Winter 2015 Cresskill Recreation 1 Cresskill Recreation Winter 2015 Programs General Information Pg. 2-4 Certification Pg. 24-25 Pre-School Pg. 15-16 Lightning Detection Policy Pg. 5-6 After School Programs Pg. 7-11 Dance Pg.14 School’s Out Mini Camps Pg. 12-13 Youth Sports Pg. 17-18 Fitness Pg. 19-20 Adult Programs Pg. 21-23 Upcoming Events Pg. 26-27 Open Gym Night Pg. 28 Phone: 201-816-8065 Recreation / Other Contacts Pg. 29-30 Fax: 201-816-8067 Winter 2015 Cresskill Recreation 2 General Information DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS I hereby agree that if I fail to conform my conduct to the foregoing while attending, coaching, officiating or participating in a youth sports event, I will be subject to disciplinary actions, including but not limited to the following in any order or combination: 1. Verbal warning issued by a league, organization or school official. 2. Written warning issued by a league, organization or school official. 3. Suspension or immediate ejection from a youth sports event issued by a league, organization or school officials who is authorized to issue such suspension or ejection by a school board or youth sports organization. 4. Suspension from multiple youth sports events issued by a league, organization or school official who is authorized to issued such suspension by a school board or youth sports organization. 5. Season suspension from multiple youth sports events issued by youth sports organization or school board. INFORMATION Payments: The only forms of payment that will be accepted are checks, money orders or credit cards. All checks should be made payable to the Borough of Cresskill. There is a $30 fee for returned checks Registrations: You may register in person at the Community Center or on-line at A $15 registration fee must be paid for each participant. This fee covers the calendar year January 1 to December 31. All programs must be paid in full before participating. Spaces will not be held with out payment. Registration Deadlines: Each individual sport, after school programs,& camps have a registration deadline. Deadlines can be found in the description of each program. Refunds: Refunds will not be made seven business days prior to the start of a program or after the program begins. Refunds will be made if a program is cancelled due to insufficient enrollment. A cancellation fee of $10 will be charged prior to the seven days. Any late fees that may have been paid will also be lost to the registrants. Refunds are issued by Borough Checks, ( allow at least 4 to 6 weeks for refund ) All request must be made in writing. Insufficient enrollment: If group minimums are not met, programs may be condensed, start later to allow for further enrollment , cancelled or changed. Those enrolled in the program will be notified of all changes. General: All programs are held at the Community Center unless indicated otherwise. Please note the dates and times of your class. All children must be picked up on time. No child should be dropped off and left unattended. A parent should be with him/her until program begins. Late Registrations: A $10 fee will be charged if not registered seven business days prior to program start. How to watch a good program die: Nothing kills a program faster than participants who wait until the last minute to enroll. There is a point at which courses must be canceled due to insufficient registration Please enroll early! Photos: Please be advised that participants involved in any recreation programs or special events are subject to being photographed. Any photos obtained may be used in the future by the Recreation Department for programs, guides, brochures, pamphlets, flyers, news releases, facebook ,etc., without obligation to provide compensation. Equipment Return: Coaches who do not return equipment to the Recreation Department are prohibited from coaching in future programs until the equipment is returned.. Volunteer Coaches are always needed ~ Cresskill Recreation is always looking for volunteers. Please join us. ~ Phone: 201-816-8065 Fax: 201-816-8067 Winter 2015 Cresskill Recreation 3 General Information Note to Parents Our Recreational Sports programs rely on volunteer coaches. We understand that not everybody is able to set aside the time each season to be a head coach, but please help out any way you can. Even if you are unable to be at every practice or game, you can still be an assistant coach who can help out the head coach when needed. Our parent coaches volunteer their time and talent for the kids and we need to make sure that we are supportive of their efforts. With the cooperation of all parents we can ensure a positive and successful season. Please also realize that when a program is full we need to close it until we have more coaches available. Coach Information If you are interested in helping out as a coach, please contact the Recreation Department at 201-816-8065 or email [email protected]. All coaches must be certified in the sport they will coach. You must be certified through NAYS or Rutgers. All ! coaches must be fingerprinted/background checked. Complete an on-line concussion awareness course. Fingerprinting/Background check information If you have not been fingerprinted you will need to pick a form up here at the Recreation office or go on-line to print out the form at In box # 7 you will need to enter the VRN # for Cresskill ( B04004 ). You can make an appointment on-line at or call 1-877-503-5981. The nearest fingerprinting facility is in Paramus at 299 Forest Ave. 1st Floor Suite B. When you attend your appointment please make sure you bring a valid government ID and your completed form or you will be turned away. Once fingerprinted please return the form with receipt attached for reimbursement. Reimbursement will not be processed with out a receipt. Any fees incurred for missing an appointment or not having the proper documentation will not be reimbursed. A voucher will be processed for our financial department and will need to be signed and returned so we can process a check. Concussion Awareness Course To help minimize the risk of concussion related injuries, the New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association is now requiring all coaches to take the National Federation of State High Schools Association’s free on-line course. “ Concussion in Sports - What you need to know “. The course provides critical information designed to minimize the risk of serious consequences due to concussions. The Mayor and Council along with the Recreation Department, believe that it is important to take to keep athletes safe. A second course that is also worthwhile is “ A Guide to Heat Acclimatization and Heat Illness Prevention”. Once you have completed the on-line course and at the conclusion print out the certificate and drop it off at the Recreation Office. Coaches will not be allowed to coach until this requirement is met. No exceptions. Coaches and parents can access these free NFHS courses online at In the top left corner of the page. Next to NFHS logo. Click on, “ Courses” and select the desired course under the “ Free Courses” heading. In order to complete the course you will have to create an account which will allow you to manage your courses and access your certificates of completion. If you are asked for a primary position you should enter “ Coach” and Cresskill Recreation. Accident Reports After any serious injuries. Coaches must send an accident report to the Recreation Department Office so it can be kept on file. Phone: 201-816-8065 Fax: 201-816-8067 Winter 2015 Cresskill Recreation 4 Fields / Parks / Courts Fields (Permit required) Ackerman Field (Soccer): Located behind Borough Hall across from Merritt School, between Ackerman Place and Dogwood Lane. Cook Field (Soccer): Located on Madison Avenue and 3rd Street Regan Field (Soccer): Located at the end of 3rd Street across from the Municipal Pool parking lot. 3rd Street Baseball Field (Baseball): Located at the end of 3rd Street across from the Community Center. Coughlin Field (Football): Located at the end of 3rd Street across from the pool. International Field (Baseball): Located on Margie Place and Piermont Road behind Merritt Memorial School. 12th Street Field (Baseball): Located on Stivers Street, Magnolia Avenue and 12th Street. Merritt Field (Softball): Located on Margie Avenue behind Merritt Memorial School. Parks Cranford Park: Located on Cranford Place between Woodland Avenue and Douglas Avenue, it has a basketball court, swings and a playground. Terhune Park: (Ages 3-5) Located at Palisades Avenue and County Road, this park has a playground and basketball court. Carolyn Schultz Park: (Ages 2-12) Located at the end of Fifth Street and the Municipal Pool parking lot. This shaded park has a playground, swing set and picnic table. Moschella Park: This park is located at the end of Merrifield Way. 12th Street Park: Located on Stivers Street and Magnolia Avenue. Tennis Courts Three courts are located on 3rd Street next to the Community Center. Tennis Court Rules: - Courts are lighted from dusk till 10:00 pm with the exception of December, January, and February when the lights are off. - A key and ID for use of the courts can be obtained for a fee of $35 at the Community Center. Proof of residence required. - Cresskill Recreation sponsored programs have priority. - All play is for one hour only. All court time begins on the hour and the court must be relinquished if another resident arrives to play. - Tennis shoes or sneakers only will be permitted on the courts. Players must wear shirts at all times. - No bikes, skate boards, scooters or skates are allowed on the courts. - No ball playing. - No commercial tennis allowed. Basketball Courts Two regulation sized courts are located on 3rd Street behind Cook Field. Basketball Court Rules - Courts are lighted from dusk till 10:00 pm with the exception of December, January and February when lights are off. - Cresskill Recreation sponsored programs have priority. - Basketball shoes or sneakers only will be permitted on the courts. Players must wear shirts at all times. Please keep our facilities clean — No Littering Ord. # 80-23-780 Phone: 201-816-8065 Fax: 201-816-8067 Winter 2015 Cresskill Recreation 5 Lightning Detection Policy 1.) When lightning approaches a ten mile radius from Cresskill, the Lightning Detection System will activate a flashing light and an alarm will sound for approximately fifteen seconds. 2.) As soon as the Lightning Warning System enables, everyone MUST remove themselves from their outdoor activity and seek shelter or face severe penalties and fines. 3.) The flashing light will then continue for thirty minutes after the last lightning strike within a ten mile radius; all fields must remain cleared through the duration of the activated warning system. 4.) When the warning alarm sounds three five-second intermittent blasts and the flashing light goes out, it is permissible to reenter the field. 5.) Under absolutely no circumstances is anyone allowed back on the field prior to the Lightning Warning System disabling itself. 6.) This system may reactivate at any time throughout the duration that the fields are open depending on the storm activity and its whereabouts. There are no false alarms. 7.) Members of the public using the parks and fields on an individual, unorganized basis are also subject to the same policy. 8.) All protective measures must be adhered to at all times. Recommendation: If you hear thunder as a storm approaches and the alarm system has not yet activated, it is recommended that you use this leeway time to organize your group. The following shall be the Lightning Protection Policy of the Borough of Cresskill: Recommendation: For places of safety during a thunderstorm, a vehicle with a solid metal roof and metal sides offers some protection. Close the windows, lean away from the sides of the car, and keep your hands in your lap. Do not touch the steering wheel, ignition, gear shifter or radio. Third Street Recreational Fields can seek shelter in the Cresskill Community Center during normal hours of operation. Third Street Basketball Courts need to report back to the Cresskill Community Center for shelter as well. Phone: 201-816-8065 Fax: 201-816-8067 Winter 2015 Cresskill Recreation 6 Lightning Detection Policy Five Levels of Lightning Safety: 1.) Plan ahead: Coaches should watch the weather forecast prior to using the field. 2.) Use the ‘30-30 Rule’: After you see lightning, count the seconds until you hear thunder. If the time is 30 seconds or less, go inside. Stay inside until 30 minutes after the last strike of thunder. 3.) Avoid Dangerous Locations: DO NOT go under trees to keep dry in a thunderstorm! Avoid: elevated places, open areas, tall isolated objects, water activities, dugouts, open areas such as fields, open vehicles, unprotected open buildings, and large structures such as fences or bleachers. 4.) Lightning Crouch (desperate last resort): If the lightning is about to strike near you, it will sometimes give a warning of a few seconds or less. Sometimes your hair will stand upright, your skin will tingle, light metal objects will vibrate, or you will hear a crack ling static-like “kee-kee” sound. If this happens and you’re in a group, spread out so t here are several body lengths between each person. If one person is struck, the others may not be hit, and give first aide. Once you’ve spread out, use the lightning crouch: put your feet together, squat down, tuck your head and cover your ears. When the im mediate threat of lightning has passed, continue heading to the safest spot possible. Re member this is a last resort; you are much safer having followed the previous steps and not got ten into this high-risk situation. 5.) First Aid: Lightning deaths are caused by cardiac arrest or the person has stopped breathing from the cardiac arrest. Start CPR or rescue breathing if the person has no pulse or is not breathing, respectively. Have someone call 911. Use an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) if one is available. Penalties and Fines for Disregarding the Lightning Protection System Organized activities: The umpire, coach, coordinator or adult in charge is responsible to ensure that their group follows the Lightning Safety Policy. Disregarding the policy subjects the umpire, coach , coordinator or adult in charge to a lifetime suspension of responsibility regarding all Cresskill Recreation activities, and privileges including using the fields and parks for organized activity. Fines shall be issued by the Cresskill Police Department if caught in violation of this policy and Borough Ordinance. Lightning Detection System Ord. # 13-05-1448 Phone: 201-816-8065 Fax: 201-816-8067 Winter 2015 Cresskill Recreation 7 After School Programs INTRO TO DRAMA & MUSICAL THEATER INTRO TO DRAMA & MUSICAL THEATER These classes are open to the young musical theater performers regardless of experience. Students will spend each 8-week session learning the basics of drama and musical theater– such as improvisation, acting, singing, and movement/dance and ultimately have the option to use these skill to perform in a show. All workshops for elementary and middle school aged kids offer participants the chance to gain performance experience and to become better actors while building life skills such a confidence, poise/stage presence , and creative thinking. These classes are open to the young musical theater performers regardless of experience. Students will spend each 8-week session learning the basics of drama and musical theater– such as improvisation, acting, singing, and movement/dance and ultimately have the option to use these skill to perform in a show. All workshops for elementary and middle school aged kids offer participants the chance to gain performance experience and to become better actors while building life skills such a confidence, poise/stage presence , and creative thinking. Boys and Girls Grades 1-3 Class size 12 Resident Fee: $156 / Non-Resident Fe $234 Late Fee: $10 after 10/14 Boys and Girls Grades 3-5 Class size 12 Resident Fee: $156 / Non-Resident Fe $234 Late Fee: $10 after 10/14 Hosted by: Black Box Studios Site: Cresskill Community Center Room: D Hosted by: Black Box Studios Site: Cresskill Community Center Room: D 3:45-4:45 4:45-5:45 Tuesdays-8 Sessions 10/14, 10/21, 10/28, 11/4, 11/18, 11/25, 12/2, 12/9 No class 11/11 Tuesdays-8 Sessions 10/14, 10/21, 10/28, 11/4, 11/18, 11/25, 12/2, 12/9 No class 11/11 Minimum 6 Maximum 12 Minimum 6 Maximum 12 ACTING FOR TEENS BROADWAY MUSICAL THEATER INTENSIVE These classes are open to the young musical theater performers regardless of experience. Students will spend each 8-week session learning the basics of drama and musical theater– such as improvisation, acting, singing, and movement/dance and ultimately have the option to use these skill to perform in a show. All workshops for elementary and middle school aged kids offer participants the chance to gain performance experience and to become better actors while building life skills such a confidence, poise/stage presence , and creative thinking. Boys and Girls Grades 6-8 Class size 12 Resident Fee: $156 / Non-Resident Fe $234 Late Fee: $10 after 10/14 Hosted by: Black Box Studios Site: Cresskill Community Center Room: D 6:00-7:15 This class is open to all teenagers interested in getting up on stage, regardless of experience. Students will spend each 8 week session learning the basics of acting improvisation, movement, how to work with a script, and more. ( Work is tailored to varying levels of experience, as needed.) Teens have the option to continue throughout each season and ultimately perform in a showcase. Acting for teens offers participants the chance to build the skills they need to gain confidence, stage presence/poise, and high-level creative thinking. Boys and Girls Grades 8-12 Class size 12 Resident Fee: $156 / Non-Resident Fe $234 Late Fee: $10 after 10/14 Hosted by: Black Box Studios Site: Cresskill Community Center Room: D 3:45-4:45 Tuesdays-8 Sessions 10/14, 10/21, 10/28, 11/4, 11/18, 11/25, 12/2, 12/9 No class 11/11 Tuesdays-8 Sessions 10/14, 10/21, 10/28, 11/4, 11/18, 11/25, 12/2, 12/9 No class 11/11 Minimum 6 Maximum 12 Minimum 6 Maximum 12 Phone: 201-816-8065 Fax: 201-816-8067 Winter 2015 Cresskill Recreation 8 After School Programs CANVAS ADVENTURES Let’s paint, cut, color, glitter and have FUN! This program will inspire awesome canvas art creations from shapes, teach 3D art, explore maps, mix new colors and more ! We’ll learn about folk art in the tradition of Salvadorian artist extraordinaire Fernando Liorty, and even paint fancy Rembrandt inspired portraits. Boys and Girls Grade K-2 Minimum: 6 ~ Maximum: 12 Resident $ 145 / Non-resident $ 217 Late fee $10 after Dec. 29 Instructor: Abrakadoodle Site: Cresskill Community Center Room: C 3:45-4:45 Mondays — 8 Sessions 1/5,1/12, 1/26,2/2, 2/9, 2/23, 3/2, 3/9 No Class 1/19, 2/16 EARTH,WIND & FIRE EARTH,WIND & FIRE Have you ever wondered how the earth really Have you ever wondered how the earth realworks ? In this class you will explore the physi- ly works ? In this class you will explore the cal interactions that take place in our world with physical interactions that take place in our hands-on activities in geology, meteorology, world with hands-on activities in geology, physics, and even a little Ancient Egypt Science! meteorology, physics, and even a little Ancient Egypt Science! Boys and Girls Grade K-2 Minimum 6 ~ Maximum 12 Boys and Girls Grade 3-5 Resident fee $ 156 / Non-Resident $234 Minimum 6 ~ Maximum 12 Late fee $ 10 after 11/27 Resident fee $ 156 / Non-Resident $234 Instructor: Club Scientific Site: Cresskill Community Center Room: A 3:45-4:45 Late fee $ 10 after 11/27 Thursday — 8 Sessions 12/4, 12/11, 12/18, 1/8, 1/15, 1/22, 1/29, 2/5 No Class 12/25, 1/1 Phone: 201-816-8065 Instructor: Club Scientific Site: Cresskill Community Center Room: B 3:45-4:45 Thursday — 8 Sessions 12/4, 12/11, 12/18, 1/8, 1/15, 1/22, 1/29, 2/5 No Class 12/25, 1/1 Fax: 201-816-8067 Winter 2015 Cresskill Recreation 9 After School Programs INTRO TO ROBOTICS DESIGN AND PROGRAM ROBOTICS Get a head start on simple robotics with this concept of LEGO. You will build models, attach sensors and motors that are plugged into a computer, and configure behaviors using a simple programming tool. The activity pack is divided into four themes: Amazing Mechanics, Wild Animals, Play Soccer and Adventure Stories. Science was never this much fun. A hands on approach to design, program and control; fully functional models using LEGO MINDSTREAM components. They use software to plan, test and modify sequences of instructions for a variety of life-like robotic behaviors. This program is developed by Carnegie Mellon University’s Robotic Academy and provide a series of real life activities. Boys and Girls Grade 4-6 Boys and Girls Grades 1-3 Minimum 6 ~ Maximum 12 Minimum 6 ~ Maximum 12 Resident fee $156 / Non-Resident $234 Resident fee $156 / Non-Resident $234 Late fee $10 after 11/28 Late fee $10 after 11/28 Instructor: Club Scientific Site: Cresskill Community Center Room : A 3:45 Instructor: Club Scientific Site: Cresskill Community Center Room :B 3:45 Fridays— 8 Sessions 12/5, 12/12, 12/19, 1/9, 1/16, 1/23, 1/30, 2/6 No Class 12/26, 1/2 Fridays— 8 Sessions 12/5, 12/12, 12/19, 1/9, 1/16, 1/23, 1/30, 2/6 No Class 12/26, 1/2 ROCKETRY This program will provide a hands on minds on environment. We will be working with Este Rocket labs as you design and build your own rockets. When they are finished, you will watch your rockets blast towards the stratosphere. Boys and Girls Grade 3-5 Minimum 6 ~ Maximum 12 Resident $156 / Non-Resident $234 Late fee $10 after 11/24 Instructor: Club Scientific Site: Cresskill Community Center Room A 3:45 – 4:45 Mondays—8 Sessions 12/1, 12/8, 12/15, 12/22,1/5, 1/12, 1/26, 2/2 No Class 12/29, 1/19 Phone: 201-816-8065 Fax: 201-816-8067 Winter 2015 Cresskill Recreation 10 After School Programs LEARN TO SEW Sewing is not only a vocation and a life skill, but facilitates the development of hand eye coordination, fine motor skills , patience and more. In this class you will learn to sew using real sewing machines and make a pair of pajama bottoms. Students will also learn to read, pin, and cut a commercial pattern. All materials are supplied Boys and Girls Grade 1-5 Minimum: 8 ~ Maximum 12 Resident $100 / Non Resident $150 Late fee $10 after Sept 10 Hosted By: So You Site: Cresskill Community Center Room: C 3:30—4:30 Wednesdays—8 Sessions 12/3, 12/10, 12/17, 1/7 1/14, 1/21, 1/28, 2/4 No class 12/24, 12/31 KNITTING Learn the art of Knitting. In this class you will learn the basics of knitting. Casting on, the knit stitch and the pearl stitch. Once an expert you will discuss another project. Grades 1-5 Minimum: 6 ~ Maximum: 10 Resident Fee $100 / Non Resident fee $150 Late fee $10 after 11/25 Instructor : Shaina Bilow Site: Cresskill Community Center Room C 6:00—7:00pm Tuesdays—8 Sessions Cycle II 12/16, 1/6, 1/13, 1/20, 1/27, 2/3, 2/10 , 2/24 No Class 12/23, 12/30, 2/17 Supplies needed: 1 Ball worsted weight yarn ( Suggested yarn, Berroco Vintage ) 1 set of straight knitting needles in size US7 or US8 or Circular needles US7 or US8 You can purchase your supplies at Yarn Diva 428 Hillsdale Ave. Hillsdale, NJ 201-664-4100 Phone: 201-816-8065 Fax: 201-816-8067 Winter 2015 Cresskill Recreation 11 After School Programs Beginner Gymnastics Beginner Gymnastics This fun and rewarding program gives the child an opportunity to obtain basic coordination and skills as a foundation for learning not only more advanced gymnastics but also any sport. This fun and rewarding program gives the child an opportunity to obtain basic coordination and skills as a foundation for learning not only more advanced gymnastics but also any sport. Boys and Girls Ages 3—5 Boys and Girls Ages K—2 Minimum 6 ~ Maximum 15 Minimum 6 ~ Maximum 15 Resident Fee $170 / Non Resident Fee $255 Resident Fee $170 / Non Resident Fee $255 Late fee $10 after 11/25 Late fee $10 after 11/25 Instructor: Travelin Tumblers Site: Cresskill Community Center Room: Gym 1 3:45-4:30 Instructor: Travelin Tumblers Site: Cresskill Community Center Room: Gym 1 4:35-5:20 Or 5:25-6:10 Tuesdays—8 Sessions 12/9, 12/16, 1/6, 1/13, 1/20, 1/27, 2/3, 2/10 No Class 12/23, 12/30 Tuesdays—8 Sessions 12/9, 12/16,1/6, 1/13, 1/20, 1/27, 2/3, 2/10 No Class 12/23, 12/30 Phone: 201-816-8065 Fax: 201-816-8067 Winter 2015 Cresskill Recreation 12 School’s Out Mini Camps LEARN TO SEW BOOT CAMP FASHION DESIGN SEWING CAMP Especially created for those between the ages of 8 and 12. Students will learn how to sew using commercial sewing patterns. You will make an outfit of legging’s and fashion tees. In this camp participants will design unique garments using fashion blanks as fashion “ canvas’s “ for their unique designs. Students will learn how to redesign a variety of clothing items such as tees, leggings and skirts. All materials are included All materials are included. Boys and Girls Age 8 to 12 Boys and Girls ages 10 to 14 Minimum 4 ~ Maximum 15 Resident fee $100 / Non– Resident fee $150 Minimum 4 ~ Maximum 15 Late fee $10 after 2/5 Resident fee $ 75 / Non Resident fee $112.50 Hosted by: So You Sewing Site: Community Center Room: A Late fee $10 after 12/22 Hosted by So You Sewing Site: Community Center Room: D 9:30 to 3:30 Wednesday, Thursday & Friday March 5,6 & 7 , Parent Teacher Conferences CHEMICAL CREATIONS 9:30 to 3:30 Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday December 29, 30 & 31 Winter Break MECHANICAL BLOWFISH ROBOT Come experience a hands-on world of fun as you conduct Experience the world of robotics by building and a variety of scientific experiments! You will make and taking home your own Mechanical Blowfish Robot! take home a wide assortment of doodads and formations Using a crank and linkage rod system . This robo-fish that you created all on your own. Learn and discover propels itself through water by it’s swinging tail fin. many different scientific concepts in an entertaining and Learn all about the blowfish robot works its motor, innovative approach. Generate your own growing cube gearbox, battery box and switch. You will also be able or sphere! Learn how to make play dough from scratch to see all the mechanical parts in motion through the and a crazy bouncy glob from glue! You will also get to transparent green top. It is sealed water proof tight and witness some cool scientific demonstrations from your you will see it work in the mind through motion pool. instructor. Watch snow being created and feel how cold it All materials are included. is ! Experience a really powerful magnet, a cool blue light Boys and Girls Age 6-11 and many other exciting experiments. Minimum 6 ~ Maximum 15 All materials are included Resident fee $ 182 / Non resident fee $273 Boys and Girls Age 7-12 Minimum 6 ~ Maximum 15 Resident $125 / Non Resident $187 Late fee $10 after 2/9 Hosted by Minds in Motion Site: Community center Room C Hosted by minds In Motion Site: Community Center Room: C 9:30 to 3:30 Monday & Tuesday December 29 & 30 Winter Break 9:30 to 3:30 Tuesday February 17 Presidents Day Phone: 201-816-8065 Late fee $10 after 12/22 Fax: 201-816-8067 Winter 2015 Cresskill Recreation 13 School’s Out Mini Camps SEWING FUN CAMP JR. CHEF CAMP In this fun filled mini camp , each jr. chef will first receive their chef’s hat, then they will prepare some delicious Spring themed foods and drinks! They will prepare some foods to enjoy in class and some to be able to cook at home. We will make bumble bees; lady bugs; flower pot arrangements and more that scream spring all using edible ingredients! This class isn’t just for our budding chefs, but it’s also for our budding artist too as they can get really creative! All foods prepared are 100% peanut and tree nut free In this camp participants will sew, make jewelry, design with duct tape, make doll clothes and stuffed animals. Learn how to upcycle denim and so much more. Every day is packed with CREATIVITY, LEARNING AND FUN! All materials are included. Boys and Girls Grade 1—4 Minimum: 4 ~ Maximum: 15 Resident $75 Non Resident $112.50 Boys and Girls Grade K-4 ( Minimum 10 ~ Maximum 15) Resident fee $100 / Non– resident fee $150 Late fee $10 after 2/25 Hosted by Chef it Up Site: Cresskill Community Center Room: C 1:00pm –3:00pm Late Fee $10 after 2/10 Hosted by: So You Sewing Site: Cresskill Community Center Room: A 9:30 to 3:30 Tuesday , February 17 Presidents Day Wednesday, Thursday and Friday March 4, 5, 6 Parent Teacher Conferences Phone: 201-816-8065 Fax: 201-816-8067 Winter 2015 Cresskill Recreation 14 Dance All ballet and tap classes taught by: Ms. Lyn Zeleny trained at the American Ballet Theatre, NYC, Ballet A Ages 6—7 ~ 5:45—6:30 performed extensively at the Metropolitan Opera House and is currently a teaching artist with the New York City Ballet. Basic ballet terminology and movements presented in an age appropriate way. A fun way to start building correct technique. Girls should wear light pink leotard, pink tights, pink ballet slippers, hair pulled back Site: Cresskill Community Center Room: D Ballet B Ages 8—10 ~ 3:30—4:15 Resident Fee: $130 / Non resident Fee: $160 *Additional Fee for longer Cycle IV* Mondays—Cycle I 9/8, 9/15, 9/22, 9/29, 10/6, 10/20, 10/27, 11/3 No class 10/13 This class is for the advancing younger student or a place for the older student to get started. Girls should wear light powder blue leotard, pink tights and pink ballet slippers with hair pulled back. Boys should wear clothes they can move comfortably in and black ballet slippers or black tap shoes. Ballet C/D Ages 11+ ~ 7:15—8:00 Late Fee $10 after 9/15 Mondays—Cycle II 11/10, 11/17, 11/24, 12/1, 12/8, 12/15, 1/5, 1/12 No class 12/22, 12/29 A study of classical ballet for the advancing student. Girls should wear black leotard, pink tights, pink ballet slippers, hair pulled back. Late Fee $10 after 11/3 Pointe Recital: June 16 by teacher approval ~ 8:00—8:30 The study of Pointe work. Creative Movement Ages 3—4 ~ 2:45—3:30 Ages 5—7 ~ 5:00—5:45 Tap A A youthful introduction to ballet incorporating elements of creative movement. The class uses familiar themes such as Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella to introduce classical music, dance and creativity. Girls should wear leotard, tights and ballet slippers of any color. Creative Movement/Primary Ballet Ages 4—6 ~ 4:15—5:00 Creative movement with an increased focus on fundamental ballet steps. Girls should wear leotard, tights and ballet slippers of any color. This class introduces basic tap steps, rhythm and coordination. Black tap shoes required. Girls are not required to wear leotard and tights for classes. They may wear leggings or other easy to move in clothing. Many students take tap and ballet so they may wear their ballet leotard. Tap B Ages 8+ ~ 6:30—7:15 This class builds upon the introduction to tap with the addition of more challenging steps. Adult/Older Teens 2:00—2:45 or 8:30-9:10 Ballet techniques thoroughly explained and practiced in a warm supportive environment. If you have always wanted to learn ballet and benefit from the poise, coordination and posture that is developed, this is the class for you. Come enjoy the movement and the workout..Attire of your choice. Boys Attire: Creative Movement, Ballet and Tap: Clothes they can move comfortably in and black ballet slippers or black tap shoes. Ballet A, B and C/D: White t-shirt, black sweatpants or tights, white socks and black ballet slippers. Phone: 201-816-8065 Fax: 201-816-8067 Winter 2015 Cresskill Recreation 15 Pre School Beginner Gymnastics Beginner Gymnastics This fun and rewarding program gives the child an opportunity to obtain basic coordination and skills as a foundation for learning not only more advanced gymnastics but also any sport. This fun and rewarding program gives the child an opportunity to obtain basic coordination and skills as a foundation for learning not only more advanced gymnastics but also any sport. Boys and Girls—Ages 18 months-2-1/2 years Boys and Girls—Ages 2-1/2 –3 years Minimum 6 ~ Maximum 15 Resident Fee $170 / Non Resident fee $255 Minimum 6 ~ Maximum 15 Resident Fee $170 / Non Resident fee $255 Late fee $10 after 11/25 Late fee $10 after 11/25 Instructor: Travelin Tumblers Site: Cresskill Community Center Room: Gym 1 9:30—10:15 Instructor: Travelin Tumblers Site: Cresskill Community Center Room: Gym 1 10:30—11:15 Tuesdays—8 Sessions 12/9, 12/16, 1/6, 1/13, 1/20, 1/27, 2/3, 2/10 Tuesdays—8 Sessions 12/9, 12/16, 1/6, 1/13, 1/20, 1/27, 2/3, 2/10 No Class 12/23, 12/30 No Class 12/23, 12/30 Beginner Gymnastics This fun and rewarding program gives the child an opportunity to obtain basic coordination and skills as a foundation for learning not only more advanced gymnastics but also any sport. Boys and Girls—Ages 3-5 year Minimum 6 ~ Maximum 15 Resident Fee $170 / Non Resident fee $255 Late fee $10 after 11/25 Instructor: Travelin Tumblers Site: Cresskill Community Center Room: Gym 1 3:45-4:30 Tuesdays—8 Sessions 12/9, 12/16, 1/6, 1/13, 1/20, 1/27, 2/3, 2/10 No Class 12/23, 12/30 Phone: 201-816-8065 Fax: 201-816-8067 Winter 2015 Cresskill Recreation 16 Pre School MINI DOODLER ART CLASS MY FIRST ART CLASS ( Mommy and Me ) Look up at grand trees reaching for the sky! Look down at tiny crawling bugs! Look all around at flowing water, bright colors, mouth-watering fruit, and more! You will paint ladybug pictures, make mixed media orange masterpieces inspired by artist Paul Gauguin, make a wall sculpture and MORE! A new project each class—we never repeat! Abrakadoodle was voted “Best Art Class to inspire your child’s inner Picasso!” DRESS FOR MESSY FUN! Boys and Girls Age 20 months to 3 years Minimum: 8 ~ Maximum: 12 Look up at grand trees reaching for the sky! Look down at tiny crawling bugs! Look all around at flowing water, bright colors, mouth-watering fruit, and more! These things inspire us to construct miniature trees of life with a twist. Examine ladybugs and other bugs in their leafy habitats, create fruity, patterned missed media masterpieces inspired by masters like Paul Gauguin and more. A new project each class—we never repeat! DRESS FOR MESSY FUN! Boys and Girls Age 3 to 5 years Minimum: 6 ~ Maximum: 12 Resident: $ 135 / Non-Resident: $ 202 Late Fee: $ 10 after Jan. 1 Resident: $ 135 / Non-Resident: $ 202 Late Fee: $ 10 after Jan. 1 Instructor: Abrakadoodle Room: C Instructor: Abrakadoodle Room: C Thursday—8 Sessions 10:00-10:45 1/8, 1/15, 1/22, 1/29, 2/5, 2/12, 2/19, 2/26 Or Friday—8 Sessions 10:30-11:15 1/9, 1/16, 1/23, 1/30, 2/6, 2/13, 2/20, 2/27 Phone: 201-816-8065 Thursday—8 Sessions 11:00-11:45 1/8, 1/15, 1/22, 1/29, 2/5, 2/12, 2/19, 2/26 Or Friday– 8 Sessions 11:45-12:30 1/9, 1/16, 1/23, 1/30 ,2/6, 2/13, 2/20, 2/27 Fax: 201-816-8067 Winter 2015 Cresskill Recreation 17 Basketball PEE-WEE IN-TOWN BASKETBALL The program will begin in December and will be an instructional program only; there will be no practices. Boys and Girls in Grades K—2 Resident Fee: $20 / Non-Resident Fee: $30 Late Fee $10 after 11/14 Coordinator: Manoj Sathananthan Site: Cresskill Community Center Room : Gym Saturday Mornings K – 9:15 — 10:00 am 1st – 10:00 — 10:45 am 2nd - 10:45 — 11:30 am 12/6, 12/13, 12/20, 1/10, 1/17 1/24, 1/31, 2/7, 2/21, 2/28 No class 12/27, 1/3, 1/19 , 2/14 ~ Picture Day: January 31 ~ Volunteer Coaches are always needed JUNIOR AND SENIOR IN-TOWN BASKETBALL Practice begins in December, times left to discretion of coach (between 6:00 pm and 9:00 pm), with games played on Saturdays starting in January. Boys and Girls in Grades 3—6 Resident Fee: $20 / Non-Resident Fee: $30 Late fee $ 10 after 11/14 Coordinator: Manoj Sathananthan Practice Site: Community Center: Monday nights Merritt School: Monday or Tuesday Game Site: Cresskill Community Center Room : Gym Games: Saturday afternoons starting January Saturday Practices 12/6, 12/13, 12/20 Saturday Games at Community Center 1/10, 1/17,1/24, 1/31, 2/7, 2/21, 2/28 No Class 12/27 1/3, 2/14 Practice and Games Times: 3/4 Girls ~ 2:30 3/4 Boys ~ 11:30 5/6 Girls ~ 3:30 5/6 Boys ~ 12:30 7/8 Boys ~ 1:30 7/8 Girls ~ 4:30 In this program there is a possibility that you may travel to local towns. (Northvale, Closter, etc) Subject to change. Basketball will run from December through mid March with playoffs No Practice at Bryan School Feb. 26 ~ Science Fair March 2-6 ~ Book Fair Phone: 201-816-8065 Volunteer Coaches are always needed ~ Picture Day: January 31 ~ Jr. and Sr. Basketball teams may have some practices at the Community Center on Mondays or Merritt School on Mondays or Tuesdays between 6 and 9pm Fax: 201-816-8067 Winter 2015 Cresskill Recreation 18 Soccer / Wrestling WINTER INDOOR SOCCER WRESTLING This program will begin in February at Bryan School. Games and practices will take place on either Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday evenings from 6:00 to 9:00 pm. Volunteer coaches contact [email protected] This is a highly competitive program. We put kids on the same age and caliber against each other in competitions. Grades 2—8 Resident Fee: $60 League prohibits Non-residents All players must wear shin guards and sneakers Boys and Girls entering Grades K—4 Resident Fee: $50 / Non-Resident Fee: $100 Late fee $10 after 1 Coordinator: David Fishbein Practice Site: CHS Late fee $10 after 1/27 Coordinator: Dan Riccardo Site: Bryan School Gym Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday Tuesday 2/3, 2/10, 2/24, 3/3, 3/10, 3/17, 3/24 Practices in late November at Cresskill High School Auxiliary Gym on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6:00-8:00 pm with league matches to begin in early January on weekends No Class 2/17, 3/3, Wednesday 2/4, 2/11, 2/18, 2/25, 3/11, 3/18, 3/25 No Class 3/4 Thursday 2/5, 2/12, 2/19, 2/26, 3/12, 3/19, 3/26 No Class 2/26,3/5, 11/25, 12/1,12/2, 12/4, 12/8, 12/9,12/11,12/15,12/16,12/18, 1/5, 1/6, 1/8, 1/12, 1/13, 1/15 1/20, 1/22, 1/26, 1/27, 1/29 2/2, 2/3, 2/5, 2/9, 2/10, 2/12, 2/19, 2/23, 2/24, 2/26, 3/2, 3/3, 3/5 3/9, 3/10, 3/12, 3/16, 3/17, 3/19, 3/13 3/24, 3/26, 3/30, 3/31 No Practice: 12/22, 12/23, 12/25, 12/29, 12/30 1/19, 2/16, 2/17 Schedule subject to change Volunteer coaches are always needed Cresskill Cougar Rock and Wrestle February 7 3:00pm to 9:00pm Food, Music, Matches and more Phone: 201-816-8065 Fax: 201-816-8067 Winter 2015 Cresskill Recreation 19 Adult Programs Fitness Programs ZUMBA TONING WITH WENDY! ZUMBA WITH WENDY! Zumba Toning takes the original Zumba Dance fitness class to the next level utilizing an innovative muscle training program with the addition of light weight maraca-like toning sticks. Created to emphasize muscle work along with rhythm. Zumba combines high energy and motivating music with unique moves and combinations that allow you to dance away your worries. Zumba is not only great for the body, but also great for the mind. Reduce stress, increase energy, burn fat, lose weight, build endurance, tone muscle, strengthen your heart, and gain confidence—all with a smile on your face! Resident Fee: $87.50 / Non-Resident Fee: $105 Drop in Class: $20 Instructor: Wendy Tilp Site: Cresskill Community Center Room: D 9:15—10:15 am Fridays — Cycle I 10/31, 11/14, 11/21 , 12/5, 12/12, 12/19, 1/9 No Class 9/26 Fridays—Cycle III 1/16, 1/23, 1/30, 2/6, 2/13, 2/20, 2/27 No Class 11/7, 11/28, 12/26, 1/2 Instructor: Wendy Tilp Site: Cresskill Community Center Room: A/B 9:15—10:15 am Tuesday Resident Fee: $87.50 Non-Resident Fee: $105 Thursday Resident Fee: $87.50 Non-Resident Fee: $105 Two Classes Per Week Resident Fee: $157.50 Non-Resident Fee: $189 Three Classes Per Week Resident Fee: $210 Non-Resident Fee: $252 Drop in Class $20 10% Discount on 2 classes a week 20% Discount on 3 classes a week Cycle II– Tuesdays 10/28, 11/4, 11/18, 11/25, 12/2, 12/9 ,12/16 No class 11/11 Cycle II– Thursdays 10/30, 11/13, 11/20, 12/4, 12/11, 12/18, 1/8 No class 9/25 Cycle III– Tuesdays 1/13, 1/20, 1/27, 2/3, 2/10, 2/24, 3/3 No Class 2/17 NOTE: These dates may be used as makeup classes for weather or other related cancellations. Cycle III-Thursdays 1/15, 1/22, 1/29, 2/5, 2/12, 2/19, 2/26 No class 11/6, 11/27, 12/25, 1/1 12/16, 12/23, 1/6 Phone: 201-816-8065 Fax: 201-816-8067 Winter 2015 Cresskill Recreation 20 Fitness Programs YOGA WITH ADRIENNE PILATES WITH REGINA Yoga is for everyone! It does not matter if you are big or small, flexible or not, young/old, healthy or with physical limitations. Yoga can be modified to fit your needs. Breathing techniques are taught and used throughout the practice and can also be used during meditation. Practitioners will find that the movement not only is physical exercise, but also a state of mental concentration that keeps them present in the moment. The result is a deep relaxation that continues beyond class. This class is for a wide range of practitioners and will be geared at a moderate level with modifications being made for beginning students as well as more seasoned yogis. Pilates is focused on core stability, control, and balance. It will tone and strengthen your entire body, which helps in weight loss. Pilates is beneficial for any age and fitness level. Benefits of yoga include: Stress relief ~ inner peace ~ calm ~ authentic happiness ~ increased strength ~ physical conditioning ~ beautiful posture ~ weight loss and weight management ~ increased overall energy ~ improved sleep ~ to name a few. Boys and Girls Ages 16 and Up Minimum 7 Resident Fee: $88 / Non-Resident Fee: $132 Drop In: $20 Instructor : Regina Saladino Site: Cresskill Community Center Room : D 9:30-10:20am Tuesdays—7 sessions 12/2, 12/9, 12/16, 1/6, 1/13, 1/20, 1/27 No Class 12/23, 12/30 Please bring your own Pilates mat no less then 1/2 inch thick If you are still not convinced yoga is for you, just come down to my Vinyasa Flow class in a soothing atmosphere. Boys and Girls Ages 16 and Up Minimum 7 Resident Fee: $95 / Non-Resident Fee: $140 Drop In: $15 Late fee $10 after 11/12 Instructor : Adrienne Hill Site: Cresskill Community Center Room : D 7:00-8:00 pm Wednesdays—8 sessions 11/19, 12/3,12/10, 12/17, 1/7, 1/14, 1/21, 1/28 No Class 12/24,12/31 Please bring your own mat ( Yoga blocks and straps are also helpful for beginners, but are optional.) Phone: 201-816-8065 Fax: 201-816-8067 Winter 2015 Cresskill Recreation 21 Adult Programs QUILTING W/ BARBARA ADULT BALLET Ballet techniques thoroughly explained and practiced in a warm supportive environment. If you have always wanted to learn ballet and benefit from the poise, coordination and posture that is developed, this is the class for you. Come enjoy the movement and the workout. Attire of your choice. Older Teens—Adult Resident Fee: $130 / Non-Resident Fee: $160 Come learn the art of quilting. All pieces will be done by machine. Participants will choose from a lap blanket or a crib blanket. You will need to bring all supplies and a portable sewing machine later in the class. Age 14 to Adult Class Size: 10 Resident Fee: $0 / Non-Resident Fee: $0 *Additional Fee for longer Cycle IV* Cycle 1 Late Fee $10 after 9/15 Cycle II Late Fee $10 after 11/3 Instructor: Barbara Wortmann Site: Cresskill Community Center Room: C 7:00—9:00 pm 2:00 pm—2:45 pm or 8:30 pm—9:10 pm Mondays 11/24, 12/1, 12/15, 12/22, 1/5, 1/1, 1/26, 2/2 No Class 12/8, 12/22 , 1/12, 1/19 , 2/16 Instructor: Lyn Zeleny (see bio on Page 3) Site: Cresskill Community Center Room: D Class #1 — no supplies necessary Class #2 & 3 — cutting the pattern pieces Class #4, 5 & 6— sewing it all together Mondays—Cycle II 11/10, 11/17, 11/24, 12/1, 12/8, 12/15, 1/5, 1/12 Supplies needed: A list will be distributed at the first class No class 12/22, 12/29 ADULT BASKETBALL Cresskill Community Center ~ Gym Resident Fee: $35 / Non-Resident Fee: $60 Guest Fee: $10 per session Session I Thursdays ~ 7:15—9:00 pm Session II Thursdays ~ 7:15—9:00 pm 10/9, 10/16, 10/23, 10/30, 11/6, 11/13, 11/20, 12/4 12/11, 12/18, 1/8, 1/15, 1/22, 1/29, 2/5, 2/12 Session III Thursdays ~ 7:15—9:00 pm Session IV Thursdays ~ 7:15—9:00 pm 2/19, 2/26, 3/5, 3/12, 3/19, 3/26, 4/2, 4/9 4/16, 4/23, 4/30, 5/7, 5/14, 5/21, 5/28, 6/4 Phone: 201-816-8065 Fax: 201-816-8067 Winter 2015 Cresskill Recreation 22 Adult Programs WILTON CAKE DECORATING WILTON CAKE DECORATING Course II—Flowers and Cake Design Course III—Flowers and Cake Design In Course II, you will learn to work with royal icing as well as an intro to using fondant and gum paste. You will develop core skills to make many varieties of flowers, such as pansies, lilies and the Wilton Rose. You will learn how to design a cake, from selecting the colors to arranging your flowers. In Course II, you will learn to work with Fondant and Gum Paste and apply them to create shapes, borders and flowers.. You will also learn how to cover a cake with fondant, and design and create a complete project using all the techniques. You will create 10 different flowers, such as cala , rose and carnation along with bows. Topics Covered: Basic Principal of cake design Gum paste and Fondant 101 Making Royal Icing Making a Parchment bag Button Flower, Pansy ,rose base, rose center, Apple Blossom, Primrose, Rosebud, Daffodil, Violet Using the Lily Nail, Lily Making Stems Guidelines for Flower Arrangements Floral Cake Design Reverse Shell Basket Weave Wilton Rose Topics Covered: Rolling Fondant, Gum paste , cover a cake with fondant, how to paint fondant Making shapes, tinting fondant. Boys and Girls Ages 16 and Up Minimum: 6 Resident Fee: $100 / Non-Resident Fee: $150 Late Fee $ 10 after 1/27 Instructor : Lyn Crasci Room : C Site: Cresskill Community Center 8:00-9:30pm Boys and Girls Ages 16 and Up Tuesdays—4 sessions 3/3, 3/17, 3/31, 4/14 No Class 2/17, 4/7 Minimum: 6 Resident Fee: $100 / Non-Resident Fee: $150 Late Fee $ 10 after 12/2 Instructor : Lyn Crasci Room : C Site: Cresskill Community Center 8:00-9:30pm Tuesdays—4 sessions 12/9, 1/6, 1/20, 2/3 No Class 12/23 Supplies: Scissors, pencil, paper/notes, tape, toothpicks, small squeeze bottle with water, box for flower transportation, Student Course #2 Book, Student Course #2 Kit, white ready-to-use decorating icing (16 oz) icing colors (at least three) paper towels, three disposable cups. Phone: 201-816-8065 Supplies: Scissors, pencil, paper/notes, cutting tool or small knife, plastic wrap, parchment paper, 2 foam cups, 2 plastic cups, vegetable shortening, cornstarch, 2 or 3 quart plastic bags, 1 gallon size plastic bag, 8 pieces uncooked spaghetti, plastic ruler, glue stick, large rolling pin, container for transport tape, small squeeze bottle with water, box for flower transportation, Student Course #3 Book, Student Course #3 Kit, paper towels, 1 pkg. white Decorator preferred fondant, 1 pkg. ready to use gum paste , dust and store dusting pouch. Fax: 201-816-8067 Winter 2015 Cresskill Recreation 23 Adult Programs WILTON CAKE DECORATING KNITTING Course IV—Advanced Gum paste Flowers Learn the art of Knitting. In this class you will learn the basics of knitting including casting on, the knit stitch and the pearl stitch. Once an expert you will discuss another project. In Course II, you will learn to work with royal icing as well as an intro to using fondant and gum paste. You will develop core skills to make many varieties of flowers, such as pansies, lilies and the Wilton Rose. You will learn how to design a cake, from selecting the colors to arranging your flowers. Older Teens/Adults Minimum: 6 ~ Maximum: 10 Resident Fee $100 / Non Resident fee $150 Late Fee $10 after 11/25 Topics Covered: Gum paste and Fondant 101 Using florist wire, Blossom, gerbera Daisy, Sweet Pea center, Ivy leaves, lily leaves,, Briar Rose, lily petals, and more .Guidelines for Flower Arrangements Floral Cake Design Boys and Girls Ages 16 and Up Minimum: 6 Resident Fee: $100 / Non-Resident Fee: $150 Late Fee $ 10 after 3/24 Instructor : Lyn Crasci Room : C Site: Cresskill Community Center 8:00-9:30pm Instructor: Shaina Bilow Room C Site: Cresskill Community Center 7:00—8:00pm Tuesdays—8 Sessions 12/9, 12/16, 1/6, 1/13, 1/20, 1/27, 2/3, 2/10 No Class 12/24,12/30 Supplies needed: 1 Ball worsted weight yarn ( Suggested yarn, Berroco Vintage ) 1 set of straight knitting needles in size US7 or US8 or Circular needles US7 or US8 Tuesdays—4 sessions 4/28, 5/12, 5/26, 6/9 Supplies: Scissors, pencil, paper/notes, tape, Dusting pouch, Fondant roller with guide rings, reuseable cloth wipes, paper napkins, needle nose pliers, , vegetable shortening, gum paste storage board, gum paste , small squeeze bottle with water, box for flower transportation, Student Course #4 Book, Student Course #4 Kit, paper towels, three disposable cups, gum paste flower rack. Phone: 201-816-8065 You can purchase your supplies at: Yarn Diva 428 Hillsdale Ave. Hillsdale, NJ 201-664-4100 Yarn Diva will offer 10 percent off for Cresskill students. Fax: 201-816-8067 Winter 2015 Cresskill Recreation 24 Health Certifications FIRST AIDE Fee: $ 21 Room: C Ages 14 + Monday, November 24 6:00 pm—9:00 pm Participants will receive a certification card approximately two weeks after class CPR Fee: $ 21 Room: C Ages 14+ Thursday , November 20 6:30 pm—9:00 pm or Thursday, December 4 6:30 pm-9:00 pm Participants will receive a certification card approximately two weeks after class. BABYSITTING Fee: $ 21 Room: D Ages 13+ Monday , November 10 6:30 pm—9:00 pm Participants will receive a certification card approximately two weeks after class. Instructors: Cathy Hughes Tom Dore Cresskill First Aid Squad Phone: 201-816-8065 Fax: 201-816-8067 Winter 2015 Cresskill Recreation 25 Sports Certification Rutgers Certification $30 Friday, October 24 6:30pm Pre Registration required Rutgers Certification $30 Sunday, October 26 2:00pm Pre Registration required Rutgers Certification $30 Saturday, November 1 2:00pm Pre Registration required Certification is 4 hours starting at time listed, Please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to program to sign in and receive your paper work. At the end of this class you will receive your certification card. Instructor: Regina Duffy ~ Rutgers Clinician Phone: 201-816-8065 Fax: 201-816-8067 Winter 2015 Cresskill Recreation 26 Upcoming Events Karaoke Night TBS 7:00 pm Regan Field Come out and have some fun and bring your singing voices Public Safety Night September 19, 2015 ~ Rain date 9/26 5:00—9:00 pm Swim Club Parking Lot Drive-In Movie Night Saturday, October 17 , 2014 ~ 7:30 pm (Rain date 10/18) Cresskill Municipal Pool Lot Movie: Paranorma Suggested entry fee: 1 food item Rag-A-Muffin Parade and Pumpkin Painting Contest Saturday, October 25 ~ 10:00 am Toddler through Grade 5 Ackerman Field to Cresskill Community Center Register for pumpkin painting at Borough Hall or the Cresskill Community Center Join us for treats after the parade Rain or Shine Letters to Santa November 1—December 1 Mailbox in front of Cresskill Borough Hall Write your letter to Santa and drop it into the mailbox. Don’t forget to include a return name and address Holiday Home Decorating Contest December 1-12 Winners will receive a plaque at the Mayor and Council meeting on December 17th at 7:30 pm Holiday Tree Lighting Sunday, December 7, 2014 ~ 5:30 pm Veterans Square Join us after the lighting at the Cresskill Fire House and meet Santa and enjoy snacks Phone: 201-816-8065 Fax: 201-816-8067 Winter 2015 Cresskill Recreation 27 Upcoming Events Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, March 28, 2015 10:00 am Toddler to Age 7 Cresskill Community Center Come meet Peter Rabbit Drive-In Movie Night Saturday, May 23, 2015 ~ 7:30 pm Rain date 5/24 Cresskill Municipal Pool Lot Movie: TBS Suggested entry fee 1 food item Summer Fun Camp 2015 June 29 through July 31 Monday—Thursday 9:00am to 3:00pm Friday 9:00am to 1:00pm Cresskill Community Center Summer Movie Night Series 2015 Tuesday, June 23 Rain date 6/25 Movie : TBS Tuesday July 7 Rain date 7/9 Movie : TBS Tuesday July 21 Rain date 7/23 Movie : TBS Tuesday August 4 Rain date 8/6 & Movie : TBS Tuesday August 18 Rain date 8/20 Movie : TBS 7:45 pm Regan Field ~ 3rd Street Sports Complex July 4th Town wide Celebration Saturday, July 4, 2015 ~ Rain Date Sunday, July 5 10:00 am—1:00 pm RIDES _ FOOD _ GAMES Tickets available 6/20 at Recreation Office located in Community Ctr. Summer Concerts 2015 July 2 ~ Gregg Hollister & Friends ( Blues ) July 16 ~ The Clusters ( 50’s through 70’s) July 30 ~ Ariel ( Modern ) August 13 ~ Beatles Faux Sale ( Beatles Tribute ) August 27 ~ The Acchords ( Doo Wop ) Phone: 201-816-8065 Fax: 201-816-8067 Winter 2015 Cresskill Recreation 28 Open Gym Night Age 12 and Under (Adult Supervision Required) Fridays 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm Age 13 and Above Fridays 8:00 pm to 10 pm 1. Cresskill Residents only 2. Proof of residency required (Student ID, license, etc) 3. Anyone under the age of 12 must have a parent or other adult who has been assigned responsibility by the parent. 4. No more than five children can be supervised by any one adult. 5. Each child must be signed in at front desk with a note giving permission for another parent to watch their child (Rules subject to change—Changes will be sent out by e-mail) Open Gym Night will continue through the Fall on Fridays with some exceptions. Please check your e-mail For More Info: Contact Mike Hamlett Cresskill Community Center 201-816-8066 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 201-816-8065 Fax: 201-816-8067 Winter 2015 Cresskill Recreation 29 Recreation Hours of Operation Monday/Tuesday Wednesday/Thursday 9:00 am—9:00 pm 9:00 am—5:00 pm 6:00 pm—9:00 pm Friday Saturday Sunday 9:00 am—8:00 pm 10:00am—12:00pm Call First (Subject to Change—Call First) Closed for lunch between 11:30 and 1:00 Meetings 2014/2015 The Recreation Committee holds its meetings at the Community Center on the fourth Wednesday of the month at 7:30 pm. Room: C 9/24 ,10/22, 11/19, 12/17, 1/28, 2/25, 3/25, 4/22, 5/27, 6/24, 7/22, 9/23, 10/28, 11/25, 12/23 (December meeting will be held on the third Wednesday due to holidays) No meeting in August Program Coordinators & Contacts Soccer: Dan Riccardo ~ [email protected] Basketball: Manoj Sathanathan Track & Field: Amy Cusick ~ Cheerleading: Regina Morrissey ~ [email protected] Softball: Barbara Mann ~ [email protected] Rag-A-Muffin Parade: Gina Glynn & Barbara Mann ~ [email protected] Easter Egg Hunt: Gina Glynn Holiday Tree Lighting: Gina Glynn, Barbara Mann & Cresskill Fire Department Committee Members Joe Scalia (Chair) ~*~ Dan Riccardo (Vice Chair) Amy Cusick, Carmen Cristantiello, Michael DePalo, George Kassab, Regina Morrissey, Manoj Sathananthan Ronnie Hartmann (Secretary) ~*~ Gina Glynn (Program Supervisor) ~*~ Barbara Mann (Director) Phone: 201-816-8065 Fax: 201-816-8067 Winter 2015 Cresskill Recreation 30 Other Contacts Cresskill Junior Football Cresskill/Alpine Baseball P.O. Box 59 Cresskill, NJ 07626 P.O. Box 150 Cresskill, NJ 07626 Matt Morgan ~ President Matt Morgan ~ President [email protected] On-Line Registration Cresskill Cougars United Cresskill Cougar Travel Basketball Travel Soccer P.O. Box 82 Cresskill, NJ 07626 P.O. Box 149 Cresskill, NJ 07626 Nick Ferrara ~ President Gary Savill ~ President [email protected] Cresskill Municipal Pool [email protected] Cresskill Community Center Located at the end of Third Street 100 3rd Street Mike Doto ~ Manager 201-568-4444 Mike Hamlett 201-816-8066 [email protected] Applications fees are taken at the Cresskill Borough Hall 67 Union Avenue Tennis Court permit/keys Building requests Cresskill Recreation 100 3rd St. Barbara Mann 201-816-8065 [email protected] Phone: 201-816-8065 Find Us On Facebook Fax: 201-816-8067
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