Ordinary XII Pater, cuncta qui gubernas, eleison. Sede sedens in superna, eleison. Plebem pio vultu cernas, eleison. (Pater cuncta) O Father, who ruleth everything, have mercy. Who sitteth on the supreme seat, have mercy. Behold thy people with a kind countenance, have mercy. O Christe, splendor patris, eleison. Intactæ Fili matris, eleison. Ne claustris demur atris, eleison. O Christ, thou splendour of the Father, have mercy. Son of the spotless Mother, have mercy. That we may not be given to the dark halls [of Hell], have mercy. Utriusque sacrum flamen, eleison. Miserorum sis solamen, eleison. Trinum Deum atque unum confitemur : Ut in ipso gloriemur, eleison. Thou holy Spirit [coming] from both, have mercy. Be comfort to the suffering, have mercy. We confess the God, thrice and one, that we may be glorified in him, have mercy. Bv g v b h v u Ï g 9 z * & ^ % v , [ v b y g v b h j h v b h v g , v v } v v v b g v b t Í d z 5 z $ # @ N v b f v d v f v b g , v v } v v g v b h v u Ï g 9 z * & ^ % v , [ v b y g v b h j h v b h v v b b õ K Bvg,v v}v vbgv bhv buÏg9z*&^%zbtÍdz5z$#@Nv vbfv dv fv bg,v }v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v b GBvSØYv hv 5z$#v sv b dv b fvb bgv v 6z%$#v dmv }v sv dv vb fv gv b hv v hv bgv fvbg,v [vb hv b gv b DRv bgv vdmv dmv }v sv vrdv bsb ó Bvdmv }vbvsv DRv bgv bgv brdvb dvm }v bgv bfv b gv b rdv dmv }v hv gvb fv gv vrdv bdmv }v bdv gv hv hv bgv b hv vJIv h.v [vbhv vhv bö Bbbvhv vbgv v vbfv b gvb vYG v vb vg,v dmv v}v bfv bdv bsv vbdv bfv, v vgv v fv bgv g,v [vb hv hv vbgv bfv bhv v gv b rdv dmv }v vfv vdb ò Bvsv vdv f,v bgvb fv gv gv f,v [vbhv gv v v rdv dmv }v bhv bgv hv vbIJ v h.v [vbgv v sv v bDRv g,v [vbgv brdv sv vb dvm dmv v}v vgvb ô Bvbfv gv vhv vgv fv vbgv vbhv. [v gv bfv b GYv btfv dmv b dmv v}v b av bsv dv vfv b gv fv v gv vg,v b [vbhv bgv bfv bgv vfv gv bhv b vô VIII Y-ri- e * e- lé- i-son. ter Christe son. bis Ký-ri- e e-lé- i-son. ter Ký-ri- e e- lé- i- e-lé- i-son. IV Ló-ri- a in excélsis De- o. te. Bene-dí-cimus te. Et in terra pax homínibus bonæ vo-luntá-tis. Laudámus Ado-rámus te. Glo-ri-fi-cámus te. Grá-ti- as á-gimus ti-bi própter magnam gló-ri- am tu- am. Dómi-ne De- us, Rex cæ-léstis, De-us Pa-ter omní-po- tens. Dómi- ne Fi- li uni-géni-te, Je-su Chri-ste. Dómine De-us, Agnus De- i, Fí- li- us Patris. Qui tollis peccá-ta mundi, mi- se-ré-re no-bis. Qui tollis peccá-ta mundi, súsci-pe depreca- ti- Bvb fv vgv v vdvm vb dmv v}v bhv gv bhv hv vbhv vgv b hv vbvbJIv h.v v[v gv b rÌsv bdv FTv vdmv vdmv v}v vbavbAWv b sv v bsv brdv sv v b ó Bvdv v bf,vb }vb gv bgv fv v vgv bgv vg,v }v bhv b gv fv vhv gv rdv dmv [vbhv bGYv v vbJIv h.v }v bgv v vgv v sv v bdFTv brdv dmvb[bó Bvdv v b fv dv sv vbdv fv bgv h.v }v bt<fÃYz%$z5z$#v bSENMv }v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v vb v S XvFYz%$#zfv vf,v b [b v½b FYkzKOv b k/v b [vb iÐhzîuÏf6z%$#zfv b f,v b {v av bDRv fv v b ygv bfv v dv b DRv bf,v vb ]bv b fv b HIv bk/v v vbkv b jv b gvb bö Xvygv bf,v [v bdv tfv b ghgv f,v f,v b]vb vav bD$v vbf,v b kv b uhv îuÏf6z%$#zfv f,v b]v bfv HIv bkv bjv v vgv bygv bf,v [vbdv v tfv bgv ygb ô Xvfv DRv bf,v v]v bav bD$v v f,vb kv buhv bîuÏf6z%$#zfv b fv, v}v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v b vb A XvAEv b FYv v b GYz%$v b f,v v[vb vgv jÏ jv b ygv bIFÚ v b kzijvb ygv b F%v vbg,v {v gv vGÍ 6v b ygvb DRv b f,v b f,v }v b av vb dv v brdv f,vb b ô Xvfv bFTvb fv vbrdvb DTv gv vb fzfv dmv {v fv rdv FTv bgv b f,v vf,v b }v vEA v vbFYv vb bGYz%$v bf,v v[vb b gvb Ïjjv bygv bFÚIv b kzijvb ygv b F%vb bõ Xvg,v b{v gv b ÍG6v bygvbvbDRv b f,v vf,v }v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v b vb ó-nem nostram. Qui sedes ad déxte-ram Patris, mi-se- ré-re no-bis. Quóni- am tu so- lus sanctus. Tu so-lus Dómi-nus. Tu so-lus Altíssimus, Je-su Christe. Cum Sancto Spí- ri- tu, in gló-ri- a De- i Patris. A- men. II An- ctus, * San-ctus, San- ctus Dóminus De- us Sá-ba- oth. Ple-ni sunt cæ- li et ter-ra gló-ri- a tu- a. Ho-sánna in excél- Dómi-ni. Ho-sánna in excél- sis. Bene-díctus qui ve- nit in nó-mine sis. II -gnus De- i, * qui tol- lis peccá- ta mundi, mi- se- ré- re no-bis. qui tollis peccá-ta mundi, mi-se- ré-re no-bis. Agnus De- i, * Agnus De- i, * qui tol- lis peccá- ta mun- di, do-na no- bis pa-cem. The editors ask all users to pray, through the intercession of St John Fisher, for the good estate of Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of Cambridge, the clergy and faithful of its Catholic Chaplaincy at Fisher House, and Masters, Fellows, Scholars and all members of the ancient and religious foundations of Peterhouse, Corpus Christi College, Emmanuel College, Churchill College and Fitzwilliam College in this University, and likewise for the eternal rest of the founders and benefactors of these institutions. – THE SAINT JOHN FISHER MISSALE – http://musicasacra.com/sjfm Ordinary XII Pater, cuncta qui gubernas, eleison. Sede sedens in superna, eleison. Plebem pio vultu cernas, eleison. (Pater cuncta) O Father, who ruleth everything, have mercy. Who sitteth on the supreme seat, have mercy. Behold thy people with a kind countenance, have mercy. O Christe, splendor patris, eleison. Intactæ Fili matris, eleison. Ne claustris demur atris, eleison. O Christ, thou splendour of the Father, have mercy. Son of the spotless Mother, have mercy. That we may not be given to the dark halls [of Hell], have mercy. Utriusque sacrum flamen, eleison. Miserorum sis solamen, eleison. Trinum Deum atque unum confitemur : Ut in ipso gloriemur, eleison. Thou holy Spirit [coming] from both, have mercy. Be comfort to the suffering, have mercy. We confess the God, thrice and one, that we may be glorified in him, have mercy. Bv g v b h v u Ï g 9 z * & ^ % v , [ v b y g v b h j h v b h v g , v v } v v v b g v b t Í d z 5 z $ # @ N v b f v d v f v b g v , v } v v g v b h v u g Ï 9 z * & ^ % v , [ v b y g v b h j h v b h v v b b õ K Bvg,v v}v vbgv bhv buÏg9z*&^%zbtÍdz5z$#@Nv vbfv dv fv bg,v }v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v b GBvSØYv hv 5z$#v sv b dv b fvb bgv v 6z%$#v dmv }v sv dv vb fv gv b hv v hv bgv fvbg,v [vb hv b gv b DRv bgv vdmv dmv }v sv vrdv b sb ó Bvdmv }vbvsv DRv bgv bgv brdvb dvm }v bgv bfv b gv b rdv dmv }v hv gvb fv gv vrdv bdmv }v bdv gv hv hv bgv b hv vJIv h.v [vbhv vhv bö Bbbvhv vbgv v vbfv b gvb vYG v vb vg,v dmv v}v bfv bdv bsv vbdv bfv, v vgv v fv bgv g,v [vb hv hv vbgv bfv bhv v gv b rdv dmv }v vfv vdb ò Bvsv vdv f,v bgvb fv gv gv f,v [vbhv gv v v rdv dmv }v bhv bgv hv vbIJ v h.v [vbgv v sv v bDRv g,v [vbgv brdv sv vb dmv dmv v}v vgvb ô Bvbfv gv vhv vgv fv vbgv vbhv. [v gv bfv b GYv btfv dmv b dmv v}v b av bsv dv vfv b gv fv v gv vg,v b [vbhv bgv bfv bgv vfv gv bhv b vô VIII Y-ri- e * e- lé- i-son. ter Christe son. bis Ký-ri- e e-lé- i-son. ter Ký-ri- e e- lé- i- e-lé- i-son. IV Ló-ri- a in excélsis De- o. te. Bene-dí-cimus te. Et in terra pax homínibus bonæ vo-luntá-tis. Laudámus Ado-rámus te. Glo-ri-fi-cámus te. Grá-ti- as á-gimus ti-bi própter magnam gló-ri- am tu- am. Dómi-ne De- us, Rex cæ-léstis, De-us Pa-ter omní-po- tens. Dómi- ne Fi- li uni-géni-te, Je-su Chri-ste. Dómine De-us, Agnus De- i, Fí- li- us Patris. Qui tollis peccá-ta mundi, mi- se-ré-re no-bis. Qui tollis peccá-ta mundi, súsci-pe depreca- ti- Bvb fv vgv v vdvm vb dmv v}v bhv gv bhv hv vbhv vgv b hv vbvbJIv h.v v[v gv b rÌsv bdv FTv vdmv vdmv v}v vbavbAWv b sv v bsv brdv sv v b ó Bvdv v bf,vb }vb gv bgv fv v vgv bgv vg,v }v bhv b gv fv vhv gv rdv dmv [vbhv bGYv v vbJIv h.v }v bgv v vgv v sv v bdFTv brdv dmvb[bó Bvdv v b fv dv sv vbdv fv bgv h.v }v bt<fÃYz%$z5z$#v bSENMv }v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v vb v S XvFYz%$#zfv vf,v b [b v½b FYkzKOv b k/v b [vb iÐhzîuÏf6z%$#zfv b f,v b {v av bDRv fv v b ygv bfv v dv b DRv bf,v vb ]bv b fv b HIv bk/v v vbkv b jv b gvb bö Xvygv bf,v [v bdv tfv b ghgv f,v f,v b]vb vav bD$v vbf,v b kv b uhv îuÏf6z%$#zfv f,v b]v bfv HIv bkv bjv v vgv bygv bf,v [vbdv v tfv bgv ygb ô Xvfv DRv bf,v v]v bav bD$v v f,vb kv buhv bîuÏf6z%$#zfv b fv, v}v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v b vb A XvAEv b FYv v b GYz%$v b f,v v[vb vgv jÏ jv b ygv bIFÚ v b kzijvb ygv b F%v vbg,v {v gv vGÍ 6v b ygvb DRv b f,v b f,v }v b av vb dv v brdv f,vb b ô Xvfv bFTvb fv vbrdvb DTv gv vb fzfv dmv {v fv rdv FTv bgv b f,v vf,v b }v vEA v vbFYv vb bGYz%$v bf,v v[vb b gvb Ïjjv bygv bFÚIv b kzijvb ygv b F%vb bõ Xvg,v b{v gv b ÍG6v bygvbvbDRv b f,v vf,v }v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v b vb ó-nem nostram. Qui sedes ad déxte-ram Patris, mi-se- ré-re no-bis. Quóni- am tu so- lus sanctus. Tu so-lus Dómi-nus. Tu so-lus Altíssimus, Je-su Christe. Cum Sancto Spí- ri- tu, in gló-ri- a De- i Patris. A- men. II An- ctus, * San-ctus, San- ctus Dóminus De- us Sá-ba- oth. Ple-ni sunt cæ- li et ter-ra gló-ri- a tu- a. Ho-sánna in excél- Dómi-ni. Ho-sánna in excél- sis. Bene-díctus qui ve- nit in nó-mine sis. II -gnus De- i, * qui tol- lis peccá- ta mundi, mi- se- ré- re no-bis. qui tollis peccá-ta mundi, mi-se- ré-re no-bis. Agnus De- i, * Agnus De- i, * qui tol- lis peccá- ta mun- di, do-na no- bis pa-cem. The editors ask all users to pray, through the intercession of St John Fisher, for the good estate of Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of Cambridge, the clergy and faithful of its Catholic Chaplaincy at Fisher House, and Masters, Fellows, Scholars and all members of the ancient and religious foundations of Peterhouse, Corpus Christi College, Emmanuel College, Churchill College and Fitzwilliam College in this University, and likewise for the eternal rest of the founders and benefactors of these institutions. – THE SAINT JOHN FISHER MISSALE – http://musicasacra.com/sjfm
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