10/10/2014 Chapter 15 Analyze series and parallel ac circuits to find ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Voltage Current Power Total impedance, admittance Apply known circuit theories ◦ Kirchhoff’s current, voltage laws ◦ Voltage or current divider rule Find the frequency response of a series or parallel combination of elements. ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC 2 1 10/10/2014 15.1-15.4 How much an element impedes current flow ◦ Not a phasor itself, but represents the value , , ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC 4 2 10/10/2014 = FIG. 15.2 Example 15.1. ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC 5 ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC 6 FIG. 15.3 Waveforms for Example 15.1. 3 10/10/2014 FIG. 15.4 Example 15.2. ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC 7 ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC 8 FIG. 15.5 Waveforms for Example 15.2. 4 10/10/2014 = = + FIG. 15.7 Inductive ac circuit. ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC 9 ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC 10 FIG. 15.8 Example 15.3. 5 10/10/2014 ELI FIG. 15.9 Waveforms for Example 15.3. ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC 11 ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC 12 FIG. 15.10 Example 15.4. 6 10/10/2014 ELI FIG. 15.11 Waveforms for Example 15.4. ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC = = 13 − FIG. 15.13 Capacitive ac circuit. ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC 14 7 10/10/2014 FIG. 15.14 Example 15.5. ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC 15 ICE FIG. 15.15 Waveforms for Example 15.5. ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC 16 8 10/10/2014 FIG. 15.16 Example 15.6. ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC 17 ICE FIG. 15.17 Waveforms for Example 15.6. ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC 18 9 10/10/2014 FIG. 15.18 Phasor diagrams for Examples 15.5 and 15.6. ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC 19 FIG. 15.19 Impedance diagram. ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC 20 10 10/10/2014 = FIG. 15.20 Series impedances. ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC FIG. 15.21 Example 15.7. 21 FIG. 15.22 Impedance diagram for Example 15.7. ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC 22 11 10/10/2014 FIG. 15.23 Example 15.8 FIG. 15.24 Impedance diagram for Example 15.8. ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC 23 Given 15.26, find ◦E ◦ Zt ◦ Circuit current ◦ VR ◦ VL ◦ PT ◦ Fp FIG. 15.26 Series R-L circuit. ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC 24 12 10/10/2014 FIG. 15.28 Impedance diagram for the series R-L circuit in Fig. 15.26. FIG. 15.29 Phasor diagram for the series R-L circuit in Fig. 15.26. ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC 25 The basic format for the voltage divider rule in ac circuits is exactly the same as that for dc circuits: Note the desired voltage drop and the component used in the equation are the same ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC 26 13 10/10/2014 Series ◦ =∑ ◦ Parallel ◦ Series = ∑ = ∑ Parallel ◦ =∑ ◦ Opposite of resistors ◦ Same as resistors Inductors Capacitors ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC 27 Given Fig 15.41, find ◦ VR ◦ VL ◦ VC ◦ IT ◦ Fp ◦ Pav FIG. 15.43 Example 15.11. ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC 28 14 10/10/2014 15.5-15.6 FIG. 15.46 Reviewing the frequency response of the basic elements. ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC 30 15 10/10/2014 FIG. 14.21 Effect of low and high frequencies on the circuit model of an inductor. FIG. 14.23 Effect of low and high frequencies on the circuit model of a capacitor. ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC 31 Behavior of circuit changes with freq ◦ More resistive, reactive F1 midpoint on graph ◦ = ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC 32 16 10/10/2014 Given Fig 15.47, find ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ZC at f1 ZC at 100 hz ZC at 1 kHz ZC at 20 kHz FIG. 15.47 Determining the frequency response of a series R-C circuit. ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC 33 FIG. 15.51 The phasor diagram for the circuit in Fig. 15.47 for f = 0 Hz and 1 kHz. ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC 34 17 10/10/2014 FIG. 15.54 The magnitude of the voltage VC versus frequency for the circuit in Fig. 15.47. ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC 35 FIG. 15.55 The phase angle between E and VC versus frequency for the circuit in Fig. 15.47. ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC 36 18 10/10/2014 Given Fig 15.56, find ◦ ZL at f1 ◦ ZT at 100 hz ◦ VL at 10 kHz FIG. 15.56 Circuit for Example 15.12. ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC 37 For series ac circuits with reactive elements: 1.The total impedance will be frequency dependent. 2.The impedance of any one element can be greater than the total impedance of the network. 3.The inductive and capacitive reactances are always in direct opposition on an impedance diagram. 4.Depending on the frequency applied, the same circuit can be either predominantly inductive or predominantly capacitive. 5.At lower frequencies, the capacitive elements will usually have the most impact on the total impedance, while at high frequencies, the inductive elements will usually have the most impact. ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC 38 19 10/10/2014 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. The magnitude of the voltage across any one element can be greater than the applied voltage. The magnitude of the voltage across an element compared to the other elements of the circuit is directly related to the magnitude of its impedance; that is, the larger the impedance of an element, the larger is the magnitude of the voltage across the element. The voltages across a coil or capacitor are always in direct opposition on a phasor diagram. The current is always in phase with the voltage across the resistive elements, lags the voltage across all the inductive elements by 90°, and leads the voltage across all the capacitive elements by 90°. The larger the resistive element of a circuit compared to the net reactive impedance, the closer is the power factor to unity. ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC 39 15.8-15.11 20 10/10/2014 Conductance =∑ , = = Direct Current Admittance =∑ , = = siemens (S) Susceptance = Alternating Current ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC 41 Given Ex. 15.14, find ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ZT YR YL YC YT FIG. 15.63 Example 15.14. ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC 42 21 10/10/2014 FIG. 15.67 Parallel ac network. ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC 43 For Fig 15.68, find ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ IT IR IL PT FP ,lead or lag FIG. 15.68 Parallel R-L network. ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC 44 22 10/10/2014 FIG. 15.70 Admittance diagram for the parallel R-L network in Fig. 15.68. FIG. 15.71 Phasor diagram for the parallel RL network in Fig. 15.68. ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC 45 FIG. 15.78 Applying phasor notation to the network in Fig. 15.77. ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC 46 23 10/10/2014 FIG. 15.79 Admittance diagram for the parallel R-L-C network in Fig. 15.77. FIG. 15.80 Phasor diagram for the parallel R-L-C network in Fig. 15.77. ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC 47 FIG. 15.81 Waveforms for the parallel R-L-C network in Fig. 15.77. ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC 48 24 10/10/2014 = FIG. 15.83 Example 15.16. + NOT Zt like VDR FIG. 15.84 Example 15.17. Note the desired voltage drop and the component used in the equation are NOT the same. Use the other component in the pair ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC 49 Smallest resistance or impedance has largest influence FIG. 15.85 Frequency response for parallel R-L-C elements. ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC 50 25 10/10/2014 = 2 FIG. 15.87 The frequency response of the individual elements of a parallel R-L network. ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC 51 FIG. 15.86 Determining the frequency response of a parallel R-L network. ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC 52 26 10/10/2014 FIG. 15.88 The magnitude of the input impedance versus frequency for the network in Fig. 15.86. ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC 53 FIG. 15.89 The phase angle of the input impedance versus frequency for the network in Fig. 15.86. ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC 54 27 10/10/2014 FIG. 15.93 The phasor diagram for the parallel R-L network in Fig. 15.86 at f = 40 kHz. FIG. 15.92 The phasor diagram for the parallel R-L network in Fig. 15.86 at f = 1 kHz. ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC 55 For parallel ac networks with reactive elements: 1. The total admittance or impedance will be frequency dependent. 2. Depending on the frequency applied, the same network can be either predominantly inductive or predominantly capacitive. 3. The magnitude of the current through any one branch can be greater than the source current. 4. The inductive and capacitive susceptances are in direct opposition on an admittance diagram. 5. At lower frequencies, the inductive elements will usually have the most impact on the total impedance, while at high frequencies, the capacitive elements will usually have the most impact. ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC 56 28 10/10/2014 The impedance of any one element can be less than the total impedance (recall that for dc circuits, the total resistance must always be less than the smallest parallel resistor). 7. The magnitude of the current through an element, compared to the other elements of the network, is directly related to the magnitude of its impedance; that is, the smaller the impedance of an element, the larger is the magnitude of the current through the element. 8. The current through a coil is always in direct opposition with the current through a capacitor on a phasor diagram. 9. The applied voltage is always in phase with the current through the resistive elements, leads the voltage across all the inductive elements by 90°, and lags the current through all capacitive elements by 90°. 10. The smaller the resistive element of a network compared to the net reactive susceptance, the closer is the power factor to unity. 6. ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC 57 15.12 29 10/10/2014 Simpler may be better ◦ Same circumstances FIG. 15.94 Defining the equivalence between two networks at a specific frequency. ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC 59 ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC 60 FIG. 15.95 Finding the series equivalent circuit for a parallel RL network. 30 10/10/2014 FIG. 15.96 Defining the parameters of equivalent series and parallel networks. ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC = = = = Parallel to Series 61 Series to Parallel ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC 62 31 10/10/2014 FIG. 15.97 Example 15.18. ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC 63 FIG. 15.99 Example 15.19. ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC 64 32 10/10/2014 Do not draw the waveform sketches when asked Q2 ◦ Answers should be in phasor form Q6 ◦ Find the individual component values (R+jX) Q10 ◦ Power DELIVERED – Uses only resistors Q22 C and E ◦ Find the TOTAL impedance (Zt) ECET 207 AC Circuit Analysis, PNC 65 33
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