I nes Romero INES ROMERO INES ROMERO Actor I Host I Model Ines (Garcia) Romero was born to a Dutch mother and Spanish father in Gentofte, Denmark. Growing up she lived in diverse places like Czechoslovakia and Africa (Algeria), and as a result has the command of six languages. At age seven Ines and her family returned to Denmark. As she entered her teens, Ines acted in plays, performed as a singer, and began dabbling in modeling. This ignited a life-long love affair with the performing arts. Always tall for her age as a kid, Ines saw her stature as the bane of her existence (she towered over the other kids making her fodder for school bullies). By age 17, she had come into her own beauty. Her statuesque appearance worked in her favor this time, as she was awarded a modeling contract right out of high school. Ines moved to San Francisco, CA in the early nineties after graduating college in Denmark, to continue her studies and pursue her modeling career. Under contract with Ford Modeling Agency, she traveled the world for jobs in both print and runway modeling. Amid an intense schedule, Ines managed to finish her schooling at San Francisco State University, graduating magna cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (her second degree). After modeling around the globe and completing two college degrees with honors, Ines‟ primary focus turned back to acting and the performing arts. She had studied with ACT in San Francisco for a year, and decided it was time to move to Los Angeles to give acting and the entertainment business a serious “go.‟‟ Once in Los Angeles, Ines studied with professionals like Sal Romeo, Otto Felix, Barry Papick and Kirk Baltz, and trained with The Groundlings. Since her move in 1999, Ines has found herself in diverse roles and projects ranging from episodic television and soap operas, to infomercials, and reality television. Her credits include acting in popular shows like “Las Vegas,” “Judging Amy,” “The Bold and the Beautiful,” and “Nash Bridges,” just to name a few. Ines has appeared as a model on television as well as hosted infomercials and television shows. She is also a “body double” for stars including Nicole Kidman, Charlize Theron, Rebecca Romijn and others (she also doubles for Yvonne Strahovski on the hit television show “Chuck”). Ines‟ most recent and prominent role, however, is that of herself, starring in a European version of „The Real Housewives,‟ called “Danske Hollywoodfruer.” The show, which debuted on April 8, 2010 on tv3 in Denmark, follows Ines and three other Danish-American women around Hollywood. Much like the „Real Housewives‟ franchise in the United States, “Danske Hollywoodfruer” and the lifestyles of its stars has sparked its share of controversy and aroused the interest of entertainment, fashion and tabloid media in Denmark and around the globe. A bevy of great accomplishments in the entertainment industry has not distracted Ines‟ from her first love of acting and performing. She recalls an experience working at Mel Gibson‟s theatre in Malibu as life-changing, stating “The experience changed me forever. My scene partner was blind and one of the most aware and present actors I‟ve ever worked with.” She plans to continue her pursuit of acting, and work to perfect her craft, learning from her colleagues and co-stars whenever the opportunity arises. The glamorous life depicted in „Danske Hollywoodfruer,‟ though seemingly rich and overflowing with opportunity, pales in comparison to Ines‟ philanthropic efforts and deep love and concern for animals. She devotes her time and resources whenever possible to various women‟s organizations for the education and empowerment of women and girls, and to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) and the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA). When time permits (and she‟s not attending kick-boxing class or practicing yoga), Ines also loves to express herself through painting. Her paintings have been exhibited at Cheebo Restaurant on Sunset Boulevard, and Pace on Laurel Canyon in Los Angeles. Ines and her fiancée Tony have committed to live their lives full of laughter and gratitude. They currently reside in Los Angeles, California with their two cats. Ines Romero (Imdb Profile) Filmography View resume or jump to filmography as: Actress, Self Actress: 1. Crush on U (2007) (V) .... Mrs. Swatford 2. "Pepper Dennis" .... Latin Reporter (1 episode, 2006) - Curtis Wilson's a Total Nut Job: Film at Eleven (2006) TV episode .... Latin Reporter 3. "Las Vegas" .... Showgirl (1 episode, 2004) - Blood Is Thicker (2004) TV episode (uncredited) .... Showgirl 4. "Karen Sisco" .... Unfaithful Wife (1 episode, 2003) - Nobody's Perfect (2003) TV episode (uncredited) .... Unfaithful Wife 5. "The Bold and the Beautiful" .... Model (1 episode, 2001) ... aka "Belleza y poder" - USA (Spanish title) - Episode #1.3616 (2001) TV episode .... Model 6. "Judging Amy" .... Plaintiff (1 episode, 2000) - Zero Tolerance (2000) TV episode (uncredited) .... Plaintiff 7. "Nash Bridges" .... Stalker (1 episode, 1998) - The Tourist (1998) TV episode (uncredited) .... Stalker Self: 1. "Danske Hollywoodfruer" .... Herself (2 episodes, 2010) - Episode #1.2 (2010) TV episode (as Ines) .... Herself - Episode #1.1 (2010) TV episode (as Ines) .... Herself RESUME Fredag d. 13 november (English Translation) TV3 laver dansk 'Hollywoodfruer' TV3 laver nu en dansk udgave af broderlandets megasucces her i efteråret, 'Svenska Hollywoodfruar'. I Sverige har en af efterårets helt store TV-succeser været 'Svenska Hollywoodfruar', en dokumentarserie, der følger de tre svenske kvinder Anna Anka, Maria Montazamy og Agnes-Nicole Winter, der alle har giftet sig med rige amerikanske mænd. Ikke mindst sangeren Paul Ankas svenske frue, Anna (bill. øverst), har været det helt store samtaleemne i medierne. Programmet er - ud over sport - det mest sete TV3-program i Sverige i dette årtusinde. Nu kommer programmet i en dansk version. Det handler kort fortalt om en række danske kvinder, der forlod hjemlandet og siden fandt både lykke, kærlighed og rigdom i drømmenes højborg, Los Angeles i USA. Drømme opfyldes og knuses "Hollywood er om noget stedet, hvor drømme både opfyldes og knuses. Og det er yderst fascinerende at få lov til at følge en række kvinder, for hvem drømmen er gået i opfyldelse. Seerne kommer til at opleve deres luksus-liv hjemme, på den røde løber og på indkøb i verdens dyreste butikker," siger TV3's programdirektør, Morten Mogensen, og fortsætter: "Vi glæder os meget til at præsentere de seje kvinder, der fik drømmen opfyldt - og ikke mindst at give seerne et blik ind bag de høje, beskyttende mure i de fashionable kvarterer i Hollywood," siger han om dokumentarserien, der skal produceres af Metronome i Danmark. TV3 er netop nu i gang med at gennemføre en lang række møder med flere fantastiske, danske kvinder i Hollywood kendte såvel som ukendte. Den danske udgave af 'Hollywood Fruerne' vil få premiere på TV3 i foråret 2010. Susanne Nielsen --- ENGLISH VERSION --- TV3 makes Danish 'Hollywood wives' TV3 is now making a Danish version of their brother country's mega success this fall, 'Swedish Hollywood Wives'. In Sweden, one of fall's biggest TV successes was 'Svenska Hollywoodfruar' (Swedish Hollywood Wives), a documentary that follows the three Swedish women Anna Anka, Maria Montazamy and Agnes-Nicole Winter, who have all married rich American men. Not least, the singer Paul Anka’s Swedish wife, Anna (bill. top), has been the big topic of conversation in the media. The program is - besides sports - the most watched TV3 program in Sweden during this millennium. Now comes the program in a Danish version. It's about a number of Danish women who left home and later found both happiness, love and wealth in city of dreams, Los Angeles, USA. Dreams fulfilled and crushed "Hollywood a place where dreams are both fulfilled and crushed. And it is extremely fascinating to be allowed to follow a number of women for whom the dream has come true. Viewers will experience their luxurious life at home, on the red carpet and shopping in the world's most expensive stores, "says TV3's program director, Morten Mogensen, and continues: "We are very pleased to present the cool women who got the dream fulfilled - and to give viewers a look behind the tall, protective walls in the fashionable neighborhoods of Hollywood," he says of the documentary series to be produced by Metronome in Denmark. TV3 is just now starting to implement a long series of meetings with several fantastic, Danish women in Hollywood known and unknown. The Danish edition of 'Hollywood LADIES' will premiere on TV3 in spring 2010. Susanne Nielsen Ines Romero I Press Ines Romero, Press, Page 2 Ines Romero, Press, Page 3 BillBillboards appear all over Denmark and the region. Ines Romero, Press, Page 4 Ines Romero, Press, Page 5 ENGLISH TRANSLATION Ines Romero, Press, Page 6 --- ENGLISH TRANSLATION--- Hollywood Wives Even in high school Ines had dreams of becoming an actor. Every Thursday at 8pm we follow the lives of 4 Hollywood wives. We follow them when they get Botox, when they shop and we get a peek into their impressive wardrobes as well as learn about their dreams for the future. But what about their past? Where do they come from? Why did they choose to live so far from friends and family in Denmark? Here the four Hollywood wives tell us about their childhoods, but none of them want to reveal their age. Because in Hollywood you're finished when you're forty unless you are VERY famous - or a man. by Lotte Dalgaard. I miss the Danish summer Ines Garcia Romero is the daughter of a Spanish father and Dutch mother. She grew up in Allerød north of Copenhagen with her sister, but today resides in Bel Air, Los Angeles. It was a coincidence that Ines became a Dane although her dream of being an actress would more than likely have persisted no matter where in the world she was born. “My dad was in Austria to study German when he met my mom who was on vacation there. They met again 6 months later in Switzerland and fell in love but were denied green cards. They had a group of Danish friends who spoke highly of the beautiful country to the north where the rules were more relaxed so they moved there.” Ines went to Ravnsholt high school and afterwards to college in the same town. Ever since she was a child she wanted to be an actress. “I thought about studying at the theatre academy in Copenhagen but there are only very few spaces open each year and it was a depressing prospect.” When she finished college in 1989 she went to Illinois as an au pair and studied at the local college. She acted in the drama troop as well as sang in the church choir. Once home again, she longed to go back to the US and this time got an au pair job a lot closer to Hollywood: San Francisco. Ines lived in San Francisco from 1990-1999 and holds a BA in psychology from San Francisco State University. She studied drama, took singing lessons and worked as a model in NYC, LA, SF and Barcelona which she continues to do occasionally now. She has worked in many different areas of the entertainment industry and today she works a lot as a body double for actresses like Nicole Kidman, Gwyneth Paltrow, Rebecca Romijn, Heidi Klum and Charlize Theron. “I sometimes have to step in when the actress’ face is not shown only her body, legs and or hands. Some of them are quite stressed, so sometimes it’s not easy to work closely with them on set. I don’t get my name in the credits but it pays my bills.” Ines lives with her fiancée Tony who is a former musician, entrepreneur and movie producer. Ines Romero, Press, Page 7 Hollywoodfrue blev mobbet i skolen (English Translation) - Jeg var det tårnhøje helvede, fortæller Ines fra TV3's 'Danske Hollywoodfruer' 20:33 - 25. apr. 2010 | Dan Erland Andersen Ines (Yderst til venstre) husker stadig alt for tydeligt Malene fra folkeskolen i Allerød - og hun drømmer om, at plageånden i dag 'vejer 200 kilo, har fem børn og er fuldstændig miserabel'. Hun mobbede mig forfærdeligt. Jeg havde konstant mareridt. (Foto: Gudmund Thai/TV3) Det er svært at forestille sig i dag, men skolegangen for den høje gudesmukke fotomodel Ines Romero fra TV3's 'Danske Hollywoodfruer' var et rent helvede. – Jeg ville ikke pande hende én, hvis jeg mødte hende, men jeg ville heller ikke redde hende ud af et brændende hus, fortæller Ines Garcia Romero om skolegangen på Ravnsholtskolen i Allerød nord for København. – Det var specielt en pige, der hedder Malene, som gjorde mit liv til et helvede. Jeg var for høj, for tynd og flad som et strygebræt. Ines Romero, Press, Page 8 I dag bor Ines Romero i en 15 millioner kroners hytte i Bel Air i Los Angeles sammen med kæresten – men hun drømmer stadig om hævn over Malene. – Hun mobbede mig forfærdeligt. Jeg havde konstant mareridt dengang tilbage i 8-9 klasse. Jeg ville ikke gå i skole, og læreren måtte ringe hjem til mine forældre og spørge, hvor jeg var henne. Jeg har tit tænkt på, at jeg gerne vil møde hende og fortælle, hvor forfærdeligt hun gjorde mit liv. Sortsmusket spanier – Hun kaldte mig en sortsmusket spanier på grund af mit efternavn. 'Du er sådan en taber', sagde hun også. Jeg håber inderligt, hun i dag vejer 200 kilo, har fem børn og er fuldstændig miserabel. – Jeg var noget af en nørd. Jeg brugte ikke sminke, satte ikke håret og så i det hele taget forfærdelig ud, da jeg var mellem 10 og 14 år. Som 14-årig bød jeg engang en fyr op til dans. Han vendte sig om, kiggede på mig og grinede – ja, han grinede. Og gik sin vej. Fra ælling til svane På grund af mobningen skulle Ines Romero under ingen omstændigheder have 10. klasse med på Ravnsholtskolen. I stedet rykkede hun til Allerød Gymnasium, hvor hun tre år senere blev samfundssproglig student. Det var i denne periode, den grimme ælling langsomt begyndte at folde sig ud til den smukke Ines, vi kender i dag, men som også er den kvinde, der stadig er mærket af den ondskabsfulde mobning. Som i et rigtigt eventyr er enden også god i Ines Romeros tilfælde. Hun lever i dag et liv på første klasse som model og 'body-double' for bl.a. Nicole Kidman og er lykkelig i sit forhold til den stenrige guitarist-kæreste. --- GOOGLE ENGLISH VERSION --- Hollywood wife was bullied at school “I was the towering nerd, says Ines from TV3's 'Danish Hollywood Wives' “ 20:33 - 25 April 2010 | Dan Erland Andersen Ines (far left) still remembers all too clearly Marlene from school in Allerød - and she hopes her tormentor from back then 'weighs 200 kilograms, has five children and is totally miserable.’ "She bullied me terribly. I had constant nightmares.” (Photo: Gudmund Thai/TV3) It's hard to imagine today, but school for the tall and beautiful fashion model Ines Romero from TV3's 'Danish Hollywood wives' was pure hell. Ines Romero, Press, Page 9 “I would not slap her if I met her, but I would not save her from a burning house," says Ines Garcia Romero on schooling at Ravnsholtskolen in Allerød north of Copenhagen. “It was especially a girl named Marlene, who made my life a hell. I was too tall, too thin and flat as an ironing board.” Ines Romero is currently living in a 15 million dollar home in Bel Air, Los Angeles with her boyfriend - but she still dreams of revenge over Marlene. “She teased me terribly. I had constant nightmares back in the 8-9 grade. I would not go to school and the teacher had to call home to my parents and ask where I was. I have often thought that I'd like to meet her and tell how terrible she made my life.” Black-Spaniard “She called me a black-Spaniard because of my surname. 'You are such a loser,' she’d say. I sincerely hope she now weighs 200 kilograms, has five children and is totally miserable.” “I was something of a geek. I used no makeup, had bad hair and looked awful, when I was between 10 and 14 years old. As a 14 year old I once asked a guy to dance. He turned, looked at me and laughed - yes, he laughed. And walked away.” From Duckling to Swan Because of bullying, Ines Romero, under no circumstances wanted stay thru 10th grade of Ravnsholtskolen. Instead, she moved to Allerød Gymnasium, where she three years later, graduated with a degree in languages and social studies. It was during this period, the ugly duckling slowly began to unfold to the beautiful Ines we know today, but also the woman who remains scarred by the vicious bullying. As in a real fairy tale, all ended well in the end for Ines Romero. She now lives the good life, as a model and 'body double' (to stars such as Nicole Kidman) and is very happy in her relationship to her rock-n-roll guitarist-boyfriend. Actress Ines Romero attends the "Beverly Hills Film Festival" Gifting Suite at the Regent Beverly Wilshire on April 18, 2010 in Beverly Hills, California. Here in a cap by Christian Audigier for Ed Hardy Posing for pictures and interviews on red carpet. Posing for photos with event sponsor Phillipe Dray of Plaisir on red carpet.
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