Welcome, Bishop Michael Byrnes! God Bless Father Roman Pasieczny

October 12, 2014
Bishop Michael Byrnes!
God Bless
Father Roman Pasieczny
as he is installed as
Pastor of St. Lawrence
Catholic Church
Everyone is cordially invited to a reception
in the Social Hall after the 12:00 pm Mass.
St. Lawrence Catholic Community
for the Week of
October 12, 2014
Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary
Is 25:6-10a; Ps 23; Phil 4:12-14,
19-20; Mt 22:1-14 or 22:1-10
OCTOBER 12, 2014
Mass Intentions
Saturday, October 11, 2014, 4:30 pm
People of St. Lawrence, †Mary Meneghin
Sunday, October 12, 2014, 8:00 am
†Marie Jozefiak, †Sr. Barbara Brys, †Grace Pollum, †Mary Lou Keller,
†Dorothy Heckman, †Doris DeSilvio, Helen Scupine, †Irene Fisher,
Arthur & Clara Ragulski, Margaret (Peggy) Schalter, †Christopher Columbus,
St. Lawrence Knights of Columbus, Sick Members of St. Lawrence Knights of
Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31–5:1; Ps 113;
Lk 11:29-32
Sunday, October 12, 2014, 10:00 am
Michael Donegan, †Teresa Settercerri, Raymond Kay, Leo Lukasiewicz,
†Christopher Noonan, †Augusta Cenconi, Jerry & Jan Sobczynski,
Rose, Clarence & Raymond Lafreniere, †Maria Dora Maula, Jeff Wright
Saint Callistus I, Pope and Martyr
Gal 5:1-6; Ps 119; Lk 11:37-41
Sunday, October 12, 2014, 12:00 noon
Andrea Trentacosta, Sharon Masters, †James Brodi, Sr., †Alice Kennedy
Saint Teresa of Jesus, Virgin and
Doctor of the Church
Gal 5:18-25; Ps 1; Lk 11:42-46
Saint Hedwig, Religious;
Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, Virgin
Eph 1:1-10; Ps 98; Lk 11:47-54
Saint Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop and
Eph 1:11-14; Ps 33; Lk 12:1-7
Saint Luke, Evangelist
2 Tm 4:10-17b; Ps 145; Lk 10:1-9
Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary
Is 45:1, 4-6; Ps 96; 1 Thes 1:1-5b;
Mt 22:15-21
Parish Mission Statement
St. Lawrence Catholic Community believes we are called by our Baptism to
gather as a worshipping and prayerful
people. As responsible disciples of Jesus
Christ, we are called to be faithful stewards of our time, talents and treasures.
We value and foster Catholic education
and evangelization. With open hearts and
hands, we reach out to all brothers and
sisters, as together we strive to offer
hope, act justly, love tenderly and walk
humbly with our God.
Monday, October 13, 2014, 8:00 am
†Domenico & Elisabetta Podeschi, John Shkreli, †Emil Ruch
Tuesday, October 14, 2014, 8:00 am
Raymond Smoger, Juanita Selewski, Andy & Mary Cole, John Rumschlag, Sr.,
†Rose Wagner
Wednesday, October 15, 2014, 9:30 am
Chester Kowalski, †Robert Joseph Poli
Thursday, October 16, 2014, 8:00 am
Dcn. Frank DeSmedt, Luigi Varentina, Nick Iranaj
Friday, October 17, 2014, 8:00 am
For the homeless and unemployed
Saturday, October 18, 2014, 4:30 pm
†Poor Souls in Purgatory, Marie Stepowski, Mary & Anthony Carwana,
David McKinnon, Allan & Diane Mulka, Marilyn McKinnon, Betty Shelley,
†Doris Cottone
Sunday, October 19, 2014, 8:00 am
People of St. Lawrence, †John Hall
Sunday, October 19, 2014, 10:00 am
Raymond Kay, Bill Malik, †Christopher Noonan, †Edward Malik
†Domenica Saraceni, †Antonio Selva, Frank Settecerri, Jeff Wright
Intentions of Laura & John Lograsso Family
Sunday, October 19, 2014, 12:00 noon
Toni Kucharski (Lockridge), †Nathan Adams
Stewardship Sacrificial Giving
Sunday, October 5, 2014 ......................... $24,131.50
Vocations ............................................... $157.00
Emergency Relief ...................................... $267.00
from Fr. Roman
Praise someone
for something today!
Past Monthly Challenges
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) launched its
yearly Pro-Life Program last week on Respect Life Sunday. This year’s
theme is: “Each of us is a masterpiece of God’s creation.” As Christian September: Record an item of
gratitude daily.
believers it is our responsibility to support and pray for the sanctity of all
human life from birth to natural death.
August: Listen to Catholic or
Christian radio in your car
Prayer is the foundation of all that we do in defense of human life. “Only
with prayer – prayer that storms the heavens for justice and mercy, prayer July: Read the book you
that cleanses our hearts and souls – will the culture of death that surrounds
received at Christmas
us today be replaced with a culture of life.” [Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activities, U.S. Catholic Bishops] Everyone can find a way to praise and thank God June: Spend a day in service
with your family or a friend
for the gift of life and to ask for protection for each sacred human life.
May: Read one chapter of
Proverbs each day
During this month, we recall the memory of three recent popes. The
feast of St. Pope John XXIII is Saturday, Oct. 11. The feast of St. Pope April: We receive the Divine
John Paul II will be celebrated on Wednesday, Oct. 22. Also, Pope Francis
Mercy of God through
will beatify Servant of God Pope Paul VI this month on Oct. 19. All of
these great men worked tirelessly to promote evangelization throughout
March: Entrust yourself to God
the Church and the world.
before going to sleep
Pope John XXIII convened the Second Vatican Council on Oct. 11, 1962.
It is said that the authentic renewal of the Catholic Church was begun by February: Pray for the person
who is the most difficult or
the Second Vatican Council.
distant to you each day
The central theme of Pope John Paul II’s papacy still reverberates today:
“Do not be afraid! Open wide the doors to Christ!” One of the major efforts January: Give the first 10
minutes of each day to God.
of evangelization initiated by Pope John Paul II was the World Youth Day,
which his successors continue to support.
Forum/Screen Deadlines
Pope Paul VI is most well-known for his encyclical “Humanae Vitae,”
which spoke about the importance of generosity in married love and the
principles of responsible parenthood.
Lay people are not merely the clergy’s collaborators, but rather share in
the perpetual responsibility of the Church’s ministry. The command to
evangelize is not just for a few, but for all the baptized.
Fr. Roman
A reminder that all articles
submitted for the Forum must be
submitted by 8:00 am
Monday, for the following week.
You may bring a typed copy of
your article to the
parish office or email it to
[email protected].
All requests for overhead
projection slides are due
Wednesday at noon. If you have
any questions, please contact the
parish office.
OCTOBER 12, 2014
Attention: Future Lectors
Are you willing to be a disciple of Christ by proclaiming the Good News of Christ? Do you ever get the
feeling that the Holy Spirit is tapping you on the
shoulder? If the answer to either question is YES or
even MAYBE, you are joyfully invited to attend Lector
Training on Tuesday, October 14th at 6:30 pm in the
You will receive a free workbook and get a chance to
practice at the ambo and podium using the public address
Please call Kathy Padley (586) 739-3861 or
Eileen Martini (586) 215-0422 and let us know
you are coming!
See you in Church!
Military Holy Hour—We Need Pictures!
If you or you have a loved one that is serving or served in the
military and would like their name and picture acknowledged at
our Military Holy Hour on Wednesday, November 12, 2014, please
submit the following either by picture or email to Michele Jones
– vocations (in the parish office) or [email protected].
Little Flock
Prayer Group meeting every Wednesday
in the School Library, 7:30 pm
We are often confronted by Satan to try to tell us that we
are not firm and steady on the ROCK of Jesus but need to
be rooted in the evils of the world. The ROCK will help
fight the spiritual enemies when we are in battle.
Genesis 49:24
“Joseph is a wild colt, a wild colt by a spring, a wild ass
on a hillside. Harrying and attacking, the archers opposed
him; But each one’s bow remained stiff, as their arms
were unsteady, By the power of the Mighty One of Jacob,
because of the Shepherd, the Rock of Israel”
For information, please contact:
Jim/Shirley Brodi
Mary Sackey
Bob Hurlbert
Kathleen Wesley
(586) 739-3802
(586) 731-4914
(586) 412-1029
(586) 286-7253
List the person’s name and credentials. If you are sending in a
picture, please put the return address on the back of the picture
or envelope so it can be returned promptly. If you have already
submitted a picture in the past, there is no need to send it
again, we have kept it on file. Any questions call Michele at
248-693-5946. Please respond by October 27th.
Trunk or Treat is here Again!
Join us for the 11th Annual TRUNK OR TREAT
On Saturday, October 25, 2014
In the St. Lawrence Church parking lot
This is a RAIN or SHINE Event
What is TRUNK OR TREAT??? It’s trick or treating with a
tailgating twist.
Families will begin arriving by vehicle at 6:00 p.m. For
safety reasons, the parking lot will be closed off at 6:45
p.m. sharp. No cars will be allowed entrance after this
time, and cars will not be allowed to move once in the
parking lot. You are encouraged to decorate your vehicle in
Halloween attire. Upon arriving you will be instructed on
where to park in the lot. Each family will set up their display and prepare to pass out candy, which you supply. Thus
your vehicle becomes your front porch in our own St. Lawrence neighborhood, providing a safe environment for our
children. Last year we had 400+ children attend this event.
For further information, contact:
[email protected]
$5.00 entrance fee per vehicle
(If More than one family per car, please donate $5.00 per
* Cider and Donuts in the social hall
* Haunted rectory yard sponsored by Fr. Roman
Please fill out one form per vehicle and return to the
Parish Office by October 21.
Family Name______________________________________
Email _____________________________________________
(Email will be used to pass on up to date
counts and weather information.)
Number of Adults______
Number of Children______
Enclose $5.00 and return to parish office, c/o Trunk or Treat.
Christian Service
New St. Lawrence
September, 2014
As Catholics, we are called to put the
Two Feet of Christian Service --Charity and Justice --- into action!
We step with the foot of charity when
we work to assist others with their
immediate, short-term needs. We
step with the foot of justice when we
work to address the root causes of
problems facing our communities.
Thank you to everyone who stopped by and visited
the many groups that were present at the Festival of
Ministries. We hope you found a group to join or at least
learned more about the many opportunities here at St.
Lawrence. If you missed the Festival, there is information
about the many activities here on the Ministry Mosaic
board located in the gathering space by the sacristy.
Please stop by and take home information.
“Let us build a house where love can dwell.”
We are collecting donations of Halloween candy!
St. Jane Frances puts on a Halloween party for special
needs adults and Sacred Heart Seminary opens its doors to
neighborhood children for a night of Halloween fun.
They have asked for our help in making their events a
success. Please bring your donations to the parish office.
Attention Hospitality Volunteers!
We need your help setting up, serving and cleaning up for
the Jubilarian Reception on Sunday, October 19th.
We will start setting up at 11:00 am.
Any help you can give is greatly appreciated.
Please call the parish office, 586-731-5347.
Michael and Lana Espinoza and family
David and Jessica Faulkner
Matthew Grubb and Tara Klein
Michael and Leigh Grzywacz and family
Carrie Henrick-Beck and family
John and Donna LaFata
Richard Lupa
James Martin
Patrick and Ann Minjeur
David and Marinda Ochs
Ernest and Diane Patton
Karla Pauley
Jeffrey and Mary Royse and family
Christopher and Lynn Sandvig and family
Margaret Schindler and family
Ralph and Geraldine Singer
Nicole Skupski
Elizabeth Sodocha and family
Gerald and Peggy Summers and family
Todd Toma and family
Amy Wiegand
Bashar and Reghad Yousif and family
Blake and Ashley Zapczynski
David and Rana Zaya and family
Thank You from the Red Cross!
Thank you to all who kept their appointment to donate
blood on Sunday, October 5th. Each pint of blood collected can help up to three people so 204 people may
benefit from the blood donated at the St. Lawrence
Blood Drive.
We had:
68 units of whole blood collected
5 double red donors
81 scheduled appointments
23 no-shows
Thank you to all who contributed to the Blood Drive including the donors, workers, parish office staff, maintenance staff, and anyone else who helped to ensure its
Our next blood drive will be on Sunday, March 8, 2015.
Ushers Needed for the 4:30 pm and
12:00 pm “B” Team.
(“B” Team serves Feb/Apr/Jun/
Please consider becoming part of this
wonderful ministry! See one of our
Ushers for more information.
OCTOBER 12, 2014
Living the Good News
October 12, 2014
I always feel honored and excited to be
invited to a wedding. One of the most
beautiful images used in the scriptures to
depict what heaven is like is the wedding
celebration and royal feast given by the King for his newly
-wed son and bride.
In today’s Gospel, there are two messages contained in
Jesus’ parable.
The first has to do with the invitation.
The king had sent out invitations well in advance to his
subjects, so they would have plenty of time to prepare
for coming to the feast. How insulting for the invited
guests to then refuse when the time for celebrating
came! They made light of the King's request because they
put their own interests above his. How do we respond to
God’s invitation?
The second message has to do with our response. Just as
the host prepares for the event, the guests must prepare
for the banquet as well (“dressed in wedding garment”).
There are responsibilities that accompany our accepting
the invitation. To share in God’s banquet we must do our
part. We must live our lives doing God’s will. Do we put
our own interests before the needs of others?
When we take time to feed the hungry, help clothe the
poor, shelter the homeless we are choosing to come to
God’s banquet. When we take time for prayer we are
choosing to come to the banquet. The King’s invitation
requires our faithful, positive and definite response.
Have you submitted your R.S.V.P.?
Have a great week and God bless you!
Peggy DeClercq, Pastoral Associate
Prayer for Vocations
Generous God, you call us by name and
ask us to follow you. Help us grow in the
love and service of our church. Give us
the energy and spirit to shape its future.
Grant us faith-filled leaders who will embrace Christ’s mission of love and justice. Bless the
church by raising up dedicated and generous leaders from
our family and friends who will serve as sisters, priests,
brothers, deacons and lay ministers. Inspire us to open
our hearts and hear you call. Amen
Altar Society
This year, our Christmas party will be at Filippa’s (Mound/
Expressway) on December 13th from 12:00 noon to 4:00
pm. Last year, we collected from a lot of people in
advance. This cut down on having to pay at the door on
the day of the party. We will have our Baby Jesus shower
so please bring an unwrapped gift. I have spoken with the
person who took Rosalie Imrick’s position. Her name is
Sandra Kasinec. I will have a list from Sandra for our next
meeting which will tell us the items needed by Birth Rite.
Our next meeting is November 5th.
Euchre is October 11th.
The Jubilarian Mass is October 19th. If
you would like to bake for this reception,
please bring your baked goods to the
Social Hall kitchen on Saturday night or
Sunday morning.
See you in Church!
God Bless,
Kay Rasmussen
Rest in Peace
Robert Wisniewski
Born to Life: June 22, 1939
Born to Eternal Life: October 1, 2014
Jozef Dubiel
Born to Life: July 6, 1922
Born to Eternal Life: October 3, 2014
May the souls of the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
Mass for Shut-Ins
Divine Mercy Prayer Line
The televised Mass is of great service to
Catholics who cannot otherwise be part of a
worshipping community. St. Lawrence parishioners are invited to participate in the
taping of this Mass on Saturday, November 8,
2014. Space is limited to no more than 12, so if you
would like to attend the taping, please contact Peggy
DeClercq as soon as possible at 586-731-5347.
As Jesus revealed to St. Faustina, “I have opened
My Heart as a living fountain of mercy. Let all
souls draw life from it.” If you or others would
like to receive prayer for your intentions, contact
(586) 725-0944.
WJBK Channel Two tapes the Mass at their television
studio in Southfield. You would be required to be at the
studio at 11:15 a.m., the mass begins promptly at 11:30.
Thank you for taking the opportunity to let the homebound know how important they are to the worshipping
A Word … from the D.R.E.
On Fire For Life
The image of a beautiful, sumptuous banquet is used in
scripture to describe the joy of being in heaven. We look
forward to celebrations and meals with friends and family
– especially the ones when we are the guests and don’t
have the stress of all the preparation. Yet there is still
some effort required in terms of etiquette and
relationships. Guests have responsibilities, too.
Topic: Commandments 4, 5, & 6
In the parable of the wedding feast, we are challenged to
consider our response to the King’s invitation. Have we
ignored our invite? Have we prioritized other things ahead
of our invite? Have we been disrespectful to the King?
It’s not too late to accept the King’s invitation. St. Paul
teaches us that God will “fully supply whatever you
need”, in both times of abundance and need. We can
always turn to our Lord for forgiveness and strength. “To
our God and Father, glory forever and ever. Amen!” (Phil
Questions of the Week:
Who is invited to God’s banquet of Heaven?
What three things can you do this week to show that you
are a follower of Jesus?
Important CRE
Oct. 9
Oct. 11/12
Oct. 13/14
Oct. 15/23
Oct. 20/21
Oct. 20
Oct. 27/28
9th Gr. Confirmation Rehearsal 7pm
9th Gr. Confirmation Retreat
CRE Session #3
9th Gr. Confirmation Masses 7pm
CRE Session #4
8th Gr. Dedication 7pm
CRE Session #5
Growing together in faith and wisdom,
Lisa Rajnicek (pronounced “ray-na-chek”)
(586) 731-5072
[email protected]
Traveling Chalice
Exploration of the beauty and depth of
these Commandments that will inspire YOU
to live in a new way.
Anita Houghton
Anita works full-time for the Archdiocese of
Detroit in the Office of Evangelization and
Catechesis, where she serves as a
Coordinator of Catechetical Programming and Formation.
Dates: Sunday, October 26, 2014:
2:00pm and 6:00pm
Monday, October 27, 2014: 6:00pm
Tuesday, October 28, 2014 6:00pm
On Fire For Life: Your questions are answered…..
What is On Fire For Life?
On Fire For Life is a St. Lawrence Whole Community
Catechesis. Our community is made of very young children through parents and to older adults. This event is
created for all! We want to see YOU at our sessions.
Why should I come?
The Holy Spirit is living inside you and we want to ignite
the fire and keep you wanting to learn!
On Fire For Life needs YOU!
Please call the parish office, (586) 731-5347,
and let us know which week your family would
like to receive the chalice.
In order for our whole parish catechetical program to
work we need volunteers!
Thank you!
Volunteers are needed for food set-up and clean-up, and
to be greeters.
Pizza! Pizza!
The 5th graders are selling Little Caesar’s Pizza Kits and
Cookie Dough to help defray the cost of camp. Please
stop by the Parish Office to place your order!l
Orders need to be placed by October 20th. Pick up will be
from 2:00 to 5:00 pm on Thursday, October 30th.
If you would like to help, please see us after all masses
at registration table or call Deann in CRE office:
OCTOBER 12, 2014
Youth Ministry—6th thru 12th Grades
WE HAVE... Service Projects
Youth Group
Our annual Rake –N-Run will be held on
November 1st 2014 from 9:00am – 2:00pm.
If you are in need of your leaves raked,
please contact Deann at 586-731-5072.
Social Activities
Middle School: 6th-8th
High School: 9th-12th
Join us Oct. 17th
Youth Room
Join us Oct. 19th
7:00-9:00pm in
Youth Room
Oct. 26-28th: On Fire
For Life
(Registration needed)
Oct. 26-28th: On Fire
For Life
(Registration needed)
Contact Deann, Coordinator of Youth Ministry, for more details:
[email protected]
School News
School Mission
We are a Catholic School family dedicated
to nurturing and celebrating a love for
Jesus Christ and educating the whole child
with academic excellence.
Week of October 13th
1st-8th Grades: IOWA Testing All Week
Mon. Oct. 13
Scrip Orders Placed by 10:00 AM
Pizza Kit Orders Due (Fundraiser for 6th Grade Camp)
1st -8th Grades: IOWA Testing Continues
Tue. Oct. 14
1st-8th Grades: IOWA Testing Continues
Wed. Oct. 15
Children’s Mass Hosted by: Gould/104-7B
Traveling Chalice: McBride
1st-8th Grades: IOWA Testing Continues
Market Day: Internet Orders Due at 11:00 PM
Thur. Oct.16
1st-8th Grades: IOWA Testing Continues
PTO Meeting 7:00 PM (Social Hall)
Fri. Oct. 17
All Students & Staff: $1.00 Jeans Day – Wear Jeans & Tennis Shoes with Spirit Wear Shirt or Blue & Gold Shirt
(Proceeds go to Band Program/Instrument)
Catholic Culture Committee Meeting 9:00 AM (Social Hall)
– must RSVP to Linda Pittiglio/School Office
1st-8th Grades: IOWA Testing Ends
Sun. Oct. 19
8th-12th Grades: St. Lawrence Knights of Columbus Youth
Leadership Projects Kick-Off Meeting 11:15 AM
(See NNN for Info)
Youth Service Project
We will be collecting
personal hygiene items
to make baskets for the
young girls at Holy
Cross Children’s Services, located in Saginaw, Michigan.
We are collecting the following items: shampoo, conditioner, body wash, toothpaste and
toothbrushes, Chap stick, hair gel or mousse,
body and hand lotion, deodorant, bath loofas, and emory boards. Please find these
items in regular size at your local dollar store.
Please no scissors, hairspray, nail clippers, brushes, pencils, sharp objects or aerosol cans.
We will be collecting items on October 12th at the Knights
of Columbus monthly breakfast. Money donations will also
be accepted.
Thank you in advance for supporting Holy Cross Children's
We would like
to welcome,
into our faith
those baptized
on Oct. 4, 2014
by Rev. Roman Pasieczny
Craig Anthony Oakes, son of
Craig and Angela (Giannone) Oakes
Maximus Jaysen Brandt, son of
Jaysen and Allyson (Story) Brandt
Seminarian’s Benefit Drawing
St. Lawrence K of C is having their annual Seminarians
Benefit Drawing. We will be in the gathering space this
weekend after all the Masses. We would appreciate your
support for this good cause. Prizes are $100 awarded each
week for ten weeks. The first drawing will be held on
Thurs, Nov. 13th followed for 10 weeks through January
8th, 2015. A $500 prize will be awarded on Sunday January
18h, 2015 at the K of C Benefit Dance. Keep that date
open. The dance will be from 2pm – 7pm. Music will be
provided by Duane Malinowski from Ohio. This is our 33rd
Anniversary that we have been helping the Seminarians
let’s make it a good year.
All winning tickets will be entered in the $500 drawing.
Tickets are $5.00 each or 3 for $10.00 you do not have to
be present to win. We would like to see your great support for the Seminarian’s in the year 2014-2015. I would
like to see the young generation participate more it’s your
future and your children’s to get more Priest and Postulates.
The K of C Council 2950 would like to thank all the parishioners who participated in the voluntary contributions.
I would like to remind you again that for every $500 we
give to the Seminarian’s the K of C Supreme council gives
us $100. In the 2013 and 2014 fraternal year, we received
$5,600 from the Supreme Council. THANK YOU!!!
Dale Niedzwiecki
K of C Vocation Director
Archdiocese of Detroit
Year of Prayer for a New Pentecost
March 5, 2014 – April 5, 2015
Father in heaven,
renew your wonders in our time,
as though by a new Pentecost
and grant that your holy Church in Detroit,
praying perseveringly and insistently
with one mind, together with Mary,
the mother of Jesus,
and guided by Sts. Joseph and Anne,
may increase the reign of the Divine Savior,
the reign of truth and justice,
the reign of love and peace. Amen.
information and resources: www.aod.org/yearofprayer
De La Salle Collegiate Tea and Luncheon
The Christian Brother's Auxiliary of De La Salle Collegiate
presents our 11th Annual Afternoon Tea and Luncheon
celebrating the 75th Anniversary of The Wizard of Oz
on Sunday October 26, 2014 at 1 pm at the fantastic
Mirage, located at 16980 18 Mile Road, Clinton Township
MI 48038.
Come join us as we journey down the Yellow Brick Road!
The afternoon includes our famous hat contest, teapot
raffle, 50/50 raffle and great fishbowl prizes.
The afternoon includes a special performance by the De La
Salle Show Choir, and we are featuring the illusions and
entertainment of Mark Maze.
Tickets are $40 each or a table of ten for $400. To make a
reservation or for more information please
email [email protected]
CSA Minute: Development and Stewardship
The southeast Michigan Catholic business community will
come together to celebrate their faith and share fellowship during the Mass for Commerce at Sacred Heart Major Seminary on Wednesday, October 15.
Your gifts to the Catholic Services Appeal support the
archdiocesan Department of Development and Stewardship, which administers this annual event. All Catholics
in the workplace throughout the Archdiocese of Detroit
are invited to the 8 a.m. Mass, which will be followed by
a networking breakfast.
Attendees are encouraged to invite their colleagues and
associates to join in this opportunity to pray for their
business, the southeast Michigan business community,
and the economy in general.
For more information about CSA-funded ministries, programs, and services, please go to www.AOD.org.
Do You Know Someone Going Through a
Difficult Time?
Do you have a friend, neighbor, coworker, or relative who has been
struggling with the loss of a loved one,
loneliness, cancer, a layoff, relocation,
divorce, a spiritual crisis, recuperation,
single parenthood, or any of countless
other life challenges? Our Stephen
Ministers can provide them with the focused care,
encouragement, and support they need to make it through
the crisis. If you know of someone who is hurting, talk
with one of the Stephen Leaders at St. Lawrence Catholic
Church at 586-731-5347. They can talk with you about
how we can connect the person you know with one of our
Stephen Ministers. It’s a great way for you to show how
much you care!
Pro-Life Group
"I have called you by name, you are mine" (Isaiah 43:1)
In a recent interview, Stevie Nicks (singer/songwriter for Fleetwood Mac) confessed that her song "Sara" was written as a dedication " to the spirit of the aborted baby" that she had conceived. She said that if the baby had been born, and if it was a
girl, she would have named her "Sara".
One of the first steps in healing after an abortion is the recognition that the abortion has stolen the life of a child. Stevie Nicks
realized this, because you don't write a song about a clump of
By naming the child, a post-abortive woman allows herself to
"give back" the inherent dignity and uniqueness of a soul that
was "fearfully and wonderfully made" (Psalm 39:14). Identifying
the child in this way helps a woman to identify her own feelings
of loss caused by the act of abortion.
Although naming an aborted baby may sound strange to many
people, post-abortive women who are in the the healing process
understand that the denial of the autonomy of the child acts as
an accelerant to the grief, hopelessness, anger, guilt, and regret
that are hallmarks of post-abortion trauma.
It is this healing grace that can help lead victims of abortion
back to God; to find hope, peace, and forgiveness from an allmerciful God; for "as far as the east is from the west, so far has
he removed our sins from us' (Psalm 103:18).
The haunting lyrics and melody of "Sara" reflect the deep sorrow
of a woman mourning the loss of a relationship, and , more profoundly, the loss of a child: "Sara, you're the poet in my heart,
never change, don't you ever stop...it's never gone, it always
matters what for...all I ever wanted was to know that you were
dreaming...there's a heartbeat, no, it never really died, you
never really died".
With the help of outreach programs such as Rachel's Vineyard,
Project Rachel, Priests for Life, Silent No More and others,
women and men who suffer from the trauma of abortion can
find hope and healing, and peace and joy, once more. And by
seeking God's forgiveness, especially in the Sacrament of
Reconciliation, post-abortive women and men can come to know
His abundant mercy and love, and in the process learn to forgive
themselves, because "I can do all things through Christ who
strengthens me"(Phil. 4:13).
If you feel you are being called to the Pro-Life ministry and
would like to join us, please contact Sharon Gill at
[email protected]
A.C.W.C’s Craft Fair
Saturday, November 1, 2014
9 am to 4 pm
Juried vendors, Crafts, Bake Sale,
Delicious Food, Raffle
Free Admission!
St. Martin de Porres Church
31555 Hoover
north of 13 Mile in Warren
OCTOBER 12, 2014
Knights of Columbus
Youth Leadership Projects Kick-off
Sunday October 19, 2014
The St. Lawrence Knights of Columbus promotes leadership at
all ages as a means to grow in our Catholic Faith and ensure the
strong foundation of for all generations in expressing the love of
God and promoting the name of Jesus Christ to all we encounter.
Leadership means being able to set the example for our family,
friends and those we encounter! The responsibilities of a leader
are based on being committed to continual Christian formation
and having courage to display the Faith that we all are constantly forming.
Effective leadership does not happen overnight. As with the
regular forming of our faith, laying the ground work for leadership occurs through a commitment to improvement. There are
many ways that help someone grow in faith, courage,
knowledge and ultimately leadership. Some examples include:
Guidance from the Holy Spirit through reflection
and developing our conscience
Readings from articles, books, and stories
Reflection on our own experiences
Listening to the experiences of others
For youth (Junior High through High School) in particular, many
of the examples above may not yet be practiced or realized at
their age. The St. Lawrence Knights of Columbus provides in
conjunction with St. Lawrence Parish and Youth Ministry opportunities for Youth Leadership while using many of the methods
of formation mentioned.
We look forward to working with youth from our Parish to encourage, mentor, challenge and ultimately lay the ground work
for the lifelong faith formation of the next generation of strong
and convicted Christians.
We will be having a kick-off meeting at the Church on October 19, 2014 after the 10 a.m. Mass (approximately 11:15
a.m.) for 8th – 12th graders that would like to hear more and
take the challenge of leading a project for service or faith
building. Lunch will also be served. Please RSVP to Joe
Lograsso at [email protected].
Annual Halloween Party
Saturday October 25, 2014
7:30 to Midnight
Chili Dog Bar, Sloppy Joes, Salad Bar
Refreshments and Desserts
Music by Cosmic Groove, featuring St. Lawrence’s Mike Roth!
Costume Contest!
$25 per person
Proceeds Benefit the K of C Buildings Fund
Tickets Available by Calling Joe Lograsso at 586 566-8940 or
[email protected]
3rd/4th Grade
Instructional BasketBall!
Attention all 3rd and 4th grade basketball players (boys
and girls): Registration for 2014/15 Instructional Basketball takes place from October 21st thru November
10th.. Go to www.mightymustangs.com and click on the
“Register OnLine” tab to follow the prompts for registration and sign up. The fee is $100 – which will include
one practice per week, 4 home games, 4 away games
and a basketball jersey. All games will be against other
Catholic Schools in the area. (You do not have to attend St. Lawrence School to participate!)
The St Lawrence Instructional Basketball Program focuses on teaching basketball fundamentals to the children
in a Christian environment with an emphasis on equal
playing time on a balanced team. Practices will begin
in December with games taking place in January and
We depend on volunteer coaches to ensure proper player development and would like to have at least two
coaches per team. If you are interested in coaching
please contact Mark Bruni at
[email protected]
All coaches are required to take “Protecting God’s Children” in order to volunteer. No Late registrations will
be accepted!
Watch the FORUM for
information on
St. Lawrence Cemetery
wreath and grave blanket sales!
2014 CSA
Have you made your
pledge yet? Please,
prayerfully consider
helping us reach our
Total Amount
The St. Lawrence Catholic School
Forensics (Public Speaking) Teams Are
Creating a “Library” and They Need
Your Help!
The St. Lawrence Catholic School Forensics Teams have
enjoyed a long tradition of public speaking success. Hundreds of students have been team members over the
years and many, many families and coaches have poured
their hearts and souls into preparing those young speakers
throughout their particular seasons. We need the help of
those team members, families, and coaches now!
The current SLS Forensics Team moderators are building a
“library” of pieces that former team members have used.
Mrs. Patti Marchetti, Mrs. Julie Sharp, and untold others
have spent thousands of hours over the years researching
books, movies, magazines, newspapers, and the internet
for appropriate speeches, poetry, prose, dramatic passages, and stories that our students could memorize, practice, and perfect for their 5th/6th and 7th/8th Grade
Eastside Catholic Forensics League Tournaments. Our
team members could never have learned as much and
been as successful if those adults had not put in all that
time and effort. Now we’d like to create a library of
those pieces so we can “recycle” that valuable material.
Why reinvent the wheel?!?!
Please pass the word: If any family member, friend,
teammate, or neighbor was in Forensics at SLS (or anywhere, for that matter!) we’d appreciate having their
presentation(s) forwarded to us. A copy can be made and
([email protected]), sent to the school
(44429 Utica Road, Utica, MI 48317), or FAXED to the
school (586-731-5393). Even if there is no physical copy,
please rack your brains and email the name of the piece.
We can even use the general topic, the author, or a few
key words/lines to look it up on the internet. ANYTHING
Thank you so much for assisting us with this huge endeavor. Although most of the pieces we receive will not be
used for the current 7th/8th Grade Team (they are going to
receive their pieces very shortly), we know your memory
will help the 5th/6th Grade Team with their February 7,
2015 Tournament and teams over the next several years.
If you have any further questions or comments, please
email [email protected] or contact Mrs.
Jolynn Friedmann ([email protected]) or
Mrs. Lisa Marcopoli ([email protected]).
OCTOBER 12, 2014
Mighty Mustangs
Mighty Mustangs (con’t)
Soccer The Mustang and Mountaineer 7/8th Grade Boys
Varsity #1 teams played in a game that could decide the
CYO Division Championship at home on Saturday, 10/4.
The game went back and forth in what was a very physical
first half. St. Lawrence scored first when Rocco Galati
sent a high shot that hit the bottom of the St. Mary crossbar and fell in behind the Mountaineers goalkeeper. Late
in the first half, a St. Mary midfielder was left alone just
outside the penalty area, striking a goal to level the score.
The second half saw both teams pick up the pace even
more, trying to gain the advantage. A long towering shot
from midfielder Joe Grillo found the back of the St. Mary
goal, giving the Mustangs a one goal lead. St. Lawrence
held on until midway through the second half when a
Mountaineer striker got to a ball that was just outside the
reach of the Mustang goalkeeper, putting the ball into the
net, leveling the score once again. St. Lawrence continued to attack the St. Mary defensive group but could not
get the goal they needed and the match ended in a draw 2
-2. Strong games were played by Mustang forward Kyle
Zammit, midfielders Julian Hansen and Andrew Dixon, as
well as defenders Joey Manzella and Daniel Dubois.
Staniszewski, Nathan Fetters, and Logan Lewerenz, acted
as an impenetrable wall. The midfielders, led by Francesco Ayer and Anthony Lucaj in the middle, controlled the
ball, passed with purpose, and attacked the net. This gave
the forwards a chance to take shot after shot until finally
the ball crossed the white line for a goal. Nick Debelak and
Jacob Anderson both scored for the Mustangs helping the
team to win their second game of the season!
This herd of Mustangs traveled to face St. Anne on Sunday
10/5 in a League match. This one was over quickly as St.
Lawrence scored early and often in the first half. Goals
from Adam Anderson, Zammit (from Anthony Zona), Zammit again, and Galati put the game away in the first half.
With a four goal lead going into the second half, Coach
Colburn moved players into new positions and emphasized
a possession game. The Mustangs created many though
ball opportunities going to goal, but could not finish them.
It was the Eagles who scored the lone goal of the half on a
nice finish from a St. Anne forward. The match ended
with a final of 4-1, improving the team to 4-1-1, 7-1-2
overall. Strong efforts from defensive midfielder Mitchell
Guest, striker Aden Yaldo, midfielder James Doyle and
goalkeeper Nick Adamczyk sealed the victory for the Mustangs.
The 7/8th Grade Varsity Boys #2 hosted the Mountaineers
from St Mary #2 in a League match at home on Saturday,
10/4. Both teams played well in their defensive third,
preventing many goal scoring opportunities. St. Mary
opened the scoring when a strong shot found the back of
the Mustang goal late in the first half. The second half
saw St. Lawrence make some position changes and increase the attack. Time and again the Mustangs broke
through the St. Mary defenders but could not get the goal
they needed to level the score. The match ended with a 1
-0 St. Mary win. Strong play from Matthew DeAngelis, Tyler Looman, Nolan Lawroski, Andre Kent and Robert Santine was noted by the Mustang Coach Mike Colburn.
The 5/6th Grade JV Boys came out with purpose at home
on Tuesday 9/30 in a non-League game against St. Joan of
Arc. The defense played their best game of the season in a
2-0 win! Nate Schultz was dominant, along with the rest
of the defense, as Lucas Bruni, Ryan Lawroski, Nathan
Two days later they met up with the same team for their
3rd and final meeting of the season and these Mighty Mustangs came away with a 3-2 win, thanks to goals from Jacob Debelak, Anderson and Lucaj!
On Saturday 10/4 at home, they took on St. Mary, Mt.
Clemens in a rematch from earlier this season. This was
an important game to the team, as in their first meeting,
they were soundly defeated and unable to score at all.
From the beginning the Mustangs took control. They moved
the ball around the field and took shots constantly until
finally they were able to put one away. As the game progressed, St. Lawrence and St. Mary seemed evenly
matched as the two teams traded goals back and forth until it was a 3-3 match. The game was very intense at the
end of the game and a penalty kick determined the outcome of the game, in the last minute of play, which became the last play of the game. Despite the 4-3 loss, everyone on the team played excellent, with Laelan Reyes
leading the way in goal!
They then visited St. Anne in a League match on Sunday,
10/5. The Eagles scored early when they were awarded a
free kick just outside the Mustang penalty area. St. Anne
hurried the free kick before the Mustangs were able to get
in position, making it 1-0. The Mustangs came back quickly when Fetter struck a free kick that found Anderson who
scored to level the score. The Eagles were awarded a penalty kick late in the half, but it was Mustang goalkeeper
Jacob Debelak who made the save sending the teams to
the half time benches tied. The second half saw St. Anne
pick up the pace, spreading the Mustang defenders, and
attacking the St. Lawrence goal. The Eagles scored three
unanswered goals. Mustang forwards and midfielders did
not let up and had many runs to goal by forwards Mitchell
Gaff, Nicholas Debelak, Anderson and midfielder
Bruni. The score ended with the St. Lawrence on the
wrong side of a 4-1 game, but outstanding play from Ayer,
Lawroski, and Lucaj was noted by Varsity Coach, Mike Colburn.
Other scores of recent games:
Weds. 10/1
at St. Isaac Jogues/
St. Germaine 1
7/8th Grade Varsity Boys #2
Fri. 10/3
at 7/8th Grade Varsity Girls 2
St. Paul
Mighty Mustangs (con’t)
Sat. 10/4
7/8th Grade Varsity Girls
Sun. 10/5
7/8th Grade Varsity Girls
Mighty Mustangs (con’t)
at St. Isaac Jogues
at St. Anne
Volleyball Saturday, 10/4, the 7/8th Grade Varsity #1
went on the road for a rematch with Guardian Angels.
Although the Mustangs as a whole struggled on offense,
they shined on the serving line. Madison Strong and Ally
Konarzewski were a strong presence on the net and the
defense of Savannah Hibner, Alexis Kopicki and Peyton
Weingartz helped push the team to victory! The Mustangs
won all 3 sets (25-18, 25-15, 15-8).
The following day also found them on the road, this time
to St. Thecla. The girls again shined on the serving line,
winning all 3 sets (25-8, 25-8, 15-5). They worked well as
a team, with Kara Lewicki and Weingartz leading the
team on defense and Sydney Palazzolo and Konarzewski
continuing to bring consistency to the court as setters.
Every hitter contributed at least 1 kill, led by Kopicki,
Konarsewski, Strong, Sabrina Timmerman and Katie
The 5/6th Grade JV #1 won both of their matches last
weekend. Saturday 10/4 they traveled to Guardian Angels
and won all three games (25-16, 25-19, 15-10). Erin Vandenbrink served 8 points right off the bat to bring the
Mustangs back from behind, giving them the lead that
they would hold for the rest of the game. The Mustangs
hitters were on fire and had an average of 5 kills per
game, their highest yet.
In a rematch against the only team that has beaten them
in League play this year, they traveled the following day
to St. Thecla where they evened the score, winning 2-1
(26-24, 25-14, 14-16). Kacie Collins stayed cool under
pressure, serving 6 points in a row to give the Mustangs a
win in the first game. Defensively, Maria LoChirco and
Juliana Chabot hustled all day, covering their teammates
and diving across the court to save balls. The win put
them back into first place with one weekend left in the
Other scores of recent games:
Thurs. 10/2
at St. Regis #4
3 5/6th Grade JV #3
Fri. 10/3
at O.L. of Refuge #2
2 5/6th Grade JV #
Sat. 10/4
5/6th Grade JV #2
2 at St. Mary, R.O. #2
at St. Mary, M.C. #2
2 7/8th Grade Varsity #2
Sun. 10/5
at St. Thecla #2
5/6th Grade JV #2
The 7/8th Grade Varsity #1 (Blue) lost a tough
contest on the road to Division rival St. Regis #1, 30-26 on
Saturday, 10/4. The game featured tough defense in the
first half as both teams crossed each other’s goal, making
the contest an 8-6 dual, with the Raiders holding onto the
slim lead. The second half became an offensive showcase,
with both teams lighting up the scoreboard. St. Regis
jumped out to a quick score on the first series of plays in
the third quarter to take a 16-6 lead. The Mustangs answered back, thanks to the play of Quarterback Nolan
Schultz, (3 touchdowns, 135 yards rushing, along with going 8-12, for 130 yards passing and one passing touchdown)
dove across the goal from the 5-yard line to make the contest 16-12. The Raiders were able to score two more
times to jump out to a 30-12 lead going into the fourth
quarter. The never say die Mustangs fought hard to get
back into the contest by scoring two late fourth quarter
touchdowns and came within an onside kick of taking the
win. Nick Severyn (80 yards receiving, touchdown) and
Riley Orlando (extra point), accounted for the rest of the
Mustang scoring. St. Lawrence head into the 2014 CYO
Playoffs on Sunday 10/12, at Notre Dame Prep, as they
prepare for a First Round rematch against Divine Child.
Other scores of recent games:
Sat. 10/4
at St. Regis #2
8 7/8th Grade Varsity #2 (G)
at St. Regis #1
18 5/6th Grade JV #1 (Blue)
5/6th Grade JV #2 (Gold) 26 at Redford Catholic
at St. Regis
18 4th Grade Freshman
A complete listing of all upcoming games, in all sports,
can be accessed all season long by going to our Athletics
website at www.mightymustangs.com.
Grades 9-12
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Pontiac Campus:
1300 Giddings Rd., Pontiac
[email protected]
1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
More info at
OCTOBER 12, 2014
Prayer List
Jesus, you are God’s Gift of healing love. While on earth, you healed those who came for help. We believe that
you continue to heal today. Heal all those for whom we pray, especially those on our list. Amen.
If you would like to add someone to the prayer list you may call the parish office or email your request to [email protected]
Ann Marie Badke
Victor Basyblo
James Beaton
Patricia Belcher
Jeff Bousson
John Chakel
Gloria Cichy
Lenna Cox
Frank Cucchiara, Sr.
Fred Daley
Jo Davis
Michelle DeSchryver
Phyllis DeSmet
Anthony Detroyer
Josephine DiLisio
Raymond Dilworth
MaryAnn DiMusto
Tony Duronio
Laura Durr
Edward Dziewit
John Engel
Marilyn Enmark
John Fish, Jr.
Magdalena Gbur
Ethan Gehrke
William Grenillo
Virginia Haraszkiewicz
Richard Hensler
Christof Hermann
Frances Hirt
Kayla Hodgins
Olive Hoffman
Mary Infantino
Rex Kilburn
Steven Klimek
Daniel Kobylarz-Hughes
Betty Koehn
Dick Kolpasky
Dorothy Kosciolek
Ron Kruk, Jr.
Toni Kucharski (Lochridge)
Jim Langeveld
Leo Kujawa
Theresa Learnihan
Christine Linke
David Long
Patricia Lowry
Dominic Lumetta
Janice MacDonald
George Magulak, Jr.
Eleanor Majocha
Larry Marquardt
Tom & Joan Martin
Ron Matola
Steve Messina
Roger Michels
Irene Mioduszewski
Louis Mioduszewski
Lester Nevens
Leo C. Niedzwiecki
Stephanie Pach
Benjamin Perrell
Christie Plourde
Carol Pulich
Joyce Radulski
Robert Radulski
Jennifer Reid
Tracey Ruessman
Dan Salk
Frank Settecerri
Theresa Shandor
Madaline Sheff
Geri Skonieczny
Allen Stieber
Hubert Strnad
Cynthia Surdecki Dehem
Don Szlezyngier
Judy Taube
Helen Tripiano
Lexi Ward
Jason Warner
Robert Warner
Gary Weigan
Helen Weigan
Ray & Karen Whyte
Jake Williams
Jeff Wright
Shirley Wuestenberg
Diane Zalewski
Nettie Zbikowski
Pray for Those Serving in the Military
Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their
families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. Amen.
John Adrian - ANG
SPC Melissa Alston - Army
Col. Mary Augustitus-Blair - Marines
Dominic Barone - Army
Christopher Bauslaugh - Army
Nicole Bauslaugh - Army
Sgt. Marcus Bawel - Marines
SPC Matthew Bazydlo - Army
Patrick Becerra - Army
Nathan Blight—Army
Sgt. Evan Bogart - Army
Nicholas Boris - Navy
1st Class Petty Officer Tom Bremer- Navy
Sgt. Jerry Bushaey - Army
Major Vincent Cipriano - Army
Michael Colonna, Jr. - Navy
Jordan Darraugh - Navy
Matthew Gaiownik - Marines
Lt. Col. Bill LaPratt - Marines
Lt. Col. Timothy Lemley - Army
Eric McDougall - Marines
PFC Cory Marchioni—Army
Jeff Monterosso - Army
LCPL Aaron Murphy - Marines
1st Lt. Steven Pickett - Marines
SA Joseph Pugliese - Navy
Capt. Brett Reichert– Army
Major James Rossi - ANG
2nd Lt. Joseph Sattler-Army
1st Lt. Anthony Sierawski-USMC
Nicholas Solomon - Army
Sgt. Andrew Stapels - Marines
Brandon Trees - USAF
Nichole Whitt - Navy
Katy Wolfsberger - Navy
PFC Justin Gleba - Army
Staff Sgt. Patrick Goodwin - USAF
Arlon Gregg CPL - Marines
2nd Lt. Garrett Haas-Army
Major Shawn Hagan - USAF
Capt. Dr. Scott Iler Hagedorn - USAF
Major Jim Hensien - Marines
Pvt. Jason Hyry - Army
Patrick Jors - Navy
SSG Brian Junga - Army
Christopher King - USAF
Kenneth King - Navy
Kristina King - USAF
Lt. Col. Timothy Knoth - Army
Paul Koss-Marines
Capt. Edward Kotulski - Marines
Robert Kwiecinski - Army
Liturgical Ministers Schedule
*Presider schedule subject to change
Saturday, October 18, 2014
4:30 pm
Fr Roman
Jack Studnicka
Lucy Valentine
Sonia Studnicka
Abby Weingartz
Carol Pywell
Joan Abdelnour
Sunday, October 19, 2014
8:00 am
Fr. Roman
Matthew Komoroski
Salvatore Ventimiglia
Maria Schudt
Julia Kroha
Ron Idziak
Mary Mandziara
Sunday, October 19, 2014
10:00 am
Fr. Sal
Stephen Dzialo
Matthew DeAngelis
Dominic Balice
Evan Similuk
Michael Coraci
Tom Naborczyk
Sunday, October 19, 2014
12:00 pm
Fr. Sal
Laelan Reyes
Marcelina Powalka
Veronica Bugayong
Need 1
Gary Graham
Need 1
Altar Servers
OCTOBER 12, 2014
Parish Office
(586) 731-5347
44633 Utica Road, Utica, Michigan 48317
Rev. Roman Pasieczny, Pastor
Rev. Salvatore Palazzolo, Assoc. Pastor
Rev. Mr. Anthony Morici, Deacon
(586) 731-5393
Pastoral Staff
(586) 731-0135
Religious Education
(586) 731-5072
Rev. Roman Pasieczny, Pastor
[email protected]
Rev. Salvatore Palazzolo, Assoc. Pastor
[email protected]
Rev. Mr. Anthony Morici, Deacon
[email protected]
Peggy DeClercq, Pastoral Assoc.
[email protected]
Lorrie Goetzinger, Business Manager
[email protected]
Mary Kraus, Christian Service
[email protected]
Lisa Rajnicek, Religious Education
[email protected]
Deann Reusche, Youth Minister
[email protected]
Mike Roth, Music Director
[email protected]
Cathy Ciolino, School Principal
[email protected]
Community Support Staff
Kathie Sabelhaus, Cemetery Coordinator
[email protected]
Stephen Ministry (586) 731-5347
Greg Mangold, Athletic Director (586) 978-3887
Baptisms are the 2nd Saturday of the month at 5:45 pm and the 2nd,
3rd and 4th Sundays of the month at 1:15 pm. A Baptismal Preparation Class is required for both parents and godparents and is held on
the fourth Wednesday of each month in the Social Hall at 7:00 pm.
The Church requires that at least one of the parents and one of the
godparents be practicing Catholics, that is, they actively participate
in Mass each weekend. Please call the Parish Office to register for
classes or if you have any questions.
Parish Council
[email protected]
Annmarie Iacona, Chairperson
Lorri DeAngelis, Vice Chairperson
Sherry Berry, Secretary
Parish Council Members-At-Large
Cathy Scanlan Annmarie Iacona Mike Coraci Sherry Berry
Brett Valentine Cheryl Lloyd Lawrence Higgins
Lorri DeAngelis
Greg Padley
Young Adult Rep.
Youth Group Rep.
Senior Rep.
Athletic President
Vicariate Rep.
Worship Chair
Christian Service Rep.
School/Comm. Rep./President
Evan./Comm. Rep.
Education Chair
Adult Formation Rep.
Hannah Gianfermi
Marion Lelito
Greg Burnick
Lisa Ann Roth
Rosemary Reilly
Fr. Sal
Barb McKay
Liturgy Schedule
Monday– Friday, 8:00 am
Wednesday (during school), 9:30 am
Saturday, 4:30 pm
Sunday, 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:00 noon
Reconciliation, Saturday, 3:30 pm
Eucharistic Adoration
2nd Tuesday 5-8 pm and 2nd Wednesday 2-3 pm
Perpetual Help Devotions, Tuesday morning after the 8:00 am Mass
Marriage arrangements require a six-month parish registration and
active Mass participation. Wedding dates are not given out over the
phone or before you have been active parishioners for at least six
months. Please call the Parish Office for details.
Questions about the Sacrament of Reconciliation, First Eucharist and
Confirmation will be answered by our Religious Education Office.
Please call (586) 731-5072 for further information.
School Information
Questions about tuition rates for parish members and
non-members, applications to attend the school or any other school
related matters will be answered by the St. Lawrence School Office.
Please call (586) 731-0135 for further information.
Parish Office Hours
Monday through Friday: 9:00 am to 8:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
Sunday: 9:00 am to 1:30 pm
School Office Hours (During School Year)
Monday through Friday: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Religious Education Office Hours (During CRE Year)
Monday and Tuesday: 9:00 am to 8:00 pm
Wednesday through Friday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Religious Education Office Hours (Summer)
Tuesday: 9:00 am to 7:00 pm
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm