Sponsors of the St. Margaret Mary Church Weekly Bulletin are: Andrew Pickering, D.V.M. Gayland D. Jones, D.V.M. Lori Weaver, D.V.M. Lori E. Jones, D.V.M. Wabash Valley Animal Hospital 1624 East Springhill Dr. Terre Haute, IN (812) 299-2200 2405 S. 7th St., Terre Haute, IN 47802 Office: (812) 232-3512 Fax: (812)232-6921 Visit us at www.smmth.org and be sure to “like” us on Facebook Mass Schedules at St. Margaret Mary: Saturday evening Mass 4:00 p.m. Sunday morning Mass, 11:00 a.m. Sunday 2:00 p.m.—Hispanic Mass Thursday & Friday 9:00 a.m. Second and Third Thursdays Mass will be at 11:00 a.m.. unless otherwise noted in the bulletin. OPENED OUR DOOR IN ‘34 GARVIN AND LIDSTER AUTO SERVICE th 7 and Voorhees 232-9124/234-7433 Reconciliation held each Saturday at 2:30 p.m. or by appointment Filipino Rosary: First Wednesday each month, 7:00 p.m., Dede Center Funeral Home Hispanic Rosary: Every Friday, 7:30 p.m., Dede Center Terre Haute Heart Center 455 Hospital Lane Terre Haute Phone: (812)23HEART Terre Haute, IN (812) 232-1365 Lunch: Mon-Sat 11am-3pm Sun Noon-3pm Dinner: Mon-Thur 3pm-9pm Friday & Saturday 3-10pm, Sunday 3-8pm Www.greinerfuneralhome.com Holy Days of Obligation as announced. 1733 Lafayette Ave, Terre Haute, IN 812-466-4744 www.pilonis.com 605 So. 25th St. , Tromp & Tread Work Boot & Safety Shoe Headquarters 1442 S. 3rd, Terre Haute 812-232-3820 Joseph Tanoos (Owner) Self Service Mini Storage Individual Units Your Lock & Key YOU – STORE – IT 3655 S. 14 ½ St. 235-0066 South off Davis Ave., East of Rea Park Large & Small, Lighted Don & Nadine Garvin / Owners FR. RICK GINTHER [email protected] Pastor JERRY MOORMAN [email protected] Pastoral Associate MIKE STRATMAN Deacon DONNA McDANIEL [email protected] Director of Liturgical Music DONNA WENSTRUP [email protected] Director of Religious Education TOM GATTUSO and MARY KATE BECKER Coordinators of Youth Ministry Www.terrehauteym.org debaunfuneralhomes.com SQUARE DONUTS 935 WABASH MADE FRESH EVERY DAY! JEANNE AKERS Parish Secretary [email protected] PAULA WRIGHT Grounds & Maintenance Faith Formation Details regarding our programs for children, youth and adults can be obtained by contacting the parish office at 812-232-3512. Ministry to the Sick Please notify our secretary when you or a family member enters a nursing home, is hospitalized or home-bound, to arrange for a pastoral visit. Sacraments of Baptism & Matrimony Please call the Parish office to arrange for the baptism of a child. Baptisms will be held on the second Sunday of each month following Mass. Please note that there is a six month preparation period prior to the marriage. A wedding date should not be set before making an appointment with Fr. Rick Ginther. Bulletin Information Must be received in the office no later than Noon Wednesday each week. Inserts will need to be approved two weeks prior to being published. Parish Registration We welcome all who wish to join our Parish. Please register Tuesday through Friday at the office (9:00-12:00 & 1:00-5:00) or after Mass on any weekend. To Become a Catholic Anyone interested in becoming a Catholic is invited to call the office at 812-232-3512 for details regarding the RCIA. Pastoral Council members: KEVIN BURKE, DAVE CASH, GARY GOTTARDI, FRANK KLOPFSTEIN, KELLY MILLER, ZACH PIES, JACK PENRY, PATRICK UYPUANCO October 12, 2014 Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Margaret Mary Church October 12, 2014 Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time THIS WEEK’S LITURGICAL MESSAGE This week’s parish activities: Year A The king said to him, "My friend, how is it that you came in here without a wedding garment?" But he was reduced to silence. Then the king said to his attendants, "Bind his hands and feet, and cast him into the darkness outside, where there will be wailing and grinding of teeth." Many are invited, but few are chosen (Mt 22:12-14). Tuesday October 14 8:15am—Mass at St. Patrick Church 5:30pm—Youth Choir—Church 5:30pm—Evangelization Team Meeting—Classroom 6:00pm—MADD—PAR 7:00pm—Catholic Adult Fellowship-St. Patrick Rectory 7:00pm—Liturgy Committee Wednesday October 15 8:15 am– Mass at St. Patrick 6:30pm—RCIA at St. Ben’s We too could make the Pharisees' mistake. We have the invitation to the wedding feast; in fact, we are already in the banquet hall, since our baptism; but are we wearing the wedding garment of virtue and grace? If not, we are no better off than those who rejected the invitation. The king may come in at any moment and cast out those who are not properly dressed. Being a member of the Church on earth is a wonderful privilege, and a sure guarantee that we will reach heaven, if we do what is expected of us. But the same obstacles which prevented the Pharisees from entering the kingdom can impede us too, unless we are on our guard. The world with its allurements is very close to us; heaven seems very far away. This implies a daily carrying of the cross, a daily struggle against our evil inclinations, a daily endeavor to acquire true love of God and neighbor. This may sound superhuman, but Christ did not ask anyone to do the impossible. He led the way, and millions have followed him to eternal glory. He has called us too and has placed within our easy reach in his Church all the grace we need. If we fail to use these divine helps, if we are found without the wedding garment, we will have no one to blame but ourselves. We have been called with the many. We can be among the "chosen." OCTOBER PRAYER REQUESTS : Paige Murphy, Cindy Presnell, Deborah Srezstic, Tony Mancuso, Crucifia Flott, Patty Mitchell, Gabi Wroblewski, Martha Taylor, Pat Hoopengarner, Rita Bose, Glenda Bonte, Pat Little, Julia Kneller, Jeremy Leibacher, Janice Morris, Elizabeth Langan, Kenny LaMar, Eileen Ellingsworth, Helen Mancuso, Leona Green, Dorothy LeBrun, Mary Ann Ax, Gary Legacie, Juanita Luken, Peg Curtis, Lisa Marie Anderson, Sue McCullaugh, Minnie Michki, all nursing home residents, those serving in the military, and all those who are homebound with chronic illness and pain and their caregivers. If you have someone who is in the military, ill, in the hospital or in a nursing home, please call the office at 232-3512 to have their names put onto the prayer list. Names will remain on the list for 60 days before being removed. Only those most critical are announced from the pulpit. This week’s liturgical readings: Day, Date 1st Reading Responsorial / 2nd Reading Gospel Reading Sunday, October 12 IS 25:6-10A PS 23:1-3A, 3B-4, 5, 6/PHIL 4:12-14, 19-20 MT 22:1-14 Monday, October 13 GAL 4:22-24, 26-27, 31-5:1 PS 113:1B-2, 3-4, 5A AND 6-7 LK 11:29-32 Tuesday, October 14 GAL 5:1-6 GAL 5:18-25 EPH 1:1-10 EPH 1:11-14 PS 119:41, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48 PS 1:1-2, 3, 4 AND 6 PS 98:1, 2-3AB, 3CD-4, 5-6 PS 33:1-2, 4-5, 12-13 LK 11:37-41 LK 11:42-46 LK 11:47-54 LK 12:1-7 2 TM 4:10-17B IS 45:1, 4-6 PS 145:10-11, 12-13, 17-18 PS 96:1, 3, 4-5, 7-8, 9-10/ 1 THES 1:1-5B LK 10:1-9 MT 22:15-21 Wednesday, October 15 Thursday, October 16 Friday, October 17 Saturday, October 18 Sunday, October 19 Sunday October 12 9:00 am - Mass at St. Patrick 9:30 am– No Religious Education 11:00 am - Mass at St. Margaret Mary 2:00 pm - Hispanic Mass Thursday October 16 11:00 am—Mass at St. Margaret Mary St. Margaret Mary Food Pantry Requests Monthly Requests: 1st Sunday: Spaghetti Sauce and Pasta 2nd Sunday: Canned Fruit 3rd Sunday: Cold Cereals 4th Sunday: Peanut Butter and Jelly 5th Sunday (when calendared) Tuna Fish & Canned Meats Free & Reduced Price Lunch 2000 2007 2014 Vigo Co. 37% 46% 56% IN 28% 38% 49% Friday October 17 9:00 am - Mass at St. Margaret Mary 7:00pm– Hispanic Rosary-Legacy Room Saturday October 18-Feast of St. Margaret Mary 10:00 am - Legion of Mary/Rosary-Rectory 2:30 pm - Reconciliation 4:00pm– Mass at St. Margaret Mary 5:00pm-Chili Supper & Ministry Fair-Legacy Room 6:00pm—Mass at St. Patrick Church Sunday October 19-Feast of St. Margaret Mary 9:00 am - Mass at St. Patrick 9:30am—Coffee, Juice & Doughnuts 9:30am– Religious Ed Classes 11:00 am - Mass at St. Margaret Mary 12:00—Ethnic Buffet Lunch and Ministry Fair—Legacy Room 2:00 pm - Hispanic Mass 5:00pm—High School Youth Night—St. Pat’s Moran Family Life Center 10 things you should never do when you’re angry Terre Haute Life Chain Thanks You! #6) You Shouldn’t Post on Facebook When you’re angry, broadcasting your feelings to your friends and family on Facebook and other social networks will more than likely come back to haunt you, says Narang. “Posting something publicly can’t be taken back,” he says. Last Sunday was National Life Chain Sunday. We were happy to see so many members of St. Margaret Mary for supporting the cause of the unborn. Thank you for defending LIFE! Fiscal Year of July 1, 2014 thru June 30, 2015 Budgeted Amount - 5,608 Year to date - 78,511 Received—Year to date— 77,526 Electronic Fund Transfers—4,527 Over (Under) to date — (987) Thank you for your support. We rely heavily on the generosity of our parishioners. September 7, 2014 September 14, 2014 September 21, 2014 September 28, 2014 October 5, 2014 Week 1: Week 2: Week 3: Week 4: Week 5: 5,391 4,537 3,464 3,507 6,200 CRAFT NEWS— Do you have left over yarn you don't know what to do with? Join the crafters on Monday, October 13, from 1 to 3 in the craft room to see all the cute Christmas ornaments you can make. Don't forget to bring the many crafts you made at home last month as we had to cancel the meeting. We will have "show and tell" and learn some new ideas. Just bring yourself and any scraps of yarn and have a good time. You will also need a scissors and your glue gun. We only have one more session before the big Craft Fair in November. CRAFT FAIR NEWS Now that Fall has arrived, we begin to think of noodles for our holiday meals and nice “thank you” gifts for our special friends. You will find all this, and more, at the Craft Fair on November 22nd and 23rd. But, First, stop by our booth at the Ministry Fair on October 18th and 19th. On Saturday evening after mass, enjoy a bowl of Chili and see how you can become involved with this multi-facetted fund raiser. On Sunday, have some ethnic food and talk to us and see what you can do to help. Since the altar Society will be disbanding in December, The Craft Fair will become a parish wide event. We need everyone to participate—young and older. St. Margaret Mary Church October 12, 2014 Saturday, October 11th Sunday, October 12th Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Various aspects of the fall Craft Fair are: Noodles Crafts Raffle Bake Sale Biscuits and Gravy 4:00 pm - SMM MASS INTENTIONS Year A Alice Paddock † (Friends of the Parish) 6:00 pm - SP Charles Bryan Sr. † (Jean’s CRHP Sisters) 9:00 am - SP Pro-Populo Mass for the People of Our Parish 11:00 am - SMM 2:00 pm - Hispanic Bernaldo Mahor † (Friends of the Parish) Special Intentions for Our Hispanic Community Tuesday, October 14th 8:15 am - SP Andre Ponsot † (Sally Kintz) Wednesday, October 15th 8:15 am - SP Thomas Kelly † (His Family) 10:30 am - Southwood Helen McGee † (Friends of the St. Patrick Parish) Come and sign up for the area/areas you would like to help with. It is a great way to share your time and talents for the financial benefit of the parish. Thursday, October 16th 11:00 am - SMM Gerald C & Dorothy Miller † (Bill & Janet Olah) See you soon! Friday, October 17th 9:00 am - SMM Logan Russell † (Friends of Parish) Mary Burns Chairperson Saturday, October 18th 4:00 pm - SMM Benjamin Dayne Essaiagh Blandford †(Jessica Marie Bialaszewski-Rose) 6:00 pm - SP Charles Bryan Sr. † (Jean’s CRHP Sisters) Sunday, October 19th 9:00 am - SP Jeanne Stewart † (Michael Ward Stewart) Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time 11:00 am - SMM Pro-Populo Mass for the People of Our Parish 2:00 pm - Hispanic Special Intentions for Our Hispanic Community More Faith Formation Opportunities! LEGION OF MARY AT ST. MARGARET MARY CHURCH Join us each Saturday morning at 10:00 am in the Rectory at St. Margaret Mary as we pray the Rosary as a group, share in reflections, and enjoy a time of fellowship & coffee. We invite all men and women to this group, and would hope you take the opportunity to come and pray with us! Catholicism - A 10 week overview by Fr. Richard Barron. DVD followed by discussion. This series is a favorite one, that we have offered before. Mary Sullivan will facilitate this in the Legacy Room on Sunday mornings at 9:30am. Psalms– This DVD/Discussion series by Jeff Cavins is going on now and will run up to around Christmas. Jack Penry is facilitating this study in the rectory dining room every Sunday morning at 9:30am. All are welcome to attend. You do not need to have seen previous sessions. Pillar— On Friday morning at 9:30am, Janet Pickering is facilitating a study on the First Pillar: Creed. When they are finished with the Creed, they will move onto Pillar 2:Sacraments. Teen Coffeehouse- Youth Group activities facilitated by Rebekah Penry on Sunday mornings from 9:30am-10:45am in the rectory living room. A Stewardship Moment There are certain bible verses Christian stewards have memorized. One of them is in Saint Paul’s letter to the Philippians found in today’s second reading— “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (4:13). Most people define themselves either by their problems or their possibilities. Fearful people wake up each morning ensnared by their problems. Christian stewards wake p reflecting on their possibilities with confidence and hope. Some stewardship reflection questions for the week: What challenges do you back away from because you doubt that you are up to them? What would you attempt tomorrow if you were sure God would help you? International Catholic Stewardship Council, www.catholicstewardship.com Divorce, Annulment, Remarriage: Understanding the Church’s Teachings Where: Hellman Hall, St. Benedict Parish Center—Corner of 9th & Walnut When: Sunday, October 19th @ 1:30pm Who can attend: Anyone can attend, but it is intended for divorced persons who have questions concerning a Church Annulment. Presenting: Fr. Matthew Malek OFM Conv., Associate Pastor, St. Benedict Sue Butwin Pastoral Associate of St. Benedict Registration: Contact Sue Butwin @ 232-8421 or [email protected] Liturgical Ministers for next weekend are: Saturday, October 18, 4:00pm Mass Readers: Nadine Garvin, Janet Pickering Communion Ministers: Linda O’Connell, Linda Paulin, Linda Tanoos, Jane Long, Deacon Mike, Charlie Williams Servers: Daniel Chua Greeters: Nancy Meyer, Pat O’Brien, Margaret Welborn, Greg Patterson Gift Presenters: Linda Behrendt, Shirley West Sunday, October 19, 11:00am Mass Readers: Rebekah Penry, Bob Flott Communion Ministers: Deacon Mike, Butch Rumsey, Candi Snyder, Angela Poinsett, Gina Evans, Charles McCue Servers: Shane Haypenny, Nathan Hernandez Greeters: Steve Doyle, Pat Cox, Rosemary Freeze, Marilyn Klug Gift Presenters: Rowe Family From the desk of Jerry Moorman RELIGIOUS EDUCATION & FAITH FORMATION INFORMATION AND UPDATES RETIREES will be going to Vincennes this Thursday, October 16 to visit the new addition of the Red Skelton Museum and if time permits we will visit the Indiana War Museum. The Indiana War Museum is an extensive collection of artifacts from the French and Indian War through the Iraq and Afghanistan. Lunch will be in Vincennes. We will be carpooling from St. Margaret Mary at 9:00 a.m. FEAST OF ST. MARGARET IS NEXT WEEKEND! All are welcome as we celebrate the life of our patron saint at both weekend liturgies. Following the liturgies there will be a Ministry Fair, and a meal in the Legacy Room. We hope that you will stop by to visit the fair and to partake in a delicious meal. Saturday’s Menu – Chili Supper prepared by “ShowMe’s” Sports Bar and Grill Sunday’s Menu – --Ethnic Buffet Carry–In Food promised thus far: Taste of the Philippines by our Filipino Community Mexican Food from the Hacienda Real Chicken Penne Pasta from Piloni’s Italian Restaurant Bratwurst, Sauerkraut, and German Potato Salad from the Bierstube All are invited to bring their favorite covered dish or dessert. Drinks and table service will be provided by the parish. Members of the Parish Council, Finance Committee, and Liturgy Committee are asked to please help with clean up after the dinner on Sunday. Jerry Moorman ELECTION DAY is NOVEMBER 4! The Church encourages everyone to exercise their right to vote. Early voting has begun at the Courthouse. Vote early and avoid and confusion and long lines on election day. Jerry FEAST OF ALL SOULS falls on Sunday this year. Once again the Hispanic Community is inviting the parish to participate in their “DAY OF THE DEAD” ALTAR. The parish will be observing a “Day of Remembrance” where the names of all those from our parish who have died since November 1, 2013 through November 1, 2014 will be read off. Family members will be invited to place a red rose in their loved one’s memory at the altar during the “Prayers of the Faithful”. Roses will be provided by the parish. GARAGE SALE RESULTS We are happy to report that the total profit from this year’s Labor Day garage sale is $6074.14. Thanks to all who supported this sale through donations, time, and purchases. Jerry THANK YOU to Bert Dieter for the beautifully crafted addition to our sign, giving the weekend Mass times, on the corner of Voorhees and 7th St. Also thanks to Kay Rumsey for the new Fall altar cloth that matches the beautiful banners! Going to Bridgeton for the Covered Bridge Festival? Park in the JPII parking lot. Oct. 10-19th. Proceeds benefit John Paul II Catholic High School. You will find them located between the Old Bridgeton School and the cemetery. The easiest way to get there to enjoy the festival is by going north on Lafayette Ave., then east on Rosedale Rd, then north on High Banks Rd, signs for JPII will be on the west side of the road. This route also helps get you around the bigger traffic jams and pedestrian crossings, must less stressful drive. Reflections from Deacon Mike Stratman “Life, Love, Chocolate ” An email I received a while back caught my eye and I would like to share it with you. It was the morning of Jeff’s ninth wedding anniversary. Not having a lot of money, he went out to get his wife, Heidi, her favorite dessert, chocolate filled croissant. After arriving home to surprise his wife, only to find her in the kitchen pulling out of the oven, a chocolate filled croissant. Jeff said that his life with Heidi compares to the people in O. Henry’s short story, “Gift of the Magi.” It tells of a man who sold his lone possession of value, a pocket watch, to buy hair combs for his wife, who sold her long hair, beautiful hair to buy a gold chain for his watch. Having no money concerns would be great, but realizing the value of the people we care about is more important. We sometimes need a reminder that acquiring “things” is not nearly as important as appreciating the people God puts in our lives. When we practice putting other’s interests before our own, we learn what it means to love, serve and sacrifice. In fact, that is how we find Christ in our relationships. Life, love and chocolate taste better when shared with others. Never be afraid of giving too much! Together through prayer and service, Deacon Mike RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES Sunday, October 12, there will be no RE Classes due to Fall Break. We will resume next Sunday, October 19. On Sunday, October 26th there will be a Parent Meeting for Parents who have children who wish to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation and First Holy Eucharist this academic year. We will meet at 9:30am in the classroom at the top floor of the Dede Center. Wednesday, October 15th, the RCIA topic will be the New Testament. RCIA is held in St. Benedict's Hellmann Hall fro 6:30pm-8:30pm. Babysitting is provided and all are welcome to attend. Catholic Adult Fellowship Tuesday October 14thInterested in The Sermon on the Mount and the Torrah? Come to CAF to learn more! We will meet at St. Patrick’s Rectory at 7pm. Malia Mohan will present on The Sermon on the Mount and the Torrah. After the meeting, we will go to Charlie’s for more fellowship! St. Luke is the saint of the month for October. The Saint Packets are at the doors of the church or in the back of the church. Middle School Youth are invited to Hobson's Fun Farm on Friday, October 24 from 6-10PM. The cost is $6 a person. We will have a bonfire and cookout, so bring your flashlight! Please RSVP by Sunday, October 19 to the church office. Terre Haute Youth Ministry Corner Upcoming Events Every Tuesday 7:00 AM COFFEE at JAVA HAUTE Terre Haute North students: Come hang out with Mary Kate and Tom before school! Every Thursday 7:00 AM COFFEE at Starbucks 4900 US 41 South for Terre Haute South students NEXT YOUTH NIGHT: October 19 5:00-6:30 PM St. Pat’s Moran Family Life Center: All high school youth welcome!! Saturday, October 25 Youth Ministry will be visiting Hobson’s Fun Farm at 6:30 pm: Email youth minister Mary Kate Becker at [email protected] if you would like to sign up and join in the fun! Sunday, October 26 Bible Study is CANCELLED, instead join us in our service project by helping collect our trick or treat bags for the poor. Contact us for more information and how you can help! Quote of the Week “We are not the sum of our weaknesses and failures: we are the sum of the Father’s love for us.” -St. John Paul the Great
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