A.P. STATE COUNCIL OF HIGHER EDUCATION GUIDELINES TO BE FOLLOWED BY THE MANAGEMENTS OF B.Ed COLLEGES FOR ADMITTING CANDIDATES UNDER CAT – B SEATS IN B.ED COLLEGES FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2014-15 EdCET-2014 Rank is compulsory for admission into B.Ed. course. Methodology admission shall be made as per GO. Candidate should secure the following percentage of marks in the Qualifying Examination 50% 40% - OC Reserved categories Vacant seats if any, may be filled with eligible candidates on merit basis who have passed the qualifying examination and it shall be ensured that all the eligible rank holders are considered for admission, before filling up vacant seats. In the 25% Management quota, candidates who have studied his / her qualifying examination with in State Universities in Distance / Regular mode is eligible for admission. Candidates who passed the qualifying examination in Regular mode from other State Universities are also eligible provided they submit equivalency certificate from the concerned University in A.P. The enclosures and Proforma for submission of list of admitted students in both EdCET-2014-15 (Admissions) under Category “A” & “B” seats in Minority B.Ed Colleges and under category “B” seats in Non-Minority B.Ed Colleges can be downloaded from www.apsche.org Cut-off date for submission of lists of admitted students for the academic year 2014-15 is 15.11.2014 . -o0o- PROF.K.SATEESH REDDY SECRETARY Lr.No: APSCHE/Secy/CETS/EdCET-2014/Cutoff Date/2014 Dt: 09.10.2014 To The Secretary & Correspondents of all B.Ed Colleges in A.P Sir, Sub:- Ref: APSCHE – EdCET-2014-15 (Admissions) under Category “A” & “B” seats in Minority B.Ed Colleges and under category “B” seats in Non-Minority B.Ed Colleges – Cutoff date for submission of lists of admitted students for the academic year 2014-15 – Reg., Note orders of the Chairman, APSCHE Dt. 09.10.2014 -o0o- I am directed to inform you that the following schedule is fixed by APSCHE for submission of lists of students admitted under category ‘B’ in all Private Un-Aided NonMinority B.Ed Colleges and under category ‘A’ & ‘B’ in respect of Private Un-Aided Minority B.Ed Colleges for the academic year 2014-15 for ratification of the competent authority i.e. APSCHE. Cut-off date for submission of lists of admitted candidates 15.11.2014 The admissions shall be made by strictly following the Rules of admission issued in G.O.Ms.No: 92 Edn (Trg) Dept., Dt: 16/11/2006 and subsequent amendments. All the colleges are further directed to submit the admission list along with the following information in respect of each student with documentary evidence: Rank Card in EdCET-2014 SCC / 10th Class Marks Memo Intermediate Marks Memo Degree Marks Memo PG Marks Memo (If acquired) Community Certificate issued by the competent authority ( In case of SC/ST/BC) Minority status certificate - 10th class TC (in case of Minority students) Equivalency certificate from the concerned University (in case of students who passed the qualifying examination from the States outside A.P.) The colleges included in SW-II / EdCET-AC-2014 shall submit the lists of admitted candidates duly certified by the Convener, EdCET-AC-SW-II Admissions The list of candidates admitted shall be submitted by the College along with soft copy (MS-Excel format only), in the proforma prescribed, without which the lists will not be accepted (Proforma can be downloaded from the website www.apsche.org) Lists submitted after the cutoff date i.e. 15.11.2014 shall not be accepted. Yours faithfully, Sd/SECRETARY ANNEXURE LIST OF ADMISSIONS MADE UNDER CATEGORY – B / CATEGORY – A Name of the College & Postal Address, Ph. No : _________________________________________ B.Ed (Methodology) : _________________________________________ Total Sanctioned intake in the course : _________________________________________ Intake under 25% of Category ‘B’ seats : _________________________________________ Intake under 75% of Category ‘A’ seats : _________________________________________ Sl. No . Name of the Candidate Father‘s Name Percentage of Aggregate Marks in Degree excluding marks in IHC and S&C Subjects % of Marks Aggregate Community (SC/ST/BC/OC) EdCET-2014 Methodology H.T.No Rank Month & Year of Passing (In case of Minority Colleges) Minority status MM/CM) Sex (M/F) 1. 2. Note : 1. Separate proforma for admissions made into each methodology shall be furnished. 2. in case of Minority Colleges (a) (b) Separate Proforma for admissions made under Category ‘B’ and Category ‘A’ - shall be furnished Mention the Minority Status (CM & MM) of the Minority candidates admitted under Category ‘A ‘. Remarks
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