Environmental Radiation LLC - +1-520-505-6558 - www.environmentalradiation.com How to Stop a Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Installation Steven Magee inadvertently finds out that his neighbor to the north of his home is planning a solar photovoltaic (PV) installation on their home that is just 15 feet from his. No prior discussions of this PV installation have occurred between Steven Magee and his neighbors. He decides to enact his health and safety rights to stop this known biologically toxic installation and informs the Tucson Mountain Sanctuary Home Owners Association Board: Dear Rhonda, Can you forward this email to the Tucson Mountain Sanctuary Home Owners Association Board, please cc me: 3602 S. Desert Lantern Road, north of my property, is planning a solar photovoltaic system installation next to my home. I object to this for the following reasons: 1. Solar photovoltaic power systems cause high powered solar glare during certain times of the day. The health issues are emerging regarding solar glare and the effects on human health. It may be cancerous, and may induce the many symptoms of EMF sickness that are known to occur with unnatural radiation exposures. Please see Guideline of the Austrian Medical Association for the diagnosis and treatment of EMF related health problems and illnesses (EMFsyndrome) http://freiburger-appell-2012.info/media/EMF%20Guideline%20OAK-AG %20%202012%2003%2003.pdf 2. The home is located on a traffic junction and will most likely blast the junction with afternoon solar glare. This may cause traffic accidents and will increase peoples air conditioning bills who are subjected to this unwanted solar glare. The solar modules will reflect heat onto our home and push up our cooling bills, as well as increasing our risks for cancer and sickness from the strange solar radiation reflections. See “You are most naive to think that glare is not a problem from Solar Panels. When they are installed at a certain angle to the sun, the projection to neighboring properties and traffic areas can be most troublesome. It has burned out our front lawn and makes the use of our property limited at the most desirable times of the year. You should not make absolute statements such as "they do not reflect" until you have made more careful studies.” http://www.definiteanswers.com/q/Do-solar-panels-create-a-glare-4d499f6343a79 3. Solar photovoltaic systems cause dirty electricity effects to occur on the electrical utility system. This is known to make people sick in the surrounding area, particularly those who are on the same utility transformer as we are. See Dirty Electricity: Electrification and the Diseases of Civilization by MD Samuel Milham: http://amzn.com/193890818X 4. Solar photovoltaic systems are known for their ability to go on fire. When they do, the fire service may not fight the fire until it goes dark due to the high voltages on the roof. The home usually has burned to the ground by that time. My home is only 15 feet from theirs and may go on fire also. See 1 Environmental Radiation LLC - +1-520-505-6558 - www.environmentalradiation.com Festering fire service worries over the hazards of working around rooftop photovoltaic (PV) installations are beginning to see the light of day. http://ecmweb.com/fire-amp-security/solar-under-fire 5. Solar photovoltaic systems emit a wide range of electromagnetic interference effects that are known to make people sick. See Solar Photovoltaic Health and Safety http://www.environmentalradiation.com/Solar_PV_Safety.pdf 6. The installation of a solar photovoltaic system brings with it two radio frequency transmitting utility meters. One is bad enough, but two of these known biologically toxic devices is ridiculous. The radio frequency utility meters appear to be distinctly different from each other and may be operating on different frequencies and power levels. I have a one year old baby that should not be exposed to these known biologically toxic emissions and I have a diagnosis of Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (currently in remission) that was triggered by the installation of radio frequency transmitting utility meters in the community of Tucson Mountain Sanctuary. These two known biologically toxic utility meters will be just 15 feet from my home and filling it with known biologically harmful radiation emissions. See Take Back Your Power www.takebackyourpower.net 7. The homes on this transformer have a dirty electrical grounding system that causes all electrically grounded metal to emit radio frequencies. There is a stray voltage problem that energizes electrically grounded metals with approximately 1.5 volts AC and peaks have been recorded of over 85 volts AC. The solar power system on the roof is predominantly metal and will be radiating radio frequencies from this dirty electrical grounding system. 8. Solar photovoltaic power systems act like antennas for wireless radiation. The roof of the homes in this area have a radio frequency power level of 850 mV/m that will energize the solar PV system with radio frequencies. These will feed into the home wiring in the area and may contaminate the home wiring in the surrounding homes with radio frequencies. This may lead to Radio Wave Sickness and Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity to develop in the occupants. See ElectroSensitivity UK http://www.esuk.info/ 9. This solar power system is increasing the risk of a direct lightning strike to the home. We share the same electrical system. Their solar power system if hit, may destroy my appliances and may cause a direct lightning strike to my home or to a person at my property. More information supporting this objection can be found in the following books: Toxic Electricity: http://amzn.com/1475295693 Toxic Light: http://amzn.com/1461151880 Sincerely, Steven Magee They reply to this with: 2 Environmental Radiation LLC - +1-520-505-6558 - www.environmentalradiation.com Mr. Magee, The Board has been blind copied on this email. Regarding your concerns with the installation of solar at the home on Desert Lantern. The company that installs the solar takes into consideration the placement of the panels for maximum efficiency. State law prohibits us from denying any installation of solar devices. Steven Magee checks into the Pima County solar photovoltaic planning codes and find that the above statement appears to be incorrect. Steven Magee calls Pima County to file an objection to the solar photovoltaic system that has yet to be permitted by them. He informs them that it will create solar glare on the road junction and to his home for prolonged periods. He is told that there is no procedure for filing an objection and that if it meets the codes, then it will be permitted. He is also informed that there is no mechanism for people to formally report health and safety issues with solar PV systems to the Pima County Solar Photovoltaic Department. He is informed that there is no way to object to a solar PV system until after it has been installed and put into service. At that point, he can file a code violation complaint. He is informed to contact his local politician to get the laws changed. They inform him that they have had no solar PV complaints (Steven Magee is aware that informing people that no one is complaining is a common customers service technique that is frequently used to isolate the person who is complaining from the other victims and to mislead them). When reviewing the building codes he finds that system violates the “Solar Glare” building code and informs the housing association: Dear Rhonda, The statement "State law prohibits us from denying any installation of solar devices. " appears incorrect. Pima County clearly has solar requirements that must be met: http://webcms.pima.gov/cms/One.aspx?portalId=169&pageId=62064 Importantly, they discuss one of the problems that I have brought to the Tucson Mountain Sanctuary (TMS) Home Owners Association (HOA) attention: "4. Solar energy Systems shall be located such that prolonged and/or substantial concentrated solar radiation or glare shall not be directed onto abutting properties or roadways" This installation will clearly violate that standard, with the home being on a road junction. It will also reflect significant levels of solar glare onto my property for prolonged periods. Please have the Tucson Mountain Sanctuary HOA notify the owners that they will be violating the Pima County solar planning codes and the HOA codes regarding "Nuisance", "Antennas" and "Architectural Improvements". Please send a copy of the violation notification to me for my records. If the system is installed, I will be filing a "Solar Glare" code violation complaint to Pima County. I would expect this to be upheld, due to authoring books on Solar Photovoltaics - see Complete Solar 3 Environmental Radiation LLC - +1-520-505-6558 - www.environmentalradiation.com Photovoltaics for Residential, Commercial, and Utility Systems: http://amzn.com/1467974234. I commissioned the largest solar photovoltaic (PV) utility power plant ever built in the USA in 2009 see http://www.fpl.com/environment/solar/pdf/Desoto.pdf. I had severe radiation sickness by the time it was completed from the biologically harmful electromagnetic field emissions, radio wave exposures and the biologically harmful solar glare. Health and safety complaints regarding these were filed to several government agencies including the Florida Public Service Commission, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and Federal Communications Commission (FCC). I am now an expert on the biological toxicity to the human from solar PV power systems. It is better that the installation of this solar PV system be stopped at this stage for everyone involved. Sincerely, Steven Magee - http://www.environmentalradiation.com/ Administrative Review Submittal Requirements Note: Bolded items are required for Administrative Completeness determination when applicable to project. •Alert!! Depending on project scope, your application may require prior approval of separate external department processes from Regional Flood Control District (RFCD), Regional Wastewater Reclamation Department (RWRD), Pima County Department of Environmental Quality (PDEQ) or Department of Transportation (DOT). General Requirements: •List applicable codes on cover sheet. •PDF file of Site Plan (Drawn to scale) •For site plan information requirements see our posted example ◦Size be 8 ½ inches x 11 inches minimum. Drawing scale: 1:10 to 1:50 acceptable. ◦Show location of all system components on roof or ground. (Panel layout, number of strings, location of tank for hot water systems) •For ground mounted systems: ◦Provide panel array dimensions: outside dimensions, total area covered, highest point above grade. ◦Provide the dimensions from the property lines to the proposed system and existing structures; show set backs. ◦Foundation must be engineered to support the weight of the system and to resist the wind uplift. •Provide a PDF file of cut sheets with UL or other approved listing for all system equipment. •Solar Collector roof loading data and mounting system with fastener sizes and calculations for dead load and wind uplift. (See Structural Requirements below) Photovoltaic Systems. 4 Environmental Radiation LLC - +1-520-505-6558 - www.environmentalradiation.com •One Line Diagram with conductor and conduit sizes and types. •Method of connection to service: back-fed breaker, or line side tap •Conductor size and over-current protection calculations. •Roof conductor calculations are to be based on an ambient temperature of 71°- 80° C (159°- 176° F) using the adjustment factor .58. •Non-roof conductor calculations are to be based on 41°- 45° C (105°- 113° F) using the adjustment factor of .87 (Per NEC 310.15 (B) (2) (c)) •3 Line Diagram with grounding sizing and connections. •Use the Pima County developed PV Calculators: ◦ PV calculator-standard inverter ◦ PV calculator-micro inverter Solar Hot Water Systems •Solar Hot Water Schematic, including temperature relief valve •Backup Power at storage tank: ◦Electrical: one line diagram with conductor and conduit sizing and over-current protection sizing ◦Gas: Isometric of gas piping showing loads, new piping, existing piping and all sizing Wind Energy Systems •Include electrical diagrams per Photovoltaic Systems requirements above. •Meet the underlying zoning requirements •One tower system per residential lot. •Towers require structural engineering or listing demonstrating integrity for wind and seismic loads. Structural Requirements •Structural engineering calculations may be waived if you use the Pima County Standard Operating Procedure 220.2 Equipment installation on existing roofs •An IRC PV roof uplift calculator is also available on our web site. Pima County Zoning Code 18.07.030 (P) Ancillary Scale Renewable Energy System regulates residential solar and wind systems. 18.07.030 Land Use Regulations. P. Ancillary Scale Renewable Energy System. 1. Purpose: a. To encourage energy self-sufficiency on an individual scale through the use of ancillary scale renewable energy systems; b. To minimize to the extent possible adverse visual effects and any possible audio effects of renewable energy systems through appropriate development standards; c. To provide clear regulations for the use of ancillary scale renewable energy systems. 2. Applicability: Primarily intended for on-site use only to off-set part or all of a property owner’s or occupant’s electrical requirements; selling excess energy produced is incidental to the primary use. Ancillary scale renewable energy systems are considered accessory uses to be allowed in all zones subject to the following development standards. 3. Development Standards – Ancillary Scale Solar Energy Systems: 5 Environmental Radiation LLC - +1-520-505-6558 - www.environmentalradiation.com a. Minimum site area: In accordance with the underlying zone. b. Setbacks: 1) Ground-mounted solar energy systems six feet in height or less: i) Front: In accordance with the minimum front yard requirements for a Main Structure or Building of the underlying zone. ii) Side: In accordance with the minimum side yard requirements for an Accessory Structure or Building of the underlying zone. iii) Rear: In accordance with the minimum rear yard requirements for an Accessory Structure or Building of the underlying zone. 2) Ground-mounted solar energy systems greater than six feet in height: i) Front: In accordance with the minimum front yard requirements for a Main Structure or Building of the underlying zone. ii) Side: In accordance with the minimum side yard requirements for a Main Structure or Building of the underlying zone plus two feet. iii) Rear: In accordance with the minimum rear yard requirements for a Main Structure or Building of the underlying zone. 3) Roof-mounted solar energy panels: In accordance with the minimum yard requirements for the applicable structure (Main or Accessory) to which the panel is attached. 4) Solar energy panels co-located on existing utility poles: In accordance with the underlying requirements for the existing pole. c. Height: [Reference Figure 18.07-1] 1) Ground-mounted solar energy systems: Maximum 10 feet, with the following exception that systems up to 16 feet shall be allowed in the IR (Institutional Reserve), RH (Rural Homestead), GR-1 (Rural Residential), SR (Suburban Ranch), and SR-2 (Suburban Ranch Estate) zones and all commercial and industrial zones. 2) Roof-mounted solar energy panels: i) Parapet or flat roof: The highest point of the solar device structure shall be no more than eight feet above the top of the parapet or roof line, and the combined height of the solar device structure and the structure to which it is attached shall comply with the maximum height of the underlying zone allowed for the applicable structure (main or accessory) to which the solar device structure is attached. ii) Gable, hip or gambrel roof: The highest point of the solar device structure shall be no more than six feet above the roof, and the combined height of the solar device structure and the structure to which it is attached shall comply with the maximum height of the underlying zone allowed for the applicable structure (main or accessory) to which the solar device structure is attached. 3) Solar energy panels co-located on existing utility poles: In accordance with the underlying requirements for the existing pole. 4) Height is calculated as measured to the highest point of the solar device structure from the finished grade. d. Ground-mounted solar energy systems located within the Single Residence Zone (CR-1) or Single Residence Zone (CR-2), and ground-mounted solar energy systems within the Suburban Ranch Zone (SR) and Suburban Ranch Estate Zone (SR-2) if the system is set back less than fifty feet (50’) from the abutting properties, shall require a wall or opaque fence (no chain link fencing) on the side abutting the neighbor(s) or that portion of the side affecting the abutting neighbor as determined by the Chief Zoning Inspector or their designee, equal to the height of the system up to six feet or vegetative screening capable of growing up to or greater than the height of the system, be provided to help 6 Environmental Radiation LLC - +1-520-505-6558 - www.environmentalradiation.com obscure the solar system from the abutting neighbors’ ground-level views. The applicant may obtain an exception from this screening requirement to allow no fencing or chain link fencing with written consent from all abutting property owners submitted to the Chief Zoning Inspector or their designee. The applicant must specify to the abutting property owners whether the exception is for no fencing or chain link fencing. e. Lot coverage: Accessory structure maximum lot coverage shall not apply. f. Solar energy panels co-located on existing utility poles are limited to 16 square feet per pole. g. An accessory structure proposed for roof-mounted solar energy panels must serve some other function (e.g. carport, shed) than to mount solar panels, otherwise the system is defined as “groundmounted” and subject to Sections 18.07.030(P)(3)(b)(1) or (2) and 18.07.030(P)(3)(c)(1). 4. Solar energy Systems shall be located such that prolonged and/or substantial concentrated solar radiation or glare shall not be directed onto abutting properties or roadways 5. Energy production: The chief zoning inspector or designee may request prior to issuing permits that the property owner provide written certification that the energy produced by the renewable energy system(s) is reasonably equivalent to the electrical usage of the property; any selling of excess energy is incidental. 6. An exception to the setback requirements may be made subject to approval of a Modification of Setback Requirements (MSR) request in accordance with Section 18.07.070. 7. Any renewable energy system which becomes inoperable shall at the owner’s expense be made operational or shall be removed from the property within one year of the date the system became inoperable. 7
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