UC Davis Arboretum & Public Garden Public Plant Sale Availability for October 11, 2014 Botanical Name Qty Common Name Abutilon 'Dwarf Red' 44 flowering maple Abutilon megapotamicum 30 trailing abutilon Abutilon 'Tiger Eye' 68 flowering maple Description 18" x 24"; evergreen. Orange-red bell-shaped flowers most of the year, attract hummingbirds. Frost-tender. to 6' w/equal spread. 2" hanging lantern-shaped flwrs w/a bright red calyx and small peachy-yellow petals, spring-frost. Hummingbird magnet. Evrgrn to 6'-8'; upright vertical habit. Turban-shaped flws of golden yellow with red-veins create an intricate pattern most of the year. Hummingbird magnet. Abutilon 'Voodoo' 50 deep red flowering maple Abutilon x hybridum, white flowered form 22 white flowering maple Price Size Cate- Bed gory # $11.00 1G S B4 $10.00 1G S B4 $11.00 1G S B4 upright, 6' x 3'; one of the more cold hardy Abutilons. Large, blood-red flws are hummingbird magnets. Flowers year-round. $11.00 1G S B4 evrgrn to 12'. Graceful, mounding form. Snow white blossoms spring-frost. Good for containers. Can be trained as a patio tree. $10.00 1G S B4 Acer macrophyllum Achillea 'Coronation Gold' 23 big-leaf maple 36 fern leaf yarrow Achillea millefolium 'Colorado' 96 yarrow Achillea millefolium 'Island Pink' Achillea tomentosa 'Aurea' 40 island pink yarrow 22 golden woolly yarrow Adiantum capillus-veneris Aeonium 'Zwartkop' Aethionema kotschyi 10 southern maidenhair fern 32 black bejeque 28 Kotschy’s stonecress Agastache 'Heather Queen' 22 Texas hummingbird mint Agastache 'Raspberry Summer' PP20371 33 raspberry hyssop Agave americana ssp. protoamericana 'Lemon Lime' deciduous; 30' up to 50'. Moderate water. Good fall color. Tolerates clay and seasonal flooding. 3' by 2'; June-Sept, tight clusters, tiny florets of gold to 2'; range of colors - red, pink, apricot, yellow; good dried fls. 2' evergn peren with rose pink fls from spring-fall that attracts bees and butterflies, full sun, reg water mat to 1 1/2'; yel. fls. to 6" lush green foliage; very alkaline tolerant to 36”, black leaved succulent; good drainage to 4"; red-pink fls., compact growth; rock garden plant to 30"x18". Fragrant foliage and flws. Tubular purple-pink flws attract hummingbirds all summer. Well-drained soil. Drought tolerant. to 32". Raspberry-pink spikes of flws early summer-Fall attract butterflies and hummingbirds. Drought tolerant, good drainage. Fragrant foliage. $12.00 $10.00 1G 1G $7.50 4" CA C16 P, + B8 $12.00 $7.50 P, + B7 CA, A, 1G + A15 4" P, + B8 $7.50 $10.00 $10.00 4" CAS, + C1 1G P, + C13 1G P, + B7 $10.00 1G P, + C12 $10.00 1G P, + C12 $11.00 1G B, ++ A11 $11.00 1G B, ++ A11 $10.00 1G P, + A12 $11.00 1G B, + A11 $11.00 1G B, + A12 $10.00 1G B, + A12 Agave gypsophila cv., Suave™ Suave™ gypsum century 24 plant to 4' tall and as wide. Blue-green leaves with a thick chartreuse stripe down the center are slightly wavy. Up to 6' x 8'. Grey-green lvs striated w/ yellow are edged w/ recurved spines and tipped w/ a sharp terminal spine. Cold hardy to 15°F. 6'x12'. Gray-grn curving lvs edged with a yellow to white stripe, & tipped w/ sharp spines. 20' flw stalk at maturity attracts birds and bees. up to 3'. Glossy, deep blue-green leaves with a lime green midstripe. Reddish-brown teeth and spines. to 3'; wavy gray lvs edged with soft spines. Infrequent 8' stalks of yellow flws. Hardy to 30°F; protect from frost. Good container plant. Agave parryi var. huachucensis 13 Huachuca agave evergrn compact shrub to 2', full sun, low water, hardy to 15°F 33 octopus agave 4' x4'; recurved ble-green lvs resemble an octopus. Leaf tips are spineless, making this a safer choice for containers and walkways. Leaf edges do have a slight tooth. $7.50 4" B, + A12 72 bugle 6" x 3'. Dark black scalloped foliage; blue-purple flower spikes early spring-early summer. Tough grndcvr which can be mowed. $7.50 4" S, + C4 16 lemon lime century plant Agave americana 'Striata' (v) 4 striped century plant Agave americana 'Variegata' 7 century plant 'Variegata' Agave funkiana 8 century plant Agave vilmoriniana Ajuga reptans 'Black Scallop' Ajuga reptans 'Silver Queen' 16 bugle Aloe 'Estrella del Mar' 18 hybrid aloe Aloe mutabilis Aloe x spinosissima Amaryllis belladonna Anemone 'Cinderella' (Fantasy Series) PPAF Anemone hupehensis var. japonica 'Pamina' Anemopsis californica Anisodontea 'Tara's Pink' Anthyllis vulneraria var. coccinea Aquilegia vulgaris Vervaeneana Group, 'Woodside Gold' Arbutus menziesii Arbutus menziesii, northern California form Arctostaphylos densiflora 'Howard McMinn' Arctostaphylos pajaroensis 'Paradise' Arctostaphylos stanfordiana 'Louis Edmunds' Artemisia californica Artemisia pycnocephala 'David's Choice' 6 aloe 32 gold tooth aloe 5 belladonna lily 6" x 36"; evrgrn grndcvr. Grey-green foliage edged in cream. Violet-blue flws, spring. Clumping aloe with loose spirals of 8" long spotted lvs. Open heads of down-turned, orange tubular flws tipped in yellow & green, spring & fall. to 3'; green-blue leaves; winter-blooming, yellow-tipped red flws attract hummingbirds evergrn peren to 3', red fls in winter, full sun to pt shade, low water, good drainage, hardy to 20°-25°F pink frgrnt. fls. on bare 30" stalks in late summer; 2' lvs. in cool season $7.50 4" S, + C4 $10.00 1G P, + C13 $10.00 1G P, + C13 $7.50 4" P, + C13 $10.00 1G BU, ++ B6 $11.00 1G S C5 47 pamina Japanese anemone peren. to 2’; rose-pink fls., yel center; shade, avg. water perfect groundcover for any poor drainage and/or clay area; 39 yerba mansa striking white fls in spring, fall foliage color fast growing, evergrn, 8' x 6' with large clear pink fls most of the year, full sun, low water 24 Tara's pink Cape mallow to 6”; red-orange flowers late spring-early summer. Drought and poor soil tolerant. 24 kidney vetch 2' peren. w/ gold fading tocartreuse lvs. ; bicolored blue/rose fls, 21 woodside gold columbine in spring slow growing evrgrn tree to 20-50' in garden settings. White urnshaped fws in spring mature to orange red fruits. Attractive 25 pacific madrone exfoliating bark slow growing evrgrn tree to 20-50' in garden settings. White urnshaped fws in spring mature to orange red fruits. Attractive 5 pacific madrone exfoliating bark $10.00 1G S C5 $12.00 1G CA B16 $10.00 1G B, + B12 $7.50 4" P, + B8 $7.50 4" S B3 $14.00 1G CA A13 $14.00 1G 57 Vine Hill manzanita shrub to 6' by 6'; pink/white fls., full sun/pt.shade $12.00 CA A13 CA, A, + C15 1G 46 paradise Pajaro manzanita shrub 6' by 12'; pink fls.; perfect drainage $12.00 1G CA, + C15 50 Louis Edmunds manzanita $12.00 1G CA, + C15 48 Calfornia sagebrush evergrn. CA shrub to 5’ by 5’; pink fls. in spring evergray shrub to 4'; aromatic foliage. Prefers little to no water once established. Clay tolerant, deer tolerant. $12.00 1G CA, ++ B14 60 David's sandhill sagebrush very low shrub; needs good drainage $12.00 1G Fantasy™ Cinderella 60 anemone 18" x 24"; clumping habit. Thickly petaled, single, baby pink blooms July-October. Great for containers or the garden. CA, + B14 evergrn peren 12" x 18", non-showy flrs attract beneficial insects, full sun, low water, dividing regularly will keep plants neat looking to 4', evrgrn; silver, fragrant lvs. Well-drained soil, no water once established. big sagebrush 6" by 24" peren. small purple/brown "bat-like" flowers in spring, tailed snakeroot prefers moist soil narrow-leaf milkweed peren. to 2'; fls. green-white, frgrnt. showy milkweed peren. to 3'; purple-pink frgrnt. fls. compact common California low-growing and spreading peren. for sun, pink fls in summer, aster excellent habitat plant purple dome Michaelmas daisy 15" by 12", Aug-Sept; royal prpl. fls., erect stems peren 2 1/2' by 2', 2" lavander fls from early summer thru fall, full monch aster sun low to reg water evrgrn; 3' x 5', mounding form. Fast growing and lush all year. Handles drought, heat, wind. Centennial aster dwarf coyote bush peren. grndcover, 2'-3' tall, 9' wide slow-growing evergrn shrub 2.5' x 4', bright yellow fls in later winter turn to berries in late spring for birds, low water, pt shade to shade creeping Oregon grape spreading, evrgrn shrub to 2' w/up to 5' spread. Racemes of yellow flws in spring turn to blue berries in summer. Wine red foliar tones w\cold weather. Cascade barberry decid peren to 2' with airy habit, chocolate scented yellow daisy fls with red stripes on underside of petals, attracts beneficial insects chocolate daisy Artemisia schmidtiana 'Silver Mound' 14 angel's hair Artemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana 24 Asarum caudatum Asclepias fascicularis Asclepias speciosa 10 48 50 Aster chilensis 'Point Saint George' 16 Aster novi-belgii 'Purple Dome' 76 Aster x frikartii 'Monch' 90 Baccharis 'Centennial' Baccharis pilularis 'Pigeon Point' 27 20 Berberis aquifolium var. repens 7 $7.50 4" P, + C12 $12.00 1G CA, ++ B14 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 1G 1G 1G CAS C1 CA, + C15 CA, + C14 $7.50 4" CA, + A13 $10.00 1G P, A B7 $10.00 1G P, + B7 $12.00 $12.00 1G 1G CA, + B16 CA, + B16 $12.00 1G CAS, + B1 $12.00 1G CAS, + B1 Berberis nervosa 36 Berlandiera lyrata 13 Billardiera heterophylla 'Alba' white flowered Australian 30 bluebell creeper evergrn. vine to 7’ or spreading shrub to 2’ by 6’; white bell fls.; edible blue berries; sun/pt. shd., good drainage Bouteloua gracilis 75 blue grama grass $12.00 Bouteloua gracilis 'Blonde Ambition' Brachyglottis (Dunedin Group) 'Sunshine' 67 blue grama grass CA native grass to 9"; tufted; seed heads like eyebrows 2' x 2'. Profusion of chartreuse flws in summer age to blond seed heads that are held on the plant thru fall. $12.00 1G V, A, + B13 CA, A, 1G + A15 CA, A, 1G + A16 2 1/2' by 4'; yellow fls. to 6’; variegated cream and grn. lvs., red-prpl. fls.; sport of B.d. ‘Royal Red’ $10.00 1G P, + B11 $10.00 1G B, + B11 $11.00 1G B, + B11 Buddleja davidii 'Harlequin' (v) Buddleja 'Morning Mist', Silver Anniversary® 33 sunshine ragwort 5 harlequin butterfly bush Silver Anniversary® butterfly evergrn. shrub to 5' x 4'; elegant silver foliage. Highly fragrant 40 bush wht. flrs w/golden eye summer-fall; full sun; low water $7.50 $10.00 4" P, + C12 Buddleja 'Podaras #13', Flutterby ™ Petite Tutti Fruitti compact grndcvr at 24-30" tall and wide. Bright violet pink 33 ground cover butterfly bush flowers summer-frost attract butterflies. evrgrn. succulent peren. to 10”, spreads to 3’; yel. fl. spikes; low water 20 cape balsam evergrn. succulent peren. to 10”, spreads to 2’; orange. fl. spikes 75 tiny tangerine cape bulbine all summer; low water 19 shrubby hare's ear evrgrn. shrub to 3’ by 4’; golden yel. fls. to 4' round; attractive plume flowers in spring/summer. Best w/ occcasional summer water. Deer resistant. 19 Pacific reedgrass $11.00 1G $10.00 1G P, A, + C13 $10.00 $7.50 1G P, A, + C13 1G B, + A12 $12.00 1G CAS, + B1 25 Foerster's feather reed grass 5' by 3'; clump-forming, strictly upright 43 mescal-bean 9' tall by 10' wide; frgrnt. pale prpl. fls. $10.00 $10.00 1G G, A, + B5 1G T, + B13 Calliandra californica 49 Baja California fairy duster $12.00 1G CA, + A13 Callistemon viminalis 'KPS38' Red Alert™ 12 Red Alert™ bottlebrush shrub to 6’; gray-grn. lvs, puffy, bright red fl. heads to 8'; bushy, dense growth; can be easily hedged. New foliar growth is bright red. Good low-maintenance alternative to Photinia. $12.00 1G B, + B12 Callistemon viminalis 'LC01' Macarthur™ 12 Macarthur™ bottlebrush 6' x 5'; vigorous growth. Large, bright red flowers spring and fall; heavy bloomer. $12.00 1G B, + B12 Callistemon viminalis 'Little John' 50 dwarf bottle brush evergrn shrub 3' by 3'; fls. red, low water, full sun $11.00 1G Calycanthus occidentalis Calylophus drummondianus 50 western spice bush 30 sundrops Dickson's golden leaved 18 bellflower frgrnt. shrub; 6-12' by 6'; decid., part shade to 8” by 12”; bright yellow fls.; low water $12.00 $10.00 Bulbine frutescens Bulbine frutescens 'Hallmark' Bupleurum fruticosum Calamagrostis nutkaensis Calamagrostis x acutiflora 'Karl Foerster' Calia secundiflora Campanula garganica 'Dickson's Gold' Campanula poscharskyana 'Blue Waterfall' 69 Serbian bellflower to 6"; golden leaves, light violet fls. peren. 10" x 2" , blue-violet star-shaped fls with white eye cascade from plant in spring ; pt shade, reg water Campanula 'Summertime Blues' PP19261 EU27669 summertime blues 36 bellflower clumping (not spreading) decid. peren. w/ masses of large, silver blue bells on upright stems; long blooming from spring-fall previously identified as C. tumulicola-Medi. grass; clumping, evrgrn., 18” to 24” 1' x 2'; evergrn light blue-green foliage. Versatile grndcvr for shade. Tolerates sun in moist conditions. to 1' x 2' weeping, evrgrn clump. Adds a bright, chartreuse pop to the shade. Best w\morning sun and regular water; drought tolerant once established. CA native grass10"; forms a turf in moist soil Carex divulsa 78 grassland sedge Carex flacca 'Blue Zinger' 16 blue sedge Carex oshimensis 'Everillo' PP 21002 Carex praegracilis EverColor® Golden 72 Perennial Sedge 12 alkali sedge Carex testacea 16 orange New Zealand sedge 2'; shade; orange/brown lvs. B, + B11 B, + B11 CAS, A, 1G + C1 1G P, + C6 $7.50 4" S B3 $10.00 1G S B3 $10.00 1G S, + B3 $7.50 4" S, + B3 $7.50 4" S, + B3 $10.00 $7.50 $7.50 1G S, + B3 4" CAS, + B1 4" G B5 Carpenteria californica 42 bush anemone shrub to 7' by 10'; fls. white; ivory papery bark $12.00 1G CA, A, + A16 Ceanothus 'Blue Cloud' 10 Blue Cloud California lilac $12.00 1G CA, + B15 Ceanothus 'Centennial' 48 centennial ceanothus 9' x 6'; evrgrn. Profuse sprays of lt blue fls in spring. 12" to 8'; spreading, evrgrn grndcvr. Small glossy lvs. Small clusters of intense, drk blue flws in spring. Can tolerate shade. Needs good drainage. $12.00 1G shrub to 5' by 5'; deep blue fls., rich green foliage, full sun evergrn. shrub to 6', small curled leaves, deep blue flowers; spectecular when in bloom, but often short-lived in the Central Vallley; excellent drainage $12.00 CA, + B16 CA, A, + B15 1G $12.00 1G CA, + B15 Evergrn. shrub to 2’ by 5’ w/ brightly variegated lvs. to 3’ by 10’; dk. grn. lvs., med. blue fls.; one of best groundcover variety 6' by 12', evergreen. Dark, shiny green leaves. Dark blue flowers in Spring. $12.00 1G CA, + B14 $12.00 1G CA, + B15 $12.00 1G CA, + B16 6'x8', evergn bushy form, full sun, very dark blue-purple fls $12.00 1G shrub, 3' b y 5'; fls. violet-lavender, frgrnt. $12.00 CA, + B16 CA, A, + B16 1G shrub to 12'; dk. blue fls. $12.00 1G 100 Ray Hartman California lilac shrub to 15'; sky blue fls. 25 skylark ceanothus shrub 6' by 12'; blue fls. peren to 2', fluffy, button-like laven. fls in summer attract 28 Manaos beauty butterflies, pineapple scented lvs, low water, sun 16 snow-in-summer creeping to 6” by 12”; wht. fls. $12.00 $12.00 CA, + B16 CA, A, + B15 1G 1G CA, + B16 $10.00 $7.50 1G P, + C6 4" P, A, + C8 $7.50 4" P, A, + C8 Ceanothus 'Concha' 110 concha ceanothus Ceanothus 'Dark Star' Ceanothus griseus var. horizontalis 'Diamond Heights' Ceanothus griseus var. horizontalis 'Yankee Point' 49 variegated Carmel creeper Yankee Point Carmel 49 creeper Ceanothus 'Joan Mirov' 25 Joan's wild lilac Ceanothus 'Julia Phelps' Ceanothus maritimus 'Valley Violet' Ceanothus 'Owlswood Blue' Ceanothus 'Ray Hartman' Ceanothus thyrsiflorus 'Skylark' Centratherum intermedium 'Pineapple Sangria' Cerastium tomentosum Cerastium tomentosum var. columnae 'Silver Carpet' 50 dark star California lilac 45 wild lilac valley violet maritime 103 ceanothus 20 Owlswood blue ceanothus 30 snow-in-summer creeping to 12" ; white fls; avoid afternoon sun Ceratostigma plumbaginoides Ceratostigma willmottianum 96 dwarf plumbago 20 Chinese plumbago grnd. cover to 10'; peacock blue fls., spreading; maroon fall color deciduous; br. bl. fls.; to 3' $7.50 $10.00 Cercis occidentalis 60 western redbud large decid. shrub; pink-purple fls. $12.00 4" P, A, + C6 1G B, + B11 CA, A, 1G + B14 Cercocarpus betuloides var. blancheae 12 island mountain mahogany sm. tree or shrub, 20' tall by 12' wide $12.00 1G CA, A, + C15 Cercocarpus ledifolius curl-leaf mountain 42 mahogany small evrgrn tree to 15'. Dark green lvs w/ white underside; young bark is white, showy. Drought tolerant. Good screen plant. Chilopsis linearis 'Purple Splendour' Chondropetalum tectorum 16 purple desert willow 16 Cape thatching reed Cistus ladanifer 'Blanche' 27 Blanche rock rose Cistus salviifolius 17 sage leaf rock rose Cistus 'Silver Pink' Clematis armandii 46 silver pink rock rose 16 evergreen clematis Clematis lasiantha Clematis tangutica Clinopodium douglasii Coreopsis auriculata 'Nana' 24 7 64 110 chaparral virgin's bower golden bells clematis yerba buena dwarf orange coreopsis Correa pulchella 'Pink Eyre' 15 pink Australia fuschia Cotelydon orbiculata 32 pig's ears Cotinus 'Grace' Crinodendron patagua 34 Grace smokebush Chilean lily-of-the-valley 18 tree Cyrtanthus breviflorus 10 fire lily Cyrtomium falcatum 'Rochfordianum' 32 Japanese holly fern $12.00 1G CA, + C15 fast grwg shrb/sm tree, willow form, prpl flwrs 5'; evrgrn. rush; low maint. evergrn. shrub to 6'; very large wht. fls in summer; full sun; low water low growing evergn. shrub 2.5' x 7' w/ large white fls; tolerates clay; low water; full sun $40.00 $11.00 5G 1G CA, + C14 G B5 $10.00 1G B, + B12 $10.00 1G B, + A11 shrub to 30” tall; papery silvery-pink fls,; sun, good drainage full, vigorous; abundant wht. fls. in spring decid. vine w/ clouds of white fls. in early spring; seed heads attractive decid vine w/delciate pend yel fl frgrnt. creeping herb; pt. shade, good drainage 4" tall x 3' wide 3'x3', evrgrn. Rosy pink tubular flws winter-early spring. Sun or light shade. Also nice in a container. 3' fast growing succulent, 1" fls on 2' stalks in summer attracts bees and hummingbirds, great container plant, needs good drainage, protect from hard frost 12' shrub with color changing foliage and enormous sprays of deep pink flowers; pt. shade to sun; low water evrgrn.; dk. foliage, pendulous, frgrnt., white bell fls.; needs shade to 1'; evrgrn clumping bulb w/ yellow trumpet-shaped flws in summer. Needs wet feet. $10.00 $11.00 1G 1G B, + A11 V B13 $12.00 $10.00 $7.50 $7.50 1G CA, ++ B15 1G V B13 4" CAS C2 4" P, + B8 $10.00 1G B, + B11 $7.50 4" P, + C13 $11.00 1G T, + B13 $11.00 1G T, A, + B13 $10.00 Dasylirion wheeleri 8 desert spoon Dasylirion wheeleri 11 desert spoon Delosperma cooperi 44 Cooper's ice plant evergrn. fern to 1.5’ by 3’ for shade Evergrn. rosette to 4'; long, narrow, blue-gray leaves; tall flower spikes in summer; low water; full sun Evergrn. rosette to 4'; long, narrow, blue-gray leaves; tall flower spikes in summer; low water; full sun evergrn, succulent, groundcover, magenta fls in summer, low water, full sun, good drainage Delosperma 'P001s' 43 Fire Spinner™ ice plant 3" x 2'; evrgrn grndcvr. Flws have bright orange petals w/ centers blushing to rose-purple, white, and yellow. Drought tolerant. $4.50 4" BU B6 $11.00 1G S, A, + B3 B, A, 4" ++ B11 B, A, ++ B11 1G $7.50 4" P, A, + C13 $7.50 4" $7.50 P, + C13 Dianthus caryophyllus 'Chomley Farran' 64 striped carnation Dianthus 'Wicked Witch' 71 wicked witch hardy pink Duranta erecta 'Alba' Dymondia margaretae 29 white sky flower 141 dymondia Echeveria 'Afterglow' 63 afterglow echeveria Echeveria agavoides Echeveria 'Imbricata' 6 carpet echeveria 64 hens and chicks Echinacea purpurea 'Green Envy' Echinacea purpurea 'Primadonna Deep Rose' 45 green envy cone-flower 28 deep rose coneflower Echinacea 'Raspberry Truffle' cone-fections series 65 Coneflower Echinacea 'Rosita' PP24394 Echium wildprettii Prairie Pixies™ Collection 20 dwarf coneflower 30 tower of jewels Encelia farinosa 6 brittlebush fragrant, dbl fls striped with pink and lavender, sun, reg water 2" by 8"; cherry red fls. with a spicy-clove scent; tight, powder blue lvs. to 6'; pure white flowers borne in drooping clusters spring/summer, followed by golden berries. Attracts butterflies. tender grnd. cover; very low, sm. yel. fls. Spreads rapidly w/irrigation; slowly with low-water. Drought tolerant. Full sun, part shade. vigorous succulent to 2'; full sun to pt shade; low water; hardy to 20F; tolerates winter rain in well drained soil; great for containers 12" x 6"; apple green leaves edged in red. Red flws w/yellow tips, spring-early summer. Sun to part shade. Hardy to 20°F rosettes 4-6" across; bell-shaped coral-red fls. decid peren to 3' ; lime green fls that fade to rose pink starting from the center, long-lasting fls through summer that attract butterflies; full sun 3' x 2', low maintenance. Large, deep pink flws thru smmr attract bttrfls, then birds when dry. Great cut & dried flw. 2' X 2.5'. Salmon-colored flws with brown centers that unfurl to a double top and fade to salmon, summer into fall. Dark chocolate stems. A bee favorite! to 16", dwarf. Pale pink flws fade to white. Naturally branching, great form for containers or the border. Attracts butterflies, bees. Deer resistant. biennial, to 8'; pale red fls. to 3', silvery-grey lvs. Yellow daisies in spring, then sporadically in response to rain. Butterfly and bird plant. to 4'; clump-forming, winter-hardy tropical. On stalks to 6'; beautiful yllw flws shaped like giant artichokes; smmr. Ensete lasiocarpum 31 Chinese dwarf banana Epilobium canum 'Bowman's Best' 44 Bowman’s California fuchsia peren. 9" by 14"; scarlet fls., gray lvs 18" x 4'; large,felty grey-grn lvs. Large orange-red flws in late 15 Calistoga California fuchsia smmr-fall. Great hummingbird plant. Carman's gray California 20 fuchsia peren. 18" by 24"; narrow gry. lvs, scarlet fls. Santa Catalina Island 16 California fuchsia decid. perennial; red fls. Epilobium canum 'Calistoga' Epilobium canum 'Carmen's Grey' Epilobium canum 'Catalina' $7.50 4" P B8 $7.50 4" P, + B8 $10.00 1G $7.50 4" S, + B3 $11.00 1G P, + C13 $11.00 $10.00 1G P, + C13 1G P, A, + C13 $11.00 1G P, + B8 $10.00 1G P, + B8 $11.00 1G P, + B8 $11.00 $11.00 1G 1G P, + B8 P, + C7 $7.50 1G CA, + A14 $11.00 1G B A11 $12.00 B, + B12 CA, A, + A14 1G $12.00 1G $12.00 1G $12.00 CA, + A14 CA, + A14 CA, A, + A14 1G Epilobium canum 'El Tigre' 27 El Tigre California Fuchsia Epilobium canum 'Nancy' 8 Nancy's California fuchsia peren.; stiff upright and rigid form; large red fls. to 1' x 8'; slow-spreader. Red flws attract hummingbirds. Sun or filtered shade. $12.00 1G $12.00 1G $12.00 1G $12.00 1G CA, A, + CA, A, + CA, A, + CA, A, + CA, A, + A14 A14 Epilobium canum 'Sierra Salmon' 22 salmon California fuchsia Epilobium canum ssp. canum Epilobium canum v. latifolium 'Everett's Choice' 29 California fuchsia 9" by 2'; fls. salmon; full sun 2.5' x 4'; sem-evrgrn. Non-spreading shrub form. Reddish orange trumpet-shaped flws late summer-winter. 40 Everett’s California fuchsia low-growing peren.; scarlet fls. $12.00 1G fast growing, 1' by 3', two-toned pink and white fls spring-fall $10.00 $12.00 1G P, A, + B7 CA, A, 1G + A15 $12.00 1G CA, + C16 CA, + C16 Erigeron karvinskianus Erigeron 'W.R.' 84 Mexican wall daisy Wayne Rodrerick's hybrid 83 seaside daisy A14 A14 A14 Eriogonum fasciculatum Eriogonum fasciculatum 'Theodore Payne' Eriogonum fasciculatum 'Warriner Lytle' 90 California wild buckwheat peren. 6" by 2'; lrg. lavender fls. p.m. shade shrubby peren. needle foliage, tough, fls wht/pink, good beneficial insct plant 39 Payne's wild buckwheat 6" tall by 3'; fls white turn pink to brown $12.00 1G 65 Lytle's wild buckwheat grnd. cover 10" by 5'; white fls. $12.00 1G Eriogonum giganteum shrub to 4'; wht. fls. turn pinkish then red-brown $12.00 Eriogonum grande var. rubescens 67 Saint Catherine's lace San Miguel Island red 94 buckwheat CA, + C16 CA, A, 1G + C16 $12.00 1G CA, + A16 Eriogonum latifolium 48 seaside buckwheat $12.00 1G CA, + A15 $7.50 1G CA, + A15 $12.00 1G CA, + A16 $12.00 1G CA, + A13 $11.00 1G P, + C8 $7.50 1G P, + C7 Eriogonum parvifolium 'Moss Landing' Eriogonum umbellatum var. umbellatum 49 common sulfur flower Eriophyllum lanatum 'Siskyou' 16 woolly sunflower Eryngium planum 'Jade Frost' (v) 30 variegated flat sea holly shrub to2'; deep pink-red fls., gray foliage; good drainage 1' x 2'; 1" clusters of pale pink-white flws summr-fall attract bees, butterflies, and other pollinators. Good drainage, full sun. Deer resistant. 1'2'; evrgrn. Round heads of light pink flowers in summer attract beneficial insects and butterflies. Well-drained soil, drought tolerant. flat peren 3"x 3', 4-12" stalks of yellow fls, full sun, low water, needs good drainage 1' x 3'. Grey-grn, white-woolly lvs and a profusion of yellow daisies in summer. Like good drainage. Sun-loving, drought tolerant. decid peren to 1' ; light blue fls in late spring that are great for cutting; full sun, low water, good drainage Erysimum 'Walfrastar', Fragrant Star 13 fragrant star wallflower 15" x 24"; compact form. Highly-scented, bright yellow blooms spring into summer, over variegated green and yellow foliage. 5 cliff buckwheat Erythrina crista-galli 'Red Lights' 8 cockspur coral tree to 10+ ft; evrgrn. Thorned stems, tropical-looking foliage. Large beak-like red blossoms, smmr. Hardy to 20°F. Resprouts after severe frost damage. to 18"; emerging spring foliage is coppery-gold, changing to greengold in summer. White flws on a pineapple-like spike. upright, to 2.5'. Dark purple foliage, broad lvs. Purple flws on a pinapple-like inflorescence, smmr. 8” peren. for moist shade; bright yellow daisy fls.; ylw. spotted foliage peren. for shade; bright yellow daisy fls. In fall, interesting crested lvs similar to other F. idahoensis varieties, however in production and trials in Oregon it was one of the bluest blues, even in the summer decid. upright shrub 7' x 5'; profuse yellow fls that survive early spring storms $32.00 5G T B13 $11.00 1G S, + B4 $11.00 1G S, + B4 $12.00 1G S, + C3 $12.00 1G S, + C3 $12.00 1G CA, + A16 $10.00 1G B, + B12 Eucomis 'Glow Sticks' 36 pineapple lily Eucomis 'Zulu Flame' PPAF Farfugium japonicum 'Aureomaculatum' 36 Terra Nova® Pineapple lily gold spotted Japanese 5 farfugium Farfugium japonicum 'Crispata' 17 parsley ligularia Festuca idahoensis 'Clearwater Blue' 36 clear water fescue Forsythia x intermedia 'Lynwood' 14 Lynwood gold forsythia Fremontodendron 'California Glory' Fremontodendron 'San Gabriel' Fuchsia ‘Campo Molina’ 7 California glory flannel bush gold-yellow fls., a 10' by 15' shrub 70 San Gabriel flannel bush shrub to 10'-20'; 3" buttercup yel. fls.; can espalier 23 campo Molina fuschia Bushy; crimson and purple flowers. Mite resistant. $12.00 $12.00 $7.50 1G CA, ++ C14 1G CA, ++ C14 4" S B4 Fuchsia 'Gartenmeister Bonstedt' (T) 20 firecracker fuchsia $10.00 1G $12.00 1G CAS, + C1 $10.00 1G P, + C7 $11.00 1G S C4 $11.00 1G S, + C3 $10.00 1G S C4 $7.50 4" S C4 $11.00 1G P C8 Galvezia speciosa 'Firecracker' shrub to 2-3'; orange-red fls., fairly heat tolerant compact, 2-3'x3'. Bright red tubular flowers spring and summer firecracker California Islands attract hummingbirds. Can prune to shape, fast growing. Not 96 bush snapdragon tolerant of severe frost. Gaura lindeheimeri 'Passionate Rainbow Petite' dwarf passionate rainbow 38 gaura Geranium 'Cheryl's Shadow' USPP # 14701 64 Cheryl's shadow geranium Geranium 'Rozanne' 59 Rozanne™ cranesbill 10" x 12", vigorous. Small, light pink flws late spring through summer over chocolate brown to burgundy foliage. 18” by 12”, violet/purple fls. through summer, pt. shade, good fall color Geranium sanguineum var. striatum 20 striped bloody crane's bill 8" x 23"; bushy grndcvr. Soft pink flws late spring into summer. Drought tolerant, deer resistant. Sun to part shade. Geranium x cantabrigiense 'Biokovo' 64 Biokovo cranesbill Geum 'Cosmopolitan', Cocktail™ Series 10 Cocktail™ Series avens to 18"; compact version of 'Passionate Rainbow'. Pink flws held close to stems, rather than on "wands", spring-fall. 1' by 2.5'; soft pink-mauve fls. to 24"; semi-double, ruffled flws in shades of pink, rose and cream spring-early summer. Sterile flws provide a long bloom time. S B3 Geum 'Totally Tangerine' 72 geum Glandularia aristigera Glandularia lilacina 'De La Mina' 29 moss verbena 32 Cedros Island verbena 30"; warm tangerine flowers explode over fuzzy green foliage late spring through summer. evrgrn. peren. groundcover; ferny foliage, fls. various hues wht. to prpl.; sun, low water 1' by 2'; lilac-violet fls.; freeze tender Glottiphyllum longum 12 tongueleaf low, sprawling succulent. Evergreen. Yellow, daisy-like flowers. Graptopetalum paraguayense 'Pinky' Grevillea 'Scarlet Sprite' Grevillea 'Scarlet Sprite' 20 mother-of-pearl plant 11 scarlet sprite grevillea 16 scarlet sprite grevillea Grindelia camporum var. camporum Hardenbergia violacea 'Happy Wanderer' 24 Great Valley gumplant to 18"; low-growing blue-grn paddle shaped lvs are covered in sprays of tiny, white, star-shaped flws, smmr. Deer resistant. to 1'; fleshy grey-blue rosettes with a pink flush on trailing stems. White to yellow star shaped flowers. Evergrn. shrub 4' x 5', fine needle-like lvs, bright red fls Evergrn. shrub 4' x 5', fine needle-like lvs, bright red fls upright to 2'; yellow flowers attract butterflies and native pollinators. Drought tolerant, clay tolerant. 42 coral-pea mounding vine/shrub to 3’ by 10’ ; violet prpl. fls. Hebe 'Champagne' 19 champagne hebe Hebe 'Red Edge' 21 hebe Helenium puberulum 45 sneezeweed Helianthemum 'Ben Nevis' 30 sun rose Goniolimon collinum 'Sea Spray' Helianthemum 'Rhodanthe Carneum' Helictotrichon sempervirens 'Saphirsprudel' Heliotropium curassavicum Helleborus × ballardiae 'Coseh 700', Gold Collection® HGC Cinnamon Snow, USPP #21003 Helleborus × ballardiae 'Coseh 810', Gold Collection® HGC Merlin, USPP #22350 Helleborus argutifolius 8 Bulgarian statice 6 pink sun rose evrgrn, 2' x 3'; slender lvs in deep olive-green and purple hues, wine-red stems. Spikey white blooms late summer through fall. 18" x 24" evrgrn. Blue-grn lvs w/ red margin. Flws late sprngsummer start out lilac and fade to white. Up to 3'; rusty yellow and bronze flwr heads with a small basal frill of yellow petals in summer. Good cutflower. up to 12" x 18"; single orange flowers with a scarlet eye late spring-mid summer. Perfect for a dry, sunny spot. 1" high grndcvr to 3'. Clear pink flowers mid-spring through midsummer. Heat and drought tolerant. $11.00 1G P, + C8 $10.00 $7.50 1G 4" P, + C6 CA, + A15 $7.50 4" P, + B8 $7.50 1G P, + C8 $7.50 $10.00 $10.00 4" 1G 1G P, + C11 B, + A11 B, + B12 $12.00 1G CA, + A16 $11.00 1G V, A, + B13 $11.00 1G B A12 $11.00 1G B A12 $4.50 1G CA A14 $10.00 1G P, + C8 $10.00 1G P, + C8 G B5 16 sapphire splash oatgrass 14" by 2'; steely blue-gray lvs., part shade $7.50 4" 32 salt heliotrope peren herb, low-growing to 1/5' tall; tolerates moist and dry conditions and salty soils, clusters of white bells with blue centers $7.50 4" CA, + A16 Gold Collection® HGC 21 Cinnamon Snow evrgrn, to 15"; pink buds open to outward-facing, creamy white flws flushed w/rose and cinnamon; cinnamon-red petal reverse. $14.00 1G S, + C5 $14.00 $14.00 1G S, + C4 1G S, A, + C5 Gold Collection® HGC Merlin evrgrn, to 15"; large, outward-facing flws open pink and age to cranberry. Dark foliage and stems. 21 lenten rose 20 Corsican hellebore peren.; chartreuse fls.; good for dry shade Helleborus x hybridus 'Red Lady' (Lady Series) Hesperaloe parviflora Heteromeles arbutifolia Heterotheca villosa 'San Bruno Mountains' 17 Heuchera 'Blondie' PP24564 red lady hybrid lenten rose evergn. peren. w/ deep pink-red fls. in winter; low water 48 red yucca 2' upright inflorescence, dk. fl. form 71 toyon bush, 8-15' tall by 15' wide, red berries Evergreen, mat forming. Bright yellow daisies summer-fall. Sunny, dry conditions. 12 hairy golden aster to 9"; bronzy-purple and caramel-toned foliage. Plentiful spikes of red-stemmed yellow flowers, spring-fall. Beautiful container Little Cutie™ Series coral plant. 30 bells Heuchera 'Galaxy' PP24574 35 variegated coral bells Heuchera hirsutissima 'Santa Rosa' 144 shaggy-haired alumroot to 1'; new foliage is bright red, maturing to dark purple w/spots and streaks of fuchsia-pink. White flws in summer. low-growing, miniature mounds to 6'; airy wands of dainty pink flowers in late spring. Heuchera 'Rosada' 31 rosada coral bells Heuchera 'Snow Angel' 77 coral bells Heuchera 'Spellbound', PP24103 Heuchera 'Stormy Seas' 36 coral bells 53 stormy seas coral bells Heuchera 'Zipper' PPAF 36 zipper alum root Horkelia californica ssp. californica Hydrangea quercifolia 'Flemygea', Snow Queen 21 coastal California honeydew peren. w/ buttercup-like fls.; moist soil, good drainage snow queen oak leaf decid. shrub to 5' ; large white fls in summer; red fall foliage; tolerates Davis water 7 hydrangea dwarf shrub to 3’ by 3’ with lobed lvs. topped with white clouds 29 dwarf oak leaf hydrangea of fls. in summer; good fall color; shade Hydrangea quercifolia 'Pee Wee' peren.; part shade, good in mass evergrn. peren. forming 1' mound; pink fls. in spring; regular water to 16'; ruffled silver foliage tinted w/rosy purple. Dense habit. White flws, spring. to 16; mottled lvs. gray, silver, lav. & charcoal; creamy fls. to 18". Orange and amber ruffled lvs w/bright fuchsia undersides that show at the ruffles. White flws July-Oct. compact to 4'; upright panicles of white flws quickly maturing to pink, and then ruby red; spring through fall. Fall color. decid peren to 1.5', deep coppery pink fls in late summer attract butterflies, full sun, low water Hydrangea quercifolia 'Ruby Slippers' Hylotelephium spectabile 'Indian Chief' 44 oak leaf hydrangea Iris ‘Low Ho Silver’ (IB) to 2; fragrant snow white fls.; blooms spring and fall to 3'; pale blue standards, ruffled violet-blue falls, and white 10 tall bearded reblooming iris beards. Blooms late spring and again in fall. 9 double agent iris to 3'; rose petals over maroon falls. Rebloomer. golden immortal tall 15 bearded iris to 40"; fragrant lemon yellow fls.; blooms spring and fall Iris 'Clarence' (TB) Iris 'Double Agent' Iris 'Golden Immortal' (TB) 30 indian chief sedum reblooming bearded white 18 iris $12.00 $11.00 $12.00 1G S, A, + C5 1G P, A, + C12 1G CA, A A13 $12.00 1G $11.00 1G S C3 $11.00 1G S C3 $7.50 CA, + A13 $12.00 4" CAS, + B2 CAS, A, + B2 1G $10.00 1G S C4 $11.00 $10.00 1G 1G S C3 S, + C4 $11.00 1G S C3 $12.00 1G CAS, + B2 $14.00 1G S, + B4 $14.00 1G S, + B4 $14.00 1G S, + B4 $10.00 1G P, + C9 $10.00 1G BU, + B6 $10.00 $10.00 1G 1G BU, + B6 BU B6 $10.00 1G BU, + B6 Iris 'Mesmerizer' Iris Pacific Coast hybrids 'Canyon Snow' 13 mesmerizer iris Iris 'Raspberry Frost' 15 Reblooming bearded iris Iris 'Tennison Ridge' (TB) 13 Tennison Ridge iris peren., white fls., sun or shade; rhizomes to 3’; white fls. w/raspberry veins, wht. falls edged w/ raspberry, gold beard-REBLOOMING to 3'; solid plum burgundy standards and white falls edged with burgundy. Sweetly fragrant. Rebloomer. Isomeris arborea Jasminum nudiflorum 31 bladderpod 12 winter jasmine shrub 4' by 4'; yel. fls., attractive pods yellow fls. early spring, 2' x 6' Juncus patens 'Elk Blue' Juncus patens 'Quartz Creek' Justicia spicigera 32 elk blue California gray rush to 2'; grass-like blue-gry foliage. Tolerates both dry and wet feet. 49 Quartz Creek rush CA native grass, to 2'; clumps of gray rush-like vertical lvs. 20 Mohintli to 2-3’; soft grn. lvs., orange tubular fls. grndcvr, 2'x3'. Fleshy blue gray lvs. White flws in summer. Drought tolerant, but tolerates regular irrigation. 50 blue finger Kleinia mandraliscae Kniphofia 'Christmas Cheer' Kniphofia 'Nancy's Red' Kniphofia 'Orange Vanilla Popsicle' PP24292 Lamium maculatum 'Ghost' 142 canyon snow Pacific iris 3'; large ruffled white flowers w/a tangerine beard. Blooms midseason and again in Fall. Fragrant. 35 Christmas cheer poker plant fl. orange/yel in December 2' grass-like lvs, coral-red fls in summer attract hummingbirds, 112 dwarf red-hot poker good for container, full sun, reg water compact, to 20", clumping. Two-toned flower spikes of red16 Popsicle™ Series kniphofia orange over creamy white, summer and fall. Reblooms. 84 creeping lamium Lamium maculatum 'Purple Dragon' 38 purple dragon dead nettle Lavandula ‘Armtipp01’, Big Time Blue™, PPAF Lavandula angustifolia 'L'Avance Purple' Lavandula angustifolia 'L'Avance Purple' Big Time Blue™ English 45 lavender 12 dwarf purple lavander Lavandula 'Lavang21', Violet Intrigue 61 dwarf purple lavander violet intrigue English 9 lavender violet intrigue English 11 lavender Lavandula 'Marshwood' 27 hybrid lavender Lavandula 'Lavang21', Violet Intrigue to 14"; taller than most other varieties. Bright orchid-purple flws in spring top glowing silver foliage. Deer resistant. evergrn. vigorous groundcover to 12”; large snapdragon-like rich purple fls; drought-tolerant; looks great year-round compact at 1-2'. Long 4" flws bloom earlier in the summer than most English lavenders. Deer resistant, heat and drought tolerant. Needs good drainage. 12" x 18"; abundant deep-lavender blooms through summer. Good selection for containers. 12" x 18"; abundant deep-lavender blooms through summer. Good selection for containers. up to 3', strong upright form. Deep violet blooms through summer. up to 3', strong upright form. Deep violet blooms through summer. evergn peren 2' x 3', bright purple are especially long, easier to shape,full sun, low water, good drainage $10.00 1G $12.00 BU B6 CAS, A, + B2 1G $10.00 1G $10.00 1G $12.00 $7.50 BU B6 CA, A, + B16 1G 1G B, A, + B12 $7.50 $12.00 $10.00 4" CAS, + B2 1G CAS B1 1G S, + C5 $10.00 1G $12.00 1G P, A, + C11 $11.00 1G P, + C11 $11.00 1G P, + C11 $7.50 4" S C4 $7.50 4" S, + C4 $11.00 1G P, + C9 $7.50 4" P, + B9 $10.00 1G P, + B9 $11.00 1G P, + B9 $11.00 1G P, + C9 $10.00 1G P, + B9 BU B6 P, + C13 Lavandula stoechas 'Otto Quast' Lavandula 'Thumbelina Leigh' Lavandula x ginginsii 'Goodwin Creek Grey' Lavandula x intermedia 'Phenomenal' Lavatera x clementii 'Burgundy Wine' Leucophyllum frutescens 'Compactum' Leucophyllum frutescens 'Green Cloud' Leucophyllum laevigatum 'Rio Bravo' Leucophyllum langmaniae 'Lynn's Everblooming' Lilium pardalinum Limonium gmelinii Linum lewisii Lonicera nitida 'Lemon Beauty' Lotus hirsutus Lupinus albifrons Lycoris radiata Lyonothamnus floribundus ssp. asplenifolius Mangave X 'Macho Mocha' Matthiola incana Melinis nerviglumis Otto Quast Spanish 28 lavender dwarf purple English 124 lavender Goodwin Creek grey 64 lavender shrub14" by 24"; dk. blue-violet fls., prpl. bracts A true dwarf at 12", 18" with flws. Compact, rounded form. Plump, dark lavender flws; profuse bloomer. Fragrant. $10.00 1G P, A, + B9 $11.00 1G $10.00 1G P, A, + B9 50 tree mallow shrub; indented silver-gray leaves, dark purple flowers to 2' mounds; blue-purple flw spikes in summer. This cultivar is especially winter hardy and heat/humidity tolerant; disease and rot resistant. to 6'; upright, bushy. Burgundy hollyhock-like flws summer-fall. Cut back hard each spring to 1'. Great patio plant for a large container. 29 compact cenizo 7 hybrid French lavender P, + C9 $7.50 4" P, + B9 $10.00 1G B, + B11 compact 3' by 4'; lav.-pink fls. full sun & drainage $11.00 12 green leaf cenizo to 8'; grn. foliage, bright rose-lav. fls., full sun, low water $11.00 1G B, A, + A12 B, A, ++ A12 1G 48 Rio Bravo cenizo slow-growing, dense, evergrn. shrub to 5'; lavender-blue fls that repeat bloom from summer-fall; low water; full sun. $11.00 1G 8 Lynn's legacy leucophyllum to 3' by 5'; fls. violet-pink, gray-grn. lvs. decid. peren. bulb to 30”; red-orange fls. w/recurved petals; 45 leopard's lily sun/pt. shd., reg. wtr. 2.5' x 2.5'. Blue-grn lvs in a basal rosette. Sprays of lavender-blue flws in summer. Good for cutting and drying 16 statice short-lived peren to 2', 1" true sky blue fls in summer attract butterflies, low water, full sun 47 perennial flax evrgrn to 3'; green and lemon variegated lvs; upright horizontal 16 variegated box honeysuckle branches. Irregular white flws. Sun or shade. 36 hairy canary clover 5" by 20" spreading; fls. pink, lvs. silver 4' evergn peren, fragrant blue flr spikes in spring that attracts 95 silver bush lupine butterflies, full sun, good drainage, low water 32 red spider lily coral red fls. Aug-Sept.; 18" stems $11.00 1G B, A, + A12 $12.00 1G CAS C2 $7.50 1G P C8 $12.00 1G CA, + A15 $7.50 $10.00 4" 1G S B3 P, + C8 $12.00 $7.50 1G 4" CA, + C15 BU, + B6 12 Santa Cruz Island ironwood evrgrn. tree, fast to 25’; red-brn. bark, glossy lvs., white fls. evergrn rosette forming peren 2' x 5', grey-green lvs covered with brown-purple spots, full sun to light shade, prefers good 8 spotted mangave drainage, low water, great for containers 5 wild stock large evergrn peren. slvr foliage and prpl fl showy to 1.5'; extremely showy ruby-pink flowers in summer. Drought 48 ruby grass tolerant. $40.00 5G CA, + C14 $12.00 $7.50 1G 1G P, + C13 P, + C12 $10.00 1G G, + B5 B, + A12 Mimulus aurantiacus Mimulus aurantiacus 'Mimapri', Curious™ Orange Monkey Flower Mimulus 'Fiesta Marigold' Mimulus 'Jelly Bean Purple Pink' Jelly Bean Series® 38 orange bush-monkeyflower curious orange monkey43 flower Jelly Beans™ Fiesta Marigold 20 Monkeyflower Jelly Bean Series® bush 20 monkey flower Mimulus puniceus 40 red bush monkey flower shrub to 16"; soft gold fls.; summer decid. to 18"; long-lasting, large, brilliant orange flowers in spring and early summer. to 2'; upright rounded, compact. Large, ruffled red flowers w/light orange petal margins and tube. Drought tolerant. 2' x 2'. Lrg pale magenta flowers with white lines around petal margins. Full sun to light shade. to 2'x3'. Brick-red flws spring-fall. Prefers limited water once established. Frost sensitive below 30F. $12.00 1G CA, + A14 $12.00 1G CA, + A14 $12.00 1G CA, + A14 $12.00 1G CA, + A14 $12.00 1G CA, + A14 $10.00 1G P, + C11 $10.00 1G G, + B5 $10.00 1G G, A, + B5 $10.00 1G Miscanthus sinensis 'Dixieland' (v) 42 compact silver grass Miscanthus sinensis 'Gold Bar' 49 gold bar eulalia grass Muhlenbergia capillaris 'Pink Cloud' 33 pink muhly 2' x 3'; winter deciduous. Golden chartreuse lvs, fragrant neon pink flws open late afternoon-early morning, late summer-frost. to 4'; compact form of 'Variegatus'. Bold stripes of cream on strappy green lvs. Showy, silky, pink flower plumes in late summer. Deer resistant, drought tolerant. upright to 4'; very heavy horizontal yellow banding on lvs, burgundy flowering plumes mid fall; full sun, low water 30" x 24"; dense, long-blooming clouds of pink flowers in summer. Drought tolerant. Seeds provide winter food for birds. Sun. Muhlenbergia dubia 30 pine muhly grass 12-18" foliage with 3' fl. spikes; half-size version of M. rigens $11.00 Muhlenbergia rigens 65 deer grass $12.00 Myrtus communis 'Compacta Variegata' 16 dwarf variegated myrtle $10.00 1G Neomarica caerulea 'Regina' 66 walking iris $12.00 1G S, A, + C5 Nepeta 'Cat's Meow' 83 catmint $10.00 1G P, + C8 Ophiopogon planiscapus 'Nigrescens' 16 black mondo grass $7.50 4" S B3 Origanum 'Kent Beauty' 45 Kent beauty oregano $10.00 1G P, + C7 Origanum laevigatum 'Hopley's' Origanum vulgare 'Betty Rollins' Origanum vulgare, golden leafed form 32 Hopley’s oregano 20 dwarf oregano 4'; CA native grass; fountain-like evrgrn, 3.5' x 4'; rounded form. Full sun to part shade. White, sweetly-scented flws in summer give way to bluish-black berries. Good drainage. peren. clumps 4' tall; 4" striking violet-blue flowers in late spring that bloom repeatedly; light shade to 20"x36"; maintains tidy, dense shape all season. Purple blooms summer-fall attract butterflies, hummingbirds. Low maintenance, drought tolerant, deer resistant. 2'; black foliage, moisture-loving grass for shade; good special effect plant trailing peren. to 12"; very showy flowers that are long-lasting; good drainage; full sun; great for container to 18” by 2’; profuse dark prpl./pink fls early summer; sun/pt shd.; mod. wtr. peren. 4" by 20"; wht. fls.; frgrnt. lvs. 6" x 18" culinary grndcvr; gold leaves. Appreciates afternoon shade in the heat of summer. Drought tolerant. 1G G, A, + B5 CA, A, + A16 1G $7.50 $10.00 4" P, + C7 1G P, A, + C7 $10.00 1G Mirabilis jalapa 'Limelight' 9 four-o'clock 13 oregano G, + B5 B, + B12 P C7 Origanum X Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Purpureus' 19 hybrid oregano 5 purple holly osmanthus Othonna cheirifolia Oxalis triangularis ssp. papilonacea 'Atropurpurea' 32 Barbary ragweed Pandorea jasminoides 'Pink' 24 pink bower vine Parkinsonia microphylla 20 small-leaved palo-verde witchcraft hybrid passion 16 flower 65 garnet geranium Passiflora 'Witchcraft' Pelargonium sidoides Penstemon 'Blueberry Taffy' PP22568 Penstemon centranthifolius Penstemon 'Cha Cha Lavender' PPAF Penstemon 'Delfts Blue Riding Hood', (Riding Hood Series) Penstemon heterophyllus 'Margarita BOP' 85 purple leaf false shamrock Taffy™ Series watermelon 34 penstemon Perovskia atriplicifolia 'Little Spire' 68 dwarf Russian sage 121 compact Russian sage P, + C7 $7.50 1G S, + C5 $10.00 1G P, + C7 S, + B3 4" $10.00 1G V B13 to 25'; slow-growing, low-branched. Attractive green bark yr-rnd. Yellow flws in spring. Drought and high-heat tolerant. $12.00 1G CA, + C16 $10.00 $7.50 1G 4" V B13 P, + C11 $11.00 1G P, + C11 $12.00 1G CA, + C14 $11.00 1G P, + C11 $10.00 1G to 2'; upright spikes of lavender flowers summer-fall. Dense growth. Attracts butterflies, hummingbirds. Deer resistant. upright to 2' x 18"; brilliant true blue flws through summer, 59 blue flowering beard tongue attract butterflies. Needs good drainage. Santa Margarita foothill 110 penstemon peren. to 12"; magenta blue fls.; good drainage Penstemon 'Watermelon Taffy' PP24293 1G $7.50 Cha Cha™ Series lavender 34 penstemon 24 beard tongue 28 showy penstemon $7.50 decid peren to 6" ; pale pink fls; rich red-purple lvs evrgrn vine to 25', rapid growth, open, airy effect. Pink, funnelshpd flws summer/fall. Moderate water. to 15'. Dense growth; 3" solid purple flowers. 8"; fls. stalks to 14", dk. velvety garnet fls. to 2.5'; upright form. Spikes of large purple flowers with redblueberry taffy penstemon, purple striped throats spring-fall. Attract hummingbirds and bees. 30 Taffy™ Series Deer resistant. peren. to 2’; gray lvs., tall red fl. spikes; sun, low wtr. perfect 49 drainage scarlet bugler Penstemon 'Pensham Eleanor Young' Penstemon spectabilis Perovskia 'Silvery Blue' peren. 5" by 20"; similar to Origanum vulagare 'Betty Rollins', but with taller, looser clusters of flowers and slightly larger leaves. slow growing, dense, evergn. shrub to 6'; dark purple new growth w/ purple tints through summer; wht fragrant fls in fall; shade; low water evergrn low mounding peren to 6", yellow daisies in late sring, full sun, low water,good drainage to 2.5'; upright racemes of tubular, deep red-purple flws w/white throats, late spring/summer. Attracts bees, hummingbirds. peren. to 2’; tubular fls. rose to prpl.; good drainage! to 18'; upright blooms of watermelon pink w/white eye on short stems, June-October. Attracts hummingbirds, butterflies. Deer resistant. dwf. shrubby peren. to 2’; silvery lvs., blue fls.; sun, low water to 20"; airy, upright panicles of lavender-blue flws, mid-summer to fall, on top of aromatic, silver-green foliage. Deer resistant, drought tolerant. $12.00 P, + C11 CA, A, 1G + C14 $10.00 $12.00 1G 1G P, + C11 CA, + C14 $11.00 1G P, + C11 $10.00 1G P, + C12 $10.00 1G P, + C12 Phacelia californica 13 California phacelia $12.00 1G CA, + A15 Philadelphus lewisii 'Goose Creek' 17 $12.00 1G CA, + A15 Phlomis 'Edward Bowles' 50 $10.00 1G B, + B12 $8.00 4" CA, + A13 $10.00 1G B B12 $12.00 $12.00 1G 1G CA, + A13 CA, + A13 $10.00 1G B, + A12 $12.00 1G Phyla nodiflora 'Kurapia S1' 144 peren. to 2’; purple fls. in spring; protect from hot afternoon sun decid. shrub to 4-10’ tall; dbl. white to cream fls.; pt. shade, mod. westen double mock orange water 4' x 6'; resembles P. fruticosa with broader lvs. Large, pure yellow flws in spring. Cut spent flws for summer rebloom. Jerusalem sage less than 1" w/6' spread. Sterile grndcvr; extremely drought tolerant. White flws May-Nov attract pollinators. Sun or light Kurapia® shade. petite butterfly sweetpea shrub evergrn shrub 4'x4', w/ long bloom time, purple fls deciduous shrub, 3-6'; showy pink flowers in spring, followed by desert peach small reddish-orange fruit. Drought tolerant. holly leaf cherry 20' by 20'; wht. fls.; edible maroon frt. 15-18' x 6'-10'; fast-growing evrgrn shrub. Excellent for use as a Italian buckthorn screen or hedge. Full sun to light shade. Evergn. shrub to 5'; red berries turn black and are loved by birds; sun/pt. shade; this cultivar has denser habit and narrow, light coffeeberry green leaves Polygala fruticosa 'Petite Butterflies' 38 Prunus andersonii Prunus ilicifolia 25 25 Rhamnus alaternus 'John Edwards' 16 Rhamnus californica 'Mound San Bruno' 12 Rhodophiala bifida 22 red Argentine amaryllis 9" by 9"; fls. blood red $12.00 Ribes malvaceum 'Montara Rose' 69 Montara chaparral currant shrub 8' by 10'; pink fls.; summer decid.; hummingbird plant $12.00 CA, + A13 BU, A, 1G + B6 CAS, A, 1G + B1 Ribes sanguineum 'Inverness White' 1G CAS, + B1 $12.00 1G CAS, + B1 Ribes sanguineum var. glutinosum 14 red-flowering currant summer decid. shrub to 8'; fls. white to pale pink; dependable decid shrub to 4', almost red fls in late winter attact hummingbirds, pt shade, reg water to 5'; deciduous. Pale- to deep-pink flower clusters in late winter/early spring attract hummingbirds. $12.00 Ribes sanguineum 'King Edward VII' 47 white wild currant red flowered compact 44 currant $12.00 Ribes viburnifolium 22 Catalina evergreen currant $12.00 1G CAS, + B2 CAS, A, + B2 1G Romneya coulteri Rosa 'Korbin', Iceburg® floribunda rose Rosa 'MEIkanaro', Sunshine Daydream™ 50 $14.00 1G CA, ++ A13 32 $10.00 1G R, A, + A11 $30.00 5G R A11 Rosa 'MEIsponge', Cherry Parfait™ 2 $30.00 5G R A11 $30.00 5G R A11 Rosa 'MEItadeha', Cinnamon Dolce™ 4 10 gr. cover shrub; good under oaks, shiny leaves, p.m. shade spectacular shrub to 8'; white fls. to 9" w/ golden stamens MayMatilija poppy July 4’ by 4’ shrub w/ wht. fls. spring-fall; very tough; pt. shade-full Iceberg® rose sun Sunshine Daydream™ to 4'; light yellow flowers finish to creamy yellow Spring-Fall, yellow floribunda rose reblooms. Self-cleans, excellent disease resistance. Cherry Parfait™ grandiflora to 3', bushy growth habit. Continuous blooming, white flowers rose with red edging. Dark foliage. to 6'; vigorous, upright plants. Continuous, fragrant, brick-red Cinnamon Dolce™ hybrid blooms speckled with pink. Excellent disease restance to mildew tea rose and rust. Rosa 'Reine Victoria' (Bb) 6-8' shrub, medium pink double cupped very fragrant flowers, repeat blooms, 1872 to 4'; long-lasting, classic, deep, velvety-red, ruffled blooms in large clusters. Reddish-green foliage. evergrn. shrub to 6’ by 6’; very floriferous; single fls. in changing shades of pink, apricot, and magenta Rosa 'WEKcisfraboa', Oh My!™ 3 Reine Victoria rose Oh My!™ red floribunda 11 rose $10.00 1G R A11 $30.00 5G R A11 Rosa x odorata 'Mutabilis' Rosmarinus officinalis 'Benenden Blue' 10 butterfly rose Collingwood Ingram's 5 rosemary $10.00 1G R, A, + A11 shrub to 30" by 4'; branches curve gracefully; rich blue-violet fls. $10.00 4" P, + B12 Rosmarinus officinalis 'Miss Jessopp's Upright' Miss Jessopp's upright 14 rosemary 4.5' x 3'; strong, upright growth. Pale lavendar flws in spring. Good culinary rosemary. Attracts bees, bttrflies; deer resistant. $7.50 4" B, + B12 Rosmarinus officinalis 'Miss Jessopp's Upright' Rosmarinus officinalis 'Mozart' Rosmarinus officinalis 'Renzels' Irene® Miss Jessopp's upright 25 rosemary 52 Ed Carman's rosemary 4.5' x 3'; strong, upright growth. Pale lavendar flws in spring. Good culinary rosemary. Attracts bees, bttrflies; deer resistant. shrub to 2'; v. drk. br. blue fls. $10.00 $10.00 1G B, + B12 1G B, A, + B12 46 Irene's rosemary $10.00 1G B, + B12 Rubus calycinoides 'Emerald Carpet' 96 creeping raspberry $7.50 4" S, + B3 Rudbeckia hirta 'Denver Daisy' 36 black eyed Susan prostrate, vigorous spreader; deep lav.-blue fls. durable weed smothering mat from 6"-12" x 6'. Evrgrn; small white flws followed by orange fruits. Dry shade, or sun with moderate water. 2' x 16". Lrg 7" flws; golden petals with rusty red splotches near the center. Blooms late smmr-mid fall. Dought tolerant once established. $10.00 1G P C6 $7.50 1G P C8 Ruellia brittoniana Russelia equisetiformis 20 Mexican petunia 47 coral fountain 4' x 2'. Plentiful reddish-orange flws tipped with gold summer thru mid-Fall. Attracts bees, butterflies. Short-lived, but reseeds. peren. 2.5’ by 6’; violet petunia-like fls. 1.5” wide; reg. water, sun/pt. shd. 2' by 5'; tubular red fls. On green stems Salvia apiana 50 California white sage shrub 4' by 5'; white fls. $12.00 1G P C6 1G P, A, + C7 CA, A, ++ B14 1G Salvia argentea 37 silver sage to 2’; handsome, wooly, silver-gray lvs., wht. fls.; sun, low water $10.00 1G P, + C10 Salvia 'Bright Eyes', USPP #22491 72 autumn sage $10.00 1G P, + B10 Salvia canariensis 41 Canary Island sage $10.00 1G P, + C10 Salvia chionophylla 29 Snowflake sage to 15"; large, bright red flws with a white eye, late spring-fall. to 4'-6' tall and wide. Rosy-purple flowers with showy magenta bracts summer-fall. Attracts hummingbirds, bees, and butterflies. Tender. 1' x 6'; evergreen groundcover. Spreads by runners. Silver foliage all year, small blue flws spring and fall. $10.00 1G P, + C10 Salvia clevelandii 'Allen Chickering' 28 Cleveland sage shrub 2' by 5'; blue fls., frgrnt. lvs.; perfect drainage $12.00 1G CA, + B14 Rudbeckia triloba 'Prairie Glow' 2 brown-eyed Susan $7.50 $10.00 Salvia clevelandii 'Aromas' Salvia clevelandii 'Pozo Blue' Salvia 'Curling Waves' 58 San Diego salvia evergn shrub to 3' tall by 5', blue-violet fls in spring 30 Pozo blue jim sage shrub to 2'; fls. lav.-blue Winnifred Gilman Cleveland 59 sage drk fl form,low water, butterflies 15" x 12". Loose spikes of blue and white bicolored flws spring-fall attract bees, bttrfls. Lvs emerge reddish purple in spring. Drought 18 curling waves salvia tolerant, disease resistant. Salvia 'EGGBEN001', Heatwave™ Glitter PP#24,152 50 Heatwave™ Glitter Sage $10.00 1G Salvia 'Flamenco Rose' PPAF Salvia greggii 'Coral' 59 63 $10.00 $10.00 1G P, + B10 1G P, A, + B9 Salvia greggii 'Desert Blaze' (v) 50 $10.00 1G P, A, + B10 Salvia greggii 'Flame' Salvia greggii 'Furman's Red' 60 35 $10.00 $10.00 1G P, A, + B10 1G P, A, + B10 Salvia greggii 'Red Swing' 16 $7.50 4" P, A, + B9 Salvia greggii 'San Takao' Salvia lavandulifolia 58 9 $10.00 $10.00 1G P, A, + B9 1G P, + C10 Salvia leucantha 'Midnight' 64 purple Mexican bush sage $10.00 1G P, + C10 Salvia 'Marine Blue' Salvia microphylla 'San Carlos Festival' 24 marine blue hybrid salvia peren. to 4’ by 2’; velvety purple fls.; sun, mod. wtr. 18" x 3'. Almost non-stop dark blue fls above wrinkled and wooly grey-green/silver-white foliage. Great bee plant for hot, dry areas. $10.00 1G P, + C10 35 San Carlos festival salvia compact, 2' by 4'; magenta fls. $10.00 1G P, A, + B9 Salvia microphylla var. wislizenii evergrn. shrub to 3’ topped w/ bright pink fls. over long season $10.00 1G P, A, + B10 Salvia 'Orchid Glow', USPP #22520 15 pink Graham’s sage orchid flowered autumn 72 sage $10.00 1G P, + B10 Salvia patens 'Blue Angel' 36 blue angel gentian salvia $10.00 1G P C10 Salvia 'Playa Rosa' Salvia roemeriana 'Hot Trumpets' 16 playa rosa autumn sage 58 cedar sage $7.50 $7.50 4" 4" P, + B10 S C5 Salvia sinaloensis 16 Sinaloan blue salvia to 15"; large magenta-purple flowers late spring-fall. peren. to 24”; lg. ultramarine blue flower clusters; sun or light shade to 2'; spikes of large, light orchid-pink blooms spring-fall. Attracts hummingbirds. red fls, needs part shade small peren.; lvs. prpl. in sun, dk. blue fls.; sun/pt. shade, avg. water $10.00 1G P, + C10 Salvia clevelandii 'Winnifred Gilman' to 3'; evergreen. Compact, rounded habit. Vibrant lilac blooms spring-fall. Attracts butterflies, bees, hummingbirds. to 18"; large, clear-pink flws spring-fall. Upright growth. Attracts Suncrest autumn sage hummingbirds. Full sun, light shade. coral autumn sage 2' by 3'; sun or pt. shade; coral fls. evergrn. peren. to 2 1/2' by 3'; variegated lvs, red fls.; sun or pt. variegated red autumn sage shade peren. to 3’; dark red fls.; prune hard early spring; sun/pt shade, red autumn sage low water red autumn sage 2' by 3', sun or pt. shade; prune hard late fall compact to 16". Red flowers with contrasting black calyces and compact autumn sage stems. 30” peren. w/ rose/mauve fls. from spring-frost; sun; prune hard Takao autumn sage late fall Spanish sage spreading shrublet to 9" by 3'; fls. pale violet $12.00 $12.00 1G 1G $12.00 CA, + B14 CA, + B14 CA, A, 1G + B14 $11.00 1G P, + C10 P, + B10 Salvia spathacea 18 hummingbird sage Salvia superba 'Rose Queen' 17 rose pink sage Salvia 'Wendy's Wish' 60 Wendy's wish Salvia Salvia x jamensis 'Sierra San Antonio' red and white flowered 50 jame sage Sierra San Antonio Jamé 98 salvia Salvia x sylvestris 'Mainacht' 10 may night wood sage Sambucus nigra ssp. canadensis Santolina chamaecyparissus 'Gray Tuft' 18 blue elderberry Saponaria x lempergii 'Max Frei' Scabiosa 'Butterfly Blue' 32 hybrid soapwort butterfly blue pincushion 32 flower Scabiosa ochroleuca 25 cream pincushions Sedum acre 'Elegans' Sedum album 8 stonecrop 30 white stonecrop Sedum dasyphyllum 46 thick-leaved stonecrop Salvia x jamensis 'Hot Lips' Sedum 'Elsie's Gold' (Herbstfreude Group) Sedum hispanicum var. minus 'Purple Form' 16 lavender cotton 71 autumn stonecrop 32 Spanish stonecrop Sedum lineare 'Sea Urchin' variegated needle 32 stonecrop Sedum makinoi 'Limelight' 32 Japanese stonecrop CAS, A, + B2 peren.; spreading mat; red fls. on 8" stems decid peren to 2', lavender/purple flr spikes in summer, full sun, low water, good drainage Evrgrn, 4' x 3'. Deep pink tubular flws spring-fall; dark maroon stems. to 3'. Bicolor flowers of red and white in spring and fall. During warmer nights of summer, flowers emerge solid red with the occasional white. $12.00 1G $10.00 1G P C10 $10.00 1G P C10 $10.00 1G P, A, + B9 pale buff fls. with pale orange overtones $10.00 1G P, A, + B10 evergrn. peren. to 2'; blue-violet flowers all summer; full sun up to 10-15'; rounded shape. Fragrant white blossoms in summer give way to purplish-black fruit. This plant is potentially toxic when consumed. 18" x 3'; evrgrn grndcvr. Fragrant silver foliage. Yellow flws summer-fall. Full sun. low growing peren. ; large pink fls in heat of summer; long bloom period $10.00 1G $12.00 1G CA, + B16 $7.50 4" P, + C12 blue-lav. fls.; to 12" 3' x 3'; loads of soft primrose-yellow flws smmr-fall. Attracts bttrfls, deer and drought resistant. Full sun, good drainage preferred. Self seeds. ground-hugging, 3" to 10"; new growth is yellow-tipped. Yellow flws in summer attract bees, butterflies evergn, low-growing, wht. fls. in summer, sun-pt. shade 6" x 3'. Evergreen, hardy succulent. Mounding groundcover of tiny blue-green rosettes. Pink-blushed buds open to white flws in summer. 3' x 2'; golden yellow leaf edges age to cream by Fall. Pale pink blooms begin in summer and continue through Fall, maturing to deep pink. Attracts butterflies. evrgrn, 3" x 6"; tiny, purple-grey foliage. Pinkish-white flowers in summer attract butterflies. Good drainage. $7.50 4" P, + C12 $10.00 1G P, + B7 $7.50 $7.50 4" 4" P, + B8 P, + B7 $7.50 4" P, + B7 $10.00 1G P, + C9 $7.50 4" P, + B7 $7.50 4" P, + B8 $7.50 4" P, + B8 dense small mound or grndcvr to 6" x 2' ; silver-grn lvs w/white edge; yellow flws; low water, good drainage, full sun-light shade low, evrgrn mat to 4"x2'. Bright, lime-green lvs. Yellow flws through summer attract butterflies. Drought tolerant, good drainage. $10.00 P B8 1G P, A, + C7 Sedum 'Mini Joy', Herbstfreude Group Sedum palmeri 25 compact showy stonecrop 34 Monterrey stonecrop to 15"; deciduous. Dense heads of pink flwrs in late summer darken w/age. Attracts bees and butterflies. Drought tolerant. succulent perennial; gray-grn. lvs., starry yellow fls. $10.00 $7.50 Sedum 'Plum Perfection' pink flowered, compact 48 stonecrop 6" x 10"; plum and grey-green foliage. Pink flowers in summer. Attracts butterflies; deer resistant. Needs good drainage. $7.50 4" P, + B8 Sedum 'Pure Joy' 47 hybrid sedum 12"x16"; compact mounds of serrated blue-green foliage. Bubblegum pink blooms cover the plant in summer, maturing to a deeper mauvy red in fall. Attracts butterflies. $10.00 1G P, + C9 Sedum rupestre 'Angelina' 64 spruce-leaved stonecrop $7.50 4" P, + B7 Sedum rupestre 'Blue Spruce' 48 $7.50 4" P, + B8 Sedum sieboldii Sedum spectabile 'Neon' 70 38 $7.50 $10.00 4" 1G P, + B8 P, + C9 Sedum spurium 'Tricolor' 64 $7.50 4" P, + B7 Sedum stenopetalum 96 $7.50 4" CA, + A15 Sempervivum sp. Senecio petasitis Sesleria caerulea 40 5 7 $7.50 $10.00 $7.50 4" 1G 4" P, + B8 S, + C5 S B3 Silene laciniata 'Jack Flash' 10 $12.00 1G Silene uniflora 'Ice Cups' 23 $7.50 4" $6.00 $6.00 4" 4" Sisyrinchium bellum 'Occidental' Sisyrinchium californicum Solidago californica 'Cascade Creek' Solidago 'Little Lemon' 36 101 41 7 quick-spreading groundcover; needle-like, lime-grn. foliage turns yel., orange or red in fall; sun, pt. shade; low water. Hardy to 25° 4" x 1'; blue-green lvs.; yel. summer fls.; full sun/pt shade; low water; tolerates poor soil blue spruce mat sedum 6" x 12"; fountain-like growth. Blue-grn lvs w/ rosy margins. Half inch rosy-pink flws in Fall. Frosty temps bring out pink in lvs. WellOctober stonecrop drained soil. neon stonecrop to 18"; deep purplish-pink fls. over grn. lvs. evrgrn, mat-forming; 3-6" x 18-24". Lvs are green, bordered w/white margins tinged with pink. Pink flowers in summer. Good variegated stonecrop drainage. Attracts butterflies. to 6"; bright yellow flowers in summer. Lower lvs become red w/age. Foliage turns drk red in cold temps. Good drainage. Sun to worm-leaved stone crop shade. succulent compact evergrn peren, full sun to pt shade, low water, good drainge, great for containers houseleek California-geranium peren. to 5'; yel. fls. spring and early summer; p.m. shade blue moor grass evergrn clump forming grass to 1', reg water, pt shade peren to 2', star-shaped orange-red fls all summer that attract red catchfly hummingbirds, sun to pt shade, reg water 8" x 12". White, upright bell-shaped flws May-July. Prefers sea campion afternoon shade and good drainage. Very showy. to 12"; profuse growth and blooms of lavendar in spring. Drought tolerant, but bloom can be extended with more water. Native to Californian blue-eyed grass moist, grassy areas and woodlands yellow-eyed grass peren. to 8"; yel. fls.; moist soil Cascade Creek California spreading peren 1'-2' ; yellow fls; butterfly plant; for dry gardens; goldenrod tough! compact plant w/ softer yellow flowers. only 12-15" tall by 20" little lemon goldenrod wide. $12.00 $7.50 1G P, + C9 4" P, A, + C9 CA B16 P, + C7 CAS C2 CAS C2 CA, A, + B16 1G 4" P, + B7 Stachys albotomentosa 'Hildago' Sternbergia lutea 47 Hidalgo stachys 136 yellow autumn crocus evrgrn; 18" x 3'. Salmon flowers mature to brick red. Attractive to bees, butterflies, hummingbirds. Deer resistant. $10.00 fall blooming; 3" yel. fls.; summer dormant $10.00 Stipa gigantea 'Little Giant' 32 little giant feather grass Leafy clumps to 1': flowers stems to 3'. Shiny golden flowers. Stipa gigantea 'Little Giant' 46 little giant feather grass Styrax officinalis 21 snowdrop bush Styrax officinalis 23 snowdrop bush Succulent Planters, Mixed 1 Succulent Planters, Mixed 4 Succulent Planters, Mixed 4 Succulent Planters, Mixed 11 Leafy clumps to 1': flowers stems to 3'. Shiny golden flowers. to 6', deciduous; ornamental pendant white flws mid-late spring. Drought tolerant. Light shade. to 6', deciduous; ornamental pendant white flws mid-late spring. Drought tolerant. Light shade. Mixed species of varying hardiness. Protect from frost. Water once every one or two weeks. P.M. shade is best. Mixed species of varying hardiness. Protect from frost. Water once every one or two weeks. P.M. shade is best. Mixed species of varying hardiness. Protect from frost. Water once every one or two weeks. P.M. shade is best. Mixed species of varying hardiness. Protect from frost. Water once every one or two weeks. P.M. shade is best. Symphoricarpos albus var. laevigatus 25 snowberry decid. shrub 3' by 6'; wht. fls. Syringa x persica 83 cut-leaf lilac Tagetes lemmonii 15 copper canyon daisy 9' open shrub w/ lacy foliage; more drought tolerant and disease resistant than other lilacs; classic fragrant flowers evrgrn shrub to 6'. Cheery marigold flws fall-winter. Fragrant foliage. Frost tender to hard frost. Attracts butterflies. Deer and drought resistant. Tecoma stans 'Orange Jubilee' 45 yellow trumpet flower Sprawling shrub, 6-15'. Trumpet shaped golden yellow flws with a red-orange blush, spring-fall. Attracts hummingbirds, bees. Frost sensitive; generally resprouts from base. Full sun, good drainage. Teucrium aroanium 29 gray creeping germander Teucrium bicolor 33 germander to 2'; creeping grey grndcvr. Honey-scented pink flws, smmr, attract bees. Deer resistant. Likes hot, sunny sites; good drainage. 2' x 4'; near white flowers in spring to early summer. Attracts bees. Good for containers. Teucrium chamaedrys 'Nanum' 32 dwarf germander low-growing ground cover w/ dark-pink flowers; full sun or part shade; good for planting under roses and other shrubs 1G P, + C7 BU, A, + B6 1G $7.50 4" G, + B5 $10.00 1G G, + B5 $12.00 1G CAS, + B1 $12.00 1G CAS, + B1 $14.00 SU, + B6 $20.00 SU, + B6 $22.00 SU, + B6 $18.00 SU, + B6 $12.00 1G CAS, + B1 $12.00 1G B, A, + A12 $11.00 1G B, + B11 $10.00 1G B, + A11 $10.00 1G P, + B7 $7.50 1G P, + C6 $7.50 4" P, A, + C8 Viburnum tinus 'Anvi' low-growing ground cover w/ dark-pink flowers; full sun or part shade; good for planting under roses and other shrubs to 2' by 5'; fls. bright true blue to 4" tall, creeping grndcvr. Fragrant lvs tipped with gold, fall and Doone Valley pink creeping winter. Deep pink flws, smmr, attract butterflies. Tolerates 64 thyme moderate foot traffic. 13 tiny-leaf creeping thyme prostrate peren.; pink fls. compact to 1'; violet purple flw umbels summer to fall, w/deadheading. Butterfly plant. Frost sensitive, but reseeds itself. 21 throatwort Sun to part shade. 3' x 2'; lvs edged in creamy white. White flws w/purple spots late 24 variegated toad lily smmr-mid Fall. 2' evergrn peren, showy pale blue fls in summer, full sun, low water, cut back early spring 35 blue-flowered milkweed 25 California bay tree tree to 40'; lvs. used as culinary "herb" to 2' when flowering; spikes of upright, purple flowers in summer. Good for cutting. Drought tolerant. 24 purple mullein to 2' tall and wide. Purple flws spring-fall attract butterflies. Full sun (best) or part shade. 48 dwarf purple top 6" x 12"; intense red flowers in spring. Attracts butterflies. Great 15 Peruvian mock vervain grndcvr or container plant. Drought tolerant 4', compact. Pink buds open to clusters of white flowers late 12 spirit viburnum winter through spring. Westringia fruticosa 'Smokie' (v) 27 gray leaf coast rosemary Westringia 'WES01' Naringa™ 49 coast rosemary Woodwardia fimbriata 50 giant chain fern X Heucherella 'Cracked Ice' PP24609 35 cracked ice heucherella X Heucherella 'Redstone Falls' PP22394 36 trailing heucherella x Heucherella 'Solar Eclipse' 66 foamy bells peren. 2 1/2' by 5 1/2' for damp, shady gardens mounding to 10" x 15". Lvs with blue and green tones in summer; silvery-pink overlay in cooler weather. White flws, smmr. Vigorous. to 15" and trailing to 3'. Ruby-splashed, multi-toned foliage. Beautiful ground cover or spiller for a container. White flowers in spring. 10" x 16"; mounding perennial. Scalloped red-brown lvs bordered in lime green. Sprays of white flws in spring. X Sedeveria 'Jet Beads' 32 jet beads stonecrop 6" x 12"; spreading succulent. Burnished bronze green foliage becomes nearly black w/cool weather. Hardy to at least 25°F. Teucrium chamaedrys 'Prostratum' Teucrium fruticans 'Azureum' Thymus 'Doone Valley' Thymus serphyllum 'Elfin' Trachelium caeruleum 'Passion in Violet' Tricyrtis hirta 'Variegata' Tweedia caerulea Umbellularia californica Verbascum phoeniceum 'Temptress Purple' Verbena bonariensis 'Little One' PP18,124 Verbena peruviana 'Red Devil' 12 dwarf germander 76 azure bush germander $7.50 $11.00 4" P, A, + C8 1G B, A, + B11 $7.50 $7.50 4" 4" P, + C8 P, + C8 $10.00 1G P, + C6 $7.50 4" S B3 $10.00 $12.00 1G 1G P, + C6 CA, + C16 $10.00 1G P, + C6 $7.50 4" P, + B8 $10.00 1G P, + C11 $10.00 1G B, + A12 upright evergn shrub to 5', white fls in spring, full sun, reg water evrgrn; 6'x3'; 3' high when pruned. Natural tidy, upright form; perfect hedge. Profuse lilac flowers in spring; regular flowering throughout the year. Drought tolerant. $11.00 1G B, + B11 $11.00 1G $12.00 B, + B11 CAS, A, + C2 1G $11.00 1G S C3 $11.00 1G S C3 $11.00 1G S C3 $7.50 4" P, + B8 Yucca filamentosa 'Color Guard' (v) Zantedeschia aethiopica 'Green Goddess' Zephyranthes candida 20 variegated yucca to 3'; 6' stalks of white flws attract hummingbirds in spring. Center coloration brightens to creamy-gold, midsummer, rather than fading. $14.00 1G 11 green goddess calla lily sturdy, to 4’; white fls. tipped w/green; moist soil $10.00 1G 320 Argentine rain lily white fls. in late summer and fall $7.50 B, ++ A12 S C5 BU, A, 4" + B6
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