PARISH ADMINISTRATION Parish Office 262-782-4575 Administrator ..................................................................... Rev. Peter Berger [email protected] Assisting Priest ...................................................................... Rev. David Filut Deacon .................................................................................. Richard Piontek [email protected] Deacon .................................................................................. Charles Kustner [email protected] Business Administrators ................................................................................. [email protected] ..................................................... Cheryl Peters [email protected] ...........................................................Nora Mihm Building & Grounds Supervisor ........................................................ Dave Foti [email protected] Parish Secretary ........................................................................Kathy Janusz [email protected] Human Concerns Coordinator ............................................... Mary Sue Protz [email protected] Administrative Assistant ................................................................ Chris Kinzy [email protected] Pastor (on leave) .............................................................. Rev. Laurin Wenig Trustee ............................................................................. Gordon Giampietro Trustee .................................................................................. Ignatius Smetek Parish Council Chairman ................................................................ Jim Olson Thrift Shop ................................................................................. 262-784-6644 Fax ...………………………………………………………………..262-782-0677 Liturgy & Music 262-782-4485 Director of Music .................................................................... Julie Cucunato [email protected] Administrative Assistant ............................................................ Jenny Dascoli [email protected] Christian Formation 262-782-4575 ST. MARY’S VISITATION PARISH 1260 CHURCH STREET ELM GROVE, WISCONSIN 53122 WWW.STMARYEG.ORG TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME OCTOBER 12, 2014 Mission Statement United in faith, we live as a prayerful people under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, called to share our gifts through Christian stewardship in our church and world communities. The visible sign of our lifelong commitment is our dedication to worship, education, and service in the Roman Catholic Tradition. Co-directors of Christian Formation Middle School, Adult & Family Ministry ................................ Josh Dieterich [email protected] ........................................................................ Child & Youth Ministry....................................................Elizabeth Harrison [email protected] ....................................................................... School 262-782-7057 Principal ...................................................................................... Mary Tretow [email protected] Secretary ..........................................................................................Kris Dries [email protected] MASSES Sunday ............................................................... 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am Anticipated Mass .............................................................. 5:00 pm (Saturday) Monday thru Friday ............................................................................ 6:30 am Tuesday and Friday, school days only .............................................. 8:00 am Saturday ............................................................................................. 8:00 am RECONCILIATION First Thursday of the month 6:00 pm - 6:45 pm Friday 2:00pm - 5:00 pm Saturday 8:45 am - 9:15 am Please check the weekly bulletin for changes to this schedule. Seasonal Quad Parish Reconciliation Services are listed in the bulletin. HOLY DAYS Mary Mother of God ......................................................................... January I Assumption ..................................................................................... August 15 All Saints .......................................................................................November I Immaculate Conception ...............................................................December 8 Christmas ...................................................................................December 25 ST. MARY’S VISITATION PARISH 2 Can’t Bear It Anymore?? Need To Volunteer??? Love the pitter patter of little feet? Christian Women needs you! Looking for two babysitters to watch toddlers on the first Wednesday of every month from 9am until 10:30am in the basement of the church during Mom's Mingle. Please consider helping so young moms can take a much needed break and get some faith formation. Babysitters need to be certified in Safeguarding God's Children and will be paid $25.00 each. Interested? Call Mary Magnor at 262-402-2851. Mass Intentions Monday, October 13, Weekday 6:30 am † Jayne Johnston (Anniv) Sacrament of the Sick available after Mass Tuesday, October 14, Saint Callistus, Pope and Martyr 6:30 am † Barbara Schallhorn 8:00 am † Helen Purtell (Anniv) Wednesday, October 15, Saint Teresa of Jesus, Virgin 6:30 am † Matilda Singer Thursday, October 16, Saint Hedwig, Religious 6:30 am † Mrs. Wu Friday, October 17, Saint Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop 6:30 am † Don Nestler 8:00 am † Jim Keyes Saturday, October 18, Saint Luke, Evangelist 8:00 am † Margaret Norton 5:00 pm † James Temmel Sunday, October 19, Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 am † Gertie Bobrowitz 9:00 am 60th Wedding Anniv: Donald & Elizabeth Schneider 11:00 am Parishioners The Family Rosary 5:00pm October 12 Weekday Mass Schedule Monday thru Friday Tuesday & Fridays, school days only Saturday Parish Office Hours Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday Thursday Friday Boy scout troop 32 from St. Mary's Parish will be selling popcorn and taking orders for Christmas wreaths after all the masses on October 18/19 in the Atrium. Proceeds support camping trips, purchasing camping equipment, skill development and other scout activities. Our products range in price from $10 - $50. We also offer a military donation option that provides popcorn to our troops overseas. IS THIS YOU? St. Mary’s is looking for someone special to be a cook for our hot lunch program. We’re looking for someone who would enjoy… working from 8:45am - 1:00pm / Monday - Friday doing light food preparation / serving lunch having training provided / work apparel furnished PLUS having summers and holidays off To inquire, please call 262-782-7057 or email Katie Kannall at [email protected] Church The Family Rosary will take place the 2nd Sunday of every month at 5:00pm. 6:30 am 8:00 am 8:00 am Support Your Local Scouts 8:30am - 4pm 8:30am - 7pm 8:30am - noon Spooks and Spoofs A Fall Festival for the whole family! Friday, October 24th, 5 – 8:30pm St. Mary’s School Gymnasium Join us for a night of fun for the whole family including: children’s games, haunted house, face painting, crafts, pumpkin carving and kid’s costume contest! Food and Beverages...Admission is free! Donations of non-perishable food items and toiletries to benefit the New Berlin Food Pantry are welcome and will be collected at the door. WWW.STMARYEG.ORG Postings from Fr. Peter 3 Saint Paul and the Call to Holiness As I stated in a bulletin article a few weeks ago, over the course of this year, I’d like to spend some time looking at St. Paul and coming to a deeper understanding of his writings and teachings. Any reading of St. Paul’s letters will quickly reveal a deep concern for the moral life of Christians. In almost every one of his letters there is some moral exhortation or discussion on what a holy life looks like. For St. Paul, living a moral life is one of the key aspects of what it means to be a Christian. God has called us to live our lives according to His commandments, “God did not call us to impurity but in holiness” (1 Thessalonians 4:7). And living life according to God’s commandments leads us to salvation. As we all know, living a moral life can be difficult. St. Paul acknowledges that difficulty and feels it himself, “I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate” (Romans 7:14). The root of this tension lies in the tension between our desire to live a life in the Spirit and a desire to live a life of the flesh. This difference between the law of the flesh and the law of the Spirit is an important distinction in St. Paul’s writings. He sees these two desires warring with each other, “I delight in the law of God in my inmost self, but I see in my members another law at war” with it (Romans 7:22-23). Choosing between being adherents of the law of the flesh or the law of the Spirit is the crux of the moral decisions we must make. Which path will we go down - the one that leads to holiness or the path that enslaves us to our baser desires? Enslavement to the flesh will be the result of continuing to choose the path that takes us away from holiness. In St. Paul’s understanding, we must either be slaves of sin or slaves of Jesus Christ, “you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin, which leads to death, or of obedience, which leads to righteousness” (Romans 6:16). When we are enslaved to sin - to the flesh - we find a whole host of ills spreading throughout our lives, “now the works of the flesh are obvious: fornication, impurity, licentiousness, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, anger, quarrels, dissensions, factions, envy, drunkenness, carousing…” (Galatians 5:19-21). These are things that lead us away from God and away from the path of salvation, “those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God” (Galatians 5:21). There is another path, however, the path of life in the Spirit - the path of holiness. That path to holiness means being faithful to the call of Jesus Christ, to living life as He wants us to live it. St. Paul sums up the holy life in a striking way, “whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable” is what we must be concerned about (Philippians 4:8). We must keep striving to do the things that we “have learned and received and heard and seen” in the preaching of the Gospel (Philippians 4:9). Living the moral life is like a race, we should run it so as to win it (cf. 1 Corinthians 9:24). This can be a difficult task, but the rewards are great and the effort is worthwhile. By living a moral life we will share in the life of the Spirit and the Spirit will bring an abundance of gifts, “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control” (Galatians 5:22-23). In living the moral life we will not only share in these benefits here on earth, but receive the great prize of eternal life, “to those who by patiently doing good seek for glory and honor and immortality, He will give eternal life” (Romans 2:6) (This is a part of a series on St. Paul that will appear in the bulletin over the course of this year.) Spooks & Spoofs Rocky Rococo's Pizza Dinner ~ Friday, October 24th St. Mary’s Cub Scout Pack 32 has only one fundraiser a year and this is it. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Pre-paid Order Form Please return form to school office c/o Pizza Dinner by Wednesday Oct. 15 th so food can be ordered with Rocky’s. Any questions – contact Brigid Harmeyer, 262-893-1882 or [email protected] Family Name: __________________________________________________ Meals: Pizza & drink _____ @ $6.00 ea. = $______ Total # (meals & slices) of: Cheese ___ Pepperoni ___ Sausage ___ Hot Dog, chips & drink ______ @ $5.00 ea. = $ ________ Seating Time: ___ 5:00pm ___ 6:00pm Sides: ___ # of extra Pizza Slices @ $ 5.00 ea. = $_______ ___ # of Breadsticks @ $4.00 ea. = $_______ ___ # of Hot Dogs @ $3.00 ea. = $_______ Total Cost: $ ________ checks payable to Pack 32 Pre-paid tickets will be at cafeteria entrance the night of the event. Pre-orders are preferred but walk-ins are welcome. Desserts will be sold by St. Mary’s Girl Scout Troops. ___ 7:00pm TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 4 Monday: Mr. Newman; 8:00-8:45am,+ .Home and School Mtg; 6:30pm, ASC Tuesday: 8am All School Mass Girl Scout Troop #4727; 2:45pm, SR Wednesday: Picture Day Living Rosary; 2pm Girl Scout Troop #8626 Mtg; 2:45pm, SR Friday: 8am All School Mass Readings for the Week of October 12th: Sunday: Is 25:6-10a/Phil 4:12-14, 19-20/Mt 22:1-14 or 22:1-10 Monday: Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31--5:1/Lk 11:29-32 Tuesday: Gal 5:1-6/Lk 11:37-41 Wednesday: Gal 5:18-25/Lk 11:42-46 Thursday: Eph 1:1-10/Lk 11:47-54 Friday: Eph 1:11-14/Lk 12:1-7 Saturday: 2 Tm 4:10-17b/Lk 10:1-9 Next Sunday: Is 45:1, 4-6/1 Thes 1:1-5b/Mt 22:15-21 ©Liturgical Publications Inc Weekday Ministers The Week of October 12th Server Tom O'Connor Sacristan Bob and Rita Lorenz Lector Jeannine Machi Eucharistic Ministers Bill Schoenecker and Joan Banholzer Sunday (10/12): Feed The Hungry Sunday Combined Collection Boy Scout Wreaths & Popcorn Sale After All Masses YDisciple; 4:30pm, Attic Family Rosary; 5pm,+ Monday: Thrift Shop Open; 9am-4pm Flu Clinic; 10-noon, Atrium Library Mary's Angels Children's Choir (Age 6-11) Rehearsal; 4:15pm,+ Soles for Catholic Education Planning Mtg; 5:30pm, Atrium Musicâ Oramus (Age 12 and up) Rehearsal; 5:45-6:45pm,+ Visitation Choir Rehearsal (Age 12 and up); 7-8pm,+ Tuesday: Thrift Shop Open; 9am-4pm Opus Dei Morning of Recollection & Confession - All Are Welcome; 9am,+ Staff Mtg; 10:30am, Atrium Library Lolek; 7pm, Atrium Wednesday: Catholic Formation Classes (K5 thru Gr.4) 6pm, S Thursday: Thrift Shop Open; 9am-7pm Cantor Rehearsal; 5:30pm,+ Visitation Institute - The Eucharist; 6:30pm, Atrium Friday: Thrift Shop Open; 9am-4pm Kiwanis Golden K of EG. Coffee served until 9:30am mtg. with William J. Thorn - Department of Journalism Marquette University on "The Future of News Media;"; SC (Visitors are Welcome) Holy Dusters; 11am,+ Reconciliation; 2-5pm,+ Musicâ Oramus (Age 12 and up) Rehearsal; 5-6pm,+ Saturday: Confirmation Retreat AA Meeting; 7-8am, SC Reconciliation; 8:45-9:15am,+ Cantor Rehearsal; 9am,+ Thrift Shop Open; 9am - noon Baptism Class; 10am,+ Lolek - River Front Pizzeria Sunday (10/19): Confirmation Retreat Boy Scout Wreath & Popcorn Sales After All Masses Join us for an evening of wine, cheese and shopping Thursday, November 6 6:30-9:30pm Atrium Tickets $7 presale, $10 at door Proceeds benefit Ministries of SMV Christian Women Vendors & products include: Watercolor and Photography by Wisconsin artist Diane Andraska | Essential Oils Tealightful Teas & Dessert Mixes | Holy Spirits Wine and Gifts | Pampered Chef | Unique Boutique | Partylite Candles Waterfire Pottery | Felted wool mittens | Homemade crafts by SSND's | Funky Finds - Wire and Beaded Serving Items Traditional Folk Art by Sisterr Karlyn Cauley | Any Many More! detach and send this form and $7 to the SMV Christian Women, 1260 Church St. Elm Grove, WI 53122 Name ______________________________ Email ______________________________ # of Tickets ____ Please make checks payable to St. Mary’s Visitation Christian Women OCTOBER 12, 2014 5 St. Mary's Visitation School offers After School Care each school day from 2:45-6pm. St. Mary's has an experienced, caring staff, parishioners Rik DeGrave and Diane Schlosser, who provide a fun, safe environment for students when the school day ends. SMV's After School Care program provides homework help if needed, fully equipped computers, games, crafts, snacks and outdoor play, weather permitting. For more information, contact the school office at 262-782-4575. Third World Fair ~ November 1 & 2 The Third World Fair benefitting SMV twinning partner, The Working Boys Center in Quito, Ecuador, will be held the weekend of Nov 1-2 after all Masses. Saturday, Nov 1 from 4pm-7pm & Sunday, Nov. 2 from 8:30am - 12:45pm We have woolen items and new versions of Nativity sets and other Christmas items. All products are imported from Ecuador. Stop by to help the poor families in Quito who benefit from WBC's complete education and outreach program St. Mary’s Thrift Shop 262-784-6644 Thursday Evenings 6:30 to 8pm~Parish Atrium Join us for the remaining sessions focusing on The Sacraments. Halloween & Winter Items Now Available Introducing Monthly Feast Day Specials! Oct. 15 Oct. 16 Oct. 18 Oct. 20 St. Teresa of Avila - 50% off all religious books St. Gerard patron of expectant mothers - 50% off all maternity and baby clothing! St. Luke the Evangelist (patron of artists) - 50% off all artwork! St. Paul of the Cross - 50% all crucifixes and crosses! THRIFT SHOP VOLUNTEER Informational Meeting Wednesday, October 22 (Feast of St. John Paul II) 1pm ~ Thrift Shop Interested in having fun and making friends while helping others? Then please join us for our thrift shop volunteer informational meeting! The success of the thrift shop depends on our dedicated and enthusiastic volunteers. But we need more!! We receive huge amounts of generous donations daily that need to be sorted, priced, organized, displayed and sold. See how you can help support the thrift shop's beautiful ministry to aid limited income families, while providing a haven for thrift shoppers and treasure hunters! This is a non-mandatory meeting. If you can't attend but would like more information for getting involved, please contact Mia Giampietro at [email protected] or 262-786-8997. (high school service hours welcomed & encouraged anytime!) The Eucharist ~ October 16~ Fr. John Laurance The Liturgy ~ October 23 ~ Fr. John Laurance To learn more, please visit, pick up a brochure in the Parish Office, Atrium or the Adoration Chapel, or you may call 262-782-4575. Adoration Chapel October is also Pro-Life month. May we value every individual, from the unborn to the elderly. May we as a country recognize the evil of abortion and put an end to it. Pray that all people will come to respect life from the moment of conception to natural death. "If my people, which are called by name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My Face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sins, and will heal their land." (2nd Chronicles) Hours in the Perpetual Adoration Chapel are power hours. Sign up now to share in that power! We can use help 24/7, 365 days a year We Need Coverage: Sundays 1-2 am Call Nicole Sayas, 262-844-1933 Sundays 5-6 pm " " " Sundays (1st & 3rd) 7-8 pm " " " Wednesdays 11pm-midnight Call Joleen Gordon, 262-789-6766 Saturdays 4-5 pm Call Nancy Frazer, 262-786-0617 Ready, Set...Walk! 2nd Annual Soles for Catholic Education Walk Saturday, October 25th ~ Mount Mary University 2 mile walk with 9:40am warm-up Join St. Mary's Visitation School as we celebrate Catholic Education. Catholic education is a winner for our students, parishes and community. Be a part of the walk and help spread the word! Pledge to support a walker. Pledges raised stay with our school. Register to walk as part of St. Mary's Visitation team. For more information, go to New Horizons Weekend of Healing for Separated/Divorced Friday, October 24 - Sunday, October 26 Schoenstatt Retreat Center, Waukehsa This healing weekend is designed to help each participant embark upon a new phase of life. It is an opportunity for divorced persons to pause and examine their lives – their strong points and weaknesses, their hurts, disappointments, joys and frustrations. It is a weekend of involvement. The cost of $150 includes five meals and lodging for the entire weekend (financial assistance is available). Registration deadline is Friday, October 17. For more information or a registration form, please contact Annette in The Nazareth Project office at 414-758-2201 or SeparatedandDivorced.htm. Support the SMV Athletic Association by Purchasing a 2014 Entertainment Book for $35 Each Entertainment book membership provides people with thousands of dollars in deals on things they do every day, such as dining out, shopping, traveling, and more! They make a wonderful gift or buy one for your family today! Books are available in the school and parish offices. Contact Mary Peters at 262-784-0794 if you have any questions. Stop the Flu Before It Gets You! Fall is here ... and that means flu season is right around the corner. St. Mary’s will host Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare Flu Clinic: Monday, October 13 10am - Noon Atrium Vaccines available include the Flu Vaccine - $32 (Ages 10 & up) and Pneumonia Vaccine - $95 (Ages 16 & up). Cash or check payments are accepted. No appointment necessary! If you have Medicare Part B or a Medicare Advantage Plan, bring your valid card to avoid out-of-pocket costs. You are Invited to a Special Halloween DANCE party! on Saturday, October 25th from 6-9pm come in a costume, bring a friend, and get ready for a TON of fun! We have LOTS planned, including treats, bingo, games, face-painting, and a DJ! Our dance party will be held at St. Mary’s School GYM, (enter from North parking lot) Ages 13-21 (exceptions will be allowed with approval) This event is for physically and cognitively challenged guests. Please RSVP to Debbie Royston at [email protected] or Jenny Moyer at [email protected] by 10/21. Flyers and registration forms can be found in the atrium and parish and school offices.
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