FR EE Newcastle Gateshead Juice – NewcastleGateshead’s festival for children and young people this Half Term, see page 10 D8545L>9D9F57E945?6G81DD?4?1>4G85B5D?7?6?BI?E1>4I?EB389<4B5> Seasonal Local Magazine High-traffic Website Social Media e-Newsletter *V\SK`V\KV^P[O HOLSWPUNOHUK& ;HSR[V,_[YH/LSWMVY[OLJVTWSL[LZVS\[PVU >LJHUOLSW^P[O! *SLHUPUN[PK`PUN 0YVUPUN .HYKLUPUN +VN^HSRPUN /V\ZLOVSK THPU[LUHUJL :OVWWPUN 4LHSWYLWHYH[PVU 4V[OLYZ/LSW ¯HUKZVT\JOTVYL -YVTWLYOV\Y ily fun m a f h t wi g n i t s r bu just click and... ;LS! ^^^L_[YHOLSWJV\R ;4 D8545L>9D9F57E945?6G81DD?4?1>4G85B5D?7?6?BI?E1>4I?EB389<4B5> Welcome to Raring2go! Newcastle Gateshead, your free guide to what’s happening in our region this Autumn. I hope you had a fantastic summer and enjoyed plenty of time outdoors in the sunshine. Are you thinking about starting a new class or activity? Autumn is an ideal time to start and many classes have taster sessions to try before you buy. In this issue you will ¿nd football, rugby, swimming, horse riding and even Scottish Dancing! There are many more ideas on the website too. ?>D5>DC 6-17 What’s on this Autumn 22-23 What’s on for the Under 5’s 24-27 Clubs & Classes 30 Party Time 31 Competitions and Vouchers As usual we have a very full events calendar, especially around the October half term holiday when the amazing Juice Festival happens, details of which are on page 10. Do check the website too as there are many more events listed online. Add to your favourites and please like our Facebook and Twitter pages for up to date information. Thank you to all the schools, nurseries, libraries & more who very kindly distribute the Raring2go! magazine to local families. The Winter edition will be out on November 17th. Best wishes Anna Skelton Printed by Evonprint Ltd telephone 01273 494631 Editor ?>D13DEC?>?B5=19<>5G31CD<5B1B9>77? 3? E; How to choose the best Secondary School for your child Choosing the best school for your child can be very stressful. However, planning ahead will make the process much easier. Consider all the options. You may have several reason for not including a school on your shortlist but whatever the reason it is best to keep an open mind until you have done your homework. Schools change and what may have been a ‘failing’ school may now be outstanding, due to new leadership. Research. Find out as much as you can about the school before your visit. Look at Oftsted reports, visit parent forums, read articles you can find about the school performance. Look at the school website. Is it updated regularly? The school website is the window to a school, a well managed school will usually have an excellent website. Ask to speak to the Head Teacher. Can you? If not why? Try to schedule a meeting with the Head during your visit. This will give you an invaluable insight about the ‘culture of openness’ within the school. Observe and ask questions. Where possible it is useful to see how children interact before and after school, this will give you a good indication about whether your child will ‘fit in’. Speak to parents of children attending the school. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. What is the educational mission for the school? What pastoral care does the school offer? What is the school’s approach to student discipline and safety? What extracurricular activities are available? What support is there for students who have academic, social or emotional needs? Do they encourage student/parent feedback by surveys or meetings? Ask if you can visit the school on a normal working day. How do children travel to school? Is there a school bus? Things to look for: Are you happy with the class size? Do ALL the children seem engaged? Is their work displayed and is it age appropriate? Is the Head approachable to students, parents and teachers? How well is the school maintained? Are the grounds and equipment clean and safe? How do students behave in lessons and around the school? The education – what you need know: Is the school known for specialist subject(s)? What are the average exam results? Where do students go after their exams? Does the school have a system in place for students for not wishing to go on to higher education? Are there career advisors or school therapists? Is the school accredited? The practicalities: Is it easy to commute to and from school? Is it a fairly safe and easy journey? How long does it take to travel back from school? This will have an impact on your child’s homework, after school activity and general well-being. If there is a school bus are there early and late services for children who take part in after school activities? Do you or your child know any other children attending the school, this could be invaluable for a number of different reasons. Does the school specialise in your child’s chosen subjects. The decision: Your child’s opinion matters. Involve them in the process. “Sometimes instinctively you just know (it is similar to buying a house) if you felt inspired after your visit and you can imagine your child being there then it is probably the right choice”. Thankyou to Robert Cook is Principal at North Bridge House Canonbury for this feature. First for girls. AN OUTSTANDING CURRICULUM. A NURTURING ENVIRONMENT. A RICH HERITAGE IN EDUCATION. Junior School Open Morning Education is more than studying Mathematics and reading English, it also Sat 4th October 10am - 1pm takes understanding and support to help a girl grow, discover and pursue her passions. Well connected and exclusively for girls, our heritage and expertise have helped girls to develop into independent and principled young women for over 130 years. Newcastle High School for Girls T: 0191 201 6511 E: [email protected] Senior School Open Morning Sat 8th November 10am - 1pm /81DC?>D89CEDE=> ->D9<&?F5=25B ?4IG?B<4C.9D1< +1DEB41I+5@D5=25B %55DD85>1D?=9CD1D?4IG?B<4C6?B175 Life Science Centre, Newcastle 0191 2438210 Life Science Centre, Newcastle ->D9<&?F5=25B ?>LC31D9?>129>5DC Tiny trolls, plastic spiders and yo-yos & more! Booty collected over three decades by artist and teacher Guy Tarrant. Life Science Centre, Newcastle ->D9<%1B38 $9DD<551B(<1>5D1B9E=+8?G5C@5391<<I6?BD85 ->45BC Life Science Centre, Newcastle ->D9<@B9< ,G9CDC1>4,19<CMD85+D?BI?6>75<9>11<<5B9>1 Seven Stories National Centre for Children’s Books, Newcastle 0845 2710777 ->D9<@B9< %?F9>7+D?B95CM89<4B5>C??;C6B?=(175D?+3B55> +E>41I+5@D5=25B E449>7BD9CDC(B?7B1==5M<?G5B(?D(5?@<5 Alnwick Garden 01665 511350 +E>41I+5@D5=25B E>79?B1I1>451CD Gibside, Rowlands Gill 01207 541820 +1DEB41I+5@D5=25B =1J9>77I@D91>=E<5DCM3B51D513<1I1=E<5D D?G51B6?B175 Oriental Museum, Durham 0191 3345694 +1DEB41I+5@D5=25B 81DD5B2??;C*5149>7B?E@6?BI51B?<4C Kenton Library 2-3pm 0191 277 4310 Seven Stories National Centre for Children’s Books, Newcastle +1DEB41IM+E>41I+5@D5=25B /1BD9=5/1<<9>7D?> +5@D5=25B Wallington Hall, nr Morpeth 01670 773600 ,8EBC41IM+E>41I+5@D5=25B ,I>5/51B 5B9D175'@5>1IC 0191 2777192 +1DEB41I+5@D5=25B *?1<418<1I81B<951>4D858?3?<1D5 13D?BICD?BI1>46E>D89>7CD?4?175 City Library, Newcastle 0191 2774100 +E>41I+5@D5=25B (1GC9>D85(1B;1=@=9>194?6?7C6?BD85 9C12<54 Paddy Freeman’s Park, Heaton 0191 2812082 B941I+5@D5=25B +D?BI+D1BC4B1=19=179>1D9F5@<1I1>4C9>71<?>7C Discovery Museum, Newcastle 01912326789 +1DEB41I+5@D5=25B /1C89>7D?> 5B9D1755CD9F1<*1=9<IE>1I Albany Park, Washington +1DEB41I+E>41I+5@D5=25B 9CD?BI<9F5D85$!9> Gibside, Rowlands Gill +E>41I+5@D5=25B <1CC931B1I Beamish Museum, nr Stanley 0191 3704000 +E>41I+5@D5=25B ,?EBCD?D85,?@ Penshaw Monument, Sunderland 0844 249 1895 +E>41I+5@D5=25B 1D5C85141=9<I+3E<@DEB51I The Grove, Saltwell Park karolynne [email protected] 0191 433 8449 '3D?25B ,8EBC41I'3D?25B 81DD5B2??;C*5149>7B?E@@=6?B175C MI51BC Denton Burn Library [email protected] 0191 277 4277 /81DC?>D89CEDE=> Seven Stories, National Centre for Children’s Books is delighted to launch their brand new StoryLab Studio Exhibition; Twists and Tails – the Story of Angelina Ballerina. Visitors are invited to perfect their pirouette in front of a full length Mouse-Land Mirror and discover the magical world of Angelina Ballerina and her creators. 6HH.DWKHULQH+RODELUG¶V¿UVWVFULEEOHVIRUWKHVHULHV alongside Helen Criag’s exquisite illustrations and discover how the inhabitants of Mouseland have developed into an international household favourite. Twists and Tails showcases manuscripts and illustrations from Seven Stories’ Angelina Ballerina Collection which Katharine and Helen donated in 2012 / 13. Explore the relationship between author, illustrator and publisher during the creation of a picture book series and discover the intricate process behind bringing Angelina Ballerina and the other residents of Mouseland to life. Visitors can discover the very ¿UVWVNHWFKHVRI$QJOHLQD%DOOHULQDDVHWRIVWDQGXS illustrations Helen Craig sent to Katharine Holabird, as her idea’s for ‘Primrose’ c. 1982. Twists and Tails – The Story of Angelina Ballerina will be on display at Seven Stories, National Centre for Children’s Books until April 2015. ʹ ǡͳ ǤǤǤ ǯ ǤǤ ?>D13DEC?>?B5=19<>5G31CD<5B1B9>77? 3? E; /81DC?>D89CEDE=> +1DEB41I'3D?25BM+E>41I'3D?25B *1229DE9>51(97+8?G +E>41I'3D?25B 1>75B91<G?B;C8?@6?BIB?<4C Hall Hill Farm, Lanchester 01388731333 Dance City, Newcastle 0191 261 0505 +1DEB41I'3D?25B+E>41I&?F5=25B B1>;5>CD59>4=?D9?>B945 +E>41I'3D?25B 1=9<I(B9>D9>71I Life Science Centre, Newcastle Cherryburn, Prudhoe 01661 843276 +E>41I'3D?25B E9454/1<;1B?E>4D85/945B5<1F1<CD1D5 +51D?>5<1F1< 1<< 0191 237 9100 +E>41I'3D?25B E449>7BD9CDC(?D9?>%1;9>7 Alnwick Garden +E>41I'3D?25B #!$*"-&!'**-& 3 age group categories for children aged 7-15 years 01434 689 040 (booking essential) ,E5C41I'3D?25B (B5C38??<1I +1DEB41I'3D?25BM+E>41I&?F5=25B "-!+,!.$ for full programme details download the brochure at +1DEB41I'3D?25B >9=5DD13;C Gateshead Leisure Centre [email protected] 0191 4338420 +1DEB41IM+E>41I'3D?25B 1<<?G55>$1>D5B>C/55;5>4@E=@;9>31BF9>7 Druridge Bay Country Park, Nr Morpeth [email protected] 01670 760968 Life Science Centre, Newcastle +1DEB41I+E>41I'3D?25B 1>D1CD939B5G?B;C +1DEB41I'3D?25B "E>9?B%5=25BC<E26?B175C Lightwater Valley, Ripon 0871 720 0011 Washington Wetland Centre 0191 4165454 +1DEB41IM+E>41I'3D?25B &1D9?>1</5<<I/55;5>4 Kirkley Hall Zoo, Ponteland 01670 841235 %?>41IMB941I'3D?25B419<I1=M@= +51<,?EBC?6D851B>5C +1DEB41IMB941I'3D?25B 1<<?G55> 1<6,5B= Hall Hill Farm, Lanchester +1DEB41I'3D?25BM+E>41I&?F5=25B 89<4B5>C*?=1>+?<495B/55; Chesters Roman Fort, Hadrian’s Wall 0870 333 1181 guided tour of Staple Island in breeding season Boat charges also apply: Glad Tidings: 01665 720316 / Serenity: 01665 721667 [email protected] Booking essential 01289 389244 +1DEB41I'3D?25BM+E>41I&?F5=25B +@??;65CD81E>D548?EC53B55@I3B9DD5BC21BB5< B945C=?B5 +1DEB41I'3D?25B "E>9?B0??+38??< +1DEB41I'3D?25BM+E>41I&?F5=25B 1<6D5B=3B16DC9>D859C3?F5BI5>DB5 Kirkley Hall Zoo, Ponteland Washington Wetland Centre +E>41I'3D?25B !>1&EDC85<<&1DEB5?>C5BF1D9?>'@5>1I +1DEB41I'3D?25BM+E>41I&?F5=25B D89>7CD?4? 256?B5I?EB5C31B54D?451D8 Washington Old Hall 0191 4166879 Down at the Farm, Houghton le Spring 0191 5841873 Wallington Hall, nr Morpeth +1DEB41I'3D?25BM+E>41I&?F5=25B 1<<?G55>81<6D5B=6E> Woodhorn Experience, Ashington 01670 624455 October half-term and National Glass Centre’s range of Christmassy crafts are fun Halloween! for all ages and give little ones the opportunity to create truly unique Keep your little terrorsgifts occupied this and October half-term and enjoy our for family friends! spook-tacular Halloween Family Fun Day! Monster Masks Mon 27 & Wed 29 Oct Drop-in 10.30 – 15.00 Age 3+ / £2pp Creepy Craft Painting Tues 28 & Fri 31 Oct Drop-in 10.30 – 15.00 Age 4+ / £3pp Halloween Family Fun Day! 31 October / All day Dress up and join us for pumpkin carving, glass tile painting and face-painting! We’ll also be holding a spook-tacular Halloween themed ˩OPVFUHHQLQJWRJHW\RXLQWKH mooOOOOood! Pumpkin Carving Thurs 30 & Fri 31 Oct Each hour from 11.00 – 15.00 £5 per pumpkin Booking is advisable Free Pumpkin Blowing Demonstrations Daily throughout October half-term / 13.30 Free / All pumpkins made will be available for sale in our shop! Free Admission / Free Visitor Parking Open Daily 10.00 - 17.00 Book: 0191 515 5555 (Option 9) Juice Festival 2014 and Heaven Eyes feature in various performances, exhibitions and workshops, taking inspiration from the characters and settings – particularly the River Tyne. David is a superb storyteller and you will be able to hear him read from Heaven Eyes at a special reading on 31 October at St Mary’s Heritage Centre in Gateshead. Juice Festival 2014 a preview by Anna Skelton, editor Raring2go! Newcastle Gateshead. I met with Helen Ferguson, Juice Festival Project Manager, who gave me an insight into this year’s festival. Now celebrating its 7th birthday, Juice Festival gets bigger and brighter every year. The events that take place during the October half term are the culmination of a year’s worth of hard work, not only by the Juice Team at NewcastleGatehead Initiative but also hundreds of local school children and groups of young people who KDYHFUHDWHGDQGLQÀXHQFHGIDQWDVWLFSURMHFWV Juice Festival is a diverse celebration of creative arts projects, activities and performances by, for and with children and young people and there is an inspiring variety of performances, exhibitions and interactive workshops suitable for all ages. Many of the events have EHHQFUHDWHGIRUVSHFL¿FDJHJURXSVDORQJVLGHDFWLYLWLHV that welcome all the family. There are events and experiences for tiny babies to teenagers, small groups to large audiences and everything in between. Some are free, some you need to book up for, some you are able to just turn up with the whole family. Juice is all about creating opportunities for families to enjoy different art forms in whatever way they like, whether it’s to watch, take part or learn a new skill, there really is something for everyone. This year, Juice is incredibly lucky to have local awardwinning author David Almond as their Artistic Advisor. 'DYLG¶VZRUNKDVLQÀXHQFHGPDQ\HYHQWVWKURXJKRXWWKH festival and his books The Boy who Swam with Piranhas Custodians of the River, Port of Tyne, are again this year’s Headline Sponsor, supporting the creative development of young people. The festival also receives funding from Arts Council England, Sir James Knott Trust and support via NewcastleGateshead Initiative from Newcastle and Gateshead Councils. Juice Festival is made up of over a hundred different events over 10 days in amazing venues throughout NewcastleGateshead. The full brochure is available to download from and a printed version is available from cultural venues, libraries and leisure centres, as well as through some schools. There is a full timetable categorised by date and age group and which events are free and which need booking for – best to plan ahead and book your places now. Juice Festival is also on Facebook and Twitter and the organisers would love to see your photos and hear your comments. I can’t wait to take my family to some of the amazing events, we’re so lucky to have such an innovative and exciting festival for children and young people right here in NewcastleGateshead and the wider North East. Congratulations to all the children, teachers and support staff at Juice Festival Partner schools – Walkergate Primary, Hilton Primary Academy, Cedars Academy, Thomas Bewick School, and Lord Lawson of Beamish Academy – your amazing work will be enjoyed by thousands throughout the festival. 24 October - 2 November NewcastleGateshead’s festival for children & young people 2014 Music making • arts & crafting • disco dancing • theatre • FREE EVENTS! • exhibitions • circus skills • urban art • magical worlds …and loads more exciting events and activities to keep busy and get creative juices flowing this Half Term. SPONSORED BY: Find out more & book tickets at Produced by NewcastleGateshead Initiative Explore the great outdoors and take the whole family on an adventure. Autumn is a great time to get out and explore, and this half term the National Trust has lots of ideas and spooky suggestions for a day out at Cragside or Wallington. Let off steam Swing across the monkey bars, whizz down the spiral slide or take a seat at the picnic benches at Cragside’s popular play area. Over at Wallington, let off steam on the play train or storm the play fort, just beyond the adventure playground in the ‘wild’ West Woods. Saturday 27 & Sunday 28 September, 11am – 4pm Wartime Wallington Wallington, Northumberland Follow the family trail to find out what it was like to be an evacuee at Wallington. See wartime vehicles in the courtyard, meet costumed re-enactors, dance to music from the era and hear about the real children who were evacuated to Wallington during the 1940s! ** Saturday 18 & Sunday 19 October, 10am – 5pm Food & Craft Festival Wallington, Northumberland Enjoy over 70 stalls of fantastic local produce, with tasty food and hand-made crafts from across the region. Reduced admission charges for this weekend – just £5 for adults. Members and children go free. Saturday 25 October – Sunday 2 November Science Quest Cragside, Northumberland Have a go at this trail for inquisitive families. Delve into the mind of Lord Armstrong and discover the wonder of science on this one mile trail. £1 per pack.* Saturday 25 October – Sunday 2 November, 12noon – 3pm 50 Things to do… ..before you’re scared to death Wallington, Northumberland Dare you try some of the 50 things to do before you’re 11 ¾ activities with a spooky twist all week during half term. ** Tuesday 28 October, 11am – 3pm Science Lab – Air powered cars Cragside, Northumberland Join Carole, Cragside’s Learning Officer to investigate alternative types of fuel and make a balloon powered car to take home with you. £1 per child.* Wednesday 29 October, 11am – 3pm Gardens of Imagination Cragside, Northumberland Inspired by Lord Armstrong’s innovative gardens use your imagination to design and create your own miniature garden with the materials provided. £2 per garden.* For further information and more family ideas visit and * normal admission prices apply ** normal admission prices apply and additional charge for some activities Get your Spook on this Halloween at Discovery Bring your little monsters along to the Monsters’ Ball, meet some creepy crawly friends and play some ghoulish games. Friday 31 October, 5 - 7pm £5 per child, £1 per accompanying adult Visit for more information. Discovery Museum Blandford Square, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4JA. Central Station Tel: (0191) 232 6789 Textphone: 18001 0191 232 6789 [email protected] Open 7 days a week Monday - Friday, 10am - 4pm Weekends 11am - 4pm /81DC?>D89CEDE=> +1DEB41I'3D?25BM+E>41I&?F5=25B .93D?B91>!<<EC9?>/55; %?>41IB941I'3D?25B 1<<?G55>B55@IB16DC Belsay Hall & Gardens, nr Ponteland 0870 333 1181 Bill Quay Farm, Pelaw 0191 4419715 +1DEB41I'3D?25BM+E>41I&?F5=25B +395>35)E5CDDB19<6?B9>AE9C9D9F561=9<95C ,E5C41I/54>5C41I'3D?25B 51F5>I5C Cragside, Rothbury 01669 620333 +1DEB41I'3D?25BM+E>41I&?F5=25B 1<<?G55>81<6D5B=6E> Adventure Valley, Brasside, Durham 0191 3868291 +E>41I'3D?25B+E>41I&?F5=25B +81B@+8??D5BC1I<1C5B3<1IC8??D9>71>4 1B385BI6?B175 Calvert Trust Kielder 01434 250 232 (booking not required) +E>41I'3D?25B ,85/9D385C1>4/9J1B4C?6%E77<5>79>5$1>5 Stephenson Railway Museum, North Shields 01912007146 %?>41I'3D?25B 1>1D931<2?ED??D21<<6?B175IB?<4C Central Library, Prince Consort Road, Gateshead [email protected] 0191 433 8420 %?>41I'3D?25B /1D5B1I31>?59>7?B;1I1;9>7?> #95<45B/1D5B6?B175 01434 250 232 (booking not required) %?>41IB941I'3D?25B 1<<?G55>1=9<IE> National Glass Centre, Sunderland 0191 5155555 %?>41IB941I'3D?25B 1<6D5B=??D21<<31=@ Caedmon Hall, Gateshead 0191 4338494 ,E5C41IM/54>5C41I'3D?25B %5495F1<<385=9CD?2<9>)E55>B17?> Alnwick Castle 01665 511 100 /54>5C41I'3D?25B 978*?@5C1I Calvert Trust Kielder 01434 250 232 (booking not required) /54>5C41I'3D?25B %1;5?1G89D5<14I78?CD Seaton Delaval Hall /54>5C41I'3D?25B 1=9<IEC83B16D#95<45B [email protected] (booking essential) 01388 529 154 /54>5C41I'3D?25B 1<<?G55> ?BB?BC Segedunum Roman Fort 0191 2369347 /54>5C41IMB941I'3D?25B &1DEB5B978D&978DC@= Washington Wetland Centre /54>5C41IMB941I'3D?25B 1<<?G55>F5>9>7C Beamish Museum, nr Stanley Lee Sterry Coaching Gosforth Academy 07729058119 ,8EBC41I'3D?25B 1<<?G55>&978D?6,5BB?B %?>41IB941I'3D?25B 1<<?G55>8?E<9C87?9>7C?>?>D8561B=DB19<C 3B16DC1>4D5BB92<5D1<5C ,8EBC41I'3D?25B 12E<?EC,5HD9<5(?@@95C Bede’s World, Jarrow 0191 489 2106 %?>41IB941I'3D?25B 1<6D5B=0??<E2 Kirkley Hall Zoo, Ponteland Penshaw Monument, Sunderland 01723 870423 Hatton Gallery, Newcastle 01912226059 ,8EBC41I'3D?25B (5B9<?EC(E=@;9>C Central Library, Prince Consort Road, Gateshead [email protected] 0191 433 8420 /81DC?>D89CEDE=> Op en 36 da ys 4 ay ea r Have an incredible journey this autumn Fun for all the family with spooky Nature Fright Nights, the Fantastic Fireworks! Incredible Journeys 25 & 26 October 2014 discovery trail, Join us for a thrilling cocktail of insane explosions that will light up the valley. Fireworks start at 5.15pm. guided warden Max 6 people admitted per voucher. Offer expires 02.11.14. Offer not valid in conjunction with any other offer. Photocopies of voucher will not be accepted. Saving based on full adult pay on the day price of £28. Lightwater Valley, North Stainley, Ripon, North Yorkshire HG4 3HT. Tel: 0871 720 0011* *Calls are charged at 10 pence per minute from a BT landline, calls from other networks and mobiles will be considerably more. walks and seasonal Otter image credit Alan Hewitt; group image credit Heather Tait Entry to Fantastic Fireworks for just £14 with this voucher or book online and use the code RTG14 at crafts... Visit Washington Wetland Centre, Washington, NE38 8LE t 0191 416 5454 e [email protected] The Witches and Wizards of Muggle Engine Lane 11am – 3pm Sunday 26 October Meet our trio of friendly Wizards and Witches for some Halloween enchantment - with spellbinding stories, ghoulish games and spooky crafts to enjoy too! Free, no booking required Stephenson Railway Museum, Middle Engine Lane, Silverlink, North Shields, NE29 8DX Tel: (0191) 200 7146 t5FYUQIPOF 18001 0191 200 7146 Heritage train rides: £4.50 Adults, £3 Concessions / under 16 years ?>D13DEC?>?B5=19<>5G31CD<5B1B9>77? 3? E; /81DC?>D89CEDE=> B941I'3D?25B %?>CD5BC1<<1DD85B51D 1<<2??;9>75CC5>D91< /54>5C41I&?F5=25B >>E1<?>LB5&978D9C@<1I B941I'3D?25B +@??;I+@53D13E<1B 1<<?G55>9C3?@1BD95C @= @= +E>41I&?F5=25B 1=9<I 1>7 Discovery Museum, Newcastle 01912326789 Ace Playce, Killingworth 0191 2682388 B941I'3D?25B +G9>7<9=21I#9>7CG9>7!>4??B <9=29>7/1<<6?B175 Calvert Trust, Kielder Call: 01434 250 232 (booking not required) B941I'3D?25B (E=@;9>(1B145 Alnwick Garden B941I'3D?25B .93D?B91>$1>D5B>&978D Blue Flames, Benton www.blueÀ 0191 270 0885 Dance City, Newcastle +1DEB41I&?F5=25B //1=9<I3D9F9DI1I St Mary’s Heritage Centre, Gateshead ,E5C41I&?F5=25B (B5C38??<1I Life Science Centre, Newcastle :ebsite and telephone number are only detailed in the ¿rst listing for each venue. All details were correct at the time of going to press but can be subject to change or cancellation. We strongly recommend that you check with the venue before setting out to any event to avoid disappointment. Some events will have a charge and/or require advance booking. Belsay Hall & Gardens, nr Ponteland B941I'3D?25B 1<<?G55> 1@@5>9>7C1DD85 1<< Seaton Delaval Hall Frightwater Valley RE FRI PI S Lightwater Valley, Ripon T HE B941I'3D?25BM+E>41I&?F5=25B B978DG1D5B.1<<5I 1<<?G55>5CD9F1< Y LE TE TWA R VAL GH St Mary’s Heritage Centre, Gateshead TU B941I'3D?25B 51F5>I5CB5149>7G9D81F94<=?>49>D85 <?1D9>7/?B<4C!>CD1<<1D9?> N NE -CHIL G ADVE LIN &?F5=25B Beamish Museum, nr Stanley +E>41I&?F5=25B 1<<?G55>->45B7B?E>44F5>DEB5 Smallcleugh Mines, Nenthead, near Alston Booking essential via [email protected] +E>41I&?F5=25B *9B5G?B;5F5>D Ocean Beach Pleasure Park, South Shields 01914561617 Friday 31 October – Sunday 2 November Join us for our annual Halloween spooktacular as a cloak of supernatural delight shrouds the theme park. Entry to Frightwater Valley for just £14 with this voucher or book online and use the code RTG14 at +1DEB41I&?F5=25B/54>5C41I&?F5=25B ?>LB59B5G?B;CF5>9>7 Max 6 people admitted per voucher. Offer expires 02.11.14. Offer not valid in conjunction with any other offer. Photocopies of voucher will not be accepted. Saving based on full adult pay on the day price of £28. Lightwater Valley, North Stainley, Ripon, North Yorkshire HG4 3HT. Tel: 0871 720 0011* *Calls are charged at 10 pence per minute from a BT landline, calls from other networks and mobiles will be considerably more. /81DC?>1DD85,851DB5 ECD?=C ?EC5+?ED8+895<4C GGG 3ECD?=C8?EC5 3? E; ,851DB5*?I1<&5G31CD<5 GGG D851DB5B?I1< 3? E; 30 September: Babar the Little Elephant 29-31 October: Wendy the Witch and the Haunted Mansion 24 October: Three Little Pigs by Northern Ballet 30 October – 1 November: Dinosaur Zoo %5DB?*149?B5>1 GGG =5DB?B149?1B5>1 3? E; /89D<5I1I(<1I8?EC5 GGG @<1I8?EC5G89D<5I21I 3? E; 7-12 October: Disney on Ice presents 100 Years of Magic 12 November: WWE Live &?BD85B>+D175&5G31CD<5 GGG >?BD85B>CD175 3? E; 4 October: Making Dreams Come True – Dudman Academy of Performing Arts 21-22 October: The Five & Prophecy of Prana – Japanese hip-hop and martial arts 28-29 October: The Bounce – a multi sensory show created for young people who have profound multiple learning dif¿culties or who are on the Autism Spectrum 28-30 October: Charlie & Lola’s Extremely New Play )E55>C 1<<BDC5>DB5 5H81= GGG AE55>C81<< 3? E; 18 October: Emily Brown and the Thing presented by Tall Stories 21 October: Heaven Eyes presented by Theatre Sans Frontiers 27 October: Rapunzel presented by Clydebuilt Puppet Theatre +51D?>5<1F1<BDC5>DB5 GGG C51D?>45<1F1<1BDC35>DB5 3?= 26 October: Hansel & Gretel presented by Horse & Bamboo +E>45B<1>4=@9B5,851DB5+E>45B<1>4 GGG 17DD93;5DC 3?= 18 September – 1 November: The Lion King 6-8 November: Beauty & The Beast presented by Birmingham Royal Ballet 10-11 November: Shakespeare’s Schools Festival .LGVLQWKHJDUGHQ W ith thoughts turning to Halloween, bonfire night and Christmas, spring seems a long way off. But there is nothing nicer on a fresh autumn weekend than to spend a few hours in the garden digging holes with your children and popping in some bulbs. Planting spring bulbs is one of the easiest gardening activities for kids. All you need is a trowel, gloves, bulbs, compost and a patch of soil or some pots. There are loads of easy to grow bulbs and October is the month for planting ones that will flower the following spring. If planting direct into the soil, don’t forget to add some markers so you remember what you have planted - the kids can make them too! Bulbs for containers Daffodils, tulips, irises and crocuses to name a few, will flower from late January through to late spring if you chose carefully. All bulbs can be grown in pots. Plant them 3 times the depth of the bulb - the larger the bulb, the deeper it is planted. Leave at least 8cms between daffodil and tulips bulbs but plant smaller bulbs quite closely. For a succession of flowers, take a large container 40cms deep and place some broken crocks or gravel in a layer in the bottom. Add 15cm of compost and then a layer of late flowering tulips. Cover with 10cm of compost followed by a layer of daffodils which flower in March. Cover these with 10cm of compost and finish with a layer of crocuses. Top with 5cm of compost and leave outside in a sheltered position. Terracotta, stone and metal containers are all suitable for showing off your favourite selections. Position them near the front door where the early flowers can be appreciated. Naturalising in grass Drifts of daffodils or crocuses can be planted in the lawn. To get a natural look throw a handful of bulbs about a metre in front of you and plant where they fall. Again, plant the bulbs at 3 times their depth and spaced about 2 and a half times their width. Once flowering has finished leave the leaves on for 6 weeks before mowing. Alternatively, plant tall tulips and daffodils in the middle of the border where the foliage will be hidden by shrubs. Small grape hyacinths, scillas, chinodoxa and snowdrops are best planted at the front of the flower bed where they be easily seen. ?Yj\]faf_akYfY[lanalql`Yl l`]o`gd]^Yeadq[Yf]fbgq lg_]l`]j&Fglgfdqakal[`]Yh Zmlal[geZaf]k^mf$^j]k`YajYf\ h`qka[Yd]p]j[ak]&Kgd]lqgmj aeY_afYlagfjmfoad\Yf\dggc ^gjoYj\lgk]]af_qgmj[j]Ylagf f]plkhjaf_ 1=9<I4F935 Pearson Caulfield Solicitors Expert Advice in Relationship Breakdown Following relationship breakdown the last thing any parent wants is to compromise their relationship with their children. As any experienced Children’s Lawyer will tell you, following separation, it is the quality of the parenting the child receives from each parent that maintains a good relationship rather than equal division of time spent with the parents. The Children and Families Act 2014 which came into force on the 22nd April 2014 acknowledges the importance of both parents having an on-going relationship with their child following separation provided that is in the child’s best interests. It is mandatory, in almost all circumstances, before an individual would consider making an application to Court about their children, that that individual should attend a Family Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting. Mediation can be an excellent way to resolve disputes about children. Both parents are required to participate in order that they can make good balanced decisions in respect of their children. It is a way of opening a means of communication between alienated parents, and it is FOHDUO\PRUHEHQH¿FLDOIRUSDUHQWVDQGFKLOGUHQDOLNHWR have agreed decisions rather than to have decisions imposed by a Court. It is of course acknowledged that Mediation is not appropriate in some circumstances; then an application is made to the Court to regulate agreements about where children should live and how much time they should spend with each parent. In reaching a decision, the child’s welfare shall be the Court’s paramount consideration. The Court’s starting point is that both parents should have a continued involvement in the life of the child but the Judge will determine in any particular case what is in the child’s best interests; evaluating a number of factors; for example the child’s needs, the child’s wishes and feelings, the effect of any change on the child or the ability of the parents to meet their child’s needs and any harm a child has suffered or is at risk of suffering. $W3HDUVRQ&DXO¿HOGZHUHFRJQLVHWKDWDVDSDUHQWLW LVYHU\GLI¿FXOWWRDSSO\OHJDOSULQFLSOHVWRHPRWLRQDOO\ charged circumstances. Obtaining specialised legal DGYLFHDWDQHDUO\VWDJHZLOO¿UVWO\GHWHUPLQHZKLFK course of action is right for you and your family and at 3HDUVRQ&DXO¿HOGZHFDQSURYLGH\RXZLWKGHWDLOVRI alternative dispute resolution organisations as well as the local Court processes. You may be aware that Legal Aid is now severely restricted and generally no longer available. There are some exceptions, for example cases involving Mediation or cases of domestic abuse. We can advise you whether those exceptions would apply to your FDVH,IQRWDW3HDUVRQ&DXO¿HOGZHUHFRJQLVHWKDW \RXPD\QRWKDYHWKH¿QDQFLDOUHVRXUFHVWRSD\IRU full representation throughout a case and we therefore offer Fixed Fees, and pay as you go advice as well DVSD\PHQWE\LQVWDOPHQWV3HDUVRQ&DXO¿HOGRIIHUV a number of accredited specialists. Helen Marshall, Susan Pearson and Duncan Dollimore are all members of the Law Society Children Panel. Helen Marshall and Sue Pearson are Resolution Accredited Specialists in Children Law and Domestic Abuse and Helen Marshall is a fully trained Collaborative Lawyer. Please refer to our website wwwSearsoQFaul¿elGFouN for furtKer information and do not hesitate to contact us on 0191-2618878 with any query you may have. ?>D13DEC?>?B5=19<>5G31CD<5B1B9>77? 3? E; /81DC?>6?BD85->45BC There are dozens of term time classes for the under 5’s, from baby groups to toddlers to preschoolers 0any are held at your local community centre or church hall, go along to ¿nd out more or check the listings at ,5B=D9=513D9F9D95C>51BI?E Mus ic Monday Sing Babies Babble, Play & Move at the Sage Gateshead 1.30pm Dancing Babies at Dance City, Newcastle 10am Pyjama Drama at Great Park Community Centre, Gosforth 9.15am Act Tuesday im w S Da nce Little Artists at the Laing Art Gallery, Newcastle 10.30am Bookworm Babies at Seven Stories 1.30pm ( & Thursdays) Toddler Time at Baltic Mill, Gateshead 10.30am Art Wednesday Shipley Scamps at The Shipley Art Gallery, Gateshead 10.15am Tales for Tots at Gateshead Central Library 2.15pm Playgroup at Ace Playce, Killingworth 10am Stor Thursday ies Babies Babble, Play & Move at the Sage Gateshead 1.30pm Little Kickers at St George’s Parish Church, Jesmond 10am Stay & Play at Outer West Library & Newbiggin Hall Library 9.30am Sig n Friday Storytime at St Mary’s Heritage Centre, Gateshead 10.30am Dancing Babies at Dance City, Newcastle 10am Treasure Hunt at Ace Playce, Killingworth 12.30pm Craft Saturday Football Busy B’s at the Baltic Mill, Gateshead 2pm Performing Arts for 3-5 yr olds at Famous 4.15, Jesmond 10am Dizzy families at Dance City, Newcastle 10am Little Kickers Football at Kenton High School & Benton Primary School Sunday Rugbytots at West Moor Community Centre 9am Cook 4F5BD9C5 5B5 from £17 per month email: [email protected] or call 07739797419 Rug by /81DC?>D89CEDE=> $SSURYHGIRRWEDOO WUDLQLQJIRUNLGVDJHG PRQWKVWR\HDUV 6FRUHZLWKD)5((.,&.IRU\RXU /,77/(.,&.(56 Is your child a world champion?? 1HZFODVVHVVWDUWLQJ 1HZFODVVHVVWDUWLQJ IURP6HSWHPEHULQ IURP6HSWHPEHULQ 8VKDZ0RRUDQG 1HZFDVWOHDQG 1HZWRQ+DOO *DWHVKHDG Join Mini-Ruggers this Autumn for a fun-filled experience, making lots of new friends and learning a great new sport. 11am till 11.30am for 2-4 year olds 12pm till 1pm for 5+ year olds %RRNDFRXUVHDQG\RXU %RRNDFRXUVHDQG\RXU FKLOGZLOOJHWDQH[WUD FKLOGZLOOJHWDQH[WUD FODVVDGGHGRQIRUIUHH FODVVDGGHGRQIRUIUHH All Saints College Sports Centre, West Denton All coaching done by a fully qualified Level 2 RFU Coach with Enhanced CRB. Training includes passing, running, dodging and kicking like a professional. RUDOWHUQDWLYHO\HPDLO RUDOWHUQDWLYHO\HPDLO MWHPSOH#OLWWOHNLFNHUVFRXN MWHPSOH#OLWWOHNLFNHUVFRXN You don’t need any previous experience, we’ll coach you through every step of the way and support your little one to help them gain confidence in their own abilities. 4XRWH5DULQJ*R Quote Raring2Go! 'XUKDPWRFODLP Newcastle to claim %22.12: Contact Mark on 07984 878687 or email [email protected] for more info. ZZZOLWWOHNLFNHUVFRXN Family Fun A T S A G E G A T E S H E A D Regular classes for bumps, babies and beyond. Special one-off concerts including The Worst Princess, Musical Rumpus and Peter & The Wolf. 0191 443 4661 ?>D13DEC?>?B5=19<>5G31CD<5B1B9>77? 3? E; <E2C<1CC5C STEPNEY BANK STABLES our large indoor arena with spectator gallery Stepney Bank Stables is a unique equestrian centre situated in the heart of Newcastle upon Tyne. Our superb teaP of quali¿ed instructors and wellPannered horses provide horse riding lessons ranging from beginners to advanced riders. The centre has both indoor and outdoor riding arenas allowing year round equestrian activities. The family atmosphere and customer care centred approach make us the ideal choice for both adults and children learning to ride. Stepney Bank Stables is a charity and all money generated through commercial lessons goes directly into supporting our charitable work. Our aim is to make horses and riding accessible to the whole community. We offer opportunities to volunteers of all ages to develop in con¿dence and skills whilst helping others. We engage with vulnerable young people and adults, raising their aspirations and helping them to feel positively about themselves and their futures. By choosing to ride with us you will have a fantastic time, learn valuable skills whilst keeping ¿t and helping to support local disadvantaged people. +orse riding is an e[cellent way to e[ercise and get ¿t. It strengthens all your core body muscles, tones the all-important tum and bum areas and provides a relaxing cardiovascular workout. calories. 5iding is highly social, fun and mentally stimulating. Horse riding is a natural stimulator of the hormone serotonin. Serotonin is a natural mood enhancer which leads to a feeling of well-being during and after exercise! You can burn as many calories trotting on horseback as you can by heading down to the gym for a lunchtime workout! hacking at our 2nd facility at Park Farm, Team Valley So why not give it a try"! *et ¿t, feel great and support a local charity! A 45 minute beginner lessons starts from just £15.50. Riders aged 3-5 can access riding for just £9 per half hour. Adult lessons start from £19 for 45 minutes. Contact the team on 0191 261 5544 [email protected] or pop down to see us for a look around and a chat! Effects: +orse riding bene¿ts everyone ± men and women, old and young! We start riders at 3 years old and have riders in their 70’s! 5iding will help you improve your ¿tness, build muscle tone, promote muscle strength and burn Stepney Bank, Ouseburn, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 2PN Situated next to Ouseburn Farm and Seven Stories. /81DC?>D89CEDE=> Be whoever you want to be with Famous 4.15 3-5 year olds: Saturday mornings 10am – 12pm 6-13 year olds: Saturday afternoons 12.15pm – 3.30pm 6-16 year olds: Tuesday evenings 4.15pm -7.15pm 14-18 year olds: Saturday afternoons 2.30-5.30pm Enrol now: call 0191 2399850 / 07745005624 email [email protected] or pop in to see us at Famous 4.15, Archbold Terrace, Jesmond BE WHOEVER YOU WANT TO BE WITH FAMOUS 4.15 We’d love to meet you and show you around But don’t just take our word for it…. “I have twin girls who have been at Famous 4.15 for 18 months and truly LOVE it! I love the fact that their con¿dence has increased so much. I love that it¶s such a cool place to be, not like a typical stage school. My girls have had so many opportunities in different areas of performing from live shows to ¿lming and singing in a recording studio. They have made lots of friends from different schools which is lovely and all of the people at Famous are Must fab. I¶d always recommend it, it¶s Must a great place to be. I believe in giving my girls the best start to help them realise their dreams at Famous 415”. Tanya Watkins, mum of twins TV Star Sarah Rayson who plays Floss Guppy in CBBC’s Hit TV Show - The Dumping Ground is a dedicated member of Famous 4.15 FF B FOR LIFE (NEWCASTLE TEL: 0191 239 9850 / 07745 005624 e. [email protected] Maths & English tuition centre For 5 to 14 year olds of all abilities t Courses mapped to the National Curriculum. t Adapts to the individual needs of your child. t Convenient for families - Open 7 days a week. t Award-winning tuition - voted Education Investor Supplementary Education Provider of the Year. Free trial session - book today! Sunderland Newcastle 01915111031 01912140333 “Explore Learning members’ improvement in maths was 30% higher than that of the comparison group after controlling for gender, age, year group and special educational needs.” Independent Efficacy Study by the Institute of Education at Reading University (2013). See or book online at ?>D13DEC?>?B5=19<>5G31CD<5B1B9>77? 3? E; are s c ild er Ch uchpted! Vo acce <E2C<1CC5C Rebecca Adlington Double Olympic gold medal winner Rebecca Adlingt Adlington, OBE sent waves of excitement among 1,000 children from schools across the UK when she attended the Legacy Games Day. “Getting kids active is vitally important and the Legacy Games Day engages them in a fun way,” says Rebecca. “I wanted to encourage the children to try something new and try their best,” she says. Raring2go! was lucky enough to have a chat with the 25 year-old swimming sensation as she encouraged local school children to take part in a variety of sports and team building challenges designed to inspire them to lead a healthy lifestyle. What is your first memory of swimming? It was on holiday with my family and my older sisters were having a great time jumping in and out of the pool so I just copied them! I had no fear at all so my parents thought it might be wise to get me into lessons! There really isn’t much to do in Mansfield where I grew up, but there were two swimming pools, so most of our social activities and birthday parties were down at the pool. You were winning medals from the age of 12, so when did you first realise that you had the potential to be a champion swimmer? I joined the local swimming club and just loved to swim. I was always taller than the others so this gave me an advantage and I suppose when I was spotted by Bill Furniss (her coach) I just carried on doing what I loved and worked really hard to achieve success. How did the rest of your family cope with your training schedule in terms of their work and your sisters activities? Luckilly, I’m the youngest, so by the time I was starting to train twice a day, my oldest sister Chloe, had learnt to drive, so with three drivers in the house we just about managed, but we had to be really well organised. We are a really close family and so we all helped out. You must have been using up lots of energy as a child when training, so what kind of food were you eating? My mum is a brilliant cook so she would make me lots of healthy meals like pasta, chilli and salads, which she transferred to Tupperware dishes and I spent a lot of time eating in the car to and from training sessions. She always made sure I had a decent meal before every session so I would be having my Weetabix on the way to the pool first thing in the morning! We did all eat together in the evening after my training though, when y. everyone had finished for the day. g Did you feel there anything you missed due to swimming? Nothing whatsoever. et And finally…how do you get rid of those pesky goggle marks? Aloe Vera is one of the best solutions – or an eye lotion to depuff works wonders! Thanks Becky – just what every parent needs to know! The Legacy Games Day is organised by Fit For Sport - the UK’s leading provider of children’s activities – in partnership with Everyone Active. The day aims to deliver a legacy of sport, competition and community engagement to children aged 7-11. /81DC?>D89CEDE=> Scottish Dancing Classes OCTOBER HALF TERM We are now registering for our next +ROLGD\3URJUDPPH'RQ¶WPLVV\RXU chance to join in the fun! Our holiday programmes are very popular, and come highly recommended by teachers, parents and professional footballers! We are running from GOSFORTH ACADEMY with prices starting from £30 per week! [email protected] 07729058119 % !&!"#$%$%# !!!" Group lessons 1 to 1 lessons Swimbabies 6wks-4yrs The Village Hotel- Silverlink, Newcastle The Hilton Hotel- Gateshead Matfen Hall ?>D13DEC?>?B5=19<>5G31CD<5B1B9>77? 3? E; Lookard forw to new adventures every day Save up to * 30% on Oc tober half term holidays Save up to 50%* on 2015 hol idays So many places and so much to enjoy for families at Haven Deciding between our 35 parks won’t be easy – but it’ll be fun. From tearaway toddlers to hard-to-please teenagers, sprightly grandparents and not forgetting the family pet, the Great British coastline and our award-winning parks are yours to discover. You and your little ones will have loads of fun at the kids’ clubs and Character shows or you can enjoy relaxing walks or sport activities. Enjoy a break this October half term and save up 30%. Plus book early and save up to 50% on your 2015 holiday – so why not get the family together to create more memories? Want to know more? Visit us online or give our friendly UK advisors a call 0871 230 1917 Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras. Quote: Z_RARING2 Terms and conditions: *Save up to 30% on October half term holidays is based on a three night break commencing 24 October at selected parks. 2015 - Save up to 50% applies to seven nights or more in spring/May/June/early July and autumn. Up to 30% off other dates and durations including bank and school holidays. Prices are correct as of 23 July 2014 and Haven Holidays reserve the right to withdraw the offers at any time and are subject to availability. Full Haven Holidays terms and conditions apply, please see or call for more information. Please note school holiday dates vary by Local Education Authority, check before booking. Offer applies to new direct bookings only and cannot be booked through a travel agent, affiliate or on any Haven park. Offer cannot be used in conjunction with vouchers or any other discount or offer. Offer is subject to availability and may be amended at anytime without notice. Haven Holidays is a trading name of Bourne Leisure, registered in England and Wales, no 04011660. Registered office 1 Park Lane, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP2 4YL 68738 Learn to Read in 5 weeks for FREE From 1st September to 31st October your child can join thousands of children across the UK taking part in the Reading Eggs Great Literacy Challenge - a nationwide effort to inspire children to read! By taking part in the Challenge, your child will receive exclusive 5 WEEKS FREE ACCESS to Reading Eggs. With hundreds of reading lessons and activities to first explore, see first-hand how your child’s reading can improve in just 5 weeks! FREE 5 WEEK TRIAL Register today at ww o o14 Free F trial only available for new customers who sign up at H 4. the above address. Hurry offer ends October 31, 2014. You shop They benefit The amazing, simple and free way to raise money for the schools and charities you care about from your daily online shopping. Simply click through to your favourite shops from Those shops then make a cash donation to your nominated schools or charities every time you shop online. Join us for free and start giving today. Find out more at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utumn Family Fun Welcoming Autumn Prices 2 Adults 2 Children 2 Nights Only £160 Excludes school holidays Includes continental breakfast and a private swim in our heated pool. Forest location only 45 mins from Newcastle and very close to Hadrian’s Wall. Be home in time for Sunday Lunch! ZZZUDULQJJRFRXN For more info or to book call Julie 01434 320 711 or 07971691631 North Road, Haltwhistle, NE49 9ND ?=@5D9D9?>C'665BC K' *'-( $++'& $$ .1<94E>D9< *,'* !$,*' /!, , !+.'- * .$!-&,!$ ,?5>D5B?EB3?=@5D9D9?>C@<51C5F9C9D GGG B1B9>77? 3? E;>5G31CD<51>47?D?/!& Win tickets to visit Life this October half term! Have a frighteningly good half term at Life Science Centre! From 25 Oct- 2 November 2014, you can join in the glowing slime workshops and prepare to be spooked with the return of Frankenstein: Escape the Monster on the 4D Motion Ride. Plus, it’s the last chance to see the spectacular BODY WORLDS Vital exhibition from Gunther von Hagens before it closes on 2 November. We have three family passes to giveaway (for four people). Enter today at: newcastle and go to WIN Closing date: 10 October 2014 Copyright 2011 Mojo Publishing Ltd. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical or electronic, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the publisher. Requests for permission or further information should be addressed to the Publisher. Published by Raring2go! Newcastle Gateshead P.O Box 458, Newcastle upon Tyne NE3 9DT 07739797419 [email protected] All information in this booklet is published in good faith and cannot be produced without written permission. Whilst the publisher makes every effort to ensure that the businesses featured in this magazine are of the highest quality, we do not guarantee the services or products from any businesses featured. Neither do we nor the schools accept any legal responsibility for loss arising from the use of information published. ?>D13DEC?>?B5=19<>5G31CD<5B1B9>77? 3? E; Segedunum Roman Fort, Baths & Museum, Buddle Street, Wallsend NE28 6HR Tel: (0191) 236 9347 t5FYUQIPOF18001 0191 236 9347 No booking required Make your own Roman Lantern for your ghost hunt around the fort! Meet our roving Roman storyteller who will spook you with terrible tales, Halloween fables and pranks from Roman times to present day and everything in between. Wednesday 29 October 11am – 3pm Halloween Horrors at the Fort
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