October 11 - 12, 2014 Welcome!

GROW in Grace in Groups
Choose the pathway for spiritual growth that best suits your needs. Bible studies, Sunday School classes,
and small groups meet throughout the week. Contact Teresa Rossy, [email protected], for more information.
Singles Sunday Brunch
Sunday, October 19, 9:00 - 11:00 a.m., Fellowship Hall
Rev. Betsy Sutherland will speak on "Faithfulness Amid Life's
Detours!" Come join Singles from across Chapelwood as we
share fellowship and homemade food and are challenged to
remain loyal to the Lord while "life" happens. Bring a friend. No
reservations required. For more information, contact Ginny Itz,
[email protected] or (713) 354-4446.
Chapelwood's 15th Annual Men's Retreat
October 24-26, Camp Allen
Men are invited to a weekend of spiritual inspiration, fellowship,
and relaxation. Our guest speaker, Dave Marshall, will be
speaking on his heart for discipleship. Online registration
available at www.chapelwood.org/mensretreat.
Connecting the Old & New Testament
Five Sundays starting October 26, 6:00 - 7:00 p.m., LC 211-212
Join Melissa Maher in this five-week study of connecting
the story of God and God's people from the Old to New
Testament. For information, contact Judy Jones,
[email protected] or (713) 354-4412.
Day of Centering Prayer Retreat
Monday, October 27, 9:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., Ruah Retreat Center
This retreat includes centering prayer, walking meditation, and
plenty of free time for personal prayer, reflection, journaling, and
artistic expression. For more information, contact Kristin Lewis,
[email protected], or (713) 354-4438.
Greeting Ministry Appreciation and Tour
Sunday, October 12, 5:00 - 7:00 p.m., Parlor
Come and find out more about getting started in your ministry
to embody grace through Sunday morning greeting. For more
information, contact Donna Lowe, [email protected]
or (713) 827-3915.
Rebuilding Together Houston
Saturday, November 1, 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Join other Chapelwood volunteers for this one day of service to
help repair the home of an elderly Houstonian in need. All skill
levels are welcome! Register at www.chapelwood.org/rebuild. For
information, contact Matt Fuqua, [email protected].
October 11 - 12, 2014
At Chapelwood, we are a community of communities,
providing worship experiences of many kinds.
Our mission is to embody God's grace as we receive it to those who need it.
SHARE Grace in Ministry
Use your spiritual gifts to serve the kingdom of God so our city and the world may be transformed. For information about local serving,
contact Amy Taylor, [email protected]. For information on global serving, contact Janine Roberts, [email protected].
Habitat for Humanity
Saturday, October 18, 7:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Chapelwood will participate in a Houston Habitat for Humanity
build. Go to www.chapelwood.org/habitat to register. For more
information, contact Dennis Crowe,
[email protected].
11140 Greenbay, Houston, TX 77024 • www.chapelwood.org • (713) 465-3467
Buckingham Worship Team
Sundays, 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., Buckingham
Do you have a heart for the elderly? You can be a part of a
weekly ministry to senior adults at the Buckingham Retirement
Community. The commitment is two hours one Sunday a month.
For more information, contact Margaret Bedell,
[email protected] or (713) 354-4432.
Stories of Global Missions Presentation
Sunday, November 9, 12:30 - 2:00 p.m., Fireside Room
Special guest Pastor Paul Prevost, co-founder of HAPI, will speak
about Chapelwood’s partnership in Haiti. We will also share about
our global partnerships in Mexico, Estonia, Kenya, and the border
of Texas. Come find out about Chapelwood’s 2015 pilgrimages.
Lunch will be provided. For information, contact Judy Jones at
[email protected] or (713) 354-4412.
Chapelwood uses visual and audio images of participants in its worship services and other events for broadcast, event promotion, publicity, and other related endeavors. By entering the event premises, you consent
to video recording, live streaming, photography, and audio recording; and consent to Chapelwood’s use of such images for all legitimate purposes, without compensation, both in print and electronically.
Contemplative - Sundays, 8:45 a.m., Chapel
Offers extended times of stillness, Scripture reading,
music, sacred reading, healing prayer, meditation,
and Holy Communion.
Esperanza - Sundays,10:30 a.m., 3911 Campbell Rd.
Our mission is to know (conocer), share (compartir), and
celebrate (celebrar) the hope (esperanza) of God with Hispanic
people in Houston.
*Mercy Street - Saturdays, 5:30 p.m., Fellowship Hall
Come as you are. No, really. Come as you physically are, as you
emotionally are, as you spiritually are ... and walk into a big
Sanctuary Worship - Sundays, Sanctuary
*8:25 a.m., Family service
*9:45 a.m., Contemporary service
*11:10 a.m., Traditional service
*Upper Room - Sundays, 11:15 a.m., Upper Room
This diverse community of Christ-followers is committed to
being R.E.A.L. (Restoring, Encouraging, Accepting, Loving) in
worship, service, community, and relationship.
* Services broadcast live on the Web.
Experience, Grow, Share
In the space of a weekend, Chapelwood’s Women’s Retreat provides women of all ages
with what they often need most – a time to disconnect, relax, recharge, draw closer to
God, and spend time with old and new friends. Here are testimonies from four
women who attended the retreat for the first time last year.
In February of 2014 I attended the Chapelwood
Women’s Retreat. I enjoyed speaker Jessica
LaGrone’s teaching of the Biblical families. I
immediately identified myself with Joseph,
specifically in the way the Lord used him to
unite and bring his family closer to the Lord.
I truly enjoyed the small group discussions,
the diversity of women that attended, and the
activities that allowed me to reflect on the Lord.
I look forward to another amazing experience in
the 2015 retreat.
Haidee Carrillo – Esperanza
The Women's Retreat was a great chance to step
away from the daily triumphs and struggles of
caring for a toddler and see God's perspective of
the bigger picture of my life. It was a spiritually,
mentally, and physically refreshing weekend. I
reconnected with old friends and made a few
new friends. And when else could I say that I
napped and got a massage in one weekend?
Meredith Sealy –
Moms on the Grow UMW Circle
The Women's Retreat was an amazing
experience. I truly enjoyed the speaker, the
fellowship with other women, and the quiet
times alone. As a new member of Chapelwood,
the retreat allowed me to meet new people as
well as quietly spend time with God. I was able
to fill my spirit and purify my heart.
Cherri Washington – Upper Room
I was one of the many “first-timers" at the
Women's Retreat last year in February. Through
the years, I had always thought about going
but something always seemed to come up or I
always had a reason to not go. A good friend of
mine from church and Bible study mentioned
that she'd like to go and that we could be
"roomies." I decided, "Why not?" My boys and
husband were supportive of me going and able
to handle everything at home fine without me.
Once I checked in, it was like a mini-reunion of
friends I’d grown up with in the church: women
I’d known from teaching children’s Sunday
School through the years, from JOL Bible
study, from my own Wesley Choir days, and
just women that I'd always looked up to.
I felt God’s presence everywhere! I loved the
speaker sessions, the interaction with other
moms and friends during discussion times,
the fun social time at meals and free time and
I loved the prayer stations. I felt God pulling
me closer to Him throughout the weekend and
rejuvenating my walk with Him. I am excited
to go back this year and experience the peace,
love, and joy that I felt and know you'll feel too
if you go on the retreat!
Whitney Gowan –
Joy of the Lord Bible Study
EXPERIENCE Grace in Worship
Worship of God transforms Christians. It happens any time or place that we turn our focus toward God.
Many of our worship experiences are streamed live via the web. Visit www.chapelwood.org for available service times.
Grace Space: Embracing Mental Health
Saturdays in October, 5:30 p.m., Fellowship Hall
October is Mental Health Awareness Month and Mercy Street
is embracing anyone living with mental illness - creating a safe
harbor that de-stigmatizes, de-shames, and advocates for mental
health. There will be special guests along with organizations
present to provide information on this important topic.
For more information, visit www.mercystreet.org.
Upper Room Teaching Series: The G-Life
Sundays, 11:15 a.m., Upper Room
Our fall sermon series presents biblical examples of real people
who embodied God's grace through gratitude and good works.
They lived what we call "The G-Life." Join us each week either
in person or online, www.urhouston.org. For more information,
contact Cherri Washington, [email protected].
Discernment Sermon Series
October - November, 8:25, 9:45, and 11:10 a.m., Sanctuary
As we seek to listen to and discern God’s direction in our
congregation and our lives, the questions are always before us:
“Which way does God want us to go? What decisions are of God?
How do we determine God’s will for our lives?” Make plans now
to intentionally focus on what God wants for you.
Thanksgiving Eve Service
Wednesday, November 26, 7:00 p.m., Chapel
Bring neighbors and extended family as we prepare our hearts for
Thanksgiving with this service of worship and a sermon by
Andy Cunningham.
GROW in Grace in Groups
Choose the pathway for spiritual growth that best suits your needs. Bible studies, Sunday School classes,
and small groups meet throughout the week. Contact Teresa Rossy, [email protected], for more information.
2015 Domestic and International Trips for Adults
There will be a spiritually-focused trip to the Holy Land in February,
a cultural tour of Italy in June, and a tour of sites associated with the
roots of American Methodism in October. For more information,
go to www.chapelwood.org/growtrips or contact Melissa Maher,
[email protected].
27th Annual Roy Dye Golf Outing
Monday, October 13, 1:00 - 6:00 p.m., Cinco Ranch Golf Club
This event is a relaxed and fun round of golf with fellowship and
friendship on the golf course. Dinner will be served afterwards.
Register at www.chapelwood.org. For more information, contact
Cason Sicking, [email protected].
Foundation Scholarship Luncheon
Tuesday, October 14, 11:45 a.m., Fellowship Hall
The Chapelwood Foundation is sponsoring its Path with a Purpose
Scholarship Luncheon. Tickets are $25 each. RSVP to Teresa
Cannon, [email protected] or (713) 354-4485.
Birkman Discovery Workshop for Couples
Sundays, October 19 - November 23, 4:30 p.m., W101
Whether you are engaged, married 50 years, or something in
between, this workshop will be fun, interactive, and enlightening
for couples of all ages. Tuition is $358 per couple, which includes
the full Birkman online assessment and all course materials.
For more information, contact Bob Bolling,
[email protected].
Prospective New Member Class
Sundays in October, 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., W101-102
Considering becoming a member? You are invited to attend a four
week course with Allen Quine. Please RSVP to Margaret Bedell,
[email protected] or (713) 354-4432.
continued on back ...
Sunday, October 12, 2014
8:25 a.m.
Bob Johnson
Prelude arr. Al Travis
More Love to Thee, O Christ
Stephen Roddy, organist
 Call to Worship
 Hymn No. 89
Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee
Verses 1, 2, 3, and 4
Bringing in the Light of Christ
Cindy Booth
Beethoven/Hodges/Van Dyke
Larissa Celedon, Jack Weatherly
Introduction to Baptism
John Stephens
Congregation’s Baptismal Response
Sacrament of Holy Baptism
Cindy Booth, Bob Johnson, John Stephens
Kayla Madison Dinakar, daughter of Traci and Satish Dinakar
Prayer of Common Concerns and The Lord’s Prayer
Bob Johnson
A Time for Children
John Stephens
 Hymn No. 382
Have Thine Own Way, Lord
Verses 1 and 4
Offertory Prayer
Bob Johnson
Offertory Leaning on the Everlasting Arms
arr. Dennis Allen
Wesley Choir – David Humphrey, soloist; Joe Mishler, guitar
Bob Lindsey, director; James Kelly, pianist
 Presentation and Doxology
Great Is Thy Faithfulness
Chorus only
 Scripture Reading
Romans 12:1-8 Sermon
The Will of God
Sermon Series: Discernment
Skyler Quine
John Stephens
Prayer of Commitment and Invitation to Christian Discipleship
 Hymn No. 451
Be Thou My Vision
Verses 1, 2, and 3
 New Member Welcome
Bob Johnson
 Benediction and Seven Chimes
 Postlude
 Please stand as you are able.
Sanctuary Worship
Welcome and Congregational Greeting
Sunday, October 12, 2014
9:45 a.m.
Praise and Worship
Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee
Let Everything that Has Breath
Beethoven/Hodges/Van Dyke
Matt Redman
Curry Duffey, James Kelly, Wayne Watson – musicians
Welcome and Congregational Greeting
Andy Cunningham
Introduction to Baptism
John Stephens
Congregation’s Baptismal Response
Sacrament of Holy Baptism
Andy Cunningham, Melissa Maher, John Stephens
Collins Stevens Moses, daughter of Ashley and R.J. Moses
Anderson Mason Newell, son of Nicki and Wayne Newell
Prayers of the People and The Lord’s Prayer
Melissa Maher
Giving Our Tithes and Offerings
Cry of My Heart
Thy Word
The Word
Special Music
The Message
Romans 12:1-8
The Cry of My Heart
The Will of God
Terry Butler
Janine Roberts
Wayne and Adam Watson
John Stephens
Sermon Series: Discernment
Prayer of Commitment and Invitation to Christian Discipleship
Song of Response
Be Thou My Vision
New Member Welcome
Sending Forth
Melissa Maher
Sanctuary Worship
Sunday, October 12, 2014
11:10 a.m.
Welcome and Congregational Greeting
More Love to Thee, O Christ
Stephen Roddy, organist
arr. Al Travis
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty arr. Mack Wilberg
Chancel Choir – Stephen Roddy, director; Paula Blackman, guest organist
 Call to Worship  Hymn No. 100
Scott Endress
God, Whose Love Is Reigning O’er Us
Verses 1 – 5
Bringing in the Light of Christ
Courtney and Katelyn Treadwell
 Affirmation of Faith No. 881
The Apostles’ Creed
 Gloria Patri No. 70
Prayer of Common Concerns and The Lord’s Prayer
A Time for Children
 Hymn No. 454
Open My Eyes, That I May See
Verses 1, 2, and 3
Wick Stuckey
John Stephens
 Offertory Prayer
Wick Stuckey
Offertory arr. Allen Pote
Many Gifts, One Spirit
 Presentation and Doxology No. 95
 Scripture Reading
Romans 12:1-8 Jason Powers
The Will of God
Sermon Series: Discernment
John Stephens
Prayer of Commitment and Invitation to Christian Discipleship
 Hymn No. 399
Take My Life, and Let It Be
Verses 1 and 3
 New Member Welcome
Wick Stuckey
 Benediction and Seven Chimes
 Postlude
 Please stand as you are able.
Sanctuary Worship
Prelude Scott Endress
Thank you for choosing to worship with us this morning!
You’re invited to join us for coffee after worship in the Parlor, located outside the northeast entrance of the Sanctuary.
Things to Know
We Lift Up in Prayer
Interested in Membership?
The only requirement for full membership at Chapelwood
is a Christian baptism and Profession of Faith in Christ. If
you have not been baptized, we can baptize you when you
join. If you have been baptized previously in the Christian
faith, Chapelwood recognizes the validity of your previous
baptism and re-baptism is not required. Membership is your
commitment to grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ in the
areas of prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness.
For more information, please contact Fred Lowe,
[email protected] or (713) 827-3916.
This Week’s Prayer Focus
Jersey Village Baptist Church
For the Hearing Impaired
Sign language interpretation is provided at the 9:45 a.m.
service by Bonnie Berube and Kim Patchell of the Chapelwood
Signs of Grace Ministry.
Prayer Request Cards in the Pew Racks
Please place completed prayer request cards in the offering
plate or in the prayer request box in the Narthex. You can also
submit a prayer request online at www.chapelwoodprayer.org.
Those Recently Hospitalized
Susan Bopp, Ann McKissack, Joanne Mills
Stephen Ministers Available
If you need someone to pray with you, a Stephen Minister
will be in the Prayer Room at the back of the Sanctuary
after worship.
Sanctuary Flowers
Sunday School Opportunities
Today’s Sanctuary Flowers Are Given
Children - 9:45 a.m.
Children’s Building
In loving memory of Betty Sullivan on her birthday by Jim Sullivan
and Sherry Menger and family;
In loving memory of Don W. Carter by Louise Nicholson Carter,
and the Nicholson and McAvey families;
D’ Janes in loving memory of her husband, Gaynor and their
parents, Dr. and Mrs. Olen G. and Margaret Janes and Walter
and Josephine Koeppen;
In honor of the baptism of their precious granddaughter, Collins
Stevens Moses, daughter of R.J. and Ashley Moses, by her
grandparents, Joseph and Janet Johnson and Bob and Joan Moses.
Sixth Grade Confirmation - 9:45 a.m.
Smith Scout Building
Youth - 9:45 and 11:00 a.m.
7th - 12th Graders, Youth Building, Game Room
Adults - 9:45 and 11:00 a.m.
Various Rooms
For a list of specific classes and locations, please see a greeter.
**If you are interested in dedicating flowers for the Sanctuary,
please contact Pamela Moore, [email protected].
Call to Worship
This Morning’s Baptisms
Kayla Madison Dinakar, daughter of Traci and Satish Dinakar
Collins Stevens Moses, daughter of Ashley and R.J. Moses
Anderson Mason Newell, son of Nicki and Wayne Newell
Leader: Our help is in the name of the Lord our God,
the Maker of heaven and earth,
Congregation’s Baptismal Response
With God’s help we will proclaim the good news and live
according to the example of Christ. We will surround these
children with a community of love and forgiveness that they may
grow in their trust of God, and be found faithful in their service
to others. We will pray for them, that they may be true
disciples who walk in the way that leads to life.
People: Who comes to our aid in times of need,
who gives us the courage to do what we know is right.
Leader: God invites us to turn away from the influences of the
world around us and confess Him alone as Saviour and Lord.
All: This is our God! Let us worship together.
11140 Greenbay Street, Houston, TX 77024 ● www.chapelwood.org ● (713) 465-3467