STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT BRANCH 4 State of Wisconsin vs. Josiah G Onasch JEFFERSON COUNTY For Official Use Only Judgment of Conviction FILED and $entence to the Cou nty Jail/FinelForfeiture Date of Birth: 0B-31-1991 10-03-2012 Clerk ol Circuit Court Jellerson County Case No. 2A12CFAAAA27 The defendant was found guilty of the following offense(s): Violation Ct. Description lncest with Child 948.06(1) Severity Plea Guilty Felony C Trial Date(s) Committed To 11-12-2008 on or between January CIate{si Convicted 05-24-2AQ 1, 2011 and $eptember 9, 2411 The defendant is guilty as convicted and sentenced as follows: Ct. Sent. Date Sentence 1 10-01-2A12 1 10-0'l-2412 Len Comments Costs LocalJait 1YR 10-01-2012 -$268 costs to be paid within 6 months. Failure to pay as ordered will result in 15 days jail consecutive. FORTHWITH - Huber for treatment purposes only. Jefferson County Jail Obligation Detail: Ct. Schedule 1 Amount Criminal court costs 268.00 Due Date Failure to Pay 04-01-2013 Commitment Action Victim Obligation $ummary: 1 Fine & Forfelture Attorney I Fees Court Costs Mandatory VictimiWit. Joint and Several Restitution 't63.00 57o Rest. DNA Anal. Other 13.00 Tolal 92.00 268.0 Total Obligations: 268.00 The following charges werE Dismissed but Bead ln ct. Descri 2 Violation '1st Degree Child Sex Assault-Contact .J 4 6 Date(s) Read ln 05-24-201i e48.02(1Xd) Felony B 01-08-201 940.30 Felony H Felony C Felony C 01-08-2011 05-24-201i 07-a2-2U1 05-24-201i 12-08-2008 05-24-201i dPerson under 1B-Useffhreat of ForcelViolence (Actor is 18) False lmprisonment 2nd Degree Sexual Assault of Child 2nd Degree Sexual Assault of Child Date(s) Committed e48.02(2) e48.02(2) 1 It is adiudgad that 60 days sentence credit are due pursuant to g973.155, Wisconsin Statutes. frltt is ordered CR-204(CCAP), 051201 1 that the Sheriff take the dofendant into custody. Judgmenr ot Convjcrion $$ 303.08(5), 972.13,972,14, Chaprer 973, Wisconsin Srarul, Page 1 ol This form shall not be modilied. ll may be supplemented with additional material. STATE oF wIScoNsIN STATE OF WISCONSIN, Plaintiff, JEFFERSON COUNTY JAN SO ?01? CRIMINAL COMPLAINT VS. JOSIAH c ADA: Brookellen Teuber ONA$CH, [,Ul,V D.O.B.: 0Bt3 Hern: B;"ouoe EyEg : Bnewu HErerr: 5 N3020 Hwy 12 Fort Atkinson, Wl 53538 Defendant, rr DA Case#: 201 1JE001962 Agency #: 2$1-31016 Court Case # 2A12Cf ATN: 28001000165338 11 rr.r WEteHT: 140 Las 57 Donald Hunter, of the Jefferson County Sheriffs Office, being first duly sworn on oath, says that: Count 1; INCEST The above-narned defendant on or.between January 1,2011 and September g, 2011, in the Town of Jefferson, Jefferson County, Wisconsin, did have sexual contact with a cfriH tre knows is related by blood or adoption, to a degree of kinship closer than second cousin, to wit: sinfingft poB: 1;rtsgz), contrary to sec' 948'06{1) Wis. Stats., a Class c Felony, and upon conviction ,a/oE}ined not more than-one Hundred Thousand Dotlars ($100,000), or imprisoned'not mori than forty (40) Vliri, or Uotn. {sr DEGREE CHILD sEx AS$AuLT-coNTACT Mfl cHtLD uNDER AcE 16-usElrHREAT oF FORCE/V|OLENCE(ACTOR rS 1 8) count 2: The above-named defendant on saturday, January 08, 2011, in the Town of Jefferson, Jefferson county, Wisconsin, did have sexual contact with'a person *no nas not aftained the age of sixteen,-*-aDgii: I/1997), by use or threat of force or viotence and where the defendant has attained the age of 1g years when the contact occuned, contrary to sec. 948.02(1i(di wis. Stais., a ciass rrr H,v aro sr uion conviction -- r r.rr111l, may be sentenced to a term of imprisonment not to exieea sixy (60) v*rr, And furthermore, invoking the provisions of wisconsin statutes 939.616(2) and (3), the defendant being 1g year$ of age or older at the time of the offense, the court shall irnpos* , 6irir."ted sentence under s. g78.01, The term of the confinement in prison portion of the bifurcated sentence shall be at least 5 years. otherwise the penalties for the crime apply, subjeit to any applicable penalty enhancement. Count 3: FALSE |MPR|SONMENT 1il,??"*",:?:?,?':.:fl"?fiiii3'dfl1y,"flj1, r:;;',n'lllxr',,.:? S,j:rt"*"j:l'!TJ *i#?ff; fii"::s,:: knowledge that he had no iav'rful authority to do so, Ei?"ry to sec. 940.30 ws. stats., a class H Felony, and upon conviction may be fined not more than Ten Thousand Dollars ($1O,OOOI, or imprisoned not more than six (6) years, or both. count 4: $EXUAL A$SAULT oF A cHtLD UNDER t6 yEARs oF AGE The above-named defendant on Saturday, July A2, 2A11, in the Town of Jefferson, Jefferson County, Wisconsin, did have r'e $exuar sexual Inrercourse intercourse-rriiif,-"'inirO wrth a child under r;i.* the the age of sixteen, {I (DOB: l3lggi), ctass c Fetony, and upon c6nviction may be fiqed,npt,rnore, flt:?y",:ff1;jj8ji,{lly,l.";l Hundred Thousand ootiars ($100,000), or imprisoneO not more than forty (40) ;;Jd".l JA{'{ 3 1/6/2AQ gcnnReS * r{}lt ffA*L& i",1*:li#Si:i1,f" t!srk Courtt 5: INCEST The above-named defendant on or between August 31, 2008 and December 6, 2009, in the Town of Jefferson, Jefferson County, Wisconsin, did have sexual contact with a child he knows is related by blood or adoption, to (DOB: a degree of kinship closer than second cousin, to wit: sibling contrary to sec. 948.06(1) Wis. Stats., a Class C Felony, and upon conviction may be fined not more than One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000), or imprisoned not more than forly (40) years, or both. iI )1995), Count 6: SEXUAL ASSAULT OF A CHILD UNDER 16 YEARS OF AGE The above-named defendant on or between August 31, 2008 and December 6, 2009, in the Town of Jefferson, (DOB: Jefferson County, Wisconsin, did have sexual contact with a child under the age of sixteen, lf/1995), contrary to sec. 948.02(2) Wis. Stats., a Class C Felony, and upon conviction may be fined not more than One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000), or imprisoned not more than forty (a0) years, or both. f FAQTS: Your complainant, Donald Hunter, of the Jefferson County Sheriffs Office bases this complaint upon the reports and records of said department which your complainant has relied on in the past and found to be truthful and accurate. Therefore your complainant is informed and believes: tS) o^ li{ oti. Complainant states that Detective L. Meyer, acting in her official dldpacity with the Jefferson County Sheriffs ggs) on Department, met with citizen complainantsl (DoB:I1997) and (DoB: September 9, 2011 as part of an ongoing investigation. During this meeting, both disclosed ongoing sexual abuse at the hands of their adult brother, the above-named defendant Josiah Onasch. U I Itt andf Counts 1 throuqh 4: provided the fo.llowing staternent: that she has been sexually assaulted by the defendant on five or six different occasions. stated that the sexual activity included the defendanitouching her private parts (which she identified by anatomical drawings as the vagina of a female and the penis of a male); penis to vagina contact; penis to anus contact; and mouth to breasts. stated that there were times when a "thick, watery, yellowish/whitish" substance came out of the defendant's penis and got on her legs. I f - Idescribed two specific dates of abuse. {Dstated that on Saturday, January 8,2011 the defendant assaulted her one afiernoon at their home white their father was at work. stated that she and the defendant were in the defendant's bedroom in the basement of the home. The defendant forced her io do it by threatening to hurt her favorite teddy bear if she didn't comply. Whenlried to resist the defendant, the defendant tied her left hand to the bed post of his queen sized bed with a long piece of materialfrom a volleyball net. The defendant took off his shirt and pants. her shirl on, bui her pants were off. The defendant then rubbed his penis on the outside of her vagina and she could tell that the defendant's penis was long and hard at the time. Qstated that the assault enUeo when they heard her come downstairs. The defendant quickly untied her wrist and made her hide under the bed whenll came in the room. stated that the defendant atso kissed her neck and touched/kissed her breasts under her shirt during the assaq!!. Complainant states that Detective Meyer verified that in January 2011;!fs father was working at the Saturdays between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. lf Jkept sisteD f inSon described the second event as occuring on July 2,2Q11 when the defendant had a job working first shift. The defendant would return home from work between 2 pm and 3 pm. At the time of the assault, hei sister her mother were both out of the house at her mother's place of employment. The defendant told her to "do it" with him again. that she felt ashamed and embarrassed, but she engaged in the sexual activity again. that they were outside the defendant's bedroom door near the balement living room area. The defendant was upset because his girlfriend broke up with him. was lying on the basement couch watching TV when the defendant grabbed her by the arm and pulled her oveitoward his bedroom door. The defendant pulled down his pants and suck on his penis, which caused her to stated that she sucked on his penis untilfluid came out. eand gag.Il Istated Istated !D madef Complainant states that on both January 8,2A11 and July defendant was 19 years of age, 2,2011An was 13 years of age and the Counts 5 throuqh 6: provided the following statement: that sexual activity between her and the defendant has occurred over three (3) different time periods of their lives. stated that the sexual activity would start and go on for a period of time and then stop for a while, then start again, stop, etc. for several years. statei that the first sexual activity that occurred in their residence started when she was 13 years bl age ( Dec. 6, 200g through De9' 6, 2009) and the defendant was 17 years of age (after August 31, zooal. tnlt in" and the defendant were in the exercise area of the basement and the d6fendant tried to ptr." his penis in f,",. vagina from behind until a white liquid came out of his penis. Idescribed heiseif as oeing on her hands and knees with the defendant placed behind her. The defendant offeredf money or someihi-ng in return for the sexual aciivity. Jstated that the sexual activity went on almost eve,{time her parents were gone from the house forapproximately four (4) months straight, sometimes two to three times p"r *"u[. tr","t the sexuat activity ended before she started menstruating at 14 years of age. tf - fD Srirt.J '-"jgt;j Complainant states that Detective Meyer met with the above-named defendant Josiah Onasch on September 14, 2011. Following a waiver of his constitutional rights, the defendant provided the following iniormation: that he is the brother of both{I3ryot}ano that thJy used to reside todefui in the same house. The defendant admitted that both ana ftouched his balls and wieier both over and under his ctothing. When asked if the defendant touched either of their private parts, the defendant replied ,,1 believe so, and stated it was both over and under clothing. The defendant further admitted that he prooabiy ior.n"o 1.,ui, private pads with his mouth, hands, and/or his private parts. The defendant ioJntiti[Jth;]il;;ivate parts as describing his balls, dick, wiener, penis- and butt. The defendant admitted that sexual activity occurred between himself and The defendant went on to confirm that in the early part of July 2011, J"sucked his dick" in his bedroom and that he was 19 years of age and she was 13 years of age when the oral sex occurred. Tlp defendant ejaculated during this incident. (D both{Dandl complainant states that each of the above-referenced sexual activities occurred in the home of the defendant at N3020 Highway 12 in the Town of Jefferson, Jefferson County, Wisconsin Based on the foregoing, the complainant believes this complaint to be true and correct. Subscribed and sworn to before me, and approved for filing, this ffiay ot Assistant District Attorney State Bar I'02? 8 # tt 3 STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT COURT, COUNTY State of Wisconsin, plaintiff, Plea Questionnaire/ Waiver of Rights _vs_ .lelrrh € anqsch eF Defendant Case No. For Official Ltse fir{ff,ry,:g,tr* l'lAY 2 az i lBlZ J. B(}BllJS0l{, glerk I am the defendant and intend to plea as follows: rg::Y!,'ff'Wlffi:*; L_l see attached sheet for aoOitionaGnarges. t am Od r E oo I E oo I EI oo i years old. I have completed - "n"'l"l.,r,gh 1.J . _years of schooling. oo notschoordiproma, GED, do ,^j"rl,"^o the Engtish language. or HSED. t-r oo ,^iJ.r,"ro the chairge(s)tJwrrictr ram preading. .] I ffi ;I:?:, E a not not ;$; a menta,i,,ness or disorder ;::'{yj:::ir;i:i:[::,ror o, I ns, ;' il ; ffi ;;Ti-:X"rTi,*r- : i.: " "' "o ho m ed i ca ti o th CR-227, 05/04 piea euestionnaire/lrlaiver of Rights This form shail not be modified. lt mav tre srrnntam6a+^i 1 wis. stars..$gpnnecr Plea Questionnairel Waiver of Rights Page2 of2 Case No. +sr3 cf e7 UI{6rstandin.qq a I understand lhat if I am pl€iced on probation and my probation is revoked: ..,ifsentenceiswithheld,ihejud$ecouldserilencimetothemaximumpenally'or:.:;. r o . if sentence is imposed and stayed, I will be required to serve that sentence I under$tand that if I am not a citizen of the United States, rny pl.ea could resutt in depor.tation, the exclusion of. admissiontothiscountry,or"the:denial.ofnafuralizetionqnde1federallaw.. .,.., t' . . q I uirderstand thpl*f-l grn convictod s{.ahy felony, I may not vote in any, eHction irnt'rl rny civil rights are restor6d. I ' '' l understand that if I am convicted of any violent felony, ii is unlawful for me to possess body arnior. I urtderstand -:r :l- : tharif lEm cohvicted of anyfetony, it is qntawful for me topossi;ss 6 fireeinn. :.i . j ., , .i : I understand that if lam convicted.of a seriori*,ehitd sex offenss, I cannot engag*.in an occupation or participate, .iR.ayolunteerpositionthatrequir'es*".ru**r,ilnt"**ip'i*iri}yandoireottywin.childrert.,undertneag}aot. \, 16. i . t und_erstand that if any chargres.are read-in ab part of a plea agreement they have the following effects: ' o Sentencing* although hs:judgrrinay cbnsidef read-ln cha'ges whan imposing sentence!, the,mbximum ',..:'pena!tyw|ll1oi:be.In9rF€ise$.::l:i:...-.'..'.. 'r . .Rebtitirtbn;lmaypeyeglrirboto,:pay.fe$tituttc.n:on.anyiead-inchargas; . ,'. .,:..1.:...].1.-...j.l.',,......:-.l :. ,.Futureproseoption-.tnestaternaynotp1o,qecutemuto'$es. r, - : : ,un!.qrstaild'that,ii th9 iudoe'accep16 my plea, the judge will find me guitty of the erime($) to.which I am pleading, laqgd qpon:the fag.ts;!4,the friminal epmpt?iptaqaiortrra.prbliminary examination and/or'as statod incqurt. f Voluntarv Plea tIF o enJelthis plea of my own free'will.I have not been threatened or forced to enter fii6 pbtr. No promises have been made to me other than those ccr,ltained in.tne pfeaagieement.,The.plea agreerilent will be stated in court or ', ,,,,,:i.:.::, 1. :- i.:.. --isas,fbllowp;', ,.,,. ..... -,''.'-"-"'--n$"Afiachgd.r w*{ Wtu a#. ,3t( 'nf-+. - rh, s d wsp d/ll:. Defendant's Statement ewed it with my.attomey (if rpnracanlar{) I l.r^.,^ ^^-r.,^-^! ^ri -- -- -r! ,i;:1::ylol,H:.1,::T1r1 ,"J ;ti";'i;;;ff;;;';;;;#il";ffi". i';1 Isring i,r*"lions.rruthfuriv Attornev's Statement the defendant fendent understai uriderstanrls.l?and the tha ntoa r^r^-r-,^ plea aft,a^,*^F) '@defendant'lhavediscussed1his.documentandanyattachmentswitht#;"';*ni.,i.i;,,;;*". agreement. TL^ The defendant sq"i r-rq is ,rq^rrrs making this p'tic' freely tIrI> plea intellioeptf$,r saw the o.*q"h"ftq-ign unJ iate ":trry' '(##:"': ihis document, -s/*+/,a CR-2?7; O5lO4 Plea euestionnaire/Waiver ol Right. This torm sha' rrot be modified. Il may be suppremented with additrorral materiar, page 2 ot 2 Wis. Stais. S371,O8
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