Volume XXXV, Number 10 October, 2014

Volume XXXV, Number 10
October, 2014
Lampeter Church of the Brethren, 1900 Lampeter Road, Lampeter, PA 17537
John D. Hostetter, Sr. Pastor
Phone: 717-464-2050
Love Feast and Communion
A number of years ago, I was on a trip in London studying with several
other pastors. As we walked around government buildings, it was quite
evident that we were not welcomed to get near them, let alone enter
them. That message was clearly communicated by the concrete barriers
and the armed military personnel guarding the buildings. Recently,
because an intruder successfully climbed the fence and was able to get
inside the front door of the White House, security personnel started
investigating how to make the White House less accessible.
Do you know there was an event that took place during the crucifixion of
Jesus that communicates the exact opposite? The event I’m referring to is
when the temple veil was torn in two from the top to the bottom. That
veil represented the idea that because of sin we were unwelcomed. But
when Jesus died for our sins the unwelcomed message was removed by
the ripping of the veil. Instead of being unwelcomed into God’s presence,
we are welcomed.
On October 5 at 7:00 PM, we will hold our Love Feast and Communion
Service. This service will be built around the theme of the ripped
veil…“All are welcomed.” This long-term tradition in the Church of the
Brethren simply, but profoundly, lifts up the message of the ripped veil.
Our Love Feast and Communion service is a three-fold service consisting
of the feet washing, the fellowship meal and bread and cup communion.
If you have any questions or anxiousness about coming to such a service,
feel free to contact me, Pastor John, at 717-464-2050, or John
@lampcob.com. I would be happy to have a conversation with anyone
concerning the practices and meaning of this service.
Come and enter into the message of the ripped veil by participating in the
Love Feast and Communion Service.
Congregational Forum
Annually, we have a congregational meeting which is
affectionately called the Congregational Forum. This
year, the Forum will be held on
Sunday, October 19. There will be a
significant change in our normal Sunday
morning schedule. Please note: from
8:15 to 9:00 AM a breakfast will be
served. At 9:00 AM we will start the
Forum with the goal of concluding at
11:30 AM. We won’t have our two
normal worship services and Sunday
School. The worship services are being
combined into one event, and the
children will enjoy activities from 9:00 –
11:30 AM while their parents attend the
Those five verbs also will provide the framework for
how we are organizing the flow of the morning. “Stand”
equates with worship. Throughout the
morning, worship through singing will be
interspersed. “Look” has to do with
sharing related to this past year. Both
ministry staff members and ministry
team leaders will share some highlights
of God working their ministry. “Ask” has
to do with you as a congregation
interacting with what was presented. At
this year’s Congregational Forum we will
be sitting around tables. There will be
times in the meeting in which you will be
invited to interact at your table about
what was shared as well as the
recommendations coming from the
Getting from where you are to where
Leadership and Discernment Teams.
you want to be has to do with choosing
“Walk” equates to those items in which
the right path. When traveling people
we will make decisions. Again this year,
will use a GPS. The purpose is so they
you will provide guidance to the
choose the right road to get where they
Leadership Team, Ministry Staff and
want to go. This year’s Forum theme is
Ministry Teams by affirming the Ministry
built on a verse of scripture that has to
Investment Plan, calling leaders for our
do with choosing the right path,
church and affirming delegates to
Jeremiah 6:16. At the time this verse
represent us at our denominational
was written, the nation of Israel was
conferences. There are several other
choosing a path that was leading away
items related to ministry and kitchen
from God and toward discipline through exile. In
needs in which you will be asked for feedback as well.
Jeremiah 6:16, the prophet calls them to choose the
We will conclude with the word “find” which equates to
good path through a series of verbs: stand, look, ask,
rejoicing in the blessing of God.
walk and find…” We see our Congregational Forum as
an opportunity for us to choose the path God has for us.
Additional information will be provided to you, as a
So those five verbs are being used as both the
congregation, for your study following the Leadership
framework for our preparation and to shape the flow of
Team meeting on October 6. Mark this date on your
the Forum itself.
calendar; plan to participate; come prepared as we seek
to choose God’s path for us as a congregation.
Doris Leidich, along with the assistance of Sherry
Eshleman, is writing a devotional to help prepare us
Thus says the LORD:
spiritually for the Forum. On Sunday, October 12, you
“Stand by the roads, and look,
will be able to pick up this devotional. It is for the week
and ask for the ancient paths,
prior to the Forum. For each day of that week, the
where the good way is; and walk in it,
devotional will contain thoughts for your reflection
and find rest for your souls.” Jeremiah 6:16
related to one of the five verbs. We would urge you to
pick up one of those devotionals and use it as a guide for
your time with God that week.
An Enemy to Being Led of God
Pastor John
Here is an observation I
think is generally true: when we
have strong opinions, our minds
are not easily or quickly
changed. If someone attempts to
change our minds, instead of
honestly listening and
attempting to understand their
perspective, our minds will be
creating arguments to defend
our opinions while they are
I’ve noticed with myself,
if you want to challenge my
opinion, don’t come to me, make
your case and expect me to
agree. However, if you come to
me, share your perspective and
end by saying something like,
“I’m just sharing a perspective
for you to consider,” I am more
likely to seriously consider your
thoughts and may become open
to changing my mind. When
challenged to consider
something, I will honestly take
time to think and pray. I may
even ask myself the question: “Is
there something that is in me
that makes me closed to the
other person’s point of view?”
Here is the problem. To
listen to one another, to think
about another person’s
perspective, to spend time in
prayer, to do some self-reflection
to make sure there isn’t some
emotional issue within you that
makes you closed, all of these are
disciplines that take time. Time,
however, is a commodity of
which we have little.
We live in a rushed
culture. We need to get one thing
done so we can move on to the
next task/responsibility.
enemy of discovering God’s
leading is the hurried life.
John Ortberg once said,
“We’ll pay for anything that we
think might free up some time.
We’re surrounded by fax
machines, Fed Ex’s, UPS, ATM’s,
smart phones, modems, e-mail.”
“We suffer,” Meyer Friedman
explains, “from ‘hurry sickness.’”
He says, “…it’s actually a kind of
disease, and it kills us physically
and it kills us spiritually.”
Ortberg explains that
“people who are hurried can
hardly do anything the way that
Jesus did it.” You cannot love in
a hurry. You cannot spend all
night in prayer. Even if we could,
we wouldn’t. We would say to
ourselves, “I have too much to
do; I can afford to be tired from
having no sleep.”
When I think about the
many decisions I’ve made over
the last 30+ years, my worst
decisions were those in which I
did not take the time to listen to
my emotions as well as my logic.
Hurried and rushed…just
think about how that is a
commonly accepted way of life.
Today we have food chains
promising to get your meal to
you within minutes or it is
free…“We know you are a busy
person, you won’t have to wait
here.” Waiting in our culture is
viewed as an inconvenience
rather than a moment to catch
your breath. How many of us
have sat at an intersection
waiting for the light to turn
green, and as soon as it does, a
driver in a car behind us blows
his horn.
Now think about
this…When the church comes
together to consider God’s
leading related to its future, all
these disciplines (listening,
thinking, prayer and selfreflection) seem to be important.
If that is true, then a significant
Jesus was a busy man,
but not a hurried one. Notice the
beginning of Mark. Jesus is
healing people; crowds are
following Him. The excitement
and activity is building. Many
demands were being placed on
Jesus. In the midst of all this
activity, Jesus goes off to pray
(Mark 1:35). Those demands did
not keep Him from the
disciplines that put Him in a
place of being able to receive
God’s leading.
October is an important
month for us. We have our
Congregational Forum; vision
will be shared and
recommendations will be
proposed and discerned. I would
encourage us to fight the enemy
of discernment, the hurried life,
and in the midst of life’s
demands, create space for
listening to God and one another,
prayer, thinking and selfreflection. May this month be a
month of practicing “prayerful
Lampeter Community Preschool began on Monday,
September 15. We are off to a great start! There are 51
children enrolled for the 2014-15 school year. As
always, our excitement about returning to preschool is
directed activity after a typical preschool day. We also
began a one hour lunch bunch for the 3-/4-year-old age
This fall the children will go on annual fieldtrips to the
Lampeter Fair and Cherry Hill Orchards. You may see
the Preschool children sporting their Lampeter
Community Preschool logo t-shirts at the fair. The kids
look adorable! Wearing the tees helps promote our
preschool and also allows easy identification of the
Parents, grandparents and siblings enjoyed coffee and
breakfast for the first few days of preschool. Many
made connections and enjoyed relaxing in our beautiful
Gathering Place.
This year, we have two PreKindergarten classes. One class
Jane Weigel will re-introduce Sushil and
meets Monday, Wednesday and
Sarafina, the Children’s Ministry Team’s
Friday from 9 - 11:30 AM, and the
Compassion children, to the Pre-K children.
other is a 5-day program, meeting
They will be encouraged to bring in monthly
daily from 9 - 11:30 AM. There are
offering to support Sushil and Sarafina. The
Watch Us Shine!
25 students enrolled in the PrePreschool is excited to help CMT in this
Kindergarten program. Teachers Holly Heyser and
awesome mission endeavor!
Cindy Dietrich are assisted by Melissa Cramer and Ann
Please remember to keep the side door by the
mailboxes locked during preschool hours, 9:00 AM Twelve children attend the 3-/4-year-old class, which
1:00 PM. The Preschool wing is accessible during these
meets Tuesday and Thursday from 9 - 11:30 AM. This
hours by a doorbell outside the double doors. Someone
class is taught by Stacy McEligot with Karen Hedrick
from the staff will open the doors when the buzzer is
assisting. There are two 2-year-old classes this year
sounded. Thank you for taking these precautions to
taught by Holly Heyser and Allyson Gipe. These classes
keep our kiddos safe!
meet Tuesday and Wednesday from 9:00 – 11:00 AM,
Our Preschool needs your help. Due to economically
and there are eight and six children enrolled
times, many families in our community are
respectively. Beth Smith helps in both 2-year-old
unable to meet the tuition requirements this year.
Presently, there are two full and two half-scholarships
Holly Heyser returns as the Preschool Director this
needed in addition to discounts for families showing
school year. New faces to the preschool are Karen
need, totaling $3,075. If this is an area where you feel
Hedrick, Ann Strauss, and Beth Smith. Cindy Dietrich
called to assist, please give donations to the church
returns as a teacher after serving as a long-term
office marked for “preschool scholarship.” This is a
substitute two years ago. Also returning are Stacy
golden opportunity to reach out and help a few less
McEligot, Allyson Gipe and Melissa Cramer. We are
fortunate kiddos have a chance to learn and grow in a
blessed to have these talented and energetic women
loving and nurturing environment.
working here at Lampeter Community Preschool.
Thank you for your continued support of our Preschool!
Lunch bunch will now be held on Mondays and
The Preschool Committee: Beth Cope, Greta Krebs,
Wednesdays due to increased interest in the program.
Stacey Myers, and Courtney Nielsen
It will be held for 1.5 hours instead of one hour due to
“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the
the parents’ and children’s love of this program. The
kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14
children have lunch, free play and a seasonal adult
Come, join us!
Children’s Verse of the Year
“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!” Philippians 4:4
Congregational Tip:
Nursery News:
Remember to acknowledge the children when
greeting their parents. Their sense of
belonging begins before they can speak or
walk to a chair in the worship service.
Every Sunday morning our nurseries require
seven to twelve volunteers to care for our
youngest ones. If you would like to volunteer,
please contact Jane Weigel. We would love to
have you join the fun in either our infant or
toddler/preschool nursery!
Sunday School:
Ellie Rhinier,
Shannon Fairchild,
Faith Berry & CiCi
Brice making cloth
tissue packs for the
residents at
Conestoga View.
Sunday School is off to a great start. We are
using our new curriculum, Shine, and are
learning “Stories of God’s Care.” The topics
include God as our shepherd, the Garden of
Eden, Noah, Moses, and more! Thanks,
teachers and helpers, for making Sunday
School one of the best hours of the week!
Did You Hear this Sweet Story?
Our preschool and school age children made
lovely cloth tissue pouches for the residents of
Conestoga View Rehabilitation Center. The
following week, we traveled to visit the
residents and deliver the gifts. In addition, we
sang with them. Little did we know that one
of the residents was in her church choir for
numerous years and she led us in song. It was
a wonderful experience for the children to see
a disabled person with the gift of music! She
knew all of the verses to “Amazing Grace!”
Worship Our Way is church designed for
children Kindergarten through Grade 4. The
music, scripture, message and activities are
“Kid Friendly.” We need leaders and
musicians to help lead this important
ministry. We now offer WOW at both the 8:45
AM and the 11:10 AM worship services. Pray
that we can staff this twice a month on a
regular basis. Jane will mentor anyone who is
interested in leading WOW. Contact her and
find out how you can be involved in children’s
Congregational Forum, October 19:
The church services and Sunday School hour
will be altered to include worship, a
celebration of what God is doing at Lampeter
CoB, a business meeting, and challenges for
2015. There will be care and activities set up
for the children from 9:00 to 11:30 AM. Come
and help discern the church’s next steps.
Ciera Lewis visits with one of the residents
at Conestoga View.
Wednesday Night Happenings:
Garden Update:
On October 1, the children will begin their
study of “The Twelve Disciples.” We will begin
choir for school-aged children promptly at
6:30 PM followed by our class and activities at
7:00 PM.
What a harvest! Tomatoes, pumpkins,
cantaloupe, and potatoes have been growing
well in our Giving Garden. Our recipient
family has been, and will be, receiving more
fresh produce. God has truly blessed the
garden with His goodness. Fall work needs to
be completed in October. Find out how you
can assist in completing the tasks of the
garden. Thanks to Sue Ringer, the Lutz family,
and Bud Glassmoyer for their assistance in the
From 6:30 – 7:45, we also offer nursery care
and a preschool class for ages 3 thru 5.
With additional help, we can provide more
one-on-one time and a greater experience for
the children. Do not hesitate to assist in this
vital outreach ministry. The kids need you!
(And they will love you too!)
Upcoming Dates to Remember:
Looking Ahead
OCTOBER 11: Family Campfire for children
and their families from 5:30 to 8:00 PM. We
will bring the hot dogs and s’mores. You bring
the side dishes to share.
COBYS Night & Challenge
On January 26, 2015, from 6:00 to 9:00 PM, we
will be hosting the COBYS Resource Parents as
they have an evening of learning. Our job is to
provide care for the children ages infant
through Age 14 years old. We anticipate 25
children for a pizza party and a night filled
with fun and fellowship. I especially challenge
men to consider helping on that evening.
Many of these children are in desperate need
of positive male role models. Come and share
yourself and your time with a child in need.
Sign up by contacting Jane.
Join us for an evening of fire, songs, food, and
friends! Don’t forget to invite friends and
neighbors that do not regularly attend our
church. RSVP to [email protected] by
October 6. Hope to see you there!
OCTOBER 29:Harvest Party for all children.
Costume parade (no scary costumes please),
fun activities and treats for all kids! No regular
classes or choir for kids on October 29.
Thank you! I greatly appreciated the opportunity to travel to Columbus, OH, to the Group
Children’s Ministry Conference. The event was held from September 26-28. Look out – the ideas
will be flying around the children’s wing! Thanks again! Jane Weigel
Children’s Ministry Team: Jane Weigel, Director
Karen Hedrick, Janelle Shelly, Wanda Lutz, and Sue Ringer
38th Annual
Women’s Spiritual Retreat
Hospitalized in July & August:
Ann Diller
Speaker: Ann Gibbel
Theme: The Power of a Thankful Heart
Wednesday, October 15
9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Conestoga CoB
Jesse and Kristen Blank are the proud parents of
a new baby girl, Ellisyn Marie, who was born on
August 25th.
Dustin Venerick and Christina Hostetter were
married on Saturday, September 20th! Best wishes
to you as you begin your life together.
Lunch will be provided for those pre-registered.
(There is NO childcare.) Contact the church office
(717-656-2093 or [email protected]),
or call Donna Riehl (717-768-7072), to register by
October 10.
Thank you, Fair Booth Volunteers!
The Power of a Simple Gift
“Thank you!” to everyone who volunteered their
time in our fair booth this year. It was great to have
some folks dedicated to representing our church in
the community. Without our gracious volunteers,
we would not be able to staff this booth and reach
out to those who are hurting, feeling lost or are
looking for a home church.
Operation Christmas Child (a
project of Samaritan’s Purse)
brings joy and hope to children
in desperate situations
worldwide through simple,
gift-filled shoe boxes and evangelistic materials
that tell the good news of God’s love.
A special thanks to Bud & Dianne Glassmoyer for
their work on our beautiful “Shine Your Light”
backdrop, and to Keith and Lisa Reinhart who
transported items and helped us set-up and tear
down the booth. We also thank Nichole Whiteman
for her oversight and organization of the booth
again this year.
Last year, Pastor John challenged our congregation
to fill 50 boxes and we exceeded that goal by 9
boxes! This year, Pastor John is challenging the
congregation to fill more than 65 boxes. Will you
help us meet that goal?
“Pack-a-box” brochures will be available in the
narthex for those who want to share in this
ministry. Shoe boxes should be returned to the
church by November 19th so they can be taken to
a drop-off point in time for shipment.
Coffee & Conversation
October 12
8:00 AM & 9:30 AM
Sermon Themes for October
Oct. 5
Oct. 12
Oct. 19
Oct. 26
“Open…to the Hurting, and…”
“Open…to the Powerless, and…”
“Choosing the Future…2015 and Beyond”
“Open…to those Starving in a Land of Plenty, and…”
Matthew 5:4
Matthew 5:5
Jeremiah 6:16
Christopher Shelly
Matthew Berry
Pastor John Hostetter
Pastor John Hostetter
Matthew 5:6
Calendar of Events – Regular Monthly Meetings
8:45 AM, Traditional Worship Service
10:00 AM, Christian Education Classes for all ages
11:10 AM, Contemporary Worship Service
5:30 AM, Men’s Prayer Group at Church
5:30 PM, Wednesday Night Happenings Meal
6:30 PM, Nursery open, Classes & Activities for all ages
7:00 PM, Worship Band Practice
6:30 AM, Men’s Prayer Group at Greg Miller’s
Wed. 22
Wed. 29
District Conference
Farm to Table Dinner Fundraiser
Love Feast and Communion
Leadership Team Meeting
Campfire for families
Worship Band Rehearsal
Congregational Forum Sunday
Forum begins
Sr. Adult Banquet
Children’s Harvest Party
Worship Band Rehearsal
6:30 PM
7:00 PM
6:30 PM
5:30 PM - 8:00 PM
8:00 PM
9:00 AM - ?
8:15 AM - 9:00 AM
9:00 AM – 11:30 AM
12:00 PM
6:30 PM – 7:45 PM
8:00 PM
Elizabethtown College
Miller Barn
Room 303
Pavilion Area
Church Grounds
Yoder’s Restaurant
Children’s Wing/Outside
Financial Update as of August 31
Ministry Teams
Staff Salaries & Benefits
2014 MIP
$ 39,325.00
Average Weekly Giving Summary
YTD August, 2014
Needed for MIP
% Difference vs. MIP
YTD August, 2014
YTD August, 2013
Difference vs. YTD August, 2013
Lampeter Church of the Brethren
1900 Lampeter Road, Box 38
Lampeter, PA 17537-0038
Melody Risser, Editor
Shirley Kreider, Proofing
Collation: Ruth Miller
Janet McGinnis
Mack McGinnis
Happy Birthday
2 Lincoln Cope, Andrew Frederick,
Matthew Nielsen
3 Curt Kofroth, Amy Wagner
5 Matthew Johnson, Elli Stoltzfus
6 Sebastian Shenk
7 Nathan Cooper, Nathanael Hostetter
8 Dennis Emmert
10 Reuben King, Bethanie Zander
12 Carl Diller, Carissa Myers
13 Jonathan Hedrick
14 Mim Gieg, Arlene Smith
15 Nathan Erb
Kaitlin Kreider, Jenna Lapp
Betty Kreider
Stephanie Kofroth
Ben DeMora, Adrian Rhinier
Amy Shultz
Shannon Fairchild, Melissa Leidich
Sue Ringer
Jackie Fidler
Parker Braun
Samantha Fairchild, Eric Hohman,
Jack Johnson
Happy Anniversary
5 Michael & Stacey Myers
9 Jay & Rebekah Bowland,
Kevin & Kay Kreider
10 John & Amy Shultz
14 Keith & Lisa Reinhart
Kurt & Karen Kofroth
19 Jeffrey & Toni Phillips
25 Pete & Sue Ringer
26 Andrew & Anna Cunningham,
Jeff & Sharon Kingsley
27 John & Kelly Erb