A free monthly publication of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church October 2014 Vol. 2 Issue No. 10 October 2 0 1 4 – Vol. 2 Issue 10 r e g n e s s e Trinity’s m Sunday Worship: 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. F r o m t h e P a s t o r , Jeffery L. Gaustad Every generous act of giving, with every perfect gift, is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. In fulfilment of his own purpose he gave us birth by the word of truth, so that we would become a kind of first fruits of his creatures. You must understand this, my beloved: let everyone be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger; for your anger does not produce God’s righteousness. Therefore rid yourselves of all sordidness and rank growth of wickedness, and welcome with meekness the implanted word that has the power to save your souls. But be doers of the word, and not merely hearers who deceive themselves. For if any are hearers of the word and not doers, they are like those who look at themselves in a mirror; for they look at themselves and, on going away, immediately forget what they were like. But those who look into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and persevere, being not hearers who forget but doers who act—they will be blessed in their doing. If any think they are religious, and do not bridle their tongues but deceive their hearts, their religion is worthless. Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world. James 1:17-27 I like a good sermon, especially one that takes aim at my heart and doesn’t miss. I’ve come to regard the New Testament’s book of James as just such a sermon. Some may remember that Martin Luther had very little regard for the book of James—he called it “a pillar of straw” because he did not find any gospel (good news) in it. I wonder if Dr. Luther might change his mind if he lived in our time and culture. Our consumer culture gives lip service to generosity, but more often than not, for many if not most, a sense of generosity is too easily overwhelmed by fear of scarcity. In the public sphere, we seem lightning-quick to voice our criticism and distain, and equally quick to demonstrate anger over most anything— from political views that differ from ours to road-rage at our fellow freeway drivers. Pastor Gaustad’s Friday morning Bible Study returns on October 10th 10:30 to noon A four-week study of Wisdom literature: Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the wisdom sayings of Jesus Speaking for myself, in my better moments of selfreflection, I sometimes abhor my thoughts, as they are not always charitable, kind, or generous, and humility and meekness are not readily apparent in my witness to others. I am not yet fully the person I desire or think myself to be. And it’s in these moments that I finally come to myself, and pray that the Word—Christ’s living Spirit—will fully have God’s way with me. The first Christians were called the “people of the Way”—an encouraging image for me, because it reminds me that I, too, am a pilgrim on God’s way for me, and I have not yet fully arrived. And so are you. So are we all. We need reminders—like James’ sermon—to stir us out of our complacency and our self-absorbed ways and be moved to love one another, especially our neighbor in need. Martin Luther said, “You cannot keep the birds from flying over your head, but you need not let them build a nest in your hair.” The culture around us need not determine our ways of living and witnessing. Remember—God is at work in you. Grace, peace, and generous hearts! 2 Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church 12115 Park Avenue South Tacoma WA 98444-3629 CONTACT US 253-537-0201 Lead Pastor Jeff Gaustad x103 or his cell phone: 253-495-9357 [email protected] Visitation Pastor Rick Swenson x104 or his cell phone: 253-219-6045 [email protected] Music Dir. Jonathan Wohlers x114 [email protected] Church Steward Cheryl Mays Comen x112 [email protected] Admin. Associate Lisa Boers x110 [email protected] Parish Nurse Virginia Garrison x106 Maintenance Ed Kane 253-592-5481 Bookkeeper Beth Rich x115 Financial Secretaries Joan Oldag x115 Pat Durston x115 Caretaker Kaye Olsen Custodian Lori Titus Custodian Yelena Zhurko Hospitality Coord Anita Christian Sound Engineers David Christian Lowell Kiesow Cemetery Manager David Christian Webmaster Michela Hammond TRINITY CHILDCARE & PRESCHOOL Exec Dir. Lynn Cooper 535-2699 T r in i t y B a z a a r — news flash Trinity Bazaar is Saturday, November 8, 2014 The Bakery Table will return to the Trinity Bazaar again this year. You will be able to purchase delicious home-baked goodies. There will be cookies, cupcakes, beads, and (maybe) LEFSE. You will be able to buy your favorites or consider making a donation of one of your very own baking specialties for the table. Questions—contact Sara Kreamer (253535-2741). T r in i t y L u t h e r a n C h u r c h W o m e n What do the initials TLCW mean to you? Yes, certainly, Trinity Lutheran Church Women. Beyond that, it means Bible Study, the emphasis of Circle meetings which meet monthly, September through May. It also shouts service happening in a myriad of ways from Altar Guild to Quilting to Receptions. The initials TLCW also means Gifts. Thanks to generous offerings at Circle and monthly meetings and profit from our Bazaar, gifts were made last year to Tacoma Seafarers, Family Renewal Shelter, Children’s Haven Int’l, Fish Food Bank, ELCA Hunger Appeal, Trinity College, PLU, Peace Lutheran Community Center, TLC Feeding Ministry, Katie’s Fund, and to the Synod and National Women’s organization. Circles — women’s Bible study and fellowship Mary/Martha & Rachel Circle is Tuesday, Oct. 21 at 1:00 p.m. Esther Circle is Tuesday, Oct. 21 at 7:00 p.m. at Anita Christian's home Miriam Circle is Thursday, Oct. 23 at 10:00 a.m. at Trinity Common Room TO MOB ILIZE W OME N TO ACT BOLDL Y ON T H EIR FAITH IN J E SU S C HR IST! - WELCA mission statement Men’s Prayer Breakfast Tuesdays 7-8:30AM 2014 CHURCH COUNCIL Julie Storaasli, secretary Alice Alexander Lowell Kiesow Ed Kreamer Philip Edlund, president Steve Ufer Doug Wright Juanita Stalwick Joanne Schwartz Tom Leitch, vice president Bob Judge Chi-Chi Lee Donna Lederman Carol Fossum Roy Masengale TREASURER: Susan Wise Men of Trinity SERVICE CORPS At Anglea’s Restaurant 7511 Portland Ave E. Driving. Delivering. Shopping. Simple Tasks. Could any of you men help people with needs they have, things they can no longer do? If so, please contact Hank Mays 360-250-4538. OCTOBER: Men of Trinity Planning Breakfast Review of Lutheran Men in Mission 2014 Gathering in Nashville 2014/2015 and MOT Event Schedule Saturday October 11th, 9am to 11am Thompson Hall or Angleas Restaurant 74th & Portland Ave, Tacoma NOVEMBER: MOT hosts: Annual Veterans’ Day Program Nov. 11, at 7 pm (rehearsal Mon. Nov. 10) MOT will plan the program at upcoming meetings MOT hosts: Church Advent breakfast Sun., Nov. 30 in Thompson Hall October 2 0 1 4 – Vol. 2 Issue 10 PAIN TERS SEAFARER’S CHRISTMAS BOX THANK YOU BRUNCH Saturday – October 18 10 am – Noon - Trinity’s Narthex We are painting Trinity Preschool /Childcare. Volunteer for weekend hours only. Contact Doug Wright or Hank Mays at church. ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton Saturday, November 1, 2014 9 a.m. coffee 10 a.m. public address In PLU’s Karen Hille Phillips Center for the Performing Arts Trinity provided 100 Christmas Boxes last year (2013) for the Seafarer’s Center to distribute to seamen and women from the various merchant ships that dock in Tacoma. Between Thanksgiving and New Years, 1,500 boxes were given out to seafarers from 25 nations and 65 ships. These boxes were eagerly anticipated and greatly appreciated. Thank You! if you helped make that happen. There will be a time for fellowship and fruit, muffins, and coffee. The Secretary of the Seafarer’s Auxilary, Jane Oberg from Our Savior’s Lutheran Church will share stories and information from some of the other churches that, also, prepare Christmas Boxes for the Tacoma Seafarer’s Center. The boxes for this year (2014) will be available. Perhaps, you could encourage a friend to participate this year and join you for the brunch to learn more about this project and the Seafarer’s Center. For information and/or questions contact – Maren Johnson (253) 531-3718. Scripture Texts for Sunday Worship in October 9am Worship texts, Oct 5: Exodus 19:3-7,20:1-17 Covenant and Commandments 11am Worship texts, Oct 5: Isaiah 5:1-7, Ps 80:7-15, Phil 3:4b-14; Matt 21:33-46 9am texts, Oct 12: Joshua 24:1-15, Joshua Renews the Covenant 11am texts, Oct 12: Isaiah 25:1-9, Psalm 23, Phil 4:1-9, Matt 22:1-14 9am texts, Oct 19: 2 Samuel 12:1-9, Psalm 51:1-9, David and Bathsheba 11am texts, Oct 19: Isaiah 45:1-7, Ps 96:1-9 [10-13], 1 Thess 1:1-10, Matt 22:15-22 9am texts, Oct 26: 1 Kings 3:4-9, (10-15),16-28, Solomon’s Wisdom 11am Reformation texts, Oct 26: Jer 31:31-34, Ps 46, Rom 3:19-28, John 8:31-36 D O L L A R S for D E T RO I T drop your change here . . . THANKS TO ALL WHO GIVE! TOTAL = $1,362.19 Sunday morning COFFEE HOUR CHALLENGE can a little help from many put a big dent in the cost of sending Trinity Youth to the National Youth Gathering in Detroit? You bet! If every adult at Trinity would put a $1 in the DOLLARS for DETROIT jar every week — we could help in a significant way to send our youth toDetroit. We will report our financial progress regularly! 3 4 October is the FINAL MONTH for bringing LWR items for the fall shipment. We are grateful for anything on the list, but at this time we are mostly in need of: Soap (bath size or handsize) Bath towels (lightweight, dark color preferred) Hand towels (for baby care, dark color preferred) Nail clippers Home sewers needed for cloth diapers (22’x27’) and drawstring backpacks (14’x17”0. Juanita can supply fabric for either if needed. PERSONAL CARE KIT: One light- to medium-weight, bath-size towel (approximately 52” X 27” or smaller), dark colors Two bath-size bars (4 to 5 oz.) of soap, any brand, in original wrapping One adult-size toothbrush in its original packaging* One sturdy comb, remove packaging One metal nail clippers (with or without attached file), remove packaging SCHOOL KIT: Four 70-sheet notebooks of wide/or college-ruled paper approximately 8” X 10½”; no loose-leaf One 30-centimeter ruler, or a ruler with centimeters on one side and inches on the other One pencil sharpener One blunt scissors (safety scissors with embedded steel blades work well) Five unsharpened #2 pencils with erasers Five ballpoint pens (no gel ink) One box of 16 or 24 crayons One 2½” eraser FABRIC KIT: Two pieces of cotton or cotton-blend fabric (no knits or 100% polyester); fabric should have no stains or holes and be cut into pieces measuring: 2¼ yards of 60” wide fabric, or 3 yards of 44” wide fabric, or 4 yards of 36” wide fabric Two spools of neutral-colored, general purpose thread, 250-300 yards each BABY CARE KIT: Size 6 to 24 months Two lightweight cotton t-shirts Two long- or short-sleeved gowns or sleepers-without-feet (2-piece sets are okay) Two receiving blankets, medium-weight cotton or flannel, or crocheted or knitted with lightweight yarn, up to 52” square Four cloth diapers, flat fold preferred One jacket, sweater or sweatshirt with a hood, or include a baby cap Two pairs of socks One hand towel, dark color recommended Two bath-size bars (4 to 5 oz.) of gentle soap, in original wrapping Two diaper pins or large safety pins Trinity Lutheran Church October 2 0 1 4 – Vol. 2 Issue 10 David and Marilyn Knutson Lecture Wednesday, Oct. 22, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. in PLU’s Karen Phillips Auditorium “You Can Have it All: Theorizing Transreligious Spirtuality from the Field of Black Studies” The Rev. Dr. Monica Coleman will deliver the Marilyn and David Knutson lecture this October. She is a pastor, scholar and activist and one of the brightest lights in womanist / black theology. Because of her work with religion and justice, the interdenominational preaching magazine The African American Pulpit named Coleman one of the “Top 20 to Watch” – The New Generation of Leading Clergy: Preachers under 40. A scholar and activist, Monica A. Coleman is committed to connecting faith and social justice. For details, Visit: http://www.plu.edu/religion/misc/monica-coleman.php Trinity’s free COMMUNITY MEAL Friday, October 16 5:30-7:00 pm We serve every third Friday of the month and prep the meal the day before. You could serve one or more shifts. Even one hour on Thursday is a big help! Please consider volunteering your time: Thursday 3:30—6:30 prep food Friday 3:30-5:30 set up tables/chairs/décor; Friday 5—6:30 serve the meal Friday 6-7:30 clear tables, do dishes, tidy the hall To help with the meals: Please see Kurt Scearce or Wanda Wentworth. We would love to have you join us! Trinity Food Pantry Hours Tuesdays 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Fridays 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sundays 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Our Food Pantry serves households in any zipcode. Households can receive bags of groceries every 30 days. Trinity also offers a free-choice table that can be visited anytime that the Food Pantry is open. Get involved by volunteering! See Wanda Wentworth, Virginia Garrison or Pat Witt for more information. You may also contact the church office 253-537-0201. Classes for Family Caregivers Trinity Lutheran Church Library Tuesdays, 6:30-8:00 pm Oct. 7, 2014 Finding, Creating & Using Resources Oct. 21, 2014 Self Care for the Caregiver Nov. 4, 2014 Dementia, Chronic Illness & the Family Oct. 14, 2014 Financial Well Being Oct. 28, 2014 Family Dynamics and Communication Light refreshments provided; Small $10 fee helps us pay for copying the handouts, due at the first class session Pre-registration Requested: register on the internet at www.lcsnw.org/supportu/classes.asp Or call the church at 253-537-0201 5 6 FROM Parish Nurse Virginia Garrison Office hours are Tuesdays noon to 4:00 p.m. October is Mental Health Month. One common mental health condition is depression, which affects more than 19 million Americas each year. For those who seek treatment, over 80% show improvement. Unfortunately, because of the stigma that continues to exist related to mental illness, many do not seek treatment. Clinical depression is more than just a case of the blues. Symptoms of clinical depression included: Persistent sad, anxious or “empty” mood Sleep disturbances, including too much or too little Appetite disturbance, eating too much or too little Loss of pleasure in activities once enjoyed Restlessness or irritability Difficulty concentrating, making decisions or memory problems Fatigue or loss of energy Feelings of guilt, helplessness, worthlessness, thoughts of suicide or death The most common treatments are antidepressant medications, psychotherapy or a combination of the two. As with many conditions, early diagnosis and treatment is more effective and helps lessen the likelihood of recurrence. If you have symptoms of clinical depression, please let your doctor know so treatment can begin. May the God of healing be with you. FOR YOUR HEALTH at Trinity Trinity is currently seeking a part-time Youth Leader to interact with and inspire our young people, to provide a variety of Christcentered opportunities for personal growth in faith, fellowship, service, and involvement in the congregation and the larger Christian community. Contact /resumes to: Pastor Gaustad [email protected] Nurse Virginia is In: every Tuesday, in Room 118 Noon to 4:00 p.m. Prayers for Healing: After Worship SUNDAY Oct 12 & 26 Exercise for Life 10:45 a.m. Monday, Wednesday & Friday in Trinity’s Thompson Hall A gentle, group-exercise routine done while sitting in a chair. Jump Out of Yourself WEIGHT LOSS DIALOG FRIDAYS 1:30 p.m. at Trinity. Be proactive dealing with excess weight! Come find success! Living out our faith in Jesus Christ through joyous service to others. - Trinity mission statement October 2 0 1 4 – Vol. 2 Issue 10 Trinity’s Endowment Fund Awards $16,000 in Grants Theological Education for Emerging Ministries (Teem) – Scholarship in support of Jesus Rodriguez $1500 PLUMS - PLU Matching Scholarship in support of Karli Floyd $1000 Catechesis of the Good Shepherd – start-up/training costs for faith development for children $1500 Trinity Childcare Center – painting of Childcare Center $1500 Trinity Garden of Edible Delights – construction of a garden shed $1000 Trinity Lutheran World Relief Quilters – batting for quilts $1000 Trinity Food Pantry – to meet Thrivant Matching Funds for Shrove Tuesday Proceeds $1500 Trinity Youth – in support of ELCA youth Gathering Registration (Detroit, 2015) $1500 Early Stage Memory Loss Zoo Walk – in support of LCSNW program for care givers and receivers $1000 Warm Coats for Winterfest: Serving Local Families in Need – for purchasing coats, hats, gloves $1500 Children’s Haven International, Raynosa, Mexico – renovation of care homes for children $1500 World Birth Aid – providing clean birth kits to pregnant women in Africa and Asia $1500 Willing hands, working in clay; help Trinity support the Empty Bowls project! On Sunday, October 5, in the Narthex area, you will have the opportunity to create a pottery bowl which will then be donated to the Emergency Food Network Empty Bowls fundraiser. At this annual event in November over 1000 donated bowls are available for purchase. In addition, learn more about Feeding Ministry fall projects, events and partnerships…. and join us in saying thank you to the many gardeners who have generously shared their produce this season! Trinity has unveiled a new website Check it out at trinitylutheranparkland.org TRINITY BIRTHDAYS Celebrating our people! Additions, changes to the birthday list? Contact Lisa Boers 537-0201 x110, [email protected]. 5 7 1 2 3 4 Robert Norris Jill Thorsen Christopher Ferber Eric Samuelson Jess Howard Ed Kane Genevieve Barnes Trudy Connors Gilles Boers-Gein John Gilchrist Marilyn Haugen DeLoris Larson Arthur Gee Tom Leitch Luc Boers-Gein 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Jill Baughman Lee Smukalla Cynthia Wu Winona Knudsen Carmela Paolino Eric Herde Janet Ungurs Barbara Phillips Jacob Buckentin Frank Edwards Spencer Broden Tom Flora Jennifer Samuelson Gloria Gilchrist Lauren Sensel William Vatsaas Nancy Olsen Carissa Maass 17 Raoul Titus Genevieve Normile 18 Jackson Sledge 19 Rebecca Sturzenegger Rebecca Flynn 20 Nichole Olson Melanie Bacon Isaac Larson 21 Kevin Barnes 22 Lowell Kiesow 23 Anna Myking Cole Buckentin Molly Pfunder Alex Meier 24 Walt Shaw Alan Gammel 25 Pat Ness Judy Blahm 25 Karen Parr Steven Parr 26 Michelle Lee Robin Cassidy 28 Shirley Mayer Bethany Cooper Timothy Tuttle 28 Wanda Wentworth Lori Ervin Carrie Winters Timothy Scott 28 Gloria Nornes Mark McDougall Valerie Ufer Erica Crust 29 Nancy Judge 7 8 SUNDAYS MORNING SCHEDULE N E W S D E A D L I N E S : Newsletter: October 14 Sunday bulletin: Wednesday noon 8:15 a.m.—Jubilate Choir rehearsal 9:00 a.m.—Worship (hospitality after worship) Senior Meals at Trinity 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School, Text study 10:15 a.m.—Cantate Choir rehearsal Monday, Wednesday, Friday RSVP 253-537-9171 11:00 a.m.—Worship GET Trinity’s Weekly Announcements AND monthly newsletter via EMAIL Not only will you get our color version of the monthly newsletter, you’ll get Trinity’s Weekly Announcements, too. Choosing this email option, replaces the newsletter normally sent via regular U.S. Postal Service. Email Trinity with the following: TO: [email protected] SUBJECT: “Trinity News Online” (please indicate your name & email address) SCAN TO GIVE Scanning this barcode-like QR code image with a smartphone's QR decoder, instantly connects to the mobile version of Trinity’s website giving page. This is a quick and easy way to the web page without having to type out a long web address and locate a link (seen below). Got creamy peanut but ter? Please share! It’s given to our neighbors who visit our Food Pantry. Food Pantry Hours: Tuesdays and Fridays 11 am—3 pm Sundays 1 pm—3 pm or type: www.trinitylutheranparkland.org then click “Give Now” Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church A free monthly publication of Trinity’s Messenger OCTOBER 2014 www.trinitylutheranparkland.org Vol. 2 Issue No. 10 Editor Lisa Boers 253-537-0201 x110 12115 Park Avenue South Tacoma WA 98444-3629
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