WWW.HITAXINSTITUTE.ORG WELCOME Practitioners interested in keeping abreast of the latest developments in tax and wealth transfer matters are certain to welcome the opportunity to participate in the 51st Anniversary Hawaii Tax Institute sponsored by the Hawaii Tax Institute Foundation and Chaminade University of Honolulu. This year’s program will combine the far-reaching experience of its distinguished panel of recognized tax and wealth transfer authorities with a positive approach to current and practical subjects. While the Institute is designed primarily to serve as a forum where tax and wealth transfer oriented people may freely exchange ideas on practical problems, professional status is not a prerequisite for registration. This program is designed for attorneys, accountants, financial planners, bank and trust administrators, insurance agents, non-profit administrators and others who would benefit from high quality continuing education. A high level of learning has been the hallmark of prior Institutes and we shall endeavor to again maintain this standard. The Hawaii Tax Institute Foundation and Chaminade University of Honolulu do NOT discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, religion, age, national or ethnic origin, political beliefs, veteran status, or physical disability in admission to, access to, or employment in its programs and activities. For additional information, please contact the Hawaii Tax Institute Foundation at (808)-540-3931. Hawaii Tax Institute Foundation • P.O. Box 1381 • Honolulu, Hawaii 96807 • (808) 540-3931 www.hitaxinstitute.org PAGE 1 H AWAII TAX INSTITUTE COMMITTEE AND MEMBERS IN S T IT U T E A DV IS O RY C O MMI TTE E James W.Y. Wong Rosemarie S.J. Sam Organization Director Emeritus Certified Public Accountant Attorney Goodsill Anderson Quinn & Stiefel Charles K.H. Au Scott J.N. Schroeder, Ph.D. Certified Public Accountant Erwin Cabrinha & Au, LLP Chaminade University of Honolulu Thomas G. Cabrinha Certified Public Accountant Shea & Company, CPA’s, Inc. Certified Public Accountant Erwin Cabrinha & Au, LLP Rachel Hanlon Senior Vice President Wealth Management Office Manager Bank of the West Kurt K. Kawafuchi Attorney Hochman Salkin Rettig Toscher & Perez, P.C. Melanie King Certified Public Accountant Russell Morgan Phyllis N.T. Shea Douglas D. Wilson Principal Trustee Consulting, Inc. Vera Wright Tax Manager Bank of Hawaii Alan M.L. Yee Certified Public Accountant KMH, LLP Alan T. Yoshitake Attorney Seyfarth Shaw LLP Vice President First Hawaiian Bank (Dick) Isoo Oshima Certified Public Accountant Oshima Company CPA LLC H O N O R A RY M E M B E R S Roy M. Adams Gordon D. Henderson Attorney New York, NY Attorney Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP New York, NY N. Jerold Cohen Attorney Sutherland Asbill & Brennan LLP Atlanta, Georgia George Freitas (Deceased) Retired Director Department of Taxation State of Hawaii Jack S. Levin Attorney, CPA Kirkland & Ellis LLP Chicago, Illinois Martin D. Ginsburg (Deceased) Professional/Attorney Georgetown University Law Center Counsel to Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson, LLP Washington, DC PAGE 2 HAWAII TAX INSTITUTE SPONSORS Hawaii Tax Institute Foundation and Chaminade University of Honolulu gratefully acknowledge the generous contributions of the following sponsors: Bank of Hawaii Bank of Hawaii has the largest and most experienced trust department in the State of Hawaii and offers fiduciary and family services, including banking, investments, tax, financial planning, real estate, charitable foundations and retirement planning. Bank of the West Bank of the West Wealth Management Group provides financial products and services through Bank of the West and its various affiliates and subsidiaries. The group is part of BNP Paribas’ global wealth management business of more than 6,000 professionals in 30 countries. Bernstein Global Wealth Management Research is the basis of our ability to prudently manage the assets under our care; it is also the foundation of the full array of investment products, both global and local, that Bernstein offers. Bessemer Trust Founded in 1907, Bessemer Trust is a privately owned wealth and investment management firm that focuses exclusively on ultra-high-net-worth families and their foundations and endowments. Bessemer oversees $97.5 billion for approximately 2,200 clients and provides an integrated approach to the investment, trust, estate, tax, and philanthropic needs of our clients. Bonhams The Bonhams Group is a growing international auction house, offering more sales than any other firm in the industry, hosting over 700 auctions per year in every conceivable collecting category. ECA LLP A Certified Public Accounting Firm committed to working with their clients to find practical business solutions to financial and related business challenges. Fiduciary Trust International Since 1931, Fiduciary Trust Company International has provided integrated wealth management to individuals, families, foundations and endowments around the world. First Foundation First Foundation, a financial institution since 1990, provides integrated investment management, wealth planning, consulting, trust, banking and insurance services. The company is headquartered in Irvine with offices in Irvine, Newport Beach, Pasadena, West Los Angeles, San Diego, Palm Desert, Imperial Valley in California, and Las Vegas, Nevada. First Hawaiian Bank With over 150 years of experience, First Hawaiian’s Wealth Management Group serves as a trusted advisor, helping clients grow, preserve, and transfer their assets to future generations. KMH LLP KMH LLP, is dedicated to providing high quality professional service and guidance for all accounting and business consulting needs. Merrill Lynch One of the world’s leading wealth management, capital markets and advisory companies, with offices in 40 countries and territories and total client assets of approximately $1.6 trillion. Morgan Stanley Morgan Stanley is dedicated to serving investors worldwide. We offer tailored solutions designed to help you manage your long-term wealth as well as customized investment solutions and services for individuals of substantial means, families and foundations. Whatever your needs, we are here to help you to succeed. Schiff Hardin LLP From its very inception, Schiff Hardin’s focus has been on counseling and growing with business and corporate clients. Schiff Hardin began counseling many of its current banking and industrial clients in the 1870s and 1880s. Seyfarth Shaw LLP A full-service law firm serving clients throughout the globe. The Firm’s growth is the result of a deliberate strategy to meet the clients’ need for coordinated, high-quality legal representation in a global economy. South Dakota Trust Company LLC South Dakota Trust Company LLC, with more than $9.5 billion in assets under administration, works with clients globally providing cost-effective, serviceoriented trust administration utilizing South Dakota law. Strategic Valuation Group, LLC SVG is a full service valuation firm, which provides valuation opinions for businesses, real estate, and intangible assets. Our professionals have significant experience in performing appraisals for estate and gift tax matters, litigation support, mergers and acquisitions, financial reporting, ESOPs, and other matters. The Strauss Law Firm The Strauss Law Firm is devoted to helping our clients protect and provide for their loved ones. We believe in cultivating long-term relationships built on trust and professionalism, and in offering our clients cutting-edge solutions in captive insurance, asset protection planning, estate and tax planning, and corporate and securities law. Zions Bank Zions Bank organized in 1873, provides Ownership Recordkeeping services that help manage the ownership and shareholder records of companies. Our affordable solution provides management and shareholders access at their convenience. We act as an independent agent through our trust department. HAWAII TAX INSTITUTE FACULTY STEPHEN R. AKERS, Attorney KURT K. KAWAFUCHI, Attorney CHARLES “CLARY” A. REDD, Bessemer Trust Dallas, Texas Hochman, Salkin, Rettig, Toscher & Perez, P.C. Beverly Hills, California Attorney Stinson Leonard Street LLP St. Louis, Missouri WILLIAM H. ATHA, II Family Wealth Director Morgan Stanley Honolulu, Hawaii AL W. KING, III, Attorney South Dakota Trust Company Sioux Falls, South Dakota JOHN F. BERGNER, Attorney STEPHAN KING, CPA Winstead PC Dallas, Texas Stephan King PC Scottsdale, Arizona ANDREW D. COPANS, Attorney McDermott Will & Emery Los Angeles, California ROBERT K. KIRKLAND, Attorney ROBERT N. DURAN, Attorney Semper Law Group, PC Los Angeles, California JUDY Y. LEE, Attorney STACY S. EASTLAND, Attorney Goldman Sachs Houston, Texas PAM ELLING, CPA Moss Adams LLP Eugene, Oregon EILEEN GALLO, Ph.D Gallo Consulting Los Angeles, California JOLINE GODFREY, President Independent Means Inc. Santa Barbara, California ARNOLD H. GOLD, Judge Alternative Resolution Centers, LLC Los Angeles, California DAVID GUSTAFSON, Judge United States Tax Court Washington, D.C. Kirkland Woods & Martinsen PC Liberty, Missouri Goodsill Anderson Quinn & Stifel LLP Honolulu, Hawaii PAUL LEE, Attorney Bernstein Global Wealth Management New York, New York CONSTANCE LIU, Attorney Schiff Hardin LLP San Francisco, California STEPHANIE LOOMIS-PRICE, Attorney Winstead PC Houston, Texas JONATHAN LURIE, Attorney McDermott Will & Emery Los Angeles, California THERESA M.H. MARX, Attorney Schiff Hardin LLP Chicago, Illinois EDWARD J. McCAFFERY, LEE HAUSNER, Ph.D First Foundation Advisors Los Angeles, California Professor USC School of Law California Institute of Technology Los Angeles, California MICHAEL J. JONES, CPA FLORENCE NAKAKUNI, Thompson Jones LLP Monterey, California JOHN T. ROGERS, JR., Attorney Seyfarth Shaw LLP Los Angeles, California BRUCE S. ROSS, Attorney Holland & Knight Los Angeles, California VICTOR SONG, Former Chief of IRS Criminal Tax Division Washington, DC PETER J. STRAUSS, Attorney The Strauss Law Firm, LLC Hilton Head Island, South Carolina DAVID W. TRADER, M.D. Southern California Psychiatric Group Los Angeles, California STEVEN E. TRYTTEN, Attorney AFRCT, LLP Pasadena, California SUSAN von HERRMANN, Attorney Schiff Hardin LLP San Francisco, California MARK VORSATZ, Attorney WTAS LLC San Francisco, California LESLIE WRIGHT, Vice President Bonhams Los Angeles, California DAVID R. YORK, Attorney York Howell Salt Lake City, Utah ALAN T. YOSHITAKE, U.S. Attorney United States Dept. of Justice Honolulu, Hawaii Attorney Seyfarth Shaw LLP Los Angeles, California JEFFREY N. PENNELL, Professor RANDY L. ZIPSE, Attorney ANDREW M. KATZENSTEIN, Attorney Proskauer Rose LLP Los Angeles, California PAGE 5 Emory University School of Law Atlanta, Georgia Prudential Newark, New Jersey HAWAII TA X INSTITUTE PROGRAM sunday, November 2New Pre-Conference Workshops 12:00 pm – 1:00 pmEarly Registration 1:00 pm – 4:30 pm Pre-Conference Great Families Program This innovative and comprehensive five-stage program is designed to teach families and Wealth Transfer Advisors the financial and human capital education process. The program will identify what families and Wealth Transfer Advisors throughout the country are doing to teach and transition wealth across generations and through each stage of life. Participate in an introduction to effective financial and beneficiary education strategies for young children (ages 5-12), tweens/teenagers (ages 13-18), college students and young adults (ages 19-35). The program includes over 30 customizable, experimental modules appropriate to each stage of the life cycle. Joline Godfrey, President 1:00 pm – 4:30 pm Pre-Conference Fiduciary Taxation Program A comprehensive and interactive presentation on the generation skipping transfer tax (identification of issues, contributions, taxable termination and distributions, partially taxed GST Trusts), estate tax (portability, filing issues, relief provisions, state estate tax issues), accounting income (simple/complex trust issues, net investment income tax, capital gain distributions), QSST/ESBT and 754 elections (election and changes), state filing requirements (residency issues, property tax, transfers). This session will feature hands-on training with forms. Pam Elling, CPA Stephan King, CPA 4:30 pm – 5:00 pm Questions and Answers MONday, November 3 6:30 am – 8:00 amRegistration and Continental Breakfast 8:00 amOfficial Welcome 8:00 am – 9:30 amRecent Developments and Current Trends Facing Wealth Transfer Advisors An overview of significant changes in wealth transfer taxes that have occurred in the past few years and a look at pending legislation. Keep on top of current trends and developments that will affect all Wealth Transfer Advisors and their clients. Jeffrey N. Pennell, Professor (Presented Remotely) 9:30 am – 9:45 amBreak 9:45 am – 10:45 amStay Linked with Your Clients by Helping Them Forever Friend Their Digital Property Learn how issues surrounding “digital property” are coming at all Wealth Transfer Advisors and their clients like a runaway train. Analyze how the Uniform Law Commission and State Agencies are addressing these issues. Better understand what is digital property, what planning strategies work and don’t work and what steps fiduciaries and all Wealth Transfer Advisors must take to protect it. Robert K. Kirkland, Attorney John T. Rogers, Jr., Attorney 10:45 am – 11:00 am Questions and Answers PAGE 6 HAWAII TA X INSTITUTE PROGRAM 11:00 am – 11:45 amOh What a Relief it Is: Curing Estate Plans that No Longer Make Sense in Light of the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2013 As a result of ATRA, the federal wealth transfer tax system is no longer relevant to most taxpayers and less relevant to the rest. For most taxpayers it will be more important to plan for reducing income taxation than for reducing transfer taxation. Typical estate planning transactions that may have once been appropriate for a client may be less so in the post-ATRA world. This presentation explores how clients can escape from the no-longer-useful (or perhaps harmful) estate planning transaction or more efficiently administer those from which they cannot escape. John F. Bergner, Attorney 11:45 am – 12:00 pm Questions and Answers 12:00 pm – 1:30 pmLuncheon: Tax Court Policies, Programs and Recent Developments The Honorable David Gustafson Tax Court Judge 1:30 pm – 2:45 pm Putting It All Together – The Best Planning Strategies in the New Frontier that Reduce Both Income Taxes and Transfer Taxes A fascinating discussion about planning strategies that lower your clients’ potential transfer taxes and reduce the net tax effect a sale of any assets subject to estate planning may have, including: various borrowing, location, disregarded entity, grantor trust, QSST, mixing bowl and charitable planning strategies. This session will also explore various strategies that reduce a complex trust’s income taxes, indirectly benefit grantor GST trusts with a Roth IRA conversion, and enhance the basis of a surviving spouse’s assets. Stacy S. Eastland, Attorney 2:45 pm – 3:00 pm Questions and Answers 3:00 pm – 3:30 pmBreak: Aloha Ice Cream Social 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm Figuring Out the Lifetime Puzzle of Qualified Plans, Traditional IRAs and ROTH IRAs A comprehensive analysis of how qualified plans are structured, how they operate, requirements during life, minimum distribution rules for owners, beneficiaries and trusts, special planning for ROTH IRAs, how to complete a beneficiary designation, creditor protection considerations, special rights, special planning for blended families and much more. Steven E. Trytten, Attorney 4:30 pm – 4:45 pm Questions and Answers 4:45 pm – 6:15 pm The Sale of the Los Angeles Clippers; A Sterling Dilemma of Competency, Trust Powers and Contract Rights with the NBA Ever think the sale of a National Basketball Association franchise – The Los Angeles Clippers – would ever involve the everyday principles that Wealth Transfer Advisors encounter? Learn about how ordinary trust provisions are examined and implemented in the midst of a dispute about competency, contract rights and the sale of a Two Billion Dollar asset. Arnold H. Gold, Judge Edward J. McCaffery, Professor David W. Trader, M.D. Alan T. Yoshitake, Attorney 6:15 pm – 6:30 pm Questions and Answers PAGE 7 Tuesday, November 4 7:00 am – 8:00 am Continental Breakfast 8:00 amSpecial Presentation: Tribute to the late Jon Gallo (1942 - 2014) 8:00 am – 9:15 am Venn Diagrams: The Intersection of Estate and Income Taxation Post-ATRA planning will increasingly focus on income tax planning, the management of tax basis, and maximizing the “step-up” in basis at death. This presentation will discuss: measuring the transfer tax costs (including state estate and inheritance taxes) against the income tax savings from the “step-up” on different types of assets; recapturing assets that have already been transferred; multiplying the applicable exclusion amount; using trust and partnership elections, distributions, and reorganizations to maximize the “stepup” and “split” income across taxpayers; and using debt to reduce estate tax exposure but maximize the “step-up.” Paul Lee, Attorney 9:15 am – 9:30 am Questions and Answers 9:30 am – 10:30 am Dealing with the “Family” in Setting Up and Maintaining a Family Limited Partnership or Family Limited Liability Company Explore the fundamental issues in setting up and operating a family limited partnership or family limited liability company. Better understand that once these planning vehicles are set up and operating, the family members need to deal with each other and the day to day issues of operation, disclosure, reporting and maintenance. Lee Hausner, Ph.D Jonathan Lurie, Attorney 10:30 am – 10:45 am Questions and Answers 10:45 am – 11:00 amBreak 11:00 am – 11:45 am Valuation Summit: The IRS, Valuation Issues, Penalties and Celebrity Estates Explore the dynamics of valuations, discounts and using liability offsets which are at the epicenter of certain celebrity estates. This fascinating panel presentation will analyze the fluidity of valuation, reporting and dispute resolution from vastly different perspectives. The Honorable David Gustafson, Tax Court Judge Kurt K. Kawafuchi, Attorney Stephanie Loomis-Price, Attorney Leslie Wright, Vice President 11:45 am – 12:00 pm Questions and Answers 12:00 pm – 1:30 pmLuncheon: Obama Tax Policy, Legacy and Its Effects Edward J. McCaffery, Professor PAGE 8 HAWAII TA X INSTITUTE PROGRAM TRACKS: Fiduciary, Financial or Tax 1:30 pm – 2:20 pm Fiduciary Track IRS Audit Alert: Dancing with the Taxman and Defending Transfer Tax Returns with Closely Held Interests With federal budget deficits and funding restrictions comes targeted scrutiny by the IRS of transfers of a Closely Held Interest. This session will identify the issues that are being audited, documentation generally requested, how to respond to the IRS and how to move the IRS off the hot button issues. Stephanie Loomis-Price, Attorney Financial TrackAll You Wanted To Know about Administering Grantor Retained Annuity Trusts (GRATs) but Were Afraid To Ask Administration of a GRAT after its creation will determine whether you optimize its performance and actually achieve your client’s objectives. This session will discuss practical issues that arise once the GRAT is funded, including gift and GST tax reporting and elections, substitutions of trust assets, best options to satisfy annuity payments, the effect of the 105-day grace period, related valuation questions and relevant securities law requirements. Learn about recent IRS audit activity examining GRATs and “exit” strategies when the GRAT is underperforming/or overperforming, or to address the grantor’s mortality. William H. Atha, II, Family Wealth Director John F. Bergner, Attorney Tax Track The Nuts and Bolts of IRC Section 1031 Like-Kind Exchanges Understanding the opportunities of a simultaneous and deferred like-kind exchange is becoming more essential in today’s wealth transmission process. Explore what properties qualify for this tax benefit, how to structure, qualify and document the transaction, what are the pitfalls, and how to use the deferral of income taxation in an overall strategy of transferring your client’s wealth. Robert N. Duran, Attorney 2:20 pm – 2:30 pm Questions and Answers 2:30 pm – 3:20 pm TRACKS: Fiduciary, Financial or Tax Fiduciary TrackRespect Your Elders; Ethical Considerations, Representing Clients with Diminishing Capacity, What To Do and How To Do It With an aging baby boomer population and client base comes a likelihood of diminishing capacity and greater susceptibility to undue influence. This session will discuss how to recognize a client whose capacity is diminishing, where are the lines in the sand and what a wealth transfer advisor is to do in between the lines. CPE/Legal Ethics Credit available. Arnold H. Gold, Judge John T. Rogers, Jr. , Attorney David W. Trader, M.D. Financial Track Post Death Administration of Qualified Plans, Traditional IRAs and Roth IRAs The presentation will focus on what needs to be done with Qualified Plans, IRAs and Roth IRAs after the participant dies. Explore what type of accounts result from a death, what are the rules applicable to spouses and non-spouses with respect to minimum distributions, how to administer a trust designated as a beneficiary and coordinating tax apportionment. This session will have forms and a complete checklist of what to do. Steven E. Trytten, Attorney PAGE 9 Tax TrackU.S. Estate and Gift Tax Planning for the Foreign Investor This presentation will review the U.S. estate and gift tax rules that apply to nonresident noncitizens (NRNCs), with a particular focus on those individuals who have, or plan to have, investments in U.S. real estate and U.S. businesses. We will explore the various alternatives for NRNCs to hold their U.S. investments and the gift, estate and income tax rules associated with those alternatives upon a sale or transfer of the U.S. investments during life or at death. Constance Liu, Attorney Theresa Marx, Attorney 3:20 pm – 3:30 pm Questions and Answers 3:30 pm – 4:00 pmBreak: Ohana Tea and Cookies TRACKS: Fiduciary, Financial or Tax 4:00 pm – 4:50 pm Fiduciary TrackEstate Planning for Clients $10 Million and under Estates Estate planning for clients who may not be subject to transfer tax appears simple, but it’s not. Default reliance on bypass/QTIP planning will no longer suffice. Wealth Transfer Advisors will need to balance a client’s competing objectives of control for the surviving spouse, asset protection, minimizing state estate tax and using portability elections. Stephen R. Akers, Attorney Financial TrackUsing a Captive Insurance Company as a Wealth Transfer Strategy With 60+ years of history, its own Internal Revenue Code Section, and over 65 Domestic and International Domiciles to choose from for licensure, this $200 Billion a Year industry only continues to grow in popularity and gain recognition as a wealth transfer tool. This session provides an overview of captive insurance companies, the establishment process and critical components, and focuses on how your clients can realize the maximum insurance, asset protection, tax and estate planning benefits this vehicle can offer. Peter J. Strauss, Attorney Tax Track Practical Aspects of Portability in Planning and Administration Because the estate tax applicable exclusion amount is now portable between spouses, portability must now be given thoughtful regard in structuring estate planning documents. After death, choices about portability must be made in estate and trust administration about whether and to what extent portability should be elected. Those choices mean evaluating present estate tax and future income tax characteristics of each unique situation. Sample election forms and attachments will be analyzed. Michael J. Jones, CPA 4:50 pm – 5:00 pm Questions and Answers Sheraton Waikiki Helu moa Playground PAGE 10 HAWAII TA X INSTITUTE PROGRAM Wednesday, November 5 7:00 am – 8:00 am Continental Breakfast 8:00 am – 9:00 am 20 Things You Need To Know about Selecting a Trustee and Selecting Trustee Powers The presentation addresses non-tax factors in the selection of a trustee, and addresses in detail gift, estate and income tax issues that arise with either the settlor of a trust or a trust beneficiary serving as the trustee. The discussion addresses both dispositive powers as well as administrative powers that may be held by a settlor or beneficiary as trustee without causing a tax disaster. “Savings clauses” may be helpful to avoid tax calamities by automatically limiting the powers of trustees to avoid tax-sensitive powers. Stephen R. Akers, Attorney 9:00 am – 9:15 am Questions and Answers 9:15 am – 10:15 amBusiness Succession Planning for the Baby Boomer Generation – New Tools, Opportunities and Issues This session will focus on the changing views and attitudes between the Baby Boomer Generation and prior generations when it comes to estate planning and generational wealth transfer, especially as it relates to closely held business interests. The session will review the changes that have occurred and why prior motivators for estate planning, such as maximizing wealth transfer and minimizing taxes, may not be as important as they have been in the past. The session will then look at alternatives to the traditional estate planning model in light of these shifting values and will also review new tools and techniques that are now available to Baby Boomers with closely held business interests. Eileen Gallo, Ph.D Michael J. Jones, CPA David R. York, Attorney 10:15 am – 10:30 amBreak 10:30 am – 11:45 am Practical Wealth Transfer Planning through Income Tax Glasses – What Should You Be Doing Today! Due to the drop in estate tax rates to 40% and the increase in capital gains tax rates which, when taking into account federal, state and Obamacare’s 3.8% tax, can be as high as 38%, traditional estate planning techniques to transfer appreciation in assets may not accomplish any significant tax savings when the loss of basis step-up is factored into the equation. This presentation will identify situations where the loss of the basis step-up is irrelevant (so that traditional estate planning techniques make sense), where the loss of the basis step-up matters, how to recapture the potential lost basis step-up in the context of estate plans already in place, and creative estate planning ideas that preserve the basis step-up while still allowing appreciation to be transferred out of the estate to avoid estate tax. Andrew M. Katzenstein, Attorney 11:45 am – 12:00 pm Questions and Answers 12:00 pm – 1:30 pmLuncheon: U.S. Department of Justice Policies, Programs and Developments Florence Nakakuni, U.S. Attorney US Department of Justice PAGE 11 1:30 pm – 2:20 pm TRACKS: Fiduciary, Financial or Tax Planning from the Grave – Wealth Transfer Strategies in the After Life Fiduciary Track Just because your client dies does not mean wealth transfer planning ends. Learn about what planning techniques can be implemented when a client is on their death bed and what can be done to minimize taxes and maximize benefits after a client dies. Andrew D. Copans, Attorney Jonathan Lurie, Attorney Financial Track Key Considerations in How To and How not To Structure Domestic Asset Protection Trusts (DAPTs) for Maximum Effectiveness This session will discuss the critical building blocks and the best ways to structure DAPTs for maximum protection based upon previous cases and existing statutes. The Huber case will provide a case study of how not to do DAPT planning. Situs, jurisdiction, public policy, alter ego, constitutional issues, fraudulent conveyances and exception creditors will all be discussed as potential challenges to DAPTs. If properly established and maintained, the glass is half full! Al W. King, III, Attorney Tax TrackAnnual Exclusion Gifting Strategies and Traps Learn about the power of making annual exclusion gifts, how to design a strategic lifetime plan and how to use annual exclusion gifts to incentivize good beneficiary behavior. This session will also focus on the many traps for the unwary and how to avoid them. Charles “Clary” Redd, Attorney 2:20 pm – 2:30 pm Questions and Answers TRACKS: Fiduciary, Financial or Tax 2:30 pm – 3:20 pm Fiduciary Track Doing the Right Thing: Everyday Ethical Considerations Facing All Wealth Transfer Advisors and What To Do about Them There are a wide variety of everyday ethical considerations facing Wealth Transfer Advisors. Learn how to identify the ethical issues when they arise, what standards apply, the different choices in dealing with them and the potential exposure to liability for any Wealth Transfer Advisor. CPE/Legal Ethics Credit available. Bruce S. Ross, Attorney Financial Track Planning for the Modern Family – The Many Uses of Life Insurance in Your Clients’ Wealth Transfer Strategy As society evolves; families are living in different parts of the United States, second marriages and blended families are on the rise, baby boomers are living longer and families are accumulating more wealth than ever. Learn how to use life insurance and related products to enhance your clients’ overall wealth transfer strategies. Insurance Credit available for CA and HI only. Randy L. Zipse, Attorney PAGE 12 HAWAII TA X INSTITUTE PROGRAM Tax TrackUS Income Taxation of Nonresident Individuals and Foreign Corporations: A View from the Forms File The United States taxes nonresident individuals and foreign corporations on US source investment and business income under highly technical rules and regulations. This course brings the complex rules to ground through a review of the IRS forms that taxpayers and withholding agents must use to report income and information. Robert N. Duran, Attorney Kurt K. Kawafuchi, Attorney Victor Song, Former Chief of IRS Criminal Tax Division 3:20 pm – 3:30 pm Questions and Answers 3:30 pm – 4:00 pmBreak: A Gathering – Wine and Cheese Sampling TRACKS: Fiduciary, Financial or Tax 4:00 pm – 4:50 pm Fiduciary TrackEstate, Tax and Financial Planning for Same-Sex Couples after Windsor It’s been more than a year since the United States Supreme Court held that samesex married couples have all of the rights and responsibilities of marriage under federal law. Many states, including Hawaii, now allow same-sex couples to marry, but many others do not. Even where marriage is available, not all couples are choosing to take that step. This session will address various planning issues that same-sex couples should consider during this turbulent time, and will include a discussion of best practices in estate planning and the importance of premarital agreements. Susan von Herrmann, Attorney Financial Track Private Family Trust Companies – A New Tool of Governance and Control This session will explore the reasons for, and use of, Private Family Trust Companies for governance of family assets and resources. The session will review the history of Private Trust Companies, similarities and differences between Private Trust Companies and other more traditional governance models, and the IRS’ position with respect to both regulated and unregulated Private Trust Companies. The session will also review the various jurisdictions where Private Trust Companies could be organized and operated. David R. York, Attorney Tax Track 2014 Hawaii Trusts and Estates Legislative Update An overview of the legislation that passed this session as it relates to trusts, estates and taxes. Learn about new legislation on (1) Uniform Power of Attorneys; (2) Directed Trusts (3); Trustee Compensation; and (4) Estate and Generation Skipping Tax and much more. Judy Y. Lee, Attorney 4:50 pm –5:00 pm Questions and Answers PAGE 13 Thursday, November 6 7:00 am – 8:00 am Continental Breakfast 8:00 am – 9:00 amRecent Developments in Income Tax Planning – Things that All Wealth Transfer Advisors Will Need To Know An overview of the recently enacted and proposed legislation in income taxation applicable to all Wealth Transfer Advisors including the 3.8% health care surtax as it applies to individuals, and trusts and estates. As a result of the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2013, income tax planning is more important than ever. Keep abreast of the changes and recent developments that will affect your practice. Mark Vorsatz, Attorney 9:00 am – 9:15 am Questions and Answers 9:15 am – 10:30 amA Fresh Look at Fiduciary Litigation An overview of significant fiduciary duty principles that are constantly litigated. Become better aware of the developments in the law of testamentary capacity and undue influence; related remedies; intentional interference with expectancy; financial elder abuse; aiding and abetting. Keep on top of the general trends and the most recent developments that are occurring in litigation against fiduciaries and Wealth Transfer Advisors. Bruce S. Ross, Attorney 10:30 am – 10:45 amBreak 10:45 am – 11:45 am The Future of Estate Planning, Fiduciary Services and Wealth Transfer Advisors The world has changed for estate planners and fiduciaries in ways that recently would have seemed unlikely, if not unfathomable, to most of us. New definitions of “marriage” and “family,” historically high estate and gift tax exemptions, portability, enhanced beneficiary rights (and willingness to assert them), information availability on demand, expansion of artificial intelligence uses . . . the list could go on and on. This session will explore such questions as: How have estate planning practices and the providing of fiduciary services evolved? Have the fundamental purposes of estate planning and trust administration changed? Is the demand for our services growing or shrinking? How will we adapt and, hopefully, thrive as we go deeper into the new millennium? Andrew M. Katzenstein, Attorney Judy Y. Lee, Attorney Charles “Clary” A. Redd, Attorney 11:45 am – 12:00 pm Questions and Answers 12:00 pm – 1:30 pmLuncheon: IRS Criminal Tax Division Policies, Process and Insights Victor Song, Former Chief of IRS Criminal Tax Division PAGE 14 IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGISTRATION: Register online or by mail. Web site: www.hitaxinstitute.org Mail: Hawaii Tax Institute, P.O. Box 1381, Honolulu, Hawaii 96807 CONTACT INFORMATION: Phone: (808) 540-3931 Web site: www.hitaxinstitute.org LOCATION: Sheraton Waikiki Resort will be the headquarters for the 51st Annual Hawaii Tax Institute. HOTEL INFORMATION: Sheraton Waikiki Resort, while available until 5:00 p.m. local time on October 13, 2014, is offering a special run of the house room rate of $275 which includes City View, Mountain View, Partial Ocean View and Ocean Front rooms, for all Hawaii Tax Institute participants. (866) 716-8109 or www.sheratonwaikiki.com. Category assignment will not be known until the day of arrival and will be dependent on the availability in each category on arrival day. TRAVEL ACCOMMODATIONS: Carefree Tour and Travel is the official travel agency for the Hawaii Tax Institute and is offering discounted airfare and car rental for all Hawaii Tax Institute participants. Contact person is Gerri Yoshida at [email protected]; (808) 526-2222 (Ext. 107) – Telephone; and (808) 523-2034 – Facsimile. ity pool Sheraton Waikiki infin Sheraton Waikiki HOTEL INFORMATION Sleek and comfortable, the modern rooms of Sheraton Waikiki create a beautiful home where tourists and business travelers can feel welcome throughout their trip. A number of dining options allow guests and locals to enjoy great food choices or simply hangout, with Rum Fire among the top options. Sophisticated accommodations feature plump furnishings and private balconies open to stunning beach and mountain views. • Popular hangouts in the hotel including Yoshiya, Edge of Waikiki, Ingredients, Kai Market and Rum Fire • 1.6 miles from University of Hawaii at Manoa • 1 mile from Waikiki Aquarium • Unique “super pool” plus adults-only infinity pool with plenty of chaise lounges and 2 spa tubs • Sheraton Fitness Center by Core • Limo or Town Car service available • Valet parking • High-speed internet access PAGE 15 CONTIN U ING EDUCATION CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDITS: Up to 40 hours (including the pre-conference session) of continuing education Group-Live credits are available to attendees of the conference. Program Level: Overview – Prerequisites: Generally familiar with estate planning principles – Advanced Preparation: None – Recommended Field of Study: Taxes except for two workshops which are Behavioral Ethics. This conference meets the educational requirements of many national/state organizations and agencies with mandatory CLE/CPE requirements. Learning Objectives: Upon completion of the program, participants will be able to identify, analyze and resolve practical estate planning, administration and tax reporting issues. ACCOUNTANTS/CPAs (CPE): This program meets the guidelines for Continuing Professional Education set by the Hawaii State Board of Accountancy, State of Hawaii Insurance Division, and the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA). This program offers CPE ethics credits. indicates CPE/Legal Ethics Credit available. The Hawaii Tax Institute Foundation is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: www.learningmarket.org. CERTIFIED FINANCIAL AND TRUST ADVISORS (CTFA): We have applied for credit with the Institute of Certified Bankers – ICB qualified credits and approval are pending. INSURANCE AGENTS: This program meets the guidelines for continuing education set by the State of Hawaii, Dept. of Consumer Affairs – Insurance Division, and the California Dept. of Insurance. The courses have been submitted and are pending approval, for Hawaii and California only. indicates Insurance Credit available for HI and CA only. FINANCIAL PLANNERS (CFP): The program meets the guidelines for CFP credits and the Hawaii Tax Institute Foundation and Chaminade University are registered CFP Board CE Sponsors. Note: This program does not offer CFP ethics credits. LAWYERS (MCLE, VCLE, MCPE): The Hawaii Tax Institute Foundation and Chaminade University of Honolulu are State of Hawaii and State of California approved MCLE providers, and certify that this activity qualifies for MCLE credit. Continuing legal education credit has been applied for in every state that has mandatory continuing legal education requirements and has been routinely granted for past institutes, including Hawaii’s new VCLE and MCPE requirements. indicates CPE/Legal Ethics Credit available. LEGAL SPECIALIZATION (CALIFORNIA ONLY): The Hawaii Tax Institute Foundation and Chaminade University of Honolulu, a State Bar of California approved Legal Specialization provider, certify that this activity has been approved for Legal Specialization credit in Taxation law, and Legal Specialization credit in Estate Planning, Trust and Probate law, and Legal Specialization of Current Developments. Continuing legal education credit has been applied for in every state that has mandatory continuing legal education requirements and has been routinely granted for past Institutes. In the past, continuing education credit has also been available for other estate planning professionals, including accountants, financial planners, banking and insurance professionals. We urge you to contact our office in advance with questions regarding the availability of credit for a specific jurisdiction or profession, as we cannot guarantee that credit will be available in all cases. PAGE 16 REGISTR ATION INFORMATION Qualification for Admission The Institute serves as a forum for members of all professions dealing with tax, fiduciary, insurance, non-profit and financial related issues. The program is designed for attorneys, accountants, bank and trust administrators, financial planners, non-profit administrators and insurance agents. Anyone who feels that the Institute will be of benefit is invited to register. Location Sheraton Waikiki Resort, Honolulu, will be the headquarters for the 51st Anniversary Hawaii Tax Institute. Registration Registration fees for the 2014 Hawaii Tax Institute are noted in this program. Early registration or indication of intent to register is encouraged. We offer government and student discounts. Mail-in registration should be addressed to P. O. Box 1381, Honolulu, Hawaii 96807. On-line registration can be completed at www.hitaxinstitute.org. Hotel Information Sheraton Waikiki Resort, Honolulu, while available, is offering a special run of the house room rate of $275 which includes City View, Mountain View, Partial Ocean View and Ocean Front rooms, for all Hawaii Tax Institute participants. (866) 716-8109 or www.sheratonwaikiki.com. Category assignment will not be known until the day of arrival and will be dependent on the availability in each category on arrival day. Parking All day self-parking will cost $8.00 per day with validation. All day valet parking will cost $13.00 per day with validation. Validation may be obtained in the registration area of the conference. Overnight self-parking: $27.00, overnight valet parking: $33.00. No validation for overnight parking. Outlines Outlines detailing the text of each speaker’s plenary presentation will be distributed to all applicable registrants prior to the opening session Monday. Outlines for each track session will be distributed to registrants on the applicable day. If there is a surplus, outlines may be purchased after the Institute. Tickets Transferable Admission cards will be transferable, thus permitting various members of one firm to be in attendance for discussion of topics relating to their individual interests. Only one person per ticket may be in attendance at a given time. Tickets and Materials All tickets and materials will be located at the Registration Desk. Cancellations/Refunds/Complaints Refunds will be made, provided written requests are post-marked by October 10, 2014, less a $125 administrative fee. All refunds will be processed following the Institute. For more information regarding administration policies such as refunds, cancellations and complaints, please contact the Hawaii Tax Institute Foundation at (808) 540-3931. NO REQUESTS FOR REFUNDS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER OCTOBER 10, 2014. Tax Deductions All expenses (including registration fees, travel and lodging, except meals) incurred to maintain and improve professional skills are tax deductible. (Cost of meals may not be fully deductible under the provision of the 1986 Tax Reform Act) (Treas. Reg. 1-163.5; Coughlin vs. Commissioner, 203 F.2d 307). PAGE 17 REGISTRATION FORM 51 st ANN UAL HAWAII TAX INSTITUTE NOVEMBER 3-6, 2014 Sheraton Waikiki Resort HONOLULU, HAWAII REGISTER ONLINE OR BY MAIL: Web site: www.hitaxinstitute.org Mail: Hawaii Tax Institute Foundation P.O. Box 1381 Honolulu, Hawaii 96807 Name (Mr./Ms.): Photocopy form for additional registrants Firm/Company : E-mail: Telephone: Firm/Company Address: City: State: REGISTER ONLINE: www.hitaxinstitute.org Zip: By 10/10/14After 10/10/14 4-Day Pass $850.00 $975.00 Single Day Pass $295.00 $425.00 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Registration fees include one set of materials, daily lunches, ice cream social (Monday), tea and cookies (Tuesday), wine and cheese (Wednesday) and daily continental breakfasts. CANCELLATION FEE: $125. NO REFUNDS after October 10, 2014. MATERIALS: Advanced materials selection is required, onsite availability may be limited. Print Materials CD-ROM USB Flash Drive Enclosed is a check payable to: “Hawaii Tax Institute Foundation”. CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDIT: Seeking Continuing Education? Yes No PRIMARY PROFESSION (please choose at least one): Attorney State(s) _____, _____ CPA State(s) _____, _____ Insurance State(s) _____, _____ CFP Trust Officer Investment Advisor Enrolled Agent Government Paralegal Other Accountant CTFA The Hawaii Tax Institute is going green. Please send an email to [email protected] to receive announcements and future brochures by email. The Hawaii Tax Institute Foundation and Chaminade University of Honolulu do NOT discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, religion, age, national or ethnic origin, political beliefs, veteran status, or physical disability in admission to, access to, or employment in its programs and activities. WIN A FREE REGISTRATION! (First time registrants only) visit WWW.HITAXINSTITUTE.ORG for details Florence Nakakuni , U.S. Attorney US Department of Justice Honolulu, Hawaii Jeffrey N. Pennell, Professor Emory University School of Law Atlanta, Georgia Charles A. Redd, Attorney Stinson Leonard Street LLP St. Louis, Missouri Bruce S. Ross, Attorney Holland & Knight Los Angeles, California Stacy S. Eastland, Attorney Goldman Sachs Houston, Texas The Honorable David Gustafson, Judge United States Tax Court Washington, DC Robert K. Kirkland, Attorney Kirkland Woods & Martinsen PC Liberty, Missouri Paul Lee, Attorney Bernstein Global Wealth Management New York, New York Take advantage of the early Registration fees. Register bY October 10, 2014, and SAVE! Visit our Web site: www.hitaxinstitute.org Edward J. McCaffery, Professor University of Southern California Los Angeles, California Stephen R. Akers, Attorney Bessemer Trust Dallas, Texas SPEAKE RS FROM AC ROSS T HE C O U N TRY A Special Invitation To: (First time registrants only) visit WWW.HITAXINSTITUTE.ORG for details WIN A FREE REGISTRATION! HAWAII TAX INSTITUTE FOUNDATION P.O. Box 1381 Honolulu, Hawaii 96807 NONPROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID honolulu, hawaii PERMIT NO. 1690
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