INTERNATIONAL STUDY PROGRAMMES The Manor Hazleton Cheltenham GL54 4EB Telephone: 01451-860379 Fax: 01451-860482 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: C CO OU UR RSSEESS iinn EEN NG GLLAAN ND D,, SSC CO OTTLLAAN ND D,, W WAALLEESS && IIR REELLAAN ND D JJuullyy –– N Noovveem mbbeerr 22001144 ffoorr EEU UR RO OPPEEAAN N TTEEAAC CH HEER RSS,, H HEEAAD DTTEEAAC CH HEER RSS && IIN NSSPPEEC CTTO OR RSS aatt SSeeccoonnddaarryy LLeevveell Teachers of English in Secondary schools (ages 10 – 19) Teachers of English to pupils with learning difficulties Teachers in Vocational Schools CLIL Teachers of: Maths, Science & Technology History, Geography, Music, Business Studies, Tourism, etc. Secondary School Teachers of Music Teachers and other Educators who wish to improve their English Headteachers, Advisers & Inspectors Detailed course information is available at: EERRAASSM MUUSS ++ G GRRAANNTTSS:: Teachers may apply (through their schools) to the European Union for Erasmus + (Erasmus Plus) funding for courses starting after 1 May 2014. Details and deadlines are available from each country’s National Agency for Erasmus +. (Erasmus + replaces the Lifelong Learning Programme: Comenius and Grundtvig.) International Study Programmes has 30 years’ experience in organising Teachers’ courses on behalf of European Ministries of Education and In-service Teacher Training Institutes. Our teacher trainers include highly respected trainers & EFL authors such as Dr Diana Hicks, Graham Workman and Lucy Norris. They have many years of experience in training European teachers and a wealth of exciting ideas to impart in their lively workshops. AA.. CCO OUURRSSEESS FFO ORR TTEEAACCHHEERRSS O OFF EENNG GLLIISSHH Course Location Dates Course Fee USING TECHNOLOGY FOR TEACHING ENGLISH This practical course provides new skills and ideas for using the computer to teach English and motivating learners through computerbased activities. Participants will come away with a range of materials adapted and produced on the course. The course also includes visits to 2 secondary schools. Ipswich (England) 01 July12 July 2014 (2 weeks) Course Fee 1139 Host family (full board) Accommodation 656 Total fee 1795 FOCUS ON IRELAND: COURSE FOR TEACHERS OF ENGLISH AT SECONDARY LEVEL (Ages 10-19) Workshops on Teaching English are conducted by highly respected, expert Teacher Trainers. Participants will gain a huge variety of new teaching ideas & materials ready to use in the classroom. Emphasis will be on motivating pupils through a variety of activities, which engage their imaginations and creativity. Advanced language practice is included. Belfast (Northern Ireland) 01 July12 July 2014 (2 weeks) Course Fee €1139 Host family (full board) Accommodation €656 Total fee €1795 The course includes background to Irish History, Politics, Literature, Film and Education and visits to Dublin and The Giant’s Causeway. Course Location Dates Course Fee CREATIVE ACTIVITIES & MOTIVATING MATERIALS FOR THE SECONDARY CLASSROOM (Ages 10-19) Workshops on Teaching English are conducted by highly respected, expert Teacher Trainers. Participants will gain a huge variety of new teaching ideas & materials ready to use in the classroom. Emphasis will be on motivating students through a variety of activities which engage their imaginations & creativity. Advanced language practice is included. Southampton (England) 01 July13 July 2014 (2 weeks) Course Fee €1139 Host family (full board) Accommodation €656 Total fee €1795 Southampton (England) 05 July13 July 2014 (1 week) Course Fee €898 Host family (full board) Accommodation €538 Total fee €1436 Cardiff (Wales) 07 July19 July 2014 (2 weeks) Course Fee €1139 Host family (full board) Accommodation €656 Total fee €1795 The course gives teachers the opportunity to keep abreast of changes in British Life and Society and The Education System (with 2 day visits to schools/colleges) and of new Developments in the English Language. CREATIVE ACTIVITIES & MOTIVATING MATERIALS FOR THE SECONDARY CLASSROOM (Ages 10-19) Workshops on Teaching English are conducted by highly respected, expert Teacher Trainers. Participants will gain a huge variety of new teaching ideas & materials ready to use in the classroom. Emphasis will be on motivating students through a variety of activities which engage their imaginations & creativity. Advanced language practice is included. The course gives teachers the opportunity to keep abreast of changes in British Life and Society and new Developments in the English Language. FOCUS ON WALES: COURSE FOR TEACHERS OF ENGLISH AT SECONDARY LEVEL (Ages 10-19) Workshops on Teaching English are conducted by highly respected, expert Teacher Trainers. Participants will gain a huge variety of new teaching ideas & materials ready to use in the classroom. Emphasis will be on motivating pupils through a variety of activities which engage their imaginations and creativity. Advanced language practice is included. AND 13 July25 July 2014 (2 weeks) The course gives teachers the opportunity to keep abreast of changes in British Life and Society and The Education System (with a day visit to school/college) and of new Developments in the English Language. FOCUS ON WALES: Literature, History, Culture & Politics FOCUS ON WALES: COURSE FOR TEACHERS OF ENGLISH AT SECONDARY LEVEL (Ages 10-19) Workshops on Teaching English are conducted by highly respected, expert Teacher Trainers. Participants will gain a huge variety of new teaching ideas & materials ready to use in the classroom. Emphasis will be on motivating pupils through a variety of activities which engage their imaginations and creativity. Advanced language practice is included. Cardiff (Wales) 12 July20 July 2014 (1 week) Course Fee €898 Host family (full board) Accommodation €538 Total fee €1436 Ipswich (England) 13 July25 July 2014 (2 weeks) Course Fee €1139 Host family (full board) Accommodation €656 Total fee €1795 Dunfermline (Scotland) 20 July01 August 2014 (2 weeks) Course Fee €1139 Host family (full board) Accommodation €656 Total fee €1795 The course gives teachers the opportunity to keep abreast of changes in British Life and Society & of new Developments in the English Language. FOCUS ON WALES: History, Culture & Politics CREATIVE ACTIVITIES & MOTIVATING MATERIALS FOR THE SECONDARY CLASSROOM (Ages 10-19) Workshops on Teaching English are conducted by highly respected, expert Teacher Trainers. Participants will gain a huge variety of new teaching ideas & materials ready to use in the classroom. Emphasis will be on motivating pupils through a variety of activities, which engage their imaginations and creativity. Advanced language practice is included. The course gives teachers the opportunity to keep abreast of changes in British Life and Society and The Education System (with a day visit to school) and of new Developments in the English Language. FOCUS ON SCOTLAND : COURSE FOR TEACHERS OF ENGLISH AT SECONDARY LEVEL (Ages 10-19) Workshops on Teaching English are conducted by highly respected, expert Teacher Trainers. Participants will gain a huge variety of new teaching ideas and materials ready to use in the classroom. Emphasis will be on motivating pupils through a variety of activities which engage their imaginations & creativity. Advanced language practice is included. The course includes background to Scottish History, Politics, Literature and Education and visits to Glasgow and Edinburgh. Course Location Dates Course Fee Gloucester (England) 27 July08 August 2014 (2 weeks) Course Fee €1139 Host family (full board) Accommodation €656 Total fee €1795 Gloucester (England) 26 July03 August 2014 (1 week) Course Fee €898 Host family (full board) Accommodation €538 Total fee €1436 LANGUAGE AND METHODOLOGY With 18 hours of intensive English language tuition, this course is designed for teachers whose priority is to improve their own language skills. In the methodology workshops, participants will gain a huge variety of new teaching ideas and materials ready to use in the classroom. Emphasis will be on motivating pupils through a variety of activities which engage their imaginations and creativity. Exeter (England) 03 August15 August 2014 (2 weeks) Course Fee €1139 Host family (full board) Accommodation €656 Total fee €1795 FOCUS ON SCOTLAND : COURSE FOR TEACHERS OF ENGLISH AT SECONDARY LEVEL (Ages 10-19) Workshops on Teaching English are conducted by highly respected, expert Teacher Trainers. Participants will gain a huge variety of new teaching ideas and materials ready to use in the classroom. Emphasis will be on motivating pupils through a variety of activities which engage their imaginations & creativity. Advanced language practice is included. Dunfermline (Scotland) 03 August15 August 2014 (2 weeks) Course Fee €1139 Host family (full board) Accommodation €656 Total fee €1795 Southampton (England) 10 August22 August 2014 (2 weeks) Course Fee €1139 Host family (full board) Accommodation €656 Total fee €1795 Southampton (England) 09 August17 August 2014 (1 week) Course Fee €898 Host family (full board) Accommodation €538 Total fee €1436 Belfast (Northern Ireland) 10 August22 August 2014 (2 weeks) Course Fee €1139 Host family (full board) Accommodation €656 Total fee €1795 CREATIVE ACTIVITIES & MOTIVATING MATERIALS FOR THE SECONDARY CLASSROOM (Ages 10-19) Workshops on Teaching English are conducted by highly respected, expert Teacher Trainers. Participants will gain a huge variety of new teaching ideas and materials ready to use in the classroom. Emphasis will be on motivating pupils through a variety of activities which engage their imaginations & creativity. Advanced language practice is included. The course gives teachers the opportunity to keep abreast of changes in British Life and Society and new Developments in the English Language. There is a Workshop on Shakespeare’s Theatre and visit to Stratfordupon-Avon. PRACTICAL METHODOLOGY FOR TEACHING ENGLISH AND USING LITERATURE IN THE SECONDARY CLASSROOM Workshops on Teaching English are conducted by highly respected, expert Teacher Trainers. Participants will gain a huge variety of new teaching ideas & materials ready to use in the classroom. Emphasis will be on motivating students through a variety of activities which engage their imaginations & creativity. Advanced language practice is included. There is a workshop on Introducing Aspects of Life in Modern Britain through Literary texts, a workshop on Shakespeare’s Theatre & visit to Stratford-upon-Avon. The course includes background to Scottish History, Politics, Literature and Education and visits to Glasgow and Edinburgh. (The Edinburgh Festival, Fringe and Tattoo take place during this course.) USING TECHNOLOGY FOR TEACHING ENGLISH This practical course provides new skills and ideas for using technology to teach English and motivating learners through technology-based activities. Participants will come away with a range of materials adapted and produced on the course. USING TECHNOLOGY FOR TEACHING ENGLISH *See Above* FOCUS ON IRELAND : COURSE FOR TEACHERS OF ENGLISH AT SECONDARY LEVEL (Ages 10-19) Workshops on Teaching English are conducted by highly respected, expert Teacher Trainers. Participants will gain a huge variety of new teaching ideas and materials ready to use in the classroom. Emphasis will be on motivating pupils through a variety of activities which engage their imaginations & creativity. Advanced language practice is included. The course includes background to Irish History, Politics, Literature, Film and Education and visits to Dublin and The Giant’s Causeway. Course Location Dates Course Fee Belfast (Northern Ireland) 09 August17 August 2014 (1 week) Course Fee €898 Host family (full board) Accommodation €538 Total fee €1436 LANGUAGE AND METHODOLOGY With 24 hours of intensive English language tuition, this course is designed for teachers whose priority is to improve their own language skills. In the methodology workshops, participants will gain a huge variety of new teaching ideas and materials ready to use in the classroom. Emphasis will be on motivating pupils through a variety of activities which engage their imaginations and creativity. Colchester (England) 12 August24 August 2014 (2 weeks) Course Fee €1139 Host family (full board) Accommodation €656 Total fee €1795 FOCUS ON SCOTLAND : COURSE FOR TEACHERS OF ENGLISH AT SECONDARY LEVEL (Ages 10-19) Workshops on Teaching English are conducted by highly respected, expert Teacher Trainers. Participants will gain a huge variety of new teaching ideas and materials ready to use in the classroom. Emphasis will be on motivating pupils through a variety of activities which engage their imaginations & creativity. Advanced language practice is included. Dunfermline (Scotland) 17 August29 August 2014 (2 weeks) Course Fee €1139 Host family (full board) Accommodation €656 Total fee €1795 LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT & BRITAIN TODAY This course aims to provide teachers of English at Secondary level (ages 10- 19) with the opportunity: to keep abreast of changes in British Life and Society and the Education System and of new developments in the English Language to gain a huge variety of new teaching ideas & motivating materials ready to use in the classroom with the focus on Britain Today to improve/perfect their language skills to exchange ideas and develop links with teachers from secondary schools in different European countries to visit the Houses of Parliament and London Chelmsford (England) 31 August12 September 2014 (2 weeks) Course Fee €1139 Host family (full board) Accommodation €656 Total fee €1795 LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT & BRITAIN TODAY Chelmsford (England) 30 August07 September 2014 (1 week) Course Fee €898 Host family (full board) Accommodation €538 Total fee €1436 Colchester (England) 21 September03 October 2014 (2 weeks) Course Fee €1139 Host family (full board) Accommodation €656 Total fee €1795 Colchester (England) 20 September28 September 2014 (1 week) Course Fee €898 Host family (full board) Accommodation €538 Total fee €1436 FOCUS ON IRELAND : COURSE FOR TEACHERS OF ENGLISH AT SECONDARY LEVEL (Ages 10-19) Workshops on Teaching English are conducted by highly respected, expert Teacher Trainers. Participants will gain a huge variety of new teaching ideas and materials ready to use in the classroom. Emphasis will be on motivating pupils through a variety of activities which engage their imaginations & creativity. Advanced language practice is included. The course includes background to Irish History, Politics and Education and visit to Dublin. The course includes background to Scottish History, Politics, Literature and Education and visits to Glasgow and Edinburgh. (The Edinburgh Festival, Fringe and Tattoo take place during this course.) *See Above* CREATIVE ACTIVITIES & MOTIVATING MATERIALS FOR THE SECONDARY CLASSROOM (Ages 10-19) Workshops on Teaching English are conducted by highly respected, expert Teacher Trainers. Participants will gain a huge variety of new teaching ideas & materials ready to use in the classroom. Emphasis will be on motivating pupils through a variety of activities, which engage their imaginations and creativity. Advanced language practice is included. The course gives teachers the opportunity to keep abreast of changes in British Life and Society and The Education System (with a visit to a school) and of new Developments in the English Language. CREATIVE ACTIVITIES & MOTIVATING MATERIALS FOR THE SECONDARY CLASSROOM (Ages 10-19) Workshops on Teaching English are conducted by highly respected, expert Teacher Trainers. Participants will gain a huge variety of new teaching ideas & materials ready to use in the classroom. Emphasis will be on motivating pupils through a variety of activities, which engage their imaginations and creativity. Advanced language practice is included. The course gives teachers the opportunity to keep abreast of changes in British Life and Society and new Developments in the English Language. Course Dates Course Fee Dunfermline (Scotland) 28 September10 October 2014 (2 weeks) Course Fee €1139 Host family (full board) Accommodation €656 Total fee €1795 Dunfermline (Scotland) 27 September05 October 2014 (1 week) Course Fee €898 Host family (full board) Accommodation €538 Total fee €1436 FOCUS ON LITERATURE This course takes place during the Cheltenham Festival of Literature, and includes attendance at events featuring prominent contemporary British writers. The course gives teachers the opportunity to update their knowledge of contemporary literature and provides them with fresh ideas and techniques for their English Literature classes, as well as for their language classes. Visits to secondary schools are arranged with observation of English Literature and other lessons. There is a visit to Stratford-upon-Avon. Cheltenham (England) 03 October17 October 2014 (2 weeks) Course Fee €1238 Host family (full board) Accommodation €699 Total fee €1937 FOCUS ON LITERATURE This course takes place during the Cheltenham Festival of Literature, and includes attendance at events featuring prominent contemporary British writers. The course gives teachers the opportunity to update their knowledge of contemporary literature and provides them with fresh ideas and techniques for their English Literature classes, as well as for their language classes. There is a visit to Stratford-upon-Avon. Cheltenham (England) 03 October12 October 2014 (1 week) Course Fee €995 Host family (full board) Accommodation €568 Total fee €1563 CREATIVE ACTIVITIES & MOTIVATING MATERIALS FOR THE SECONDARY CLASSROOM (Ages 10-19) Workshops on Teaching English are conducted by highly respected, expert Teacher Trainers. Participants will gain a huge variety of new teaching ideas & materials ready to use in the classroom. Emphasis will be on motivating students through a variety of activities which engage their imaginations & creativity. Advanced language practice is included. Cheltenham (England) 05 October17 October 2014 (2 weeks) Course Fee €1139 Host family (full board) Accommodation €656 Total fee €1795 Cheltenham (England) 04 October12 October 2014 (1 week) Course Fee €898 Host family (full board) Accommodation €538 Total fee €1436 Cardiff (Wales) 12 October24 October 2014 (2 weeks) Course Fee €1139 Host family (full board) Accommodation €656 Total fee €1795 FOCUS ON SCOTLAND: COURSE FOR TEACHERS OF ENGLISH AT SECONDARY LEVEL (Ages 10-19) Workshops on Teaching English are conducted by highly respected, expert Teacher Trainers. Participants will gain a huge variety of new teaching ideas & materials ready to use in the classroom. Emphasis will be on motivating pupils through a variety of activities, which engage their imaginations and creativity. Advanced language practice is included. Location The course includes background to Scottish History & Traditions, Literature & Education, school visits and visit to Edinburgh. FOCUS ON SCOTLAND: COURSE FOR TEACHERS OF ENGLISH AT SECONDARY LEVEL (Ages 10-19) Workshops on Teaching English are conducted by highly respected, expert Teacher Trainers. Participants will gain a huge variety of new teaching ideas & materials ready to use in the classroom. Emphasis will be on motivating pupils through a variety of activities, which engage their imaginations and creativity. Advanced language practice is included. The course includes Scottish Literature & visit to Edinburgh. The course gives teachers the opportunity to keep abreast of changes in British Life and Society and The Education System (with 2 day visits to secondary schools) and of new Developments in the English Language. The Cheltenham Festival of Literature takes place during this course. CREATIVE ACTIVITIES & MOTIVATING MATERIALS FOR THE SECONDARY CLASSROOM (Ages 10-19) Workshops on Teaching English are conducted by highly respected, expert Teacher Trainers. Participants will gain a huge variety of new teaching ideas & materials ready to use in the classroom. Emphasis will be on motivating students through a variety of activities which engage their imaginations & creativity. Advanced language practice is included. The course gives teachers the opportunity to keep abreast of changes in British Life and Society and new Developments in the English Language. The Cheltenham Festival of Literature takes place during this course. USING TECHNOLOGY FOR TEACHING ENGLISH This practical course provides new skills and ideas for using the computer to teach English and motivating learners through computerbased activities. Participants will come away with a range of materials adapted and produced on the course. The course also includes visits to secondary schools and aspects of Welsh Life & Culture. Course Location Dates Course Fee USING TECHNOLOGY FOR TEACHING ENGLISH This practical course provides new skills and ideas for using the computer to teach English and motivating learners through computerbased activities. Participants will come away with a range of materials adapted and produced on the course. Cardiff (Wales) 11 October19 October 2014 (1 week) Course Fee €898 Host family (full board) Accommodation €538 Total fee €1436 FOCUS ON IRELAND: COURSE FOR TEACHERS OF ENGLISH AT SECONDARY LEVEL (Ages 10-19) Workshops on Teaching English are conducted by highly respected, expert Teacher Trainers. Participants will gain a huge variety of new teaching ideas & materials ready to use in the classroom. Emphasis will be on motivating pupils through a variety of activities, which engage their imaginations and creativity. Advanced language practice is included. Belfast (Northern Ireland) 21 October02 November 2014 (2 weeks) Course Fee €1139 Host family (full board) Accommodation €656 Total fee €1795 Belfast (Northern Ireland) 25 October02 November 2014 (1 week) Course Fee €898 Host family (full board) Accommodation €538 Total fee €1436 LANGUAGE AND METHODOLOGY With 18 hours of intensive English language tuition, this course is designed for teachers whose priority is to improve their own language skills. In the methodology workshops, participants will gain a huge variety of new teaching ideas and materials ready to use in the classroom. Emphasis will be on motivating pupils through a variety of activities which engage their imaginations and creativity. Exeter (England) 26 October07 November 2014 (2 weeks) Course Fee €1139 Host family (full board) Accommodation €656 Total fee €1795 CREATIVE ACTIVITIES & MOTIVATING MATERIALS FOR THE SECONDARY CLASSROOM (Ages 10-19) Workshops on Teaching English are conducted by highly respected, expert Teacher Trainers. Participants will gain a huge variety of new teaching ideas & materials ready to use in the classroom. Emphasis will be on motivating students through a variety of activities which engage their imaginations & creativity. Advanced language practice is included. Southampton (England) 04 November16 November 2014 (2 weeks) Course Fee €1139 Host family (full board) Accommodation €656 Total fee €1795 The course includes background to Irish History, Politics, Literature, Films and Education (with 2 school visits) and visit to Dublin. FOCUS ON IRELAND: COURSE FOR TEACHERS OF ENGLISH AT SECONDARY LEVEL (Ages 10-19) Workshops on Teaching English are conducted by highly respected, expert Teacher Trainers. Participants will gain a huge variety of new teaching ideas & materials ready to use in the classroom. Emphasis will be on motivating pupils through a variety of activities, which engage their imaginations and creativity. Advanced language practice is included. Irish History & Culture and visit to Dublin are included. AND 09 November21 November 2014 (2 weeks) The course gives teachers the opportunity to keep abreast of changes in British Life and Society and The Education System (with 2 day visits to schools/colleges) and of new Developments in the English Language. Southampton (England) 08 November16 November 2014 (1 week) Course Fee €898 Host family (full board) Accommodation €538 Total fee €1436 LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT & BRITAIN TODAY This course aims to provide teachers of English at Secondary level (ages 10- 19) with the opportunity: to keep abreast of changes in British Life and Society and the Education System and of new developments in the English Language to gain a huge variety of new teaching ideas & motivating materials ready to use in the classroom with the focus on Britain Today to improve/perfect their language skills to exchange ideas and develop links with teachers from secondary schools in different European countries to visit the Houses of Parliament and London Chelmsford (England) 16 November28 November 2014 (2 weeks) Course Fee €1139 Host family (full board) Accommodation €656 Total fee €1795 LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT & BRITAIN TODAY Chelmsford (England) 15 November23 November 2014 (1 week) Course Fee €898 Host family (full board) Accommodation €538 Total fee €1436 PRACTICAL METHODOLOGY FOR TEACHING ENGLISH AT SECONDARY LEVEL (Ages 10-19) Workshops on Teaching English are conducted by highly respected, expert Teacher Trainers. Participants will gain a huge variety of new teaching ideas & materials ready to use in the classroom. Emphasis will be on motivating students through a variety of activities which engage their imaginations & creativity. Advanced language practice is included. The course gives teachers the opportunity to keep abreast of changes in British Life and Society and new Developments in the English Language. *See Above* BB.. CCO OUURRSSEE FFO ORR TTEEAACCHHEERRSS O OFF EENNG GLLIISSHH TTO O PPUUPPIILLSS W WIITTHH SSPPEECCIIAALL NNEEEEDDSS Course TEACHING ENGLISH TO PUPILS WITH LEARNING DIFFICULTIES This course aims to provide teachers of pupils aged 7-16 with: a range of new ideas, practical classroom skills and materials an opportunity to improve their own language skills and to acquire language for the classroom an insight into Special Education in Britain an opportunity to exchange ideas and develop links with teachers from other European countries Location Portsmouth (England) Dates Course Fee 29 September12 October 2014 (2 weeks) Course Fee €1199 Host family (full board) Accommodation €683 Total fee €1882 CC.. CCO OUURRSSEE FFO ORR TTEEAACCHHEERRSS IINN VVO OCCAATTIIO ONNAALL SSCCHHO OO OLLSS Course Location Dates Course Fee TEACHING ENGLISH IN VOCATIONAL SCHOOLS The course includes: A workshop on teaching English for vocational purposes Lecture on vocational training & qualifications in Britain English language tuition focusing on English for Vocational purposes 2 day visits to Vocational Colleges – observe relevant classes a visit to a relevant firm/organisation Southampton (England) 04 November16 November 2014 (2 weeks) Course Fee €1199 Host family (full board) Accommodation €656 Total fee €1855 TEACHING IN VOCATIONAL SCHOOLS The course includes: Lecture on vocational training & qualifications in Britain English language tuition focusing on English for vocational purposes 2 day visits to Vocational Colleges – observe relevant classes a visit to a relevant firm/organisation Southampton (England) 04 November16 November 2014 (2 weeks) Course Fee €1199 Host family (full board) Accommodation €656 Total fee €1855 DD.. CC..LL..II..LL.. ((CCO ONNTTEENNTT AANNDD LLAANNG GUUAAG GEE IINNTTEEG GRRAATTEEDD LLEEAARRNNIINNG G)) CCO OUURRSSEESS FFO ORR SSEECCO ONNDDAARRYY SSCCHHO OO OLL TTEEAACCHHEERRSS W WHHO O TTEEAACCHH TTHHEEIIRR SSUUBBJJEECCTTSS ‘‘BBIILLIINNG GUUAALLLLYY’’ IINN EENNG GLLIISSHH 11.. CC..LL..II..LL.. CCoollleeggiiaalliittyy Course COLLEGIALITY ACROSS C.L.I.L. Practical Methodology for Secondary & Vocational school teachers who teach subjects “Bilingually” in English and teachers of English who are involved in CLIL Location Cardiff (Wales) Dates 19 July27 July 2014 (1 week) Course Fee Course Fee €898 Host family (full board) Accommodation €538 Total fee €1436 A new course focusing on cooperation between subject teachers and their English language colleagues. 22.. CC..LL..II..LL.. SScciieennccee && M Maatthhss Course C.L.I.L. – PRACTICAL METHODOLOGY & LANGUAGE Course for teachers who teach SCIENCE, MATHS or Technical Subjects “Bilingually” in English at Secondary Level Location Dates Course Fee Portsmouth (England) 06 July19 July 2014 (2 weeks) Course Fee €1256 Host family (full board) Accommodation €683 Total fee €1939 Portsmouth (England) 07 July19 July 2014 (2 weeks) Course Fee €1139 Host family (full board) Accommodation €656 Total fee €1795 Includes: practical sessions on the methodology of C.L.I.L./ “Bilingual” Teaching (providing fresh ideas for teaching science & maths in English); workshops on English for maths & science classes; observation of lessons in a British secondary school & discussions with British teachers This course includes ENGLISH LANGUAGE TUITION for teachers who need to improve their general English skills. C.L.I.L. – PRACTICAL METHODOLOGY Course for teachers who teach SCIENCE, MATHS or Technical Subjects “Bilingually” in English at Secondary Level Includes: practical sessions on the methodology of C.L.I.L./ “Bilingual” Teaching (providing fresh ideas for teaching science & maths in English); workshops on English for maths & science classes; observation of lessons in a British secondary school & discussions with British teachers4 Course C.L.I.L. – PRACTICAL METHODOLOGY Course for teachers who teach SCIENCE, MATHS or Technical Subjects “Bilingually” in English at Secondary Level Location Dates Course Fee Portsmouth (England) 12 July20 July 2014 (1 week) Course Fee €898 Host family (full board) Accommodation €538 Total fee €1436 Colchester (England) 19 July27 July 2014 (1 week) Course Fee €898 Host family (full board) Accommodation €538 Total fee €1436 Colchester (England) 20 July31 July 2014 (2 weeks) Course Fee €1121 Host family (full board) Accommodation €628 Total fee €1749 Colchester (England) 20 July02 August 2014 (2 weeks) Course Fee €1256 Host family (full board) Accommodation €683 Total fee €1939 Portsmouth (England) 19 October01 November 2014 (2 weeks) Course Fee €1256 Host family (full board) Accommodation €683 Total fee €1939 Portsmouth (England) 20 October01 November 2014 (2 weeks) Course Fee €1139 Host family (full board) Accommodation €656 Total fee €1795 Portsmouth (England) 25 October02 November 2014 (1 week) Course Fee €898 Host family (full board) Accommodation €538 Total fee €1436 Includes: practical sessions on the methodology of C.L.I.L./ “Bilingual” Teaching (providing fresh ideas for teaching science & maths in English). C.L.I.L. – PRACTICAL METHODOLOGY Course for teachers who teach SCIENCE, MATHS or Technical Subjects “Bilingually” in English at Secondary Level Includes: practical sessions on the methodology of C.L.I.L./ “Bilingual” Teaching (providing fresh ideas for teaching science & maths in English) and workshops on English for maths & science classes. C.L.I.L. – PRACTICAL METHODOLOGY Course for teachers who teach SCIENCE, MATHS or Technical Subjects “Bilingually” in English at Secondary Level *See Above* C.L.I.L. – PRACTICAL METHODOLOGY & LANGUAGE Course for teachers who teach SCIENCE, MATHS or Technical Subjects “Bilingually” in English at Secondary Level Includes: practical sessions on the methodology of C.L.I.L./ “Bilingual” Teaching (providing fresh ideas for teaching science & maths in English) and workshops on English for maths & science classes. This course includes ENGLISH LANGUAGE TUITION for teachers who need to improve their general English skills. C.L.I.L. – PRACTICAL METHODOLOGY & LANGUAGE Course for teachers who teach SCIENCE, MATHS or Technical Subjects “Bilingually” in English at Secondary Level Includes: practical sessions on the methodology of C.L.I.L./ “Bilingual” Teaching (providing fresh ideas for teaching science & maths in English); workshops on English for maths & science classes; observation of lessons in a British secondary school & discussions with British teachers This course includes ENGLISH LANGUAGE TUITION for teachers who need to improve their general English skills. C.L.I.L. – PRACTICAL METHODOLOGY Course for teachers who teach SCIENCE, MATHS or Technical Subjects “Bilingually” in English at Secondary Level Includes: practical sessions on the methodology of C.L.I.L./ “Bilingual” Teaching (providing fresh ideas for teaching science & maths in English); workshops on English for maths & science classes; observation of lessons in a British secondary school & discussions with British teachers . C.L.I.L. – PRACTICAL METHODOLOGY Course for teachers who teach SCIENCE, MATHS or Technical Subjects “Bilingually” in English at Secondary Level Includes: practical sessions on the methodology of C.L.I.L./ “Bilingual” Teaching (providing fresh ideas for teaching science & maths in English). 33.. CC..LL..II..LL.. HHuum maanniittiieess Course C.L.I.L. – PRACTICAL METHODOLOGY & LANGUAGE Course for teachers who teach HISTORY or GEOGRAPHY or other Humanities or Arts Subjects (Music, Social Studies, etc.) or Vocational Subjects such as Tourism or Business Studies “Bilingually” in English at Secondary Level Includes: practical sessions on the methodology of C.L.I.L./ “Bilingual” Teaching (providing fresh ideas for teaching these subjects in English; ready made materials and an opportunity to evaluate, adapt and create materials for the English medium history/geography etc. classroom); historical & geographical study visits; observation of lessons in a British secondary school and discussions with British teachers. This course includes ENGLISH LANGUAGE TUITION for teachers who need to improve their general English skills. Location Cheltenham (England) Dates 06 July19 July 2014 (2 weeks) Course Fee Course Fee €1256 Host family (full board) Accommodation €683 Total fee €1939 Course C.L.I.L. – PRACTICAL METHODOLOGY Course for teachers who teach HISTORY or GEOGRAPHY or other Humanities or Arts Subjects (Music, Social Studies, etc.) or Vocational Subjects such as Tourism or Business Studies “Bilingually” in English at Secondary Level Location Dates Course Fee Cheltenham (England) 07 July19 July 2014 (2 weeks) Course Fee €1139 Host family (full board) Accommodation €656 Total fee €1795 Cheltenham (England) 12 July20 July 2014 (1 week) Course Fee €898 Host family (full board) Accommodation €538 Total fee €1436 Cheltenham (England) 20 July01 August 2014 (2 weeks) Course Fee €1139 Host family (full board) Accommodation €656 Total fee €1795 Cheltenham (England) 20 July02 August 2014 (2 weeks) Course Fee €1256 Host family (full board) Accommodation €683 Total fee €1939 Cheltenham (England) 19 July27 July 2014 (1 week) Course Fee €898 Host family (full board) Accommodation €538 Total fee €1436 Cheltenham (England) 19 October01 November 2014 (2 weeks) Course Fee €1256 Host family (full board) Accommodation €683 Total fee €1939 Includes: practical sessions on the methodology of C.L.I.L./ “Bilingual” Teaching (providing fresh ideas for teaching these subjects in English; ready made materials and an opportunity to evaluate, adapt and create materials for the English medium history/geography etc. classroom); historical & geographical study visits; observation of lessons in a British secondary school and discussions with British teachers. C.L.I.L. – PRACTICAL METHODOLOGY Course for teachers who teach HISTORY or GEOGRAPHY or other Humanities or Arts Subjects (Music, Social Studies, etc.) or Vocational Subjects such as Tourism or Business Studies “Bilingually” in English at Secondary Level Includes: practical sessions on C.L.I.L. Methodology (as above) and historical & geographical study visits. C.L.I.L. – PRACTICAL METHODOLOGY Course for teachers who teach HISTORY or GEOGRAPHY or other Humanities or Arts Subjects (Music, Social Studies, etc.) or Vocational Subjects such as Tourism or Business Studies “Bilingually” in English at Secondary Level Includes: practical sessions on the methodology of C.L.I.L./ “Bilingual” Teaching (providing fresh ideas for teaching these subjects in English; ready made materials and an opportunity to evaluate, adapt and create materials for the English medium history/geography etc. classroom) and historical & geographical study visits. C.L.I.L. – PRACTICAL METHODOLOGY & LANGUAGE Course for teachers who teach HISTORY or GEOGRAPHY or other Humanities or Arts Subjects (Music, Social Studies, etc.) or Vocational Subjects such as Tourism or Business Studies “Bilingually” in English at Secondary Level Includes: practical sessions on the methodology of C.L.I.L./ “Bilingual” Teaching (providing fresh ideas for teaching these subjects in English; ready made materials and an opportunity to evaluate, adapt and create materials for the English medium history/geography etc. classroom) and historical & geographical study visits. This course includes ENGLISH LANGUAGE TUITION for teachers who need to improve their general English skills. C.L.I.L. – PRACTICAL METHODOLOGY Course for teachers who teach HISTORY or GEOGRAPHY or other Humanities or Arts Subjects (Music, Social Studies, etc.) or Vocational Subjects such as Tourism or Business Studies “Bilingually” in English at Secondary Level Includes: practical sessions on C.L.I.L. Methodology (as above) and historical & geographical study visits. C.L.I.L. – PRACTICAL METHODOLOGY & LANGUAGE Course for teachers who teach HISTORY or GEOGRAPHY or other Humanities or Arts Subjects (Music, Social Studies, etc.) or Vocational Subjects such as Tourism or Business Studies “Bilingually” in English at Secondary Level Includes: practical sessions on the methodology of C.L.I.L./ “Bilingual” Teaching (providing fresh ideas for teaching these subjects in English; ready made materials and an opportunity to evaluate, adapt and create materials for the English medium history/geography etc. classroom); historical & geographical study visits; observation of lessons in a British secondary school and discussions with British teachers. This course includes ENGLISH LANGUAGE TUITION for teachers who need to improve their general English skills. Course C.L.I.L. – PRACTICAL METHODOLOGY Course for teachers who teach HISTORY or GEOGRAPHY or other Humanities or Arts Subjects (Music, Social Studies, etc.) or Vocational Subjects such as Tourism or Business Studies “Bilingually” in English at Secondary Level Location Dates Course Fee Cheltenham (England) 20 October01 November 2014 (2 weeks) Course Fee €1139 Host family (full board) Accommodation €656 Total fee €1795 Cheltenham (England) 25 October02 November 2014 (1 week) Course Fee €898 Host family (full board) Accommodation €538 Total fee €1436 Includes: practical sessions on the methodology of C.L.I.L./ “Bilingual” Teaching (providing fresh ideas for teaching these subjects in English; ready made materials and an opportunity to evaluate, adapt and create materials for the English medium history/geography etc. classroom); historical & geographical study visits; observation of lessons in a British secondary school and discussions with British teachers. C.L.I.L. – PRACTICAL METHODOLOGY Course for teachers who teach HISTORY or GEOGRAPHY or other Humanities or Arts Subjects (Music, Social Studies, etc.) or Vocational Subjects such as Tourism or Business Studies “Bilingually” in English at Secondary Level Includes: practical sessions on C.L.I.L. Methodology (as above) and historical & geographical study visits. CC.. CCO OUURRSSEESS FFO ORR TTEEAACCHHEERRSS O OFF SSCCIIEENNCCEE aanndd M MUUSSIICC Course TEACHING MUSIC IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS This course offers: an insight into music teaching in Britain with a visit to a school new inspiration and ideas for teaching music opportunities to exchange ideas with other European teachers attendance at Cheltenham Music Festival events workshop on CLIL (Content & Language Integrated Learning) Location Dates Course Fee Cheltenham (England) 05 July13 July 2014 (1 week) Course Fee €988 Host family (full board) Accommodation €538 Total fee €1526 EE.. CCO OUURRSSEESS FFO ORR HHEEAADDTTEEAACCHHEERRSS,, TTEEAACCHHEERRSS,, SSCCHHO OO OLLSS IINNSSPPEECCTTO ORRSS && AADDVVIISSEERRSS Course Location Dates Course Fee COURSE FOR EUROPEAN SECONDARY HEADTEACHERS The course provides: an insight into Secondary Education in England and the role, responsibilities and problems of a Headteacher, school development, quality control & evaluation – visit schools & discuss with Heads an opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences and develop links with other European Headteachers Southampton (England) 12 October19 October 2014 (1 week) Course Fee €978 Host family (full board) Accommodation €469 Total fee €1447 or Course Fee €978 Hotel (B & B) €756 Total fee €1734 REDUCING EARLY SCHOOL LEAVING Reducing Early School Leaving is one of the priorities of the Europe 2020 Strategic Framework for Education and Training. This course aims to provide secondary and vocational school teachers and headteachers with: an insight into approaches taken by British secondary schools & vocational colleges to motivate students to complete their education to age 16 and progress to further learning, training and employment an opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences relating to reducing early school leaving with educators from other countries Southampton (England) 12 October19 October 2014 (1 week) Course Fee €978 Host family (full board) Accommodation €469 Total fee €1447 or Course Fee €978 Hotel (B & B) €756 Total fee €1734 SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT & QUALITY EVALUATION & ENHANCEMENT A study visit for headteachers, teachers, school inspectors, evaluators, advisers and other educators, including visits to schools and lectures & discussions with headteachers, teachers, inspectors and advisers. Southampton (England) 23 November30 November 2014 (1 week) Course Fee €978 Host family (full board) Accommodation €469 Total fee €1447 or Course Fee €978 Hotel (B & B) €756 Total fee €1734 FF.. CCO OUURRSSEESS FFO ORR TTEEAACCHHEERRSS && O OTTHHEERR EEDDUUCCAATTO ORRSS W WHHO OW WIISSHH TTO O IIM MPPRRO OVVEE TTHHEEIIRR EENNG GLLIISSHH Course Location Dates Course Fee ENGLISH FOR EUROPEAN EDUCATORS Exeter (England) 26 July03 August 2014 (1 week) Course Fee €898 Host family (full board) Accommodation €538 Total fee €1436 A course for educators who wish to improve their English language skills in order to communicate more effectively with schools and colleagues in other European countries.
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