uorleluaulnllsul leclldo 9 'deq3 9rt 'rusrrd eql Jo Je,^Aod e^rsJodsrp eql eurturelec (q) ruu €'6g9 Jo 1q3[ unrpos roJ uorler^ep Jo elSuB ruruulullu eq] auluuolec (u) 9'189 8 999 t9n'9'r I II9N9'I 0I8€9'I 98? :elqq eql ur ue^rS se 'ql3uela^e \ qllt\ seIJ?^ xepul eAIl -ceger sll 'edocsorlceds B ur pesn sr sse13 u,l.roJc lurureq esuep Jo rusrrd lereleltnbe uY '8'9 'uor8er srql ur IB relul qlSuele^B^\ elqelloseJ tunlururu eql elulnc1ec osly 'q13ue1 uI tulu gL sr eseq rusrrd qcue ;r 'eut1 O reJol{unurC oql Jo ,(1rurcr,r eql ur srusrrd lurg pue u,troJc Jo rerrrod Sur,rlosar Jlletuorq, eql olelncluf, (J) 'uorleler ,{qcne3 oql 8ur -sn 'sse13 qcee JoJ aurl O JeJoqunerd eql;o ,(1rurcr,r. eq1 ur uotsredslp eql elulnqel (q) 'elgel eqt ur ue,rr3 senle^ eql qll.{\ sJe,^asuu rno,( eredruo3 'esec qcee JoJ euII JeJoqunBJd O aqr Jo xepul elllcer;er el{l alulnclec 'slurel o.Lr1 ,(q peluurxordde uoIlBIeJ ,(qcne3 oql pue sluetsuor eser{l Sursn 'I-9 elqe.L tuo4 seull raJoqunerd .,1 pae ) eql roJ elep Sursn 'sesse18 turg pue u.rorc roJ g prlc V sluelsuoc ,(qcne3 eql eleuriorddV (e) 'r-g l,1q3l (989'r) onlq pw (EZS'1 : u) per Sur8reue;o uorpredes reln8ue eql sI 1eql& 'uollel^,ep turuu -pr-rrr Jo uorlrsod e ur rusrrd sse13 .99 e ,{q pelce4er sr lq8q etq.tt Jo ueeq yegurcd V '9-9 '29'I xepq e^rlcE4er pu? .99 e13uu xedu;o usrrd e ro; e13ue ecuerlue snsrezr e13uu uollel^ep plol Jo elJnc B lold 'S-9 '.,r.ropur1rr '1rrorl Jo plag ruln8uu eql eurturetoq g) lrxe eql pue '.tropur.Lr ecueJlue eql 'dols pIeU eql e1eco1 (e) 'pdnd lrxe eqt etuco'I (p) '1rdnd ecuerlue pue dols erntrede eql e1uco'I (J) uorterol eql puld (q) 'ue1s,& eql qao{S (u) 'eue1d e8eur eq1 Jo 'Jeleluurp tuc-s'0 Jo Suruedo relncrrc peroluoc e seq y ernlrede i:uu'c 7 1o relouelp e puu Iuc g7g7 yo qfuel I7 sue'I IecoJ e seq zZ suel :tur Z Jo releruerp u puu ruc got lo qfuel pcog u seq euuld e8eul y ruo{ reqUu} Iuc 0I 1€ z7 suel ulql I7 ruo{ raqlreJ w) OZ tu y ernlredy auuld ecrnos eql tuoq ruc 0, le IZ suol urq1, eueld ecrnog 'g '? 'g 'Z '1 go slslsuoc 'stxe lecrldo uu uo poreluec 'urelsds pctldo uy '7-9 (tr{8rr ot t3e1) 'suel eql Jo luo4 uI Irrry sr dols eql puu suel oqt Jo 1uo4 ur ruc ,I sr 1csfqo eq1 'ernlrede ruc-g pue q18uel pco; tuc-g Jo suel xel -uoc urql e pue dols ernlrede rill-Ze qtpn 'q8gq uc T lcelqo uB roJ I-g urelqord pedeg 'g-9 'suel eqt puqeq ruc 0g'Z q dols aqt pw suel oql Jo luor; ur ruc ?I sr lcalqo eql 'ernlrede rur-g pue q18uel pcoy tuc-9 Jo suel xel -uoc urqt u pue dols ernlrede an-Z e qtr.r,r 'q8rq uc 7 tcelqo ue roJ I -9 ruelqord pede6 '7-9 'lurod e8eurr ete8nluoc s1r o1 lcelqo ;o do1 uor; 'uels,& lecrldo eqt q8norqt s,(er eruerlxe o,trt eqt pue ,(er;erqc oql qcle{S 'e8eur eql se IIe,l se 'spdnd llxe pue ecuurluo eql Jo ezls puu uorlrsod eq1 eurureleq 'suel er{l Jo tuo4 ut rna Z sr dols eq1 pue suel eql Jo luo{J ur ruc g1 st 1ce[ -qo er{J 'ernlrede uc-S pue q13ue1 pco; urc-S Jo suel xaluo, urql e pue dols ernlrede Surlsrsuoc uels,{s Iecrldo up Jo srxu er{l e^oq? q8q ruc Z seJnseeu lcelqo uy '1-9 w)-ZE;o s! tf 't80ud (c) Determine the Cauchy constants A and B in the long waverength region; Cauchy relation, nnOihe Oi.p"..ion from the oithe prism at 656.3 nm._ iilii, i",."*,"e U**r .A ;; ;; ".;r*1i;'I{},ff "ril: J: JT,ffiff ;ffi l*l _;; D d;; i ; h"',", n, .o"t..*i," il:TI:X Jl""r'ffi:l':fff lffi#ff#;1?T# -s 6 tne prism the hydrogen prism or 60. rerrac tin g rin"e, Lfi I*, 6-10. The refractive indices for certain crown and flint Crown: nc : 1.527. n1l : 1.530, : Flint: nc nr : I.630. tlp - I.oJJ. nr : 3 r, glasses are 1.536 1.648 The two glasses-are to be combined in a double prism that is a direct the D wavelength' The t"rtu"urf vision prism for uffi. or trre niriipris-'t il.'o"r"rmine angle of the crown prism the required *o tr,E r..iiurs o",r""n the c and the F that rhe prisms "pr." are I'.;o#*-" tr,i, una 6-11' An achromatic thin prism for the c ayd crown and flint grasses described i, r"or"^o| ff:ffi,TffH fl :ff;1LX'.t 6-12. A perfectly 1n""riirp"rri* .or&,ior" oi -rni,,u- deviation is lines is to be made using the i_FrguHhofer ,1i" .;d;;il: prism has prism a an_ prism angre r".,r," iri,ieass and (b) the resurt- diffuse, or Lambertian, surface has the form of a square, This object radiates u'otur po*". 5 cm on a side. w irr" iir"-i".*r".aii""tion. that consriture half the toral solid angle of ir . wrttr a +-cm rocrtiengttr lens down to //8 is and stopped to"pho,.grupr,'# .u.;:cl wher it is praced r m rrom .used "iii ir"*:., o' flTiJlI,the radiant .^i"[..'rriiant rhe rens. inrensitv. ano rauiance of the object. (See (b) Determine the radiant flux delivered to the fllm. (c) Determine the irradian.;;, il';il. 6-13' Investigate the behavior of Eq. t6-32r. giving.the dependence of rhe depth of field on iilll ;".T ii : fl ::.i:::ll:l :;1H ffi H*#; 6-14' A camera is used to photograph I ,ri". .o*, :, ;';r,'lu,, u, r. .. ;;il; of students at a distance 6 m away, focusins fi,ji.",flfl3t;::;.ti1ffX"";*:'l*-e derocusing o. L"i,, .i."r"s oue to ouleci :n:i;:;;'*L:itit:tj;rrifli',,1J;H#:'liH;lmilirinu;i# tu-era has a focal stopped down to anf/4 length of so setting? -- i. "ra 6-15' A telephoto lens consists of a combination of two thin -r20 cm and lenses having focar lengths of -8 cm, respectiv;t:Til;r."s are o' separated by a distance of 15 cm. ."*r*"ii"r, oir,.# iloi'n"ru,*. "iir," rens to flrm ff:'"',1ff ihe of a.distant object subtend;;;; (b) Determin" ,i'::*t:: ;;;'" r 2" at thecamera. position or tt' p'iffit ptune., ing the ,,,,# ;of;:Jf:?'H"iTJi: ;"i, ;.", rocal 6-16. A 5-cm focal "-fr 6-77 r.re,t lenr i$iln* jji#f; ft j[,:;fi :,#i"xt,H.,T,,lfH["ilTsyil:lffi ' The subtends an ;,f sun j Tj: lngle of 0.5Jat the earth's surface, where the illuminance is about sun formed by ;:,ffiT1ji.?i":tr ; *l**,:x,. ";'Jffi#:i,he camera uses a convex"x,ff lens of focal lTglh.ls cm. How large an image is on the film of a 6_ft_rall p".ro, formed (b) Ttre convex lens is replac'e;;, tbO fi u*uy.l conibination consisting of length convex lens and u .or.uu. a r2_cm focal r"rir.'rr,. .#ted in the position ofthe original^rers, and rrr..orr.^ i.rs is s cm in rr"ri focar rength of rhe concav. is the required 6-18' (a) A "iilrir* br; ;il;at Chap. 6 problems "on;" il ; distanr "rii.'ivro "b*r.";;;;;"cused images on 147
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