10/8/2014 New Vision West Coast Asks Trans Employee to "Explain Gender," Rescinds Job Offer (https://www.facebook.com/pqmonthly) (http://instagram.com/proudqueer) (https://twitter.com/PQmonthly) (https://www.youtube.com/user/PQmonthly) (http://www.pqmonthly.com/) BLOG (HTTP://WWW.PQMONTHLY.COM/BLOG) NEW VISION WEST COAST ASKS TRANS EMPLOYEE TO “EXPLAIN GENDER,” RESCINDS JOB OFFER DANIEL BORGEN (HTTP://WWW.PQMONTHLY.COM/AUTHOR/DANIEL-BORGEN) — OCTOBER 6, 2014 (HTTP://WWW.PQMONTHLY.COM/NEWVISION-WEST-COAST-ASKS-TRANS-EMPLOYEE-EXPLAIN-GENDER-RESCINDS-JOB-OFFER/20722) http://www.pqmonthly.com/new-vision-west-coast-asks-trans-employee-explain-gender-rescinds-job-offer/20722 1/14 10/8/2014 Like New Vision West Coast Asks Trans Employee to "Explain Gender," Rescinds Job Offer 80 Tweet 16 0 Share (http://www.pqmonthly.com/new-vision-west-coast-asks-trans-employee-explain-gender-rescinds-job-offer/20722/nv) By Leela Ginelle, PQ Monthly Sorin Thomas, a transgender person who identifies as gender neutral has filed a discrimination claim against New Vision West Coast, Inc., a company that offers wilderness therapy to at risk adolescents and young adults in Bend, OR. Thomas alleges xe was offered a position at New Vision after spending several days working with the youth and being observed by the staff, but that the offer was rescinded after Thomas’s disclosure that xe is transgender (in xyr complaint, Sorin goes by the gender neutral pronouns “xe” and “xyr”). Thomas, who has a Master’s degree from Naropa University, interviewed with New Visions in late-April, and was invited to the in-person interview in May. Thomas traveled from Boulder, CO to Bend, OR on xyr own money, spending five days in the field with the company’s youth groups. “Sorin was roundly and universally appreciated during that time,” says Thomas’s attorney Lake Perriguey. “All of the staff and youth formed positive opinions of Sorin, and Sorin received nothing but positive feedback about xyr performance.” http://www.pqmonthly.com/new-vision-west-coast-asks-trans-employee-explain-gender-rescinds-job-offer/20722 2/14 10/8/2014 New Vision West Coast Asks Trans Employee to "Explain Gender," Rescinds Job Offer On Thomas’s second day in Bend, according to the complaint, New Visions’ Lead Field Therapist Elizabeth Deardorff asked Thomas, “Would you take this job if we offered it to you? Because I talked to Drew (Hornbeck, New Visions President/Co-Founder), and we would like to offer you the job.” Thomas enthusiastically said “yes.” On Thomas’s last day in Bend, xe was formally offered a position by New Vision Program Director Todd Merrill, according to xyr complaint. This was followed by an email three days later inquiring whether Thomas was “available/interested to come to work this next shift.” The sense of joy and accomplishment Thomas felt at securing this new position quickly evaporated later that day, during a call with New Visions co-founder and owner Steve Sawyer. Thomas disclosed during that call that xe is transgender, and says Sawyer immediately began questioning xyr about xyr gender, and expressing concerns about how xyr gender identity might negatively impact New Visions clients. Sawyer requested Thomas write a letter “reflecting” on how xyr gender identity would affect the clients at New Visions, something Thomas says was never asked of any other applicant at New Vision regarding gender, sexuality, ethnicity or religion. Though shocked and hurt by the request, Thomas complied. “To be asked to write a paper about how your gender identity is going to affect customers is illegal and humiliating,” Perriguey says. “Sorin did it, because Sorin was eager to begin this new opportunity, and start at this career Sorin had trained for.” Thomas phoned Merrill, explaining Sawyer’s odd request, and was assured New Visions would place xyr in the field with clients within a week. Communication soon dried up, though, with several of Thomas’s emails going unanswered until, more than a week later, Sawyer responded, saying, “We are still reviewing and interviewing current applicants.” Having experienced such seemingly clear cut gender discrimination, Thomas turned to Perriguey to pursue justice. “Sorin is seeking financial remuneration for pain and suffering and humiliation for having been offered and then denied an opportunity.” Perriguey forsees clear victory for the case, which has been filed with the Bureau of Labor and Industries. “I feel confident I can prove everything in the complaint,” he says. “Sorin was the victim of gender discrimination, and we’re going to show that.” PQ will have more details in our next print issue, including an interview with Sorin and New Vision West Coast. New Vision had not responded by deadline for this blog. http://www.pqmonthly.com/new-vision-west-coast-asks-trans-employee-explain-gender-rescinds-job-offer/20722 3/14 10/8/2014 New Vision West Coast Asks Trans Employee to "Explain Gender," Rescinds Job Offer (http://www.pqmonthly.com/binary-damned-thoughts-red-dress-party/19426/blogtail_leela-ginelle) Share and Enjoy (http://www.facebook.com/share.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.pqmonthly.com%2Fnew-vision-west-coast-ask rescinds-job- offer%2F20722&t=New+Vision+West+Coast+Asks+Trans+Employee+to+%26%238220%3BExplain+Gender%2C%2 (http://twitter.com/home? status=New+Vision+West+Coast+Asks+Trans+Employee+to+%26%238220%3BExplain+Gender%2C%26%238221% %20http%3A%2F%2Fwww.pqmonthly.com%2Fnew-vision-west-coast-asks-trans-employee-explain-gender-rescin (mailto:? to=&subject=New+Vision+West+Coast+Asks+Trans+Employee+to+%26%238220%3BExplain+Gender%2C%26%23 %20http://www.pqmonthly.com/new-vision-west-coast-asks-trans-employee-explain-gender-rescinds-job-offer/2 http://www.pqmonthly.com/new-vision-west-coast-asks-trans-employee-explain-gender-rescinds-job-offer/20722 4/14 10/8/2014 New Vision West Coast Asks Trans Employee to "Explain Gender," Rescinds Job Offer (http://www.stumbleupon.com/submit?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.pqmonthly.com%2Fnew-vision-west-coast-a rescinds-joboffer%2F20722&title=New+Vision+West+Coast+Asks+Trans+Employee+to+%26%238220%3BExplain+Gender%2C Comments 4 comments Add a comment... Also post on Facebook Posting as Cathy Brennan (Change) Comment Corey Smoot · Caregiver at Visiting Angels Take heart, Sorin! Thanks for speaking up, standing out and opening the eyes of those born blind. You are a miracle worker, in my opinion. Your self-respect gives hope to people who've believed there is no room for them in this world. We are all equally valuable. Reply · Like · Follow Post · October 6 at 2:51pm Catherine Mateo · Top Commenter Hopefully the EEOC will bear down on these folks as well. Reply · Like · Follow Post · 18 hours ago Vincent Irelan · Portland, Oregon I meant to indicate that I'm also teansge nder and identify as a gay man. Reply · Like · Follow Post · October 6 at 9:54pm Vincent Irelan · Portland, Oregon What my friend Corey Smoot said! He can attest to the fact that trannies like you and gay men likhe and I have been forced to open blind etes. Make their scales be stripped away so they're forced to look at the truth!! 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