First AnRivirsary DiRRirDiici

First AnRivirsary
Frosh G i a p
o«xii iNSTmn*
P ie ta ria l
S a c tia a
P a n s S -7
Local N A A C P Leader Discusses Prom inent Topics
By Philip,KI . Vonl f al l l .
Cecil B. Moore, president of
lit Philadelphia chapter of the
Nitional Association for the Ad­
vancement of Colored People,
spoke at Drexel on October 2.
liie topic of the address was the
NAACP’s plans for Philadelphia.
A skeletal audience of nearly
twenty students and faculty g re e t­
edMr. Moore who had previously
drawn a crowd of more than 200
inthe summer term .
After a n n o u n c i n g that the
NAACP had not changed its plans
since this sum m er's su ccesses,
Mr. Moore outlined the org an i­
zation’s most prominent public
opinions. Included in the d is ­
cussion were the topics; public
education, bus company hiring
practices, post office p ro m o tioos, Folcroft and bigotry.
Dirtct Action Key to S u c c e s s
Mr. Moore emphasized that
since he took office in Jan u ary
this year, that the org an iation has grown from 9 to 26
toisand members. Under the
ilm of equal competition and
coosideration, the m e t h o d of
picket lines and free speech have
been e x t r e m e l y e f f e c t i v e .
Ikough use of direct action and
aoo-violent methods, the NAACP
kas been able to secure 5600 jobs
since January.
"We are not trying to win
friends and influence people,”
le said in answer to a question
h«i the audience. F u rth e r, he
Wicated that th* NAACP was
looking for jobs so that men
wuld live without r e l i e f paylots, not for the good feelings
tfch are so often accompanied
t Inaction.
C ro i« to w n T r a n s p o r t a t i o n
m ____
Dr. Creese Relates
Experiences At Dit
86 of Home Economics. A sming her duties on Septem ber
> Dean Rankin has under her
rlidicatiort the largest private
'Uege of Home Economics in the
She is replacing M iss
“ enia Chapman who re tire d
'IT having served D rexel for 39
*rs. Miss Chapman, not b reak I 7*' strong ties with the
“001. hab made herself avaUe to the college on a con­
ning basis.
Jraduatii.^; from Russell Sage
f<ankin began h er
as an instructor in a
New York,
her experiences, she
"W to Uatavla, New York,
tnetown, and proceeded to
I ^ j*** schooL Soon after
*•8 awarded a fdUowshIp
IFormer Texas Dean
Outlines Program
By R ic h a r d W. P a s c a l
A fter eighteen y ears of serving
as D rexel’s sixth president. fJr.
Jam es C reese h a s r e t i r e d .
Appointed in 1945 by the {joard
of T ru s te e s, D r. C reese cam e to
O rexel afte r serving as vice
president of Stevens Institute of
Technology for seventeen y ears.
Under his guiding hand, Drexel
has shown marked p ro g ress and
Improvement in the area of c u r­
riculum presentation, and, at the
sam e tim e, the physical plant
expansion p r o g r a m has been
developed and instituted at a
rapid ra te .
D r. C reese told The T riangle,
*'I believe that when 1 arrived
h ere, I knew m ore about Drexel
than m o s t Philadelphians. Al­
though the school has always had
a fine national reputation as a
technical institute, there was a
tim e when some people in this
city didn't even know it existed.
We have made efforts to change
that by expanding both our fac­
ulty and physical plant."
One of the firs t problem s that
D r. C reese saw upon his a rriv al
was the need for an accredited
evening college program so that
students p artic ^ a tin g in such a
program would be candidates for
d eg rees. In 1952 the evening co l-
{Continued on Page 3, Col. i )
R etirin g p ra sid c n t Jo in cs C rM s* w *lcom *s h is s u c c c s to r .
Dr. William W. H ogarty, a s h* arriv e s a t In tv rn atio n al A irp o rt,
^ r . C rM s * h a s b««n a t Dr«x«l for 19 y o a rs and h a s twmod
over h is p o sitio n a t tho beginning of th is term .
Public Health Grant Starts
Environmental Hazards Study
ewDean Appointed To College Of
ome Economics; Chapan Retires
Miss Marjorie E. Rankin is the
N«w P r n i d r a t OfficMly GrMtMl
By R i c h a r d W. P o s c c l
Education was a warm subject
Mr. Moore accused the P h ilaIn response to a O rexel p ro ­
felphia Board of Education of posal to set up and operate an
Wnned dormancy. He noted that Institute of Environmental En­
tere were 55 s u b s t a n d a r d gineering and Science, the U.S.
ichools in predominantly Negro Public Health Service awarded
the school a $42,000 annual grant.
Continued on Page 10, Col. 5)
T his initial grant is the first p ro -
my appointed dean of the C o l-
for graduate work at Cornell
U niversity: graduating from C o r­
nell with a m aste rs degree in
tex tiles and clothing in 1945.
M iss Rankin accepted an in­
stru c to r’s position in the fields
of clothing and applied a rts in
D rexel’s sum m er school and has
rem ained at D rexel ev er since.
M iss Rankin soon became a s ­
sistan t p ro fesso r and then a sso ­
ciate p ro fesso r. Working her way
up to full p ro fessorship, she was
then awarded the title of A ssistant
Dean in 1955. In July of this
By Art L a z a n o f f
ject training grant made to sup­
port such a broad effort in en­
vironmental science t r a i n i n g .
The proposal was made after
consideration of the regional and
national needs for research and
graduate training inenvironm en-
1st Anniversary
The F irs t Anniversary of the
Drexel Activities C enter will be
celebrated this week end, October
4, 5 and 6. All events are free
with the exception of the An­
niversary Dinner Dance sched­
uled for Saturday.
On F riday, October 4th, the
firs t Movie and Mixer evening
will be held starting at 7;Q()
P.M. At that time Ing^nar Berg­
man’s "Wild S traw b erries" will
be shown. Following th^ film ,
at approximately 8;30 P.M ., the
DAC will be the scene of a
year D r. J a m e s C reese an­ Speak-Easy Nite. Play money,
nounced h e r appointed as dean available at a nomial fee, will
of the College of Home E co­ be won during the evening and
nom ics. Asked about her new there will also be a dance band
venture. Dean Rankin com m ents, and entenainm ent for the stu ­
" I t is an- honor to be asked dents who attend.
. . ,
(Continued on Pag* 2. Col. 5>
(Comtiauedon Page 2, Col. S)
tal engineering and science. The
program will deal with environ­
m ental hazards in urban-indus­
tria l cen ters.
D r. F ra n cis K. Davis, head
of D rexel’s Physics Departm ent,
is the directo r of the institute
re se a rc h project. The associate
directo r is P.W. Purdom , fo rm ­
erly d irecto r of the Division of
Environm ental H e a l t h , Com ­
munity Health S ervices, of the
Philadelphia Department of Pub­
lic Health.
When fo rm er Drexel P resident
Jam es C reese announced the p ro ­
gram , he had this to say: " F o r
a number of y ears m em bers of
our Drexel faculties have col­
laborated with the Philadelphia
Depanm ent of Public H ealth—
and notably through the Environ­
mental Health A d v i s o r y Coun­
c il—in helping to define environ­
m ental health standards and con­
tro ls . We have been made in­
creasingly conscious of the acute
shortage of facilities and p e r ­
sonnel to cope with the growing
problem s of a ir, w ater, anil land
pollution, and radiological health,
and feel that we a re in a unique
position to develop, through in­
struction and resea rch , the tech­
nical and professional p^rsonnel-
(ComtiMued o» Page 5, Col. 4)
i ; 111111. 1 1 1 1:! 1. 1 1 I M I t I M
D r. William W. H agerty, fo r­
m er Dean of the University of
Texas College of Engineering,
has assum ed his new ro le a s the
seventh president of D rexel. The
appointment, effective Septem ber
1, 1963, cam e upon the retirem en t
of D r. Jam es C re e s e , president
of Drexel since 1945.
D r. H agerty, a native of M lnne s o u , had been Dean of E ngineer­
ing at the University of Texas
since 1958. He is a graduate in
mechanical engineering from the
University of M innesou; he holds
m aster of s c i e n c e and Ph.D.
d egrees from the U niversity of
P rio r to his appointment a t
T ex as, P resid en t Hagerty had
worked his way through the ac a ­
demic ranks during the la s t twen­
ty y e a rs. He started teaching a t
The Villanova U n i v e r s i t y and
the University of Cincinnati from
1940-42. Joining the faculty of
the University of Michigan, he
advanced to the status of full
p ro fesso r in 1951. In 1955, he
accepted the School of Engineer­
ing Deanship
the U niversity
cf Delaware.
When asked by the T riangle
to explain his basic philosophy
as f a r a s engineering educatioa
was concerned. D r, Hagerty had
this to say: *'A unified curriculum
fo r all engineerliig students a t
the undergraduate level is the
type of education needed today to
m eet the requirem ents of indus­
try . Specialization a t the under­
graduate level should be com ­
pletely e l i m i n a t e d ; Industry
wants engineers that U can train
to its own suUabUity. The g rad (Continued on Page 3, Col. 3)
O nce ag a in th is y ear th ere
w ill be a B eard Growing C o n ­
t e s t for a ll in te re ste d men.
In Iteeping w ith th e Home­
com ing T hem e,'.V estern -style
b eard s sh o u ld be grown.
You c a n r e g is te r for th e
co m p etitio n a t C ourt Tim e
on O ctober 7th and 8th
(Monday and T u e sd a y ) in th e
G reat C ourt. E n tra n ts m ust
be c le a n sh a v en a t th e tim e
of re g is tra tio n .
Id e n tific a ­
tio n c a rd s w ill be g iven
c o n te s t e n tra n ts to p rev en t
problem s with th e R .O .T .C .
D epartm ent.
During Hom ecom ing Week
e n tra n ts w ill be Judged; and
a t th e F rid ay (Novem ber 8th)
P e p R a lly , aw ard s w ill be
p re se n te d to th e w inner an d
runiiier-up. F i r s t p rize is a
k is s from th e Homecoming
Q ueen and a n e le c tr ic razo r.
D e ta ils on an o th er Hom e­
com ing c o m p e tiU o n -a .Them e
CoBtiiine C o a ta s t - W ill be
uiMMMced a t • la te r d a le .
Pmm2 -
O c v b c t 4. 1963
Campus Notes,,.
P*aca Cofps T««t
A Peace Corps p l a c e m e n t
test will be given on Oct. 19.
Prospective recruits should r e ­
port to the Custom House, Sec­
ond and ' Chestnut Streets, a t
8:30 a jn .
V<dunteers must be American
citizens at least 18 years of
age and must have the equiv­
alent of a High School Education.
CYA Dane*
The Joint Catholic Young Adult
Clubs of South Jersey will hold
a Gala Benefit Dance on Sat.,
Oct. 5 from 9:00p.m .to2:00a.m .
H ie Dance will be held at the
Polish American Citizen's Club
Hall at W a rs a w and L o v e ll
Streets. Camden, N J .
Two bands will provide con­
tinuous music for dancing both
upstairs and downstairs. Tickets
are $1.00 In advance of $1.50
at the door and may be pur­
chased from any member of the
ColUngswood, Woodbury, L ln denwold orAdanticCountyClubs.
Parsons, a native of Louisville,
Kentucky, is a graduate of Penn­
sylvania State College and holds
a Master of Science degree in
civil engineering from Cornell
University. He has had 23 years
of m ilitary service i n c lu d in g
combat duty during World War n
and the Korean War.
YWCA HootciMinny
Tony Saletan will open a Hootnanny at the Mid-City YWCA
at 2027 Chestnut S treet on F ri­
day, October 11, at 8:00 pun.
Saletan recently appeared at a
folk singing concert with Theo­
dore Bikei and Isreal Young at
Carnegie Hall.
Tickets are available at the
lobby information desk at the
YWCA for $1.50.
HllUI CoHmm Hour
An introductory coffee hour
sponsored by H llld will be held
on October 8, at 8:30 p jn ., in
the DAC cafeteria. RabblS. Berkowitz and Rabbi H. Rabinowltz
will be present to discuss HiUel
ABC television show Hootnanny
S iio ra R a s o r t E x
to Drexel’s campus. The board
needs the help of all Drexel stu•dents and organizations to obtain
M isic a i iiv o s i o i
this show. It is requested that all
i n d iv i d u a ls and organizations
At 10:30 a.m . on Saturday,
write a letter to;Producer, Hoot­
enanny, Dankar P r o d u c t io n s , August 10, the entire musical
Inc., 120 East 56th Street, New organization of D r e x e l com­
menced an atuck on Ocean City,
York 22, New York.
The letter should show enthu­ N.J. Three hours and fifteen
siasm for having the show at minutes later the entourage had
Drexel, and any points that would broken through the entangling
help the producers choose Drexel traffic and arrived at the ob­
jective, where they were im­
over other area schools.
mediately d i s p e r s e d and ab­
sorbed in the crowd to get in
a few hours of swimming, sun­
Coin Shew
ning, and observation. Somewhat
miraculously, the s t u d e n ts ,
The Hunting Park C lu b of
sixty-nine strong, arrived at the
Philadelphia, Pa. is holding an
assigned meeting place for din­
“ Open House” on Oct. 12, from
ner, and all were “ present or
10:00 aun. to 4:00 p jn ., at the
accounted for.”
Mann Recreation C enter, 5th and
By 8:30 the R.O.T.C. Band and
Allegheny Aves., Phila. All in­
Glee Club were assembled in the
terested in numismatics a re in­
by the lighted pool of the
vited. Persons under 21 years
Delaware Hotel facing the Board­
of age roust have w riaen per­
walk. The Band under the direc­
mission from their parents in
tion of Mr. Clyde Shlve opened
order to buy o r sell coins.
Refreshments , door prizes, the concert with two m arches
and a medley of tunes from
bourse tables, and a high grade
Carousel. F o llo w in g this D r.
auction a re Ae features of the
Heaton conducted the Glee Club
in several selections from its
Effort To Bring
Hoetononny To DIT
ROTC Commander
Col<»d Albro L . P a rso n s,Jr..
has a s s u m e d c o m m a n d of
Drexel’s JU ).T.C. Unit. Colonel
The program b o a r d of the
Drexel Activities Center is cur­
rently attempting to bring the
We all m ake mi$takea. . .
Touch-type, tiunt-and-peck, type with one hand tied
behind your back—it’s easy to turn out perfect papers
on Corrasable. Because you can erase without a trace.
Typing errors disappear like magic with just the flick of
an ordinary pencil eraser.There's never a tellule erasure
mark on Corruable’s special surface.
CorrSsable is available in light,
medium, heavy weights and Onion
Skin. In convenient 100-sheet
packets and 500-sheet ream
boxes. Only Eaton makes
A Berkshire Typewriter Paper
t o i d s W c lc o e n * ;
A p p re c ia te d
summer repertoire. Tht. Varsity
Singers, who had recently re.
turned from Europe, four
of the numbers from tj«j tour.
The Band concluded the pi ogram
with several marches. TJie group
was very well receiv e , Mrs.
Ash, of the Delaware Hotel, was
very pleased with the perform­
ance and extended an invitatloo
to the group to return again next
On Sunday Sept. 22, those members of the sum m er Glee Club
who survived finals anti what Is
even more devastating, VA-.ation,
regrouped. This time tlie objec­
tive was the girls dom.. fa re­
turn for a meal the Glee Club
lent musical s i ^ o r t to Uie eve­
ning meeting which was tJie be­
ginning of Women’s Frushman
Camp. After singing their sum­
m er rq w rto lre, they were joined
by the freshmen women in the
singing oftbe school song;,. Hope­
fully the program anrarted ww
singers to the Glee Club.
A n n iv e rs a ry ...
S iw o rt
Paying Jobs
In Europe
Grand Ducliy of Luxembourg,
O a . 2, 1963-TbeAmeric«nSbident Information Service is ac­
cepting appUcatioos for sum­
m er jobs in Europe. O penli^
include offke Jobs, lifeguarding, factory work, shipboard
■work, child care work, resort
and sales woric. Wages range
to $400 a month.
' ASIS also announced that r e ­
sidual funds perm it the first
4000 applicatts travel g ra a s
of $165 each. Interested stu­
dents should write to D qx. O
ASIS, 22 Ave. de la Libert’e,
i.uxembourg City, Grand Duchy
of Lujconbourg, requesting the
ASIS 24-page prospectus with
Job selection and travel grant
and Job applications. Send $1
for the prospectus and a ir­
mail postage. The first 8000
inquiries receive a $1 credit
toward the new book: E a r n ,
Leam and Travel in Europe.
Frosli HaziRS
Ends Tomorrow
The annual **end-of-faazlng'*
Prosh Day will be held tomor­
row, Saturday at 10:00 a jn . at
the Drexel Athledc Pield-43ixl
and Mailcet Streets.
Thanks to the W .A >., co-ed
recreation has been planned for
tlie morning (this is a good chance
to check out the freshmen g irls.)
Before the cam e, there will be
a pep rally. Tlie game is against
Lebanon Valley, and prom ises to
be a tough one. FREE FOOD will
be given to all freshmen during
tfae game, and tfie half-time tugof-war will give the freshmen a
chance to cod their
week eariy.
Lilo is ao short, so fast the
lone hours fly.
Wo ought to bo togothor, you
and I.
—Honry Alford
48-Hour Service on P assp o rts
and A pplication Photographs
Special prices for Drexel
Students on Wedding Albums
(Continued from Page I)
The Anniversary Dinner Dance
wiU be held in tfae Grand Hill
of tfae DAC on Saturday nlgbt
starting at 7:00 P J^ . After dinner
there will be a program of
American and Intemationdl Folk
Music featuring Joe and Penny
Aronson. The “ Veratones" will
be dance music following tfae
Aronson's performance. The cost
of tfae event, which is partially
subsidized by tfae DAC, is $5,00
per couple.
The closing event for the An­
niversary Weekend wiU be tfae
Campus Concert, featuring tfae
Varsity Singers myler tfae direc­
tion of D r. Heaton, surtlng at
3rfK) P ^ oo Sunday, October
6th. Also appearing will be Or.
RIchman, singing ballards and
playing the piano and guitar,
and Peggy Kain and Ron Okus
In a piano duct.
H om e Ec D ean...
(Continued from Page I)
to be Dean of the largest private
College of Home Economics in
the United States, a College whose
graduates have a record of accompllshmeoc around the world.
"O ur plans for developmea
in the College reflect the plans
for the developmeoc of Drexelcontlnued striving for academic
excellence and strengthening of
the atm o^h ere of academic exc it e m ^ in u n d e rg ra d u a te
classes through further develop
ment of ongoing researcli pro­
gram s and graduate study.
"These are exciting times
fraught with Impelling >
tunity. It is good to be associated
with the alert, purposetul stU'
dents, and the able, cor;enial
faculty of a growing educ::tional
Patronize Our
Big weekend on campus coming up?
Long Dictance is the quick, sure way to make arrangem ents with your date.
O m u 7 :30 A M . TO 7 P M .
Jlctpber 4,
_ Pagr-3
WiU And 'W^ooly Wr
Tins 5- ii- ■ -.iCXiJl will luvi
"Rebel Roiisin’, Rootin' Toolin’,
High FflUitiii’, .Six-(.un Slio<jiL-i’
Wild West Komecominp” (but
you may siiil wear your spacesuits if you liJce). Ilie Homecoming Committee, headed by
Co-Chairmen Uive Hewick and
Walt Law, h is decided to expand
ij '
Jlu...: c in : . . ■ .
Sludun:-, : ;:i
r, ‘ ' i ' '
r o a r i n '' :it toik^oy^-ni.;r-,,i.„ .t :.
program on 1 rid;,V nirJii,
com mt. Qut’ n
— --------------------
Mr. Barton Levvy, V ice P r e s i ­
dent of Display H ouse, Inc,, one
of the Nation’s la rg e s t d e s ig n e rs
and producers of T ra d e Show
exhibitions, will a d d re s s the Stu­
dent Marketing Society on Wed­
nesday, October 9th, at 7:00 pm .
In the past, D isplay House, Inc.,
has created exhibitions fo r many
major U.S. com panies and the
Federal G overnment. T h e se ex­
hibitions have been shown In a
number of the w o rld 's m a jo r
cities, as such ev ents a s the P a r i s
Air Show and Vienna A tom ic
Energy Exhibition. Among its
current a ctiv ities, the com pany
(Continued from Page I)
lege curriculum g a i n e d full
Kcredltation, and a degree p ro ­
gram was established.
Dr. Creese stated that this
event of D rexel's gaining m ore
than its share of public recog­
nition and prestige is perhaps
(he most significaxa one that be
his e;q>erienced during his tim e
a the Institute. He noted fu rth er,
that the budget (over-all o p er­
ating) when he cam e to O rexel
was about $800,000 in 1945; now
in 1963 it has grown to over
^ m i l l i o n — approxim ately
When asked what be rhnnght
the trend at Drexel has been in
recent years a s far a s c u r r i ­
culum was concerned. D r. C reese
rq)lied, " I believe that tb e p ra c ­
tical approach to science is tbe
best way to approach It. F irs t,
you begin with tbe obvious and
move toward the obscure— th is
is technology. Today afy H rarinn
of science is g r o w l^ m o re and
more important. Drexel Institute
nas been attempting to approach
science ffom the p ractical view
point with the theoretical con­
siderations, too.”
Anothci prim e point of s a tis ­
faction mentioned by D r. C reese
was gro-Arth of the faculty. He
stated, " i have had very fo rl ^ t e eAi,;riences with people;
Urexel has had good responsible
eadershii. and of good quality.
I feel that the instruction at D rex^ is ol a belter quality than
many other widely advertised intitution>. Most of Drexel’s m ost
men arc rigiu wUh the siu this is im portant.”
111 Jo
'^y and adm inistration
md M rs. C reese a
a i t he Be Ue v ue
including an
. paid trip to G r e ^ e .
Crui se lifted several re a I “ ' tin 1,4;, l etircm ejit; he S^iri
I sliows him to be
_ y^Ji o above the norm al r e rmuii ijrfc of sixty-five; he
that it is a m u for an ad m in istratio n . to
. ^ h u .ig ed . In tbe c a se of
"S ev eral lai^ge
physical decisions for large
will face the
dmlnt tration !n tW*
.^ .1 .
I'oi i!) '
iidve ihe niaii who |
. • .j,,- '
i-, ;
D’"ex»-l expe t . tohrf^n'f rro
for tiie new classroom builain)'
-‘V fiarl;. this fall. Thp
l 0 '..atec! at 32mi an.' ',' r k e t
Streets will provide space for
approximately 35 classroom s,
two lectu re halls, an auditorium
and the school store.
. . f c.our^ ; aj.,nK tiie hootenanny line fe a turI in t folksinging gro ups.
Display House President
Addresses Marketing Society
? ■
V ’
is engaged in work for the New
York World’s F air. Mr. Lewy
will discuss the problems of
creating and selling displays to
m anufacturers and their effer. s e n ., 3
vention is rare ly brought to the
public’s attention. Mr. Lewy will
discuss his firm ’s role in this
behlnd-the- scenes ac’tM ty." ' ^
The Student Marketing Society
invites all those interested to
a ttaid .
makes the decisions live with
them .”
With these thoughts in mind.
D r. C reese approached the board
in the Fall of 1962 and advised
them that his retirem en t should
be considered; he suggested that
the board select a com m ittee
whose purpose would be to search
fo r and recom m end a new man for
the position. The board followed
his suggestion.
Upon notification of the board’s
finding D r. H agerty, D r. C reese
announced his retirem en t effec­
tive Septem ber 1.
D r. C reese’s future plans in­
clude tra v e l, tim ew lth his family,
and panicIpatioD in local and
state educational m atters. He will
re sid e in P rinceton. N J . , keep­
ing his voting residence in Phila­
D r. Jam es C reese, who re tire d
a s the sixth P re sid ra t of Drexel
Institute of Technology on Sq>tem ber 1, 1963,
assum ed
those duties 00 October 1, 1945.
He cam e to Drexel from the
vice-presidency of SLevens In­
stitute of Technology, Hoboken,
N. J ., a post which he held for
seventeen y ears.
D r. C reese, who was bdrn m
L eetsdale, Pa. on June 19, 1896,
attended the public s c h o o l s in
Pittsburgh and entered Princeton
University in 1914. Although in
the arm y a t the tim e, he graduated ,
with a Bachelor of L etters from i
Princeton University in 1918. He
was a m em ber of Phi Beta Kappa
and was President of hiii senior
For ills work wiili the Amei'ifdiij
Scandiniivian houniJ;-’ - . 'f c r . . i
1919 to 1«^:?8, Dr. Ct” .
knighied by rhe K**.,
lU ruer of Vasa) ui I s>:
P rio r to coining ti* Drexel,
Di. Ci'fuse Jiii'c teu d Nui vey
of the nec-U of :
■' .t men fur war iiulu"r •
New York area, 'lliis :
one ;>f the first ln<;i;i-''
inthe smeri^ency dem3- 'n ■■‘n
glneering and sub-professional| I
persofuu;* re q u iie J I'oi' dcfc»ii>c
D r. C reese was m arried to
M arearer VllHens M o ~ f o n of
()n Saturday there are campus
tours for aiumni and parents,
a parade to the field and the
ilomecommg game with King’s
‘ ollejre followed by the F’r e s id tn t’s R e c e p t i o n back at the
school. On Saturday nijjht, the
fraternities hold their a n n u a l
Open House P artie s, to which all
are invited.
Among the many contests fea­
tured this year will be: a Heard
------- ----------------
Mofu E f f i c i e n t Sch ool Store
More Efficient School Store
The design incorp^.'rates the
school .itore, a lounge and a d e­
tached auditorium on the ground
level. Both the Ixxjk store and
the supply store will b« Incor­
porated in o rder to utilize space
and personnel more efficiently.
Designer! by Baader. Young
and Scliultze, tlie building will
match the Science Center and
tlie Activities C enter in tone
and color. The th ree story brick
and glass building will be air
conditioned. The classroom s will
be sim ilar to those in the r e -
En vi ron men tal. ..
(Continued from Page I )
environmental e n g i n e e r s and
uate level of education is the scientists-w ho a re competent to
Place to sta rt specialization.”
deal with the broad range of new
D r. Hagerty was askedto com ­
environmental problem s.”
ment on any long range goals he
The D irector of Community
considered ripe for development Health Services, Dr. John J .
at the Institute. ‘‘Using the ex­
Hanlon, hailed the new approach
isting physical plant as a spring to the problem of environmental
board, I can visualize three spe­
health. " It is a paradox,” said
cific areas that a re rip e fo r de­
D r. Hanlon, "th at the environ­
velopment. F irs t, a special p ro ­
ment. which was the firs t p ro ­
gram fo r unusually qualified stu­
blem area attacked historically
dents should be initiated—one by public health w orkers. Is still
that includes research as a m ajor a prim e area concern. T his is
portion <rf the cooperative ex­
due to the combination of in­
perience; presently about 70S6 ^
creased urbanization and indus­
our entering fre«^f'men a r e in the trialization, plus the population
top 20%of their ,ji -.jchooi grad­
explosion. We must intensify our
uating classes., lur L- x d is efforts to protect our environ­
noe attracting the top
two, ment. T his is fundamental to our
o r th ree percent studc:.". ,.5 'm eway of life, if not to lilc Ir^^elf.
tl>ing should be done tn vet ry-'^sc n ? t**ree o reas of {:reat<?st need
scholarly students in
ir> leldtiJ to wa^e.' p'>"tition, a ir
D re x e l/’
poUutiOi.. an i -aviiological health.
The development by Drexel of
"Second,*’ D r, Hageri> con­
an InstiluiL of Environmental En­
tinued, " I want to concentrate gineering and Science is espe­
on devdoplng that which is a l­
cially welcomed by the com ready g o o d a t O r e x e l . B y munky health services of Phila­
strengthening our faculty with delphia Department of P u b l i c
new and highly qualified peofde, Health, because it will com ple­
1 want to develop outstanding de­
ment our program s through r e ­
partm ents in all phases of the
search and the p rq iaratio n of
much needed personnel.”
Tbe plan for the institute is to
A re se a rc h program was the acquire, equip, and utilize the
third point mentioned by D r. necessary space and facilities
H agerty. T his is a vital necessity over a five y ear developmental
if Drexel is ever to expand to period. At the beginning of the
the point a t which it can offer a last year of that period, the in­
stitute would be set up to p ro ­
full graduate Ph J ) . program .
vide a perm anent acto in istraD r. Hagerty f e e l s t h a t the tive framework for the program s
school should assum e as much of of resea rch , instruction, and pub­
an academ ic attitude and atm os­ lic service in the field of E n­
phere as possible. He s t a t e d , vironmental Engineering and Sci­
“ The student should be h ere for ence. The curricula in a ir r e ­
an education; all other m a tters— sources. water reso u rces, radio­
sports, social life. e tc .—a re nice logical health, and land reso u rces
and have th eir place, but the would lead to the m a s te r's de­
subject of Itarning should be g ree, according to D r. Davis,
"T he developmental activities of
emphasized above a ll.”
th t program will r e q u i r e a
O r. Hagerty is a mernlxn- of multidisci{ilinary apfmiach tothe
___ _____________
^ ___
t' ■ American So*:lery ofM w hun- complex
anu science
ic>.l Engineers,Am irican Society j problem s which affect our everyof Engineering C'diicaUon, die | day life—thc-prubi^ins with which
.V -ional Society cl ProffRSiou il we must deal effet_u\ ly (.'verthe
•• ■m eers.
Ki, Pi Tau next few di-rauc;; if :1,. v.urld is
u.c, and PI
. PI. , honur- , to be a U: -r pL- u in v.hi^ h to
j wigineenr.,
u.m j . tie it. live; or, iiidctti, u lue world is
•is J i' tlve bi til'.,N\'Uit/iol ~ \
CO remair. evoa ar
“ place
to live a.', it is today.”
i r .■
, ,
(f'ontinued from Page I )
c<^tly oi . ' n e d Commo;;weaith
S ta t e B p o r t C o n s t r u c t i o n C o s t s
State Be-ars Constructicn Costs
The General State Authority
of Pennsylvania will finance the
approximate erection co-^'tof $1.5
million. Occupancy is vpected
for tlie fall of 1965 a ’ It is
hoped tliat construction iillsta ii:
late this month o r early next
Designed for functional, use. the
clb.^srooms will be of a general
purpose nature while tl e audi­
torium will accommoc ite 3()0
persons for lectures or for sm all,
non-extensive dram atic produc­
tions. Each lecture hall wUl be
capable of seating 100 students
Plan* for t h e F o tu r e
Plans for the Future
Drexel presently has plans for
a nine story, a ir conditioned
Science C enter addition to be
located next to the present stru c ­
tu re. The costs of this addition
will be taken on by the General
State Authority of Pennsylvania.
A lso, under term s of the Fed­
eral Housing Redevelopment Au­
thority, Drexel hopes to construct
dorm atorics in the campus a re a .
The alleviation of the crowded
conditions of both o f f i c e and
classroom space is the purpose
of D rexel’s expansion plans. The
future will see Drexel continue to
grow with the community and
with the nation’s industrial p ro <{ress.
When Godin, that famed lady fiir.
Told her husband. "I've nothing to wear.”
With his Swin(line in hand,
He stapled a band
And said, "Wear this, my dear, in youi hair!"
tir Uio mi tOOO
5 a y $
No bitger than a pack of gun;
• Unconditionally quaranleort'
• Relills availnbfc anywluMo'
• Gel (I nt any slalioncty.
vniiety, or book store'
im v r
lO M ItltN O CUV I. N V
Pajjc 4 - Ortobrr 4. I96J
A Statem ent Of Policy
In te g ra tio n A n d
Y o u
By George Nice
T h e ro le o f a s tu d e n t n e w s p a p e r is
seld om c le a rl y d e fin e d , and a l l t oo
of te n th e n e w s p a p e r is e x p e c t e d to b e
all th in g s to all p e o pl e . With t h i s in
mind, w e of T h e T r i o n q l e ’ s E d i t o r i a l
Board s e t forth o u r c o n c e p t o f t h e
s t u d e n t n e w s p a p e r an d i t s p l a c e in
the c a m p u s life.
The primary duty of th e new sp ap er is
to inform its read ers. By its new s ar­
tic le s , the Triangle attem pts to give
the reader a com plete picture of the
ev en ts of in te r e s t to him in th e la s t
Stories reflec t not only the
immediate e v e n ts a t Drexel, but they
also p resen t n ew s about educational
developm ents and world affa irs as
they r e la te to th e student.
News reporting is kep t unbiased
and ob jectiv e. No fovoritism is shown
toward « iy group or o rganization in
th e handling of new s, and all items
are p u b lished strictly on th e b a s i s
of th eir n ew s v alue and th eir in te r e st
to our read ers.
The T rian gle is th e v o ic e of the
Drexel stu d e n t body, and all stu d e n ts
ore given the opportunity to e x p r e s s
th em se lv es through th e n ew spaper.
Freedom of th e p r e s s is scru p u lo u sly
observed by bo,th the adm inistration
and the new sp ap er staff,
to th e req u irem e n ts of
pood ta s te . No viewpoint
nor is any one view point
the reader.
su b je c t only
legality and
is censored,
forced upon
Editorially, T he T rian q le h a s an
obliqation to stim u late stu d e n t opinion
and thinking on all s u b je c ts relating
to the In stitu te, cam pus ac tiv ity , and
the field s of p o litic s and ed ucation.
E d ito rials are aimed to promote the
b e s t in t e r e s t s of th e stud e n t body,
but in a c o n s tru ctiv e and r esp o n s ib le
manner, and without p reju d ice toward
any elem en t of th e Drexel community.
Among th e g o a ls of T he T ria n g le ’s
editorial policy are th e following:
• V oice popular s tu d e n t opinion
• Give cr e d it to ach iev em en t at
• Prom ote acad em ic e x c e l l e n c e
• P o in t out d e f i c i e n c i e s and short­
com ings a t Drexel
• E n courage school sp irit
In all our jo u rn alistic a c t i v i t i e s , the
sta ff of T h e T rian g le are guided by
William Allen White s maxim, to “ give
our re a d e rs a li t t l e bett«r p ap er than
they know t h ^ w ont.” If we can ful­
fill th is a d v ice in full m easu re, our
ta s k will be accom plished.
In the beginning God made m an. And,
when He stopped to re s t, He was w ellpleased; o r so the Bible say s. But whether
you subscribe to the Biblical story in
Genesis o r to the Darwanian theory of
evolution, you must concede that eith er
in the beginning in the garden of Eden o r
in the daybreak of m an's evolution from
the le s s e r b easts, he was a sim ple and
unsophisticated being. T here was little
that was com plicated enough to invoke
God’s censure.
As man m atured, his society became
m ore complex. And a s he grew , he d evelq)ed system s of government and en­
cum bered and entrapped him self in the
robes of civilization. His politics grew
along with his society. And m ore and
m ore form s of govem inent evolved, until
today man has all of the fo rm s behind
him, and m ost of them a r e h ere today.
Today man stands condemned by his
sophistication. In the light of the JudaeoC h ristian ethics upon which m orality in
the W estern world is founded, man is
condemned. T h ere is nothing that can
be accom plished by r e tu m li^ to his o r i­
ginal sta te . He m ay only plod altn g in the
quagm ire of life collectively searching
fo r a b etter existance - ai. existance
that is c lo ser to God.
You may wonder why all of th is should
be m e a n ii^ u l to you a s you begin th is
y e a r a t D rexel. D rexel is fa r rem oved
By D a v e G rudem
about school
two examples
which should
of the student
T h e P o o l R^
'd e " '
Pool players of D rexel—make a dash
for the D ^ .C . “ Moron Room” (haven
of flunkies and “ the boys” )—because
last Friday the somewhat dirty (not cJiipped or cracked, and probably not even
scratched) sets of pool balls were r e ­
placed with brand new ones. These new
beauties were so shiny that they alm ost
dazzled me into forgetting the pains caused
by our skyrocketing student fees, which
eventually pay tlie bUls for such non­
sense. One set of medium grade pool
balls costs in the $25 range (according
to a local salesm an), so that the bill
racked up in about two minutes by the
D ^ .C . was $75. (three tables @$25).
It seem s to me that better socials could
be made available If such apparent waste
w ere cut out.
C k k M
T h e "M a iM '’ F i a s c o
Along the lines of better so c ials, last
Friday night was a prinfb example ol
a social which could have been b elter.
After a seemingly endless tim e -vdirijig
for die “ M ix er" to beg*a, we w ere treated
to £.r eAtr<a-nely “ b-.d news' coi.ibo.
Jl was ;iot So uiacii that tiie combo wat
b^.il it was just out-of-(nacc, t^lutes and
the like just don't make a m ixer combo—
all Uie DJV.C. has to do is to ask a
fratern ity man where they can get such
combos and they will save money as
well as have better m usic.
R u m o r e d . ..
...that the D j\.C . wiU play a big p art
in Homecoming. In keeping with the Wild
West them e, the D.A.C. wUl be Boot
H ill—dead as usual.
...that Cavanaugh’s RaUroad Bar will
be converted into a W estern Saloon for
Homecoming Week.
Officiol n c w s p a p e r p u b l i s h o d b y th e s t u d e n t s of Drexel I n s t i t u t e of T e c h n o lo g y
32nd and C h e s t n u t S t r e e t s , P h i l a d e l p h i a . I s s u e d ev e ry Frid ay durin g th e c o l l e g e
ye a r . S e c o n d c l a s s p o s t a g e p a i d at P h i l a d e l p h i a , P e n n a . , O c t o b e r 15 1926
un d er th e Act o f March 3, 1879, a s am en d ed . A d v e r ti si n g r a t e s fu r n is h e d upon
r e q u e s t . A d d r e s s all b u s i n e s s m m m u n i c a t i o n s to '>>e B u s i n e s s M anager. All
o th e r c o r r e s p o n d e n c e , a d d r e s s th e E d ito r. S U H S C R I P l l O N , $3.0 0 P K R Y EA R .
O p in io n s e x p r e s s e d in sig n e d c o lu m n s a r e not n e c e s s a r i l y t h o s e o f th e I n s t i t u t e
T h e Trian g le . Phorte: BA 2-1654 or EV 2-6200 ( E x t e n s i o n 536).
E d i t o r - i n - C h i e f .........................................................................
............... “
pX u
B usiness Manager ................................................................................. i ” :::::;;:::: n A v f o 6 .
A s s o c i a t e E d i to r s ................................................... RIC H ARD W. P A S C A L
P.U1 J. Smith. Richard W. P a . c a l , PhUip L. «wick, PhUip K. Van ItalUe, John Green, Stephen Kay
New. E d i t o r ...............................................
R epo rten -A nita Mironov, C h M u i ’ Elko
Marvin G r o .. , Dick Norman. Anthony Sp’adafora Hett'y Ann
Lazanoff, Linda Argentieri, Dave McCracken David P a^u
Peck, Joe D'lppoiito, Steve Shapiro.
............... ' ’ ‘’“ ‘P ' ' • ' ' “n ««Ule
K er.hner, Art
*«»••. P«t
Write r-G eorge Nice. Dave Grudem, Robert Smorodin, Dick Worobec, Bill Metzel.on
Layout Editor .................................... P K O D U C n O N S T A F F
Staff ...............
.......................................................................................................Morgan E. Death
................................................. ..
G'“ham, Anne Marie Ker.hner, Dave McCracken
A ^ Manager ............................BUSINESS S T A F F
Local Adverti»ing .............
.....................................................................................Barbara Lewln
Credit ........................ ........... loh^ Erii-.!™................................. Z .................. MacCIay, Bob Thompson
......................Ty p i .t ................................................................................................ Opal Muffley
Sports KJitor .................................
WclK.rter.-Dave Meim, Tom WwVel’RogiiV Ha^l'.V B^b'P^^^^
Editorial Advisor
F i n . n c i . i Advisor".’":.".;;:;:;;:;:;;;;;;......................................................................... ..
t V. A
V '■
T h a ih s
S w n s t
liH tal
E ditor, Drexel T riangle:
I would like to express my deep ap­
p reciation to all the officers (rf the v a r­
ious student organizations who worked
so hard to make the f ir s t Drexel A c­
tivities Night a success.
Lew C ham ock, Steve Cohen, Shelia
Dugan, and Paul Smith served on the
com m ittee responsible fo r organizing the
whole evening. Special recognition m ust
be given to m em bers of the Student Sen­
a te, Blue Key, and Gamma Sigma Sigma,
who gave d ieir tim e to do w oik fo r the
com m ittee. Dave Grudem , Walt Stevens,
Alan K a r re r, Ralph Scola and J e rr y Klein
d eserv e individual thanks. In addition,
th ere a r e the counselors a t Frosh Camp
and the faculty m em bers who made class
announcem ents. C red it also goes to the
m aintenance crew fo r th eir quick work
in changing the Grand Hall from
afternoon movie set-u p to the compli­
cated layout we wanted in an extremely
sh o rt space of tim e. M r. Huddell and
the parking lot attendants deserve a pat
on the back fo r the wonderful way diey
handled the flood of c a rs .
What has been m ost gratifying to me
personally, is the way in which an idea,
bom in a com m ittee meeting at an oido f-th e-su m m er Senate Workshop, could
blossom into a successful full scale pro­
duction in hardly a m onth's tim e.
Y ours tru ly ,
M ark E.Sandberg,Chairm an
Drexel A ctivities Niglu
E s t a b l i s h e d 1 9 2 6 _____________________________ A s s o c i a t « y C o [ i e g i o t e P r e s s
n e w s p a p e r : Reactionary,Conservative
M oderate, L ib eral. Radical. Who is to
say which is the right path to follow? ft
is the individual's decision.
A definition of the problem at hand is
n ecessa ry before one can comprehend or
suggest its solution. Integration is not the
r e a l problem , it is only a manifestationof
the hidden question. At present we are
witnessing a g reat struggle between States'
Rights and centralized authority. And I
shall tr y to p ictu re It to you as it really
One side of the political spectrum Is
a s d isu s te fu l a s the o th er. The inability
to appreciate an o th er's view poi* is
d isa stro u s, fo r it Is only by the mutual
exchange of Ideas that we can grow.
A m ature look at th ese problems and
th e possible consequences of our de­
cision s is the best that can be hoped for.
The D.A.G. Does It Again
While on an excursion
last F riday, 1 came a cro ss
of D ^ .C . mismanagement
be brought to the attention
body as a whole.
from the man at the beginning, but she
is the m ainstream of man today. All
that man has been for the last 2000
y ears and aU that he will be in the future
is contained within these walls.
T h ere is m ore that man can do besides
plodding along. He can search for truth.
He may reap p raise that which has passed
and build fo r the future. That is the
purpose of this s e rie s on Integration.
Although Drexel is mainly a conserva­
tiv e school, all shades of opinion are re­
presented in its student b < ^ and in' its
^ Y edin sk>
MfflbAKk IffllMftUteA.
Ocwbeff4. 1963 - *
^Bout Tom
/ f
By B ill H e t z e l s o n
The classical music season is in full
b lo o m in iMiilaik-lphia, and tlie Philadelphia
O r c h e . s t r a ha;, begunanotheryearofw eekly conceri.s. Jeanne-M arie Dane, French
pianist, is the featured a rtis t Oct. 11 8>
Oct. 12 at the Academy, and the Royal
Philharmonic O rchestra of L.ondon appears (X:t. 17.
Free C h am b er M usic
A series of six free concerts of cham ber
music as played by the Philadelphia Q uar­
tet begins tonight at the University of
Pennsylvania Museum, 34th and Locust
Sts. The six concerts will feature the
ctambcr music of Mozart and Schoenberg.
Comedy and Dram a in M usic
folk entertainer. His multllin(',ual songs
and fascinating; stories offer a world of
great folk entertainment for the lucky
people who will crowd the Ir -in-’ Auditorium .
Saturday night. Oct. 4, the Kingston
T rio gives a charity concen at c:onvention Hall. Last year this popular trio
perform ed before two packetl houses at
the Academy and have moved to the
m ore spacious Convention Hall to accommotlate their numerous fans. As just
about everyone knows, the T rio ’s reco rd­
ing of "Tom l)ooley” set off the folk
c raze which has swept the country. They
a re the prototype for almost all of the
new folk groups and, as the saying goes,
"im itation is the highest form of flattery."
Two of the biggest names in music A N e o p h y te E n t e r s Town
Birgit Nilsson and Victor Borge - a re
E ver heard of Hob Dylan? If you have,
coming soon to the Academy. M iss Nilsson
will sing ttie lead in the Grand Opera’s you can count yourself in with a small,
inaugural, Puccini’s "T u rand ot,” Oct. but ever-growing clique that considers
I6th at the Academy. “ T urandoi” is Bob Dylan the most important folk singer
among the most colorful and melodic of to come along in y ears. He was p re ­
all operas, and, of co urse. M iss Nilsson viously known as the "poet laureate”
of the folk poets and as one of the top
Is incomparable.
Victor Borge, the world-renouned m u- songw riters in the business, but now his
slcian-comedian, will present a concert hillbilly voice has projected him into
entitled " C o m e d y in M u s ic ” at the prominance as a singer. He sings mainly
Academy Oct. 13. The concert can’t be his own songs, such hits as "Blowing in
the Wind” and "Don’t Think Twice, It's
anything but hilarious.
All Right.” Oct. 25th at Town Hall m arks
Old F a v o r i t e R e t u r n s
One of the most popular revues in the Fhilly concert debut of this great
America - the Ice Capades - re tu rn s to talent. Don’t m iss him!
" In s to n t H ate”
Fhilly’s Arena for two weeks startin g Oct.
"Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf” is
ISth. Discount tickets a r e available for
the Tues,, Oct. 22nd show, at the DAC one of the m ost-talked about plays ever
written. It has been condemned as in­
tellectually fraudulent and obscene and
Fo lk dom
Two of the biggest an ractio n s in all of has been praised for its intellectuality
folkdom-Theotlore Bikel and the Kings­ and its frankness. It is enigmatic, thoughtton Trio - make this weekend a feast for provoking, and scintillating all at once.
folk aficionados. Tonight at Penn’s Irvine It is an unforgettable evening. Next week
Auditoriimi, ThcxKlore Bikel will give is the last week lidward Albee’s m a s te r­
what this column considers to be the most piece will be in I'hilly, so get your
varied, the most exc?*;ng show of any tickets now. Tliey’re scarce.
F a ll R e fle c tio m
Itv Itoli Siiionxliii
By Serge O e l l n o i s a n d S te v e S hapiro
"T he Negro in America Is not a part many people are afraid to ask them ­
of the American society. T his is the selves because of the doubts it might
greatest single crim e that the A m er­ raise in th eir minds and because of
ican people have ever committed, and the implications these doubts c a rry with
one of the greatest crim es that any them selves for the ‘Great American De­
mocracy!” Is it possible that in a coun­
people has ever committed.”
—Robert M. Hutchins try with a police force as well organized
as ours, such actions can take place not
The recent rise of the American Negro only in [Birmingham but all over the
has been the most spectacular event in country without the police ever finding
the Western Worlil during the last de­ out anything at all?
T here is a law in social psychology
cade. The feelings expressed by the Ne­
gro group are not, as too many people that states that violence is answered
believe, a new experienc e to the Negro by violence. Would this mean that we
in America.These feelings have existed a re witnessing the beginning of a racial
here since the first slave c a r r ie r from revolution in the U.S. that would end
Africa hit the shores of this continent. up in a blood bath?
What could be more un-American than
The single vital change responsible for
the Washington March is that instead these te r ro r is t activities? We do have
of being an introvert about his situa­ an "U n-A m erican A c t i v i t i e s Comnrittion, the Negro started expressing him­ te e ,” but it keeps hunting pseudo-Comself in a rath er strong non-violent way. m unists and ignores the obvious crim es
Another startling feature is the poli­ against the American ideals.
Is Am erica trying to cope with the
tical maturity of a group whose political
experience amounts to almost nothing. Communist challenge o r is she trying
This political maturity is demonstrated to commit " h a r i-k ir i? ” How can we
by a protest m arch (Washington) in which decently, as world leaders, ask other
roughly half a million people participated, peoples to follow if we ourselves do not
with practically no violence registered . live up to our own ideals?
In Russia, individuals are sacrificed
Ignoring the peacefulness of the Negro
protest, a sector of the white population to the state. In America people a re p e r ­
of this country reacted by te r ro r is t a c ­ secuted because of the color of th eir
tivities which have increased alarmingly. skin. We wonder how many potential
To mention bombing, in the city of B ir­ " C a s tro s " around the world a re asking
mingham alone, according to the Phila­ them selves who is b etter off? If this
delphia Inquirer (Sept. 16, 1963), in 1956 goes on we cannot help predicting a
one bomb was thrown, in 1957 it in­ very dark future indeed. We envision
creased to fiye, in 1958 it dropped to lonely Am erica falling apart from an
three (a bad year), in 1962 it went up internal bloody revolt, and on the out­
to five again, in 1963 we witnessed seven, side the Communist m atador using the
and there might be still m ore in 1963. opportunity to execute the killing in a
Now we will state the question too grand style.
HowTo Tell If You’re a Sports Fan
By P h il V an I t o l l i e
The old adage " I t ’s not who wins
but how the game is played” certainly
holds tru e today. As we shall see, a
true sports fan will take issue with the
Sporting activities are always partisan.
In fact, most sports require two o r m ore
opponents in o rd er that the basic rules
be fulfilled. Tlius, a sports addict is
forced to choose between one of the two
o r more opponents, favoring one for
some reason, logical o r otherwise.
C h o o s in g S id es
As the new term swings into hij^h gear,
the Potpourri Associates have congregated
and set down certain points on ilie world
in t'.enerdl. What better (and sa fer) way
to start die term than to say nothing of
cwtrovei'sial import? Tliat way we’r e all
What You Missed...,Not one, but two of
ilie most excitiBg cultural displays in the
»orld. Tlie first was the Moscow State
Circus, whiclj ran for tea days i<i our fak*
city. Oily vaguely resembUBg its Banubn-
Otherwise, the game was held in normalcy.
We bought a dime Pepsi for 25^, gobbled
with traditional thankfulness our half-done
frankfurter, and waited for the announcer
to stop refe rrin g to Drexel’s “ fifty-one
yard line” .
About the Freshm an G irls:...A s lovely
as everl Once again the Great Court
su rren d ers to the m ass of Romeos, the
scene of the Great Courtings, Drexel's
mating grouuds.
About the World S eries:....(A s y o u
each tru e fan chooses his team o r man
and the sp orts world is able to continue.
C h e e r l e a d e r s , an I n te g r a l P a r t of th e G am e
Now we a r e ready. The game may sta rt.
BANG! Ok, now that the sta n in g gun o r
whistle has sounded, one may uncover
one’s e a rs and enjoy watching the game.
F o r any that still question whether ch e e r­
lead ers a re p art of the game, be it
resolved that they ARE,
About halfway through the battle (game)
enough tim e will have elapsed that one
may ask oneself this sim ple question;
"Am 1 still rooting fo r a team , eith er
one, to win?” If the answer is affirm a­
tive, slap the guy next to you and shout,
"Y ea team l” However, if the answer is
negative — you don’t c a re who is gonna
win — buss your date on the cheek and
whisper in h er e a r, ” I know of a good
quiet place to go after the game; the
food and drinks a r e of good quality.”
Although you may want to leave before
Sporting events draw non-true as well
as true fans. Because there a r e usually
a majority of true fans at a sporting
event, the non-true fan, realizing the
personal disadvantage he faces, will n o r­
mally react by choosing a team o r a
” side.” If the chooser is a woman, then
such choices could be based on such
logical things as uniform color, spotting
a goodlooking player o r coach, cute little
gadgets held o r worn by the p layers or the game Is over, contain yourself and
h er b«y friend’s choice. If known. Men’s
show your loyality.
choices too a re aften logical such as
N «t« o f C e u t i o a
the average weight o r height pf thete4|p‘s v,
A .mioraft J p be found in M s pastime
m en i^rs.' knowt physV:ai a ttr ib u te s ^ *
Bailey counter-part, MSC displayed the read this, two games have been played,
^ginaUor of p ^ o r r a e r s . even from the so the following may seem m unda^ (look
^ialist world. It oomfaiitod the fa n u » ty it upL..'Tl^ Ktgns are.tooclesRly inatchad
h ^ » y ; . o r even ■ lip from the boys
ttie ebmlc. Of tm form er, w e e # ''‘a a l re a liii Qm raeaaiBg of mose» games »
at the office.
a hundstand. executed by one man the purse for it to be won in four shots.
The choice of partisanship for the
« the hands of another after the two The pitching favors the Dodgers slightly,
is npt easy. He knows
■^ b e e n lyiag i{kle>by.«ide on H yir the yanks ^V e defense, hU]MP>$. .even tnie
ts farrevQcafale, at least (br
ioooeaawlM(r,aiiianrtuwJ*«g *'(l«ok at' ifil^ 'su tistics), WiiU 'It looks
a 2&.ib bail uico the a ir some fifteen fte t like no one should he favored. The big one year in popular sports. Perhaps for
*** catching it oa hii| auck, and a man questions are: (1) did the Yanks win so this reason, a fan who hates to lose
will do all that he can to side with a
a back-flip In m id a ir whilestandiBg. easily because they are go«i or because
^ M t stilts. The ediaic coosisted gf a the American League sticks,, and (2) “ natural” team, e.g. the New York Y w kees. Some folks enjoy bchig underdogs,
of horsemanship by direct de- will the Yanks have their lousy Yankee
however and thus teams like the Mets
of the old Russian Cossacks, luck on their side agaiu as diey have had
aul the Eagl«^s have rooters. "Someday.”
ine second spectacle, like the Circus all these years? We and .Stengel give it
they say. "Just you.wa«|’l Jfd Uk« iW«(W;r.
Z *
iu»d-ew*i more incHMe. to die Dodg«lc%in seven. . ^
•4 ate afcow prrwrtiWi ky the Black
( . ' 7 ^ ‘fi'ment from Queen Elizabeth's
That hot-rodding meke ue comes?
9 o r t
Guard. This display of marching
ijou have a
kid cant hold
band music, and in particular
shield, cover
Odzookensf Phaethon those horses*
'"“sic of the Massed Pipers was
ift driving his Pather's LOOKfUfSUmG
tiose to astonishing. One cannot imagine
Sun Chariot today!
strikuig force of this sound. Like
you’ve got to see it to believe
I'hila. showing......Nov. H .
wuui,,,, \L>out Football Game ffl:...
‘‘"■‘'■i-“veaking experience, n i e
die f.
(no prwianity in
they said) left both
* iTfittators widi li taste of
*ey Vtifr- inissui) tliat l.-j, victory.
’is that thlfc true fan loves his game
while the im -cru e fan can put up with
the game a s long as he is not incony jen c^ t^«li|K :h. Note that even » mmtnw fai) c A hl^onte a true fan tempor­
arily if he finds hbnself iicerested in
the gam e. Finally, a word of caution
to dates: If your date has become In­
terested la the game while you have
lost Interest, k will be to your advancage to agree with him o r her; he or
she wiU u y t^ make k up to yeu afterwards.
(i - (>r»>l<rr 4. 1965
'R em em ber, men fen p oints (or d eo ns, five for
‘T e n n is, a n y o n e?'
‘*Sh h h . . . Keep
yout head
down, C h o r i i e ."
O c v b e t 4. 1963 - P'aV» 7
**6##, wliy i t
c o w a ttllo r '* fae« iwch a faiuiy c o lo r? "
Pane 8 —Ocwbff 4. 1963
Ideals Related
At APO Smoker
E . Ross F o rm a n (D J .T .C h ^ ;*50), National F irs t Vice P r e s i­
dent, will be guest speaker at
A .P.O.’s Rushing Smoker on O c­
tober 8 at 7:30 p .m .. Room 215Activities C en ter. The purpose
of tliis opening meeting Is to
acquaint all interested men with
the program and benefits of m em ­
bership in this organization.
M embership in A.P.O. National
Service F raternity is open to
any man interested in a program
of leadership, friendship and s e r ­
vice. T hese ideals a re observed
by over 350 chapters at colleges
and un iversities tliroughout the
U.S.A., making Alpha Phi Omega
the la rg e st Greek le tte r organi­
zation in the United S tates. F re e
refresh m en ts and entertainm ent
will be provided. All men a re
Contact with A.P.O. can be
made through the office (Room
222, DAC) o r through Oavid C .
Steinberg, P resid en t, via student
m ail.
«C M ^
) /
(All M a k ts)
ECMA S e m i n a r
D r a w s C o lle g ia n s
A c r o s s t h e Globe
The annual convention of the
Engineering College Magazines
Associated was held at Urexel
Institute of Technology on Oc­
tober 3, 4 and 5th. Over 150
underi^raduate students rep re­
senting 55 collegiate technical
publications in the United Slates.
Canada and the Philippines have
attended the convention.
National c h a i r m a n of th e
E.C.M.A. is P ro fesso r J. Cale
Chumley of Louisiana Polytech­
nic Institute. The 1963 convention
chairm an was Ronald CJibbs, a
Junior chem istry m ajor, who is
business m anager of the IJrexel
Technical Journal.
Rudolf F. Vogeler, vice p resi­
dent of IJrexel, welcomed the
delegates on Thursday. The dele­
gates have participated in various
sem in ars. The sem inar on tech­
nical a r t i c l e s was le d by
W. Thomas MacNew, editor of
Aerospace Management w h ile
Theodore M iller, of Kram er M iller-M am den-Classm an, le d
tlie sem inar on Covers and Art.
Lawrence Greenberg, of Cata­
lytic Construction Co. was in
charge of the sem inar on Com­
munication. A ssociate professor
U lysses Estilow and assistant
p ro fesso rs Mary Stephens and
Donald Richman of the Orexel
faculty also addressed the group.
On Thursday, October 3rd, the
delegates t o u r e d the General
E le ctric Company’s SJpace Tech­
nology C enter a t Valley Forge.
The Awards Dinner wUl be held
this evening a t the Sheraton Motor
3 429 W alnut S tre e t
BA 2-0892
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Band Workshop Successful;
Members Rally to Challenge
■Hie first meeting ofth eD rex el
band workshop c o n v e n e d last
Wednesday evening. Five r e ­
hearsals, four d rills , and one
football game later, on Sunday
evening, the workshop concluded.
TTie product was one of the best
bands Drexel has ever had.
The D rexel Band Is operated
in conjunction with both the Music
Department and die R.O.T.C. De­
partment. Each fall the Band has
a weekend of concentrated r e ­
hearsal and d rill before school
begins to prepare for the foot­
ball season.
In previous y ears Band Camp
was held at die Drexel Lodge.
This year, due to lim ited sleep­
ing facilities, Band Camp was
held on campus and the name
was changed to Band Workshop,
lliis allowed time for two ex tra
rehearsals. The adm inistrative
details were c a rre d out very
well and with a minimum of
confusion. This y ear the firs t
football game came in tlie m id-
StMrt* Ettablblw t
Dom Escort S * n i n
The Drexel Student Senate this
summer worked on two p rojects
of real interest to the students an escort service for women
living in the d o rm k ory and the
extension of lib ra ry hours. With
the support of Deans Young and
Toombs, the Senate is attempting
to set up a serv ice for D rexel
women students who m ust stay
at school during the evening hours
and who must then walk back
to the dorm itory.
Various senators have e x pressed growing concern in the
past over the possible danger to
women who m ust walk the d is ­
tance. A plan is being worked
out to provide guards for the
night hours.
In last A pril's Senate elections,
students voted overwhelmingly
in favor of lengthening the li ­
brary’s hours. The hours may
be extended to midnight several
days a week, and Saturday and
Sunday hours will also be length­
Contributions Requested
C ircle K
die of Band Workshop, another
first, and the Band performance
at the game was very good, con­
sidering the short time for drill
before the game. Much of the
credit for the Band’s excellent
work at the Workshop should go
to P rofessor Clyde Shive and
Cadet Colonel Bruce Bums, the
Band officer.
F i n a n c e s N a v a h o ’s S c h o o l i n q
Circle "K " requests the supp o n of the entire school com ­
munity in financing a Navajo
Indian boy through elem entary
school and into DIT. Without
financial help, the boy, H arrison
Woody, stands little chance of
even graduating from junior high
school. Contributions may be sent
directly to C ircle “ K” o r dropped
into designated boxes in the cafe­
teria o r the DAC building.
^E N G L ISH T W E E D J A C K E T S ........ 3 2 .9 0
^FIN E W O O L S L A C K S ......................... . 11.90
“ S H E T L A N D W O O L S W E A T E R S . . . .9 .9 0
H arrison and his m other live
alone in a two-room dwelling
on the Navajo reservation In New
Mexico. He has always had a good
scholastic record and, according
to C ircle "K ” , H arrison has
already shown a natural capacity
for leadership and success.
Ajit Laroia and Bob Benner
of C ircle “ K” emphasized that
generous contributions w o u ld
convince t h i s genuine “ first
Am erican" that he is “ an im ­
portant part of the human family*’
and would enable him to bring
his natural “ talents and skills
into the m ainstream of Am erican
life ." Ajit concluded that, in
addition to aiding H arrison im ­
m easurably, Dir* s co-q )eration
in this drive will prove to be
a "rew arding experience" fo r
D I E f Z G E N
PHILA. RATE - S43.00
E verything for Drofting
Surveying and P rin tin g
1009 V ine S t., P h ila ., P a.
2708 W. Girard Av«. PO 5 ^ 7 0 0
3 2 3 3
P o w e lto n
A ve.
H ave your p ro sc rip tio n s fillo d horo.
Our stocic is com ploto and up to dot*.
P h o n e
2 -0 2 9 0
“G A B A R D I N E R A I N C O A T S ............... 1 5 .9 0
“ C O T T O N T U R T L E - N E C K S H 1R T S . . 2 .5 9
“ D R E X E L W O O L J A C K E T S ............... 1 6 .9 0
Vamty Shop
3711 S P R U C E S T R E E T
w hen
do ll a r
How come you always buy Keds
Court Kings every Fall? Why
can’t you be like me and try
new things-like KEDS’ new
the AUTHENTIC Scottish
‘Fannich’ check, loomed by
Guilford in washable wool, and
Why don’t you ever try
new things,
U n iv e r sity of P e n n s y l v a n i a
are r
P resents
out ^
of ink g j th e Scrip to W o r d m a s le r " r e f i ll h a s
■ J e n o u g h left for a te r m p a p e r
A m e rica’s Finest
Folk Artist
IrviM A v d i l o r l a a
34th a n d S p r u c e S t r e e t s
. . . a n d a co uple of la b r e p o r t s
T ic k tts
For R e s e r v a t i o n s
O c to b e r 4 ,1 9 6 3
Jus t about the time you figure your Wordmaster should
be running out of ink, unscrew the cap. The new see^ . ^ f e r u (^il! says in no uncertain terms that you've got
' enough.InR^left to go oh writing for quite a while. You
shouldn't be surprised. For even though Wordmaster
is slim and streamlined, it has a much larger ink capac‘ ' ity than ordinary dollar pens. And that makes it just
about the most inexpensive dollar pen around.
By the way . . . you can get a handsome matching
pencil to go along with your Wordmaster. And that's
only a dollar, too.
' k
8 : 3 0 P .M .
U S- K« ( J . ji t d Mil' biu«‘
.i ir
l u d r n u i ^ ' . ol
U n i t e RorV*‘l*'ll«'i
d S Cenlrr,
l a N«'«York
t e siC, N<*«Yoik>
S u b b e r
.5 5 ^ (J T T O H
■Pmge TO- Oc»b« 4. 196J
C o i n j tts H » w s Acjo$$ Th« Notijon
A la b a m a
S jie n c e s
F o r S fc ip d
O n
UNIVER.'^’iT A!.A.(Cl’S)— T»:<.
1962-63 "'^tudt-nt 'KiitDr of the
y ear” has N « i sUencetl by the
University of Alabama.
Mel Meyer, whoMe editorials
In the- Ala: in,a CRLMSON A N D ,
WHITE gal;:e;: liiin national a t­
tention and d r w rcj’eated threat'!
oo his life has been told by un
versity officials that he may not
*’w rite upon or com m ait upon”
airy racial m atters.
F ailure to comply with the
university's d e m a ^ s , M e y e r
said, will resu lt in, “ se v e re d is cipiinary action*’ and possible
« ^ sio n .
The Alabama Administration
required Meyer and all other
students to sign s t a t e m e n t s
agreeing not to w rite or comment
3n any racial m atters for pubicadon, Meyer said. T headm lnstration woidd not perm it Meyer
o Keep a c c ^ of the statem ent
e signed. When he appealed the
ollcy he was told there could be
0 change.
Meyer said he fell the new
'] llcy was aimed, at least in
1 irt, at him. He said tlie policy
V U1 prevent him from a c ^ g as
h ife g ra fio n
so u tiiern co rresp o n d ctit f u r r!i.;
C o llegiato P r e s s Sei-vice.
AcrordLng to a spokesman for
the university tlie new policy only
applies to student correspondents
cm the campus. Edward Brown,
d irector of the news bureau, said
tliat the school " p re fe rs p ro ­
fessio n als" to do the racial news
writing and said that a claim
that the policy would prohibit all
a o m m e n t by s c u i l e n t s was
" s illy .”
The student correspondent ban.
Brown said, was tlie resu lt of long
experience with student re p o r­
t e r s and that there would be
” no exception” to the rule.
Asked if the campus news­
paper, the Crim son and White,
would be allowed to c a rry news
sto ries and comment on racial
m atter. Brown said, "T hey c e r ­
tainly will. They always have.”
He said that the paper had a l­
ways done "p retty much what
it wanted.”
Brown said the policy was set
by the president of the university
who acted a s the rq>resentative
of the school’s board.
The ruling was f irs t affected
P r o g r e s s in t h e
E d ito r
1(5:1 J t ' i ;mct Is beiii!' continued
" u n til the t r o u b l e i - o v e r . ”
B r o w said lie didn’t know when
to ejqject an end to Uie tro u b le,
twt g uessed it would be " y e a r s . ”
L ast F eb ru ary , tlic U n i t e d
Stntes Student P re s s Associ.ition
(USSPA) named w rite r Meyer
the "stu d en t editor of the y e a r”
after he wrote edito rials calling
for obediancc to federal law in
Alabama. The e d i t o r i a l s ap­
peared diu-ing and after tlie c r i ­
sis at the University of M issis­
Meyer’s life was threatened,
cro sses w ere burned on the lawn
of his fratern ity house, and the
university adminiscration hired
two full tim e body guards fo r him.
"T he thing that really bothers
m e,” Meyer said, " i s that this
ban isn’t just against w riting
about events at die university—
It is a ban on all writing about
all racial m a tte rs.”
Such a ban is an infringem ent
on the right of freedom of ex­
pressio n , M eyer said , and in­
vites censure of tlie university.
B e ll S y s te m . . .
|M o rs
P la n
P rin c e to n
S e n io rs
G ra d u a te
pci'cenragp of s e n io r s at P r in c c ton L'nivorsity wlio d ecide c ach
>e,ir to go 10 g ra d u a te school is
in c re a sin g stea d ily , a cc o rd in g to
P r o f e s s o r J . M e r rill Knapp, Dean
of tlie C o llege, who re v e a le d
h e re that 80-jx?r-ceni of la st
Junf*’s s e n io r c la s s re a c h e d such
a d ecisio n p r io r to grad u atio n ,
Scho& '
y i'tr- spent witli ths c le n c c s is the l« s i ba; • . ,
prjnem of w h atev er thoy ) u . ...
do in la te r life. T hese four
should help the undergraduyie
F r a t e r n i t i e s Gain
Q u a lified Men By
"It seem s to me that we must
reg ard this as part of a nation­ D e f e r r e d P le d g in g
wide trend toward more special­
—Athens, 0.-(l.P.)-{)hif. liruization, which req u ires additional v ersity ’s fratern ities are gettinj;
training,” Dean Knapp said.
qualit\' men, not average men,
is not entirely convinced, how­ according to Dean of Students
ever, about the sincerity of mo­ William Butler. "When we uiitivation iji all cases. Some are
tiated the deferred pledge system
enrolled in his opinion, because in 1954, we were probably 10
they believe this is the best way y e a r s a h e a d of the o t h e r
to get ahead in life. They are schools,” he added.
attending law school, for exam ­
Dean Butler pointed to statis­
ple, because they think it Is a tics from the last tliree years
good way to enterupon a business which show that the men who have
pledged have an average of 2.5
Concerned about certain a s ­ as com pared wiUi the 2,0, which
pects of the cu rren t trend. Dean is required to pledge, "We are
Knapp warned against losing sight ahead of the tim es in getting
of the values of a liberal a r ts quality meiC Dean Butler said.
education. " U n d e r g r a d u a t e s "T he freshm en who go into tlie
should not simply treat the A.B. fratern ity system surpass 65per
degree as a w ay-station toward cent of all freshm an males who
something e ls e ," he said. "T hey en ter the University as based
should be fully aw are that four on the Ohio State Psychological
Examination which they take be­
fore enrolling.”
More im portant. Dean Butler
said, is that the fraternities ini­
tiate 75 p er cent of their pledges
a s com pared with the 35 per
cent average around the nation,
A study made for the committee
revealed that ” substantially all
freshm en offer academic units
of preparation from high school
far in excess of cu rren t adm iss k n req u irem en ts.”
N A A C P ...
{Continued from Page 1)
neighborhoods. T r a n s p o r t i n g
students to emptv classroom s
througlHHit the city seemed to be
a logical, non-traum atic (except
fo r the com m unities — NOT
the children) alleviation for the
p resen t ovetx:rowded conditions,
M r. M oore argued.
A vehement "N o, we don’t
want them ” was the answ er to
a question frw n the floor con­
cerning quotas of integration.
M r. Moore pointed out that the
Philadelphia NAACP c h a p t e r
often has differences of opinion
with the national headquarters
in New York.
M oore also stated that the
NAACP was not originally be­
hind the Folcroft incident but,
after learning of the Baker fam ­
ily’s trouble, helped to secure
adequate police protection, and
also that the T r a i l w a y s Bus
Company will be picketed for
th e ir discrim inatory hiring p ra c ­
N ew a n d
U sed
C o lle g e
L .1 V E S
p a p o rb a c ic s
C k E A T H E S
Hnw, Ui«d, Out-oi-l‘riiJt
r r '. :,:'
. ta k e s
m aiiy
ip e rs a re
y c .jiv ,
:;e t h i n g s h a n - f e w
>;)frs i n
,.- i,
U ie
B ell
fi o t u n l i k e
S y != tcm .
y o u rs tn ,
t h -'T c o m p a n i e s
v .i.t.c
A nri iim o o g
w .u io n t
thr,r^ ^ .-!v R s.
r e s tle s sn c i'^ i i n ; u . ;
I o r t e w a r d e d t h a i i i c l^iv f T S t - g r o w i n g p h o n e b o v i o t - r . s .
& Papal back Books
9 So 9th
WA 5-0500
»i30 to 5:30. Wad. 'Wl 9
‘‘oolr j Pov9ht,LlbrarU»
F K fa h liN h e d 1 8 3 6
Choot* ♦rom Laary’i up-to-dat*
invantory pf naw adiliont, Sava on
usad and "hufi’’ book*.
million voluiMi. S floor*. To a*'
■ •‘■e*
O m i C l L
T M A I I k B
O t M t a f 4. 1963 o
DCF T o H e a r A d d r e s s
On F a ith F o r S tu d e n t
«Is Faith F o r The College
Student?” is the topic d an ad­
dress to be given by M r. W arner
Hutchinson In rodtn 213 In the
DAC at 7:00 o'clock this evening.^
Mr. Hutchinson is the newly ap -’
pointed director of the E astern
region for the I n t e r - V a r s i t y
Christian Fellowship. His varied
background makes him well qual­
ified to address college students
on his chosen subject.
Mr. Hutchinson holds d eg rees
from both UCLA and F u llerT h eo loglcal Seminary. He was a Navy
chaplain serving in the Pacific
during the Second World W ar. At
the close of the war he began his
career among college students
in the South Pacific eventually
becoming the General S ecretary
of Inter-Varsity Fellowship in
New Zealand.
E arlier this y ear he returned
to the United States to take up
his present position. In an ex­
clusive interview M r. Hutchinson
posed this challenge to Drexal
students. “ It is ineviuble that
you leave behind the gods of your
adolescence. The question is,
what gods take their place ai
T his evening’s meeting is tht
kickoff for the fall calendar d
activities sponsored bytheD rexel C hristian Fellowship. DCF is
the local chapter of the national
IVCF which is composed of sim i­
l a r groups on alm ost every m ajor
university and college campus.
T he goal
DCF is to present
the basic ideas of Christianity
to all students. This encounter
is felt to be a necessary portion
of any student’s educational ex­
p erience. In addition to these bi­
weekly evening meetings DCF
also conducts Bible studies, soc­
ials and other special events
throughout the school year. T he
BiUe sQidies a re held every Wed­
nesday at 1:00 pm in room 235.
All students a r c Invited to attend.
M b By Wn l — y
H alfback Dav* L aah y hurdlU* Hum mmtm w liila P h il H all b lo c k s a p p e titie n on k ic k o ff rato m
fa llo w ia t C a d at fia N goal.
l.F .
F o o tb a ll...
(C ontinued from Page 12)
Dave Hart will have to rebuild
his team because his squad was
hard hit by graduation last June.
A young squad will be lead by
Lou Wydro, offensive center and
defensive end, and Reggie Mc­
Intyre, offensive halfback, two
returning vets. Look to this team
to improve during the campaign.
DELTA IOTA- Coach FrankSayford’s new-to-the-cam pus Delta
lota team wUl be playing league
games, but will be unable to
have a league standing because
of an IF ruling. Look to D1
to develop a better-than-adequate
ground game plus a fair defense
to cope widi the perennial IF
powers. Individuals expected to
provide the groundwork for ttie
Delta Iota attack a re halfbacks
Richard Stella, Marv Horowitz,
Harold Lustig, ends Jam es C horley and Stu Copelans and quar­
terbacks BUI Kirloff andTliomas
Daap man Bab K iag » ta p s an d Bab Q ir is tia n s a n an a n ic a
o p e n fla ld ta c k la , fobbing i b a C a a t t G v a rd a f a su ra touchdown. Smidi.
T h i s W e e k ’s
C ro ssw o rd
Gold L * 0 9 u«
PI KAPPA PHI- Coaches Irv
Campbell and Chuck F a r re ll will
on a fair' offense and
Strong defense to fight for lea­
gue laurels. Among the retu rn ­
ing veterans a r e Dave Frow ert,
defensive end and offensive ends
Bud Albright and Wayne Ander­
son. Walt Maxymuk and L arry
Thibault, a new com er, will be
the quarterbacks In a potentially
good backfield.
TAU EPSILON PH I- C o a c h e s
B arry Bloom and Joa K ln k l^
stain will o|Ma wtdk » team ci
returning p layers. L e a d i n g a
possible TEP su rp rise —with a
few break s—will be p a s se r Al
Gelman. Newcomers ta w atdi
a re offensive ends Bill Finkle
and Tooy Maftel.
Ed R ohrer and Ron Kammenid
will feature a fast offenw
by Joe Mydash a t quartarback
and Andy C arifides a t one of
the halfback slo ts. Reoalvers on
the offense a r e ends Dos Piontek
and C harlie G r z o n ^ . Heading
ALPHA PI LAMBDA-Coach Dick the defense will be Clay M olnar,
Snyder p red icts a high finish for halfback, Lou Fuisting, end, and
bis squad this y ear. Tlie Apple newcamar Paul Sinclair.
Pi*s will p resen t a good d t e sive unit bolstered by sav eral DELTA SIGMA PH I- Coach Dan
returning veterans. In the offen­
Dronfield expects improvement
sive b a c k f i e l d Ken Edge and
in this y e a ^ s Delta Sig unit
Bnice Lea man will play tlie half­
with the re tu rn of John M ilniback. F irsty earm en A lC o n salv i. cbuch. Top veterans from last
H arry Reily o r Tom Jordan will y ear’s club a re Dan Sandman,
sta rt a t quarterback. Defensive­
center, end Bob Weindorfer, and
ly, Roy Deitz will anchor the quarterback Don D r onfield. Delta
line a t end; d ^ e n siv e backs will Sig will lack experience and depth
be F red Crotchfelt, Bob Haber in its drive through tlie teague
and Jaff P ark in s.
P u z z le
By Bob Sm«r*din
F e m i n ln * n a in * .
E x a lt .
O lsc a m m a n t.
T iu n o lt.
H ank, a .g .
B e ig a .
A m erican E s p a d ltlo n a r y
F o rce s: abbr.
A ffirm .
C lo se .
C h e m i c a l a n a l j r s e s tjrpa
M a n g a n e s e : sy m .
A n g e rs .
P la y in g c a r d s .
S occer p la y e r.
P a rt of m ain m ast.
A c cu sto m .
D o c to r s : a b b r .
S tl n « .
W e ig h t a l l o w a n c e s .
F o o d p lan .
T u rf.
D o u b les.
R at: c o llo q .
C h e m i c a l g ro u p .
D ean
F em ale d ee r.
F re n c h verb.
P h lla . sch o o l: abbr.
T o g a i n s o m e o n e 's a c t i o n ,
5«. P l e d g e s .
59. C h i ll .
60. N a u t i c a l te rm .
61. A n c ie n t E g y p t i a n g o d .
62 . D a m : c o l l o q .
63. P i e r c i n g lo o k .
64 . Wood d e m ig o d .
6 5 . S am , e .g .
M id-E ast country.
S te ad .
P reposition.
L e s s difficult.
E ndures.
W ro ngfu l a c t .
P articulars.
Win ne r: c o l l o q .
L e a rn fust.
T w ist.
T ra p p ed p o sitio n .
S u it c h e m i c u l .
B aby aprons.
V e getable.
ne ste d.
F re n c h river.
M alt B e v e r u g e s .
C h u rch sec t; abbr.
K e lle f money.
F e m a l e s a i n t s : ab br .
T ornadoes.
E ntrunces.
Elm , e .g .
M eat c u ts .
O ld TV s e rie s .
H o rn b lo w er.
F re n c h town.
R u s s ia n range.
C o n c e p tio n .
S hade.
C o n tra c t.
A su ffU .
O l v e o u t.
O b se n r* .
DecitMter: a b b r .
A c o m p le te lin e o f t e x t b o o k s , s ta tio n e r y a n d
s u p p lie s is o f f e r e d t o t h e s t u d e n t b o d y a t a t t r a c ­
tiv e
p ric e s.
Y ou
w ill fin d
s ta tio n e ry
s u p p lie s a s w e ll a s e n g in e e r in g in s tr u m e n ts to b e
t h e b e s t in q u a l i t y a t t h e b e s t p o s s i b l e p r ic e .
W e a ls o o ffe r a c o m p le te m a g a z in e su b s c rip ­
t i o n s e r v i c e a t s t u d e n t r a t e s o n T im e / L ife , S p o r t s
Illu s tr a te d , N e w s w e e k a n d
R e a d e r 's D i g e s t a s
w e l l a s S a t u r d a y E v e n i n g P o s t.
d e n ts
w ill b e
in te re s te d
E n g in e e rin g s tu ­
s u b s c rib in g
M c G r a w H ill E n g in e e r s D i g e s t ,
th e
C o m e In a n d g e t
a c q u a i n t e d a f t e r t h e r u s h Is o v e r l
OCTOBER 4, 196r
num ber
Dragons Sunk By Coast Guard, Booters Meet MuhlenUrg
Face Lebanon Valley Tomorrow In First Season Contest
By Dov* Halma
By Tom Whit*
O rexel's football eleven will endeavor to even Its season’s record at (1-1) and get off to a fast
sta rt of defending its half of the Southern MAC Champicmshlp this Saturday. They will encounter the
Dutchmen from Lebanon Valley a t Drexel’s new field.
L ast year the Dragons swamped LV 34-12. However this gives no indication of what su rp rises the
Dutchmen will have in store fo r the hometown eleven this y e a r. The Flying Dutchmen (1-0) in the
campaign a re paced by Wes MacMillan, who is said to be one of the finest ball p layers in the state.
To make better use of his running ability MacMillan has been moved from quarterback to halfback.
However, he can and probably
will be called upon to use his
passing talent in the ever dan­
gerous halfback pass play. Mov­
ing into MacMillan's vacated slot
will be John Vaszily, form er
Norristown football and basket­
ball standout. Vaszily saw only
limited action against Drexel last
y ear but was in the game long
enough to complete a 40 yard
TD pass to end T e rry H err.
H err, convened to fullback this
season, led the MAC Southern
Division in scoring last year.
Buffalo Mitsad
Gone from last y e a r's Dragon
squad are fullback L a rry Bowne
and halfback Jo e Buffalo. These
two scored 26 of the 34 points
am assed In the game last year.
Buffalo also has a 10.3 rushing
average in that game. However,
the Dragons have good replace­
ments with John Schlichtlgfilling
in at halfback and Bruno “ Chick"
Ceccarelli at fullback. Chick was
the club's second leading ground
gainer la s t y ear, getting 313
net yards, an average of 5.1
yards p er ca rry . Chick wiU have
help from H arry Purnell in his
firs t year at fullback. Q u arter­
back F ran Crovetti, who played
a fine game in the 3-0 Coast
Guard defeat, will be looking
forward to improving his p a s s ­
ing yardage against the Dutch­
men. L ast year LV ouigained
DIT in net yards passing-162
to 77. The fine play of sophomore
end Chuck F a rre ll thus fa r should
h d p strengthen this departm ent.
C«ast Guard Sceras 3>0 Victory
Otto G raham 's Cadets came to
town la s t week with the reputation
of having a tough defensive uniy
and proved it by dropping D rexe l's Dragons 3-0 In the season's
opener fo r both team s. However,
this score does not indicate the
kind of offensive drive which the
Dragons showed at tim es. The
F o o tb all S c h e d u le
Labonon ValUy
O«lqwor. Volley
King's (Homocomlng)
Woitorn Morylond
5 Muhlonborg
15 Ridor
19 Havorford
22 Unlvorsity of Panno.
26 Elizobothtown
29 La Sail.
2 St. Josaph's
9 Hofitra
12 Wastarn Maryland
16 Johns Hopkins
19 Ursinus
S o cce r S chedule
D rex el's soccer Dragons open th eir 1963 season tomorrow
morning at Muhlenberg College in Allentown, P a.
Coach Don Y onker's boys will be going fo r the f irs t win in what
looks to be a very prom ising season. Muhlenberg is not exceptional) v
strong so a victory is expected.
The Dragons have perform ed well thus f a r, beating Trenton Ir
College 5-2 and Tem ple U niversity 4-1 in scrim m ages while lookiie
very strong at all positions. Both opposing schools have good ball
p layers so the wins should in­
dicate something positive for
D rexel.
On T uesday, Oct. 1st, tlie
Dragons cracked heads for three
q u a rte rs in a scrim m age with
Philadelphia T extile and wound
up in a 2-2 deadlock. After traUing through most of the match,
Drexel added two goals, one by
Ron Pantuck and the other by
I Will "T h e H a t" Gabel to tie at
■ 2-2. D iT 's frosh squad held Tex­
tile sc o re le ss during the abbrevi­
ated 4th " q u a r te r " .
‘ O ther Dragons that have looked
good and will probably be s ta n I ing tom orrow 's game are coi captains Don G rabner and Jim
Shenk, Gene C alaphatis, Jose
"T h e Shot” C ells o r Walt H adermann, Relny Witt, Lou Maertin.
Dean Haldeman, Bob Mack, and
A m o Krum biegel.
T hese boys will be backed up
by Andy M ark, John Heuder,
S arkis Pahlewanlan, RalphScola,
Gotch*! (49), S k i p Y Z t ^ i
P ete Musonge, John P apaesis,
(30), Bruno C » c c a f l l i (31) an d F ran C ro v etti (17) pov* th« way w ith C o a s t Guard D «f* n d «r« .
and Dave H elm s.
team had two su re TD*s and a su re
field gv>al and yet sc o re evaded
them a cro ss the board. One TD
was called back because of an
off sides penalty, the other was
a pass dropped in the end zone.
Previously Irv C a m p b e l l had
By Bob Proud
kicked a 25 yd. field goal, but
Coach Tom Grebis elected to
On Sunday afternoon, October gue will clash for die IF cham pn ar, Mike Smith, and Dick Earley
wave the kick in favor of a 6, die IF Football season will ’ ionship.
provide a sound bullwark on de­
penalty which gave tlie team a ctommence at 1 P.M. on the D rex­
fense. Bob Molluro will re n jm
A breakdown of each of the
f irs t and goal on the 4. The el Athletic Field, 42nd and H avera t offensive end. New men to
IF squads' personnel is as fol­
strategy back fired and Drexel ford Avenue. The
G r e e k lows:
observe a r e cen ter Don Fanelle,
failed to sc o re. Coach Grebis houses wUl display die 1963 edi­
offensive end, Walt Lawhead, and
made his decision on the fact tions of their six-m an touch foot­
Biu* Laagu o
Bob Pezzoli, a defensive wingbe felt that 3 points would not ball team s. The Blue l e a g u e
be enough to hold-off the strong should be re a l strong with sev­
•• a
passing which the Cadets have. e ra l team s fighting for the lea­ Jack Caulfield and Phil Paino
should lead the Tekes to a strong
He was rig h t. Using th e ir strong gue crown. The Gold League ap­
SIGMA ALPHA MU- C o a c h e s
passing attack, the Cadets w ere p ears a little weaker dian the finish. The team has good depth.
Harvey Cheskis and Bob Kolber
able to break the sc o reless bat­ Blue dlls year; game breaks and The fact that all of the mem­
will field a good, fast offensive
tle with only 26 seconds rem ain­ hustle will determ ine the even­
unit. Returning offensive play­
ing in the game when they cul­ tual winner in the leagues. At
e r s a re Steve Cohen and Gary
minated th eir 48 yard driv e with the end of the reg u lar six-gam e few good f irs t-y e a r men, should
Selbst at the ends and Marv
a field goal.
Pollack as cen ter. Bob Kolber
season, the winners of each lea« Returning veterans Tom Mollwill open at quarterback and
M urray Cooper and Steve Bar
T h l s W e e k In S p o r t s
will run at the halfbacks. Among
the individuals rounding out the
Varsity Football
S am m ie's entry will be Herb
Saturday. October 5. /.-JO P.M.
M yers and W arren Soffian in die
defensive backfield. Steve Levin,
defensive backfield. C h a r l e s
Grossm an, lineman', and Dave
P a r r is , offensive end a re the
Varsity Soccer
best of the f irs t y ear men.
P i K a p A n d T ek e P ic k e d
A s T e a m s T o B e a t I n I .F .
i Saturday, October
j Saturday & Sunday, October 5 6 6
j Flr»t Annual MAISA Foil " F r e o j For-AII" Regotto - 22 Schools
j - Anna po lis, Md.
* * * *
D E A D L IN i
N O T IC E !
All N e w s And
F e a t u r e Cop y
Must B e In By
6 P .M . T y s J q y
Women’s Hockey
Tu esday. October H, 4:00 l>,M.
. , ,
, ,
P t* Bjr BaUaarto
A block by an u n id en tifie d team m ate s e t s Dragon Ju n io r
Q u ^ e r b a c k F ran C ro v etti free to pick up m ere y ardag e in l e s t
witfc th e C eest,(# u erd A c a d e a y . ^ .
* **
10:00 A.M.
• * • *
b e a v e r • Home
Thursday, October 10, 4j OO P . m.
SIGMA P I- Coach Chuck D estefano has a team that is capa­
ble of finishing high in die lea­
gue if it solves sev eral offen­
sive problem s. The squad is
stro n ger on the defensive line.
Veterans J. p . Gallagher and
Jack Haegele will open at the
defensive ends. Ralph Stowell
will again play middle guard.
In the defensive secondary, vet­
erans E arl Spencer, Chuck L3estanfano and Ed Schmidt will
open die y ear. Q uarterbacks Rich
DePlano and Deke Sheller hope
to solve the offensive question
m arks.
•• •
PENN . Away
la m b d a
CHI ALPHA- C oach ’
(Comtiuuedom Paga I I . Col. %)