2014 CGE APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS Thank you for your interest in USIL’s Center for Global Education. Following is a list of materials you must complete and submit in order to be considered for admission to CAE. Keep in mind that in order to be considered for a scholarship, all application materials (including school transcripts and teacher evaluations) must be submitted by no later than October 31, 2013. Early admission: September 28th Please check this box if you wish to be considered for a merit-based scholarship The PERT test, required for admission, can be taken on one of the following dates: The examination will take place in room C1E206 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Friday, September 19 09:00 am - 01:00 pm Wednesday, September 24 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm Friday, October 10 09:00 am - 01:00 pm Friday, October 17 09:00 am - 01:00 pm Friday, November 7 09:00 am - 01:00 pm Friday, November 14 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm You can register for the date that is most convenient for you at www.usil.edu/pe/center/pert Please go to the Admissions Office located on campus 1 on the day of the test to sign in. o o o o o o Complete the application for admission to the Center for Global Education Personal Essay (instructions are located on page 4 of the application) Fill out the applicant portion of the teacher evaluation forms and give them and their corresponding envelopes to your selected teachers for completion; you must submit at least 2 evaluations, and may submit up to 3. Do not forget to ask your evaluator to place the completed evaluations in the envelopes provided, and to seal, stamp and sign the envelope. DO NOT MAIL THE EVALUATIONS. They must be submitted together with your completed application materials. Register to take the PERT test on one of the dates shown above Request official copies of your transcripts from your colegio /high school and submit them along with your application. If they are not available, they may be submitted at a later date. Upon receipt of your completed application, we will contact you to arrange a personal interview. THE CENTER FOR G L O B A L EDUCATION APPLICATION & SCHOLARSHIP CHECKLIST The Center for Global Education Application Personal Essay (instructions can be found on page 4 of the application) Official transcripts from all schools attended (if they are not available, they may be submitted at a later date) Teacher evaluation forms (two required) PERT test scores (Do not forget to register for the test by logging on to www.usil.edu/pe/center/pert Please go to the Admissions Office located on campus 1 on the day of the test to sign in. Register to take the test on one of the following dates: -The examination will take place in room C1E206 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 4) Friday, September 19 09:00 am - 01:00 pm Wednesday, September 24 Friday, October 10 Friday, October 17 02:00 pm - 06:00 pm 09:00 am - 01:00 pm 09:00 am - 01:00 pm Friday, November 7 09:00 am - 01:00 pm Friday, November 14 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm Upon receipt of your completed application, we will contact you to schedule a personal interview Please check this box if you wish to be considered for a merit-based scholarship 2014 APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION APPLICANT Legal Name ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Last/Family/Sur (Enter name exactly as it appears on official documents.) First/Given Middle (complete) Jr etc. Preferred name, if not first name (choose only one) ____________________________ Birth Date _____________________O Female O Male mm/dd/yyyy Former last name(s), if any____________________ US Social Security Number (if any) or DNI____________________________ Optional, unless applying for US Federal financial aid with the FAFSA form Preferred Telephone O Home O Cell Home (_______) __________________________________ Cell (_______) ______________________ Area/Country/City Code Area/Country/City Code E-mail Address ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Permanent home address ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Number & Street Apartment # _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City/Town County or Parish State/Province Country ZIP/Postal Code If different from above, please give your current mailing address for all admission correspondence. (from ___________ to __________) (mm/dd/yyyY) (mm/dd/yyyy) Current mailing address _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Number & Street Apartment # _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City/Town County or Parish State/Province Country ZIP/Postal Code If your current mailing address is a boarding school, include name of school here: ________________________________________________ EDUCATION Secondary Schools Current or most recent secondary school attended ________________________________________________________________________ Entry Date ___________ Graduation Date ___________ School Type: O Public O Charter O Independent/private O Religious mm/yyyy mm/yyyy Address __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Number & Street _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City/Town State/Province Country ZIP/Postal Code Counselor’s Name (Mr./Ms./Dr., etc.) ____________________________________________ Counselor’s Title _________________________ E-mail ____________________________________ Telephone (_______) ______________________ Fax (_______) ___________________ Area/Country/City Code Number Ext. Area/Country/City Code Number List all other secondary schools you have attended since 9th grade, including summer schools or enrichment programs hosted on a secondary school campus: School Name Location (Address) Dates Attended (mm/yyyy) ___________________________________ _______________________________________________ ______________________________ ___________________________________ _______________________________________________ ______________________________ ___________________________________ _______________________________________________ ______________________________ 2014 The Center for Global Education Pg. 1/4 ACADEMICS While the following tests are not required for admission to the CGE program, if you have taken one, please report your Please indicate the highest scores obtained. If you have not taken any of the tests listed below, please leave this section blank. Grades Class Rank _________ Class Size _________ Weighted? O Yes O No (if available) ACT Exam Dates: ________ ________ ________ (past & future) mm/yyyy mm/yyyy mm/yyyy GPA ________ Scale _______ Weighted? O Yes O No (if available) Best Scores: _________ ______ _________ ______ _________ ______ COMP mm/yyyy English mm/yyyy Math mm/yyyy _________ ______ _________ ______ _________ ______ Reading mm/yyyy Science mm/yyyy Writing mm/yyyy SAT TOEFL/ IELTS Exam Dates: ________ ________ ________ (past & future) mm/yyyy mm/yyyy mm/yyyy Exam Dates: ________ ________ ________ (past & future) mm/yyyy mm/yyyy mm/yyyy Best Scores: ________ ______ _________ ______ _________ ______ (so far) Critical Reading mm/yyyy Math mm/yyyy Writing mm/yyyy Best Score: _________ ______ ______ (so far) Test Score mm/yyyy AP/IB/SAT Best Scores: ________ __________________________________ _____ ________ ____________________________ ______ Subject(per subject, so far) mm/yyyy Type & Subject Score mm/yyyy Type & Subject Score ________ ______________________________ _____ ________ __________________________________ ______ mm/yyyy Type & Subject Score mm/yyyy Type & Subject Score ________ ______________________________ _____ ________ __________________________________ ______ mm/yyyy Type & Subject Score mm/yyyy Type & Subject Score ________ ______________________________ _____ ________ __________________________________ ______ mm/yyyy Type & Subject Score mm/yyyy Type & Subject Score Current Courses Please indicate title, level (AP, IB, advanced honors, etc.) and credit value of all courses you are taking this year. Indicate quarter classes taken in the same semester on the appropriate semester line. First Semester/Trimester Second Semester/Trimester Third Trimester or additional first/second term courses if more space is needed ___________________________ _________________________ ____________________________ ___________________________ _________________________ ____________________________ ___________________________ _________________________ ____________________________ ___________________________ ______________ __________ ____________________________ ___________________________ _________________________ ____________________________ ___________________________ _________________________ ____________________________ ___________________________ _________________________ ____________________________ ___________________________ ______________ __________ ____________________________ ___________________________ _________________________ ____________________________ ___________________________ _________________________ ____________________________ ___________________________ _________________________ ____________________________ ___________________________ ______________ __________ ____________________________ ___________________________ _________________________ ____________________________ ___________________________ _________________________ ____________________________ ___________________________ _________________________ ____________________________ ___________________________ ______________ __________ ____________________________ 2014 The Center for Global Education Pg. 2/4 Honors Briefly list any academic distinctions or honors you have received since the 9th grade or international equivalent (e.g., National Merit, Cum Laude Society). Grade level or post-graduate (PG) Honor Level of Recognition 9 10 11 12 PG School State/ National InterRegional nacional O O O O O ________________________________________________________________________ O O O O O O O O O ________________________________________________________________________ O O O O O O O O O ________________________________________________________________________ O O O O O O O O O ________________________________________________________________________ O O O O O O O O O ________________________________________________________________________ O O O O EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES & WORK EXPERIENCE Extracurricular Please list your principal extracurricular, volunteer, and work activities in their order of importance to you. Feel free to group your activities and paid work experience separately if you prefer. Use the space available to provide details of your activities and accomplishments (specific events, varsity letter, musical instrument, employer, etc.). To allow us to focus on the highlights of your activities, please complete this section even if you plan to attach a résumé. Grade level or post-graduate (PG) 9 10 11 12 PG Approximate time spent Hours per week O O O O O ________ When did you participe in the activity? Weeks School per year year ________ O Summer/ School Break O If applicable,do you plan to participate in in college? ______________________________________________________ O Activity _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ O O O O O ________ ________ O O ______________________________________________________ O Activity _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ O O O O O ________ ________ O O ______________________________________________________ O Activity _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ O O O O O ________ ________ O O ______________________________________________________ O Activity _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ O O O O O ________ ________ O O ______________________________________________________ O Activity _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ O O O O O ________ ________ O O __ ____________________________________________________ O Activity _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ O O O O O ________ ________ O O __ ____________________________________________________ O Activity _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ O O O O O ________ ________ O O __ ____________________________________________________ O Activity _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ O O O O O ________ ________ O O __ ____________________________________________________ O Activity _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ O O O O O ________ ________ O O __ ____________________________________________________ O Activity _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2014 The Center for Global Education Pg. 3/4 Personal Essay Please write an essay (500 words) on a topic of your choice or on one of the options listed below, and attach it to your application before submission. Please indicate your topic by checking the appropriate box. This personal essay helps us become acquainted with you as a person and student, apart from courses, grades, test scores, and other objective data. It will also demonstrate your ability to organize your thoughts and express yourself. NOTE: Your Common Application essay should be the same for all colleges. Do not customize it in any way for individual colleges. Colleges that want customized essay responses will ask for them on a supplement form. O 1 Evaluate a significant experience, achievement, risk you have taken, or ethical dilemma you have faced and its impact on you. O 2 Discuss some issue of personal, local, national, or international concern and its importance to you. O 3 Indicate a person who has had a significant influence on you, and describe that influence. O 4 Describe a character in fiction, a historical figure, or a creative work (as in art, music, science, etc.) that has had an influence on you, and explain that influence. O 5 A range of academic interests, personal perspectives, and life experiences adds much to the educational mix. Given your personal background, describe an experience that illustrates what you would bring to the diversity in a college community or an encounter that demonstrated the importance of diversity to you. O 6 Topic of your choice. Additional Information If there is any additional information you’d like to provide regarding special circumstances, additional qualifications, etc., please do so in the space below or on an attached sheet. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Disciplinary History 1 Have you ever been found responsible for a disciplinary violation at any educational institution you have attended from 9th grade (or the international equivalent) forward, whether related to academic misconduct or behavioral misconduct, that resulted in your probation, suspension, removal, dismissal, or expulsion from the institution? _ Yes _ No 2 Have you ever been adjudicated guilty or convicted of a misdemeanor, felony, or other crime? _ Yes _ No [Note that you are not required to answer “yes” to this question, or provide an explanation, if the criminal adjudication or conviction has been expunged, sealed, annulled, pardoned, destroyed, erased, impounded, or otherwise ordered by a court to be kept confidential.] If you answered “yes” to either or both questions, please attach a separate sheet of paper that gives the approximate date of each incident, explains the circumstances, and reflects on what you learned from the experience. SIGNATURE Required Signature □ I certify that all information submitted in the admission process-including the application, the personal essay, any supplements, and any other supporting materials-is my own work, factually true, and honestly presented, and that these documents will become the property of the institutions to which I am applying and will not be returned to me. I understand that I may be subject to a range of possible disciplinary actions, including admission revocation, expulsion, or revocation of course credit, grades, and degree should the information I have certified be false. □ I acknowledge that I have reviewed the application instructions for each college receiving this application. I understand that all offers of admission are conditional, pending receipt of final transcripts showing work comparable in quality to that upon which the offer was based, as well as honorable dismissal from the school. □ I affirm that I will send an enrollment deposit (or equivalent) to only one institution; sending multiple deposits (or equivalent) may result in the withdrawal of my admission offers from all institutions. [Note: students may send an enrollment deposit (or equivalent) to a second institution where they have been admitted from the waitlist, provided that they inform the first institution that they will no longer be enrolling.] Signature ________________________________________________________ Date ___________________ mm/dd/yyy USIL’S Center for Global Education admission office does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, creed, sex,age, marital status, parental status, physical disability, learning disability, political affiliation, veteran status, or sexual orientation. 2014 The Center for Global Education Pg. 4/4 2014 TEACHER EVALUATION TO THE APPLICANT After completing all of the relevant questions below, give this form and its corresponding envelope to a teacher who has taught you an academic subject (for example, English, foreign language, math, science, or social studies). Ask them to complete the form and return it to you in the envelope provided. The envelope should be sealed, stamped, and signed by your teacher. Please submit all teacher evaluations together with your completed application O Female Legal Name __________________________________________________________________________________________________ O Male st/Family/Sur (Enter name exactly as it appears on official documents.) First/Given Middle (complete) Jr., etc. Birth Date __________________________________________________________ Social security / DNI ____________________________ mm/dd/yyyy (Opcional) Adrress _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Number & Street Apartment City Town State/Province Country ZIP/Postal Code School you now attend______________________________________________________________________________________________ IMPORTANT PRIVACY NOTICE: Under the terms of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), after you matriculate you will have access to this form and all other recommendations and supporting documents submitted by you and on your behalf after matriculating, unless at least one of the following is true: 1. The institution does not save recommendations post-matriculation (see list at www.commonapp.org/FERPA). 2. You waive your right to access below, regardless of the institution to which it is sent: O Yes, I do waive my right to access, and I understand I will never see this form or any other recommendations submitted by me or on my behalf. O No, I do not waive my right to access, and I may someday choose to see this form or any other recommendations or supporting documents submitted by me or on my behalf to the institution at which I'm enrolling, if that institution saves them after I matriculate. Required Signature ______________________________________________________________________ Date _________________ TO THE TEACHER The Center for Global Education at USIL finds candid evaluations helpful in choosing from among highly qualified candidates. You are encouraged to keep this form in your private files for use should the student need additional recommendations. Please submit your references promptly, and remember to sign below. Teacher’s Name (Mr./Ms./Dr., etc.) _________________________________ Subject Taught _______________________________________ Please print or type Signature _______________________________________________________________________________ Date _____________________ mm/dd/yyyy Secondary School __________________________________________________________________________________________________ School Address ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Number & Street City/Town State/Province Country ZIP/Postal Code Teacher’s Phone (_______) ______________________________________ Teacher’s E-mail _____________________________________ Area Code Number Ext. Background Information How long have you known this student and in what context? _________________________________________________________________ What are the first words that come to your mind to describe this student? _______________________________________________________ List the courses you have taught this student, noting for each the student’s year in school (10th, 11th, 12th; first-year, sophomore; etc.) and the level of course difficulty (AP, IB, accelerated, honors, elective; 100-level, 200-level, etc.). _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2014 The Center for Global Education TEACHER EVALUATION 1 Pg. 1/2 Ratings Compared to other students in his or her class year, how do you rate this student in terms of: Very good Good (well above Below average Average (adove average) average) No basis Excellent Ouststanding (top 10%) (top 5%) One of the top few I’ve encountered (top 1%) Academic achievement Intellectual promise Quality of writing Creative, original thought Productive class discussion Respect accorded by faculty Disciplined work habits Maturity Motivation Leadership Integrity Reaction to setbacks Concern for others Self-confidence Initiative, independence OVERALL Evaluation Please write whatever you think is important about this student, including a description of academic and personal characteristics, as demonstrated in your classroom. We welcome information that will help us to differentiate this student from others. (Feel free to attach an additional sheet or another reference you may have prepared on behalf of this student.) 2014 The Center for Global Education TEACHER EVALUATION 1 Pg. 2/2
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