Imani Temple AACC National Cathedral Established 1989 Who Are We? Independent Catholics Celebrating God with Christian Praise A Word and Sacrament Church An African expression of the Christian Faith A Faith Community for all races and walks of life West African Adinkra Symbol Gye Nyame ”…except for God” His Holiness G. Augustus Stallings, Jr. Patriarch & Founder Senior Pastor “On God we Lean in 2013” 609-611 Maryland Avenue NE Washington, DC 20002 (202) 388-8155 Start a home church Become an Imani Missionary Join us in our Socks N’ Sandwiches Outreach Project (202) 489-3752 Sunday Mass C.A.R.E. Youth Class 10 am Bradshaw Noon Day Bible Study Wednesday at 12 pm 18th Sunday of Praise Time October 12, 2014 Order of Worship “Ago” “Ahmee” The Spirit of God saying: “I come make way for My entrance.” “I hear, I acknowledge, and welcome you.” PROCESSIONAL “Everybody Clap Your Hands” – pg. 20 OPENING HYMN GREETING POURING OF THE LIBATION AND INVOCATION OF SAINTS AND ANCESTORS OPENING PRAYER SIGN OF PEACE FIRST READING Isaiah 25:1-8 RESPONSORIAL HYMN From Booker T. Washington to Martin Luther King, Jr. SECOND READING *GOSPEL Matthew 9:14-17 RESPONSORIAL & MISSION RECITATION *HOLY EUCHARIST Holy, Holy, Holy: Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God Almighty (Agnus Dei) Great Amen POST-COMMUNION PRAYER TITHES AND OFFERINGS SONG OF PREPARATION *HOMILY (SERMON) WELCOME VISITORS INVITATION TO DISCIPLESHIP ANNOUNCEMENTS SIFA *Please Do Not Enter or Leave the Sanctuary During This Time Second Reading The Second Reading is taken from “Before The Mayflower” by Lerone Bennett, Jr. entitled, From Booker T. Washington to Martin Luther King, Jr. As in all other periods of unbearable pressure, as in the 1850s and the 1880s, nationalist pressures grew. After Italy invaded Ethiopia in 1935, Haile Selassie became a national hero and mass meetings were held all over Black America for the oppressed blacks of Africa. In the same decade, there was a dawning sense of identification with the nonwhites of Asia. It is no wonder, then, in this climate of despair, that nationalist organizations grew. There was, for example, the 49th State movement, which was led by Oscar C. Brown, a Chicago leader who asked the government to detach part of Texas and create an-all black state. A second and more important expression of the same mood was the founding of the Nation of Islam by a mystery man named W.D. Fard and Elijah Poole, the son of a Georgia preacher. Taking the name of Elijah Muhammad, Poole established temples in Detroit, Chicago, and other Northern centers and proclaimed a program that was reminiscent of the Marcus Garvey crusade. The Muslims called for total separation of black and white Americans and indicated their disdain for white civilization by dropping their “slave” names and substituting the letter “X.” Let the Redeemed of the Lord Say So Congregation Response: AMEN! Eucharistic Prayer PRIEST: O God, of heaven and earth, with grateful and uplifted hearts, we come before You, worshipping in spirit and truth. Mothering and Fathering, you have kept a spiritual home where to we, you scattered, exiled, wandering and lonely children might return to recognize each other in our sharing of a common spirit. Gathered thus into Your family circle, our thankfulness wells up into a song of praise to glorify Your works for endless days: CONGREGATION WITH CHOIR: Holy, Holy, Holy! PRIEST: O Holy God, holy mighty One, holy immortal One, we thank You for Your wonderful works: CONGREGATION: We thank You, that one day You dispatched for glory You darling Son Jesus Christ, that He might walk our walk, and talk our talk, and grant to each of us a right to the tree of Life. We thank you for having identified with the outcasts of this world and the denied people of the universe. Lord God, we thank You that even in our darkest hour, You keep our hope alive. Singing with faith and with love, facing the rising sun of a new day begun, somehow we find the strength to march on, knowing that we shall overcome. PRIEST: And now, font of every blessing, whose spirit makes everything alive, breathe upon those offerings and let them become the body and the blood of Jesus the Christ, our Lord, who has called us to celebrate this great mystery. PRIEST: On the night He was betrayed, He took bread and gave You thanks and praise. He broke the bread, gave it to His disciples and said: Take this all of you, and eat it: This is my Body which will be given up for you. When supper was ended, He took the cup. Again, He gave You thanks and praise, gave the cup to His disciples, and said: Take this, all of you, and drink from it: This is the cup of my Blood, the Blood of the new and everlasting covenant. It will be shed for you and for all people, so that sins may be forgiven. Do this is in memory of me. PRIEST: Let us proclaim the mystery of faith CONGREGATION WITH CHOIR: Christ has died. Christ is risen, Christ will come again. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! PRIEST: Even as we your thankful children remember the wonderful works of Your salvation made manifest in Jesus Christ, even so remember us when your kingdom comes. Let the Pentecostal flame burn bright upon the head of George our Patriarch, our clergy, those in formation and discernment of ordained ministry and the people of God of the AACC. Keep us in communion with the saints, with Mary, the mother of Jesus, Joseph, her husband and all our unnamed foreparents and ancestors who have one your holy will throughout the ages. Through Him, with Him, In Him, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honor is Yours almighty God, forever and ever. CONGREGATION WITH CHOIR: “Amen.” Church Information Evangelize! Open your home to friends and neighbors. Let us help you to host an “Evening with Imani.” A member of the Imani Temple Clergy will come to talk to those you invite about the African-American Catholic Congregation and its Imani Temples. Please call Rev. Wanda C. Outlaw at 202.489.3752. Baptism: Please contact the Temple Office. Membership and preparation are required. Christening: A Christening is when a parent(s) brings a child before the church to introduce him/her as a new member, to dedicate that child to God, and to bless the child. Anyone who desires to have an infant Christened, please contact Reverend Outlaw at 202.489.3752 or Father Christian Bruce at 301-500-7485. Marriage: Arrangements must be made through Doris Moffatt, Liturgical Coordinator, at least six (6) months in advance of the desired date of the wedding. Homegoings: If you desire to have a Homegoing at Imani Temple please contact Reverend Outlaw 202.489.3752 or Doris Moffatt at 202.462.1128. The Archbishop has a staff that will assist you in final arrangements. Penance/Reconciliation: Upon request. Contact Imani Clergy or make arrangements through the Temple Office. Church Membership Form: If you have not completed a church membership form, please remember to do so. A form can be obtained from a Minister of Hospitality or picked up from the magazine rack in the church vestibule. Joining the Temple? Please see one of the Ministers of Hospitality (Ushers) to complete a registration form. The form may be returned to an usher or given to one of the priests. Communion: Is available to the sick and shut-in. Please contact Sister Pauline Mingo at 301.248.4510 at least two (2) days in advance to make arrangements. Sick: If you or someone you know is sick and needs a visit from a member of the Imani Clergy, please contact Rev. Wanda C Outlaw at 202.489.3752 or Father Christian Bruce at 301-500-7485. For other concerns related to the Health and Wellness Ministry, please contact Sister Roberta Bell at 202.583.7021 or 202.388.8155. New Clergy Email: Archbishop G. Augustus Stallings, Jr. [email protected] Reverend Wanda Outlaw [email protected] Father Christian Bruce [email protected] Father Melvin Deal [email protected] Father Kevin Washington [email protected] Sunday Liturgy 10:00 am Mass Wednesday Services Bradshaw Wednesday Noon Bible Study MEMBERSHIP CARE Healing and Wellness Staci Cunningham Rosalyn Fowler Ethel Harris Raynard Stevens Dorsey Harris Cynthia Gardener Veronce Washington Dennis Jarman Isaiah Dickson Ardria Cooper Steve Alleyne Lula Wolfe Francis Smith-Lewis Daniel Harris Thomasine Brown Mildren Stevens Rosalind Davis Hilda Tolson Yvonne Lewis Maslin Brown Sheila Jackson Delores Harris Geneva Winslow Mary Isaac Shalita Isaac Joan Christian Glenda Brisco [Once you have been delivered from your illness please let us know.] Demetrius Mathis 1 Dr. Richard De Carlo 3 Mary Handy 5 John Madden 14 Rev. Wanda Outlaw 17 Keon Stith 21 Camille Lewis 27 Sherrie McHayle 1 Ayano Bayo 3 Miyosha Jefferson 9 Constance Banner 15 Glenda Briscoe 17 Angela Corbett 21 Dorothy Jones 27 DeShawn Davis 2 Michael Alexander 4 Norbet Collins 10 Sterling Walker 17 Kacey Phillips 18 Marion King 25 Doris Mitchell 29 The Seven Principles of the Nguzo Saba (The Black Value System) UMOJA UNITY: To strive for and maintain unity in the family, community, nation and race. KUJICHAGULIA SELF-DETERMINATION: To define ourselves, Name ourselves, and speak for ourselves, instead of being defined, named, created for and spoken for, by others. UJIMA COLLECTIVE WORK & RESPONSIBILITY: To build and maintain our community together, to make our brothers’/sisters’ problems our problems, and to solve them together. UJAMAA COOPERATIVE ECONOMICS: To build and maintain our own stores, shops, other businesses, and to profit from them together. NIA PURPOSE: To make our collective vocation the building and developing of our community in order to restore our people to their traditional greatness. KUUMBA CREATIVITY: To always do as much as we can, in the best way we can, in order to leave our community more beautiful and beneficial then we inherited it. IMANI FAITH: To believe with all our hearts in our people, our parents, our teachers, our leaders and the righteousness and victory of our struggle. Notes Homilist/Preacher: Title of Sermon: Scriptural Passages: Announcements ~ October 12, 2014 MAKE YOUR CHECK OUT TO... When you make out your checks for tithes, offerings, or any event sponsored by Imani Temple make the check out to: AACC/Imani Temple. In your absence mail your tithes and offerings to the Temple so they arrive the Saturday prior to Sunday. Mail check or money order to: Imani Temple National Cathedral 611 Maryland Avenue NE Washington, DC 20002 MEMBERSHIP A member of Imani Temple on Capitol Hill is one who attends church on Sundays and other holy days as well as Temple events, they participate in Temple fundraisers, they Tithe and are active in Temple ministries. We know that there are those who are unable to climb the stairs so are unable to physically attend but they send in their Tithes and support our other fundraising events. We thank God for your dedication and support! PASTORAL CARE SERVICES The Clergy are here to guide and minister to you in areas of: relationship management; professional, personal and spiritual development; pre-marriage and marriage pastoral care; career guidance; image management; and self-esteem. Know that you are not alone. We will see individuals or families. Client confidentiality is mandated. Call Reverend Outlaw at (202) 388-8155 or (202) 489-3752. Call Father Bruce at (301) 881-1627. Call Father Deal at 202-355-8183. TRIBAL CLEANING Please all tribes need to do their part in cleaning. So far, Bruce’s Tribe is way out front in cleaning…THANK YOU! Cleaning Day is now Saturday’s at 10 am. The week of October 5 Stalling’s Tribe The week of October 12 Outlaw’s Tribe The week of October 19 Deal’s Tribe The week of October 25 Bruce’s Tribe The cycle will continue each month. What needs to be cleaned weekly? Bathrooms, Vacuum carpets, Wash entrance glass windows, clean altar floor and the altar. Many hands make light work! SHARE FOOD PROGRAM October SHARE orders are due on the 12th and pick-up is on the 25th from 10:30 until 11:30 a.m. Please be available to pick up your SHARE meal on the 25th as there is no place to store your package. Health regulations require immediate pick-up. Call Valerie Powers at (202) 250-0304, Rosalind Davis at (301) 8149316, or Johnette Anderson-Kioko at (301) 325-3032 for more information. SOCKS N’ SANDWICHES Please begin to amass socks, hats, gloves so that we can go out into the highways and by-ways to serve the homeless. Let us gather enough for 3 winter runs. CD & BULLETIN ORDER REQUEST FORM(S) Sermon CDs are available upon request. Please provide your name, address and phone number to the Ushers. AA (ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS) MEETING Every Wednesday at 8:30 pm Please note that all Bulletin Announcements are due to the Bulletin Committee by 11:00am on Tuesdays. Email all announcements to [email protected]. Also all ministries and/or individuals are responsible for providing their own copies (folded) for insertion in the bulletins by the above mentioned deadline. Imani Temple on Capitol Hill ~ October 2014 Tribes we need you to help keep God’s house clean. We need someone from each Tribe to call your group together for cleaning day. Let Reverend Outlaw know who the team leaders will be. (202) 489-3752 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 1 2 8:30 – 9:30 PM Kingman Park Group AA 5 6 10:00 AM MASS 12 13 7 8 6:30 PM Praise In Motion 8:30 – 9:30 PM Kingman Park Group AA 14 15 Friday 3 10 11 Outlaw’s Tribe 7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal 16 4 Stalling’s Tribe 7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal 9 Saturday 17 18 Columbus Day 10:00 AM MASS 6:30 PM Praise In Motion SHARE Order Deadline 19 20 6:30 PM Praise In Motion 10:00 AM MASS 26 10:00 AM MASS 21 27 28 6:30 PM Praise In Motion Noon Day Bradshaw Bible Study 6:30 PM Dance Ministry 8:30 – 9:30 PM Kingman Park Group AA 7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal 22 23 Noon Day Bradshaw Bible Study 6:30 PM Dance Ministry 8:30 – 9:30 PM Kingman Park Group AA 7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal 29 30 Noon Day Bradshaw Bible Study 6:30 PM Dance Ministry 8:30 – 9:30 PM Kingman Park Group AA 7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal Deal’s Tribe 24 25 Bruce’s Tribe 10:30 – 11:30 AM SHARE Pick-up 31 PRAYER LINE TIME CHANGE 7:00 pm. 1-712-432-0075, code 111926. Please Press *6 to mute your line. Advertisement B Unique Enterprises, LLC (B Unique Travel Services) Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant Rose Butler 301 526-7111 301 702-3515 Where Dreams Become A Reality Call us before booking your next Vacation or business travel, etc.! Notary (MD) Sara Gilbert or Bridget Dingle 202-285-7147, 202-255-5180 Fax: 301-885-0492, 301-967-6730 Email: [email protected] On the Kimberly M. Johnson Soul Purpose, Inc. Distributor 202 399-8659 202 557-4856 Cell Body products Gift baskets for special occasions Recessional Cherrelle’s Luxury Sedan & Tour Service Cassell C. Robinson (202) 251-7859 [email protected] Complete Executive Sedan Service Inquire About Our Long Distance Sedan Service Major Credit Cards Accepted Exit to Serve 19th Sunday of Praise Time October 19, 2014 1st Reading: Isaiah 56:1, 6-7 Gospel: Matthew 15:21-28 SIFA (Praise) May we always remember those who have gone before us; May we be inspired by their vision and valor; May their lives continuously remind us That Service is More Important Than Success; That People Are More Important Than Possessions; That Principle Is More Important Than Power. May whatever we do be shaped and molded by honesty, competence and commitment. May our children and our children’s children carry forth with pride, the nobility of our history and tradition. To the Creator of all of us, we dedicate our lives to make this world better and more beautiful. Mission Statement Imani Temple African-American Catholic Congregation (AACC) believes that people who do not take ownership and control over their own destiny, moved by the genius of their culture, can never achieve full spiritual, social, economic, political, cultural, educational and psychological maturity. While Imani Temple AACC is a church in an African-centered paradigm, it is a faith community for all peoples, races and walks of life. Ministerial Team George Augustus Stallings, Jr. Patriarch, Founder and Senior Pastor Rev. Wanda C. Outlaw Father Christian D. Bruce Father Nana Melvin Deal Father Mwata Kevin Washington Senior Associate Pastor Associate Pastor Bro. Girard Hull Information Technology Specialist Bro. Michael Session Chairman, Finance Commission Sis. Doris Moffatt Liturgical Coordinator Sis. Sheila Jackson Ministry of Cantors Archbishop Sis. Valerie D. Scott Ministry of Music & Lector Ministry Liturgical Dance Ministry Sis. Pauline Mingo Eucharistic Ministry Sis. Phyllis Dorsey Ministry of Hospitality (Ushers) Sis. Doris Adams Processional Ministry Sis. Rose Pope & Sis. Valerie Scott Pyramid (Youth Ministry) Sis. Roberta Bell Ministry of Healing and Wellness Bro. John Strickland Security Ministry Sis. Donna Bruce Culinary Ministry Sis. Bridget Dingle, Sis. Danielle Dingle, Sis. Sara Gilbert, Sis. Cynthia Watson, & Sis. Lisa Watson Bulletin Ministry Bro. Russell Gray & Father Bruce Sound & CD Ministry Associate Pastor and Drumming Ministry Associate Pastor and Dean, IAM Institute
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