● Wednesday, 15th October 2014 20:00 WELCOME (terrace hotel Ivan) ● Thursday, 16th October 2014 09:00 - 09:15 Opening Ceremony – music Željka Smičibrada __________________________________________________________ 09:15 - 10:00 Introductory Speech and News about the Work of the Agencies and the Ministries, ten years of cooperation with the CROLAB Chairman: Š.Cerjan, D.Zvizdić, V.Mucko, V.Kubanović ● HAA, DZM, HMI, HGK, MINGO,MP, MZOP, AZO 09:45 - 10:00 V.Krstelj (HIS): Priorities HIS in the EU 2020 strategy 10:00 - 10:15 D.Norris: Ten Years of EU / EFTA regional support in Quality Infrastructure 10:15 - 10:30 E. Eftimie Totu (EURACHEM): EURACHEM a focus for quality related issues in Europe __________________________________________________________ 10:30 - 11:00 Poster Presentations / Coffee break / __________________________________________________________ 11:00 - 13:00 Notified Bodies Forum (KIC) Chairman: V. Mucko, M. Povodnik, I. Markušić 11:00 - 11:15 V.Mucko (HAA) Initiating Discussion from the Selected Topics Forum Contents: ● Experiences of the Croatian and Slovenian Notified Bodies with Conformity Assessment at the EU Internal Market – how to be competitive ● Mutual Cooperation, Informing and Coordination of Activities of the Notified Bodies at the National and EU Level ● Cooperation with the Ministries Responsible for Technical Harmonisation and Notification ● Experience with Accreditation for the Purpose of Notification ● Application of the Regulation 768/2008 and the EA 2/17 Guidance ● Cooperation with the Testing Laboratories in the Conformity Assessment Procedure ● Experience in Standardization (harmonized standards) in the Notification Area at the National and the EU Level ● Accreditation, National Standardization, Conformity Assessment Bodies (potential notified bodies __________________________________________________________ 13:00 - 14:00 Lunch break __________________________________________________________ 14:00 - 23:00 Excursion __________________________________________________________ ● Friday, 17th October 2014 09:00 - 11:00 KUL - CROLAB-Calibration Laboratory Club - KUL + Regional Conformity Assessment Workshop (RCAW) Chairman: D.Zvizdić, D.Norris ● a) In RCAW the Representatives of the Conformity Assessment Systems of South-East Europe will discuss hot topics of the day, to include latest related developments in EU Legislation and new Demands on - and Opportunities for Conformity Assessment Bodies. 10:00 – 10:15 K.Premec (DHMZ) Calibration capabilities of DHMZ-SOUL as a possible contribution to the further development of metrology infrastructure in Croatia 10:15 – 10.30 A.Milinković (Laboratorija Vekom Geo d.o.o) The interrelationship between the national body for accreditation in the realization Multisite accreditation of calibration laboratories ● b) The KUL members and RCAW Colleagues will discuss the roles and opportunities of NMI-s and their National calibration laboratories and DIs in providing PT for the purpose of accredditation of calibration laboratories in cooperation with NABs. ________________________________________________________ 11:00 - 11:30 Coffee break ________________________________________________________ 11:30 - 12:00 Presentation of the Book M.Kaštelan Macan Encyclopedic Dictionary of Analytical Terminology (FKIT, Zagreb, 2014.) Book presenter: S.Babić (FKIT) ________________________________________________________ 12:00 - 14:00 KIL - Laboratory quality assurance Chairman: D.Štuhec, E. Trogrlić, V. Živković 12:00 - 12:15 O.Štajdohar Pañen (IEE d.d.): The role of laboratories in assuring the reliability of electrical power network 12:15 - 12:30 E.Trogrlić (IGH): Quality Assurance Test Results 12:30 - 12:45 M.Šiljeg (GF): Green Technologies in the Role of Economic Recovery 12:45 - 13:00 M.Dobrilović (RGN): Experience of Laboratories for Testing of Explosives 13:00 - 13:30 S. Cerjan Stefanović (CROLAB): CROLAB in the Green Chemistry System and EUROPE 2020 ________________________________________________________ 14:00 - 15:00 Lunch break ________________________________________________________ 15:00 - 16:00 Poster Section Chairman: N.Antunac, L.Grgec Bermanec, K.Premec ________________________________________________________ 16:00 - 18:00 Meeting KIL, KAL, KUL and KIC Chairman: D.Štuhec, M.Trkmić, D.Zvizdić, R.Mileković ________________________________________________________ 18:00 Annual Meeting Chairman: Š.Cerjan, D.Zvizdić, V.Mucko ________________________________________________________ 20:00 Gala Dinner (ethno-village) ________________________________________________________ ● Saturday, 18th October 2014 KAL - Laboratory Competence Chairman: V.Popijač, T.Jakovljević, Lj.Đurñek 09:00 - 9:15 M.Trkmić (HEP d.d.): News from the seminar EUROCHEM: Quality in Analytical Measurements 09:15 - 09:30 V.Popijač (Podravka d.d.): Interlaboratory Comparative Testings 2013 Zvijezda d.d. + Podravka d.d. + Crolab 09:30 - 09:45 R.Leder, S.Peran, I.V.Petric, V.Kubanović (HCPHS) - Experience in the Preparation of Reference Materials as a Tool of an Internal Quality Control ______________________________________________________ 10:00 - 12:00 Rounded table - How to be Successful on the Market Moderators: M. Trkmić, O. Štajdohar-Pañen ______________________________________________________ Z.Grgić (EKONERG): New Accredited Laboratory N.Mikulec (AF): Reference Laboratory for Milk and Dairy Products I.Delonga (CROATIAKONTROLA d.o.o.): Our Experiences M.Podobnik (Mirta-kontrol) - RH in EC – new business opportunity for laboratory and certification body for products V. Živković (ŠF): Laboratory of Wood in Construction ______________________________________________________ 12:00 - 12.30 Š. Cerjan Stefanović (CROLAB), D.Zvizdić (FSB): Conclusions and Closing of the Conference ______________________________________________________ ● WELCOME Dear colleagues, you are invited to the 10th CROLAB conference "Laboratory competence - Šibenik 2014" which will be held from 15th 18th of October 2014. We recommend this Conference to be dedicated to competence and concurence of laboratories and also to celebrate CROLAB's 10th conference. We all want cooperation and contact between laboratories and government bodies, but also with laboratories from neighbouring countries, members and future members of EU. We are cordially expecting you. CROLAB President Prof. Štefica Cerjan Stefanović Ph. D. ● INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMME COMMITTEE (IPC) Prof. D. Zvizdić Ph. D. Chair (FSB) HR Mr.D.Norris Co-Chair (CEN) V. Kubanović Ph. D. (HCPHS) HR Prof. Š. Cerjan Stefanović Ph. D. (CROLAB) HR Prof. N. Antunac Ph. D. (AF) HR V. Asanović Ph. D. (MBM) MN I. Avdagić B. D. (MINGO) HR B. Bajzek Brezak MSc (HAA) HR M. Cotman Ph. D. (KEMIJSKI INŠTITUT) SLO Z. Džemić MSc (IMBIH) BIH Prof. L. Grgec Bermanec Ph. D. (FSB) HR Prof emeritus M. Kaštelan Macan (FKIT) HR Prof. D. Kovačević Ph. D. (PBF, OSIJEK) HR Prof. V. Krstelj Ph. D. (HIS) HR Prof. I. Leito (UT) EST B. Ljubić MSc (DZM) B. Magnusson Ph. D. (EURACHEM) SWE N. Mikulec Ph. D. (AF) HR R. Mileković, B. Sc (Končar) HR Prof. T. Muhić-Šarac Ph. D. (PMF) BIH S. Pupavac MSc (EKO-LAB) SRB D. Risović Ph. D. (IRB) HR J. Sobola Ph. D. (EUROLAB) CZ O. Štajdohar-Pañen, B. Sc. (IE) HR D. Štuhec, B. Sc. (GFV) HR M. Trkmić Ph. D. (HEP-Proizvodnja) HR M. Trajkovska Trpevska MSc (MAKLAB) MK D. Vlašić Pleše Msc (MVEP) HR V. Živković MSc (DMDM) SRB T. Župić, B. Sc. (HGK) HR ● ORGANISING COMMITTEE K. Premec, B. Sc., president (DHMZ) HR M. Povodnik, B. Sc., vice president (Mirta-Kontrol) HR M. Zečević,MSc, vice president HR I. Čelar, B. Sc. (UNIDU) HR Lj. Đurñek, B. Sc. (NEK) SLO Z. Grgić, B. Sc. (Ekonerg) HR S. Kalšan, B. Sc. (Koestlin) HR T. Jakovljević Ph. D. (HSI) HR R. Mertz, B. Sc. (APZ) HR V. Mucko, B. Sc. (HAA) HR V.Popijač MSc. (Podravka d.d.) HR J. Sablek, B. Sc. (Euroinspekt Croatiakontrola) HR Ž. Zgorelec Ph. D. (AF) HR V. Živković Ph. D. (ŠF) HR P. Žurga MSc (ZZJZPGŽ) HR ● PROGRAM OF CONFERENCE Within the Conference program 4 main activities are also included: • Plenary speakers • Round tables, workshop and forum • Poster presentations • Exibition of laboratory equipement and literatire Oficcial Conference languages are croatian and english ● TOPICS 1. Activities and news in KAL, KUL, KIL and KIC 2. Role and position of laboratories in EU and region 3. Cooperation with government bodies, colleges, institutes and agencies 3rd announcement ● REGISTRATION FEE 1. 270€ for payements payed before October 1st 2014. 2. 210€ for members of CROLAB 3. 160€ for students, research asisstants, retired people 4. 130€ 1 day cotisation 5. Lecturer's (first author) admission fee is lowered by 20 % (210€, CROLAB member 170€) VAT of 25% is not included in the above registration fee. Registration fees paid after September 15th 2014. will be 30% higher. The fee (1, 2 and 3) includes the costs associated with the book of summaries, book of publications (CD), anniversary Newsletter and other organizational costs. The fee has to be paid to the following gyro account number: 2360000-1101693588 Zagrebačka banka d.d., Trg bana Josipa Jelačića 10, 10000 Zagreb Croatia. SWIFT: ZABAHR2X, IBAN: HR8623600001101693588 with the participant’s name and surname and the purpose of payment: “For the CROLAB Conference 2014”. CROLAB’s OIB number: 94462158597 10th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ● REGISTRATION, CONTACTS AND DEADLINES: Online registration for the conference can be found on the webasite www.crolab.hr. Please register as soon as you can in order for us to better organize the conference. Please send a summary of your work in english for the book of summaries and a publication for the book of publication by September 29th 2014 at the latest. Summaries of all lectures and posters should be in the book of summaries. Poster dimensions are 90x100cm. The entire work can be published in the book of publications (CD) and will be peer reviewed. Contact person: Mladenka Crneković, dipl. ing. tel: + 385 91/4111-570, +385 1/6111-570 e-mail: [email protected] web: www.crolab.hr Adress: CROLAB, Berislavićeva 6, HR-10000 Zagreb ● ACCOMMODATION Participants are kindly requested to book directly with the hotel indicating: "CROLAB" Solaris Beach Resort (Hotel IVAN) web: www.solaris.hr email: [email protected] phone: +00385 22 361 005, mobile: +00385 99 2045 204 LABORATORY COMPETENCE 2014 & Regional Conformity Assessment Workshop 15.- 18. OCTOBER 2014. ŠIBENIK - HOTEL IVAN - SOLARIS - CROATIA AUSPICES President RH MINGO - MP - MZOS HGK - HAA - DZM - HMI - HIS - HDK - AZO
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