CEC Grammar School Table of Contents Mission Our School Philosophy Accreditations School Data Enrollment Policy Admission Policy Placement (testing) Financial Matters Absences and Tardiness Bad Weather Days Academic Atmosphere School Materials, etc. School Property Personal Items Lunch Transportation Academic Development Report Cards Achievement Testing Field Trips Conduct and Discipline Discipline Communication Dress Code Health Emergency Cards Emergency Procedures Facilities 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 13 Mission Statement/Philosophy The CEC exists as a partnership between educators and families. The mission of the partnership is to guide each student to mastery of core educational skills. Our vision is to be the preferred regional choice for those desiring a sequential, grammatical approach to education from a God-centered, biblical perspective. Our school philosophy is simple We believe that collaboration between well-qualified educators and parents/caregivers alongside a strong Latin-based curriculum results in an extraordinary education for the children in our care. We believe that the outcome of being part of the Main Street CEC environment should clearly exceed the outcome of other local educational institutions or there is no reason for the CEC to exist. Accreditations The Main Street CEC is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, a subsidiary of Advanc-Ed Inc. and Kentucky Non-Public Schools. School Data Address: 11093 Alexandria Pike Alexandria, KY 41001 Phone: (859) 474-3102 Fax: (859) 474-3093 School Hours: Grammar school: 8:00 am – 3:15 pm Half Day Kindergarten: 8:00 am – 12:00 pm Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.mainstreetcec.org School Mascot: Cheetah Enrollment Policy Non-discrimination Policy Main Street Christian Education Center does not discriminate on the basis of gender, race, color, national origin, religion or disability. Admission Policy All applications will be received based upon the information provided in the Christian Education Center Application for Admission and any subsequent interviews. Main Street Christian Education Center reserves the sole right to approve an applicant. In the case an application is not accepted, the fee will be returned along with the original application. Placement (testing) Placement testing is offered to students entering the first through fifth grades. Students will be placed at their level of proficiency in each subject area and adjustments will be made to the student’s learning plan as needed. We do not refuse admission to students who do not test well unless they are entering the first grade and are not yet independent readers. Financial Matters Tuition -Tuition payments are due the 5th of each month. There will be a penalty of $25.00 assessed for payments received after the 15th of each month. -Accounts in arrears more than 15 days will be subject to immediate suspension of the student. Prearranged exceptions to this policy are possible at the sole discretion of the CEC Administrator and CEC board. -No tuition deductions will be allowed for absences from school. - Registration fees are non-refundable. Curriculum fees are non-refundable once the school year begins. Tuition is non-refundable. - Any charge incurred from a returned check will be billed to the student’s family - For families with multiple children enrolled in the CEC, a 10% discount will be given off the younger child (ren) tuition each month. - The tuition for the students currently enrolled pays the teacher’s salaries and benefits. Tuition for the entire month must be paid even if the child only attends one day of that month. Tuition adjustments are at the sole discretion of the CEC Director and/or CEC Board. Absences and Tardiness The Main Street CEC values academic excellence and we believe that good student attendance correlates to outstanding student achievement. A school that has a strong emphasis on outstanding student attendance has laid one of the integral foundations to enhance student success. --Please call your child’s teacher before 8:00 A.M. on the day your child is absent from school. If you have to call after 8:00 A.M., please leave a message at 859-4743102. If a student does not arrive at school, we want to be sure that he/she is safe with you. --A note explaining the reason(s) for any absence must be sent with your child upon his/her return to school in order for the absence to be excused. --Student will not be counted excused for such reasons as oversleeping, staying home with an ill sibling or staying home with an ill parent. Students will be excused for reasons related to the student’s personal health or a death in the family. --Any child arriving after 9 AM or leaving before 1:30 PM will be ½ day absent. --Students are responsible to make-up work that is missed during absences. All work is given full credit if the absence is excused. Teachers will allow students the same number of days absent to make-up missing work (i.e. if a student is absent 3 days, he or she has 3 days to complete missed work). --Any student who misses more than 10% of the school year (18 days) may be required to repeat the grade level. --Parents are encouraged to request that the teacher send missed assignments home with a neighbor or have them available in the office at dismissal time the day of request. --If you are planning an extended absence from school for more than three days, please contact your child’s teacher at least two weeks before the absence --Students may arrive at the school beginning at 7:45 AM. We will NOT close the CEC based on the Campbell County School district. Parents must remember that their safety and that of their children is paramount. There is no penalty to you or the child for missing school. So if the drive from your home is dangerous, stay home. Academic Atmosphere Prayer is an essential part of our school day. A daily prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag are said in the classrooms. School Materials, etc. Supply List Each grade level has a list of supplies that every student needs to provide at the beginning of the school year. Please label all items unless supply list says not to label. School Property Each student is expected to respect school property and the property of others. Any student who breaks or defaces school property is responsible for replacing the broken or damaged item. Students should not use the belongings of another student unless he has the owner’s permission. Personal Items Students should not bring personal items to school unless encouraged to do so by their teacher. The Main Street CEC cannot assume responsibility for students’ personal property. Lunch Students must pack their lunch for school since Main Street CEC has no cafeteria to provide meals for the students. Students are unable to use the microwave for their meals. Parents often provide hot meals for purchase on a regular basis. Your child is welcome to participate by paying ahead for these meals, but participation is not required. Student behavior should always be orderly in the lunchroom. Students are expected to exhibit proper behavior and table manners. Students are expected to clean up after themselves and throw garbage away in correct receptacle. EARLY DISMISSALS It is important to remember that missing class time can be detrimental to a student’s academic progress as the experiential aspect of the learning process cannot be duplicated at home. The parent must sign in or out the student at the front desk. TARDY TO SCHOOL INFORMATION: Numerous tardies and absences negatively impact student achievement because of the amount of vital information and instruction that is missed. Much of this is difficult to make up in the same way it was originally presented to the class, putting a student at a disadvantage academically. We firmly believe that arriving on time begins the day and sets the learning expectation for our students and is essential for students in preparing for the day. It also reinforces the value of school to your child. Definition: A student is considered tardy if he/she is not in the classroom by 8:00AM. Students arriving after 8:00 AM will be tardy. Impact on Learning: Tardiness has a negative impact on the learning environment as it causes interruptions and distractions for other students. Tardy students miss important information from teacher’s instruction, and ultimately academic achievement is hindered. Consequences: We would love to provide all the grace possible due to your child not always having full control over tardiness; however, we must have cooperation so the consequences are as follows: • Tardies #1-6: Tardies are recorded on daily attendance sheets with no consequence • Tardy #7 and following: Tardies are recorded on daily attendance sheets • Students (grades 1-5) will serve a lunch/recess detention on the day of the 7th tardy and for every 3rd tardy following. • Every six tardies count as ½ day absence. Bad Weather Days Please call the school office (474-3102) if you have questions about weather related closing. We will post a message no later than 6:00 am regarding school closure or delayed start. We also post closings on channel 9 and 12 news. Transportation In the mornings, students should be dropped off at the covered entrance, however not before 7:45 am. When school is dismissed at 3:15 pm, students may be picked up at the covered entrance. Academic Development Curriculum Overview Main Street’s Christian Education Center is a local kindergarten and grammar school offering the excellence of a Latin curriculum in a nondenominational, Biblically-based environment. Latin curriculum assumes that a defined group of knowledge must be mastered in order for higher learning to be readily attainable. Each level of learning has clearly delineated markers of academic achievement that each student must master in order to progress to the next level. Students may move quickly through these markers or be provided extra time necessary for the required mastery of knowledge or skill. The curricular resources used will be gleaned from a variety of publishers and are evaluated for effectiveness every year. Report Cards Because we require mastery of core skills before advancement, students receive a report of progress at the end of each quarter. Rather than receiving a letter grade which means little to the parent, each child’s mastery of curricular content is noted alongside the customized standard of accomplishment for the year. Both the teacher and the parent are clearly aware of the child’s progress in each subject area. Achievement Testing The standard of excellence in achievement testing for over 80 years, the Stanford Achievement Test Series offers a state-of-the-art edition to measure student progress toward high academic standards. The Stanford multiple-choice assessment will help educators find out what students know and are able to do. This technically excellent instrument provides the valid and reliable tool needed for objective measurement of achievement. Parents will understand what their children know and can do and how they can help. Field Trips Students occasionally take field trips during the school year to extend the learning experience. Written permission from the parents is required for any student to participate in the field trip. Parents are invited to attend as chaperones if space and facilities permit. Conduct & Discipline Standards of Behavior Main Street CEC students are expected to behave in a manner that reflects Christian values. A reverence for God, respecting oneself and others, and a sense of responsibility are instilled and encouraged in all areas of school life. The teachers and staff instill these standards to encourage learning and personal growth. Discipline Discipline is handled at the classroom level. Each teacher will explain the expectations and responsibilities of each student to their peers and to the teacher and will forward that information to the parents. We will provide a safe, positive, learner-friendly environment at the Christian Education Center and will take all appropriate measures to ensure the continuation of that environment. Behavior that cannot be managed within the classroom will result in a conference with the principal, the child’s teacher and the parents/caregivers. Communication Phone calls We request if you need to communicate with your child to take care of it before they arrive at school. In case of an emergency, the teacher or school staff will contact your child as you requested. Conferences Parent-Teacher conferences are to discuss the student’s progress between parents and teachers. The teachers will notify parents as to when the conference day will be and when to schedule an appointment. Dress Code Students are expected to be dressed properly, well groomed and neat at all times. Parents have the primary responsibility of teaching children to dress accordingly. The uniform for students is simple. -All students shall wear solid-colored pants/slacks. -Bermuda –style shorts or solid-colored skirts (weather permitting) -Solid-colored polo-style or oxford-style shirts or collared blouses. -Closed toe shoes (tennis shoes are permissible) It is the parents’ responsibility to send their child in weather-appropriate and play-appropriate clothing. Open toed shoes, denim pants, t-shirts, and articles of clothing with any type of fabric print or advertising are not allowed. On Fridays, if students choose to, they are permitted to wear the cheetah shirts purchased individually by the parents from the Main Street CEC. The rest of the dress code still applies. On field trip days, students are permitted to wear appropriate casual clothes. The cheetah shirts are usually worn to easily identify the CEC students. Health Medication No medication will be given to the student from the teacher/staff unless there is written permission from the parents. If a student needs medication during the school day, the parents must bring the medication in a container labeled with the student’s name, name of medicine, dose of medicine to be given and time to be given. At the end of the school day the parent will be given back the contained and any extra doses. Please keep your child at home when he/she has a fever, rash, sore throat, pink eye, upset stomach, earache, or diarrhea. For everyone’s health do not bring your child to preschool if they have vomited, had diarrhea, or an elevated temperature within the last 24 hours. Accidents/Injuries Our teaching team includes CPR and First Aid certified staff. Any minor injuries will be attended to by the teacher or staff. If a major injury requires treatment beyond first aid, parents will be notified as well as appropriate emergency medical personnel if necessary. Emergency Cards An emergency card which contains pertinent information for contacting parents and others (legal guardian, etc.) is kept in the school office for every student. This card also contains medical information. The card is to be filled out at the start of the school year and it is important this information remain current. When there are any changes or updated information, notify the teacher or the school office immediately. Emergency Procedures Fire, Tornado, Security Breach Each classroom will conduct regular drills to familiarize both staff and student with procedures related to responding properly to emergencies. All classrooms have solid wood, locking doors and may be secured in the event of a called lockdown. Facilities We will use the classrooms marked central avenue 1, 5 Boulevard, large and small classrooms upstairs. We will have access to the gymnasium, kitchen and also a playground area. The facility will be locked down during periods of time when students are not arriving. All parents/visitors seeking entrance to the facility during a lock down period will be required to register by the main church office. CEC Preschool Table of Contents A Child Develops with Love School Philosophy Main Street CEC Preschool Staff School Objectives Classes School Curriculum Field Trips School Dress Health and Safety School Term and Holidays School Arrival and Departure Discrimination Policy Eligibility Enrollment Fee and Tuition Birthdays Snacks and Birthday Treats Discipline Policy Daily Order of Events Transportation Policy Room Parents and Parties Personal Items Children Learn What They Live 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 17 18 18 19 19 19 20 20 20 21 22 22 22 23 24 A Child Develops With Love Our objective is to provide a climate for children to develop socially, emotionally, spiritually, physically and intellectually. We are most successful when we form a healthy partnership with children’s parents/caregivers. As you strive to provide the very best for your child, may we offer a few suggestions that will help your child throughout his/her preschool years? • Assure your child of your love by both action and word. • Provide time to share activities with your child that is of interest to him/her. • Read to your preschooler. • Set a daily routine and stick to it as closely as possible. • Make sure your child gets plenty of rest. • Encourage regular school attendance and promptness from the first day. • Encourage your child to be self-reliant at home. • Teach your child to help around the house. • Find a place at home to display your child’s work (the refrigerator is a great spot). • Help build friendly and trusting relationships with your child’s teachers. • Discuss any problems with a teacher during a prearranged time, NEVER in front of your child. School Philosophy We desire to provide an early childhood program that allows children to grow and develop as Jesus did—“in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man” (Luke 2:52). A child’s growth and development is viewed as a process, not an event. Development begins when the child is conceived and continues throughout life. We provide a range of activities in our program designed to meet the needs of preschoolers’ soul and mind. Main Street CEC Preschool Staff Laura Kalfas, CEC Administrator Nicole Coppes, Preschool/Daycare Director Ann Merkley, Lead Teacher Staff at Main Street CEC Preschool must attend a State Regulated Orientation. Fifteen hours of continuing education classes must be completed and implemented in the classroom each year. School Objectives Spiritually • Develop an awareness of God’s world, God’s love, and the child’s special place in Creation. Educationally • Aid in developing and maturing the child in preparation for the next level of learning. Physically • Aid in the development of the child’s large and fine motor skills. Emotionally and Socially • Aid in the development and maturity of the child in relationship to self and the child’s peer group. • Aid in the development of a healthy, positive selfconcept. • Aid the child’s development of self-discipline and proper response to adult leadership. • Each child is an individual and we strive to encourage each child individually. Classes (Traditional) Four Year Old Monday-Wednesday- Friday 8:30-11:30 am (All Day) Four Year Old Monday-Friday 7:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. (Traditional) Three Year Old Tuesday & Thursday 8:30-11:00 A.M. (All Day) Three Year Old Monday-Friday 7:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. School Curriculum Beginning in the 2008-2009 school year Main Street CEC Preschool used the Pinnacle Curriculum. Kentucky’s Early Childhood Standards for the “ThreeFour” age group are used in our program as well. Parents will receive notification of the Kentucky Standard being addressed as well as curricular activities Main Street CEC Preschool offers that exceed the Kentucky Standards. Preschoolers will... • Learn respect for God’s world. • Acquire social skills and independent work habits. • Develop motor skills. • Create music, art, and drama. • Advance their auditory and verbal skills. • Practice personal health, hygiene, and safety skills. • Prepare for reading and math readiness. Field Trips Main Street CEC Preschool will not participate in any off site field trips. School Dress Be sure that your child’s clothing: • Is comfortable, washable, and allows for self-dressing. • Is marked with the child’s name (especially outerwear). • Is appropriate for arts and crafts. • Please avoid halters and buckles and tops that expose large areas of skin. • Dresses with ruffles or bows and pants with difficult belts and fastenings should be avoided. • Shoes should be comfortable, closed-toed and provide good traction. They should tie, buckle, or have Velcro closures so that they are secure on the feet. FOR SAFETY REASONS sandals and flip-flops are highly discouraged. They do not stay on the feet securely and do not provide good traction. Health and Safety Every child MUST have an official Kentucky Immunization Certificate on file or a notarized exemption with the school within seven days of the opening date. Children enrolled during the year will need this certificate within two weeks of enrollment. A child that does not have this document will not be allowed to attend school. Please keep your child at home when he/she has a fever, rash, sore throat, pink eye, upset stomach, earache, or diarrhea. For everyone’s health do not bring your child to preschool if they have vomited, had diarrhea, or an elevated temperature within the last 24 hours. State Regulations require Fire, Tornado and Earthquake Drills to be practiced on a regular basis. ***STATE LAWS MANDATE THAT WE REPORT ANY SUSPECTED OR OBVIOUS CHILD ABUSE AND /OR NEGLECT. *** School Term and Holidays We will NOT follow the Campbell County school calendar for closings and holidays. Each family will receive a school calendar at the beginning of the school year and will be reminded each month in the newsletter of any closing dates. In the event of inclement weather: Call Main Street’s school phone line (474-3115) All Main Street related delays and closings will be posted by 6:00 am. We also post closings on channel 9 and 12. In the event we have a sudden change in the weather during the school day, it is possible that we may need to dismiss early. We will do all possible to contact each family as far in advance of a “during school day closing” as possible. School Arrival and Departure Our designated drop-off /pick-up area is located at the covered entrance of the building. A teacher will get your child out of the vehicle beginning 5 minutes before the start of the school day. The doors will be closed at the class start time. You may then walk your child in and sign in at the office. Children will be put in the vehicle at the end of the school day. We understand that occasionally you may be delayed for some reason beyond your control. However, in the case of frequent late pick-ups, we reserve the right to charge a late fee of $5.00 for every fifteen minutes that we have your child past the departure time. If someone not listed on your transportation list needs to pick up your child: we must have prior notification, preferably in writing. We will, however, accept a phone call as permission in the event of an emergency after the child has attended Main Street Preschool for two weeks. All exceptions during the first two weeks of a child’s attendance must be made in writing. **Please inform director if your child will not be attending on a scheduled day. ** Discrimination Policy Students, their parents, and all employees of Main Street CEC Preschool are hereby notified that this school does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, or religion in its educational activities, admission practices, or policies. Any inquiries regarding this policy may be directed to the school at 474-3115. Eligibility Kentucky State Department of Education guidelines for kindergarten state that a child must be 5 years old by October 1st to enter school. We will follow those guidelines to determine in which class a child should be enrolled. A child must be 3 years old by the first day of school to attend the three year old program. It is encouraged that all children be potty-trained before entering school and not be sent to preschool in a diaper or pull-up. Please inform us of any problems in this area. Enrollment Fees and Procedures A supply fee and a registration fee are paid at the time of registration. They are refundable only in case of extreme illness or family moving from the area. Accident insurance coverage is also included in the enrollment fee. This fee is not part of the tuition. First semester tuition is due the night of Orientation. Second semester tuition is due on the first day after Christmas break. Tuition payments can be paid monthly. All checks should be made payable to Main Street CEC. A $20.00 bank charge will be assessed on all returned checks. The last day to enroll for the first semester is October 15th. The last day to enroll for the second semester is February 15th. No tuition refunds will be given after these dates. Snacks and Birthday Treats Main Street CEC Preschool provides a healthy snack that meets State guidelines and 100% juice or milk. If you would like to provide a birthday treat for your child please let the Preschool/Childcare Director know. Please ask your child’s teacher about allergies such as peanut or “nut allergies” in order to provide a safe birthday treat for all children. Discipline Policy The staff shall not use abusive, neglectful, corporal, humiliating, or frightening punishment under any circumstances. No child shall be physically restrained unless it is necessary to protect the safety and health of the child or others. Removal of a child from the group for disciplinary or health reasons shall be to a location where visual supervision by staff can be maintained. Reason and understanding underlie our dealings with children. Generally, a teacher will take a child aside and speak to him/her about the behavior. Sometimes the teacher must take a child out of the room and away from a situation. The teacher stays with the child, speaking to him/her kindly, firmly. Behavior that continues after these measures has a high degree of intensity, or causes injury to other children is cause for concern and intervention. A parent/teacher conference to discuss the behavior is the next step. It is always imperative that home and school cooperate with mutual goals and procedures. Main Street CEC reserves the right to dismiss, either temporarily or permanently, children who exhibit special needs outside of the preschool’s capabilities. Parents or legal guardians agree upon enrollment not to hold the preschool liable for any dismissals. Children may be asked to choose a different activity for a while. Children may be separated to reduce aggression. A “time out” may be an option, asking a child to sit in a chair briefly and observe. Sometimes the teacher must take a child out of the situation. Transportation Policy Main Street CEC Preschool does not provide transportation to and from school. This responsibility shall be that of a parent or guardian. Room Parents and Parties In order to encourage parent/guardian participation, we ask parents/ guardians to plan and participate in four seasonal parties during the school year. A volunteer sign-up sheet will be provided for those who wish to help plan each event. Personal Items School bags should be labeled with the child’s name. The school bag needs to be large enough for an 8 1/2 x 11” sheet of paper to easily fit inside. An inexpensive canvas bag can be purchased at Wal-Mart or similar store, and decorated as you like. The children always enjoy designing their own school bag. PLEASE PURCHASE A BAG WITH NO ZIPPERS, BUCKLES, OR SNAPS. Please do not purchase a backpack. Umbrellas are unsafe in a group of children-PLEASE KEEP UMBRELLASIN THE CAR. Toys from home are not allowed unless specifically requested for a special event. Please encourage your child from the first day to leave toys at home or in the car with you. We have an excellent assortment of toys and equipment to keep the children well occupied and to encourage the kinds of open-ended activities that we desire to see the children involved in. WE CANNOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR LOST OR STOLEN ITEMS, SO PLEASE BE SURE TO LABEL ANY ITEMS YOUR CHILD WILL BE BRINGING TO SCHOOL AND REFRAIN FROM BRINGING ITEMS TO SCHOOL THAT ARE NOT NEEDED. If your child should bring home an item that does not belong to them, please return it to school on the child’s next school day so we can correct the error. A phone call to let us know you have the item would be appreciated. Children Learn What They Live If a child lives with criticism, He learns to condemn. If a child lives with hostility, He learns to fight. If a child lives with ridicule, He learns to be shy. If a child lives with shame, He learns to feel guilty. If a child lives with tolerance, He learns to be patient. If a child lives with praise, He learns to appreciate. If a child lives with fairness, He learns justice. If a child lives with security, He learns to have faith. If a child lives with approval, He learns to like himself. If a child lives with acceptance and friendship, He learns to find love in the world around him. NOTES CEC Childcare Table of Contents A Child Develops with Love Childcare Philosophy Childcare Objectives Classes Field Trips Dress Health Childcare Calendar/Holidays Arrival and Departure Discrimination Policy Enrollment Fee, Tuition and Hours Snacks and Birthday Treats Discipline Policy Transportation Policy Lunch and Snacks Personal Items “Nappers” 27 27 28 28 28 28 29 29 30 30 30 31 31 32 32 32 33 A Child Develops With Love Our first objective is to provide a climate for children to develop socially, emotionally, spiritually, physically and intelligently. We are successful in this objective with the aid of you, the parents. As you strive to provide the very best for your child, may we offer a few suggestions that will help your child throughout his/her childcare years? By your actions and words, assure your child that you love him/her. Provide time to share activities with your child that is of interest to him/her. Read to your child. Set a daily routine and stick to it as closely as possible. Make sure your child gets plenty of rest. Encourage your child to be self-reliant at home. Teach your child to help around the house. Find a place at home to display your child’s work (the refrigerator is a great spot). Help build friendly and trusting relationships with your child’s caregivers. Discuss any problems with a caregiver during a prearranged time, NEVER in front of your child. Staff at Main Street CEC Childcare must attend a State Regulated Orientation. Fifteen hours of continuing education classes must be completed and implemented in the classroom each year. Childcare Philosophy We desire to provide an early childhood program that allows children to grow and develop as Jesus did—“in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man” (Luke 2:52). A child’s growth and development is viewed as a process, not an event. Development begins when the child is conceived and continues throughout life. We provide a range of activities in our program designed to meet the needs of children’s soul and mind at their level of development along the growth continuum. Childcare Objectives Spiritually To develop an awareness of God’s world and God’s love. Educationally Aid in developing and maturing the child in preparation for the next level of learning. Physically Aid in the development of the child’s large and fi ne motor skills. Emotionally and Socially Aid in the development and maturity of the child in relationship to self and the child’s peer group. Aid in the development of healthy positive self-concept. Aid in the child’s development of self-discipline and proper response to adult leadership. Each child is an individual and we strive to encourage each child individually. Classes (See each classroom for daily schedule) Infant Class 1 Year Old Class 3 Year Old Class Field Trips 2 Year Old Class 4 Year Old Class Main Street CEC Childcare does not participate in any off site field trips. Dress Be sure that your child’s clothing: Is comfortable, washable, and allows for self-dressing. Is marked with the child’s name (especially outerwear). Is appropriate for arts and crafts. Please avoid halters and buckles and tops that expose large areas of skin. Dresses with ruffles or bows and pants with difficult belts and fastenings should be avoided. Shoes should be comfortable, closed-toed and provide good traction. They should tie, buckle, or have Velcro closures so that they are secure on the feet. FOR SAFETY REASONS sandals and flip-flops are highly discouraged. They do not stay on the feet securely and do not provide good traction. Health Every child MUST have an official Kentucky Immunization Certificate on file or notarized exemption with the school within seven days of the opening date. Children enrolled during the year will need this certificate within two weeks of enrollment. We ask that you keep your child at home when he/she has a fever, rash, sore throat, pink eye, upset stomach, earache, or diarrhea. For everyone’s health we ask that you do not bring your child to daycare if they have vomited, had diarrhea or an elevated temperature within the last 24 hours. THE STAFF CANNOT ADMINISTER ANY MEDICATIONS AT SCHOOL unless a Medication Form is completed and signed by a parent/guardian each day the child needs the medication. STATE LAWS MANDATE THAT WE REPORT ANY SUSPECTED OR OBVIOUS CHILD ABUSE AND/OR NEGLECT. Childcare Calendar and Holidays In the event of inclement weather: Call Main Street’s school phone line (474-3115) All Main Street related delays and closings will be posted by 6:00 am. We also post closings on channel 9 and 12. In the event we have a sudden change in the weather during the school day, it is possible that we may need to dismiss early. We will do all possible to contact each family as far in advance of a “during school day closing” as possible. Arrival and Departure The door will be opened promptly at 7 am. Due to the number of students arriving and departing church property, ALL children must be brought in to the building at the designated childcare entrance by an adult. All children entering and leaving the program must be signed in and out. Should your child be coming or going from the childcare program via the school bus or another class, you must give permission to your child’s daycare provider to sign your child in or out. We understand that occasionally you may be delayed for some reason beyond your control. However, in the case of frequent late pick-ups, we reserve the right to charge a late fee of $5.00 for every fifteen minutes that we have your child past the departure time. If someone not listed on your transportation list needs to pick up your child: we must have prior notification in writing. We will, however, accept a phone call as permission in the event of an emergency. Discrimination Policy Students, their parents, and all employees of the CEC are hereby notified that this school does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, or religion in its educational activities, admission practices, or policies. Any inquiries regarding this policy may be directed to Ms. Laura Kalfas, CEC Administrator, 859-474-3102. Enrollment Fee, Tuition & Hours A one-time registration fee of $50 is due at the time of enrollment. Tuition for childcare is invoiced monthly. Payment is due by the 5th of each month. A late fee will be assessed for payments not made by the 15th and care will be denied if payment has not been received by the last business day of the month. A $25.00 bank charge will be assessed on all returned checks. Fees are required for all days registered excluding CEC scheduled breaks. If a child is withdrawn from the program during the summer months, but needs care in the fall, registration for the f all must be complete within 5 business days of the last day attended Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 7am-5pm* *See Calendar for Breaks and Holidays Pricing does not include admission into the CEC Preschool classes. CEC Preschool currently has its own registration, fees and schedule. Snacks and Birthday Treats Main Street CEC childcare provides a healthy snack that meets State guidelines and 100% juice or milk. If you would like to provide a birthday treat for your child please let the Preschool/Childcare Director know. Please ask your child’s teacher about allergies such as peanut or “nut allergies” in order to provide a safe birthday treat for all children. Discipline Policy The staff shall not use abusive, neglectful, corporal, humiliating, or frightening punishment under any circumstances. No child shall be physically restrained unless it is necessary to protect the safety and health of the child or others. Removal of a child from the group for disciplinary or health reasons shall be to a location where visual supervision by staff can be maintained. Reason and understanding underlie our dealings with children. Generally, a teacher will take a child aside and speak to him/her about the behavior. Children may be asked to choose a different activity for a while. Children may be separated to reduce aggression. A “time out” may be an option, asking a child to sit in a chair briefly and observe. Sometimes the teacher must take a child out of the room and away from a situation. The teacher stays with the child, speaking to him/her kindly and/or firmly. Behavior that continues after these measures has a high degree of intensity, or causes injury to other children is cause for concern and intervention. A parent/teacher conference to discuss the behavior is the next step and, in some cases, outside professional help may be recommended. It is always imperative that home and school cooperate with mutual goals and procedures. Main Street CEC childcare reserves the right to dismiss, either temporarily or permanently, children who exhibit special needs outside of the childcare’s capabilities. Parents or legal guardians agree upon enrollment not to hold the daycare liable for any dismissals. Transportation Policy Main Street CEC childcare does not provide transportation to and from school. This responsibility shall be that of a parent or guardian. Lunch & Snacks If your child will be on campus during the lunch hour of 11:00 am -12:00 pm it will be necessary to provide your child with a lunch that contains the following State guidelines: Milk, Protein, Vegetables, Fruit and Bread. Snacks: A snack will be provided for your child every 2 1/2 hours. The snack will be determined on a monthly basis and is posted in each classroom. State guidelines require that we provide 2 of the following during snack time: Milk, Protein, Fruit or Vegetable or 100% Fruit Juice or Bread. If your child has food allergies, an alternate snack will be provided, or you may provide one from home. Personal Items School bags and lunch boxes should be labeled with the child’s name. Toys from home are discouraged. Please encourage your child from the first day to leave toys at home or in the car with you. We have an excellent assortment of toys and equipment to keep the children well occupied and to encourage the kinds of open-ended activities that we desire to see the children involved in. WE CANNOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR LOST, STOLEN OR BROKEN PERSONAL ITEMS. If your child should bring home an item that does not belong to them, please return it to school on the child’s next school day so we can correct the error. A phone call to let us know you have the item would be appreciated. “Nappers” If your child is on campus during “rest” time you will be required to provide a “Napper”. A “Napper” can be purchased through the Main Street CEC childcare program for $35.00 or you may provide one for your child. The “Napper” consists of a pillow, blanket and storage bag. Main Street CEC Daycare provides a mat for each child. Nap Time/Rest Period 12:30 pm-2:30pm—1 year old and 2 year old classes 1pm-3pm — 3, 4, 5 year old class Directors. At Main Street CEC we strive to maintain quality education in all of our programs. All ASP teachers attend orientation and implement policies and procedures that are taught there. Thereafter, they attend fifteen hours of state approved classes annually. CEC After School Program Table of Contents Overview of the Program Program Details Curriculum/Schedules Student Information Times of Availability Rates & Fees Enrollment Fees After School Snacks Health After School Term and Holidays After School Arrival and Departure Discipline Policy Dress Code Fire/Earthquake/Tornado Drills Program Details Teacher - Ms. Robin Hoskins 35 35 35 35 36 36 36 37 37 37 38 38 38 38 Overview of the Program The After School Program (ASP) is designed to allow children to learn from activities and Bible lessons. They will find that they can have fun while learning at the same time. As a program under the direction of the Main Street CEC, the ASP meets KY state licensing requirements for student to teacher ratios and compliance standards. In addition, the ASP is under the larger umbrella of the CEC Administrator and Board of Curriculum/Schedules The After School Program consists of several components: 1. Bible Lessons-daily 2. Visual Arts-one time a week 3. Health & Fitness-daily 4. Academic Curriculum (homework or learning activities)-daily Student Information Elementary Children: kindergarten-5th Grade Times of Availability Monday through Friday 3:15 pm to 5:00 pm The ASP follows the Main Street CEC Grammar School calendar as to the days of operation. Rates & Fees $10.00 per day - You need to send your child at least one day per week in order to hold your spot. - You will be charged for all days scheduled regardless if your child stays or not. - You may switch days if space is available with permission from the teacher. - Questions about rates or fees need to be addressed to Laura Kalfas, administrator, at 474-3102. Enrollment Fee 1. The registration fee is $25.00 to hold your child’s spot. 2. Tuition will be billed monthly and due by the 15th of the month. 3. All checks should be made out to Main Street CEC. Please write your child’s name in the memo line noting “After School Program.” Afterschool Snack State regulated healthy snacks and drinks will be provided. See monthly snack list. Health Every child MUST have an official Kentucky Immunization Certificate on file or notarized exemption with the school within seven days of the opening date. If your child becomes sick during the After School Program we will call you. If your child is taking medications or has medical condition/allergies it must be noted on file. The staff cannot administer any medications during the After School Program. As part of your child’s health and well-being, we are a state mandated reporter. State laws mandate that we report any suspected or obvious child abuse and /or neglect. After School Term and Holidays We will follow the CEC school schedule and closings. We reserve the right to dismiss early if inclement weather happens during the After School Program. You will be notified immediately if this occurs. After School Arrival and Departure Your child will have a designated area to go to after school lets out. You will need to come in the church to sign out your child. We must have prior notification if your child is going to be picked up by someone other than you. Please be prompt in picking up your child. We reserve the right to charge $5.00 for every 10 minutes your child is left after program ends. If you are running late, have an emergency, or if your child will not be attending school during the time they would be in our program please call 474-3102 (before 2:30) or at 474-3100 (after 5:00) and ask to speak to Loran Brown or leave her a message. **Please do not leave messages with Grammar school teachers.* Discipline Policy A child may be pulled aside to talk to them about their behavior. A “time out” may be an option, asking a child to sit in a chair briefly and observed. No child will be left alone. If a child persists with their behavior then a parent will be called to discuss options. CEC After School Program reserves the right to dismiss, either temporarily or permanently, children who exhibit special needs outside of the After School Programs capabilities. Parents or legal guardians agree upon enrollment not to hold the After School Program liable for any dismissals. Dress Code Dress code will be the same as the schools policy. Because we have physical fitness time every day, your child will be required to wear gym shoes. Fire/Earthquake/Tornado Drills Fire drills will be conducted on monthly basis. Earthquake and Tornado drills will be conducted on a quarterly basis. If you have any questions about the after school program, please free to call at 474-3102. All policies and procedures are written and enforced by the CEC Administrator and CEC Board of Directors. Questions, concerns or conflicts must be presented in writing to the CEC Director for further review. Contact Information Address: 11093 Alexandria Pike Alexandria, KY 41001 Phone: (859) 474-3102 Fax: (859) 474-3093 Email: www.mainstreetcec.org Main Street CEC Administrator: Laura Kalfas- (859)474-3102 Main Street Childcare/Preschool Program Director: Nicole Coppes- (859)474-3115 Main Street Bookkeeper Natalie Paulowski- (859)474-3102 Main Street CEC Representatives: Mitchell Deaton Amy Cole Maria Tomasetti Dr. Lenore Kinne Ted Wallace, Secretary Non-Main Street CEC Representatives: Lisa Abuan, President Jeni Riley, Co-Chair Handbook Revised October 2014 Effective 2014-2015 School Year
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