@ Barley Stacks Winery
159 Lizard Park Drive, Maitland SA 5573
29th November, 2014
$5 Entry—Door prizes
Great time to start your Christmas Shopping
(08) 8832 2174
Issues of the Maitland Matters can be viewed online at:
Maitland and District Progress Association Inc
3 Robert Street (Old RSL Hall), Maitland, SA 5573
Ph: 88322174 Fax: 88322794
E-Mail: [email protected]
President’s Report Aug 2014
Progress is actively working on some new ideas especially with businesses and
trying to get momentum on some older ideas.
Mark Hector is finalising the new Town Map to be placed on the block next to the ANZ
Bank where visitors to the town can locate residences but especially businesses. If your
business has not got your details to Mark or the CHATT Centre, please pass them on now so
we can ensure you are shown clearly on the map. A draft can be viewed at the CHATT Centre. This is free.
In Maitland Matters, we want to feature one Maitland Business per month so you can tell us
all what you do, especially if you have a new angle or something that is not well known.
Jane’s Country Reflections is first cab off the rank in this issue of MM, but you can be next.
Please supply 2-4 paragraphs to the CHATT Centre for us to give you free publicity locally.
We are initiating discussion with the businesses on Maitland Discount Vouchers. Once The
CHATT Centre Information Sign and Maitland Markets stop visitors in the town, we want
them to visit the markets, use local businesses and stay locally (hotels, bed and breakfasts,
free overnight parking or the Caravan park(s)). Discount vouchers (such as free coffee with
a meal for interstate driver’s licence) might help encourage them to stay and spend in the
town. Grey Nomads are likely to spread the word over UHF and wherever they gather. If
your business would like to be in it, even perhaps just every third month, please contact the
CHATT Centre.
Given recent publicity regarding my fibreglass dinosaurs, we are planning to get them on
display in the CHATT Centre and sell a range of dinosaur merchandise to raise funds for
Progress. The first two dinosaurs can be seen at Jane’s Country Reflections where they are
visiting this month. Hopefully we can attract visitors to the town using these as a drawcard,
and the visitors will stay and spend. Other businesses may care to extend the Dinosaur
theme which could become unique to Maitland and give us something special in the State.
The CHATT CENTRE will be going PINK this October as part of Cancer Awareness month.
Drop by for a look and a chat.
And we are gearing up for the Festival in the Fields (an upgraded and extended version of
the old Craft fair) to be held at Barley Stacks on Sat 29 Nov. Dinosaurs will be in attendance, and a great programme of local entertainment on the stage. Come along and complete
your Christmas shopping.
We are keen to finish off the part complete Cycling and Walking Trails around the town and
area, and are looking for a Service Club or other partner to help. Most of the ground work is
complete. If you are good at signage, signage construction and installation, brochure composition and publicity printing, please contact the CHATT Centre. We are also keen to upgrade the existing Historic Walk (the story signs outside businesses in Maitland) and are trying to locate the original Art Work. If you were involved in the original project and can help
us, please contact the CHATT Centre.
Quite a few great things happening. We meet third Thursday of the month (CHATT
CENTRE 7.30pm) if you want to get involved or make your point of view.
Book Quiz organised by CYP Community Library & friends
Dressed as characters from their favourite books, year R-7 pupils from Maitland’s Area
School enthusiastically joined in the Book quiz.
The activity was supported by the Friends of Central Yorke Peninsula Community Library
who donated the prize of $100 as well kept the score and asked the questions.
The quiz was the idea of librarian Dee Moloney as an inter-house competition that revolved
around a love of books.
Dee reminded the audience that reading is important because it: provides mental stimulation,
increases knowledge and memory, reduces stress, improves our focus and concentration as
well as extends our vocabulary. Borrowing books from the library is free and so reading is
accessible to everyone.
Each house, the Eagles and the Sharks, put forward a team with one pupil from each of the R
-7 classes. The teams include Captain Under Pants, Harry Potter, the Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, Alice in Wonderland, Where’s Wally and Mr Bump.
The range of characters and ability to answer questions from a range of children’s books
demonstrated the kid’s passion for reading. After starting well the Sharks had to admit defeat
to the fast answering Eagles.
However, everyone was a winner with all attending receiving a cup cake from the special
Book Quiz cake made by Sarah and Emma Atkins.
“We all had great fun dressing up and organising the quiz, which was received with great excitement by the kids, so hopefully we will be able to run this event again next year,” said
The Maitland Bowling Club celebrates its eightieth year in 2014.
The following information of this history was obtained from “S.A. BOWLER MAGAZINE,
APRIL 1970”.
“The M.B.C. started in 1934 after some residents had played on a private rink owned by Mr.
R.W. Arrowsmith who was then the clerk of District Council. He had put down this rink in
A meeting was held on January 15th, 1934, to form a club and land was leased from the Corporation of Maitland, for the purpose of building a green.
In 1948, a Ladies Bowling Club was formed, and the then Community Centre, extended the
idle croquet green, which was next to the original green to a nine rink green for their use.”
On Tuesday, 7th October 2014, the M.L.B.C. will be holding its Annual Invitation Fours Day,
and will include a small ceremony in recognition of the club’s achievement in reaching 80
years of bowling enjoyment.
The M.B.C. will celebrate this milestone of the club during their Xmas Dinner in December
Well wishes to M.B.C. members, Laurette Thomson, Helen Adey and Rob Arthur.
Anglican Church Service Times for October
Port Victoria
Point Pearce
No service
No Service
No service
No service
RSL Port Victoria Sub-Branch
The RSL Port Victoria is a small Sub-Branch with a limited number of members, who
volunteer their time to RSL and community matters. With limited finances, we are in
the process of fundraising for the purpose of purchasing and installing heating in the
On Tuesday 16th September, the RSL Hall in Port Victoria was the venue for a successful fundraiser Casserole Tea where 31 people enjoyed a tasty meal supplied by
our members. The President would like to thank the guests for
braving the cold to support the event and the members who volunteered their culinary flair with such a delicious meal.
The RSL has purchased a Commemoration Coin depicting the
100th Anniversary of The Great War; made from zinc alloy, 50mm
in width, and comes in a presentation box. We are selling them for $30.00. The Chatt
Centre in Maitland has a few of these coins, or individuals can order by ringing Carole
Gill on 8834 2321 or Graham Johnson on 0417 893 363.
Remembrance Day:
Remembrance Day, (also known as Armistice Day or Poppy Day) is a memorial day to
recall the end of World War I and observed on the 11th November. Hostilities formally
ended at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918 with the Germans signing the Armistice at the Treaty of Versailles.
A Remembrance Service will be conducted on the medium strip near the monument
opposite the Soldiers’ Memorial Hall in Port Victoria at 11am on Tuesday, 11th November 2014. Members and guests are invited into the RSL Hall after the service where a
light lunch will be provided for a small donation.
Maitland Christmas Carols
Senior Citizen’s Update
As it was our Birthday in August the Senior
Citizen’s Group met at the Yorke Valley Hotel
for lunch and then moved on to “The Markets”
for afternoon tea. Both venues gave excellent
service. At the Hotel we knew immediately
the table to which to go as there were special
decorations and a helium balloon with “Happy
Birthday” printed on it—a really nice welcome.
Please bring deck chairs or a picnic rug In September we played Quoits, and realised
and join in the fun.
that some of us need a lot more practice to
claim to be adept at Quoits. However we had
lots of fun and were ready for the cuppa which
Drinks, tea and coffee will also be
we enjoyed at the end.
At our next meeting on October 10th we will
play “Bugs” so hope to see you there.
Tuesday 16th December
Maitland Lutheran School Oval
6.00pm Free BBQ tea
7.30pm Carols
Featuring: Nativity Play and special
guest artists.
Get to know your High Street –
brought to you by Maitland & District Progress Association
Much more than a retro
After 30 years of nursing Jayne Arthur has
achieved her dream of
running a shop.
Entering Vintage Country Reflections, which
opened at 40 Robert
Street in April, is like
taking a trip down
memory lane. It contains an eclectic mix of
decor and items for sale
from the 60s, 70s and
80s. If you want a
groovy cup or even a retro fancy-dress costume - look no further.
What certainly is not ‘Vintage’ are the refreshments and locally made sweet and savoury
snacks. However some of these are old favourites often only found on trading tables, others
include Greek specialties such as baklava.
Vintage Country Reflections is becoming a popular meeting place hosting several groups including a monthly book club. Jayne is also running after school and school holiday art, craft
and gardening classes for kids. Enquire at the shop for more details.
A new Wednesday night time activity 'Nanna Nights', commences after daylight saving starts.
These free activities will bring together young and old to share skills such as knitting, crocheting, and embroidery.
Normal opening hours are Wednesday to Friday 9-4 and 10-2 on weekends and public holidays. But open or closed make sure you take a look the window display which changes every
month and is arranged by a local business that does not have a shop front.
So sit back in a comfy chair with freshly brewed coffee or tea, or a Belgium hot chocolate, relax in the sun under the veranda with friends or come and learn new skills in this unique atmosphere created by Jayne at Vintage Country Reflections.
Like Vintage Country Reflections on Facebook.
33 Robert Street, Maitland
PH: 8832 2431 FAX: 8834 1253
MEALS Monday - Saturday
Lunch & Dinner
Daily specials
Wednesday Rump & Red night
300g $16
500g $18
House Red/White Wine included
Thursday night Schnitzel night
Beef $12.90
Chicken $13.90
with a choice of 15 toppings
Bookings essential
Pizzas 7 days
Catering available
Cold Beer & Country Hospitality
Experience our new gaming room
With harvest approaching two stories from “The Maitland Watch.”
27/11/1914 “It is usual for farmers of Maitland to deliver their wheat either to Port Victoria,
Ardrossan or Balgowan, but they are now able to deliver at Maitland. Mr. W.O. Mullner has
been appointed agent for Messrs E. Buckerfield & Sons of Port Victoria, and on Wednesday the
first load of wheat was brought to him by Mr. E.F. Moloney. The variety was Federation and
was a good sample, weighing 7 pounds overweight.”
13/4/1934 “In response to an enquiry, Mr. W.J. Spafford (Deputy Director of Agriculture) has
advised that wheat can be stored in an underground tank with perfect safety, provided no water
creeps into the tank through cracks in the walls.
If the top of the tank can be sealed so that the receptacle is airtight the wheat can be kept for an
indefinite time without any fear of deterioration or attack by weevils or other insects. Given a
waterproof tank, the wheat should be poured into it from the bags and the nearer to filling the
tank right to the top the better. When the full amount of wheat has been run in, a lighted candle
should be placed on top of the loose wheat and sealed down in some way. The burning candle
will use up all the free oxygen in the air-space above the grain when it will extinguished, and
provided the lid was made quite air-tight the grain will keep as sound and bright as when put in
the tank for a great number of years.”
Beryl Neumann
The Yorke Peninsula Health Advisory Council Inc will hold its
Wednesday 5 November 2014 at 2:00 pm
in the Community Room, Minlaton Community Health, located on South Terrace, Minlaton
All members of the public are welcome to attend
As provided by the Yorke Peninsula Health Advisory Council
Inc. Constitution, five (5) Community Representative positions
fall vacant at the Annual General Meeting.
Following conclusion of the Annual General Meeting a process
will occur to determine representative’s appointments and
this will be up to a maximum of three years.
Each nomination shall be in writing and be signed by two (2)
community consumers in addition to the candidate.
Nomination forms are available from Julie Searle, Administration Assistant, which can be requested by email
[email protected] or collected from the Administration of Maitland Hospital, Minlaton Community Health or
Yorketown Hospital.
The nomination forms, along with a Curriculum Vitae, are to
be forwarded in an envelope marked ‘Confidential’ and addressed to:
Ms Jackie Hart
Director of Community Health
Yorke and Lower North Health Service
9 South Terrace
by the close of business on Friday 10 October 2014.
Maitland Markets Margaret Francis—Coordinator
The weather is warming up, and the tourists are
calling in to the Market. In one morning last
week we had visitors from WA, QLD, NSW and
Most of them had a story to tell and wanted to
know more information about the Yorke
We are supporting the Chatt Centre in October
by having a “Pink Display” for Breast Cancer
Awareness month. Come in and see our display.
We try to maintain a happy atmosphere,
especially around the morning tea table, thanks
to our volunteers.
Andrew & Judith Mack
PO Box 8, 25 Robert Street Maitland
SA 5573
Tel 08 88322611 Fax 08 88322006
Catholic Church
2nd & 4th Sundays
1st & 3rd Sunday
5th Sunday
All services are at 11am
Where Are They Now…. The Hallett Family
Anne & Peter currently live & work in Maitland, however their children: Ryan 25 & Suzanne
22yrs are both based in Adelaide.
Peter has an established business as the local Tax Accountant, with his office in Elizabeth
Street. Anne also works there as a bookkeeper. As a family business, it has employed many of
the Hallett & Bridgman family at one point or other.
It’s probably easiest to start with Ryan & Suzi from their final school years.
Ryan was Head Prefect & completed year 12 at Maitland Area School in 2006. To fill in that
summer, he worked in Fenwick’s Bakery, Maitland, as a baker for Mark & Susan Fenwick &
just for fun, one day made a giant sausage roll in the shape of a pretzel- just to see if it would
Ryan commenced study at UniSA in 2007 doing Media Arts- Website Design, at the Magill
campus. 2008 Uni break, Ryan travelled to New York & Colorado for a ski holiday with a university mate, which gave him the travel bug from then on.
Meanwhile, Suzanne attended MAS in that year until mid Yr 11, when she moved to St Marks
Catholic College, Port Pirie for mid-week boarding to finish yr 11 & year 12 in 2009. On
weekends in Maitland, she played winter hockey for Sandilands women & tennis for Winulta
(sometimes with Ryan). The long drives between home and Pt Pirie enabled her to easily qualify for her P licence so that she could then drive herself!
After Yr 12 graduation, she moved home again and was accepted to Adelaide Uni for 2010.
She deferred to 2011, took a gap year & worked locally for: Maitland IGA as a “checkout
chick”, Maitland Hotel as a waitress & in dad’s office as the admin receptionist. She also continued to enjoy playing local hockey & tennis.
During Ryan’s 3 years in Adelaide at UniSA, he worked casually for a sportstore in Firle, enjoyed playing winter hockey in Adelaide and local tennis occasionally for Winulta (here on
He completed his Media Arts degree in 2009 and then worked as a bartender at The Norwood
Hotel. Over the next 12 months, he worked in Falls Creek, Vic in hospitality and Melbourne as
a bartender at The Sebel Albert Park, until he’d saved enough money to again go overseas in
January 2011 for 4 months to Europe & Canada with an Adelaide hockey mate. On returning to
Oz, he settled in Melbourne with his current partner, Cate. They both went off to work at Mt
Hotham for the 2011 snow season, returning again to Melbourne to both resume hotel work.
Circumstances then changed for the Hallett’s in July, 2011, when Peter had a heart attack &
Suzi had moved to Broadview to live in a share house and had just begun her 3 year degree in
Animal Science at Adelaide University (Roseworthy Campus).
Being based at the North Terrace Campus for her first year allowed Suzi to visit her dad in the
Royal Adelaide Hospital nearly every day (and skip a few dull lectures!)
In October of that year, she enjoyed representing her University in women’s field hockey at the
University Games on the Gold Coast.
Ryan moved home to SA to work in Peter’s accountancy firm & Cate also re-located from
Melbourne and gained employment at Disability SA, Kadina.
They lived in Balgowan throughout 2012 and enjoyed their sea-change immensely. Ryan playing winter hockey for Sandilands & tennis for Winulta in the summer, but travel was still in
their blood, with trips taken to Fiji and New Zealand.
During this time, Ryan also completed a course in Business Admin Cert 3 at Kadina TAFE.
From this, he was approached to start his own web design business as part of a NEIS program to
promote new business in SA and he built up a steady clientele while also working part-time .
In 2012, Suzi secured a 6 week Adelaide University summer scholarship as a second year student, learning valuable laboratory techniques and, writing and graphing past research data for
current honours students projects. This sparked her interest in research & she started to think seriously about further study.
She returned home to YP during the summer on most weekends to continue playing tennis for
Winulta and swapped to Adelaide Uni for winter hockey in the city.
Ryan & Cate decided to move on once Peter was back on his feet again.
In January 2013, Cate gained employment at the National Art Gallery, Adelaide, and they both
moved to the city. Ryan continued his website business from home in Mile End, until he started
full-time work with The CMV Group (Head Office)on West Tce, Adelaide in Aug, 2013 as Marketing Co-ordinator for Web & Social Media (which is still current).
Ryan also completed his training as a volunteer SA Ambulance officer during 2013 (which had
just been approved through Maitland Station prior to his move to the city).
He started playing winter hockey again for an Adelaide Uni mens team & even had a go at ice
Most recently in July, 2014, they bought a home in the suburb of Eden Hills and took a month’s
holiday to the UK (where Ryan met most of Cate’s relatives), Greece & France, and have now
settled back into work in Adelaide.
Suzi completed her Animal Science Degree in 2013, finishing the year by holidaying in New
Zealand with college school friends for a well-earned break. She was really excited to visit Hobbiton & the Weta Workshop and all things “Lord of the Rings” while she was there.
She is currently finalizing her Honours Degree
this year, studying & researching domestic dog
behaviour & cognition- through an affiliation with
a researcher with the Central Qld University
(CQU), and thoroughly enjoying it. (It should be
mentioned, ironically, that Suzi didn’t ever take
much interest in Scooter, their own dog, when she
lived home!)
She has always been a reluctant city dweller and
misses the country life. She still hopes to someday come home to YP.
The family have always been very sport orientated. Peter currently plays golf & lawn bowls for
the Maitland clubs & has been the President of
the Maitland Bowls Club for the past and the
coming season. Anne has settled for less strenuous activities due to a few old, & some new injuries, and spends spare time gardening, walking
their mini schnauzer dog, Scooter, and organizing
their recently acquired beach house.
They are both looking forward to beach breaks
this summer if the renovations ever get finalized!
Licence No. BLD235649
ABN: 50 539 663 284
Our business is based in Maitland, servicing
the Yorke Peninsula & surrounds.
We offer design and planning advice to assist
with your renovations. Darrell Colliver is fully
licensed and can manage your job from A—Z.
(Darrell’s skills are not limited to land; being a fully qualified shipwright with 30 Plus
years experience).
Design to Fruition is happy to discuss any work
you require and provide you with a quote. For
further enquiries and information please contact us on:
M: 0414 370 781
E: [email protected]
FB: Design to Fruition
We look forward to hearing from you and
working with you .
Anglicare Emergency
Relief Progam
The Anglicare Emergency Relief project
at the Maitland CHATT Centre is open
for people who need emergency relief
on Tuesdays only 10am -12 Noon.
Bookings can be made at the
Chatt Centre on 8832 2174
Barley Stacks Wines - Maitland
Yorke Peninsula’s award winning Vineyard
Cellar Door open 7 days
10am to 5pm
(except Good Friday & Christmas Day)
Wine Tastings, Local produce,
Art Display, Cheese Boards & Platters.
Function Centre available for hire –
weddings& private functions welcome.
Annual Gourmet Day in July each year.
13.6 km south of Maitland on the
Minlaton Road.
Phone 88341258
Central Yorke Peninsula Community Library
Pioneer Rd, Maitland, SA 5573
Ph: 8832 2805
A mother’s hope
FLYNN, Katie
Written in my own heart’s blood GABALDON, D
The King’s curse
GREGORY, Philippa
Fool’s assassin
HOBB, Robin
The skeleton road
The children act
Bones never lie
The Italian girl
RILEY, Lucinda
Close call
Festive in death
Mean streak
The lady chosen
Kiss and tell
Search the dark (2)
Cop town
BROWN, Sandra
LAURENS, Stephanie
PERRY, Marta
Bandit & the Saints of Dogwood (PG)
Bad neighbours (MA)15+
Deadly descent (MA)15+
Transcendence (M)
Divergent (M)
The Blacklist: Season 1 (MA)15+
Fine cooking: Soups & stews
Lucky Peach: A quarterly journal of food and writing
Maitland Golf Club 1914-2014
Women’s Weekly Fast slow/ Slow fast
Pies & tarts
BOURKE, Jordan
The gift of love
Food babies love
Something for everyone
Hockey: Not your average Joe
KING, Madonna
Mug cakes: Ready in 5 minutes in the micro KNUDSEN,
Told: a collection of recollections LONGBOTTOM, Neil
Jamie’s comfort food
Beach house baking
The fast beach diet
Final recourse (M)
The fuzz (MA)15+
Noah (M)
The amazing spider-man 2 (M)
The Tudors: Season 1 (MA)15+
Lutheran Church Times for October
St Paul’s - Maitland
St John’s - Sth Kilkerran
9am HC Page 6 - Pastor Michael
11am HC Alt.
11am Lay Reading—Combined at St. Paul’s
Combined at St. John’s
11am HC Informal Service
9am HC Informal Service
Longest Lutheran Lunch at St. John’s
6pm Parish Youth Service at St Paul’s
The Maitland MOW Branch AGM was held on the Wednesday the 27th of August as an Afternoon Tea, so everyone could relax and mingle over a cuppa. All 27 Volunteer that were present
along with the Great Speaker - David Smith from MOWSA Head Office thought it a great idea
& voted that it be done again for next year’s AGM.
David Smith was busy that day as he not only spoke to the group, but also presented 15yr Life
Membership Badges to those volunteer’s at the meeting, gave a 15 yr birthday wheel to the
branch which was accepted by chairperson Nancy Rawlings, presented thankyou gifts to Laurette Thomson & Deb Lodge for their service as Client Service Officer & Secretary and finally
conducted the election of Office bearers.
Laurette Thomson was presented with her thankyou gift in appreciation of 15 yrs as Client Service Officer (previously known as Welfare Officer). Her commitment and dedication to this role
allowed many people in the district access to Meals on Wheels. The Maitland Branch is very
grateful for her service in that role.
Office Bearers for 2014/15 are Chairperson Nancy Rawlings, Vice John Koenders, Secretary
and Volunteer coordinator Judy Gerschwitz. Treasurer - Heather Ramsey. Client Service Officer
– Jill Moody. Assistant – Laurette Tomson. Kitchen Co-ordinator – Val Kelly. Committee members – Faye Roesler, Irene Hughes-Jones, Merrilyn Allen, May Sandercock, Helyn Tucker &
Deb Lodge.
All present could now relax after the Branch elections and settle down to listen to David Smith
talk about MOWSA. As he was the last year’s AGM, David assured us that due to the extensive
media campaign through television, cinema and radio, MOWSA was alive and kicking as queries on how to become a Volunteer and MOW’s profile had increased. He also had a printout of
the amount of meals each branch had supplied since 1999 which showed Maitland’s total
93,969. The total meals for 2013/14 was 4074 and the daily average was 16. This isn’t bad considering our client numbers vary from 14-22 a year. The larger metropolitan branches can deliver up to 180 meals a day. David also expressed many thanks to all the Volunteers for their wonderful service to MOWS.
In closing the meeting Chairperson Nancy Rawlings thanked David and gave him a gift for travelling over and speaking at the AGM. Nancy also wished the Volunteers and Office bearers all
the best for 2014/15 and hoped to see everyone back for next year’s AGM.
L to R Nancy Rawlings - Chairperson, Deb Lodge - retiring
secretary, David Smith head office MOW and
Laurette Thomson - retiring
Client Service Officer.
CYP Branch of the National Trust
The Central Yorke Peninsula Branch of the National Trust held it’s annual meeting in August
after another busy year preserving and recording the history of the local area.
Highlights of the year included the presentation of a Distinguished Service award to Ken
Heinrich at the State Conference in November last year; our trip to Bublacowie Museum,
taking part in the Maitland Show and Maitland Art & Craft Fair, and our visitors, individuals
and groups – most recently the U3A YP group – who are usually surprised by the size and
scope of our displays.
Harvey Smart was re-elected as Chairman, Jeanette Heinrich as Secretary and Ken Heinrich
as Treasurer – having now completed 40 years in the position!
Guest Speaker was Stuart Moody, who in 2012 launched his book “Port Victoria’s Ships and
Shipwrecks.” Stuart outlined the history of shipping there and of the overseas windjammers.
He told of his research, his correspondence with people and museums around the world and
visits to many places in his efforts to tell the story.
Over 300 people attended the launch of the book at Port Victoria in 2012, including six of
the remaining Cape Horners.
His book won the Book Printing Award presented by the Printing Industries Association in
2012. Congratulations.
We look forward to another busy and productive year.
Why don’t you join us?
Cook’s Corner
With the weather warming up and still a plentiful supply of lemons, try our
3 Lbs (1 1/2 Kg) Sugar
3 Pints boiling water
1 heaped tablespoon citric acid
6 lemons—grated rind and juice
Dissolve sugar in boiling water, add all other ingredients. Let cool. Put into bottles and
keep in the fridge. Mix a small amount in a glass and add cold water to taste.
Maitland & Districts Garden Club Inc
The September meeting was held at Kadina at Clare Bettess home. Clare and
Alan are the owners of Memoree House which was absolutely amazing to see.
We went on a tour of each room which was set up full of collectables from yester year bringing back memories of our own childhood. The glassware and china were beautiful plus the
old kitchen, laundry and bathroom collectables. The tour was followed by a lovely Devonshire tea. Then it was on to explore the gardens and the sheds full of vintage cars and caravans. We all arrived back at Maitland weary but full of delight. Many thanks to Clare and
Alan. Spring is in the air! Time for us gardeners to grab a cuppa and explore our gardens and
reap the rewards of our winter work. It is great to discover new bulbs and plants that seem to
pop up overnight – lovely! Our October meeting will be held at the homes of members in
Port Vincent, Depart from CYP National Trust at 9.45am
19 Elizabeth St. Maitland S.A.
Ph. 08 8832 2346
Email [email protected]
Southwood’s for your home requirements of:
Rat & Mouse bait
Insect surface spray
Cat & Dog food
Chook food
Garden fertilisers
Omo washing powder
Honda lawn mowers, line trimmers & blowers
PVC pipe & fittings
Conference Room
Meeting Facilities
Fax / Scanning
Centrelink Agency
[email protected]
PHONE (88322334) Mob 0417 084738
Ambulance Maitland Volunteers
Mon - 8pm (School term)
Margie Gaisford
0429 674 091
1st & 3rd Mon each mth
Tim Davey
0417 805 838
Country Women's Assoc.
Last Friday each month @ MaitIvy Roe
land Museum 2pm
CYP Airstrip Committee
8834 2105
Tony Clark
0427 363 161
8832 2220
CYP National Trust Branch
1st Tuesday each month
Beryl Neumann
CYP Friends of the Hospital
1st Friday each month
Rhonda Coleman
CYP Hospital
CYP Gym Jams
Every Tues 9.30 – 10.30
Renee Oster
0412 589 662
CYP Little Athletics
Every Friday 5pm — 6pm
Sam Holmes
0427 700 219
Yorke Peninsula Council
2nd Tues each month
Yorke Peninsula Council Office
8832 0000
Embroiders Guild of YP
1st Monday each mth
Joy Starr President
8837 3080
Maitland & Dist Garden Club Inc
2nd Monday each month
Robyn Matthews
8832 2710
Maitland & Dist Progress Assoc
3rd Thurs each month
Roger Morgan
0419 822 130
Marlene & Terry Friebe
8836 3248
Maitland AH&F Dance Group
1.30pm 8832 2838
8832 0100
Maitland Auto Preservation
1st Thurs each month at the
Chatt Centre 8pm
Joe Ingram
8837 3126
Maitland Bowling Club
3rd Tuesday each month
Peter Hallett
Marilyn Stock
Jeff Adams (Secretary)
8832 2746
8832 2020
8836 3159
Maitland CFS
2nd & 4th Thurs each mth
Trevor Allen
8832 2058
Maitland Golf Club
1st Tuesday each month
Terry Wuttke
8832 2430
Maitland Health Centre Board
2nd Thursday each mth
Maitland Health Centre
8832 2185
Maitland Lions Club
2nd & 4th Tues each mth
Lin Morris
0418 829 673
Maitland Rifle Club
Every Saturday
Brad Renfrey
8832 2744
Maitland Scout Group
Cubs & Scouts Tuesdays 4.30 6pm
Chris Moustrides
0421 045 250
8832 2882
Maitland Show Society
Maitland Tidy Towns
1st Monday each month
1st Sat each Month
Max Smart
Mark Hector
8832 2171
8832 2464
Meals on Wheels
CYP Hospital
Laurette Thomson
8832 2839
Paws with Potential
Each Sunday (school term)
4th Wednesday each mth
Gayle Button
Graham Morris
0408 424 041
8832 2326
Rotary Club of Maitland
Every Wednesday night
Gregory Stephens
0400 442 181
Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes
Fortnightly on Thursdays
Arty Glazbrook
8832 2334
RSL Port Victoria Sub-Branch
3rd Tuesday each month
Carol Gill
8834 2321
SA Weight Watchers
Every Wednesday at 6pm
Elaine Garrard
0405 704 366
Senior Citizens
2nd Frid each mth at 2pm
Lorna Arthur
8832 2861
State Emergency Services
1st & 3rd Tues each mth CFS/
SES Sheds, Rogers Tce
Lyall Schulz
0418 859 544
Helen Tucker
8832 2381
Weetulta Dance classes
Every Tuesday night
Reg & Marie Holliday
8836 3217
Women in Agriculture & Business
3rd Wed each month
Linda Dutschke
0428 322 213
Yorke Valley Masonic Lodge
1st Thurs each month
John Nankivell
8835 1267
YP Health Advisory Council
2nd Mon each mth 1.30pm
Rod Thomas
8834 1282
YP Business Network
Kristine Colliver
0411 235 327
Your FREE listing for upcoming Events here.
8am - 3pm
Friends of Wauraltee Market @ Wauraltee Hall
Senior Citizen’s Meeting
18 - 19
Upper YP Relay for Life @ Kadina Oval - All welcome
1.30-5.30pm YP Old Style & New Vogue Dance @ Weetulta Hall
CYP Friends of the Hospital Quiz Night for the Maitland Hospital @
Maitland Uniting Church Hall
Urania Uniting Church 130th Anniversary Service
Breast Cancer Awareness Session & Bra fittings @ The Chatt Centre - All welcome $5 entry
“Close to my Heart” Scrapbooking @ Maitland Uniting Church Hall
PVCP hosting “Thankyou for the Memories” @ Port Victoria Hall
Weetulta Strawberry Fete - Please note change of date.
Remembrance Day Service @ Maitland War Memorial
“Close to my Heart” Scrapbooking @ Maitland Uniting Church Hall
10am –4pm
Festival in the Fields @ Barley Stacks Wines for more details
contact Chatt Centre 8832 2174 or Facebook or website
Maitland Citizen of the Year
Start putting your thinking caps on as next Month
we will start calling for nominations for Maitland
Citizen of the Year. There are many people within
our local community that continuously volunteer
their time to make Maitland a wonderful place to live and visit.
It is always great to thank and recognize some of these people
and show our gratitude.