澳大利亚北部省 矿产资源项目清单 2014年10月 联系方式 资源开发处 资源开发 处 思岩 地质处处长 电话: +618 8999 5377 电邮: [email protected] 潘菲娜 处长 招商引资 电话: +618 8999 1385 电邮: [email protected] www.nt.gov.au/d/china © Northern Territory Government, October 2014 Disclaimer This publication has been compiled by the Northern Territory of Australia as a guide ONLY to the exploration and investment opportunities in the Northern Territory of Australia and is not intended to qualify for, be utilised or interpreted as a prospectus for any contributing party or to give any impression that the Northern Territory of Australia endorses any particular exploration project. Further information should be obtained directly from any contributing entity (including by way of due diligence enquiries) where you are considering opportunities outlined in this publication. Reliance should not be placed upon any information contained in this publication for the purpose of making any legal, corporate or investment decisions. The Northern Territory of Australia recommends any person proposing to invest in any exploration activity or entity conducting exploration in the Northern Territory of Australia to obtain relevant independent financial and legal advice which specifically takes into account matters relating to your particular situation. The Northern Territory of Australia disclaims any liability or responsibility or duty of care towards any person for any loss or damage whatsoever caused by the use of, or reliance on the information contained in this publication. The Northern Territory of Australia compiled this publication using materials and information provided by private sector entities. While all care has been taken to ensure that information contained in this Northern Territory Mineral Investment Opportunities publication is correct at the time of publication the Northern Territory of Australia has not independently verified the information provided. Changes in circumstances of the private sector entities contributing to this publication after the time of its publication may impact on the accuracy of information contained in it. The Northern Territory of Australia gives no warranty or assurance, and makes no representation as to the accuracy of any information or advice contained in this publication provided by any private sector entities, or that such information or advice is suitable for use in relation to legal, corporate or investment decisions. 2 澳大利亚北部省 矿产资源项目清单 Project Status Summary STATUS Grassroots Exploration Opportunities Bowgan Minerals Bowgan Minerals Crossland Strategic Metals Red Metal Red Metal Spectrum Rare Earths Daylight Jack Ismins USI USI Early Stage Exploration Crossland Strategic Metals Outback Metals Outback Metals Spectrum Rare Earths Spectrum Rare Earths Thundelarra Exploration TNG Ltd Uranium Equities Advanced Exploration Alligator Energy Crossland Strategic Metals Deep Yellow KGL Resources Rum Jungle Resources Rum Jungle Resources Thor Mining Project Development Aard Metals Arafura Resources TNG Limited Thor Mining Tellus Holdings COMMODITY PROJECT Au, Cu, Ag U, Au, base metals REE, U Cu, Au, NI Cu, Au Base metals, Au Diamonds and base metals Au, Ag, Cu, Sn Mn,Cu,Pb-Zn,U Cu, Pb-Zn,Mn Neutral Junction Bowgan Mount Stafford Irindina Tennant Creek Calvert Kirkimbie Compass Creek Amadeus Lorella U, Au, base metals Sn, W, Au, Ag, Cu SN (Cu, Au) REE REE, U U Cu U, PGE, Au Chilling Maranboy/Yeuralba Mt Wells Stromberg and Skyfall HREE District Quantum Ngalia Basin Mount Hardy Nabarlek U REE U Cu, Zn, Ag, Pb Potash P (P2O5) Au Tin Camp Creek Charley Creek Napperby Jervois Karinga Lakes Ammaroo Spring Hill Fe REE V, Ti, Fe W, Mo NaCl Warrego Tailings Nolans Mount Peake Molyhil Chandler Salt Mine 澳大利亚北部省 矿产资源项目清单 3 项目状况定义 亩ⴞ⣦ߥᇊѹ สई᧒ᵪՊ ᰙᵏई᧒ ᡀ⟏ई᧒ 亩ⴞᔰਁ Thiscategoryisforexplorationtenementswithidentifiedprospectivity,butwithlittleornodrilling undertaken. 䈕亩ⴞ↓༴Ҿ䈳ḕⲴࡍ↕䱦⇥DŽ㲭❦ޜਨᡆ䇨ᐢ㓿ᨀӔҶаӋई᧒㔃᷌ᣕˈնṩᦞlj◣ བྷ࡙ӊ㚄ਸⸯ⸣ۘ䟿ငઈՊ߶ࡉNJ˄JORCCode˅ˈ䘉Ӌؑн䏣ԕՠ㇇ⸯӗ䍴ⓀⲴ㿴⁑DŽ ई᧒㔃᷌䏣ԕՠ㇇ࠪㅖਸ JORC Ⲵⸯӗ䍴Ⓚᡆⸯ⸣ۘ䟿DŽ ṩᦞlj◣བྷ࡙ӊ㚄ਸⸯ⸣ۘ䟿ငઈՊ߶ࡉNJ˄JORCCode˅᰾⺞Ҷⸯӗ䍴Ⓚᡆⸯ⸣ۘ䟿ਾˈ ޜਨ⧠↓൘䘋㹼⹄ウ઼/ᡆራ≲ᢩ߶ˈԕߣᇊሶ䈕亩ⴞਁኅᡀѪ⭏ӗⸯᱟਟ㹼DŽ 亩ⴞᔰਁⲴᇊѹ ᾲ⮕⹄ウ ਟ㹼ᙗ⹄ウ ᾲ⮕⹄ウ˄ScopingStudy˅ᱟа亩ԕҶ䀓䘁լ㓿⍾ᆖ˄ApproximateEconomics˅઼ཊਁኅ ⁑ᔿⲴਟ㹼ᙗѪⴞⲴˈ䪸ሩ䟷ⸯ઼ⸯᒺ༴⨶Ⲵࡍ↕㓿⍾઼ᢰᵟ⹄ウDŽަवਜ਼ањᾲᘥкⲴ ᡆࡍ↕Ⲵⸯ४ᒣ䶒മ˄MinePlan˅DŽ䈕മሶ㻛Ѫߣᇊᱟ㔗㔝䘋㹼ᴤ䈖㓶⹄ウⲴṩᦞDŽ ᾲ⮕⹄ウ˄ScopingStudy˅ᱟаᡀ⟏Ⲵ༽ࡦ䇑ࡂ˄CopyingPlan˅DŽަᢺ⧠ᆈ㊫լⲴˈф ᐢ൘࡛༴ᆼᡀⲴ亩ⴞѝⲴᐢ⸕ᡀᵜѪ㘳㲁ഐ㍐DŽ䈕⹄ウⲴ߶⺞㤳ത൘↓䍏 35%ࡠ 50%ѻ 䰤DŽ ࡍ↕ਟ㹼ᙗ˄PreliminaryFeasibility˅ᡆ亴ਟ⹄˄PreͲFeasibilityStudy,PFS˅ᱟа亩∄ᾲᤜ⹄ ウ˄ScopingStudy˅ᴤ䈖ቭⲴ⹄ウDŽ亴ਟ⹄˄PFS˅㻛⭘Ҿ䴰䉘༴⨶Ⲵᐕˈԕߣᇊᱟ 䴰㾱䘋а↕䘋㹼ᴰ㓸ਟ㹼ᙗ⹄ウ˄DefinitiveFeasibilityStudy˅ˈᒦѪањĀ⧠ᇎỰ傼 ˄realitycheck˅āᶕߣᇊ䈕亩ⴞ൘ଚӋᯩ䶒䴰㾱ᴤ䈖㓶Ⲵ⌘ޣDŽᆼᡀࡍ↕Ⲵᢰᵟǃᐕ〻઼ ⸯӅ䇮䇑ਾˈਟ䙊䗷ᢺᐢ⸕ⲴঅսᡀᵜѪ㘳㲁ഐ㍐ˈᒦՠ㇇ᙫ㿴⁑ᡆᮠ䟿ᶕᆼᡀ亴ਟ⹄ ˄PFS˅DŽ亴ਟ⹄˄PFS˅а㡜Ⲵ߶⺞㤳ത൘˄↓䍏˅20%㠣 30%ѻ䰤DŽ ᴰ㓸ਟ㹼ᙗ⹄ウ˄DefinitiveFeasibilityStudy,DFS˅ᱟᴰѪ䈖ቭⲴ⹄ウˈᒦሶᴰ㓸ߣᇊ䈕亩 ⴞᱟሶ㔗㔝䘋㹼DŽᴰ㓸ਟ㹼ᙗ⹄ウ˄DFS˅㾱≲儈≤߶Ⲵᢰᵟǃᐕ〻઼䇮䇑ᐕˈԕ৺䈕 亩ⴞ䈖ቭⲴ䍴䠁઼⭏ӗ亴㇇ᮠᦞDŽᴰ㓸ਟ㹼ᙗ⹄ウ˄DFS˅Ⲵ߶⺞㤳ത൘˄↓䍏˅10%㠣 15%ѻ䰤DŽ 䬦㹼㶽䍴ਟ㹼ᙗ⹄ウ˄BankableFeasibilityStudy,BFS˅ᱟа亩у⌘Ҿ䍒઼࣑亴㇇ᯩ䶒Ⲵᴰ㓸 ਟ㹼ᙗ⹄ウ˄DFS˅DŽ䬦㹼㶽䍴ਟ㹼ᙗ⹄ウ˄BFS˅㻛⭘ҾᨀӔ㔉䍴䠁ᨀᯩԕ㧧ᗇ亩ⴞ䍴 䠁DŽṩᦞޣ䠁㶽ᵪᶴⲴ㾱≲ˈ䈕⹄ウⲴ߶⺞㤳തҏ൘˄↓䍏˅10%㠣 15%ѻ䰤DŽ ަᆳᇊѹ lj◣བྷ࡙ӊ 㚄ਸⸯ⸣ۘ 䟿ငઈՊ߶ ࡉNJ ◣བྷ㾯ӊ˄Australasia˅ᣕ䚃ई᧒㔃᷌ǃⸯӗ䍴Ⓚ઼ⸯ⸣ۘ䟿Ⲵ߶ࡉ㻛〠Ѫlj◣བྷ࡙ӊ㚄 ਸⸯ⸣ۘ䟿ငઈՊ߶ࡉNJ˄JORCCode˅DŽ lj◣བྷ࡙ӊ㚄ਸⸯ⸣ۘ䟿ငઈՊ߶ࡉNJ˄JORCCode˅ᱟа䜘уъⲴ㹼ъ߶ࡉDŽᆳ䇮・Ҷޜ ᔰᣕ䚃ⸯӗई᧒㔃᷌ˈⸯӗ䍴Ⓚ઼ⸯ⸣ۘ䟿Ⲵᴰվḷ߶DŽ ṩᦞሩޜᔰᣕѝൠ䍘⸕䇶ǃᢰᵟ઼㓿⍾ഐ㍐Ⲵؑᗳ〻ᓖˈlj◣བྷ࡙ӊ㚄ਸⸯ⸣ۘ䟿ငઈ Պ߶ࡉNJ˄JORCCode˅Ѫⸯӗई᧒㔃᷌ˈⸯӗ䍴Ⓚ઼ⸯ⸣ۘ䟿Ⲵ࠶㊫ᨀҶањᕪࡦᙗࡦ ᓖDŽ ԫօሩई᧒㔃᷌ǃⸯӗ䍴Ⓚᡆⸯ⸣ۘ䟿Ⲵޜᔰᣕ䚃ᗵ享➗lj◣བྷ࡙ӊ㚄ਸⸯ⸣ۘ䟿ငઈ Պ߶ࡉNJ˄JORCCode˅ˈ⭡ањᴹ䍴ṬⲴӪㆮ㖢਼DŽ ањᴹ䍴ṬⲴӪᗵ享ᱟԕлᵪᶴⲴՊઈᡆઈᐕ˖◣བྷ㾯ӊ䟷ⸯоߦ䠁ॿՊ˄The AustralasianInstituteofMiningandMetallurgy˅ˈᡆ◣བྷ࡙ӊൠ䍘ᆖᇦॿՊ˄TheAustralian InstituteofGeoscientists˅ˈᡆĀ㻛䇔ਟⲴ⎧ཆуъ㓴㓷ā˄2004 ᒤ⡸ᵜ˅ˈᡆĀ㻛䇔ਟⲴ уъ㓴㓷ā˄2012 ᒤ⡸ᵜ˅DŽ ањᴹ䍴ṬⲴӪᗵ享ާᴹ㠣ቁӄᒤоⴞࡽᐕⸯⲴޣᒺ㊫රⲴᐕ˄઼⹄ウ˅㓿傼DŽ 4 澳大利亚北部省 矿产资源项目清单 Northern Territory Mineral Investment Opportunities COMMODITY URANIUM 铀 U U, Au, base metals UPDATED U UPDATED U UPDATED U, PGE, Au RARE EARTHS 稀土元素 UPDATED REE REE REE COMPANY PROJECT STATUS PAGE Alligator Energy Crossland Strategic Metals Deep Yellow Thundelarra Exploration Uranium Equities Tin Camp Creek Chilling Napperby Ngalia Basin Nabarlek A E A E E 6 13 20 24 31 Arafura Resources Crossland Strategic Metals Spectrum Rare Earths Nolans Charley Creek Stromberg and Skyfall HREE District Quantum PD A E 39 43 51 E 57 A E 66 72 PD PD PD 79 84 91 A E 95 98 A A 106 112 PD 117 Maranboy/Yeuralba Mt Wells E E 123 130 Neutral Junction Bowgan Mount Stafford Irindina Tennant Creek Calvert Kirkimbie Compass Creek Amadeus Lorella G G G G G G G G G G 136 145 151 156 161 166 176 183 189 192 REE, U Spectrum Rare Earths BASE METALS 贱金属 UPDATED Cu, Zn, Ag, Pb KGL Resources Jervois UPDATED Cu TNG Ltd Mount Hardy FERROUS METALS & FERROALLOYS 锰、钨、钼、钒、镍、钛 UPDATED Fe Aard Metals Warrego Tailings Project UPDATED V, Ti, Fe TNG Limited Mount Peake UPDATED W, Mo Thor Mining Molyhil GOLD 黄金 Au Thor Mining Spring Hill UPDATED U, Au, PGE Uranium Equities Nabarlek PHOSPHATE, POTASH 磷酸盐 UPDATED Potash Rum Jungle Resources Karinga Lakes UPDATED P (P2O5) Rum Jungle Resources Ammaroo SALT 盐 UPDATED NaCl Tellus Holdings Chandler Salt Mine TIN 锡钽 Sn, W, Au, Ag, Cu UPDATED Outback Metals UPDATED Sn (Cu, Au) Outback Metals Grassroots Exploration Opportunities 基础勘探机会 Au, Cu, Ag Bowgan Minerals UPDATED U, Au, base metals UPDATED Bowgan Minerals REE, U Crossland Strategic Metals Cu, Au, NI Red Metal Cu, Au Red Metal Base metals, Au Spectrum Rare Earths Diamonds, base metals NEW Daylight Jack NEW Au, Ag, Cu, Sn Ismins Mn,Cu,Pb-Zn, U USI NT Cu, Pb-Zn, Mn USI NT Key to symbols PD: 项目开发 (Project Development) A: 成熟勘探项目 (Advanced Exploration) E: 初期勘探项目 (Early Stage Exploration) G: 基础勘探机会 (Grassroots Exploration Opportunities) 澳大利亚北部省 矿产资源项目清单 5 ⸯӗ୶૱ 亩ⴞ〠 亩ⴞᡀ⟏ᓖ ޜਨ〠 ޜਨ㊫ර ⴀ˄ᐕъⴀ઼伏⭘ⴀ˅઼դ⭏ⸯ⢙˄䭱˅ 䫡ᗧं˄Chandler˅ⴀⸯ亩ⴞ 亩ⴞᔰਁ ⢩ंᯟ˄Tellus˅᧗㛑ᴹ䲀ޜਨ˄“⢩ंᯟ”˅ 䶎кᐲޜՇޜਨ ޜਨ㿴⁑ 8610з㛑 亩ⴞާփᛵߥ ⌠ंᯟޘ䍴ᤕᴹ䈕亩ⴞ 亩ⴞ⧠⣦ ㅜа䱦⇥Ⲵᇑᢩᐢ㓿ቡ㔚DŽᐢ㓿ਖཆ䎎1,937㊣ˈᒦᆼᡀ370њ ṧ૱࠶᷀ˈ૱ս࠶᷀ᐢ㓿ᆼᡀDŽᐢ㓿ᔰㅜҼ䱦⇥Ⲵᇑᢩ〻ᒿDŽ ㅖਸ◣བྷ࡙ӊ㚄ਸⸯ⸣ۘ䟿ငઈՊ˄JORC˅ḷ߶Ⲵ⺞ᇊ䍴Ⓚ䟿ዙ ⴀ˄≟ॆ䫐˅Ѫ3.09ӯ=525ᒤⸯኡᔰ䟷ሯભDŽণሶᨀӔⸯኡ』 䍱⭣䈧DŽ⧟ຳᖡ૽⹄ウ↓൘᧘䘋ѻѝDŽ 亩ⴞսҾ⡡ѭᯟ⋹˄Alice Springs˅ԕই120ޜ䟼DŽ䫡ᗧंⴀᒺ18 ޜ䟼ᇭǃ700-800㊣␡ǃ200-300㊣ˈц⭼㓗ⴀⸯᒺDŽᴹਟ㜭 ᱟ◣བྷ࡙ӊ㿴⁑ᴰབྷⲴਟ㹼ᙗཊⸯൠлⴀⸯDŽⸯᵳൠ816ᒣᯩޜ 䟼DŽ 亩ⴞ४䐍䱯ᗧ䴧ᗧ˄Adelaide˅ࡠ䗮ቄ᮷˄Darwin˅Ⲵ䫱䐟㓯 32ޜ䟼ˈਟ䙊䗷䈕䫱䐟ሶⴀ䘀㠣䗮ቄ᮷˄Darwin˅⭘ԕࠪਓDŽ ൠ⛩઼㿴⁑ ส䇮ᯭ䇑ࡂ 亩ⴞᡰ൘ൠ४শਢ 㓿㩕ਁኅ䇑ࡂ ޜਨㆆ⮕ ൘䗷৫䘋㹼Ⲵ⋩≄ई᧒䗷〻ѝˈ䈕ൠ४ᐢ㓿䘋㹼Ҷ145ޜ䟼Ⲵൠ䴷 䫫᧒઼6.6ޜ䟼Ⲵዙᗳ䫫᧒˄䗷৫Ⲵ䫫᧒ᐢ㓿㣡䍩Ҷ650з◣ ˅ݳDŽ ⌠ंᯟᐢ㓿ᔰ䘋㹼ᴰ㓸ਟ㹼ᙗ⹄ウ(FEL3)DŽᐢ㓿᭦ࡠᴹⴀޣ 䬰Ⲵੁˈ䘉䎵ࠪҶ䟷ⸯ䇑ࡂⲴ亴ᵏDŽ ⢩ंᯟ↓оᯩᔪ・㚄㌫ˈॿ୶䬰ᆹᧂᒦ⺞ᇊަԆ୶ъॿ䇞DŽ ⴁ㇑ᢩ߶〻ᒿᐢᆼᡀDŽ ޜਨⲴᡈ⮕ᱟሶ亩ⴞਁኅᡀѪൠлⴀⸯˈ⭏ӗᐕъⴀ઼伏⭘ⴀˈ ᒦੁӊ⍢ࠪਓDŽ䟷ⸯ⮉лⲴオ䳉ሶ⭘Ҿᐢ㓿䇱᰾ǃᴹ࡙ਟമⲴӂ 㺕ᔿᆈۘъ࣑DŽ ᣅӗⲴⴞḷᙗᰦ䰤㺘 㤕㜭㧧ᗇᣅ䍴઼㧧ᗇ᭯ᓌᢩ߶ˈޜਨ䇮ᜣⲴਟ㹼ᙗ亩ⴞᣅӗᰦ䰤 㺘ྲл˖ x 2015ᒤㅜ3ᆓᓖ˖ᴰ㓸˄䬦㹼ਟᣵ˅Ⲵ؍ਟ㹼ᙗ⹄ウ x 2016ᒤㅜ1ᆓᓖ˖ᔰᔪ䇮 2016ᒤㅜ3ᆓᓖ˖ࠪᆈۘ˗2018ᒤㅜ4ᆓᓖ˖ࠪⴀ ራ≲Ⲵᣅ䍴㊫ර 俆䘹ᣅ䍴㊫ර˖ x 䬰৺㶽䍴˄亩ⴞޜਨ˅ x ӵ䬰 x वӪᴽ࣑৺㶽䍴˄亩ⴞޜਨ˅ ⸯኡ䇮༷ᓄ઼㶽䍴 Duncan van der Merwe Group Managing Director Phone: +61 2 9241 7678 Email: [email protected] ޜਨ㚄㌫ᯩᔿ 盐 ᧗㛑ᴹ䲀ޜਨ Updated September 2014 澳大利亚北部省 矿产资源项目清单 117 盐 Tellus Holdings Ltd COMMODITY: Salt (edible and industrial) and associated minerals (magnesium) COMPANY CONTACT DETAILS Company: Contact Officer: Position: Phone: Fax: Email: Web: PO Address: Tellus Holdings Ltd Duncan van der Merwe Group Managing Director +61 2 9241 7678 +61 2 9241 7691 [email protected] www.tellusholdings.com.au Head Office: Number of Shares: ASX Code: Suite 1, Level 5, 71 Macquarie Street, Sydney, NSW, 2000 86.1 million Public unlisted company PROJECT DETAILS Project Name: Chandler Salt Mine Location: About 120 kilometres south of Alice Springs, Northern Territory, Australia. Project Tenements: Tenement Area (km2) Expiry EL27971 62 20 Oct 10 19 Oct 16 EL27972 78 20 Oct 10 19 Oct 16 EL27974 446 20 Oct 10 19 Oct 16 EL28900 69 5 Mar 12 4 Mar 18 EL29018 128 12 Apr 12 11 Apr 18 EL29019 19 12 Apr 12 11 Apr 18 EL29017 16 12 Apr 12 11 Apr 18 Updated September 2014 118 Grant 澳大利亚北部省 矿产资源项目清单 盐 MAP SHOWING PROJECT LOCATION HISTORY OF PROJECT AREA Tellus evaluated six salt provinces in geological basins across Australia before selecting the Amadeus Basin in Central Australia as the most suitable. The 500 million year old Chandler salt bed is 18km wide, 700-800m deep, 200-300m thick and is a world class salt deposit. Drill Hole CH003 hit the top of the salt at 772m. Coring and analysis showed 2 minable layers of high grade salt. The project area leases have had 145 kilometres of seismic (15 lines), 6,600 meter core drilling (two core wells) and about $A6.5 million of historic oil and gas spend. This is a high-grade salt deposit that post processing (dry and wet) can produce 98%+ halite (NaCl) which will be sold as industrial and edible salts. The leases are right next to the Adelaide to Darwin railway line that will take the salt to Darwin for export into Asia. Tellus’ mine to port strategy Updated September 2014 澳大利亚北部省 矿产资源项目清单 119 盐 CURRENT PROJECT STATUS Tellus has completed a definitive feasibility study (FEL 2 Update) with support from 22 specialist consulting companies from five countries, for a 0.5-1 million tonnes per annum (tpa) underground rock salt mine with complementary storage businesses with an initial mine life of 29 years. Key feasibility study results: x x x x x x x 309 Million tonne Halite (NaCl) JORC Measured Resource = 525 year mine life Simple mining techniques with local mining service provides - underground, room and pillar design, continuous miner mining methodology The project is technically and economical feasible with robust project economics Proven and tested business model. Globally there are over 150 projects and under 500 salt cavern/ mines, Chandler will be the first Australian underground rock salt mine Supply chain (32 km haul road from mine to railway siding, train to Darwin port, then ship to Asia), new build remote area 7MW power station (diesel/solar), local aquifers for water supply No fatal flaws, broad community and stakeholder support Clear regulatory framework Approvals progress x x Mine Management Plan Exploration Operations granted, Safety Plan – approved. Exploration Deed signed with Traditional Owners (through the Central Land Council), sacred site clearance application granted Tellus has lodged a Notice of Intent with the NT Government in mid-November 2012 that has Updated September 2014 120 澳大利亚北部省 矿产资源项目清单 盐 formally started the environmental approvals process with the NT and Federal Governments. Draft EIS Guidelines have been issued in August 2013. Tellus has commenced baseline studies for the EIS and the lodgement of the Mining Lease Application is imminent. Feasibility study progress x x x x Tellus completed Definitive Feasibility Study Stage 1 (DFS 1) which included mine planning, drilling an additional 1,937m, analysing 370 samples, FEL 2 - Update engineering, maiden JORC Resource statement, conceptual mine design update and a GO/NO GO decision Geology, hydrogeology, fauna/ flora, Social Impact Assessment, community engagement, storage/disposal regulatory framework Site visits to other salt mines in Canada, UK and Germany Planning for stage two DFS 2. PROPOSED FUTURE ACTIVITIES x x x x Definitive Feasibility Study Stage 2 (DFS 2) comprising mine planning, additional cored salt holes, decline holes, water monitoring holes, 3D seismic, dry and wet salt pilot project, FEL 3 engineering, resource and reserve statement updates, detailed mine design Site visits by potential customers and negotiate commercial agreements Get all approvals and finance in place before mine build Final investment decision BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT PLAN x x Tellus plans to have approvals in place and start construction within 15 months, storage sales by Q3 2016 and salt sales by Q4 2018 Tellus is identifying potential parties to assist in the development of the supply chain, financing and potential off take parties for the 0.5-1M tpa industrial and edible salts and associated minerals. Competitive position The Chandler project: x x x x x x is potentially Australia’s largest underground rock salt deposit with high grade salt and minerals production can meet growing demand in Asia existing suppliers are at near capacity and it is increasingly difficult to get planning approval for large 10-20,000 hectare solar evaporative ponds, but easier for underground mines the proposed mine would not be affected by wet weather events, such as cyclones which impact heavily on many coastal solar salt producers – Tellus will be a reliable supplier the proposed mine is on the Adelaide to Darwin Railway, so the salt can be railed to Darwin (closest port to Asia) and shipped to Asia once operational, will be able to guarantee long term stability and supply and can scale up easily – depending on demand Updated September 2014 澳大利亚北部省 矿产资源项目清单 121 盐 x offers responsible product stewardship by being able to sell industrial salts, but also able to take back the industrial salts and related waste products post processing into a world’s best practice salt storage facility that will remove company liability, reduce costs and improve corporate reputation. Updated September 2014 122 澳大利亚北部省 矿产资源项目清单
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