14-OCT-2014 00:44 TO FROM 002226598237 P.01 j BAJAJ 61 FINSERV 14 October 2014 SEC/BM/2014/546 THE MANAGER, LISTING DEPARTMENT NATIONAL STOCK EXCHANGE OF INDIA LTD, EXCHANGE PLAZA, C-1. BLOCK G, BANDRA - EURLA COMPLEX, BANDRA (EAST), MUMBAI - 400 051 Dear Sirs, ,.2 Ref. : BAJFINANCE - EQ Enclosed please find : 1. Unaudited Financial Results of the Company for the quarter and sjxth months ended 30 September 2014, which were taken om recerid by the 11 '11' '' *,1 Board of Directors at its Meeting held on 14 October 2014, perswant Be Clause 41 of the listiug agreement. 111.1 2. Copy of Umlted Review Report of the Statutory Auditors ef the -Company on the Unaudited Finanicial Results for th€ quarter and sixth months ended 30 September 2014. 1 3. Copy of Press Release issued by the Company after the afo,Fesalld sned#M: Kindl aohnov 0bedge receipt of the same. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, For BAJAJ INANCE LIMITEI „ VE#tal. ANANT DAMLE COMPANY SECRETARY '. oll Encl.: As above Bajaj Finance Limited Corporate Office: 4th Floor, Bajaj Fin5erv Corporate Office, Off Pline-Ahmednagar Road, Viman Nagar, Pune 411014. Maharashtra, India Registered Office'. Mumbal - Pune Road, Akurdi, Pune · 411 035, Maharashtra, India Tel: +9120 30405060 Fax: *91 10 30405020 Corporate ID No.. l65910MH1987Pl[042961 www.bajaifinservlending.In 0 il M 14-OCT-2014 00:44 TO FROM 002226598237 P.02 h BAJAJ <41 FINSERV Balal FlnanGe Limited CIN ; L6591OMM1987PLC042961 Registered Oflid : Akurdl. Pune - 411 035 1 Corporatl Omcl : 4(11 Floor, 88191 Flnserv Corpolate Omre, Off. Pune - Ahmednagar Road, Vlman Nagar, Pune · 411 014 1 Toi. ' 020-30405060 Fax : 02040405030 mall: Investor,Men,[email protected] I Website: www.balamin*erv,in/linance UNAUDITED FINANCIAL RESULTS FOR THE QUARTER AND SIX MONTHS aNDIED 30 SEPTEMBER 2014 (r In Crgris) P#ti Statement of Standalone Unaudlted Risoltifor.'the Qi:*rwr ind'Sbc,Months Ended 30 September 2014 Partlcularm Funda daptqyed 1 Qup#F €hialr Mall Year Half Year Year •ndid aided .amd'd ended ended ended 30.09.2014 30,002014 30.09·2013 ·30.09:2014 30.00.2013 31.03.2014 (Unaudltd) (Unaud11801 (1:*Mlad) (UnEUMI# (Unaudited) (Auditid) 7816.50 9265.88 5100.88 1708238 11449.18 28023.58 1170.25 1180.10 874.20 63.51 87.45 2050.35 125.47 1·761.90 61.98 3788.55 242.87 1232*21 1243.§1 961'el 247412 106.93 107.81 80.84 213.74 8,38 1417 158.75 11.39 540.81 8.40 52.32 162.94 11620 257.81 bwm• km operatiov (a) Inarrle frarri opem emi (b) other opentlng Inioml T tal Immumi f,am oFdoM (nit) 2 Expenses a) Emplembollotits-=perme 132-07 1889%7 403142 29,19 C) Laan lasaas nd p,ovl*ION 80.02 7.77 82.92 al Marke,Ing·and other oommlwons 8) ReCOVelygOB# f) Other .Ap/rle' 55.88 69.59 62.81 1 5.27 11 0.10 230.*39 49.71 46.85 41.50 98.58 77.34 110 78 ' 95.55 209.68 189.8 167.85 382.58 b) Dep,adatierindamortl tion Ixpmue 3 Olin.t 28,90· ' 140883 Total OX,Ile* 39814 425.72 9.20 824.36 , 33 P'rotit i 0 4,*1:*m operdorm Olrorl otllor IncomB and finan-,.*jiBI:(1-21 83:im 8178 032.45 1681# immitil 0.62 235 2.33 11.97 843.19 820.24 03478 1603 8 12"3408 Z"BAAO , =t;=*-„.NU„'1'1.0*Al,Mon-«„.„„'.„.1'.4 2622 19 * 'A4. 41.91 6 Flnanigglk 544.46 499.84 382.08 1044.10 tls.52 1673.24 7 Prollttflcul'frum ut'dil,afy ictivltial gllir flnancg Com 18 - 6) 298.73 320.80 252.70 61933 51'a 91.18 8 Tax mplm 101.tia 109-24 85.86 210.82 178.78 372.15 197.15 211.36 167.04 48881 3.2:711 1719.01 lf.15 21138 167.04 408.51 34%38 718.01 SO.14 49.78 60,14 *18' 50.14 9 Nd PlWiW·fLol=) Imm.*IM,y actl,vi s *Irt#17-1) 10 E,traord yllamB 11 12 13 Net Prilt/.(LO *) fortlop•1 od 10 + 10) Paid·up<uNshare 3pital 50.14 i (Facevalim. TIO/-pershill) ReaarveapludIng,n lu,Uor, I'llfv** 818 per balar,M 3270.12 haet 01 pdaujaccourlting yllr 14 1. Eirrlinglpl ,har•#=fo,iI*ordliny Immj) (efllok..al,1 (notlmlu-e® BAIC M 39.82 42AB 33.85 81.97 89.10 144.79 Diluted (Ti 38.16 42.10 33.38 81122 68.56 143.flS ILEarnings par,Ihil,(thri Daordlnet, 11*m,1 (11 1 10 1. 9*01},[11#Molk,Nililj: Ba"Ic 91 39.62 42.48 SWO 81.07 89.10 144.79 DIluted M) 39.18 42.liO 88.38 81= 68 8 143.85 19247277 19247277 18883277 19247277 38.39% 38.39% 37:83,6 38.lg96 16863277 37.93% 19247277 38.39% NII NII NII Nil N0 NII NII Nil Nn NII NO NII Nil Nil Nil Im NII 30895057 100,00% 30895057 308 5057 100.00% 30895057 30895057 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 30895057 100.00% 81.61% 81.81% 82.07% 81,81% 82-07% 81.81% paM 11 A 1 Paaculare &8hg<holdill ' Pwbli ibigholding Numbir of Sh*re$ Plrclrtlge OF $ 18rallaang 2 Promotem and Promotar Group Shilitioldillg a) Pledged /encumbend Number of sharm Pamgniage gf sher*$ (83 a % Of teMI allaraheldingBI promgtin Ind pmmoorgroup) Per*entage of )bares (as a % of tile total ahan NII 1 Capital of tile Campafty) b) Nor, kimbered Number of shares Percentige of shans (1 a % of total sh,rahalaing 01 prumutirs and promotorgroup) Percenlge d sharas (aa a 96 of the total shan B apital of the company) Parlculsm of Investon implulnb 3 monthi endid 30.092014 Pending at the beginning uf thi quarter NII Received during thi quarlit Diapaaed elf during the quarter Remaining unmaglved er thB Id gf the Quarter Page 1 of 2 Bajaj Finance Limited corporate Office: 4th Floor, Bajaj Flnserv Corporate Office, Off Pune-Ahmednagar Road, Viman Nager, Pune 411014. Maharashtra, India Registered Office: Mumbal - Pune Road, Akurdl, Pune - 411035, Maharashtra, India '513*it,#EFIER T 61/ 11 * Pili....1 0, Ona *Ar \-4,01=15/Y 1/ - <6" '61.- Pu/e 7156 -- 1 Tel: +91 20 05' www.b.jajfinsen/.in Fax: +91 20 30405070-Corporate ID No.; L65910MH1987PLC042961 14-OCT-2014 00:45 TO FROM 002226598237 P.03 5 BAJAJ Ul FINSERV Notas: 1. oladium of Balance Sheet Ilams d Per clattae 41(1)(Ba) 4 the listlrlo sgraament fortia hall jelr ended 30 Septamb r 2014 NIn Crurd) SIndale,le Shtimont dA•em ind Uabilm,8 As *t (currant Hal ¥ir end) Ai it(Pipvious Hall Yir 000 30.08=014 30.082013 Partlculn As *(Prsvloui Yirend) 31.03.2014 EQUITY AND LIABILmES A Shwahelea.'funds 1 SO.14 49.78 50.14 0.21 0.11 0.39 49.93 40.67 49.75 4378.63 3660.05 3970,12 is.li 5.gil 29,01 4383.50 3854.09 3941.11 4413.43 3 08.76 3.0/8 (a) Shsle 98/ital 6,41; MqUIM Shares * '10 Ica held tri a Tnmt forimploywa undar ESOP Igheme (6) RIsIMB and aurp|us Len. premium an unmrdsld equll 6= Edd lA ttwt for emplayeaii under ESOP *Ii Sub-tomi - Shir.hold*r*' fundm 2 Nerl-currurvt Ilabllitilt · 69.89 80.30 123.62 89_12 57.35 110.47 1322028 1.Imle 10645.58 5145.76 542 ET 5472.78 195.92 (b) Other 10,19-tarm Ilakilll (e) 1.slg-term RAWISIOM SUD·tot,1- Nan„euMit Ilibilltl 3 Current ll bmtiel (8) *g*Ilm'bolm i gs 206.00 i 11 tb) Tmde bia 10477.78 2505.47,-r 13038.67 - (8) Lgng•101·m barimdrigs 5837.94 (c) Oth.R 741·|lahtlth 72.80 . 14-10 13 3 Bin , 1 1 4186.85 126.01 (d) 51'01 »plcvldons Subatal-Curmnt Illibllit1/ 1128230 298*88 lil Jig TOTAL -BUITY AND UASII_mES 28898121 ·2033893 1/818.00 224.88 45.45 218.87 76.10 5-15 6 ASSETD 1 Non- r*nt // (a) Fix* A Re# tb) Nom·alri,r,tim, tlnellts 86.76 10887.78 83.15 18481.18 14472,17 10918.13 (e) Long,1 m·learn and.advanus Suo-mtil· Non•cwnintal- 2 11*34 · 139.16 175.34 (c) D el=dta* =00" (d) R,ceivelluderil!,ancIng,dvi# Curnntii - 871.41 10832.70 (a) Curront Inwamen# (b) Recelvablm·,indm·11,lindi·I ,01 11 · (c) CNh arld bankholln:as ·10852,42 112.44 14323Ae 5®.DO .1' 1 28.21 9118.53 »Glls' 82T'.18 4111.48 778,81 (d) Shor*·101•10 laa,18 id advall- 351.62 25344 291.84 Ce) Omer Burrent 888,# 138.11 ..95.78 78.72 SUIMO'*f GurTam l.-ta 12415.02 9055.06 10214 1 1 TOTAL.ASSETS 28898.21 20333.83 24§18-00 2 The Mhova results have bBen revi Wed . yeleAllalt Commltlne andapprivd bythi eoliR grvlrlel, In IM me,t 1,10 1 eld 01114OMnber2014 and have biri wbjected to a Iimiled review by tha Statutory Auditor$. 3 Plgume for the pruvlows ve,iod$ 1,8ve men regrollphd.whamvir nioltal,. to mal ttllmaompambladth tho cll entpalled. 4 Coniquert m the mlivlitrt provi ians d the Companleakt, 20 3 [thi Aot) Doing apptrabla torall bandal yaam immencIng an or afimr 1 April'2014, the Company Ms re-compwlid depredaearl with Mfemnce to the Ilfe of 85$* slded In and Irl *le marnarpridbad In Sa·ladule 11·# the Act Acco,·Clingly, the Company ha depreclated the 3nying value of aase18 equally Avirthe Mvlld residual life of the asihisigalrmt th, plst Vlottol orprovidInG·depreciation an written dawrl value basis st the tates apedfled In the er¥6•,illi Schedule Xlv d tha Companies Ad, 1988. 711* 61,*Age do,s flot liaila ,·mald* Impaa 81,·the prellt forthe quarter/ half yir. 8 Th* Company aMII,lu88 to BDBngthen i,8 gruvIEioning Ilorms bayorta me RBI reguIBnon 19 eartler Btages gl delin wengin, 6 me campally Is engaged primarily in thl buNnesa d finaricIng and accordingly there am ne i par le r,port,bll ¥loments I per AeKnUMM Standard 17 dealing with Segment Repordng. 7 Thg Cpmpiny h,$ daslgrtalad an exdualve e-mall ID viz. invlstor.servlwaebalajflriaargln brlrlvastor grlavance redreasal. By ord r gfthe Be,#d gf Dit*tot$ For B44 1' |Irid /90'll.&<,1 /; odober 2014 * R.,1.'.1 41# 10201©11 Bajal Firla**,™nit. IlE.,lK corporgte Office: 4th Floor, Bajaj Flnserv Corporate office, off Pune·Ahmednagar Road, Viman Nagar, Pune 411014, Maharashtra, India Registered Office: Mumbal - Pune Road, Akurdl, Pune - 411 035, Maharashtra, India ,*,Nd/1, /) i 5 >t. Tel: +91 20 30405 Fax: *9120 304050 Corpor@te ID No.: L65910MH1987PLC042961 R661 Balll Chilrmin aitinserv.in * mM 14-UL 1 -2014 00 : 46 TO FROM 002226598237 P.04 The Board of Directors Bajaj Finanoe Limited Mumbai - Pune Road Akurdi Pune - 411035 ended 1. We have reviewed the results of Bajaj Finance Limited (the "Company") for the quarter the Quarter and Results for September 30, 2014 which are included in the accompanying 'Unaudited date that on as of assets and liabilities Six Months Ended 30 September, 2014' and the statement 'Promoter and (the "Statemenf'), except for the disclosures regarding 'Public Shareholding' and the traced Management from disclosures made by Promoter Group Shareholding' which have been been prepared by the The Statement has but have neither been reviewed nor been audited by us. which in Stock India, Exchanges the Company pursuant to Clause 41 of the Listing Agreement with the Statement is responsibility of the has been initialled by us for identification purposes. This Committee of Board of the Board of Directors/ been approved by management and has Company's our review. Directors. Our responsibility is to issue a report on the Statement based on 2. We conducted our review in accordance with the Standard on Review Engagement (SRE) 2410, ' Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity" issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. This Standard requires that we plan and perform the review to obtain moderate asaurance as to whether the financial statements are free of material mis$tatement. 3. A review is limited primarily to inquiries of company personnel and analytical procedures applied to financial data and thus provides less assurance than an audit. We have not performed an audit and, accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion 4. We have only traced the disclosures regarding 'Public Shareholding' and 'Promoter and Promoter Group Shareholding' in the Statement from the disclosures made by the Management and are, therefore, not expressing a review opinion thereon. 5. Based on our review conducted as above, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the Statement has not been prepared in all material respects in accordance with the applicable Accounting Standards notified pursuant to the Companies (Accounting Standards) Rules, 2006 as per Section 211(30) of the Companies Act, 1956 read with the General Circular 15/2013 dated September 13, 2013 of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs in respect of Section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013 and other recognised accounting practices and policies, and has not disclosed the information required to be disclosed in terms of Clause 41 of the Listing Agreement including the manner in which it is to be disclosed, or that it contains any material mIsstatement. For Dalal & Shah Firm Registration Number: 102021W Chartered Accountants »14»' »-1Anish Amin Place: Pune Date: October 14,2014 Partner Membership Number 40451 14-OCT-2014 00:46 FROM TO P.05 002226598237 t BAJAJ U/ FINSERV PRESS RELEASE Baiai Finance Umited Results -2nd Quarter FY 14-15 Bajaj Finance reports AUM of US,004 crores. and a quarterly profit after tax of f197 Crores - A growth of 18% over correspending quarter of previous year. The Board of Dir6ctors of Bajaj Finance Limited in their meeting held today took on record the Unaudited Financial Results of the Company for the 2nd qu rter ended 30 September 2014. Perf.ormance Hijthlights.02 > Total income for Q2 FY15 + 29% to 71,242 Crores from 964 T> Crores in QI FY'14£ ·. , , Profit after tax for (22 FY15* 18% to r197 Crores from f167 Crores in QZFY14. Rol > Customers acquired during QZ FY15 * 42% to 9,78,17 from 6,89,772 in't22 FY14. 11 ,r > Deployments during (12 FY15 + 50% to 77.816 Crores from r5,200 Crores in QV FY14. > Loan losses and provisions for (22 FY15 + 54% toH80 Crores as against 752 Crores in QZ FY14. > Gross NPA and Net NPA for'Ql FY15 stood at 1.41% and 0.48% respectively as of 30 September 2014. The Company continues to provide for loan losses in excess of RBI requiremerrts: The portfolio remained healthy. -121' > Capatat ade*lacy ratio (including Tier"11 capital) stood at 19.30%. The company dwring the quarter raised Tier·11 capital of T453 crores which hel ed augment its capftal adequacy by 125 bps. Thie·Company continues to be well capitalized to I support Its growth trajectory. . „N#B O*'/ 1 Bajaj Finance Limited Corporate Office: 4th Floor, Bajaj Finserv Corporate Office, Off Pune-Ahmednagar Road, Viman Nagar, Pune 471014. Maharashtm, India Registered Omce: Mumbal · Pune Road, Akurdi, Pune - 411035, Maharashtra, India | Tel: *91 20 30405060 Fax: +91 20 30405020 Corporate ID NO.: L65910MI·11987PLC042961 wy,/w.bajaifinserv.in 0/5 14-OCT-2014 00:47 FROM TO 002226598237 P.06 t BAJAJ 719 FINSERV Key financial fleures (f in Crores) (22'14 QoQ Hl'15 Q2'15 Particulars Hl'14 HOH FY 13-14 978 .i 690 42% 2,230 1,659 34% Customers acquired (nos in '000) 3,389 Assets under Management 28,004 119,829 41% 28,004 19,829 4196 24,061 Receivables under financting activity 26,751 41% 26,751 18,982 41% 22,971 18,982 1,242 Interest ar d fee income 4,073 964 29% 2,488 1,896 31% Interest Expemses 544 382 42% 1,044 713 46% 1,573 Net Inter 'Income (Nll) 698 582 20% Operating Expenses 319 277 80 52 Loan Losses a Provisions 1 1,444 1,183 22% 2,500 15% 662 547 21% 1,151 54% 163 116 41%· 258 18% 619 520 Profit before tax 299 PR,lit after tax 197' 167' 18% 409 343 19% 719 IDeployments Consumer 5/*E 253 (1 in Crores 02'15 Q2'14 QoQ Ht'15 Hl'14 HOH FY 13-14 48% 13,360 4,147 2.738 51% 9,199 6,228 9.907 2,826 1,824 55% 6,105 3.875 58% Commercial 750 93 Rwrat 23% 886% 2,680 143 1,332 15 17,082 11,449 49% 26,024 20% 1,635 14 580% 50% 625 Totat deployments , 7,816 5.200 R in 19% - 1,091 4 77 Crores - (12'14 QoQ FY 13-14 33% 9,328 Assets Under Management (AUM) Q215 Consumer 11,069 SME 14,995 9,716 54% 12,850 Commercial 1,806 1,797 1% 1,833 134 11 1069% 50 28,004 19,829 41% 24,061 Rural Total AUM 8,304 **NAll,s 2 Bajaj Finance Limited Corporate Office: 4th Floor, Bajaj Finserv Corporate Office Off Pune-Ahmednagar Road, 2':St o'2,=.-%=.':,m ,p,ne. Tel: *91 20 30405060 Fax. 411 035, +9120 30405020 Maharashtra, India Corporate ID No.: l65910MH1987PLC042961 www.bajailinserv.in Omm 14-OCT-2014 00:48 TO FROM P.07 002226598237 h BAJAJ 4-7 FINSERV The Company intends to purchase, at an arm's length price, from its holding company Bajaj Ansery Ltd, their wholly owned subsidiary Bajaj Financial Solutions Ltd. together with its subsidiary, to promote the business of Housing Finance. The said transaction has been 14 October 2014 and is subject to approved by the Board of Directors in their meeting held on of in their meeting to be held on Bajaj the Board of Directors Fimerv Ltd. the approval of 14 October 2014. '594-N) Irc 81 --1-.- K.)9 Pune 14 October 2014 -' For Bajai Finance, 4 1 Ili/1.96 kev Jail 500*CHI Officer . fll'11 j'1}1 11'*.1 3 Bajaj Finance Limited Corporate Office: 4th Floor. Bajaj Finserv Corporate office, off pune-Ahmednagar Road, %=Z= m,-Mah a hal ;' i, pune · 411 035, Maharashtra, India | Tel: *91 20 30405060 Fax +91 20 30405020 Corporate ID No. : 465910MH1987PLC042961 www. bajajfinserv. in Ona TATOI P 1717
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