HYDROGEN/DEUTERIUM EXCHANGE MASS SPECTROMETRY (HX MS) SYSTEM FOR CAPTURING CONFORMATIONAL CHANGES OF BIOTHERAPEUTICS Joomi Ahn1,3, Keith Fadgen1, Damian Houde2, John R. Engen3 1 Waters Corporation, 2Biogen Idec, Inc., 3Northeastern University RESULTS INTRODUCTION Hydrogen/deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (HX MS) has proven to be a useful analytical method for the study of protein dynamics and changes to protein conformation. The applications in HX MS require a system that can perform rapid chromatographic separations at 0 °C and accurate mass measurements of labeled proteins and peptides with small quantities of material.1 Recent improvements in LC-MS have made HX MS an indispensable tool for biotherapeutic proteins. In this study, we describe comprehensive HX MS workflow recently adopted by a biopharmaceutical laboratory. This workflow utilizes a nanoACQUITY / Synapt HDMS interfaced with a newly developed chiller module. In this system, online pepsin digestion was coupled to highly reproducible UPLC performed at low temperature. MSE analyses show high confidence peptide identification, up to 100% linear sequence coverage, and reproducible peptic peptide peak area (less than 10 % RSD) in large scale replicate analyses of phosphorylase b. To illustrate how these data are useful for HX MS, we describe a recent study of conformational changes in recombinant monoclonal IgG1 antibody upon post-translational modifications.2 Label & Quench Syringe MS Data Collection and Processing: Undeuterated peptides as control: MSE data were collected for all analyses. Data were processed using ProteinLynx Global Server(PLGS) 2.4 with IdentityE Deuterated peptides : HX-Express was used to measure the mass shift and peak width upon the deuterium uptake of peptides. 2 1 3 6 Pepsin column 2.1 x 50 mm 5 HTM 2 Waste (B) CM 1 3 6 4 Analytical column 1.0 x 100 mm MS 5 BSM Intact BSM Peptides NanoACQUITY UPLC using 1.7 µm BEH column Fast separation ASM Non-labeled : PLGS Identity E (MSE) Labeled : HX Express Chromatographic separation at 0 °C in Chiller Module (CM) ESI Q-Tof MS Figure 1. HX MS Workflow from protein labeling to data analysis.5 Peak Area of Phosphorylase b peptides found > 26 times, N=31 Figure 3. MS schematic. The peptide precursor ions were time-aligned with all of their MSE fragments. Figure 2. (A) Fluidic schematic for online pepsin digestion in nanoACQUITY. (B) NanoACQUITY UPLC with Chiller Module (left). Inside view of Chiller Module (right) Deuterated peptides (B) 400000 On‐line Pepsin digestion of phosphorylase b % Coverage 400 Figure 8 Deuterium incorporation information modeled to the structure of IgG1. Panel A shows the model structure of IgG1 illustrating the location of CH1, CH2, and CH3 domains. The relative percent deuterium incorporation is shown at 10 sec, 1, 10, 60, 240 min. (B-F, respectively) 2 240 min Labeling 250000 350 200000 150000 300 100000 e ga 250 r e v 200 o C %150 50000 15‐22 37‐52 67‐84 84‐89 87‐99 89‐99 112‐119 124‐139 127‐139 146‐152 181‐196 181‐198 182‐202 202‐215 219‐235 222‐240 224‐240 243‐252 256‐264 273‐285 326‐337 337‐350 366‐373 384‐393 396‐405 405‐418 405‐425 444‐454 471‐491 510‐515 523‐529 523‐530 533‐545 548‐562 566‐580 586‐597 586‐604 604‐618 618‐624 624‐640 625‐640 652‐661 661‐681 687‐696 699‐708 712‐721 717‐730 730‐738 730‐740 779‐785 800‐819 0 Sequence in amino acid # 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 60 min 400 Deuterium Level of FSTKDSSAAW peptide 354 10 min 100 50 % RSD of peak area 17 % RSD of in‐solution pepsin digestion 0 sec control 94 0 % Linear % Overlapping, % Redundancy, coverage, N=5 N=5 N=5 5.2 % RSD of on‐line pepsin digestion (C)... 1 min 10 sec ... (B) The % Coverage of on-line pepsin digestion of phosphorylase b. The linear coverage was 94 % and the overlapping coverage was 400 %, which was calculated by the normalized number of amino acid residues that repeatedly found from the overlapped peptides. The redundancy score was calculated by the normalized sum of amino acid count that repeatedly found in the sequence. (C) A part of phosphorylase b sequence map was shown to illustrate the overlapping coverage and redundancy score. TO DOWNLOAD A COPY OF THIS POSTER, VISIT WWW.WATERS.COM/POSTERS CONCLUSIONS 4.0 3.5 3.0 NanoACQUITY UPLC with newly improved Chiller Module was used in HD exchange MS. 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 HD exchange MS analysis is a useful analytical method for protein conformational studies. Time (min) Sequence in amino acid # Figure 5. (A) Reproducibility of peak area for peptic peptides in replicates of phosphorylase b in nanoACQUITY system. This indicated that the majority of peptides produced from online digestion were well below 17 % RSD peak area in in-solution offline digestion. Relative Deuterium Level (Da) Peak Area FSTKDSSAAW peptide at 5.2min 240 min Labeling 350000 300000 Figure 4. Accurate peptide identification based on MSE. First, the undeuterated (control) peptides were identified in this manner, then deuterated peptides of same species were confirmed with retention time. E Online Pepsin Digestion 533‐545 730‐740 181‐198 182‐202 717‐730 699‐708 779‐785 366‐373 618‐624 337‐350 687‐696 523‐529 586‐597 566‐580 219‐235 523‐530 67‐84 112‐119 444‐454 84‐89 224‐240 146‐152 124‐139 256‐264 652‐661 326‐337 273‐285 202‐215 405‐425 661‐681 89‐99 730‐738 222‐240 127‐139 625‐640 243‐252 15‐22 384‐393 624‐640 548‐562 800‐819 396‐405 87‐99 405‐418 471‐491 181‐196 37‐52 604‐618 712‐721 510‐515 586‐604 On-line pepsin digestion : 2.1 x 50 mm immobilized pepsin columns packed in-house3 and 2.1 x 30 mm pepsin column purchased from Applied Biosystems Undeuterated peptides ASM (A) Data Analysis At Eluting Mode (Default) 4 % RSD of peak area Chromatography Peptides: The analytical column was an ACQUITY UPLC® BEH C18 1.7 µm 1.0 x 150 mm. The trap column was an ACQUITY VanGuard® Pre-column, BEH C18, 1.7 µm 2.1 x 5 mm. Intact Protein : The analytical column was an ACQUITY UPLC® BEH C4 1.7 µm 2.1 x 50 mm. The desalting column was used a MassPREP Desalting cartridge column 2.1 x 5 mm. Waters ESI Q‐TOF MS Injection Needle METHODS LC / MS system: Waters nanoACQUITY UPLC® Chiller Module (CM) and Electric Module (EM) Binary Solvent Manager (BSM) Auxillary Solvent Manger (ASM) Waters SynaptTM HDMSTM ESI positive mode Capillary / Cone : 3.0 kV / 37 V Source / Desolvation : 80 °C / 175 °C Desolvation gas : 800 L/h DISCUSSION NanoACQUITY UPLC with Chiller Module (A) On-line pepsin digestion pH 2.5 in Chiller Module at 0 °C & 0 sec control Figure 6. BPI chromatograms and spectra of interferon alpha-2b. The reproducible chromatograms with undeuterated (0 sec) and deuterated (10 sec, 1, 10, 60, and 240 min. D2O labeling, respectively) peptides were shown. The higher mass shift was observed upon deuterium uptake at longer time of continuous labeling. References Figure 7. Deuterium incorporation calculation in HXExpress.4 The relative deuterium level (in Da) was plotted in right panel. The data shows the relative mass difference between control and each time point, which was determined by centroid masses in green bar. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Wales et.al. (2008) Anal. Chem., 80, (17) 6815-6820 Houde et al. (2009) Anal. Chem., 81 (7) 2644-2651 Wang, L et al. (2002). Mol Cell Proteomics 1(2):132-8 Weis et al. (2006). J. Amer.Soc. Mass Spectrom. 17 (12) 1700-1703 Mitchell, J. L. & Engen, J. R. (2009). Protein Analysis with HydrogenDeuterium Exchange Mass Spectrometry. In “Protein Mass Spectrometry”, Elsevier. J. Whitelegge, Editor. Compr. Anal. Chem. 52, 83-102 720003334en
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