithstanding the provisions of RSA 625:9, V, shall be fined not more than $100 for a first offense nor more than $250 for a subsequent offense within a registration year. II. Any person who shall drive or cause to be driven on the ways of this state a vehicle whose weight is in excess of that prescribed in RSA 266:18-a, or RSA 266:18-b shall be fined $100 or $.02 for each pound in excess of the prescribed weight, whichever is the greater, for a first offense; $250 or $.02 per pound in excess of the prescribed weight, whichever is greater, for a second offense; for a third and subsequent offense of the same vehicle in violation of this section, $250 or $.02 per pound in excess of the prescribed weight, whichever is greater, up to an excess of 15,000 pounds; when the excess is more than 15,000 pounds and less than 30,000 pounds, $.03 per pound; and when the excess is more than 30,000 pounds, $.04 per pound. III. Any person who shall drive or cause to be driven on any interstate and defense highway of this state a vehicle whose weight is in excess of that prescribed in RSA 266:18 shall be subject to the fine in paragraph I. IV. Any person who shall drive or cause to be driven on a bridge of this state a vehicle whose weight is in excess of the posted or annually published caution crossing limit for that particular bridge may be fined up to $200. V. Any person who shall drive or cause to be driven on a bridge of this state a vehicle whose weight exceeds the limit of an excluded bridge (or bridge posted for no trucks) may be fined up to $400. RESTRICTED TRAVEL Travel through the city of Manchester is restricted during the hours of 7:00–9:00 am and 3:00–6:00 pm. Moving heavy equipment at railroad grade crossings. SEE Chapter 265 Section 265:49 NH-6 02/14 SC&RA Oversize/Overweight Permit Manual *Subject to change to conform with New England Transportation Consortium (NETC) Safety requirements. PERMIT ORDERING The "OverHaul" Online Permitting Web site http://www.nhpermits.org will streamline the Oversize/Overweight vehicle permitting process. If you are moving a vehicle and/or a non-divisible load on New Hampshire state maintained highways and you exceed the legal requirements, you can now apply for your permits online, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Permits will be processed and approved in the order they are received, by date and time requested, Monday - Friday between the hours of 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM EST/EDT, except holidays. Phones are shut off @ 3:45 PM so we can complete the remainder of permit applications requested before the end of the business day. Permit Office: (603) 271-2691 Permit Office Fax: (603) 271-5990 SPECIAL NOTES Recent Changes – ALL ANNUAL PERMIT HOLDERS, effective June 1, 2012, the OS/OW Permit Office will no longer accept the old "Instant Permit Books" for the issuance of "Instant" OS/OW supplemental permits over the phone. The permit office has implemented a new 8 1/2" x 11", 2 sided form for no charge. Effective June 1, 2012, the new form will be the only method of attaining a supplemental permit with your annual permit over the phone. If you have any questions, please contact the OS/OW permit office bytelephone at 603-271-2691 or by email at [email protected] ATTENTION ALL (NETC) NEW ENGLAND TRANSPORTATION CONSORTIUM PERMIT APPLICANTS, effective November 1, 2013, both the MassDot and Vermont DMV will no longer be participating in the multistate consortium. All applicants will need to order Single State permits for each of those states. If you should have a move that is considered an "Emergency" which is defined as: "a calamity, existing or imminent caused by fire, flood, riot, windstorm, explosion, or act of God which requires immediate remedial action to protect property or life." Emergency Permits issued after hours contact information: NH Department of Transportation Management Center - Concord (603) 271-6862 [email protected] Pending Changes – None Noted. 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