CHURCH-WIDE MINISTERS’ APPRECIATION RECEPTION The Vision a weekly newsletter of Valley Baptist Church PASTOR’S PAGE This Sunday Night, October 12 OCTOBER 8, 2014 We experienced of God’s presence, It began Thursdayfrom nightour withSunday the startSchool of our Although there four are afantastic number days of things I could share this withpast youweekend. about this past Sunday Disciple-Now. We had 144 students who participated in D-Now for the entire weekend. And if that was not amazing Attendance being lower than I expected….to the large number of folks in all three of our Worship Services….to the enough, weOffering had approximately 100 of our adults who made a valuable contribution very good we received (PTL!)….to Gage Henderson making his professiontoofthis faithincredible public (aevent, doubleincluding PTL!!), myselfare playing the role of “Mickey Mouse” duringtook the on famous “Hot Dog” Song! I want to thank these dedicated adults there Two Significant Steps that our Church Sunday night that I believe show the Gracious, Caring Heart for being willing to invest themselves into the lives of our young people. That’s another reason why Valley’s So Special! of Valley Baptist Church. We had joywith of seeing God&work the lives of not only our youth, but also our adults during ouron D-Now Weekend. First, as Ithe met our Youth their in Parents on Sunday afternoon and with our entire Church Family Sunday night, I Lives were changed. clear Precious were saved. Many Christians allowed Lord to the thingsOur in their lives that made it abundantly thatSouls we are redoubling our commitment to ourthe Youth & remove their Ministry. young people was preventing them to have “All Access” to God! As I said, these were life -changing decisions! have always been a Priority to our Church, and that will never change! I alsoother wantsignificant to thank Troy and Candice, Brian, their night leadership our D-Now Weekend. didand an The step that you took,along as a with Church, on for Sunday was toinmake it obvious of yourThey Love incredible job!to Everything veryThe well-organized. Troy certainly a first-rate here lead Member’s in each session. Commitment our Churchwas Staff. unanimous action you took had to reach out to team one of ourtoStaff and hisI was personally blessed by our entire Disciple-Now Experience and much of the credit goes to Troy, Candice & Brain! family was one of the most gracious things I have witnessed in my ministry. But it did not surprise me at all. I knew that whatWeekend you would do, because I know whatwe kind people are.amazing That’s thing why itin isallsuch honor toThe be your Our was D-Now carried into Sunday, where sawofGod doeyou some our aservices. most Pastor! amazing Thanks was seeing forseveral being you! of ourI young love you! people who accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior during D-Now make those public, alongabout with aothers. you notice on Groups the inside, wemet hadthis almost in Sunday School, in Idecisions was excited to hear numberIfof ourwill Fellowship that past800 weekend. Some met atover the 1,000 church, Morning Worship Services and over 500 back on Sunday night! Absolutely Amazing! I am still Praising The Lord! while others met at their Lead Couple’s home. Wherever they assembled, everyone that I talked to who participated in a Fellowship Group had a Great Time. It is such a wonderful opportunity to get to know one another much better. I look forward to hearing about other Fellowship Groups that will be having their initial meeting within the next couple of weeks. Our Dennis Swanberg Comedy Concert is quickly approaching. In fact, it is Saturday, October 25, which is two weeks from this Saturday. Dennis speaks to audiences of thousands, keeping them laughing for 90 minutes. He is a Dove Award Winner as the Top Christian Comedian in America! He is the funniest man you have ever heard! As I said, he is scheduled to be here at Valley on Saturday, October 25. But we have one major problem - - - our ticket sales are slow! Many of you have told me that you intend to purchase some tickets because you are really looking forward to hearing “The Swan.” That’s Great! But here’s the Deal - - We Must Sell 300 Tickets by the end of this Sunday Night or we will have to cancel the Concert! Hopefully, this News will cause many of you to step up and purchase tickets for you and your friends to the Dennis Swanberg Concert by this Sunday Night! I have offered you a money-back guarantee. You will laugh until you hurt. We will have a couple areas set up this Sunday where you can purchase your tickets. Remember, we must sell 300 tickets by Sunday! (See back article) I really hope you and your family are already planning to be at Valley this Sunday. I will be concluding my sermon series entitled, “Real Life Holiness,” with a very relevant message that will also serve as a transitional sermon into my next series. And of course, you will want to make sure you are in your Sunday School Class this week at 9:30 a.m. so you can take advantage of studying the Word & enjoying the Fellowship! Finally, Beverly and I want to Thank You for the many cards, notes and even gifts that we have already received this month, with it being Pastor Appreciation Month. You are such a Gracious & Generous people! And I want you to know how thankful I am for each of you. And thanks in advance for the Church-Wide Reception this Sunday night for myself and the rest of our Ministerial Staff. Please know that I love and appreciate you, and have for almost 17 years. I can’t wait to see you Sunday! Honored to be your Pastor, Bro. James Proverbs 29:18 Join us as we say “Thank You” to our Ministerial Staff (Bro. James, Bro. Chris, Mark, Troy, Brian & Tonya) James Hays, Pastor 501.268.7501 “A Fellowship...Not Just A Membership” The Vision Newsletter – October 8, 2014 Card Baskets for each Honoree. An opportunity to say “Thanks” to our Ministers’ and their Families. Some Special Surprises for our Staff. Cake & Punch will be served. October is Pastor Appreciation Month! 7th & 8th GRADE BOYS’ PAINTBALL TRIP THIS SUNDAY “DIAPERS AND WIPES” CHURCH-WIDE SHOWER TABLES FOR Jenny Pruitt & Lucas THIS SUNDAY, October 12 NOTE: SHOWER TABLES will be set up in the foyer for you to place your Diapers & Wipes on this Sunday Morning & Evening. Students Join Us For A 5TH QUARTER THIS Friday Night October 10 9:30 P.M. Don’t Miss the Games, Food, Fun & Fellowship!! After the High School Football Games in Valley’s “The Gym For Him” INVITE YOUR FRIENDS!! Cost is $20 includes lunch & everything needed to play paintball. Must be in Sunday School this week in order to go on outing. Leaving after second service. Need to bring a change of clothes. Concealed Weapons Class Saturday, October 11 - 9:30 a.m. In Valley’s Fellowship Hall First Time Certification - $50 Those who need Recertification - $25 Contact Brandon Grimes (827 (827--7877) or Steve Cochran (827 (827--9903) for more information. “PROVE - THE - TITHE” SUNDAY Sunday, November 2 Annual Challenge to ALL MEMBERS to Begin Tithing on this Sunday. The Day to get “Caught Up” if you have Fallen Behind in your Giving. Also, our Yearly Challenge to Every Member to Give Their Largest Offering on this Sunday. Special Envelopes provided. “The Year Of The Basics” The Vision Newsletter – October 8, 2014 Sunday, October 5, 2014 This Tuesday, October 14 At Valley rd 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. • 3 - 6 Grade 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. • Pre-K - 2nd Grade In our “Gym For Him” You can register at the door Evaluations will be: October 13th & 14th October 20th & 21st Sign-up on for evaluations. 5:00 - 7:00 pm Needed: Good, individually-wrapped candy & SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES More vehicle trunks Contact: Tonya Miller (230-2054) or Talia Thompson (747-4440) NEXT SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18 9 AM - 3 PM VALLEY’S PARKING LOT Between 100-200 Vehicles on site Refreshments Available All proceeds will benefit “The Will McGary Memorial Scholarship Fund” The Vision Newsletter– October 8 , 2014 WE MUST SELL, AT LEAST, 300 TICKETS THIS SUNDAY, OR CONCERT WILL BE CANCELLED! Friday, October 31 THE 2ND ANNUAL WILL McGARY MEMORIAL CAR SHOW “The Year Of The Basics” The Vision Thank You Thank you for the food, visits, flowers and especially the prayers when my Mother, Judy Mason, passed away. We are so blessed to have such a loving church family. Pam & Terry Hays & Family 90 Minutes Of The Best In Christian Comedy A “Meet & Greet” Fellowship With “The Swan” After Concert Autograph Picture Of Dennis Swanberg Inflatables Games Free Food Trunkloads of Candy Please keep these precious families in your prayers. Thank you very much for the balloons & stuffed animal, calls, texts, prayers & meals. We appreciate it more than you know. Johnathan, Carrie, Addyson & Aubri Flowers A simple “Thank You” seems insufficient for the gratitude we feel for our Valley family in regard to Heath’s recent hospital stay & illness. We are so richly blessed to be part of this wonderful church. Thank you all! Heath, Deedra, Kyler, Peyton & Blayne Deason Valley Baptist Church P.O. Box 593 Searcy, AR 72145 Gene & Ellen Jordan in the death of their Great-Grandson, William Ricks, who passed away on Tuesday, October 7. Included In The Price Of Your Ticket…… Postmaster: Please do not hold. Dated Material. Bro. James, our church staff and our entire church family would like to extend our deepest sympathy to: Daniel, Kristy & Kade Ivy in the death of Daniel’s Grandfather, & Kade’s Great-Grandfather, Fred Ivy, who passed away on Friday, October 3. Terry & Cathy Curtis in the death of Terry’s Father, John Curtis, who passed away on Saturday, October 4. Joe & Judy Robertson in the death of Joe’s Brother, Don Robertson, who passed away on Wednesday, October 1. th Tickets - $15 each RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Sympathy UPWARD CAMP Free Day This Saturday, October 11 OUR STAFF (*BB: Raina Langston) (Deacon: Michael Sparks) Saturday, October 25 7:00 p.m. 7:00 pm - - Worship Led by the Men of Valley Gage Henderson 368-0180 5 Westgate (Donations accepted) “A Fellowship .. Not Just A Membership” WELCOME NEW MEMBERS COMEDY CONCERT 6:00 pm - - Meal Senior Pastor ......................................................... James Hays Associate Pastor .................................................... Chris Lynch Worship Pastor .............................................. Mark Galbreath Financial Administrator………………………………….. Wendi Pangle Student Pastor….................................................... Troy Brasel Children’s Director .............................................. Tonya Miller Ministry Assistants ....................................... Melinda Flowers, Lisa May, Kaki Allen Musicians ..................................................... Sherry Roberson, Mica Rose, Jessica Wilson, Stan King Housekeeping ......................... Wanda Graham, Jamie Martin Property Maintenance ...........................................Jessie Rose Junior High Pastor ........................................... Brian Robinson Daycare Director…………………………………………….….Jan Yingling Sunday School.......................................................................... 708 Worship Service ............................................................................ 749 Children’s Church ............................................................................ 59 Total Worship Attendance......................................................... 808 Total Evening Worship Attendance…………………………...542 GENERAL FUND OFFERING ....................................... $44,711.22 “Beyond Measure” ............................................................. $7,581.67 TOTAL GIVING ........................................................... $52,292.89 DENNIS SWANBERG SUNDAY Early Worship ............................................................. 8:00 am Sunday School ............................................................ 9:30 am Morning Worship ..................................................... 10:40 am Evening Worship ........................................................ 6:00 pm SONS of THUNDER WEDNESDAY AWANA ...................................................................... 6:00 pm Youth Bible Study ....................................................... 6:00 pm Ladies’ Bible Study & Men’s Fraternity ...................... 6:15 pm Worship Choir Rehearsal………………………………………... 6:15 pm Prayer Meeting and Bible Study ................................. 6:00 pm Worship Choir Rehearsal ........................................... 7:30 pm LAST WEEK @ VALLEY
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