Document 33060

of Borioon,
Correstmmlriire of the (Jaurier ami Knemirer.
or tus psgesuiry oi processions
t o power.
l u u imvu WKT8CIM ...w „ » . — j crSOOlO— ... US TB&BCra
fruits of such refusal. Tho minority wish c o nstituted the real element of tubsistencs
WASHINGTON, 28th April, IfilO.
of the Executive Department. If you have j those things which, entertaining the opiu- | Q 0 I ) Harrison's selling white men for debt.
I N V O L U N T A R Y N I G H T S E S S I O N S (heir views to bo understood by the people. to the iinghty gntheiing, prompting the elo
a right to give such instructions, and your : ions I do I fear 1 would not b o j o r f * » « £ * . j N o v v l h e 8 e c t i o l l 0 , - | a w w l n c l l l s q l l o t C ( 1 n s
T h e majority {shrink from such a responsi- quent harangue and the responding bl,out
Senators are bound to o'uev, everv other i either in this world or in the ntxt; ami pracAND T H E I R C O N S E Q U E N C E S .
the deep enthusiasm of word and look with
The Congressional proceedings in tho bility. in the Union has the MOM right, ticin" upon the creed I have long piOMMM "proof, ttiid which was voted for by General
At 6 o'clock this evening the House ad- which friend greeted friend, or which dif
and their Senators would be equally bound , 1 lieroby tender to you lay resignation ol Harrison, had no reunion whatever to debt- House of Representatives, last eight and
to vield obedience,
j the trust confided to me, ns one ol the Se- or and creditor, but was intended to apply this morning, have presented one of those journed without passing the hill through the fused in silence liko a palpable presence"
Why not let the President at once make , nators from the State of Tennessee to the to those only vviio were convicted of some disreBUtsble scenes which will contribute to Committee. The House was called to order over the vast assemblage, imparted a feelin»
form a dark page in the history of our go- yesterday at 12 o'clock*, auu iiu» been thirty .Tselemfity •»•"! gv -•••-•-n uicouca in unison
the law aud then execute it? If we are j Congress of the United States,
vernment. T h e remark that this House hours in sess'on, without a recess, being the with the idea of a^ Nation's Majesty. Jt
bound to vote as he recommends, it is a | Allow mo to add my sincere prayer that
gh !r.s peopU themselves had
solemn mockery to eooouH 111 at all. T h e tho Governor ofthe Universe may so over upon the property, and destroyers of the j has dishonored itstif' is the eyes of every i i i i i y r f i s e s s i o n silli-t; the. u d e p t i o u ol t h e seemed a
met in their legitimate attitude of several,
law would not be the wilt of the Senate, but ; rule our distentions us to secure the liberty peace aud happiness of the community.— rellecting m.-.n, and the country, has been Constitution.
The Spy in Washington.
ty, to vindicate the Constitution and tho
the will of the President. By this process j and promote the prosperity of our common Does not the Peter Simple of the Gazette so often made that to repeat it is useless.
Laws, mid to rebuke the protuojptku winch
Its truth is admitted by all. This body
the whole legislative
genlegislative po%1 Voice front
think it m o r e honora- commenced its deliberations with an out•Hi
Or «1.
sealed in high places, had used dslegsud
ded up and surrendered to the Executive.
T h e Hon. J O H N R U G G L E S . a Sena- power as though it were self-derivedaiit|10r
ble to tell a foolish lie, than the plain, na- rage that indicated loo strongly to be inisHU. L . W H I T E .
1 have been educated to believe, I hat contor
in Congress from the Slate of Maine, sty, forgetting the dread alliance due to th»
Senate Chamber Jan. 11, 1840.
ked truth ? Or is he ambitious of the distinued watchfulness, and constant jealousy
terminate an inglorious career. The policy frankly renounces Van Burenism and takes sncretl charter of American freedom
After which he proceeded and said,
of those in power, are essential to the pre*
tinction of being a libeller of an old soldier which the majority has adopted, and die in- bold ground for 1IARIUSON! Tins with
Mr. President—I have now finished my
Delegations were in attendance from eve
• RTvattoi) of liberty.
and patriot? That he may have a precedent decency with which they have pursued that other auspicious demonstrations from the ry State, From Thursday evmin<r moil
Your honorable body would now; teach
policy, have not been without their effect Boundary Stale, furnish conclusive evidence
mc a different lesson, and instead of being member of this body. 1 cannot share wiih for doing better, we quote the following upon that portion of the American people that of the Eastern States New Hampshire yesterday noon the tide, augmented cuntinually by fresh accessions, set steadily tre*a sentinel on the watchtower. to guard the : former associates, tfeoAottor*, thu privileges, recantation ofthe New V'ork Evening Post,
alone can be claimed for Van lJurcn.
ards the Reception Room at the 'Eutaw
liberty of mv constituents, I am to betake or the emoluments of a Senator in theCou- of which paper the Gazette is an humble (and they are the great mass) that love order
It affords us the highest satisfaction to be House, where names were registered antf
and decorum, and propriety of conduct—
rrryseff to slumber, examine nothing, but gress of the United States. At the same
upon those who venerate the Constitution able to publish the following correspondence lodgings assigned in the hospitable houses
vote on all leading measures as the Presi- tune, 1 will be relieved from my portion of follower.
" A letter of Gen. Harrison's has been and the Laws, and who only ask that they between a Committee of tlie Whig Voting of Whigs throughout tho citv. Ne W "•'no
doot may recommend.
the labor*, and from sharing with you the
Men's National Convention and the Hon. land came in force—from the* banks of K T
If this be the kind of service lo which \ high responsibilities which necessarily per- published, from which it appears that in our may be aditiitus'.ered with purity of intenMr. RUUGI.ES:—Eve. Jour.
nebec.from the green hills o i Vermont
remarks on tiie subject of' his attempt to tion, and fidelity of purpose.
your Senators are to be applied, I never can ! tain to the station.
from the Valley ol the Connecticut, whe-e
BALTIMORE, April 15, 10 10.
In taking my leave of you, in the utmost
The House, at one o'clock yesterday,
perform it, aud feel myself unsuited to a
station, which I have heretofore considered sincerity my prayers are, that collectively Ohio, we did him some unintentional injus- went into Committee of the Whole on the To the Hon. John Iluggles L . S. Senate; the echoes of triumph yet lingering,'prolonDear Sir- The undersigned, acting on be- ging the shouts of recent victory gu noblv
and individually you may be enabled to tice. T h e letter is dated Dee. « , 1821, civil and diplomatic appropriation bill. It
most honorable as well as confidential.
After your Resolutions shall have perfor- pursue a course, which will afford the high- and appears to have been drawn forth by a progressed until a late hour of tiie night, half and under the direction ofthe Delegates achicved there—from gallant Rhode Island
med their wonted office and sty r sigaalion est comforts in this life; and that your newspaper attack upon his course in the say 12 o'clock, when it was found that no from tlie city of Baltimore, to the National her sister in glory—from the bosom oC | | J
skull have been received, before electing my labors may be so blessed as to secure you Legislature in relation to the same law.— quorum was present, and an attempt was Convention ofthe Whig Young Men. have Old Bay State, where Independence leans
successor, I hope in your wisdom you will the grateful remembrance of ttie piesent We are glad to see that according to Gen. made to adjourn. It had then been in ses- the honor to request that you will attend upon his spear and looks towards FWutr
Harrison's explanation ofthe tnjrUtr, nei- sion twelve hours. The friends of the ad- the sittings of the Convention as one of its Hall;—from town and city and rural abou'o
either rescind or r.rpunge this sixth Resolu- and all succeeding fffitinratinos
ther he nor the gentlemen who votsti with niitiistraiion, it was understood, were deter- guests. That Convention, it is now cer- they came, an ardent band, bringing with
tion. Our eommofl constituents, the free
him, were in favor of selling human beings mined to carry tho bill through the commit- tain, will be, by far, the most numerous as Ihem the unconquerable spirit and steady
and chivalrous citizens of Tennessee, I hope
tee without rising. Many of their oppo- semblage of the Delegates o f t h e People, purpose whi> h never yet ceased to characwill ever be represented in the Senate by
for civil dett."
nents, worn out with fatigue, had retired. that has ever taken place in the United terize the decendants of the Pilgrim Fata.
those whose principles and feelings are in
WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, lt*40. ~
Locofocn JS'alional Convention.—This di- At an unseasonable hour they were aroused States, and we earnestly wish that it may ers.
accordance with their own; and while this
minutive rump parliament assembled some- from their slumbers by the Officers of the not only be worthy of being remembered
Resolution is suffered to remain, no man
T h e Empire State gave forth her sons
can accept that high station but who is
where iu Baltimore, on the 5th inst. Al- House, and their attendance forthwith de- for its multitude, but for its deeds and the from the shores of Erie to the waters of ilie
manded. T o men somewhat advanced in counsels it will ofi'er the nation. T o this
himself enslaved and tit only to represent
William II. Harrison.
though while there it was scarcely heard o' years—to men in feeble health, or of slender end, we desire that its deliberations may be lluds->n,and the sound of her voice was like
those in the like condition with himself.
thunder, ns it mingled in the blended ncFOR VICE-PRESIDENT.
or enquired after, as the immense United constitution—to men accustomed to regu- aided, as well as witnessed by the sages of claim of the congregated host. From (he
i have now troubled you with all the reJohn Tyler.
States Convention of Whig Young Men larity of life, and to enjoy that portion of the Republic, and particularly by ihose who plains of Monmouth to the battle fields of
in irks I deem it necessary to make upon
time in sleep which seems prescribed by the have been the champions ol the faiih, which Trenton &. Princeton and from rogiona adyour six Resolutions, taken separately, but
We cannot resist ihe inclination we have was then in session, sill! i!s proceedings
its members profess and are seeking to esdo not feel that 1 will have discharged my felt, since the decease of the late lamented have come to light, and from them we learn laws of our nature, to such men the repe- laolish in ii iumph. Allow to us, sir, the joining, came an earnest crowd bearing the
veiled ima^e of New Jersey and withinata
whole duly until I have show n the deduction
that the convention adjourned without impair, if not destroy their health. There honor and the pleasure of welcoming you eloquence appealing to friends and bretheto be drawn from them svhen connectedly Senator White, of Tennessee, to place before our readers his reply to the instructing transacting the business that called it to- are some who may be able, or vainly ima- to our city on this occasion, and believe us ren for justice against the indignity which
gine they are able to endure these exposures. to be, wiih tfBMnl regard,
had done outrage to her honor. The Deresolutions
ofthe legislature of that state.
They contain the political creed of the
But is it right ? Is it reputable ? Is it expecmocracy of Pennsylvania gathered from
Vour obedient servants,
present Chief Magistrate of the United
To the people of Tennessee, Judge White
There was no nomination of Vice Presi- ted by the people that their representatives
every valley ofthe Keystone State—tiom
Stales, as expressed through his friends in was united by all the ties that unite a good dent. This has been left to be hashed up shall thus exhibit themselves, during whole
our sister city of Philadelphia; from PimROBERT BUTLER
the Tennessee Legislature; and what is it ?
nights, a spectacle for the scoffs, and sneers,
F D W A R D D E L O U G H E R V burgh. Laiicastei, Uiiioutown, from CatBy the Qd Resolution it is proved he and faithful servant to his constituents. He in each State as the locos best like it. So and buffoonery of any midnight brawler
li:-le, York, Chainbersburgh and ciiher town
wishes the whole moneyed power of the was beloved by all classes, and enjoyed a Col. Johnson will be a candidate in some, who may wander into their galleries beofthe interior; marching under the banner
United Slates vested in him and subject to popularity greater than even Gen. Jackson while Mr. Polk, Mr. Forsyth, and Mr. King cause ihe doors of every grcg-shop in the
ol the Hero of Tippecanoe, whose favorite
his contioi.
himself. From a high and responsible office will be run in others. This is what the citv are closed agains' him!
name, sounding through the Alleghany
By the 3d it is pioved lie will not agree- he was elected to the U. S. Senate, "arm
heights, and along the valleys of the SusArgus
that the patronage anJ power he now exerWhat has been the effect of this attempt
the Deieware, and tho rocky
adjustment" of " diversities of opinion" as to coerce 'he attendance of members at an
cises shall be either lessened or regulated
battlements of the Monongahela, has rouC. H U G H E S A R M S T E A D
that honorable body, he did nothing to lessen * to candidates for the Vice Presidency !!:'' unseasonable hour? At 12 o'clock last night
by law.
sed an enthusiasm which nothing can supW M . P. S T E W A R T
By the 4th, it is proved that in order to himselfin the estimation of his fellow citizens;
There is a tone of despondency running the committee rose, and the farce commenA.
ced. From that time until 12 o'clock tohave full coffers, lie wishes the Stares to but,on the contrary, even in that assemblage
ConvenOhio was the first in reaching tho city
day, nothing has been dono, except to
surrender their right to the moneys arising
of great men, for industry, integrity and abi- tion. It has seen " the hand writing on the the absentees; hear their excuse for nonthrough her Zwnesvillc delegation—an evifrom the sales ofthe public lands, and
WASHINGTON C I T V , 2d i l a y , III 10.
By the fith, it is proved that he wishes lity, he stood among the highest. Judge wall," and the party knows full well its days attendance, and order their discharge on
Gentlemen—I have received theinvitution dence of zeal which she will be eBger to reCongress compelled to vote for every lea- White was a democrat at heart. He hated of misrule and profligacy are numbered.— paying the fees of the Sergeant at Arms. to " attend the sittings ofthe National Con- j pent at the polls in due time, and one which
The peaceable inmates of nearly every vention ofthe Whig Young Men, as one of j befitted her well since she claims the Farding measure he may recommend, and I am tyranny in any anJ all shapes. He never
instructed in good faith to give my aid to " bowed the knee to Baal," he never All its efforts to avert defeat, by bringing boarding house in the city have been dis- its guests," with which you have honored | mer of North Bend ns her son ai.d citizen.
to the aid of Van Buren what little of per- turbed by the early visits of the Officers of m n , *'in bebjilf of the Delegates from t b e ' Indiana, mindful of her own historv and of'
maintain this c.eed.
Tnese instructions 1 cannot and will not cringed to power, but with manly freedom sonal popularity the above individuals pos Congress; the aged and the intirin have City of Baltimore.' 1 It wou'd afford nie his sen ires who once protected her m the
obey. So far from it, my creed upon these resisted its approaches, contending, at the sess in their respective states^ will be use been broken of their rest; no progress has great satisfaction to be present on that inter days other infancy, stood foith in a strong
been made with the business of She country, esting occasion, would my public du'ies per- delegation of manly youth. Michigan held
points i s :
same time, for a strictly republican adminisnot hack, but with Illinois and Missouri,
and those alone have been "-ratified, who. mit.
1st. That the power over the public purse tration of the government, and foi the less and amount to nothing.
unmindful of the high station they occupy,
ought to be constantly kept under tlie con~ rights and interests of the people.
T h e necessity of a change of measures gave stout hearts and warm ones to join in
The triumph in Virginia is complete.— are regardless of public opinion, and their
tiol ofthe legislature.
with a view to the relief of a people suffer- the proud fellowship of their national comWhigism has swept the state like a tornado, duty to their constituents.
2d. That the patronage as well as tlie
ing beyond any former example, is How munion. The spirit of Kentucky, noble &.
The letter, which we publish at length, is
At 12 o'clock to-day the House again manifest lo all, if not acknowledged by all. generous, as it displayed itself »t Harrisexpenditures of the Executive are already the last act of his political life. In all uprooting and prostrating to the ground the
old dry hemlock of Van Burenism, that has went into committee on the appropriation No small portion of those who oiiicJ in burg, mingled with the aggregated eletoo large, and onght to be reduced.
,i *>„,„ .,u
3d. That instead of surrendering1 the things it is worthy of its excellent author. been menacing the people with destruction hill It is to be regretted, and the remark onnging loto power present incumbent irieMts n( nI n l r i o l i o nrHnr Dn:.ri..'.,.
" * . ' l ..
II w i n . I )
is made in sorrow, that many of the most ofthe Executive chair, here witnessed with quarters of the Rebubiic. From T t n n »
rights of the States to any portion of the
tho last three years.
respectable members, as if affected by the painful disappointment the pertinacity with see—Arkansas—Louisiana—Mississippi—*
public moneys, they ought to adhere to throughout nothing but pure love of counsurrounding atmosphere, from 7 until 12 which he has perseverd in forcing upon the Alabama—Georgia, and South Carolinathose right?, and in due season provide for try, without the slightest admixture of re- The fruits of this victory are—
o'clock this morning, engaged in the sport country a system of measures destructive of delegations came, fewer in numbers than
a fair distribution ofthe land funds; and
sentment towards those, mho, actuated by F.rst, a majority in the POPULAR VOTE; of arraigning and fining their colleagues.
its best interests and ruinous to the enter- from the more contiguous States, but all
Lastly, for no consideration ought we to
BALFor three or four hours Ihe hall ofthe house prise and business ofthe people ; and they animated by that feeling of a a common enagree that any other portion ofthe Legisla- a malcvcletit party spirit, bade him yield to
was more like the gallery of a theatre than have resolved, as the only means left of stay thusiasm which constitutes a bond ol brothtive power shall be vested, either directly another, the exalted station he had filled
ihe hall o f t h e n a t i o n a l l e g i s l u i u r e .
tVtiu IUJJ l u o p r o g r e s s ol l o o s e i u e a a u f e s , t o a i d erhood between Whigs in all quarters ofthe
or indirectly, in the President, save tfett j w ;. } i s u ( l l j c ! l | i o j . o r l o himseif, and useful- Third, a W H I G G O V E R N O R ;
he Con- ness to his constituents and country. We Fourth, two W H I G U. O . SENATORS, and disorder and confusion seemed contagious. in calling from retirement a distinguished Union—and prepared to join with their
stitution ofthe United Slates.
Fifth, an assurance that the state will go There was a want of solemnity ; of dignity ; citizen, whose enlightened patriotism, great brethren in the solemn plerlge about to be
At last, no person can help seeing that the j besyeak for it, both from friend and foe, an for the whig candidate for president in the of self-respect, in all the proceedings of tiie practical wisdom and sound republican prin- entered into before the eves of the whole
ciples have secured for him the highest re- country. North Carolina, eager to vindidifference between your honorable body and attentive perusal. Although intended more
And now the question; arise in the mind spect and confidence. T h e name of HAR- cate her claim once more to tho glory of
Myself if, that you wi;h to add to the power particularly for the people of Tennessee, we fall. Surely the " work goes bravely on,"
as the Argus says when it works out a half of every man who does not understand the RISON has animated the whole country with being a Whig State, and to give a token of
end patronage of the Executive, I wioh to
are sure its lessons of wisdom and truth arc
lessen his power and patronage.
dozen locofoco majority at some obscure manner of conducting business in Congress, hope. It has roused an enthusiasm which the spirit with which her name will be reWhy this procrastinated debate? Why not prevades all grad-s and classes of the peo- deemed next fall, poured forth a pnwcrfol
On the decision of this contest by the of more general application, and calculated town election.
pass the bill through the committee of the ple. That enthusiasm chastened by wi=o detachment of her chosen youth ; while the
American people, in my opinion, the liberty to exert an influence co extensive with the
ofthe country depends. Should your creed whole Union.
The Albany Charter Election has result- whole? Why avoid taking the question? counsels and hallowed by patriotism will be Old Dominion, from the wide extent of her
Why not have all the amendments to the the animating principle of the '' National territories—from highlands and lowlandsprevail, ere long the whole Legislative
ed, as was anticipated, in a clean sweep of bill offered and the yeas and nays taken on Convention."
gave up her noble sons, who came with the
power,'vested in Congress by the ConstituThe General Government in the Field I—
Hon, will he transferred, substantially, to T h e following is the letter of a P O S T the city by the democratic whigs. Indeed them ? Why not submit these votes to the
Reflecting, as its members will, the prin- song of Virginia's deliverance on their lips.
the President, and the only use of Congress , MASTER, and portrays truly the frenzied we do not look for any thing now-a-days people and let them judge who has acted ciples and feelings of the great msjority of to receive in turn congratulating shouts
will be to slind between the President and ,
. ,
* .
but whig successes. A defeat or two has right and who has acted wrong? An an- the people throughout the Union, their de- from the congregation of their countrymen
L „ i ..
, „ j i ;„i desperation of the aumiiiisiration party at become necessary to add a zest to tiie vic- swer to these interrogatories may afford liberations will he no less notional in their The delegation from Virginia wns estimaP J ;•„/-»>•
information lo some who have not attended character than patriotic in their drsign ; ted at fifteen hundred strong. Delcwaro,
by the
Odium, when
are enacted which the ' present time.
tories we ware obtaining on all sides.— closely to the details of Congressional pro- and will tend, it is confidentially believed, as in the days ofthe Revolution, marched
SALEM, March 7th, 1010.
In addition to this, the election of State
to harmonise and invigorate the efforts of gallantry to the rendezvous, and once more
Dear Sir: — I have just heard of your Comparing the present with last spring's ceedings.
officers, and State legislation, will be reguthe
nation to piaco the Executive govern- the Deieware and Maryland lines stood side
lated according to the will ofthe Executive
charter election, the only true test, there is
»f the Union. Should mine prevail, the have managed grandly, and I have no doubt a whig gain. The glorious "fourth ward" tatives all bills appropriating money must ment in the hands of one who has never yet •n« side, united in • common couse. Oof
first, be discussed in a committee composed disappointed the expectations of his country neighbors from the Dislrict were with us,
States will retain the powers they now pos your success is permanent, snd that you or
sess—the powers of the Federal Govern^ some other good Democrat will be chosen of which the Argus used to boast as being of all the ovambers ofthe house, and, there- i Ho who, by his bravery in the fold, redeem too. in great force.
How strong must be that feeling ofcnthu
Allow me to an index to the whole state, went whig by fore, technically termed '• Committee if the ed the honor of the nation, when betrayed
ment will remain divided into diffeieut de- Representative next fall.
Whole." By the same rules all amendments by treachery and cowardice, will not fail" to siasm which thus drew together from such
suggest to you the propriety of finding out a largely increased majority. Mark that.
partments in substance as well as form.
to increase appropriations in such bill must correct hy his wisdom and prudence the er- remote points such a multitude of in n—ef
Which of these creeds will best secure all the young Democrats who will become
Also, the names
the liberty, the happiness arid prosperity of of age before the election
At the great Whig Convention at. Balti- be proposed in that committee. While in rors ofthe civil administration of the Gov- all temperp, habits, pursuit*;—various in
the penpie, I cherfully submit for decision of those persons who are not assessed, for more, there were more than E I G H T E E N committee of the whole the previous {SMS- ernment under which the country is severe- their local peculiarities, and diverse in their
opinions on different matters—summoning
lion cannot be called, nor can the yeas and ly suffering.
any rea-on whatever, and have them assesto the Freemen of Tennessee.
Never nays : of course the votes of members are
In England, this would bo the common sed by May. Vour Selectmen can ma!;e T H O U S A N D D E L E G A T E S .
T h a n k i n g " the Delegates from the city each fiom his individual business—seme
contest between the prerogative of the croicn the poll tax 25 cts., which on being paid before has such an immense gathering of not recorded ; they are only counted, by the of Baltimore" for their gratifying invitation from the plough, others from shop, the cnu»
and the privileges of the. people. Tl 006 constitutes the man a voter, and at the the people for political objects been seen in chairman. When the Committee of the & you, gentlemen, for the acceptable terms tin g house, the oflice—and all at a sacrifice
maintaining your side would be called To- election if there are any persons who cannot the United States. Tho procession was whole has completed a bill, they report it as in which it. is conveyed, I have the honor to of personal convenience—how deep i w
strong, we repeat, must be that feeling
any other committee would do, to the House,
ries, those maintaining mine would be cal- pay his tax,Hi* I wii.n SKE TAAT vou ARB
formed eight abreast, and was upwards of and i". proceeds to act thereon. This brings be with sincere regard.
wh'ch could thus bring together so many
led Whigs.
Your obedient servant,
men from such different and distant quarters
Here it is a contest between the pitron- every man a voter you can possibly. Wo three mile* in length. The most eminent me to the required explanation.
and cause them when assembled!in one body
The administration party have a decided
age. of the President and the right of suffrage must carry the Dislrict and County at the men in the Union were present, and addresT " NniloAn Poo, Esq.. and nflif>r«
to hail each other as bretheren, to pHftt
majority; consequently they will carry
of the people. I will not. at present give next election. I think from this and Ihe sed the assemblage.
with hearty good will tho mutual hand B.
exthose who maintain your creed any name— j last fall election you Can give us 20 or 25
fellowship^ anil to blend all thoughts nnd
you may give those who maintain mine any majority, ('nil and sen me when \ou come
Mr. Forsyth resents the adjournment of
feelings in harmony on the great mbject
Whig party consider many of the items in
in town. Please destroy this Utter! and
one vou choose.
which they met fo confer upon! ffW a
•' Names are nothing with me." My believe me to be,
district of this great Republic wss without
nomination for the Vice Presidency. In They, therefore, wish the yeas and navs
Correspondence of the Express.
motto is, " Principles in preference to men;"
Sir, your", truly,
its delegates.
i-our language he has publicly declined be- taken on the amendments which they prowhile I sometimes think that ot somejU_mv.
B A L T I M O R E , May 5th.
opponents ought to he, " Men without
Representatives wore here from bevniid
I will not attempt to redeem my promise
ing a candidate for the excellent aud conR. A. DoMS, Esq., Wenham.
far they have discharged their duty. T h e
the Mississippi—from the borders of MO
principles;'' though I would be Mirry to in
And thus we suppose it is from one end clusive reason t h a t ' according fa the present administration members, in most instances, of cn'ing you an account of the splendid civ
timate that such a motto would suit your
ic Whig Procesiion of yesterday. Neil her great Lakes—from the shores of the W
of the Union to the other. Postmasters, slate of thing*, nofriend of the. jldministra- shrink from a direct vole, and will not perhonorable body.
tongue nor pen can do it. A feint resem of Mexico. Tho sons ofthe Puritans met
mit thoir names to be recorded. Their
I shall trouble yon with no further obser- custom house officers, land agents, and Ml I u,m cnn hopefor an elerlmn by the. people.'*
bianco to the original is all that can be at- with tho descendants ofthe Cavaliers— the
habit is to call the previous iptesium, as soon
vations on the.-e important looter*. It lias, the thousands in the pay ofthe general gotempted,
and as this image has been ihr: Western Buckeye was seen side by WW
The Evening Joornnl conies to us enlar- os the bill i« reported to the House, and the work of a dozen heads I send yon the re- With I ho Palmetto ofthe South—the dwelbeen my aim to «tatr> my Opinion! " ith can- vernment are busy, propping up a rolieu
dor, and to maintain tliem with firmness tyranny by promises of being " chosen a ged and iu a beautiful new typographical effect of that call is, to prevent the offering sult of their labor*, instead of mine single ler on tho seaboard saluted the hardy m»
of any amendments, or having any debate
but, i?. the same time, to treat your honorahanded. I copy from tho American of this
representative !'' or of being " provided with dress. It is now one of the noblest whig on the bill.
ble body with the most perfect respect.
city. Thfi Now York City Delegation of hearts and voices—local prepossessions,
individual preferences, every thing ll )at
Now, observe tho situation in which, by riiade an imposing appearance.
I was called to the service of my State, means /'' or of something else, as nn inmight withdraw the mind from the «»e
fifteen years ago, without ftny solicitation ducement to exertion at the coming elec- and richly deserves the support of every this movement, the minority is placet).—
great purpose ofthe meeting, wore Ml BSIM
Nine tenths of the bill is no! only proper,
on my part. With reluctance i accepted tions.
From the Baltimore. American.
How different is this, from old true hearted whig.
hut absolutely necessary to carry on the T H E GREAT NATIONAL CONVEN- in order that one undivided, deep Wl '
the high station I now occupy. I have been
universal feeling of opposition to the party
One thousand dollars reward has been Government. One tenth is extravagant and
continued in it, periiapr too long for the fashioned republican doctrines. Hod Mr.
in power might, have a hearty, loud and uinterest of the coun'ry. 1 have been thrice! Jefferson been President, C. W . Woodbu offered for the apprehension of tlie bandit unjustifiable. The previous question is orW o propose to give below some account nanimons utterance.
dered, and that is—" Shail the. bill pas*?" of yesterdays proceedings, as full and accuelected hy the unanimous vote of your pre- | r v would have been di-missed from office, that blew tip Brock's monument.
docossors. My services have been rendered hut he is not, an I the offending postmaster
What, are the minority to do ? Shall they rate as possible, although any thing like a
The voice has gone forth; it will reach evin times of high party excitement—some
record their names in favor of stopping the complete history of so memorable a day, in- ery corner of the land- it will roll thro the
times threatening to burst asunder the bond*
wheels of Government, by voting against cluding all details and incidents, would hn valleys far and near, and reverberate from
of this Union—and your resolutions contain Van Huron relies entirely upon this class of I around Cannndaigua, wer.> present in that necessary appiuprinlioiis ? No ; they are quito beyond our power iu the brief time al mountain to mountain. It will mingle •"••'
the high compliment that hitter political persons to help him to a re-f lection, and not I village at a recent " log cabin" raising
Compelled to vote for tho bill with all its lowed us now. W e minhf. state the vast the rushing sound ofthe Mississippi waters
opponents can find only a solitary vote wor- at all upon the good sense and favorable
imperfection.-!, and then the people are told, numbers in attendance-tlie banners, badges and blend with cverv breeze that sweeps
There is to be a locofoco indianation that the WMgf voted for all these extrava- order of proooisgion, and every "statistical over the plainsofthe South; New Mfl*,*d
thy, in their judgment, of" unipialijied conpeoplf
opinions of tin
convention at tho Horse Meads this week gant expenditures. It is to protect thetn- item both of arrangement and proceedings, will echo hack the voice which the Empire
I hope ,t will be in your power to select
Helveti against this system of unfair, if not but the sketch would still be altogether im- "state shall prolong, and Pennsylvania U*c.
When the Eluura Gazette says " it has Saturday. More hereafter.
t succesior who can bring into the service ever been a characteristic of the federal
unconstitutional legislation that they are perfect. For how wore it possible to trans up the flying-sound until tho note of remonThe official majority of Ellsworth over battling. They want on opportunity to for to paper the reality of the scene—to strance mid indignation shall swell into one
of the State more talents—I feel a proud
consciousness, more purity of intention, or party to underrate tho intelligence of the Nilcs is, 4,450.
offer their amendments, and to record their transfuse into a description the living spirit of triumph and victorious joy.
common oeople," it goes on to make its
rnire unremitting industry, he never can
votes on the journals of tho House. This which quickened the immense concourse as
The concentration of such a multitun"
is refused them, daily, by virtue of the gag one man—snd which, mote than tho array from various points, it may well bo supp '
The Legislature adjourned ye- terday.
For the take if place, I will ncvir cringe remark true, hy attempting to gull the more
t h e will oi l i i f i V - s i u e m , WHO is l l l M U I l l
Untitled Document
Thomas M. Tryniski
309 South 4th Street
Fulton New York