IRVINE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Woodbridge High School B I - W E E K L Y IN THIS ISSUE Principal’s Message AP Spotlight WHS Upcoming Events ASB Updates Technology PTSA Information Grad Night 2015 Counseling News Irvine Family Resource Center Quick Links Woodbridge High School Irvine Unified School District Parent Portal WHS Athletic Boosters Join the WHS PTSA! Do you want to participate in decisions about the programs that are supported at WHS? Click here to join the PTSA today! N E W S L E T T E R O C T O B E R 6 , 2 0 1 4 Principal’s Message We continue the roll out of our new critical learner needs. It has never been more apparent than now that refined communication skills are essential to success in college and careers. This is why it takes a prominent place as our second Way of the Warrior, Communication. Communication: We will identify the purpose of our communication and select a medium, tone, organization and style that reflect the task, purpose and audience. We will recognize the power of communication and refine our use of a chosen medium to create a compelling voice that conveys information clearly and coherently. In reviewing practices from the past it became apparent that significant gaps existed between many students’ reading and writing abilities and the reading and writing demands they will likely encounter after high school graduation. The era of exclusively teaching the 5 paragraph essay, only writing about char acterization and literary analysis, and the isolated research paper have proven to be insufficient and in need of change. The first sentence in our description begins to describe this shift. We will identify the purpose of our communication and select a medium, tone, organization and style that reflect the task, purpose and audience. Through exploration of the communication demands students will encounter after graduation we have identified three main writing types we hope to develop in our students. Through a variety of styles and contexts students will refine the various aspects of their writing to make it appropriate for the task, purpose and audience. The three types of writing are listed below. 1. Students will write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence. PAGE 2 Principal’s Message continued... 2. Students will write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content. 3. Students will write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences. The development of these writing types does not rest solely on the shoulders of our English department and students will quickly begin to notice writing being as a tool used to communicate in each of their other disciplines. It is only through a comprehensive approach to communication that students can refine their skills to the level necessary to clearly and coherently convey their ideas. Our second sentence helps define this. We will recognize the power of communication and refine our use of a chosen medium to create a compelling voice that conveys information clearly and coherently. This goal also recognizes that writing isn’t always the most appropriate or powerful way to communicate ideas. In many of our courses the use of art, performance, video or speech is the tool that is most appropriate and creates the most compelling voice. Although the medium may be different, the strategies necessary to identify the appropriate tone and organizational style remain the same. Our focus on communication builds on the best of existing standards and reflects the skills and knowledge students will need to succeed in college, career, and life. Our students should leave Woodbridge High School with the ability to communication in a way that offers and supports opinions, demonstrates understanding of the subjects they are studying, and conveys real and imagined experiences and events. In order to meet this goal we intend to devote a significant amount of time and effort into developing our students’ communication skills. We know this investment is worthwhile. Good things are happening at Woodbridge High School and I feel blessed to be a part of it. Christopher Krebs Principal WOODBRIDGE HIGH SCHOOL PAGE 3 WHS Upcoming Events Monday, October 6 – Jersey Jam Tickets go on sale Friday, October 10 - Pink Out Football Game Friday, October 10 - Last day to drop a class without penalty Monday, October 13 – No School: Staff Development Day Saturday, October 18 - PSAT and PLAN Testing ASB Updates Pink Out Football Game On Friday, October 10th, our varsity football game will be dedicated to raising awareness about breast cancer. Come to cheer on your Warriors and wear PINK! 7 pm, district stadium at University HS. Jersey Jam Ticket Sales Ticket sales for Jersey Jam, our Homecoming Dance and the most popular dance of the year, will begin on Monday, October 6th and will close at the end of lunch (1:17 pm) on Thursday, October 23rd. To purchase a ticket, students must present their ID card and a completed, signed dance contract, which is posted on Tickets are sold in the Activities Office during break and lunch. Ticket prices will increase closer to the dance, so buy early. See chart for ticket price information: WOODBRIDGE HIGH SCHOOL PAGE 4 ASB Updates continued... c We must limit attendance to 1,000 students. We have sold out in the past, and we expect that we could reach the maximum again as our student body is the largest in WHS history. Students should not delay if they plan to buy a ticket. Many students bought tickets at fall registration but don't remember doing so. A list of students who already purchased tickets is posted on the window of the Activities Office for those who need to check. The Jersey Jam is a casual, fun dance that students enjoy tremendously, and we look forward to another successful year of this WHS tradition! TECHNOLOGY By now parents and students should know about CANVAS, IUSD’s new learning management system. Many teachers are using Canvas, and eventually most all courses will be on Canvas. Under the Information tab from the top menu bar of the WHS website you will find student login procedures, information on setting up parent accounts, and Canvas Help Guides. You may also download the free Canvas App from iTunes or Google Play for access on the go. Canvas is a leading edge, online tool that provides a universal approach to engaging students by providing materials, calendars, assignments, communication, quizzes and collaboration for every class in one place. Access to Canvas as a parent, will allow you to observe the activities students are doing within Canvas. PTSA Information YOU CAN STILL JOIN THE WHS PTSA! It’s not too late to join the Woodbridge High School PTSA. Membership is $20 and joining the PTSA allows you to support many worthwhile programs at our school. You can also make donations to support our Student and Teacher Programs as well as Health and Safety Programs at WHS. WOODBRIDGE HIGH SCHOOL PAGE 5 PTSA Information continued... Joining the PTSA and/or donating to our programs is easy. 1. You can join the PTSA and make program donations online with a credit card at Join the PTSA Online. 2. You can print out the online membership form here and make your Program donations with cash or check. Printed forms can be turned in at the school’s front desk or mailed to WHS. REFRESHMENT DONATIONS NEEDED FOR JERSEY JAM The following items are requested: Sweets: Cookies/ Brownies/Licorice Salty: Chips/Pretzels Fruit: Grapes/Cuties/Bananas Send Donations (labeled "Jersey Jam") to school on Friday, October 24th by 4:00pm. If you have any questions, please contact contact: [email protected] WHS PTSA REFLECTIONS PROGRAM - TIME TO START WORKING ON YOUR SUBMITTALS The WHS PTSA will participate in the 2014/15 Reflections Program, a nationwide arts appreciation and recognition program for students sponsored by National PTA. The theme for the 2014/15 Reflections Program is “The world would be a better place if…" To get involved, students submit an original piece, inspired by the theme, in any of following categories: • Dance Choreography • Film Production • Literature • Music Composition • Photography • Visual Arts WOODBRIDGE HIGH SCHOOL PAGE 6 PTSA Information continued... Deadlines for submittal will be in mid-October. For more information go to: California PTA Reflections Program and click on the “More Information” tab to see the General Rules and Entry Forms. Grad Night - 2015! 2015 – GRAD NIGHT IS READY TO START!! Our first Grad Night Committee meeting is scheduled for: Tuesday, October 21st at 7:00pm in the Media Center at WHS. We have amazing, experienced and energetic volunteers who are willing to help chair the event, but would like more co-chairs and as much participation as possible. This a great opportunity, especially for Senior and Junior parents to step-up and help Co-Chair the various Committee areas and/or participate in this year's planning of the Event!! We welcome all Parents, at all grade levels – not just senior parents. Come learn about Grad Night and how you can make a lasting impact by helping with this unique experience and time honored WHS Warrior tradition! Seniors - Get your Tickets to this extremely popular event early! Grad Night ticket forms are available online. Tickets are $125 until December 31st and will increase thereafter. Use this link to purchase Tickets: WHS 2015 Grad Night and click on "Online Payment" tab. If you have any questions, please contact [email protected] WHS PTSA FALL PARENT PROGRAMS (all at 7 p.m.) October 8 - “Learn about Naviance” with Elizabeth Taylor, WHS Counselor November 3 - “Cracking the Code on College Admissions” with representatives from UC Irvine, USC, Chapman University and CSU Fullerton December 3 - “Stress Management for Teens Including Teenage Anxiety, Depression and Test Anxiety” presented by Lucy Vezzuto, Ph.D., Orange County Department of Education LEAVE YOUR MARK AT WOODBRIDGE! WARRIOR WALKWAY BRICKS ARE NOW AVAILABLE The PTSA has kicked off Phase 2 of the Warrior Walkway. The Walkway begins outside the Aquatics Center and continues towards the gym and includes bricks with personalized messages. New bricks are now available for inscription and installation in Phase 2 of the Walkway. Phase 1 of the program was completed in 2011 and we can't guarantee at this time if or when there will be a Phase 3, so we encourage you to purchase a brick NOW while they are still available. WOODBRIDGE HIGH SCHOOL PAGE 7 PTSA Information continued... Senior parents: this is a great time to leave your family’s mark at Woodbridge High. Click on the flyer here for more information and to order online or by mail. If you have any questions, please contact [email protected] HELP WOODBRIDGE MAKE MONEY BY LINKING YOUR RALPH’S CARD! Don't delay, sign up today! This is the easiest way to raise money for WHS. All you need to do is eat! Ralph’s will donate 4% from each purchase and every quarter WHS will get a check for the total! It is very easy to register your card online by going to WHS PTSA code is 91732. Or call 1-800-660-9003. Remember, you can pass on this information to friends and family even if they are out of our area. If they shop at Ralph’s and designate WHS as the recipient of the rewards the contribution comes to our school. And, don't forget, you will need to re-register each year. Click here for the information. Counseling News Academic Support Options - We hope you’ve had an opportunity to review your student’s progress report grades on your Parent Portal account. If a grade for an individual class doesn’t appear on your student’s parent portal account, you can assume that your student is earning at least a “C” in the class. The next grade reporting period, at 9 weeks, is the quarter grade report and a grade will be reported for all classes at that time. There are several options that exist for additional support in classes where your student may be struggling: Tutorial is a half hour block of time between 3rd and 4th period every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for students to access help from their teachers. Ask your student where they go during tutorial and set up a tutorial schedule with them. For example, Tu:English, Wed:Algebra, Thurs:Spanish. Many teachers require students to reserve a spot in their tutorial so encourage your child to plan ahead. After School Tutoring Center: The After School Tutoring Center (ASTC) is open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 3:15-5:15 throughout the year (other than finals weeks). WOODBRIDGE HIGH SCHOOL PAGE 8 Counseling News continued... This free drop-in center is a great place for students to work on assignments, use computers, collaborate for group projects, and receive individual and group tutoring support. Each day, California Scholarship Federation (CSF) student tutors are available to assist in a variety of subject areas. Additionally, teacher tutors are also available to assist. Please contact Molly White ([email protected]) for more information about the ASTC. Teacher and/or Counselor Contact: Teacher and Counselor contact information can be found on the Woodbridge High School website under the “Contact Staff” tab, for more individual questions or concerns about your student’s progress. October College and Career Newsletter – The October College and Career Newsletter is available for your review on the counseling website (from the main WHS website, click on “Counseling”) under the “College Planning” tab. Information about college representative visits to Woodbridge High School, SAT and ACT testing dates, scholarship opportunities, and more are available in this fantastic resource. Check back each month for timely updates. Senior Parent/ Student Workshop - Thank you to those students and parents who were able to attend our annual 12th grade Parent / Student Workshop. Topics included applying to the University of California, the Cal State system and private and out of state colleges. Additionally, information about community college enrollment and transfer planning was presented. If you weren’t able to attend or would like to review the information, all Power Point presentations from the workshops can be found on the counseling website (from the main WHS website, click on “Counseling”) under the “Parent Resources” tab. Senior Classroom Workshops – Counselors visited Economics and Political Science classes on Friday, October 3rd to review graduation requirements and discuss post-graduation planning which, for most, includes applying to college, either 2 year or 4 year. The presentation from the workshop is available for students and parents to review on the counseling website (from the main WHS website, click on “Counseling”) under the “Senior Information” tab. Counselors encourage families and students with questions about post-graduation planning to contact their assigned counselor for an appointment. College Essay Writing Workshop – Seniors who would like additional guidance in writing their personal statements or college entrance essays should attend a workshop on Wednesday, October 8 during Lunch in the Media Center. WOODBRIDGE HIGH SCHOOL PAGE 9 Irvine Family Resource Center IUSD FALL PARENTING SUPPORT CLASSES ARE STARTING! Join us to learn the skills to raise capable, competent, resilient kids who succeed in school and in life. CLASS #1 - POSITIVE DISCIPLINE for Building Capable Kids for parents of K-12 – Mondays, starts October 20, 6:30-8:30 – 6 weeks CLASS #2 – ACTIVE PARENTING NOW for parents of K-6 – Wednesdays 6:30-8:30 – starts October 22 – 6 weeks CLASS #3 – ACTIVE PARENTING OF TEENS for parents of 7th-12th – Thursdays 6:30-8:30 – starts October 23 - 6 weeks CLASS #4 – WHY IS SCHOOL SO HARD? For parents of K-12 – Tuesdays 6:30-8:00 – starts October 21 - 4 weeks CLASS #5 - HELPING YOUR CHILD SUCCEED IN SCHOOL for parents of K-8 - Mondays 9:30-11:30 am – starts October 20 - 6 weeks All classes meet at CREEKSIDE EDUCATION CENTER – corner of Harvard and Barranca – COST $60 individuals/$75 couples/some scholarships available TO REGISTER or ask questions call Susan Holt at 949-936-7502 or email [email protected] WOODBRIDGE HIGH SCHOOL
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