The Parish Family of St. Raphael Church 346 East Mount Pleasant Avenue + Livingston, New Jersey 07039 SERVED BY Rev. Gerald F. Greaves, Pastor Rev. Peter M. Aquino, Parochial Vicar Rev. Msgr. G. Thomas Burns, Pastor Emeritus Yolanda Cifarelli, Pastoral Associate Ann Marie Gesualdo, Director of Youth Ministry Gloria David, Trustee Ben Spinelli, Trustee Parish Office - 973-992-9490 Parish Fax - 973-740-0236 Religious Ed Office - 973-992-9496 Youth Office - 973-992-9496 Music Ministry - E-mail: [email protected] Parish Website: SUNDAY OCTOBER 12TH, 2014 TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME RITE OF RECONCILIATION Saturday, 4:00 to 4:30 PM. Any time at the Parish Office by appointment. WEDDINGS Archdiocesan Policy requires that appointments for weddings must be made with one of our parish priests at least one year prior to the desired date. VISITING THE SICK The Holy Eucharist will be brought to any parishioner ill, or confined to home. The family is asked to contact the Parish Office. BAPTISM The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated the first Sunday of the month (call the Parish Office for times). An instruction session for first time parents is required prior to Baptism. Please call the Parish Office at least three weeks in advance to make arrangements. ANOINTING OF THE SICK The Sacrament of Anointing is available for anyone seriously ill or of advanced age. Please contact one of the priests to come to your home to celebrate the Sacrament. ADULT INITIATION Non-baptized adults and already baptized adults from other Christian faiths, who seek information about the Catholic faith are asked to call the Parish Office and begin the journey of Catechumenate. Catholics who have not received Eucharist or Confirmation are also invited to call for further information toward completing their sacramental initiation. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION During the School year, elementary religious education classes (Pre-School - 7) are held in the school from 10:00 to 11:15 AM on Sunday, and on Wednesday, 6:15 PM-7:30 PM. 8th Grade Religious Ed - Tuesday, 7:00 PM-8:30 PM. Family, Summer and Home Education also available. CATHOLIC COMMUNITY SERVICES If you need information regarding alcohol & drug rehabilitation, emergency food, mental health, special education, immigration, family counseling etc., call CCS HELPLINE, 1-800-227-7413. BULLETIN DEADLINE Tuesday by noon, week prior (unless holiday schedule). SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12th, 2014 Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time SUNDAY, October 12 - Is 25:6-10a, Phil 4:12-14, 19-20, Mt 22: 1-14 7:30 am Marie & Frank Hocke, r/o BuSha & Hocke Families 9:00 am Patricia Hoatson, r/o Peter & Mary Ann Travaglio 11:30 am People of the Parish MONDAY, October 13 – Gal 4: 22-24, 26-27, 31-5:1, Lk 11: 29-32 8:00 am Neil Alexander, r/o Majorie Robertson , Jeff Tirey & Cindy Robertson TUESDAY, October 14 – Gal 5: 1-6, Lk 11: 37-41 8:00 am Rosario Madrid, r/o The Family WEDNESDAY, October 15 - Gal 5: 18-25, Lk 11: 42-46 8:00 am Rose Giambattista, r/o The Family THURSDAY, October 16 – Eph 1: 1-10, Lk 11: 47-54 8:00 am Holy Souls in Purgatory, r/o Frances FRIDAY, October 17 - Eph 1: 11-14, Lk 12: 1-7 8:00 am Ben Bingcang, r/o Enrico Cano SATURDAY, October 18 – 2 Tm 4: 10-17b, Lk 10: 1-9 8:00 am Gladys Corello, r/o Marc & Aida Becker 5:00 pm Sigmund Kozlowski, r/o Wife, Helen SUNDAY, October 19 - Is 45: 1, 4-6, 1 Thes 1: 1-5b, Mt 22: 15-21 7:30 am People of the Parish 9:00 am Rose DiBernardo, r/o The DiBernardo Family 11:30 am Alvaro Pinto (3rd Anniversary), r/o Daughter Filomena & Family PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK Please pray for those in our parish who are sick, especially: Meghan Amorim, Cesaria M. Aquino, Marcelino M. Aquino, Nicole Barbarisi, Karen Barth, Andrew Berman, Theresa Bocchino, Walter Boyle, Brian Burdick, Delis M. Burgos, Kathleen Campi, Vincent Campione, Pamela Chiarello, Jimmy Cimino, John Cimino, Justine Claus, Shirlie DeCostanza, Gerard & Mary DeLorenzo, John Dzera, Connie Elliott, Nancy Farrell, Helen Fazio, Lorie Ann Fowler, Virginia Louise Fressola, Frank Frost, Veronica Frucci, Robert Gaeta, Rita Gannon, Bradley Gelb, Nora Gilliland, Robert Giordano, Hugh Gore, Carmella Granto, Laura Greaves, Casy Guerrero, Tapalino Guzman, Jr., Fay Lachica Guerrero, Freddie Harper, Chris Hilderbrand, Patricia Hoffmann, Evelyn Imperial, Lynn Jacobs, Jean LaCapra, Leigh Nelson Lane, Patrick Lasky, Kay LaManna, Msgr. LoBianco, Judy Macedo, Peter Mauser, Michael McCaffery, Paul McInnis, Monica Mendoza, Remy Mercado, Tara Miller, Alex Miletich, Kathy Ann Nash, Harriet Ott, Ann Peters, Rev. John Poplowski, Dorothy Powell, Diana Quinn, Charles Quinn, Ralph, Veronica Regan, Carolyn Riccio, Marianne S., John Sabbak, Ann San Martin, Jucita Santiago, Benjamin Spinelli, Sister Virginia Stanton, Carmencita “Chit” Trapse, Gayle Trotta, Jill Valese, Jerri Vitiello, Phyllis Vizzar, Fay Wadler. Names will remain on our sick list for one month after which time they will be removed, unless the family notifies us to the contrary. STEWARDSHIP REFLECTIONS “And my God will supply every need of yours...” ♦ Philippians 4:19 God really does provide for those that are grateful and generous. This is very difficult for people that don’t live a stewardship lifestyle to believe. People are skeptical and say it’s just coincidence. If you are skeptical, try living a stewardship lifestyle for just one month - be generous with your gifts of time, talent and treasure and see how God provides for your needs. LITURGICAL MINISTERS SCHEDULE October 11th & October 12th, 2014 MASS LECTORS EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS 5:00 pm Karen Kundla Pat Fusaro Frank Fusaro John Frucci 7:30 am Kathy Harned Godfrey Pinder Lucille Pringle 9:00 am Walter Mollineaux Tom Cecere Joe Lanni Ann Marie Gesualdo 11:30 am Kristen Carrotto Joan Hobson Mary Kallarakal Ed Acero Leo Luciano MASS STATS October 4th & October 5th, 2014 Mass Time 5:00 pm 7:30 am 9:00 am 11:30 am Mail-in’s Electronic Giving Totals: Attendance Collection 97 53 64 221 $1,284.00 $ 737.00 $ 955.00 $1,942.50 $ 487.00 $ 448.00 435 $5,853.50 Thank you VERY MUCH for the on-going support ! Next weekend our parish will celebrate WORLD MISSION SUNDAY. This year we are invited to reach out and help build the Church in Mongolia, the world’s youngest Catholic Church, as well as local churches throughout the Missions, in most remote areas across our world. Through the work of these churches, and their witness to Christ, the poor receive practical help and experience God’s love and mercy, His hope and peace. Please keep the Missions in your daily prayers. Please come prepared next weekend to give generously in the collection for the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. For more information, please visit: The Catholic Advocate is now available Online. Please visit: From the desk of: COMING IN NOVEMBER……… ANN MARIE GESUALDO ST. RAPHAEL’S TRICKY TRAY Saturday, November 1st, 2014 12 Noon to 4:00 pm (Tobias hall) Sunday, October 12th, 2014 Twenty-eighth Sunday In Ordinary Time Hello Everyone: We are a little further along in the beginnings of a new season in Youth Ministry than we were at my last communication with you. 8th grade religious education began this week. We had a fun first night welcoming in new students. It’s a particular rush for me to see a new team of Peer leaders take the reigns and guide their small group into a new year of faith formation. Tickets: $25 - Adults Only. (Your first sheet of tickets and lunch are included in price). 100 beautiful customized baskets full of all kinds of goodies and gift certificates. Tickets on sale after all Masses during the weekends in the vestibule. Reserve your seat now as seating is limited! Rainbow Retreat preparation is underway and going beautifully. With a team of 15 high school juniors and four young adult co-leaders we are off to a great start. Our parent information meeting for the retreat was held on Thursday night. If you missed the meeting please contact me so I can give you the retreat details. The youth group core team will meet next Saturday to train, prepare and plan our meetings. We are welcoming some new members to the core team of young adults on Thursday night. Both groups will have their first official meetings by the end of the month. So as you can see we are doing a lot of “welcoming” in the ministry. It’s very exciting to be in welcoming mode. As I’ve said to you in the past it’s so energizing to see new faces, meet new people or watch regular members grow and accept new responsibilities. As always – all are welcome. This time of year I am usually contacted by parents and teens alike that may have possibly forgotten or been away or for whatever reason didn’t register, or attend a meeting or training session. I always respond the same, “don’t worry we will fix it or we can make it happen”. Of course I have rules to follow or have rules that need to be followed. As well as protocol I must adhere to but for someone with a desire to move forward in faith I will find a way. As I think of the parable Jesus told in the Gospel I feel that too, is all about Welcoming. We are invited to God’s house. Jesus opened his arms for all to follow him there. The question is do we follow and how do we go? I find it tragically poetic that even in death on the cross Jesus’ arms were still outstretched beckoning all of humanity to enter into the Kingdom of God. We have the invitation….do we accept? And when we accept are clothed and properly prepared? I don’t think Jesus’ story meant come in our best cloths but rather come with a properly dressed heart and a clean and polished soul. Stop at the “Reconciliation dry cleaner” and get rid of the stains of hurt, despair, or anger. Some stains may be pretty tough so wear them in anyway and turn them over to God to dissolve. The mass is our feast to celebrate the beauty of our faith and community of faithful believers. There is no richer feast or aged to perfection wine as the body and the blood of Jesus. Unlike the king in the story God isn’t throwing anyone out, but rather giving us the means to come as we are, clean up as best we can and leave the rest to him –but come. With God’s blessings, Ann Marie ST. RAPHAEL CALENDAR OCTOBER Oct. 12, 19, 26 Oct. 13 Oct. 14,21,28 Oct. 14,21,28 Oct. 15,22,29 Oct. 16,23,30 Oct. 18 Oct. 18/19 Oct. 18 Oct. 18 Oct. 20 Oct. 25 Oct. 25 Oct. 26 10:00 am-11:15 am Religious Education COLUMBUS DAY—OFFICE CLOSED 1:00 pm-2:00 pm Al-Anon Meeting 7:00 pm-8:30 pm 8th Grade RE 7:00 pm-8:30 pm Rainbow Retreat Mtgs. 3:00 pm-7:00 pm Eucharistic Adoration 8:00 am-Noon Women’s Mini Retreat 2nd Collection WORLD MISSION SUNDAY 10:00 am-11:30 am 1st Reconciliation Session III 2:00 pm-6:00 pm Youth Group Core Team Training 2:00 pm Senior Citizen Meeting 10:30 am Youth Group Soup Kitchen 10:00 am-11:30 am 1st Reconciliation Session IV 7:00 pm-9:00 pm 1st Youth Group Meeting of the Season St. Raphael Office Hours are as follows: Monday-Friday, 8:30 am - 4:00 pm. Saturday Office hours: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Religious Education Office Hours are Monday-Thursday, 8:00 am to 3:00 pm. Tobit's Treasures Making a hospital visit? Need a last-minute gift? Forget your greeting card? Merchandise arriving daily—stop in and browse our selection of gifts and other religious items. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS Religious Education classes continue this Sunday, October 12th, 2014. 1st Reconciliation Classes Session III is scheduled for Saturday, October 18th from 10:00 am—11:30 am. For more information contact the religious education department at 973-992-9496. YOUTH MINISTRY NEWS All sophomores, juniors and seniors interested in helping to plan youth group meetings—There will be a training meeting on Saturday, October 18th from 2:006:30 pm in the blue house. If you missed the rainbow retreat parent info meeting please contact Ann Marie asap: [email protected] ST. RAPHAEL SENIOR CITIZENS St. Raphael Seniors will meet Monday, October 20th at 2:00 pm (doors open at 1:30 pm). Speaker will be Father Fredric Abiera OAR. Fr. Abiera is a member of the Augustinian Recollects located at St. Cloud Monastery in West Orange. All Seniors are welcome-come join us. Any questions, call Mary Hanlon 973-992-9116. St. John’s Writes Us: Dear Friends, In some ways, it feels like the “darkest” of times. The terrorism of beheadings, the persecution and killing of Christians and other minorities, leave us feeling overwhelmed. What gives us the strength to keep going, hoping, loving? Our hope, despite all our fears, can only be God. The light does break through the darkness. Recently we were having a meeting with potential corporate donors. While touring the facility, two men approached. One man handed us a $50 bill and said, “We have been in a recovery program and we wanted you to know we are grateful to you. Without you, we would have gone hungry!” St. John XXIII once said, “Consult not your fears, but your hopes and your dreams.” We will! ♦ Peace, Fr. Neil YOUTH UPDATE ♦ Our next trip to St. John’s soup kitchen will be Saturday, October 25th. Donations of hot dogs, white socks and men’s sneakers size 8 and up are greatly appreciated. (Please look for the socks and sneakers donation box in the hallway by the school.) YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY - Watch for the Announcement of our first event for the season! THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO BROUGHT THEIR 4-LEGGED FAMILY MEMBER TO THE ST. FRANCIS PET BLESSING LAST SATURDAY! WOMEN’S MINI RETREAT AT ST. RAPHAEL CHURCH Hosted by Caroline Ilogienboh SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18TH FROM 8 AM—NOON Come join us for a morning of reflection, sharing and gaining a deeper understanding of God’s love. The day will start a 8 am with a walk in O’Connor Park (weather permitting), 9-10 am breakfast in Tobias Hall, 10-11:30 am workshop, 11:30-Noon closing. This is a FREE mini retreat. All women welcome~ MAY BE OF INTEREST…. ♦ OPEN HOUSE MOUNT SAINT DOMINIC ACADEMY to be held on Sunday, October 19th for 7th and 8th grade girls and their families at 1:30 pm. Mount St. Dominic is located at 3 Ryerson Ave., Caldwell, NJ. For more information: 973-226-0660 ext. 1122 or ♦ Rutgers University-Newark SCARLET RAIDERS BASKETBALL CLINIC for boy’s and girl’s ages 7-17 will be held on Thursday, November 6th and Friday, November 7th from 9:00 am—3:00 pm. The clinic is held on the two days that the NJ Public School System have off from school due to teacher conferences. The cost is only $70 for the 2 day clinic. For more information call Joe Loughran 973-353-1483 or [email protected]. It was a wonderful way to honor St. Francis and to thank the Lord for his many blessings. I can do all things in him who strengthens me. ♦ Philippians 4:13 ATLANTIC CITY BUS TRIP Atlantic City Bus Trip - The next bus trip to Atlantic City is scheduled for Wednesday November 5th, 2014. For more information, please call Sylvia Barrasso at (973) 992-9193. DR. JOHN T. HAMBERGER General & Cosmetic Dentistry Emphasis on Quality and Comfort Saturday & Evening Hours Available Serra for Priestly and Religious Vocations 155 South Livingston Ave., Livingston 992-0075 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ............... 24/7 HELP ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ............... ➢ A+ Rating with BBB $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months LIVINGSTON TIRE CO. Our Tires Are Always On Sale Tune-ups • Exhaust • Alignment Brakes • Air Conditioning • Wheels 56 E. NORTHFIELD RD. 973-533-0101 973-533-9098 Fax ? Your ad QUESTION : Does Bulletin Advertising Really Work? could be in this space! ANSWER : It Must! You’re Reading This Ad. Why not fill this space with your Ad instead of ours? Call or write us for information. Air Group LLC HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING The Sponsors Who Appear On This Bulletin. It Is Through Their Support That This Bulletin Is Made Possible. Business Owners Interested In Advertising Please Call 800-545-1020 1 PRINCE ROAD, WHIPPANY, NJ 07981 J.S. Paluch 1-800-524-0263 817050 St Raphael Church (B) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263 Robert R. Andersen, Funeral Director N.J. Lic. No 3466 Edward J. Shaffery Jr., Manager N.J. Lic. No 3315 QUINN-HOPPING FUNERAL HOME Guided By Family Values Since 1915 145 E. Mt. Pleasant Avenue Livingston, NJ • 992-1414 A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA ALLAN FEID, Inc. Plumbing and Heating Barry Friedrich 177 So. Livingston Avenue Livingston, NJ 07039 Sales Representative (973) 992-2240 A. FEID JR. #7052 Office: 973.994.4884 Cell: 973.309.6113 [email protected] 35 North Livingston Avenue Livingston, NJ 07039 Fax: (973) 992-6180 Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 Jesus A to Z Serving NJ, PA & DE 877.401.4777 For further information, CHECK OUT OUR REVIEWS ON: please call the Parish Office. Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS A colorful Catholic ABC book for kids and families! Includes a glossary of questions to help adults pass on their Catholic faith. 007199 9 x 12 Hardcover $16.99 each • Special Offer — 2 for $25.00! 800-566-6150 Offering quality service for over 50 years. Call for a Free Estimate 973-533-0365 Lic 3375 For a wide selection of Catholic greeting cards, artwork, and inspirational recordings, visit 800-566-6150 World Library Publications the music and liturgy division of J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. Paluch Partners - a simple way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. Easily access your parish’s latest bulletin and all the sponsors who advertise. Their contribution allows parish bulletin communication to be free of charge for your parish. Support them by taking advantage of the services they provide. 817050 St Raphael Church (A) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263
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