V Vol. 13(41), pp. 4093-4099, 8 October, 2014 D DOI: 10.5897/A AJB2014.14079 A Article Number: 11715174797 77 ISSSN 1684-5315 5 C Copyright © 20 014 A Author(s) retain n the copyrigh ht of this article e h http://www.ac cademicjournals.org/AJB Africcan Journal of Bioteechnology Fu ull Length Research h Paper E Effect of o UV-C C irrad diation on antioxida ant acttivities s, total phen nolic and a flavonoid d conte ents and qua antitattive deterrmination of bioacttive co omponents o of Moriinga era Lam m. sho oot cultture oleife Ratcha anee Petch hang D Department off Biology, Fac culty of Science and Techn nology, Uttara adit Rajabhat University, U Uttaradit 53000, Thailand. Rece eived 30 July, 2014; Accepted 29 9 September, 201 14 Effect of UV V-C irradiation on the an ntioxidant ac ctivities of s shoot culture es of Moring ga oleifeira L Lam. was investigated d. Total phe enolic and flavonoid contents and the antioxid dant bioactiv ve compone ents were determined d. The shootts of M. ole eifeira were cultured fo or 6 weeks on Murashiige and Sko oog (MS) mediums containing 0.5 5 mg/L 6- be enzyladenine e (BA) for mu ultiple shoott formation. Multiple sho oots were treated with h UV-C irrad diation for 0 min (for the e control gro oup) 5, 10 a and 15 min ((for the expe erimental groups). Affter 4 weeks of culture, th he shoots were extracted d with metha anol and ana alyzed for an ntioxidant activities using 2,2-diphenyl-1-picry ylhydrazyl (D DPPH) scave enging, 2,2'--azino-bis(3-e ethylbenzoth hiazoline6-sulphonic c acid) (ABTS) scavengin ng and ferric c reducing p power (FRP) assay and th he total phenolic and flavonoid contents c werre determine ed. Quantitative analysis of active co ompounds w was accomplished by high perforrmance liquid d chromatog graphy (HPLC C). The resu lts indicate tthat the shoo ots treated w with UV-C irradiation for 10 min exhibited e the e highest an ntioxidant ac ctivities at IC C50 of 31.43 mg/mL using DPPH g assay, 58.98 mg TEAC/100 g fresh weight w (FW) using ABTS S scavenging g assay and 3 33.78 mM scavenging FeSO4 /100 g FW using FRP assay. The T total phe enolic and fla avonoid con ntents were 1 112.56 mg GA AE/ 100 g FW and 65.31 mg QE/10 00 g FW, res spectively. Crypto-chloro ogenic acid, isoquercetin n and astragalin were the highestt antioxidant bioactive co omponents with w values o of 30.10, 61.2 21 and 12.67 7 ng/mL, resp pectively. UV-C irradiation can sttimulate the antioxidant capacities o of M. oleiferra shoot cultures. Our s study will provide use eful knowled dge and can be utilized for improvin ng the qualitty of M. oleiifera raw ma aterials in herbal supp plementary food and med dical uses. Key words: Moringa oleiifeira Lam., an ntioxidant acttivities, UV-C irradition, pla ant tissue cultture. INT TRODUCTION N Moringa oleifera a Lam. (Hors se radish tre ee or Drumsttick tree e) is in the Moringaceae e family. It is a plant th hat nated in Asia, Asia minor and Africa (M Mughul et al., origin 1999)). The mediicinal properrties of it arre anti-inflam m- *C Corresponding author. a E-mail: rpetchang@h hotmail.com. Te el: +66 (0) 910 0289030. Fax: + +66 (0) 055411 1096, Ext.1710 0. Au uthor(s) agree that t this article remain perma anently open ac ccess under the e terms of the Creative Comm mons Attributio on License 4.0 Intternational Lice ense 409 94 Afr. J. J Biotechnol. dant activity su uch as asccorbic acid, anthocyanin n synth hesis, and to otal phenolic. It could alsso help delay y senesscence in sttrawberrys (E Erkan et al., 2008). There e were several repo orts that UV--C irradiation was used to o stimu ulate the prod duction of an ntioxidant cap pacities in the e brocccoli and Ce eylon spinacch (Costa e et al., 2006 6; Pumcchaosuan and Wongroung g, 2008). UV V-C irradiation n could d also stimulate enzym me-associated d antioxidan nt activi ties including g superoxide e dismutase, catalase and d peroxxidase (Erkan n et al., 2008 8). UV-C irra adiation at 3.6 6 KJ/m2 could inhibit the declining of vittamin C and d enoids (Burana and Srilao carote ong, 2009). T Therefore, this s resea arch aimed to o stimulate the e oxidative stress in shoots of M.. oleifera by UV-C irradiation in orde er to promote e antioxxidant activvities, total phenolic and flavonoid d conte ents and antio oxidant bioacttive compone ents. Figure 1. A 6 week old shoo ot of M. oleifera a that had been ccultured on MS medium m containiing 0.5 mg/L BA. MATE ERIALS AND METHODS Chem micals matory, bacteric cide, anti-diu uretic, anti-ca ancer, reducing bloo od pressurre, relieving g joint pain, p reducing carrdiovascular disease d and reducing r rheu umatism (Anw war et a al., 2007; Ch humark et al., 2008; Anjulla et al., 2011). Bessides these itt contains so ome phytoche emicals such as gro oup glucosino olates effects s against the formation of can ncer cells and a increasin ng glutathion ne. It contains imp portant antiox xidants which are pheno olic compoun nds and d flavonoids s such as s rhamnetin, gallic ac cid, cryptochlorogenic acid, isoqu uercetin and kaemferol k which are e high in antio oxidants (Ben nnett et al., 2003; Brahma a et al., 2009; Vongs sak et al., 2012). The IC500 of M. oleife eira leavves were extracted by me ethanol using 2,2-diphenyl-1picrrylhydrazyl (D DPPH) scaven nging assay was w 246.06 g / mL (Maksab and d Wichairam,, 2009). At prresent leaves s of M. oleifera are used as trad ditional medic cines in capsule form m. A shortage e of young le eaves occurre ed due to insect pessts which res sulted in the reduction of these traditional med dicines. S Some seconda ary metabolite es in plant tis ssue culture can c be stimulated; for example,, increasing the amount of isofflavonoid, antthraquinone and a anthocyan nin production n in calllus culture (F Fedoreyer et al., 2000; Mischenko et al., a 199 99). The kinds and amoun nt of growth regulators r could enh hance antioxid dant features and total phe enolics in plan nts. The e Murashige and Skoog (1962) medium m containing 6ben nzyladenin (B BA) could pro oduce second dary metabolittes whiich have the same s chemic cal compositio on as the natu ural plan nts (Suriyaph han and Matchachip, 2009; Polsak, 200 03). The e condition of o a culture media m could be adjusted to inco orporate biotic elicitors su uch as chito osan, chitin and a enzzymes as we ell as abiotic c elicitors suc ch as oxidattive stre ess as ultrav violet and plant p wounde ed (Benhamo ou, 199 96). U UV-C irradiattion (200-280 0 nm) could d increase the t activity of defens se enzymes and could in ncrease antiox xi- og (MS) (Murash hige and Skoog g, 1962) medium m Murasshige and Skoo was p prepared in-hou use. 6- benzyyladenine (BA), folin-ciocalteau ut reagen nt and phosphate e buffered saline pH 7.4 (PBS)) were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich, USA. 2,2-diph henyl-1-picrylhyydrazyl (DPPH), x, 2,2'-azzinobis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline--6-sulfonic acid)) (ABTS), trolox gallic acid, aluminum m chloride, trrichloroacetic a acid, potassium m ate and hydrog gen peroxide w were purchased dihydrrogen phospha from Merck (Darmsttadt, Germany)). Potassium fferricyanide and mika (Steinheim m, ferric chloride were obtained from Fluka Biochem any). Germa Sod dium bicarbonatte, and ferrouss sulfate were purchased from m Ajax F Finechem (NSW W, Australia). Isoquercetin, ccrypto-chlorogenic acid a and astragalin w were purchased from Biopurify C China with puritty more than 95%. Metthanol (HPLC grade) was purcchased from RC CI an (Thailand). D Deionized water was purified from the Ultra clea ar Labsca series TWF (Siemens,, Germany). All chemicals and solvents were of o analyttical grade if nott stated otherwisse. Plant materials M. oleiifera plants in th his study were co ollected from a n natural source in Uttara adit Province, Th hailand. The pla ant was identifie ed by the author. A vou ucher specimen n was kept at the Science a and Technology Cente r, Uttaradit Raja abhat Universityy, Uttaradit, Tha ailand. Plant culture Shootss of M. oleifera were rinsed in sterilized water. Then explants were ssterilized by so oaking in 15% cclorox solution ffor 7 min and in 10% cclorox solution ffor 7 min. Then they were wasshed three times with ssterile distilled w water, cut into p pieces of 0.5-1.0 cm in length h, put on the MS medium conta aining 0.5 mg/L L BA (Petchang g, and p 2011) to induce mulltiple shoot form mation (Figure 1). The culture 3°C and 16 h condittions were sett at a temperature of 25±3 period (40 µmo ol/m2/s) by me ercury fluoresce ent lamps for 6 photop weekss. UV-C illumination The U UV-C illuminatio on method wa as modified fro om Erkan et al. Petcha ang 4095 5 Fig gure 2. Diagram m showing the UV-C U treatment of this study. (a) (b) (c) Figure 3. One week w old multiple e shoots were trreated with UV-C C irradiation fro m the UV lamp for (a) 5 min, (b b) 10 min and (cc) 15 min. (200 08). The UV-C C illumination device consisted d of an unfilte ered germ micidal UV lam mp (El series UV-C U lamp, UV VP model UVS--28, Hollland) located 29 2 cm above the radiation vessel. v The UV V-C intensities at the irrradiation area were w determined d by using a UV V-C el: UV-C-254SD D, Lutron Elec ctronic, German ny). lightt meter (Mode Pea ak radiation region was at appro oximately 254 nm. n The schema atic diag gram is shown in Figure 2. The e different UV-C illumination dos ses were obtained by altering the duration of the ex xposure at a fix xed ance, that is 5, 10 and 15 min. Prior to use, th he UV lamps were w dista allow wed to stabilize e by turning them m on for 15 min. A non-illumina ated sam mple was consid dered as the co ontrol treatment.. After illuminatiion, sam mples were cultu ured to maintain n the temperatu ure at 25±3°C with w 16 h photoperiod (4 40 µmol/m2/s) with w mercury fluo orescent lamps for fourr weeks (Figure 3). h multiple shoo ot extraction Fresh hoots were mincced into small p pieces, weighed d, The frresh multiple sh and m macerated in me ethanol for 72 h at room tempe erature (37±2°C C) with o occasional shakiing. The extractts were centrifu uged at 650 rpm m min. The supern natants were sto ored at -20ºC un ntil analysis. for 6 m Antiox xidant activitie es determinatio on DPPH H scavenging a assay es were determined by DPPH scavenging assay ntioxidant activitie The an using the procedure adapted from V Vongsak et al. ((2013). The anti- 4096 Afr. J. Biotechnol. oxidant activities of the extracts and trolox (standard solutions) were investigated using 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) (SigmaAldrich, USA). A total of 500 µL of the extract or of the standard was added to 500 µL of DPPH in methanol solution (152 µM). After incubation at room temperature for 20 min, the absorbance of each solution was determined at 517 nm using a UV-VIS spectrophotometer (Perkin Elmer, USA). The corresponding blank readings were also taken and the inhibition percentage was then calculated as follows: ride solution. The absorbance of the mixtures was measured at 700 nm using the UV-VIS spectrophotometer. The content of Fe2+ was evaluated and expressed as mM FeSO4 /100 g FW. % Inhibition = ( A1 A2 ) 100 The total phenolic content was determined by the method adapted from Vongsak et al. (2013) using the folinciocalteu reagent. Each 100 µL of the 0.2 g/mL (w/v) samples was mixed with the 250 µL folin-ciocalteu reagent (diluted 1:10) with deionized water and 400 µL of 7.5% (w/v) sodium bicarbonate solution. The mixture was allowed to stand for 30 min at room temperature with intermittent shaking. The absorbance was measured at 765 nm using a UV-VIS spectrophotometer. The total phenolic content was expressed as milligrams of gallic acid equivalents (GAE) / 100 g FW. A1 Where, A1 was the absorbance of the control reaction (containing all reagents except the test compound) A2 was the absorbance of the test compound. The concentration of sample required for 50% scavenging of the DPPH free radical value (IC50) was determined from the curve of scavenging percentage plotted against the concentration of test compound or standard. Total phenolics content determination ABTS scavenging assay Total flavonoids content determination The antioxidant activities were determined by ABTS scavenging assay using the procedure adapted method from Arnao et al. (2001). The stock solutions contained 7.4 mM ABTS•+(2,2'-azino-bis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline- 6 sulfonic acid) diammonium salt radical solution) and 2.6 mM potassium persulfate solution. The working solution was then prepared by mixing 7.4 mM ABTS•+ solution and 2.6 mM potassium persulfate solution (1:1) and allowing them to react for 12 h at room temperature in the dark. The solution was then diluted by mixing 1 mL ABTS•+ solution with 24 mL methanol to obtain an absorbance of 1.1±0.02 units at 734 nm using the UV-VIS spectrophotometer. Fresh ABTS•+ solution was prepared for each assay. Extracted samples (150 µL) were allowed to react with 2,850 mL of the ABTS•+ solution for 2 h in a dark condition. Then the absorbance was taken at 734 nm using the UV-VIS spectrophotometer. The standard curve was linear between 25 and 600 mM trolox. Results were expressed in milligrams of trolox equivalents antioxidant capacity (TEAC)/100 g. fresh weight (FW). Additional dilution was needed if the ABTS value measured was over the linear range of the standard curve. Ferric reducing power (FRP) method The FRP method was adapted from Ferreira et al. (2007). The 250 µL extracted samples were mixed with 250 µL of 0.2 M sodium phosphate buffer and 250 µL of 1% (w/v) potassium ferric cyanide solution and then incubated at 50°C for 20 min. The mixtures were added with 1 ml of 10% (w/v) trichloro acetic acid and centrifuged at 650 rpm for 10 min. The 250 µL supernatant was drawn and mixed with 250 µL of deionized water and 50 µL of 0.1% (w/v) ferric chlo- The total flavonoid content was determined by the method adapted from Vongsak et al. (2013) using aluminum chloride. Each 400 µL of 0.04 g/mL (w/v) samples was mixed with 400 µL of 2% aluminum chloride solution. The mixture was allowed to stand for 10 min at room temperature with intermittent shaking. The absorbance of the mixture was measured at 415 nm against a blank sample without aluminum chloride using the UV-VIS spectrophotometer. The total flavonoids content was expressed as milligrams quercetin equivalent (QE)/100 g FW. Quantitative analysis of major active compounds by HPLC HPLC was performed on an Agilent 1260 series equipped with a quaternary pump 1260 Quat Pump VL, autosampler 1260 ALS, column thermostat 1260 TCC, and diode array detector 1260 DAD VL. The separation was carried out on a Hypersil BDS C-18 column (4.6 x 100 mm i.d., 3 µm) with a C-18 guard column. The mobile phase was 0.5% acetic acid (A) and methanol (B). The gradient elution was performed from 10% to 70% B in A for 20 min, and 100% B for 10 min. The column was equilibrated with 10% B in A for 10 min prior to each analysis. The flow rate was 1.0 mL/min at 25°C. The DAD detector was monitored at a wavelength of 334 nm for crypto-chlorogenic acid and 360 nm for isoquercetin and astagalin detection. The injection volumes for all samples including the standards were 20 µL. Data collection and analysis Each treatment was three replicates and the completely Petchang 4097 Table 1. Antioxidant activities, total phenolic and flavonoid contents of shoot extraction of M. oleifera in the natural group, control group and experimental groups. Treatment Natural Control UV-C 5 UV-C 10 UV-15 a,b,c,d DPPH assay (IC50) (mg/mL) d 45.69±0.62 44.29±0.56d c 40.89±0.56 a 31.43±0.78 38.28±0.99b ABTS assay mg TEAC/100 g FW) FRP assay (mM FeSO4 /100g FW) c 33.62±1.83 36.78±0.88c 37.19±0.59c 58.98±2.09a 50.22±0.63b c 18.10±0.80 20.70±0.38c 22.52±0.74bc 33.78±2.75a 25.33±0.60b Total phenolics (mg.GAE/ 100g FW) c 46.62±2.26 b 70.67±1.61 73.48±1.64b 112.56±2.94a 81.34±1.14b Total flavonoids (mg.QE /100 g. FW ) c 37.83±0.98 41.52±0.85c 41.99±1.50c 65.31±2.07a 49.29±0.44b Dissimilar letters in the same column indicate a significant different at p < 0.05 using one-way ANOVA. randomized design (CRD) was carried out. The data was analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Duncan’s multiple range test for the mean comparison. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The antioxidant activities of M. oleifera in the natural group, the control group (UV-C for 0 min) and the experimental groups (UV-C for 5, 10 and 15 min ) determined by the DPPH scavenging, ABTS scavenging and FRP assay showed that UV-C irradiation for 10 min showed the highest value with IC50 of 31.43 mg / mL, 58.98 mg TEAC/100 g FW (y =1.485x +7.104, R² =0.994, where y is percentage inhibition and x is concentration of trolox in µg/mL) and 33.78 mM FeSO4 equivalents /100 g FW (y=0.000x - 0.016, R² =0.998, where y is the absorbance unit of Fe2+ and x is the concentration of Fe2+), respectively (Table 1). The antioxidant activities of M. oleifera detected by these three assays were statistically significantly different among each treatment (p < 0.05). Total phenolic and flavonoid contents determination showed that UV-C irradiation for 10 min had the highest value at 112.56 mg GAE /100 g FW (y = 0.036x + 0.143-, R² = 0.996, where y is the absorbance unit of gallic acid and x is the concentration of gallic acid in µg/mL) and 65.31 mg QE/100 g FW (y = 0.033x - 0.022 ; R²=0.998, where y is absorbance unit of quercetin and x is concentration of quercetin in µg/mL)., respectively (Table 1). The total phenolic and flavonoid contents of M. oleifera detected were statistically significantly different among each treatment (p<0.05). The higher antioxidant properties of the control group than that of the natural group might be explained by the plant growth regulator in the MS medium containing 0.5 mg/L BA enhancing the antioxidant activities as well as total phenolic and flavonoid contents. Our finding is consistent with the previous work of Suriyapan and Machachip (2009), Fedoreyer et al. (2000) and Mischenko et al. (1999) and Polsak (2003). As described, UV-C irradiation as the elicitor to cause oxidative stress (Benhamou, 1996) that could increase the biosynthesis of an important secondary metabolite such as antioxidative components, and stimulate the activities of the superoxide dismutase, catalase and peroxidase enzyme (Dornenberg and Knorr, 1995; Benhamou, 1996; Erkan et al., 2008). They could prevent and reduce cell and DNA damage from oxidative stress (Pongprasert et al., 2011) and UV-C irradiation at 3.6 KJ/m2 could inhibit the declining of vitamin C and carotenoids of Brassica alboglabra var. alboglabra (Burana and Srilaong, 2009). UV-C irradiation was used to stimulate the production of antioxidants in the broccoli (Costa et al., 2006) and increase anthocyanin product in the callus culture of Ceylon spinach (Basella rubra Linn.) (Pumchaosuan and Wongroung, 2008). Our findings show that UV-C irradiation for 10 min was the optimum duration to increase antioxidant activities which resulted in higher growth of M. oleifera. Applying UV-C irradiation for 5 min was too short to stimulate the antioxidant activities of M. oleifera while applying for 15 min was so long that it damaged cells and caused harm to M. oleifera. The antioxidant bioactive components including cryptochlorogenic acid, isoquercetin and astragalin was analyzed by HPLC using the modified method from Vongsak et al. (2012). The results showed that UV-C irradiation for 10 min had the highest value at 30.10 ng / mL (as determined by calibration curve: y=0.026x+1.264; R²=0.999, where y is peak area and x is the concentration in ng/mL), 61.21 ng/mL (as determined by calibration curve: y =0.052x - 2.557; R²=0.999, where y is peak area and x is the concentration in ng/mL) and 12.67 ng / mL (as determined by calibration curve: y=0.046x 2.704; R ²=0.999, where y is peak area and x is the concentration in ng/mL), respectively (Table 2 and Figure 4). The crypto-chlorogenic acid, isoquercetin and astragalin determined were statistically significant different (p<0.05) among each treatment. UV-C irradiation for 10 min caused the total phenolic and flavonoid contents to be higher than those of the control group and the natural group as well as the antioxidative components crypto-chlorogenic acid, isoquercetin and 409 98 Afr. J. J Biotechnol. Table 2. Con ntents of crypto o-chlorogenic ac cid (Cryp), isoq quercetin (Iso) and astragalin (Astra) by HPLC (ng/mL). Treatment Natural Control UV-C 5 UV-C 10 UV-C 15 Cryp 4.49±1.30c 4.53±1.11c 14.40±4.09b a 30.10±3.88 3 15.61±2.72b Iso 15.5 53±1.36c 31.9 99±3.72b 36.5 58±2.60b 61.2 21±4.70a 37.8 82±4.87b Astrra 4.54±0.72c 5.38±0.94c 8.90±3.07b 12.67±5 5.40a 9.13±2.02b a,b,c,d Dissimilar letters in the same column ind dicate a significa ant difference a at p < 0.05 usin ng one-way ANOVA. Figure 4. HPLC chromattogram showing g the Moringa olleifera shoot cullture profile. astragalin. It ca an be concluded that UV-C U irradiation cou uld stimulate the activities of the enzyme e in the t biossynthesis of the antioxida ative compounds resulting in incrreasing antiox xidant capacities of M. oleiifera. enzym me that arre involved in the bio osynthesis of o antioxxidative comp pounds. Our study could p provide usefu ul know wledge that ca an be utilized for improving g the quality of o M. olleifera raw m materials in h herbal supple ementary food d and m medical uses.. Conclusion sts Confflict of Interes UV-C irradiation n for 10 min was w the optim mal duration for stim mulating antioxidant ca apacities an nd antioxida ant com mpounds in shoot s cultures s of M. oleife era, resulting in higher antioxida ant activities, total phenolic and flavono oid con ntents as well w as the e amount of o antioxidative com mponents cry ypto-chloroge enic acid, iso oquercetin and a asta argalin than those t of the control c group and the natu ural gro oup. UV-C irra adiation may also stimula ate the activities of the superoxide dismutase e, catalase and a peroxida ase The a author(s) have e not declared any conflictt of interest. 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