HELENA HIGH SCHOOL A Commitment to Excellence October/November 2014 http://www.helena.k12.mt.us/schools/ highscho/helenahi/index.dhtm 2014-2015 School Year Welcome to Helena High School Bengal FamilyOur school year is off and running and it has been the start of a year packed with many, many exciting opportunities for your student. We are proud of the curricular and co-curricular activities we are able to provide our students and are grateful for all of the coaches and sponsors willing to devote so many hours to this good work. Helena High School has been recognized as a state leader in the Montana Behavioral Initiative. Through the work of a committed team of educators we have determined our four universal expectations at HHS. They are, Be Involved, Be Respectful, Be Responsible and Be a Graduate. I want to focus a little bit on the first universal of Being Involved. Being involved is something we constantly preach to our student body. The benefits student involvement are many. Most importantly is the graduation information we have monitored for those students involved in something outside of their curricular area. Upwards of 96% of our students involved in activities end up graduating from high school. We believe it is because of several factors. A greater sense of connectedness, leadership opportunities, friendships, exploration into opportunities outside of the school day, etc. To us, being involved means so much more than being involved in a sport. We are proud of the 25% of our student body that are involved in a sport this fall. However, this number does not take into account the number of students that are involved in the myriad of clubs and other groups here at HHS. We believe that your child’s involvement in these other groups will enhance their educational experiences at Helena High. The other area of involvement that I would like to touch upon is attendance. There is new research that says as many as 7.5 million students miss a month or more of school each year, raising the likelihood that they’ll fail academically and eventually drop out of high school. These findings, supported by researcher Richard Balfanz of Johns Hopkins University, estimate that 10% to 15% of students nationwide are “chronically absent” from school. These percentages are closely in alignment with our drop-out statistics. One of the greatest indicators we have for a student dropping out of school is when they reach 10 or more absences in any particular class. Missing large chunks of classroom instruction creates confusion and frustration for students and we simply cannot replicate the good work that happens in our classrooms every day. A student simply cannot be involved in their education if they don’t attend. Here is where your involvement comes in. Please encourage and expect your student to attend every day. If you are finding that your child does not want to attend and the piles of excuses keep coming, contact us. Let us know what the roadblocks are for your son or daughter and lets work together to get this hurdle eliminated, ultimately leading to better academic success for your child. Respectfully, Principal Steve Thennis SAVE THE DATE! October/November Calendar Oct. 4th 4-H Open House 1-3 Fairgrounds Oct. 6th Early Release Oct. 13th Early Release Oct. 16th/17th NO SCHOOL MEA Oct. 20th Early Release Oct. 21st Choir Concert 7 pm HMS Auditorium Oct. 27th Early Release Nov. 3rd 2nd Quarter Begins Early Release Nov. 10th Early Release Nov. 16th-18th AA Choral Festival Missoula Starlighters Nov. 17th Early Release Nov. 18th Orchestra Concert 7 pm Nov. 24th Early Release Nov. 26th-28th NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Break ASSISTANT PRINCIPALS FOR 2014-2015 Do you need to see your Assistant Principal? At Helena High School, the Assistant Principals are assigned students based on your last name. Here’s how to reach them: A-G Ms. Dawn Rowling [email protected] 324-2200 H-N Dr. Wynn Randall [email protected] 324-2200 O-Z Mr. Willie Schlepp [email protected] 324-2200 The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet. Aristotle HHS SCHOOL COUNSELORS Do you need to see your counselor? At Helena High School, the counselors are assigned students based on your last name. Here’s how to best reach them: A-E Ms. Kate Miller [email protected] 324-2227 F-K Mr. Shane Dempsey [email protected] 324-2224 L-R Mr. Jason Murgel [email protected] 324-2226 S-Z Mrs. Chrissy Murgel [email protected] 2 FRESHMAN HAPPENINGS... Attention Parents of Freshmen Check out this site— www.bengalfrosh.com— to access all of the freshmen teachers' websites. The site is provided to make it easier for you and your sons/daughters to find resources posted by their teachers. HELENA HIGH SCHOOL CHOIR Fall Concert Tuesday, Oct 21, 7:00 pm, HMS Auditorium The Helena High Booster Club is looking for volunteers to help sell Bengal Wear ( shirts, sweatshirts, beanies and lanyards) at Football, Volleyball and Basketball games. If you are interested in helping out or purchasing Bengal wear, please contact Diana Sullivan at 461-3060. The Booster Club would like to thank the following sponsors for all their support: Placer Motors, Inc. Student Assistance Foundation Galusha, Higgins, & Galusha Collision Pro Inc. Capital Collision Center Valley Bank of Helena Helena Ob/Gyn Associates, PC South Hills Dental Party Plus Rentals Bob Ward & Sons Helena Community Credit Union First Community Bank American Federal Savings Bank Bill & Chelly Hasquet Ruckers Furniture, Inc. SMA Architects Helena Orthodontics Montana Broom & Brush Burdick Locksmith Spieker Sprinklers Valley Sand and Gravel Marshall & Carol Price Montana Oral Surgery, Fleischmann John E Smith, DMD Rocky Mountain Credit Union Town Center Chiropractic Heuiser Physical Therapy Anderson Zurmuehlen & Co. PC A2Z Staffing Solutions Van's Thriftway Tara Hovan First Interstate Bank Gary & Monica Rankin Grimsrud - State Farm Insurance Power Townsend Company Morrison-Maierle, Inc Lights Custom ScreenprintingLightbody Carey Darlington Winter Concert Tuesday, Dec 9, 7:00 pm, HMS Auditorium Christmas Dessert Tuesday, Dec 16, 7:00 pm, Venue TBA AA Festival Starlighters only—Missoula, Nov 16-18 Visit www.hhschoirs.com for announcements, information, dates, and highlights from class! 33 STUDENT ACTIVITY CARDS Helena High School Activity cards are sold through our bookkeeper in the Main Office for $30.00. These cards will admit students into CHS and HHS home games. Activity cards are not accepted for play-off or championship games. Come support your fellow students at their games! HELENA HIGH SCHOOL VIGILANTE YEARBOOK The Helena High School Yearbook staff is always looking for great pictures to use in the yearbook. If you have some cool pictures of you and your friends having fun—please send them to [email protected]. Please include your name and identify anyone else in the picture with you. It also helps if you include a brief summary of where the picture was taken, what date and what you were doing. You can now order your 2015 Yearbook on line for $76 at: http://shop.balfour/com then select Helena High School If you missed getting your 2014 Yearbook please stop by the main office. We have a few left and will be selling those at a reduced price of $60—until all are sold. Caption describing picture or graphic FILMMAKERS CLUB Helena High has started a filmmakers club. Currently the club meets on Wednesdays during lunch in Mr. Brophy’s room (43), but the group will meet after school as well. The ultimate direction of this club will be shaped by the students, but our current model has them working cooperatively to produce, direct, write, edit, and act in their own movies or movie scenes. The club will also work on school PSAs. Parents: Please make sure that you are using your password and accessing PowerSchool for up-to-date information about your student(s). As this is a new club, our resources are limited. We are asking that anyone with a desire to help get this club off the ground consider donating either quality film-making equipment (sound, lighting, filming equipment or software) or make a financial donation. If you have lost your password, please contact Marilyn Williams (3242208) and she’ll be able to help you with the set up. 4 4 ATTENTION SENIORS AND PARENTS SENIOR PHOTOS ARE DUE OCTOBER 10, 2014 Please have your professional photographer submit your senior picture following these instructions: 1. Photos must be submitted in a digital format by email ([email protected]) or on CD. The digital image must be no smaller than 4x6 inches and 300 dpi. They must be saved as lastnamefirstname. For example, Anna Smith would be Smithanna. Photos taken on a cell phone are NOT high enough resolution and may be denied for print. 2. Image must be good clarity and detail. Image should be made from the original digital image or negative. No special effects permitted. 3. All photos MUST be in color. No black and white or sepia photos will be accepted. 4. Scanned images from photographs may not be accepted due to loss of quality in the scanning process. 5. Photos must be a professional looking portrait from the waist up. 6. No props may be visible, i.e. cars, animal, flags or instruments. We would rather highlight you on the other pages in this manner. 7. Dress should be appropriate attire; standard school dress is suggested. Photos that do not adhere to these standards may be cut from the yearbook. The student’s school photo will be substituted if the requirements are not met or if we do not receive a photo by the deadline. Also, senior photos will not be returned to the students. The DEADLINE for submission is OCTOBER 10, 2014. Please keep this date in mind. Photographers also need time to process your photos before they can be submitted. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Lunnon at 324-2250 or at [email protected]. NEW THIS YEAR ORDER YOUR YEARBOOK ON LINE! You can now order your 2015 Yearbook on line for $76 at: http://shop.balfour/com then select Helena High School 5 HELENA HIGH SCHOOL WEB SITES Helena High’s web page is full of information about our school. The student bulletin is updated each day and is a good source of what is happening at HHS. To access the current HHS web page the first time enter www.helena.k12.mt.us. Then click on the tab for “our schools” and choose “high schools”; choose ‘Helena High School” and you are there! Save this as a favorite for your next visit. HELENA HIGH SCHOOL FOOD SERVICE FREE AND REDUCED LUNCH PROGRAM If your child is currently on the Free and Reduced Lunch program you must reapply by October 10 or eligibility will end. Applications are available in the main office. Students Reduced Breakfast Lunch $1.20 .30 $2.45 .40 Adults: Breakfast Lunch $2.00 $3.50 ATTENDANCE Parents - if you receive notification from our school saying your child is unverified, please inform your student of the notice that evening. If they have a reason for the mark (i.e. late to class, with another teacher, error in taking attendance, etc.), they MUST follow up by coming to the attendance office and getting a “purple slip”. These simple steps are helpful for managing the attendance of our 1600 students. Also, if your student is coming or going outside of their regular schedule, they MUST sign in and out of the attendance office. If these two requests are being met, your student should not have attendances issues. Thank you for your help in insuring that our student attendance records are as accurate as possible. ATTENDANCE OFFICE (406) 324-2211 24 Hours a Day/7 Days a Week 6 HELENA HIGH SCHOOL BAND PERFORMANCE DATES 2014-2015 TBA Half time show, Wind Symphony Dec 8 (Mon) HHS gym Winter/Holiday Band concert 6:30 pm and 8:00 pm. March 24 (Tues) HHS gym Pre-Festival Band Concert 7:00 pm April 9-11 District Music Festival (Helena Large Group Times): April 9, Bands, Orchestras and Choirs will be 3:10 pm to 9pm in the HHS gym and HMS Auditorium, April 10, Bands, Orchestras and Choirs will be 7:00 am to 5:00 pm in the HHS Gym, and HMS Auditorium April 9, Piano adjudications at Helena Middle School 7am to 5 pm April 11, Solo and Ensemble will be at Helena High 7am to 6pm May 1 Vigilante parade, all bands May 1-2 State Music Festival in Missoula May 18 (Mon) HHS gym Spring Band Concert 6:30 pm and 8:00 pm 7 Helena High School Outdoors Club The Helena High Outdoors Club meets at noon every Friday in room #60. "Like" us on Facebook to find out about upcoming activities. The Senior All Night Party is open to ALL graduating seniors in Helena, Montana area! Graduating Seniors: You have worked long and hard for this day - come celebrate your achievement! Parents of Graduating Seniors: You have worked equally as hard! Come volunteer and help your graduates and their friends celebrate in a safe environment. Music, dancing, new games, prizes, food...and crazy fun all night long!!! http://helenaseniorallnightparty.webs.com/ ATTENTION PARENTS— SENIOR ADS It may seem extremely early but parents of seniors will want to start thinking about Senior Ads. Yearbook will host parent nights to help organize and design an ad in late October-early November. Watch for the postcard that will be mailed home with more details and information on pricing. Senior Ads are due December 19th! HELENA HIGH SCHOOL PARKING LOTS HHS requires a student to have a permit to park in the HHS parking lot. Each vehicle that the student drives MUST be registered. Permits can be purchased online only at http://www.helena.k12.mt.us/schools/ highscho/helenahi/index.dhtm If a student receives a ticket the initial cost is $10 with a $5 late fee attached after 10 days. The late fee will NOT be waived this year. 8 PLC PLC - Professional Development Schedule Our district is very appreciative of our community allowing us to schedule time that is directly related to student achievement. Teachers and support staff will be using the early release time to work together to improve their professional practice in an effort to get more students to achieve at higher levels. This work will include: Studying and clarifying the meaning of the MT State Standards and Career and Technology Education industry standards Developing an understanding of what the standard looks like in student work Designing units of study Writing common assessments Analyzing the results of the common assessments All Mondays are Professional Learning Communities for HSD staff. Helena High School will dismiss early every Monday, please see below for the different HSD grade level release schedule: Elementary School: Middle School: High School: 8:30—2:30 8:05—2:15 8:20—2:30 Below is each Monday schedule for HHS: Period 0 7:32 - 8:15 Period 4 10:49 –11:32 Period 1 8:20 - 9:03 Lunch 11:32—12:11 Period 2 9:08 - 9:51 Period 5 2:11 – 12:54 Homeroom 9:51 - 9:56 Period 6 12:59 - 1:42 10:01–10:44 Period 7 1:47 – 2:30 Period 3 Planning additional, time, support and extension for students. Business Dept. Buzz **Buses will run according to Professional Development schedule on Mondays** The beginning of the 2014-15 school year has been bittersweet for the HHS Business Department. We sadly bid farewell to long-time teacher, Lisa Parker. We are so very fortunate to have Alane Dinsdale join our department from Townsend High School with nearly 20 years of Business teaching experience and advisement of Business Professionals of America. Mrs. Dinsdale is teaching Accounting and Bengal Business and is managing the Business Co-op, as well as working as a co-advisor to Business Professionals of America. Mrs. Humphrey took charge of Mrs. Parker’s Jobs for Montana Graduates. Jobs for Montana Graduates (JMG) is off to a busy start with our annual Think Pink Campaign. Think Pink t-shirts will go on sale October 1st. They will be $8.00 each. Proceeds will go to local breast cancer research and to assist students dealing with cancer. We hope everyone will support our Think Pink Campaign. Think Pink Game Days are: Football – October 10th, 2014 Cross County – October 15th, 2014 Volleyball – October 16th, 2014 JMG will soon conduct a food drive and non-perishable foods that can be used for holiday meals will be greatly appreciated. We will have information in the announcements. We are also starting our cookie dough fundraiser with Montana’s Elliott Cookie Dough in October. This is a joint project with Business Professionals of America. Finally, for October, JMG is planning another Halloween Trick or Treat activities for the youngsters of our community. We are planning on having a “haunted house” portion for children over age 8 in one section of the school. Please spread the word that there will be Bengal Trick or Treating on Halloween here at the school. 9 PARENTS REMINDER! Come meet and talk with our Principal, Mr. Thennis, at the Parent Link meeting. These are held the first Tuesday of every month at noon in the Helena High School Library. MBI Video Contest Helena High School is looking for the 2014 school year MBI Video and we need your Involvement. The MBI committee would like to offer this special Contest to individuals or groups (maximum of 8) that would establish an updated MBI Video. Requirements for Contest: Registration Form (below) Entry Fee ($25) Due: Wed, October 1st HHS Bookkeeper (Mrs. Clay) Video due to Mr. Schlepp by Oct 31st Length of video 3-4 minutes Video must contain Helena High School’s 4 Expectations: 1) Be Responsible 2) Be Respectful 3) Be Involved 4) Be a Graduate Top 5 Videos selected by the MBI Committee will be featured at the Myrna Loy Center with a final winner announced. The winner of the 2014 HHS MBI Video will receive $500. Check out last year’s video: https://vimeo.com/72503634 Name of Contact Person and Phone Number: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Group Name: (s) _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 10 Counseling News October 2014 Junior Dates: Welcome to the Oct. 15th—PSAT Test SAT Dates: Test Date Registration Due Nov. 8 Oct. 9th Dec. 6th Nov. 6th Jan. 24th Dec. 29th ACT Dates: Test Date Registration Due Dec. 13th Nov. 7th Feb. 7th Jan. 9th Red Ribbon Week Oct 23rd—31st Career/Counseling Center The counseling staff at Helena High School wishes to welcome you to a new school year. We are excited to serve both you and your child. Our goal is to support students personally and academically, as well as to help them plan for a productive future. The Counseling/Career Center is open from 7:00 A.M. to 3:45 P.M. Students may request to see their counselor through our office. We encourage students to visit with us during their study hall or when not in an academic class. We also are available to parents to answer questions or listen to concerns of academic, social, or post-secondary issues pertinent to your child. Our office phone number is 324-2220. The counseling staff is comprised of six professionals: four guidance counselors, a career counselor, and secretary. Students are assigned a counselor alphabetically by their last name. Our names and email addresses our listed below: Last name A-E Counselor Mrs. Kate Miller Phone 324-2227 email [email protected] F-K Mr. Shane Dempsey 324-2224 [email protected] L-R Mr. Jason Murgel 324-2226 [email protected] S-Z Mrs. Chrissy Murgel 324-2223 [email protected] Mrs. Patty Opitz—Career Counselor 324-2225 [email protected] Ms. Corena Hall—Secretary 324-2220 [email protected] Five Seniors Receive Academic Honors Helena High School was recently notified that five of our seniors, Aloise Bell, Darcie Caldwell, Elizabeth Snyder, Carolyn Stine, and Benjamin Terhune have been selected as National Merit Semi-Finalists. Their selection was based on their exemplary performance on their PSAT’s last fall. These students are now applying for the National Merit Scholarship, a four-year scholarship based on academic excellence, community service and leadership, character, and community involvement. Please congratulate them on their outstanding achievements! Websites for Upperclassmen SAT www.collegeboard.com ACT www.actstudent.org ACT/SAT Prep www.number2.com FAFSA www.fafsa.ed.gov Resources, Links, Information www.mycollegecalendar.org Scholarship List-Helena High School www.helena.k12.mt.us From HHS page, choose dept/ staff pages, then counseling, ca11 reer, guidance PSAT/NMSQT—Juniors The PSAT will be offered to all interested HHS Juniors on October 15th. The PSAT/NMSQT measures skills that are important for success in college—verbal reasoning, critical reading, math problem-solving, and writing. Taking the PSAT/NMSQT enables students to: Get feedback about critical academic skills Seek information from colleges Enter scholarship competitions Practice for SAT Program tests ATTENTION STUDENT ATHLETES AND PARENTS! The 2014 PSAT/NMSQT is the qualifying test for entry to National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) competitions for college scholarships that will be awarded in 2015. Students who meet published requirements, which include taking the PSAT/NMSQT in the specified year in their high school program (usually the junior year), will enter NMSC competitions for recognition and awards. Registration was held in the spring. There may still be seats available. Check with Mrs. Miller in the counseling center if you are still interested. The cost is $18.00, payable to Helena High School. The PSAT will be held at Carroll College. Students may pick up their PSAT study guide in the counseling center if they have not already done so. If you or your son/daughter are planning to participate in collegiate sports, it is important to get an early start on the registration process. Both parent and student need to be very pro-active regarding the academic and registration requirements. It is essential that you explore the NCAA and NAIA websites to further your understanding of the process. Both websites have a surplus of information to assist you. Below is information to get you started with this undertaking. NCAA www.eligiblitycenter.org NAIA Registration Cost- $65.00 www.playnaia.org Phone- 877-262-1492 Registration Cost- $70.00 Students can visit college campuses by appointment or attend College Rep Visits to HHS 2013-14 Special Visit Days: Many college representatives visit Helena High during the year. Scheduled college and military rep visits are posted in the Daily Student Bulletin. If students wish to visit with a rep, they can sign up ahead of time in the Counseling/Career center and receive a school-related absence for September 29 Mon. Whitman College 9:30 30 Tues. Corban College 12:35 8 Wed. Willamette Univ 8:00 10 Fri. Gonzaga Univ 21 Tues. Seattle University October November TBA Remind is a new tool the counseling center is using to inform students of upcoming scholarship deadlines, career fairs, college visits, upcoming school sponsored test reminders, and anything else counseling related. This is an excellent way to stay to be reminded of the last minute to-dos related to your students success at HHS. To subscribe follow the directions below! Send a text message including “text@helenahi” to (862) 307-8207 10:20 11:00 MSU Bobcat Fridays – 1-888-MSU-CATS Oct. 24, Jan. 30, Mar. 26-27 Montana Tech — 1-800-445TECH Nov 23, Feb 14 & Junior Preview Day on Nov. 7, Mar. 13, Apr 24 UM Friday Griz Days – 1-800-462-8636 Oct. 17, Nov. 7, Nov. 21, Feb. 13, UM Western – 877-683-7331 Mar. 6, Mar. 20, Mar. 27, Apr.20 University of Great Falls — Carroll College — 406-477-4384 1-800-856-9544 Oct. 17, Nov. 7, Nov. 15 Rocky Mountain College — MSU Northern – 1-800-877-6259 1-800-662-6132 ext. 3704 Helena College — 477-6904 Schedule your visit one week in advance. MSU Billings – 1-800-565-6782 Oct. 24, Nov. 14, & Feb. 13 Sr. Parent Night Info. Posted 12 Anyone who missed the Senior Parent night meeting or would like copies of the information, can access it from the Helena High home page. From the main page, choose department/staff pages, then counseling and career guidance. H elena High Student Council had a successful Homecoming Week. Students put in an enormous amount of work to spread school spirit through organizing theme days, lunch competition, Fall assembly, royalty, BBQ, and a dance. If you see a student council member, congratulate them on their hard work and a job well done! The Student Council Executive Board, the core group of student council leaders, is now offered as an independent study. Anyone interested in being an integral part of student council second semester should see Ms. Watts in Room 25. Winter Formal is right around the corner. We will be announcing the date and more details in the coming weeks. Look for advertisements around school and on the website. All students are welcome to join student council at any time during the year. We especially need Freshman and Sophomore representatives. Where?: HHS Room 25 (unless otherwise noted) When?: 7:30 p.m. Fall Meeting dates: September 30 November 11 October 14, 28 December 2 *See Ms. Watts in room 25 if you have any questions or miss a meeting and want to catch up.* Helena High School Theater announces A Class Act! November 13-14-15 2014 Evening shows will be at 7:00, and including a Saturday Matinee at 1:00, all shows will be in the Little theater at Helena High School. The cost will be a mere $5.00 A Class Act is a quasi-autobiographical musical loosely based on the life of composer -lyricist Edward Kleban, who died at the age of 48 in 1987. Featuring a book by Linda Kline and Lonny Price along with music and lyrics by Kleban himself, the musical uses flashbacks and the device of time running backwards to retrace the high and low points of the composer's personal and professional life. In addition to serving as a tribute to one of the award-winning collaborators of A Chorus Line, A Class Act provides yet another behind-the-scenes glimpse at how a musical is created and brought to the stage. In contrast to A Chorus Line however, the piece offers a considerably more severe warning as well about how an artist’s personal life—including struggles with mental illness and cancer—can interfere with, obstruct, and eventually doom his professional as well as his personal pursuits. 13 U.S. Postage HELENA SCHOOL DSITRICT #1 PAID HELENA HIGH SCHOOL 1300 BILLINGS AVENUE HELENA, MT 59601 Permit No. 94 Helena, MT 59601 Non-Profit Org. (406) 324-2200 (406) 324-2201 FAX http://www.helena.k12.mt.us CURRENT RESIDENT OR Varsity Football 2014-2015 Oct. 30 Sentinel Home 7:00 p.m. GOLF 2014-2015 Date Nov. 3-8 Playoffs Sept 25-26 Nov 13-15 State @MSU Bozeman Oct. 2-3 Bozeman Team H/A Time Sept. 26 Skyview Away 7:00 p.m. Bozeman 10/9 a.m. Oct. 3 Flathead Away 7:00 p.m. Oct. 10 CMR Home 7:00 p.m. Oct. 17Sentinel Away 7:00 p.m. Oct. 23 Senior Away 6:00 p.m. Nov. 1 Capital Away 1:30 p.m. SOCCER 2014-2015 Oct. 3 Hellgate Away B-5:00 p.m. G-3:00 p.m. Oct. 8 Capital Away B-5:00 p.m. G-3:00 p.m. VOLLEYBALL 2014-15 Date Team H/A Time Sept. 25 Capital Away 7:00 p.m. Sept 27 Hellgate Away 4:00 p.m. Sept. 30 Butte Away 7:00 p.m. Oct. 7 Hellgate Home 7:00 p.m. Oct. 10-11 CROSS COUNTRY 2014-2015 Oct. 4 Butte Away 12:00 p.m. Oct. 9 7of7 Home 12:30 p.m. Oct. 15 Capital Home 4:00 p.m. Oct. 25 State Home tba Oct. 10 Sentinel Home B-3:00 p.m. G-5:00 p.m. Oct. 16 Glacier Away B-3:00 p.m. G-5:00 p.m. Oct. 17 Flathead Away B-10:00 a.m. G-12:00 p.m. Oct. 20-25 Play-offs Missoula Inv. Away 9:30/9 a.m. Oct. 30-Nov. 1 State Great Falls Oct. 16 Capital Home 7:00 p.m. Oct. 18 Big Sky Away 4:30 p.m. Oct. 24 Flathead Away 4:30 p.m. Oct. 25 Glacier Away 1:00 p.m. 14
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