Typografi &
Typografi OG ombrydning \ Indholdsfortegnelse
T ypografi og ombrydning \ Master page��������������������������������������������������������������������� 54
T ypografi og ombrydning \ Ikoner�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 55
T ypografi og ombrydning \ fontvalg��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 56
T ypografi og ombrydning \ paragraph st yles���������������������������������������������������������� 57
T ypografi og ombrydning \ Next st yles���������������������������������������������������������������������� 58
T ypografi og ombrydning \ Character st yles����������������������������������������������������������� 60
T ypografi og ombrydning \ Text wrap�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 61
T ypografi og ombrydning \ fritl ægning��������������������������������������������������������������������� 62
T ypografi og ombrydning \ knibning���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 63
T ypografi og ombrydning \ oversigt���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 64
T ypografi og ombrydning \ opsl ag������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 65
T ypografi og ombrydning \ dokumentation��������������������������������������������������������������
side 52
Typografi og ombrydning \ dokumentation
Aktuelle hensyn
Ombrydning af 12 siders A4 produktkatalog til
Vikans seks sektorer (Uddannelsessektoren)
Hair space mellem ord og tegn som ; og ?
Thin space ved %-tegn
Floder i teksten
Non-breaking space ved telefonnumre
Vikan er et danskejet firma, der producerer og
leverer rengøringsartikler på det internationale
Nye kunder, der adminstrerer rengøringen, inden
for uddannelsessektoren
• Oprettelse af dokument (facing pages, marginforhold og spalter).
• Baseline grid.
• Paragraph styles og next styles
• Layout
• Unicial
• Kolumnetitel, sidetal
• Textwrap
• Konvertering
INDESIGN - til layout og ombrydning.
ILLUSTRATOR - til ikon fremstilling.
PHOTOSHOP - til billedbehandling.
Opgaven har været god, trods den begrænsede
tekstmængde, da den rummer mange forskellige,
tekniske udfordringer. Jeg synes desuden det er
blevet et godt slutresultat.
side 53
Typografi og ombrydning \ Master page
Forud for min dokumentoprettelse, indstiller jeg ordbog, samt
det aktuelle sprogs brug af enkelte- og dobbelte anførselstegn.
Derefter definerer jeg dokumentets margin og kolonne forhold
på mine master-pages, så de efterfølgende vises på alle sider.
Grundlinjenettets skydning sættes til 14 pkt. ligesom min brødtekst.
For at min brødtekst flugter med topmargin, skal grundlinjenettets
startplacering reguleres.
Startpunktet er defineret ved at måle grundlinjens placering på en
ulåst brødtekst, der er placeret ved topmargin.
Da jeg gerne vil beholde muligheden for at indsætte en ekstra linjes
brødtekst over topmargin samt placere min kolumne titel på grundlinjenetter, trækker jeg fem linjers skydning fra dette koordinat og
indtaster resultatet som mit nye startpunkt.
Jeg tilpasser derefter bundmargin efter nærmeste grundlinjes placering.
Eksempel på at brødteksten flugter med grundlinjenettet.
Jeg indsætter som standard en hjælpestreg i tilfælde af en billedplacering, der skal flugtes med x-højden
Kolumnetitel placeres med ikon for uddannelses sektoren og
dummy titlen ”Kategori” Jeg placerer dem så ikonerne flugter
med ydre margin. Kolumnetitlerne reguleres manuelt i tekstindhold og farver på de efterfølgende sider.
Automatisering af aktuelt sidenummer placeres i venstre og
højre side så de flugter med ydre margin.
Masterpagen efter justering
side 54
Typografi og ombrydning \ Ikoner
Education-ikonet, der er fra en serie af seks, fremstilles med
pen tool og pathfinder i Illustrator. Jeg trækker dem direkte
ind i mit dokument som shapes, så jeg har mulighed for at
ændre farven via mine definerede farveprøver.
Eksempel på mine definerede farveprøver.
side 55
Typografi og ombrydning \ fontvalg
The quick brown fox
jumps over the lazy dog
the quick brown fox
jumps over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox
jumps over the lazy dog
the quick brown fox
jumps over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox
jumps over the lazy dog
the quick brown fox
jumps over the lazy dog
Helvetica Neue 35 Thin
Helvetica Neue 45 Light
Helvetica Neue 55 Roman
Helvetica Neue, 55 Roman
Adobe Caslon Pro, Regular
Eksempler på de overvejende skriftsnit, jeg bruger fra Helvetica Neue familien. Da disse bliver brugt på Vikans online profil, gør det sig også gældende i det trykte.
Eksempel på Helveticas opbygning
Helvetica Neue er en grotesk og geometrisk font, der fremstår rimeligt neutral. Ikke desto mindre har dens forfader været den mest
brugte font inden for grafisk design nogensinde.
Det er en harmonisk font, der med det rene udtryk harmonerer godt
med Vikans profil.
Selvom Neue ikke i sig selv indeholder mange krummelurer, er der
god mulighed for at skabe kontrast med de medfølgende 51 skriftsnit.
Jeg bruger overvejende de lette snit for at skabe kontrast og raffinering til de ellers lidt tunge og også kedelige produkter.
Da det som tidligere nævnt er en grotest font, indeholder Neue ikke
seriffer, hvilket kan være et læsevenligt svaghedstegn hvad angår
brug af brødtekst.
Der er nærmest ingen kontrast mellem grundstreg og hårstreg
modsat Adobe Caslon eksemplet
Neue har en stor x-højde (i forhold til Gill Sans eksemplet) og deciderede spejlinger af tegn som p/q og b/ som i øvrigt deler samme
øje udformning – også med o og g.
Neue er en virkelig god font til logofremstilling eller anden tekstbrug med få enheder, især i bold skriftsnit
Gill Sans Std, Regular
side 56
Typografi og ombrydning \ paragraph styles
Helvetica Neue, 35 Thin, 10/14, venstrejusteret, låst til linjenet
1 Samme som brødtekst dog med justeringen »space after«, der
er sat til brødtekstens skydning.
Havde kunden i stedet ønsket et indryk, havde jeg defineret
»indrykning på første linje« svarende til en gevierts bredde
(brødtekstens punktstørrelse)
Linjeskift angives
Helvetica Neue, 35 Thin, 12/14, venstrejusteret
Mellemrubrikkens placering angives efter følgende formel:
2 x brødtekstens skydning - mellemrubrikkens skydning
Dvs. 14 x 2 = 28 - 14 = 14
»Afstand før« = 12 pt., »afstand efter« = 2 pt.
I de afsnit der startes med en mellemrubrik i top, indsættes en
ekstra linjes brødtekst forud for mellemrubrikken. På den måde
sikrer jeg mellemrubrikken får en korrekt placering.
Helvetica Neue, 75 Bold, 18/22, venstrejusteret, første linje låst til linjenet
Helvetica Neue, 75 Bold, 10/14, venstrestillet
Afstand før og efter angives
Helvetica Neue, 45 Light, 10/14, venstrestillet
Helvetica Neue, 35 Thin, 65/65
Helvetica Neue, 35 Thin, 18/22, venstrejusteret, første linje låst til linjenet, hvid
For at sikre en optimal justering af ordmellemrum, ændrer jeg
minimumsværdien fra 80% til 70%
Ordmellemrums værdier optimeres
side 57
Typografi og ombrydning \ Next styles
Helvetica Neue, 55 Roman, 14/14, venstrestillet, mørk blå
Højre/venstre indryk 5 mm, Unicialerne: to tegn fordelt på to linjer,
next style - Tabel Produkttekst.
Se evt. eksempel 1–5
Højre og venstre indryk på overskriften
Unicialerne defineres
Helvetica Neue, 45 Light 10/12, lige marginer, hvid
Højre/venstre indryk 18/5 mm,
next style - Tabel Varenummer.
Se evt. eksempel 6
Helvetica Neue, 46 Light italic, 10/12, hvid, låst til linjenet
Next style - Tabel Overskrift.
Da varenummeret ikke har en fast plads, placeres dette i egen tekstboks og gøres fri af figursats i »text frame options«
Se evt. eksempel 6
Da teksten ikke skal gå helt til den orange boks’ kant, defineres et indryk. Her ses indrykket for overskriften.
Unicialerne defineres til at skulle udgøre to tegn på to linjer.
Tabulering til indhold efter unicialerne
Applying the
Right Processes
#5 large
and Hallways
The Vikan compact cleaning trolley
is a portable and flexible workstation equipped to clean surfaces in
excess of 500m2 and hold
daily consumables, such
as soap and toilet paper.
Item no. 80311
mirrors and
#1 Window,
Vikan’s Easy Shine kit will remove dirt,
stains, condensation and fingerprints
to leave shiny surfaces as glass, mirrors, displays, metalwork and other
Item no. 549101
Vikan’s Damp 42 Pocket mop has
been specially designed to reduce
friction so as to deliver an outstanding cleaning result on all floor
types and dirt levels,
with less operator strain and
in less time.
Eksempel på tegnbrug. Bemærk jeg indsætter et »indent to
here« efter min tabulering, for at næste linje placerer sig med
samme indryk.
Jeg styler mine unicialer med character styles.
Jeg kunne også gøre brug af nested styles i min paragraf style
og på den måde automatisere brugen af character styles.
Eksempel på hvor jeg har gjort brug af next styles.
Item no. 549500
The Vikan interior mop and handle
allow hard-to-reach areas like behind radiators, on top of lights or
around overhead projectors to be
effectively cleaned without stretching or straining.
Item no. 377018
Vikan’s short handle, frame and
microfibre mop combinations effectively clean in confined spaces, such
as toilet cubicles, while allowing
contact-free mop head changes
to reduce cross contamination.
#2 Dusting
Tables and Chairs
The Vikan original microfibre
cloth will quickly remove dirt
and stains to leave a longlasting sheen on classroom or office furniture.
Item no. 691013
Afstanden til den efterfølgende tekst defineres med et »non
breaking space« efter unicialerne. Startplacering måles og ind
sættes som tabulering i afsnitsformatet.
#4 Cleaning
Floor Types
Cleaning Hard-toreach Areas
Learn more about which
products are recommended
for which tasks at vikan.com
in Confined
#6 Cleaning
Item no. 295618
Item no. 549101
#3 Cleaning
Tables and Chairs
The Vikan patented top-adjustable
handle allows for quick and effective
cleaning under tables and chairs at
the touch of a button.
Item no. 296218
Vikan can assist with developing
effective protocols to maintain a
clean environment, and help you
to select the right tools for use on
each task and in different areas.
We provide both dry and damp
cleaning solutions to solve the unique challenges found in a school
or office.
side 58
Typografi og ombrydning \ Next styles
Helvetica Neue, 55 Roman, 12/14, venstrestillet, mørk orange
next style - Varenummer
Helvetica Neue, 46 Light italic 10/12, venstrestillet, låst til linjenet
next style - Produkttekst
Helvetica Neue, 35 Thin, 10/12, venstrejusteret, låst til linjenet.
Space before: 34,572 mm (svarende til 7 linjers skydning)
Endnu et eksempel på hvor jeg har gjort brug af next styles
side 59
Typografi og ombrydning \ Character styles
Eksempel på mine character styles som kan bruges til at style
udvalgte tegn.
Jeg har, som tidligere nævnt, brugt character styles til at style
mine unicialer. Kunden havde endvidere et ønske om ekstra
store bullets på fordelsoversigten.
Se eksempel
I stylingen af min bullet ændres punktstørrelsen, fra afsnittets
18 pt. til nu 21 pt.
Placeringen af min bullet ændres med »baseline shift« til -1 pt.
da den nye størrelse får min bullet til at flyve
Mine bullets tildeles farven »lys orange« i characterstylen
med mine foruddefinerede farver.
I min fordele paragraph style henviser jeg til min bullet character og angiver en tap position svarende til en geviert.
Punktstørrelsen defineres
Afstanden justeres
Farve angives
side 60
Typografi og ombrydning \ Text wrap
Placeringen af elementerene påvirker ombrydningen enormt.
J eg bruger fritlægningskurven som afsæt i min wrapping og
modificerer enkelte punkter for at undgå floder.
Jeg bruger min billedboks som afsæt i min wrapping
Uhensigtsmæssig brug af text wrap
Bedre brug af text wrap
Text wrapping med modifisering af path
Text wrapping uden brug af path
side 61
Typografi og ombrydning \ Text wrap
Text wrap
Text wrapping egner sig bedst til de bredere kolonner.
De fra kunden allerede fritlagte billeder, er ikke fritlagt tilstrækkeligt. Derfor fritlægger jeg dem yderligere med Indesigns indbyggede fritlægnings indstillinger.
Typografi og ombrydning \ fritlægning
Kunden leverer ringe fritlagte billeder
Billederne fritlægges yderligere i Indesign
Optimeret grafik
side 62
Typografi og ombrydning \ knibning
Da jeg i brochuren gør brug af justeret tekst, har jeg været ekstra
opmærksom på floder. Ved at bruge funktionen »fremhæv orddelings- og justeringsfejl« kan Indesign hjælpe med at lokalisere de steder, der kan være aktuelle at knibe. Mange steder har jeg dog været
nødt til at gå på kompromis både hvad angår orddelinger og floder.
Jeg har reguleret teksten efter reglen maks knibning= ± 15/tusindedele geviert
Afsnit efter knibning
Store mellemrum
Afsnit efter knibning
For mange orddelinger
Afsnit efter knibning
Uhensigtsmæssig deling af forkortelse
Afsnit efter knibning
side 63
Typografi og ombrydning \ oversigt
Why Vikan ?
More than
One Hundred
Years of
Online Training for
Maximum Benefits
Staff with a responsibility for cleaning must be adequately trained and understand that achieving a high
standard of cleanliness is essential for both service
excellence and staff safety.
The Vikan training video is available online and provides comprehensive but easy-to-follow instructions
on maximizing the benefits of a microfibre-based cleaning programme. The video provides full instructions
on manual and machine mop preparation, and guidance on optimizing the lifetime of the textile products
and saving water. Advice on folding and storage is
included so that the mops and cloths are ready-touse straight from the trolley.
We provide a comprehensive demonstration on selecting and using the right tool and method for the task
to improve effectiveness, and on conducting a quality
control check. Finally, coverage of the integrated
ergonomic features such as telescopic handles, click
locks and the mop release system provides information
on preventing repetitive strain injuries and eliminating
cross contamination.
Vikan’s hands-on approach has earned us an unparalleled reputation for providing cleaning solutions to real-life challenges in the
education and local authority sectors. We continuously strive to
improve and implement best practice, to impart knowledge, and
provide all the tools that are required to control your hygiene
systems and to document the process.
Delivering cleaner, facilities at a lower cost and ensuring a safe
working environment is a basic requirement of all local authority
cleaning programmes. Spotlessly clean windows, floors and surfaces will enhance the user and visitor experience of a public facility,
while food preparation areas require a hygienically clean environment to prevent cross contamination from microbes or ingredients.
Continuous improvement
Vikan seeks to set the industry benchmark for effective
hygienic cleaning. Our specialists are committed to advancing hygienic cleaning performance through continuous
innovation and knowledge sharing.
Our systems are designed to improve your internal hygiene
control, and make it easier to maintain and document
compliance for internal and external audits. Our tools meet
the stringent criteria of all the regulatory authorities, and
are also licensed for use under food safety and eco-label
The Vikan microfibre-based solution uses a simple, single work process to deliver high levels of productivity and
consistent quality of cleaning. As well as being a HACCP requirement, implementing our systematic cleaning and sanitizing procedures will also increase the janitorial team’s
professional status and improve employee health.
repetitive strain injuries to muscles and joints, which in
turn reduces rates of absenteeism and compensation
claims by the janitorial team. Our tools are designed to
be long lasting and, as they require much lower volumes
of water and no detergents, our system is cheaper to
operate too.
Effective cleaning
Consistency in cleaning Quality
Daily cleaning of large surface areas exerts a huge demand
on staff and their equipment, but Vikan’s system ensures
operators can spend their time effectively. Each self-contained trolley is equipped with specially selected, preprepared washable mops and cloths that can be deployed
for use on a specific task or in a designated area.
Vikan’s microfibre mops and cloths have been proven to
remove 99.9 % of all microbes, and significantly higher
levels of dust and dirt from surfaces than traditional cleaning. Surfaces also retain their sheen for longer, and there
is no build up of biofilm or the sticky chemical residue on
which microbes thrive in hard-to-reach areas, such as
behind sanitary ware.
Vikan’s effective, efficient and durable products are driven
by the needs of the end user, and have been developed
in close collaboration with customers as they strive to better
their cleaning performance, while achieving high levels of
consistency and greater productivity.
Our microfibre materials have been specially developed
to deliver enhanced levels of cleanliness with minimum
effort as part of a single work process. All our products
are easy to clean and ergonomically designed to ensure
efficiency. The tools are fully moulded and quick drying to
reduce the potential for microbial growth, and are heat
and chemical resistant to facilitate microbe removal.
Advancing Cleaning
Solutions for
Education &
Local Authorities
Visit us at vikan.com
Vikan A/S
Rævevej 1
7800 Skive
Vikan (UK) Limited
1-3 Avro Gate, Broadmoor Road
South Marston Park, Swindon
Wiltshire SN3 4AG, England
Tel.: +45 96 14 26 00
Fax: +45 96 14 26 55
Tel.: + 44 1793 71 67 60
Fax: + 44 1793 71 67 61
The ready-to-use tools are ergonomically designed to
improve productivity in the workplace, and also to reduce
Benefit from
both Hygiene
& Efficiency
in Confined
#6 Cleaning
Vikan’s short handle, frame and microfibre mop combinations effectively clean in confined spaces, such
as toilet cubicles, while allowing
contact-free mop head changes
to reduce cross contamination.
Item no. 80311
Item no. 295618
Cases & Testimonials
Vikan has developed a line of products that enable efficient,
hygienic cleaning and offer you a number of other advantages.
These include our colour-coding concept, which allows tools to be
dedicated to defined cleaning zones to avoid cross-contamination.
Compact Trolley
Original Microfibre Cloth
Easy Shine Kit
Item number 580311
Item number 691013
Item number 549101
Microfiber save time and
Improve Health at
Giggleswick School
Case study
Item no. 549101
Cleaning Hard-toreach Areas
Cleaning Multiple
Floor Types
Vikan’s Damp 42 Pocket mop has
been specially designed to reduce
friction so as to deliver an outstanding cleaning result on all floor
types and dirt levels,
with less operator strain and
in less time.
Item no. 549500
The Vikan interior mop and handle
allow hard-to-reach areas like behind radiators, on top of lights or
around overhead projectors to be
effectively cleaned without stretching or straining.
Vikan’s compact cleaning trolley is a
portable and flexible workstation that
can be simply adapted in accordance
with the multiple needs of an institution.
Vikan’s original microfibre cloth uses
only water to quickly remove dirt and
stains from the classroom or office
The Vikan Easy Shine Kit delivers shining surfaces from using the microfibre
window mop or cloth with a light spray
of water.
Interior Mop and Handle
Damp 42 Pocket Mop
Pocket Mop Frame
Item number 545400 and 377018
Item number 549500
Item number 374018
Giggleswick is one of the leading independent boarding
and day schools in the north of England. The 600-student
establishment was founded in 1512 and now comprises
a junior and senior school with seven boarding houses
and around 50 full-time staff members.
Maintaining high levels of cleanliness throughout the extensive public school premises and seven boarding houses
is no mean feat. Much time and effort is spent carrying
mop buckets full of water and chemicals up and down the
many corridors and staircases. Giggleswick was in need
of a more effective cleaning solution, which would deliver
labour- and cost savings.
Item no. 549101
Item no. 377018
#2 Dusting
Tables and Chairs
The Vikan original microfibre
cloth will quickly remove dirt
and stains to leave a longlasting sheen on classroom or office furniture.
Item no. 691013
Cleaning under
Tables and Chairs
The Vikan patented top-adjustable
handle allows for quick and effective
cleaning under tables and chairs at
the touch of a button.
Item no. 296218
Vikan can assist with developing
effective protocols to maintain a
clean environment, and help you
to select the right tools for use on
each task and in different areas.
We provide both dry and damp
cleaning solutions to solve the unique challenges found in a school
or an office.
Side 6 + 7 (ægte opslag)
Product Advantages
• Ergonomic tool handles with a patented adjustable system
• The unique trolley system provides for well-organized and flexible
movement of cleaning equipment
• Reduced friction from a range of dry and damp mops ensures
every surface can be cleaned efficiently and effectively
• Microfibre clothes and mops trap 99.9 % of microbes and dirt
while using less water (250m2 requires just 1.5l)
• Simple click system enables contact-free mop head changes
Vikan demonstrated how their hygienic cleaning ultramicrofibre system could overcome the cleaning challenges
that the premises presented, and the domestic manager
was encouraged enough to set up a trial.
Vikan’s interior mop works with our
award-winning handle, which is lightweight, easy to clean, has a specially
designed ergonomic grip and comfortable insulated surface. The height
of the telescopic handle can be simply adjusted at the touch of a button
to continually find the most effective
and comfortable working position for
each task.
View our full product range at vikan.com
Mop frame with fold
Side 4 + 5
Vikan’s Easy Shine kit will remove dirt,
stains, condensation and fingerprints
to leave shiny surfaces as glass, mirrors, displays, metalwork and other
Learn more about which
products are recommended
for which tasks at vikan.com
Not only is previously mopped up dirt and
bacteria trapped in the fibres, but our simple
click system allows the operator to detach a
used mop head without ever touching it, reducing the risk of contaminating other surfaces.
Our colour coding systems lower the risk of
cross contamination yet further as mops and
cloths used in food preparation areas are kept
visibly separate from those used in corridors,
offices and classrooms or in the washing/
toilet areas.
Side 2 + 3
mirrors and
#1 Window,
Read more about our documentation at vikan.com
#5 large
and Hallways
The Vikan compact cleaning trolley
is a portable and flexible workstation equipped to clean surfaces in
excess of 500m2 and hold
daily consumables, such
as soap and toilet paper.
The pre-prepared damp mops are more efficient at cleaning soiled areas than wet mops and remove the need to
lift heavy buckets of water, while the dry cloths can be used
with a spray of water. As well as reducing the volumes
of water required and removing the need for chemicals,
which makes them better for the environment, microfibres
are also safer as they leave surfaces dry and eliminate
the damp areas where microbes breed.
Reduce costs
For- og bagside
Applying the
Right Processes
Vikan can provide third-party test reports detailing the
effectiveness and durability of the microfibre product range
in delivering hygienic cleaning performance, as well as
documenting how our ergonomic designs deliver occupational health and safety benefits by reducing the chance
of repetitive strain injuries. We also provide, detailed
equipment specifications and colour-coded zone plans
where appropriate.
for Unique
Vikan’s unique pivot ensures that the
mop frame is adjustable and highly
flexible to facilitate cleaning with the
Damp 42 Pocket mop. The mop head
features a effective mix of polyester
and polyamide microfibre yarns ; the
special weave pattern increases efficiency while the moisture reservoir
ensures an even level of moisture is
Vikan Pocket Mop Frame is designed
for professional cleaning and to be
used with our ergonomic handles for
cleaning floors, walls, ceilings, boards
and tables. The mop frame, and cleaning trolley with mop release (patent
pending), enables quick and simple
mop head changes without bending
or touching the dirty mop.
Side 8 + 9
During the trial, the school quickly established that the
Vikan system was not only effective but eliminated the use
of heavy buckets, reduced cross contamination through
a zoned use of mops and cloths, while the ready-to-use
tools and single work process saved time.The trial results
impressed the school to the extent that they decided to
end the use of chemicals (apart from toilet cleaners) and
turned the entire cleaning operation over to ultramicrofibres.
As well as capturing 99.9 % dirt, dust and bacteria, the
school soon discovered that, without chemicals, surfaces
not only stay cleaner longer they also retained their sheen.
The school reports great satisfaction in achieving good
cleaning results using less water, no chemicals and in a
reduced time, and estimates that their annual savings on
chemicals alone amounts to hundreds of pounds. As an
added benefit, the school’s medical team is also seeing a
considerable drop in the number of breathing complaints
among students and staff since the ultramicrofibre system
was introduced.
“Cleaning with Vikan ultramicrofibre
cloths and mops has led to vastly
improved cleaning results, financial
savings and a happier workforce as
well as a healthier environment.”
John Gleave, Domestic Manager, Giggleswick School
Walkers Snack Foods go colour coded for durability and effectiveness
against cross contamination
Like-for-like-trial demonstrates Vikan value and efficiency at Cargill
Meats Company, Europe
Read more stories at vikan.com
Side 10 + 11
side 64
Online Training for
Maximum Benefits
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Staff with a responsibility for cleaning must be adequately trained and understand that achieving a high
standard of cleanliness is essential for both service
excellence and staff safety.
The Vikan training video is available online and provides comprehensive but easy-to-follow instructions
on maximizing the benefits of a microfibre-based cleaning programme. The video provides full instructions
on manual and machine mop preparation, and guidance on optimizing the lifetime of the textile products
and saving water. Advice on folding and storage is
Visit us at vikan.com
Vikan A/S
Rævevej 1
7800 Skive
Vikan (UK) Limited
1-3 Avro Gate, Broadmoor Road
South Marston Park, Swindon
Wiltshire SN3 4AG, England
Tel.: +45 96 14 26 00
Fax: +45 96 14 26 55
Tel.: + 44 1793 71 67 60
Fax: + 44 1793 71 67 61
included so that the mops and cloths are ready-touse straight from the trolley.
We provide a comprehensive demonstration on selecting and using the right tool and method for the task
to improve effectiveness, and on conducting a quality
control check. Finally, coverage of the integrated
ergonomic features such as telescopic handles, click
locks and the mop release system provides information
on preventing repetitive strain injuries and eliminating
cross contamination.
Advancing Cleaning
Solutions for
Education &
Local Authorities
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Why Vikan ?
More than
One Hundred
Years of
Vikan’s hands-on approach has earned us an unparalleled reputation for providing cleaning solutions to real-life challenges in the
education and local authority sectors. We continuously strive to
improve and implement best practice, to impart knowledge, and
provide all the tools that are required to control your hygiene
systems and to document the process.
Continuous improvement
Vikan seeks to set the industry benchmark for effective
hygienic cleaning. Our specialists are committed to advancing hygienic cleaning performance through continuous
innovation and knowledge sharing.
Our systems are designed to improve your internal hygiene
control, and make it easier to maintain and document
compliance for internal and external audits. Our tools meet
the stringent criteria of all the regulatory authorities, and
are also licensed for use under food safety and eco-label
Vikan’s effective, efficient and durable products are driven
by the needs of the end user, and have been developed
in close collaboration with customers as they strive to better
their cleaning performance, while achieving high levels of
consistency and greater productivity.
Our microfibre materials have been specially developed
to deliver enhanced levels of cleanliness with minimum
effort as part of a single work process. All our products
are easy to clean and ergonomically designed to ensure
efficiency. The tools are fully moulded and quick drying to
reduce the potential for microbial growth, and are heat
and chemical resistant to facilitate microbe removal.
Vikan can provide third-party test reports detailing the
effectiveness and durability of the microfibre product range
in delivering hygienic cleaning performance, as well as
documenting how our ergonomic designs deliver occupational health and safety benefits by reducing the chance
of repetitive strain injuries. We also provide, detailed
equipment specifications and colour-coded zone plans
where appropriate.
Read more about our documentation at vikan.com
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Delivering cleaner, facilities at a lower cost and ensuring a safe
working environment is a basic requirement of all local authority
cleaning programmes. Spotlessly clean windows, floors and surfaces will enhance the user and visitor experience of a public facility,
while food preparation areas require a hygienically clean environment to prevent cross contamination from microbes or ingredients.
The Vikan microfibre-based solution uses a simple, single work process to deliver high levels of productivity and
consistent quality of cleaning. As well as being a HACCP requirement, implementing our systematic cleaning and sanitizing procedures will also increase the janitorial team’s
professional status and improve employee health.
repetitive strain injuries to muscles and joints, which in
turn reduces rates of absenteeism and compensation
claims by the janitorial team. Our tools are designed to
be long lasting and, as they require much lower volumes
of water and no detergents, our system is cheaper to
operate too.
Effective cleaning
Consistency in cleaning Quality
Daily cleaning of large surface areas exerts a huge demand
on staff and their equipment, but Vikan’s system ensures
operators can spend their time effectively. Each self-contained trolley is equipped with specially selected, preprepared washable mops and cloths that can be deployed
for use on a specific task or in a designated area.
Vikan’s microfibre mops and cloths have been proven to
remove 99.9 % of all microbes, and significantly higher
levels of dust and dirt from surfaces than traditional cleaning. Surfaces also retain their sheen for longer, and there
is no build up of biofilm or the sticky chemical residue on
which microbes thrive in hard-to-reach areas, such as
behind sanitary ware.
The pre-prepared damp mops are more efficient at cleaning soiled areas than wet mops and remove the need to
lift heavy buckets of water, while the dry cloths can be used
with a spray of water. As well as reducing the volumes
of water required and removing the need for chemicals,
which makes them better for the environment, microfibres
are also safer as they leave surfaces dry and eliminate
the damp areas where microbes breed.
Reduce costs
The ready-to-use tools are ergonomically designed to
improve productivity in the workplace, and also to reduce
for Unique
Not only is previously mopped up dirt and
bacteria trapped in the fibres, but our simple
click system allows the operator to detach a
used mop head without ever touching it, reducing the risk of contaminating other surfaces.
Our colour coding systems lower the risk of
cross contamination yet further as mops and
cloths used in food preparation areas are kept
visibly separate from those used in corridors,
offices and classrooms or in the washing/
toilet areas.
Mop frame with fold
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Applying the
Right Processes
#5 large
and Hallways
The Vikan compact cleaning trolley
is a portable and flexible workstation equipped to clean surfaces in
excess of 500m2 and hold
daily consumables, such
as soap and toilet paper.
Item no. 80311
Window, mirrors and
Vikan’s Easy Shine kit will remove dirt,
stains, condensation and fingerprints
to leave shiny surfaces as glass, mirrors, displays, metalwork and other
in Confined
#6 Cleaning
Vikan’s short handle, frame and microfibre mop combinations effectively clean in confined spaces, such
as toilet cubicles, while allowing
contact-free mop head changes
to reduce cross contamination.
Item no. 295618
#4 Cleaning
Floor Types
Vikan’s Damp 42 Pocket mop has
been specially designed to reduce
friction so as to deliver an outstanding cleaning result on all floor
types and dirt levels,
with less operator strain and
in less time.
Item no. 549101
Hard-toreach Areas
#7 Cleaning
Item no. 549500
The Vikan interior mop and handle
allow hard-to-reach areas like behind radiators, on top of lights or
around overhead projectors to be
effectively cleaned without stretching or straining.
Item no. 549101
Item no. 377018
Learn more about which
products are recommended
for which tasks at vikan.com
Dusting off
Tables and Chairs
The Vikan original microfibre
cloth will quickly remove dirt
and stains to leave a longlasting sheen on classroom or office furniture.
Item no. 691013
#3 Cleaning
Tables and Chairs
The Vikan patented top-adjustable
handle allows for quick and effective
cleaning under tables and chairs at
the touch of a button.
Item no. 296218
Vikan can assist with developing
effective protocols to maintain a
clean environment, and help you
to select the right tools for use on
each task and in different areas.
We provide both dry and damp
cleaning solutions to solve the unique challenges found in a school
or an office.
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Benefit from
both Hygiene
& Efficiency
Product Advantages
• Ergonomic tool handles with a patented adjustable system
• The unique trolley system provides for well-organized and flexible
movement of cleaning equipment
• Reduced friction from a range of dry and damp mops ensures
every surface can be cleaned efficiently and effectively
• Microfibre clothes and mops trap 99.9 % of microbes and dirt
while using less water (250m2 requires just 1.5l)
• Simple click system enables contact-free mop head changes
View our full product range at vikan.com
Vikan has developed a line of products that enable efficient,
hygienic cleaning and offer you a number of other advantages.
These include our colour-coding concept, which allows tools to be
dedicated to defined cleaning zones to avoid cross-contamination.
Compact Trolley
Original Microfibre Cloth
Easy Shine Kit
Item number 580311
Item number 691013
Item number 549101
Vikan’s compact cleaning trolley is a
portable and flexible workstation that
can be simply adapted in accordance
with the multiple needs of an institution.
Vikan’s original microfibre cloth uses
only water to quickly remove dirt and
stains from the classroom or office
The Vikan Easy Shine Kit delivers shining surfaces from using the microfibre
window mop or cloth with a light spray
of water.
Interior Mop and Handle
Damp 42 Pocket Mop
Pocket Mop Frame
Item number 545400 and 377018
Item number 549500
Item number 374018
Vikan’s interior mop works with our
award-winning handle, which is lightweight, easy to clean, has a specially
designed ergonomic grip and comfortable insulated surface. The height
of the telescopic handle can be simply adjusted at the touch of a button
to continually find the most effective
and comfortable working position for
each task.
Vikan’s unique pivot ensures that the
mop frame is adjustable and highly
flexible to facilitate cleaning with the
Damp 42 Pocket mop. The mop head
features a effective mix of polyester
and polyamide microfibre yarns ; the
special weave pattern increases efficiency while the moisture reservoir
ensures an even level of moisture is
Vikan Pocket Mop Frame is designed
for professional cleaning and to be
used with our ergonomic handles for
cleaning floors, walls, ceilings, boards
and tables. The mop frame, and cleaning trolley with mop release (patent
pending), enables quick and simple
mop head changes without bending
or touching the dirty mop.
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Cases & Testimonials
Microfiber save time and
Improve Health at
Giggleswick School
Case study
Giggleswick is one of the leading independent boarding
and day schools in the north of England. The 600-student
establishment was founded in 1512 and now comprises
a junior and senior school with seven boarding houses
and around 50 full-time staff members.
Maintaining high levels of cleanliness throughout the extensive public school premises and seven boarding houses
is no mean feat. Much time and effort is spent carrying
mop buckets full of water and chemicals up and down the
many corridors and staircases. Giggleswick was in need
of a more effective cleaning solution, which would deliver
labour- and cost savings.
Vikan demonstrated how their hygienic cleaning ultramicrofibre system could overcome the cleaning challenges
that the premises presented, and the domestic manager
was encouraged enough to set up a trial.
During the trial, the school quickly established that the
Vikan system was not only effective but eliminated the use
of heavy buckets, reduced cross contamination through
a zoned use of mops and cloths, while the ready-to-use
tools and single work process saved time.The trial results
impressed the school to the extent that they decided to
end the use of chemicals (apart from toilet cleaners) and
turned the entire cleaning operation over to ultramicrofibres.
As well as capturing 99.9 % dirt, dust and bacteria, the
school soon discovered that, without chemicals, surfaces
not only stay cleaner longer they also retained their sheen.
The school reports great satisfaction in achieving good
cleaning results using less water, no chemicals and in a
reduced time, and estimates that their annual savings on
chemicals alone amounts to hundreds of pounds. As an
added benefit, the school’s medical team is also seeing a
considerable drop in the number of breathing complaints
among students and staff since the ultramicrofibre system
was introduced.
“Cleaning with Vikan ultramicrofibre
cloths and mops has led to vastly
improved cleaning results, financial
savings and a happier workforce as
well as a healthier environment.”
John Gleave, Domestic Manager, Giggleswick School
Walkers Snack Foods go colour coded for durability and effectiveness
against cross contamination
Like-for-like-trial demonstrates Vikan value and efficiency at Cargill
Meats Company, Europe
Read more stories at vikan.com
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