EE 495-695 2.1 Properties of Sunlight Y. Baghzouz Professor of Electrical Engineering Electricity from the Sun Indirect solar energy conversion (wind, ocean, hydro, fuels,…) Direct energy conversion: solar cells (PV) Photovoltaics - history The first practical photovoltaic devices were demonstrated in the 1950s. R&D of photovoltaics received its first major boost from the space industry in the 1960s for powering satellites. Solar cells became an interesting scientific variation to the rapidly expanding silicon transistor development. It took the oil crisis in the 1970s to focus world attention for investigating photovoltaics as a means of generating terrestrial power. Their application and advantage to the "remote" power supply area was quickly recognized and prompted the development of terrestrial photovoltaics industry. Photovoltaics - history Small scale applications (such as calculators and watches) were utilized and remote power applications began to benefit from photovoltaics. In the 1980s, research into silicon solar cells paid off and solar cells began to increase their efficiency. In 1985 silicon solar cells achieved the milestone of 20% efficiency. In the 1990s, the photovoltaic industry experienced steady growth rates of 20%, largely promoted by the remote power supply market. Highest Recorded PV Cell Efficiencies Photovoltaics - history In the 2000s, the growth rate has been exponential! Today solar cells are recognized as a means of diminishing the impact of environmental damage caused by fossil fuels. Applications range from power stations of several megawatts to the ubiquitous solar calculators. A number of states have renewable portfolio standards – where the electric utilities are requires to produce a certain percentage of their electrical energy they sell from renewable energy sources. Growth of PV Installations (US) States with Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) Properties of Light: Visible light was viewed as a small subset of the electromagnetic spectrum since the late 1860s. The electromagnetic spectrum describes light as a wave which has a particular wavelength. Max Planck and Albert Einstein proposed that light is made up of specific energy elements, or packets of energy called photons (both won a Nobel prize for physics in 1918 and 1921 for this work). Today, quantum-mechanics explains the observation of the wave nature of light - pictured as a "wavepacket". Relation between speed of light c (= 3 x 108 m/sec), wavelength λ (m), and frequency f (Hz) : f = c λ Photon Energy A photon is characterized by either a wavelength λ (m) or an energy E (J). The relationship between the energy E of a photon and the wavelength λ of a light is given by: E= hc λ where h (= 6.626 × 10-34 Joule·sec) is Planck's constant. Photon Energy When dealing with photons or electrons, a commonly used unit of energy is the electron-volt (eV) rather than the joule (J). An electron-volt is the energy required to raise an electron through 1 volt. Thus 1 eV = 1.602 x 10-19 J. → A commonly used expression which relates the energy (eV) and wavelength (μm) of a photon: 1.24 E (eV ) = λ ( μm) Photon flux and power density The photon flux Φ (# of photons/m2sec) is defined as the number of photons striking a unit area per second. The power density H (W/m2) is the product of the photon flux and the energy E (J) of the photon: H = φE For the same power density, blue light requires fewer photons than red light. Why? Spectral Density and radiant power density The spectral irradiance F is the most common way of characterizing a light source. F gives the power density at a particular wavelength (W/m2μm) φE H = F= λ ( μm) λ ( μm) The radiant power density is calculated by integrating the spectral irradiance over all wavelengths emitted by the source. H Total = ∫ Fdλ ≈ ∑ Fi Δλi i Solar radiation The sun is a hot sphere of gas whose internal temperatures reach over 20 million deg. K. Nuclear fusion reaction at the sun's core converts hydrogen to helium. The radiation from the inner core is not visible since it is absorbed by a layer of hydrogen atoms closer to the sun's surface. Heat is transferred through this layer by convection Sun radiation The total power emitted from the sun is composed many wavelengths, and appears white or yellow to the human eye. These different wavelengths can be seen by passing light through a prism, or water droplets in the case of a rainbow. Different wavelengths show up as different colors, but not all the wavelengths can be seen since some are "invisible" to the human eye. The radiant power density at the sun’s surface Hsun = 5.961 x 107 W/m2. Solar radiation in space The solar irradiance on an object in space decreases as the object moves further away from the sun. The solar irradiance Ho on an object some distance D from the sun is found by 2 ⎛R⎞ H 0 = ⎜ ⎟ H sun ⎝D⎠ where R (= 6.955 x 108 m) is the radius of the sun. Solar radiation intensity in different planets Planet Distance D (x 109 m) Solar Radiation Ho(W/m2) Mercury 57 9228 Venus 108 2586 Earth 150 1353 Mars 227 586 Jupiter 778 50 Saturn 1426 15 Uranus 2868 4 Neptune 4497 2 Pluto 5806 1 Solar Radiation Outside the Earth’s Atmosphere. The actual power density varies slightly since: the Earth-Sun distance changes as the Earth moves in its elliptical orbit around the sun, the sun's emitted power is not constant. The power variation due to the elliptical orbit is about 3.4%, with the largest solar irradiance in January and the smallest solar irradiance in July. An equation which describes the variation through out the year just outside the earth's atmosphere is: ⎛ 360(n − 2) ⎞ H = H o {1 + 0.033 cos⎜ ⎟ ⎝ 365 ⎠ where n is the day of the year Solar Radiation at the Earth's Surface While the solar radiation incident on the Earth's atmosphere is relatively constant, the radiation at the Earth's surface varies widely due to: atmospheric effects, including absorption and scattering; local variations in the atmosphere, such as water vapor, clouds, and pollution; latitude of the location; and the season of the year and the time of day. The above effects have several impacts on the solar radiation received at the Earth's surface These changes include variations in the overall power received, the spectral content of the light and the angle from which light is incident on a surface. Atmospheric Effects Atmospheric effects have several impacts on the solar radiation at the Earth's surface. The major effects for photovoltaic applications are: a reduction in the power of the solar radiation due to absorption, scattering and reflection in the atmosphere; a change in the spectral content of the solar radiation due to greater absorption or scattering of some wavelengths; the introduction of a diffuse or indirect component into the solar radiation; and local variations in the atmosphere (such as water vapor, clouds and pollution) Absorption in the Atmosphere As solar radiation passes through the atmosphere, gasses, dust and aerosols (e.g., ozone, carbon dioxide, water vapor) absorb some of the incident photons. For example, most of the ultraviolet light below 0.3 μm is absorbed by ozone (but not enough to completely prevent sunburn!). The major factor reducing the power from solar radiation is the absorption and scattering of light due to air molecules and dust. This absorption process causes a power reduction, dependant on the path length through the atmosphere. When the sun is overhead, the absorption due to these atmospheric elements causes a relatively uniform reduction across the visible spectrum, so the incident light appears white. However, for longer path lengths, higher energy (lower wavelength) light is more effectively absorbed and scattered. Hence in the morning and evening the sun appears much redder and has a lower intensity than in the middle of the day. Comparison of solar radiation outside the Earth's atmosphere with that reaching the Earth. Direct and Diffuse Radiation Due to Scattering of Incident Light Light is absorbed as it passes through the atmosphere, and at the same time it is subject to scattering. Scattering is caused by molecules (e.g., dust particles) in the atmosphere. Scattering is particularly effective for short wavelength light (i.e., blue light). Scattered light is undirected, and so it appears to be coming from any region of the sky. This light is called "diffuse" light. Since diffuse light is primarily "blue" light, the light that comes from regions of the sky other than where the sun is, appears blue. In the absence of scattering in the atmosphere, the sky would appear black, and the sun would appear as a disk light source. On a clear day, about 10% of the total incident solar radiation is diffuse. Scattering of incident light Blue light has a wavelength similar to the size of particles in the atmosphere – thus scattered. Red light has a wavelength that is larger than most particles – thus unaffected Effect of clouds and other local variations in the atmosphere The final effect of the atmosphere on incident solar radiation is due to local variations in the atmosphere. Depending on the type of cloud cover, the incident power can be severely reduced. An example of heavy cloud cover is shown below. Air Mass The Air Mass (AM) is the path length which light takes through the atmosphere normalized to the shortest possible path length (i.e., when the sun is directly overhead). AM quantifies the reduction in the power of light as it passes through the atmosphere (due to absorption by air and dust). The Air Mass is defined as: 1 y AM ≈ = cos θ x where θ is the angle from the vertical (zenith angle). Air Mass An easy method to determine the AM is from the shadow s of a vertical object. Air mass is the length of the hypotenuse k divided by the object height h: AM ≈ s +h ⎛s⎞ = 1+ ⎜ ⎟ h ⎝h⎠ 2 2 hypotenuse, k 2 θ Air Mass The previous calculation for AM assumes that the atmosphere is a flat horizontal layer. Because of the curvature of the atmosphere, the air mass is not quite equal to the atmospheric path length when the sun is close to the horizon. At sunrise, the angle of the sun from the vertical position is 90° and the air mass is infinite, whereas the path length clearly is not. An equation which incorporates the curvature of the earth is: Standardized Solar Spectrum The efficiency of a solar cell is sensitive to variations in both the power and the spectrum of the incident light. To facilitate an accurate comparison between solar cells measured at different times and locations, a standard spectrum and power density has been defined for both radiation outside the Earth's atmosphere and at the Earth's surface. The standard spectrum outside the Earth's atmosphere is called AM0, because at no stage does the light pass through the atmosphere. It has an integrated power of 1353 W/m2. This spectrum is typically used to predict the expected performance of cells in space. Standardized Solar Spectrum The standard spectrum at the Earth's surface is called AM1.5G, (the G stands for global and includes both direct and diffuse radiation) or AM1.5D (which includes direct radiation only). The intensity of AM1.5D radiation can be approximated by reducing the AM0 spectrum by approximately 30% (due to absorption and scattering). The global spectrum is 10% higher than the direct spectrum. These calculations give approximately 970 W/m2 for AM1.5G. However, the standard AM1.5G spectrum has been rounded to 1kW/m2 for convenience. Standard Solar Spectrum (Excel file available on web) Sunlight Intensity Calculations Based on the Air Mass The intensity of the direct component of sunlight throughout each day can be determined as a function of air mass from the experimentally determined equation[1]: where ID is the intensity on a plane perpendicular to the sun's rays in units of kW/m2 and AM is the air mass. The power term of 0.678 is an empirical fit to the observed data, and takes into account the nonuniformities in the atmospheric layers. [1] Meinel A.B. and Meinel M.P., "Applied Solar Energy", Addison Wesley Publishing Co., 1976 Sunlight Intensity Calculations Based on Air Mass Sunlight intensity increases with the height above sea level. The spectral content of sunlight also changes making the sky 'bluer' on high mountains. A simple empirical fit to observed data is given by[2] : where a = 0.14 and h is the location height above sea level in kilometers. Since the diffuse radiation is still about 10% of the direct component, the global irradiance on a module perpendicular to the sun's rays is: [2] SPECTRAL IRRADIANCE AT DIFFERENT TERRESTRIAL ELEVATIONS", Solar Energy 13, no. 1 (1970) p43-57. Motion of the sun The apparent motion of the sun, caused by the rotation of the Earth about its axis, changes the angle at which the direct component of light will strike the Earth. The position of the sun depends on the location of a point on Earth (latitude and longitude), the time of day and the time of year. Motion of the sun This apparent motion of the sun has a major impact on the amount of power received by a solar collector. When the sun's rays are perpendicular to the absorbing surface, the power density on the surface is equal to the incident power density. When the module is parallel to the sun's rays, the intensity of light essentially falls to zero. For intermediate angles, the relative power density is cos(θ) where θ is the angle between the sun's rays and the module normal. Solar time Local solar time (LST) : when the sun is highest in the sky. Local time (LT) usually varies from LST because of the eccentricity of the Earth's orbit, and because of human adjustments such as time zones and daylight saving. Local Standard Time Meridian (LSTM) is a meridian used for a particular time zone and is similar to the Prime Meridian, which is used for Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).. There are 24 LSTM spaced evenly by 15o Solar time Equation of Time EoT (min) is an empirical equation that corrects for the eccentricity of the Earth's orbit and the Earth's axial tilt. where is in degrees and d is the number of days since the start of the year. Solar time The Time Correction factor (in minutes) accounts for the variation of the Local Solar Time (LST) within a given time zone due to the longitude variations within the time zone and also incorporates the EoT above. the factor of 4 minutes comes from the fact that the Earth rotates 1° every 4 minutes. The Local Solar Time (LST) can be found by using the previous two corrections to adjust the local time (LT): Solar time The Hour Angle (HRA) converts the local solar time (LST) into the number of degrees which the sun moves across the sky. By definition, the Hour Angle is 0° at solar noon. Since the Earth rotates 15° per hour, each hour away from solar noon corresponds to an angular motion of the sun in the sky of 15°. In the morning the Hour Angle is negative, in the afternoon the hour angle is positive Declination angle The declination of the sun is the angle between the equator and a line drawn from the centre of the Earth to the centre of the sun. Declination angle (Earth as reference) Despite the fact that the Earth revolves around the sun, it is simpler to think of the sun revolving around a stationary Earth. This requires a coordinate transformation. Under this alternative coordinate system, the sun moves around the Earth. Declination angle The declination angle can be calculated by where d is the day of the year with Jan 1 as d = 1. A more accurate expression is The declination angle is zero at the equinoxes (March 22 and Sept 22), reaches a maximum of 23.45° on June 22, reaches a minimum of -23.45° on December 22. Elevation angle The elevation (or altitude) angle is the angular height of the sun in the sky measured from the horizontal. The elevation angle is 0° at sunrise and 90° when the sun is directly overhead (which occurs for example at the equator on the spring and fall equinoxes). The elevation angle varies throughout the day. It also depends on the latitude of a particular location and the day of the year. The zenith angle is similar to the elevation angle, but it is measured from the vertical rather than from the horizontal, thus making the zenith angle = 90° - elevation. Maximum elevation angle An important parameter in the design of photovoltaics systems is the maximum elevation angle, i.e., the maximum height of the sun in the sky at a particular time of year. This maximum elevation angle occurs at solar noon and depends on the latitude angle Φ and declination angle δ: For northern hemisphere: For southern hemisphere: Illustration of maximum elevation angle in some latitude in the northern hemisphere Declination angle: δ Latitude angle of interest: Φ Zenith angle: ζ = Φ – δ Elevation angle: α = 90o – ζ = 90o – Φ + δ Variation of elevation angle The elevation varies throughout the day according to the following formula: To calculate the sunrise and sunset times, the equation for elevation is set to zero:
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