Document 329700

Non-Contact Sheet Resistance Testing
for Thin Films and Multi-Layer Systems
Fields of Application
Thin-Film monitoring of:
§  Transparent Conductive Oxides (ITO, ZnO, etc.)
§  Metal Nanowires & Meshes
§  Graphene
§  Carbon Nanotubes
§  Metal layers (Al, Mo, Au, etc.)
Non-contact sheet resistance measurement
Simultaneous measurement of anisotropy / optical transmission
Film thickness measurement and monitoring
Inline-monitoring (ex-vacuo and in-vacuo)
Detection of deposition inhomogeneities
Imaging of conductivity-related characteristics
Characterization of Thin Films
Eddy current technology
Drivers in Research & Development
Benefits of High Frequency Tes%ng up to 100 Mhz Signal Amplitude Sheet resistance vs. op%cal transmission + Contact-­‐free + High sample rate + High sensi%vity + Measurement of encapsulated layers S. Bae et al. Nature Nano. 5, 571 (2010); Daniel Neumaier; Proceedings TCO/TCM WS 2013 (2013) Contactless sheet resistance mapping of TCO layers
Sheet Resistance Ohm/sq 20 mm Inline sheet resistance measurement
LeP: Four-­‐point probe (RM3-­‐AR Jandel) with 100 points manual measurement Right: Automated Eddy Current C-­‐Scan with EddyCus® TF map 2020SR I n l i n e s h e e t r e s i s t a n c e monitoring with 3 measurement lanes 20 mm Determination of optical transmission
Supercapacitor foil
Sheet 100 Op%cal transmission at 2 different spots P h o t o g r a p h o f ITO on glass 0 Line Scan 1 M a p p i n g o f structured ITO on glass Conductivity mapping of thin films on wafer
Sheet Resistance (Ω/sq) Sheet Resistance (Ω/sq) 412 3.000 89 163 2
5 A Z O o n m
sapphire wafer m Sheet Resistance (Ω/sq) 2
5 G a N o n S im-­‐
m wafer Line Scan 1 Line Scan Line Scan 2 3 1 Distance 4 7 10 13 f16 19 22 25 28 rom sample Accuracy in comparison to actual values
Sheet Resistance (Ω/sq) 312 468 12 28 2
5 2
5 Pt on Si-­‐wafer m
G r a p h e n e m
o n S i O ₂ -­‐ m wafer m Sheet resistance Eddy Current Testing Devices for Thin Film and Multi-Layer Systems
“EddyCus® TF lab” for monitoring sheet
resistance and layer thickness of conductive thin
“EddyCus® TF map” for automated high resolu%on mapping of sheet resistance and layer thickness of conduc%ve thin films “EddyCus® TF inline” for inline monitoring sheet resistance and layer thickness of conduc%ve thin films New options:
+ Optical transmission
+ Electrical anisotropy
SURAGUS GmbH Maria-­‐Reiche-­‐Str. 1 D-­‐01109 Dresden Germany Cer%fied Quality Management System for development, manufacturing and sales of non-­‐destruc%ve tes%ng equipment (NDT) in compliance with ISO 9001:2008. Layer thickness Office: +49 351 27 35 98 01 Fax: +49 351 32 99 20 58 E-­‐Mail: [email protected]