The Atholton Standard “R D iving Into the W ord

The Atholton Standard
N ovem ber,2006
D iving Into the W ord
By Addi Hudgins,StaffW riter
uach. Ru-ach. It
sounds like you’
coughing som ething up at the
” Ruach is Hebrew for
“spirit” or “air” and is one of
the m any things Pastor Benjie
M axson taughtstudents during
s W eek ofPrayer from
Pastor Benjie’
s style keeps
one on their toes.“I didn’
t fall
” says Jessica W ickline,
ninth grade,with a grin.Pastor
Benjie had a differentstory for
the school every day— one that
was always told with plenty of
energy and accom panied by lots
ofgrins.His high energy level
was greatly appreciated by students,as well as was his ability
W hat’s Inside
• “Bless Those Iowas”
• ParentPartnership
• Jeans Fighting Cancer
• Farm yard Adventures
• Family Standards
• Faculty Bios
• Top 10
Volum e 1,Issue 2
to relate som ething to all ages.
The them e
for the week
was the arm or
ofGod,found in
Ephesians 6:
1017. On Tuesday,
talked aboutthe
righte ousne s s
and the belt of
truth. To illustrate his point,
he brought in
Pastor Benjie Maxon captivated students
a BC, or buoyduring Atholton’
s W eek ofPrayer.
ancy com pensator,which he uses
Pastor Benjie generated
when he dives.He likes to think m any laughs on Thursday as
ofthe BC as his breastplate and he told his story ofplaying exEHOW³LWNHHSVKLPDÁRDW2I
trem e-follow-the-leader.
course,Pastor Benjie kept the talked aboutthe shield offaith
school laughingthatm orningas and brought in a diving m ask.
he told a story about breaking The m ask only aids Pastor
his toe on an ottom an.M atthew Benjie’
s sightwhen his eyes are
*DOJRQRIÀIWKJUDGHXQGHU - open; the shield of faith only
stood Pastor Benjie’
s point:one helps us when we don’
t take it
has to stay close to God because forgranted.
“the devil is putting things in
Pastor Benjie sum m arized
yourway— so you’
d betterwatch the week’
s key concepts on Friwhere you’
re going.
day. He used his passion for
W ednesday, Pastor Benjie football,which didn’
tabate even
introduced the words “ruach” in the face ofa broken nose,to
and broughtanotherdiving de- illustrate how our passion for
vice,an air regulator,to illus- God should prevail even when
trate the sword ofthe Spirit.He we fall down spiritually. God
created a spiritual connection always gives us the strength
by suggesting that the Bible is to stand back up.PastorBenjie
our air— a vital com ponent of brought in golf clubs to illuslife that cannot be replaced by trate his point— we must put
any otherelem ent.
on the full armor of God. A golf of Educational Development).
game cannot properly be played
The ITBS tests measure
with just one golf club, and the skills in reading, math, language
battle for God cannot be prop- arts and the usage of maps,
erly fought with only one piece graphs and reference materials.
of His armor.
The ITED covers reading, math,
Of course, the week couldn’t grammar and usage, social studend without some sort of treat. ies, natural sciences and the use
Pastor Benjie gave a lollipop of literacy materials. Both are
to each student. Many of the VWDQGDUGL]HGWLPHGÀOOLQWKH
younger children and even some circle tests accompanied by the
teacher’s spoken instructions.
of the older ones were excited.
Pastor Benjie’s attitude and Mr. DeWitt, eighth-grade teacher
style as well as what he had to jokes about the tests. “Bless those
say left Atholton students with Iowas,” he says. “I like circles!”
“I like that we don’t have
many things to mull over and
with a positive image of what it as much homework to do,” says
means to walk with God. “Even sixth grader Chance McMurdy,
if bad things do happen to good “But I don’t like the fact that we
only have a limited amount of
ninth grade, “if you trust in time” for each test. Noelle Ferris
in third grade says, “I like how
they do it. I like how they do the
math and the maps, but I don’t
“B less Those Iow as” like the social studies.” Most stuBy Beilin Zia, Staff Writer
dents enjoyed the “time off” from
regularly scheduled classes and
25 the lightened homework that the
through 29, Atholton ad- testing allowed.
ministered Iowa testing to measure the academic skill of the stu- Parent Partnership
dents. Students in grades 3-8took By Ben Herzel, Student Editor
the ITBS (Iowa Tests of Basic
Skills)and students in grades 9
classes were delighted to
and 10 took the ITED (Iowa Test
receive the hands-on tutoring of Stan Horner during
their P.E. period from September 11-21. Stan Horner,
father of Monte Horner
(sixth grade) and former
football and wrestling
champ, donated his time
each day to coach Mrs.
Bates’ and Ms. Di Biase’s
students in the skills needed to play football and to
Signs reminded students to stay quiet dur- work together as a team.
Stan Horner was born
ing the week of ITBS and ITED testing.
and raised in Columbus, Ohio,
where he entered the world of
sports as a high school football
star. Later, while attending Iowa
State University for a degree in
criminology, Mr. Horner was active on both the university’s football team, playing tight end and
tackle, and the wrestling team.
After serving in the military
during the Vietnam War from
1965-1967, Mr. Horner was involved in a short trial with the
Dallas Cowboys in 1968. He
then worked for the Department
of Health until retiring in 2003.
When he’s not participating
in some form of athletics, Mr.
Horner enjoys photography and
working out. We thank him for
donating his time to add excitement, inspiration, and diversity
to Atholton School.
On the Calendar
Nov. 17: Staff Development
(12:30 Dismissal)
Nov. 17: Thanksgiving Banquet
Nov. 20: Thanksgiving Vacation
Dec. 16: AAS Christmas Program
Dec. 20: Christmas Vacation
Jeans Fighting Cancer
By Alcira Groomes, Staff Writer
nce a year for the past
three years, Atholton
school has been involved in a
very important program: Lee
National Denim Day. On National Denim Day, students naWLRQZLGHPD\EULQJDÀYHGROODU
donation to school in exchange
for the privilege of wearing jeans
instead of their usual uniforms.
The money raised this year will
be split 50-50 with the Women’s
Cancer Programs of the Entertainment Industry Foundation
and the Susan G. Komen Breast
Cancer Foundation. Students
from all grades participated,
and each participant received a
pink ribbon for Breast Cancer
When asked why she feels it
important for us to participate in
Denim Day, Mrs. Peeke responded, “Anytime we can get involved
in something outside ourselves
and help the community, I feel
we should participate.” Atholton
year—even more than the past
years. Hopefully, next year we
can do even better!
Farmyard Adventures
By Addi Hudgins, Staff Writer
n Thursday, September
28, the kindergarten
through second grade students
went on an adventure to Sharp’s
Farm. Going through a corn
maze, feeding goats, going on a
hayride, and picking pumpkins
were common favorite activities
enjoyed by the children.
JaDa Woodley in second
grade mentioned that the students had an opportunity to see
a beaver dam. She also talked
about Twinkie the goat. According to JaDa, Twinkie is “very
big, very hairy, and has very big
horns.” She explained that one
has to stay out of his way, or else
“he might hit you with his horns
when he turns his head.”
Family Standards by Joylyn Crews and Beilin Zia
Also among the animals
with amusing names was Winky
Ian Chandler’s favorite. Madison
Gustafson in kindergarten was
delighted that her class had an
opportunity to ride on a tractor
with real hay in it.
The farm did have its downside, however. According to
kindergartener John Michael
Sharps, “It smelled very bad.”
In spite of this, the Sharp’s farm
trip is a tradition at Atholton
that the students look forward to
every year with anticipation.
Our Faculty
M eredith H erzel,
M usic Teacher
paring her for this job her entire
life—through her own growth
as a musician, her experience
By Ben Herzel, Student Editor
teaching in Sabbath School, her
years spent as a home educator,
rs. Meredith Herand her involvement in music
zel is a familiar face
at Atholton School. Her music
In her free time Mrs. Herzel
and youth ministry at Atholton
enjoys traveling, hiking, campchurch and her involvement in
ing, canoeing, reading, photogthe school throughout the years
raphy, and planning new things
have allowed her to develop a
for the Atholton worship service
strong relationship with every
and youth department.
(things to do
part of Atholton’s ministry. This
Her goals for this year inwhen you forget year her ministry has expanded
getting to know all 120 of
your essay)
to include teaching music classher students’ names and instilles for grades 1-6. In addition,
ing in her students a love for
1. Go into bathroom and write
she continues to direct the semusic and a passion for using it
lect choir and offer private voice
to praise God. We hope she will
2. Tell mom you’re sick and
accomplish both!
0UV+HU]HOKDVEHHQDIÀOLwrite essay at home.
ated with the music department
3. Say aliens took it.
at Atholton for three years in dif- Cherie Collett,
6D\\RXGURSSHG\RXUÁDVK - ferent capacities. Before joining Teacher’s Aide
By Dana Straub, Staff Writer
the Atholton
drive in water.
5. Use the classic, “My dog ate staff,
rs. Cherie Collett,
my homework.”
teacher’s aide for
the Columbia
6. Call mom to bring essay.
through second
Union as the
grade, loves to see kids under7. Do essay in another period Art Director
stand and accomplish somefor their pubbefore the due class.
8. Beg your teacher for a second lication, the
The most rewarding part of her
Visitor, and
job is reading with children and
9. Start discussion in class so t h i r t e e n Meredith Herzel helping them
teacher forgets.
develop their
as a
'XULQJ\RXUÀUVWFODVVÀQG home educator for her children. skills.
Her preMrs. Herzel says she wants
a way to build a time machine.
jobs inThen during PE, build it, go to be a teacher because Jesus
back in time, and erase your was a teacher. She thinks “it’s clude working
teacher’s memory of the essay. imperative that one generation at the General
Then go back to the present pass on to the next their values, Conference of
where the teacher doesn’t have skills, and knowledge.” She be- S eventh- d ay
lieves that God has been pre- A d v e n t i s t s , Cherie Collett
any recollection of the essay.
helping in her
business, serving as an
aide at Crossroads Adventist School, and staying at
home mothering and home
educating her children.
Some of her favorite
hobbies are boating, biking, hiking, outdoor activities, family activities,
playing games, and gardening, so it is no surprise
when Mrs. Collett says
she would enjoy working
in a nursery if she was not
a teacher’s aide.
Cherie Collett was
born in Columbus, Ohio,
where she attended a
private Catholic school
for twelve years. In high
school she had the joy of
teaching. This year will be her her bachelor’s degree in Fambecoming a Seventh-day
Adventist. She was married to ÀIWK\HDUDVDWHDFKHU·VDLGHDW ily Studies and has partly completed the requirements for
Mark Collett in 1979 and has Atholton Adventist School.
Mrs. Straub was born in an associate’s degree in Early
two sons, Matthew and ZachGrindsted,
Denmark. She miss- Childhood Development. In the
ary. While her son Matthew attended Atholton, she began her es the windy weather, having future she hopes to travel to
teaching career by volunteer- the grocery store within walk- New England and Canada with
ing in various capacities. This ing distance, and the old brick her husband and to have close
buildings. Her dream of travel- interaction with her family here
led her to America, where as well as in Denmark throughAtholton.
she met her husband, Steven out her retirement.
She has two girls of her
Straub, in Orlando, Florida.
E lsebeth Straub,
Mrs. Straub attended the own: Julia and Dana. Julia is
Teacher’s Aide
University of Maryland for completing her freshmen year
By Dana Straub, Staff Writer
lsebeth Straub, teacher’s aide for the kindergarten class, loves to see the
kids’ bright smiles in the morning. “I enjoyed homeschooling
my own children in the early
grades. When they went to
where I could continue being
with kids in an educational setting,” Mrs. Straub responded after being asked why she enjoyed
Want a Voice?
The Atholton Standard is looking for student artwork,
submit, contact Mrs. Peeke or Ben Herzel and the staff
will be happy to review your work. Here’s the deal: By
submitting to The Atholton Standard, you may get your
name put into a drawing to win a cool prize, besides
getting your work published. Start getting creative!
of college at
Andrews University, while
tenth grader at
Favor ite
Mrs. Straub’s Elsebeth Straub
include reading, walking outside in nature,
playing the piano, decorating,
playing with the dog, and spending time with her family.
Donna Hayden,
Third G rade
By Alcira Groomes, Staff Writer
rs. Donna Hayden
is one of the newest
teachers at Atholton this year.
She is not only new to Atholton
but also new to teaching. She
is originally
York, but she
has lived on
and off in the
D.C. metropolitan area
for quite some
M r s .
Donna Hayden
Hayden is a
former counselor. As a counselor, she did
some substitute teaching and
realized that she was interested in becoming a teacher and
working with kids. When asked
why she came to Atholton, she
simply said, “Mrs. Peeke called
me. She knew I was looking for
a teaching position.”
Atholton, Mrs. Hayden likes to
go shopping, read, and take time
for herself. Mrs. Hayden is not
only a teacher here at Atholton;
she is also an adjunct professor
at Columbia Union College in
the psychology department and
the mother of four children.
Mrs. Hayden has a master’s
degree in Educational Psychology from Andrews University
and a bachelor’s degree in Science in Psychology from Columbia Union College. Mrs.
Hayden is not the only teacher
in the family. Her husband is a
Bible teacher at Takoma Academy and the youth pastor at the
Community Praise Center.
When asked how her experience has been at Atholton, she
said, “So far it’s been a great
learning experience.” We look
forward to getting to know Mrs.
Hayden more as the school year
goes on.
Mary Lynne Shaw,
Teacher’s Aide
By Joylyn Crews, Staff Writer
ood morning,” Mrs.
Shaw greets us at
the door to the gym. Those of
us who get dropped off at school
early every day know that Mrs.
Shaw is always there with a
Mrs. Shaw has been at
Atholton for four years. This
year she is working part time
as a teacher’s aide in Mrs. BurJHVV·ÀUVWJUDGHFODVV6KHJHWV
to school before any of the students and most of the staff to
watch students before school
begins, and she occasionally
stays an hour after school to
help with after school care when
Mrs. Peeke is unavailable.
Mrs. Shaw is a retired nurse.
She was born
in Michigan
and moved to
California to
attend college.
When she was
30 years old,
she went to
Brazil, where
she operated Mary Lynne Shaw
a clinic. She
decided to work with kids “for
a change of pace.” Her teaching
philosophy is for all kids to realize their potential.
In her free time she likes
to knit, crochet, and read. She
also loves being with her kitten.
One of her main goals for this
be more attentive. She loves the
HQGOHVVHQHUJ\WKDWÀUVWJUDG ers have. Mrs. Shaw comments,
“I wish I could have some of
their energy!”
Barbara Battle,
Spanish I and II
By Kathy Bearce, Staff Writer
e encanta enseñar
mis estudiantes!”
In English that means, “I love
to teach my students!” This is
very true for Barbara Battle.
Mrs. Battle, known as Señora B
to her students, teaches Spanish I and II to grades 9 and 10
at Atholton.
teaching career at Gurrattsville
Public School in Clinton, Maryland, where she taught Home
Economics. She always wanted
to travel to Spain, and she got
her chance in conjunction with
becoming a Spanish teacher.
What she loves about teaching Spanish is that it not only
What brand of pizza do you prefer in
your hot lunches?
language with all who love Je- personal life from the example
sus and want to “hablar Espa- Jesus gave. He says “teaching
is all about connecting with
people” and he works to do just
R andy Nomura
When he’s not teaching, Mr.
By Ben Herzel, Student Editor
Nomura enjoys graphic design,
andy Nomura is a new desktop publishing, and any
addition to our teaching sports, especially golf.
staff this year. He is instructing
This year Mr. Nomura
P.E. for grades K-6 and 9-10, wants to learn the names of all
as well as teaching Health 10, the students at Atholton, and
Computers 10, and pre-algebra. he also has goals to help the
Mr. Nomura has come to students improve their physiPizza Hut
Atholton from Highland View cal skills and abilities. We can
Academy, where he served as look forward to the experience
Represents students in grades 7-10
the principal. He’s been teach- Randy Nomura will add to the
ing in some capacity for 18 Atholton faculty as this year
teaches a language but also in- years, which includes serving progresses.
corporates life skills. It is now as principal at Turlock Advenher thirteenth year of teaching, tist School and HVA. Generally,
and she still feels the same way. he teaches math, but he’s had
This philosophy shows in one of the opportunity to teach every
her goals for this year. Her de- subject throughout his career.
Beth Reynolds
sire is to “instill a love for forBefore Mr. Nomura decided
eign language and diversity.”
to be a teacher, he worked in a
Student Editor
Mrs. Battle’s favorite thing variety of jobs, including secuBen Herzel
about teaching is “watching rity, construction, and working
kids grow intellectually, social- in a restaurant. He went back
Staff Writers
ly and spirito school while working in conKathy Bearce
struction and his adviser sugJoylyn Crews
wants all her
gested that he teach math. At
Alcira Groomes
kids to look at
Addi Hudgins
learning as “a
warmed up to the idea, which
Dana Straub
life long chalturned into a lengthy career.
Beilin Zia
Mr. Nomura gained his bacheBattle offers a
lor’s degree in math from CaliPhotography
few words of
fornia State University, and
Ce’Mone Priestley
advice for anyhe’s currently working toward
one consider- Barbara Battle
a master’s deSpecial R eporting
ing teaching.
gree in educaDavey Elliott
She says that would-be teacher
must have a burden in his or her
NoLayout and Design
heart for others to grow. Caring
Ben Herzel
is a big part of teaching.
that “the best
Who knows what language
teacher was JeComic
will be spoken in heaven?While
sus.” He tries
Joylyn Crews (Art)
on Earth, Barbara Battle looks
to model his
Beilin Zia (Concept)
forward to sharing her gift of Randy Nomura teaching and
The Staff
What It All Boils Down To
is the reminder that the journey is just as im-
By Beth Reynolds,
Tenth Grade Homeroom Teacher
portant as the destination. Ah, what a remind-
The winter I was in third grade, my parents
er for the middle of a school year! First quarter
tapped our two big maple trees, and we made our
grades may have been impressive or depressing,
own maple syrup. My brother, David, and I had
but either way they’re just checkpoints along a
great dreams of the luxurious syrup we would en-
far more important journey. Though they may
MR\RQRXUPRUQLQJSDQFDNHV$VWKHÀUVWGURSV serve as more than mile markers—maybe turnof sap squeezed their way out of the trees, our ea-
ing points, caution signs, or green lights—they
Raw tree sap is nothing like maple syrup.
They do not recount the navigational challenges overcome: the twists and turns, unmarked
The funny thing is we should have known
crossroads, smudged maps. They cannot describe
that, since we had researched the entire syrup-
the awesome scenery passed: the inviting mead-
making process as part of an American history
ows, grand mountain ranges, stunning hori-
unit in our little home school. We had learned
zon. They fail to differentiate between stops for
about tapping the trees and collecting the sap,
needed repairs and detours to amusement parks.
- This is why the journey is just as important as
ly enjoying the condensed syrup left over. But in
the destination. Traveling companions pass the
our studies, we had paid more attention to the
same sights, but they don’t all experience the
syrup than to the syrup-making process, and we
same insights. They may get to the same place,
but they each have different journeys.
But, really, was the tree-tapping assignment
Here at Atholton, the teachers and staff are
all about getting maple syrup? We could have
striving to help students gain as much as possible
gotten that at the Apple Valley Market down the
from their educational experiences. They know
road. No, the store did not offer the most impor-
that the best maple syrup is not always gotten
tant items. Going to the store wouldn’t have dem-
at the grocery store. Students should remember
onstrated my parents’ willingness to spend time
and effort on a project we would enjoy. Going to
markers are passed, and the horizon stretches
the store would not have made warm memories.
out ahead. Students, don’t close your eyes; you
What the assignment all boils down to today
don’t want to miss the maple syrup.