rlr >vJ-l.r- z z1 3 T H E D Y N A M T C B E H A V I O U R O F T H E S T A L L _ R E G U L A T E DN I B E A W I N D T U R B I N E . I ' I E A S U R E M E N T SA N D A M O D E L I ' O R S T A L L - I N D U C E D V I B R A T I O N S P . L u n d s a g e r, ; . 1 . P e t e r s e n , a n d S . F r a n d s e n Abstract. The report is in two parts. rn the first part the pre- rininary m e a s u r e m e n ts y s t e n u s e d i s d e s c r i b e d , a n d a s u r v e y o f the measurements inade until the end of i,iarch 1980 is given. Res u l t s a r e p r e s e n t e d c o n c e r n e d w i t h t h e m e a s u r e m e n t , so f t o w e r eigenfrequencies, eigenfrequen'bies of the stationary rotor The findings and of both f lapwise and edgewise bending mornents. are compared with the design assumptions, ancl the agreenent is found to be good. rn the second part the ch.lracteristics occurrence of Vibrations stall-induced with one cegree of first blade vibrations is the possible investigated. flapping eigenfrequency are reported and a freedon moder with velocity-dependent load is pre- sented. Calculated results are shown with with measuredcharacteristics. stay systen is agree reasonably well A possible modification of the suggested. EDB diSCTiPtOTS: C O I 4 P U T E RC A L C U L A T I O N S ; D Y N A J . , I ] CL O A D S ; E I G E N - F R E Q U E N C Y ; F A T I G U E ; F R E Q U E N C YR E S P O N S E T E S T I N G , IjECHAN]CAL VIBRATIONS; ii.OTOrRSS r TRESSESI TURBINE BLADEST V/IND TURBINES. RISO BIBLIOTEK U D C6 2 1 . 5 4 8 : 5 3 4 s 1 0 0 0 2s 7 4 9 3 2 9 ]ilililililililililililil ililililililili ililrl N o v e m b e r 19 B 1 Riso National Laboratory , DK 4000 Roskilde, Dennark The work described in this report was made under contract with the wind power program of the ministry of energy and the electric utilities of Denmark rsBN B7-550-0815-1 ISSN O4IB-6435 Riso Repro 7982 CONTENTS Page PART T: P R E L I M I N A R Y R E S U L T S F R O M B L A D E LOAD MEASUREMENTS FOR THE NIBE A WIND TURBINE I. T H E P R E L I M I N A R Y M E A S U R E M E N TS Y S T E M 2. SURVEY OF MEASUREMENT L2 3. RESULTS L4 3.1. Locations of sensors on the rotor L4 3.2. Determination of the tower eigenfrequency L4 3.3. Determination of frequencies of the stationary rotor 2I 3 . 4 . F l a p w i s e b e n d i n g m o m e n t sd u r i n g o p e r a t i o n 25 3.5. Stresses in the trunnion and shaft 29 3.6. Driving m o m e n t sd u r i n g o p e r a t i o n 3.7 . Stresses due to gravity forces , 38 ^ ? 40 IJJ-DLU)DI.\JL\ 4.I. The preliminary m e a s u r e m e n ts y s t e m 4.2. The results Minimizing 40 A Note the abount Material Wind Turbine Rotor Lay-out Fatigue Problem, by Helge Petersen PART II: 40 40 REFERENCES APPENDIX A: 30 37 3.8. Deflection of the blade T. . 43 FLAPWISE BLADE VIBRATIONS IN THE NIBE A WTND T U R B I N E A T H I G H W I N D S P E E D S . M E A S U R E M E N T S ,A P O S S ] B L E EXPLANATION OF THE PHENOMENONAND THE SUGGESTION OF A MOD]FICATION OF THE STAY SYSTEI\I 1. INTRODUCTION 2. M E A S U R E M E N T SM A D E A P R ] L 4B I9BO 4B Page MODEL FOR STALL INDUCED 3 . SINGLE DEGREE OF .b-REEDOM VIBRATIONS 57 4. RESULTS CALCULATED FOR A DUTY CONDITION 62 5. EVALUATIONS OF MEASURED RESULTS 65 6. CONCLUSIONS 66 REFERENCES 70 f PART I: PREL]MINARY RESULTS FROI,I BLADE LOAD MEASUREMtrNTSFOR THE NIBE A WIND TURBINE r - _ presented Paper with special April 2lth at 4th respect to and 22Lh, Preliminary Expert Results "Rotor Meeting Fatique Design Blade Problems" Technology in Stockholm 1980. from Blade Load Measurements for the Nibe Wind Turbine oy Per Riso Lundsager and Helge National Laboratory, The Nlbe erected 'Arr wind turbine is Power Program and the the The wind and is Denmark two wind one of the of Ministry turbines by the Wind near Petersen town Electric Nibe turbine equipped in Utilities Jutland, has a diameter with the of of Commerce Denmark Denmark. of an asynchronous 40 metres, generator a height of of 630 kW. 45 m "A" i.l _ THE PRELTMINARY MEASUREMENT SYSTEM The preliminary a number of measurement system operationar- parameter wri-ter and an xy-pl0tter. A total meters are available Table ted the brush to located the adjacent turbine- available on the made by of the current (cf. writer six to wrlter the Tn additi-on at rotor the patch shaft- changing totar signals are of the bottom qauqe at rotor shown in of rotor a time Fig. the r.r. being a patch the slip hub. Drop resistances Range rings are A diagram indicated. hannel of channer_s are combinations rotor connec_ panel tower through channel in connectlngr channer- brush operationarpara_ channe]s in the by a slx twelve through connections is to a time three changes system 0f strain panel cable sensors 1.I), at arr was established on Conversion volt Wind Speed aE-EB; Rel. Wind Directlon 0 - 2. 5 5 Blade pitch angle 0 - 2. 2 6 Rotor torsue 0-4.5 0/180 kNm RPM Generator 0 - 8 .s Force a. pitch regulation 0/2250 vpm 40v+0 kNm 180v+0 vpm 0 - 4. 4 0/9L 10 Force b. pitch regulation 36.4v+0 bar 0 - 4. 4 11 Nacelle 0 - 4. 4 L2 Active 13 Reactive L4 15 A t 9 shaft position power 0-2.0 power 0/9L bar -L80/L80 deg -I20/l-200 kw 0/500 kVar Current a-2.0 0/40 Amp Voltage 0-5.0 0/25 kv top 0-1.0 O/2.45 m/s top 0-1.0 0/2.45 m/s Rotor channel 1 16 Rotor channel 2 2 Rotor channel 3 WE bar 0-s.0 1 NS -180/+180 deg -20/+L5 deg Acc NS tower Acc WE tower List of sensors 144v-180 deg L6v-20 deg 36.4v+0 bar 162v-180 deg 660v-I20 kW 100v+0 kVar 20v+0 5v+o Amp kV 2.45v+0 m/s 2 .45v+0 m/ s E-_ - 9 a rU 3 r, o bf " i o 3 q 318,i t! U 2 6 6 \9 lb (- v )2 , o L2 ? U J - ) fr6 FEu, rt ll X o t)3c-.ry- llj ) .HEg. a ur t! .J I d r{r tu P ? Y 2 rI e o .J cL o ir I I I I l,- z T c! t: CI I :) C/, Ht I I I n -{ a 1v a t u u lx I I 63.cJ 39" r P o ) I a ,j ut l s x ul I uJ '+r,3 lr r - J { llr EE Fiqure 1.1 d 10 Fis. r-2 shows the rotor channels avai-1abfe. sections numbered on mod A bfades instrumented for A1 to A4 are sections measuring bending moments (indicated by S) or strains (indi_ cated by r). T S strain section force Section at blade tip Fiqure The xy-plotter and 1s is therefore and electric every hal-f simple ive effects voltages. i I I T I I I I minute- having scatter of usuarly power manner RC-links intended of the the give to a preliminary permanently coupred channels in a mode where rn to simulate order channel-s a time the I.2 constant points RC-links are is the plotter the ro0 Due to had to be s. the speed a pornt plotter the curve wlnd prots it to approx. avoided. to time-averaginq connected of power Thus, vortage calibrated in a throuoh excess_ divider by known I. 1 1 t l - The Brush writer known voltages. have not been in the based results based writer least the zero of is 10-20 brush people For to procedures writer of the presentation is signal during L.2. ref. readings is resolve the the rotor conciucted calibration been frequenci-es adopted preliminary channels as part The accuracy estimated are very simple: of the the of be to 5-L5'a. correctly up writer is accomplished rotor channels in of zero Coordinatj-on of the performed by is turbine from parameter value, rotor Reconnecting on the readjustment as described obtained 1.1) for including no problems. the for have panel the the a known absolute poses factors the patch turbine operati-onal channe]s, the the turbine signals the using including operating curves that chart to the (ref. in instead applying Hz. gauge preamplifiers. operation of by parameter factors tests able calibrated context,' conversj-on described Reconnecting 30 minutes this Conversion and sensitivities minutes. been operational operators on strip The measurement to the program the in on laboratory The Brush at by system. measurement to calibrated determination measurement are Otherwi-se given constants have sentivities so that detail channer as the a slow is average revolution hub settings in a few takes of of less the the telephone with contact voltage interpreting not the case in refs. 1.3 the at are corresponds the for and 1.4. referred to max and min the start resulting the of rotor rn the this a zero val-ues than strain measuremenEs with zero signals of resetting naceI1e. signals This in the the channels of turbine. the - 12 SURVEY OF MEASUREMENTS Following the campaiqns have ment the system been has Deparment Denmark, this rn installation ref - made as per been of used Fruid 2-r- and running-in by primo Riso Mechanics Some resur-ts of April the from system lgBO. Nationar_ of the The measure_ Laboratory Technicar ref . 2.r four and by universrty are incfuded in presentation. Tabl-e 2-r are indlcated' indicated' were the The rotor During recorded and partly response campaigns each partllr the ]isted channel campaiqn as aids as preriminary of are turbine. in and thei-r combinations a variety the of primary avail-able operatlonal commissioning of checks on the calculations ,able 2.2 shows the rotor the of alms are also parameters turbine the channel_ combinations. The results records and conclusions made during these :-n this four presentation campaj_gns. are based on r 13 Campaign Purpose Rotor Date Channel No combination 3 0 .l . B 0 r3.2.80 First indication blade loads Check of blade pitch tower resonance Investigation z t-26-z-6u anqle of out-of-plane regulation blade of on blade influence Tab1e 2.I Rotor List Investigation campaigns Jan.-Mar. of Rotor channels of loads (ref.2. and power production 5-6. 3.B0 pitch blade Ioads. l9B0 available channel combination Out-of-plane all bending moments at station A2 for bending moments at station AI in-plane stay. 3 bl-ades plane Out-of for 2 blades. Force in fn-plane all Table 2.2 one bending station moment for I Al for 3 blades In-plane bending adj acent in-plane Rotor moments at channels stays available blade" Forces in f) -ql - 3. 1 A RESULTS The results tiation that the given shown in have all Location with it is the r.i. rn brade ,in a chosen on the root of shaft. The shaft at in the plane and one strut 3'4 3 ' 5 of this giving the papertensile whlch B ratj'ons by recording identifying the The struts forces are used in the in 372rA that time, on per- extractinq a tube and Fig. 3.3 supported 3.2 of shows the foll0wino give flapwise paper. The moments used moments shown in al-so equlpped struts the this bendino mounted by two shown in Fict. on together The figure and 3.4 bending 3.2 by a bearing, are A of trunnion with strain in section oauqes _qection 3.5. enfre has wind-induced the supported flapwise as chordwi-se eigenfrequency of shown in resul-ts give Determinati_on The tower shown, plugged and the out-of-p1ane. Sections in section as well is gauges 1n section used in blade is end of for The strain moments sectiotr the sections gauges of outer The trunnion house strain period are rotor. the a bearinqr bending instrumen_ some results an FFT analyzer packard a Hewlett is in sections. 3.2 by the by means of sensors mounted. inst::r'rmented recorded simultaneously. of rotor are section The analyzer 3 ' 1 shows the which section analysis frequencies Figure Fig. paner. an actua1 J . l this been obtained patch forms in been determined vibrations accelerations resonance point. during of the by recording the tower upstart top of accer-e_ as werf the mill_ as and I-*__ \ \ \ s 'i*" \ \ A A t_ _1 The glass-fibre wing mounted Fiqure I on the 3. I trunnion ;&I Sadius Sooo /390 $ N --Jlju (@j@) \ \ 8 \ \'{ n L9 @ Section A Trunnion Section Shaft Fioure 3.2 B tr-__ - Figure 3.3 shows time (WE) acceleration the tops are vibrations as for of both (NS) and west-east north-south recorded with the components j n d u c e d , are wind and by measuring indicated found tracks 1'l the in the figure, frequencies NS and WE directlons, of stopped the L.29 rotor. time Thus between Hz and 1.34 Hz respectively. 1 . 3 4H z i i 5.25 sec L. j I . | Fiqure 3.3 Figure 3.4 shows corresponding sequence. As indicated RPMon the generator in the shaft, shaft or 0.45 Hz. At this 3 .0.45 = 1.35 Hz. Figure 3.5 shows the time tracks figure during a start-stop a resonance occurs corresponding to at 1215 27 RpM on the rotor speed the btade passage frequency calculated varues designer in October 1978. The calculated by the measurements, considering the as given value accuracy by the tower L.28 Hz is 1evel of is this confirmed preli- minary instrumentation. The signal level of the accelerometers (^'10.1 v) was too smal1 for the FFT anaryzer, and therefore the eigenfrequency could not be determined by the frequency anaryzer which was available. -*-*r - Ecl:ar=rrr< coN-rr:oLE 1B R B H / 3 18 / 1 0 0 1 Fiqure 3.4 19 Sag nr 8 . H o j l u n d R a s m u s s e n , r A d g i v e n d ec i v i l i n g e n i o r e r 1+ g a Udarb. Dato S-Y Mode shapes (max. amplitude = 1.000) node no 1 000 -684 000 000 -395 2 BB4 -221 968 926 z3v 3 752 266 835 897 811 4 627 645 112 963 1000 5 508 892 599 824 831 6 398 1000 494 780 7 299 978 397 733 413 -95 B 212 Bs6 307 581 -53s 9 139 662 224 627 -7 BB 10 BO 438 148 570 -800 11 36 222 79 510 -580 12 + 2B 5 438 -106 13 0 U 0 335 0 Frequencies bendi ng tor sion Figure 3.5 bend i ng l0 -78. -- -f'- - 2 4 : l L o "F{ H rtl A v Figure 3.6 I- 2 1 ? Determination of ? the blades and releasing nion (section Secs were AII 3.6 from the it. A in recorded three other uencies of by pulling was bent The signals Figure from 3.2) and analyxed. blades rotor the stationar of by a series were determined The frequencies one of fre the the tip strain were successively which the towards tower gauges on the was used, and the A typical in tests record exited first is blade trun15 10 to shown in as well Fig as blades. Figure 3.7 shows a typical output from the FFt analyzer' fn the 2.3 HZ, three peaks are appearent, and a fourth one range 1.g may be identifYed above 3 Hz. ^/ LHz 2 H z 3 H Z 4 H z :fr Flgures 3.8a 3 . B c s h o w s p l o t s o f calcul_ated eigenmodes for the stationary rotor, r e f . 3 . 1 , T a b l e 3.1 indricates the corresponding eigenfrequencies according to the Iatest cal_culatlons together with the eigenfrequencies determj_ned on the basis of a series of 1g runs with the FFT analyzer. Mode Calculated Measured Hz 'l Hz t _ .9 9 1.95 t 2 1.99 3 2.12 2 . r 2 1 o .0 4 2 . 2 4 1 o .0 3 4 ? Table 3.1 ?? Rotor 3.44 t eigenfrequenc 0.04 RMS 0 .0 3 ies I I \ \ I t Mode I Fiqure 3. Ba It- - 2 3 Mode 2 Figure 3 .8b 'r\ Mode 3 Fisure 3.8c 2.I2 Hz Figure 3.9a Flapwise Chordwise 6.37 Hz Figure t F_ 3.9c 3.33 Hz Fiqure 3.9b Flapwise Chordwise - The fourtlr Fig. ei-genmode shown in excited phase blade. fag of At one bl-ade indicating 3.4. almost 3.10 feature is initiated. a normal 23 kNm the level 140 kNm. This about normal condition experienced turbine over attempts to from Fig. excited the two time has blade that indicating the at The the from others are by appears operation l-ow wind speed. A , stop sequence 44 kNm and an amplitude pitching of This low wind blades the to of to d,uring load This during the stalled at hioh to of connect and fails-to not does cycle to this condition. dynamic to the Therefore It amplification. causes of 130 kNm may ]ow from a stop than bending flapwise for severe level partly already peak the However, average the is 13 m,/s is approx. occur. blade as the 3.10) from a stop ru 95 kNm corresponds (Fig. be more 3.10 Fig. stop be caused by winds of level average peak the shown that where a stop from winds. Figure 3.L2 taken from shows records the the pronounced flapwise rise in to similar sensors level at during those section the in Fig. B,Fig- stop a the each time occurs is the 5 secs. approx. stop. a peak 95 kNm with about of section The dominant when the maximum C"-values each 3.I1, 2 phase, in grid. It a mode indicated moments at the a period ih signal flapwise to due to start val-ues. 1 the occurrj-ng rises during once measured by approx. of through gradually stop stalled is at peak From an average approx. the stop pronounced the the the secs moments during of blade. predominant. now is shows records a single blades, while stationary bending 3.2,during Fig. l0 the to for is other two approx. mode I that Flapwj-se Figure After 3.6 indicated the 180 deg to is Fig. of time the L0% of within are track predominant. 2 is is time calculated, 3.9b, frequencies The uppermost corresponds eigenfrequency calculated cafculated z) 3.I0, 3.2. sequence but Again from 1ow From a leve] speed is seen, but the peak is not so pronounced. to tu rises of n,24 kNm the level of 'r,30 kNm and an amplitude a maximum of 'v 110 kNm. 88 kNm with the + - f ; - - . + + + + r . i r ;i{. ; l , t ; , i - , ,i + + - + l , i . , l ; _ l i ; i i t i , , i l i . ; r l r t i i l l i l l,r if i l L r " l " ' l : i , ' l , l r r " l t i: l l ffififfi : 10C Rd Tcrir 3 : l t, I 6 A o Fiqure 3.10 I -- i r l r t l r l , i l i l l i . , i - i ; i t l i r i l i l l i l , l i i - l i l i i ,i i , li ], -l l i- | | i | | I I I li'ilir"lillLliliirlr,l*,i'l'li.'l Bending moment at R = B. 1 111 t _Erqur-e_3 .11 19 kNm 1 i,i', ,*]--J* ---l-,zi:r-i-Tr , : : i : : . : l : : ;.i.r. * l i I r ! : : 1 .i: I i : ::::::;::t:i.: r,T|r;FlfiTirtii:iL.rJTili'f ,_iTf.,fij - 29 3.13 Figure due tions ponding to due to moments coning of angle moments at the kNm due to aerodynamic the the levels 95 kNm and during stop, the forces in to corresponds This obtained. I.04 BB kNm, are respectively, between 3.13. Thus the been based are force centrifugal A and B, ratio the L47 kNm and I4l moments station the uppermost Fig. the design has on the dicated tions on which through acting of corres- and the By adding A and B to measured respectively, (below). blade stations forces centrifugal the moment distribu- (above) load aerodynamic a triangular bending flapwise calculated shows the values the predic= computational confirmed in- by the measurements. shows the 3.14 Figure due to moments bending Department by the statistics the By referring the within are cycles corresponding Figs. 3.10 which are ponding within do not far 3.5. shaft the The observed given design the of in the the peak of steel bearing, the zero for 3.I2 3.I4 radius cycles I Moment of inertia , A , R - B m e , R - 7.2 m Table 3.2. one radius 3'108 I'I08- for The peaks of tu 400 kI*, 6'10t, up to corres- measurements so trunnion station shaft at station A Fig. moment d u r i n g corresponding stresses Eccentricity 3.1 3, and in Fiq. ? stop, Fig. 3.10, is C, are given are shown in 3. 2 . Station radius. 42 kNm. These life. are zero assumptions. and the bending Fig. speed flapwise zero to of Thus these life. operational I40 kNm, and the approx. TabIe values in the trunnion Stresses The dimensions of to contradict to operational the 42% of referred the < I% of to shown in values to and 3.I2 referred 364 kNm and an amplitude of values for to wind the Mechanics loads Fi-gures 3.10 of from calculated Fluid of aerodynamic values an average obtains spectrum design I Stress ,-o-4 *4 z ^ I5 0 14 91 3 IO 0 16 72 t q L - At stati-on C the the centrrfugal st - 52-3 3.6 Drivinq Figure for stress force. whlch one blade a normal st'op entirely dominant when the generator trace for the (cf. train Figure 3.17 in blades all enlarged main ref. at clearly lndicates gravity in at shows the Fig. 3.19 for 3.16 pointing period just radius torque in the the gravity forces are stop is 0. 75. grid. the due to others. although Hz is excited The peaks slack these into traces the fourth in the of on the Dower shaft. is forces By comparison of the 3.I (t trace of probably later Fis. shown in in 3.4 M3IA2 one month From Fig. wel-I to 3.18, the due to 3.r7 the 10 kN and 16 kN are respectively, corresponds the Table the value shown shaft. corresponds wel-l- with sj-nus- moment distributi-on horizontal. and backwards, This basically 3.2) . whj-ch corresponds again efficiency Fig. moments shown 21, tj_mes the trace most in-plane driving mode of each period. abnormar gauge on the stop. the are oscillations bl_ade (cf . blade of The traces by the predicted forward agrees the undramatic, 3.1) of .r, 3.4 moment M3lA2 being bottom tensile B m, which 190 kW the power is to read, the before 72 kNm. This shows that the the two when the struts of the addition 40 kNm is From Fig. at B, particular forces amplitude for durinq some mechani-car- probrem, that 3.19 3.2, struts are more detail cusp has developed Figure torque Fiq. in-plane from dj-sconnected B, adjacent a normal superposed cusps of two station is to shows regular bearing moment at Table station fn which operation The figure shaft Hz in-p]ane). this 350-4oo trrx/m2. mode (mode 4 of shows in but is 2.L). compared oidal, stress i-n the and that in-plane is driving sequence. first the tension moments during forces by a tensile stress due to n g trlN/m2. The material is yield shows the and the superposed This the bendinq 3.16 is 30 to torque with power to found during a driving a rotor shaft train recorded of torque for electric and generator the a short force 76 kNm recorded the in at 3 kN of the power this - 31 F - rl I I u ti ll rd C) ! o .tJ 0 ) i i o -( ) i ' i ' d A t r t v ? ah : Rel-ative bendinq flapwise due to Ioad axiallyr distributed Radius, m moment aerodynamic dssurn€d to as a trianol-e. Fiqure 3. 12 be -- - 3 2 i4, i.i'E5'**-f ! : : : ' : a n . : : : : :. : :i;: : : : : i . : : : . i - _ F - - _ ' ' J ' l - . - . -. . . . . - - - - .i . - . .' -.s-.----.' ' lJ- " 2 :_! 1.. :- sI__oO_:? rri___ -', '\ i -::k -.-I ''l- ...nH. .-.-I -r+_{-.__f -q/}:l-.Al----\, - ! . . t o r . \ € . . - Z . :<.-ll'l-.-a : {\ !t : { a I , S{ ; ,\ ....\-.. (J _-. _.::_:. .*--l fi" \:.-:- . :F:}O=+:_-n]:::_1__ :-- -:€CJ-S:y: . .i-.:: :--J:- 5 r--1----<Tl- i . ' - . - . i 1 . . , .i . . ii .- . ' I l z r:=;ffi r . . =-T::=:--T---:.:-:.1 :-. ti -. -. -- .. -. -. -* - r . . .- . *' .. .; . - . . ,. . ' .. i : . l, r l:" l.:: :. -i :_i_' -;_..1-:: - r ' - - r " - :_:j.i-. ' -l- - "-"-1 i ' 'r ;::-:i::r-li- ".' 1 i--l - . - r ' - . i - ; . . . . . i ". - . . . 1 . . 0^ l - ' - ' - i - i" ' r' 1 ;::---'--:*:--::--::1-:-::-:rt . .1 ' . . . : i : . . i : 1 , . I -I::j_ i :l - i._ i . - : €: : . 1 . : , : :i . i : I I to r::':V":-::-t----f i:=:. y::I:il] , | ' r ' . . i 5-:;--!-4;--;' ' l ' - ' 1 " r:- :-:*.--:1- j:I_.:I_:: . " . i ' . ; - ' l: : l. i ' " -qt -;-r:T-:T-:: E l::--J i'::4r:: l : : ' : c\ { ;:.--_x 1 . . . -f . +--l :-11.--'.='.i-=J=-*--'.. , i :l . . : i : ,! :r : . : : : . i :i : -:=':::-:T:-= .. :' :1 :. l - . : : :l :: i :' ':.:. :. 11. .. '. . : ' ! . :::::;:T:-:-::-I-"' - : . . . : . . . . i , . ; , . r . . . . i . . . , r _ _ - r ,. . i .. ; . . . i . . , . . i . . . r" t 2 # ' . ' S, i ' $ .,,,i .:il,ii, $ ,'l Fr, iii,,.. ;'i -;.:ri: : ;.:::i':r:] j l ,,.1:-..,-,. l.::..:J.-:ij,:.i l-. fi , . I r i:i:l -j-_l__t.:..1.,_ _ .i_:::=1 Fiqure 3.14 +F :l.i : : : :: 1 . . i . , ' : - ' . : li ' : i ' . : --+--r,-_ - - 33 (* | /r*hnton ) dian elers \ ou/e, 282 mn I inner 2/o mm \ \ Shaf/ diam32oo/254omm -r x'.1- 0O tl -\ k \ - Beari4g \ N sr. 52-3 I' R. Figure 3.15 iJind SE r-s ,9 , B 5 mm/s Normal- J rt/s. Corrected: B, B m/s LUU ---:-_-- 20 mV/div K3A1 stay forward 50 mV,/div 10 kN ii31A2 Yellow blade shaft -5U -: -1-i 56 rllV,zOlV : ! k3A2 stay backward : Figure 3.16 50 mVldiv l t I q"--r m : i/ ]\T : i t ' fuA. \$q .::"-98- lahlut* I'igure 3.17 25 mmls -"- T r - n i\JA 4 Stay force ' ..: I L"IJ I AZ Driving moment Iigqe_3-:!_ 37 P tl-.1 o ."'l s Lt () (l)+r rn (U 0) Bending rrl from gravity moment blade, on a horizontal c5t kNm *o F z 90 P ci () u bt .rl n () rn /o 8 / 0 Radius, m F_'iqure l_. 19 It be noted shoutd ing in the This forces. tensile tive house This of mom.ent in 3.7. driving Stresses The bending ding to rig. superposed MN./m' at due to stress Fig. gravity moment in 3.19. be could the maximum power. the reason 3.16 seems to bearing a radiaL for the load which abnorma] posi- are there be stickwas trace 3-18. forces due to trunnion The stress from the carries the Fig. of stays that means and therefore unintentional. the both in that is gravity is correspondingly t moment is the driv'i"ng of 37 kNm accor- 24 ItlN,/m2.The order of 14 33 3.8. Deflections 3.20 Figure by the out 3.2. power lated at a pure in Department at case the blade 2. of rotor pondingly in curve The coning effect by for blade Ole a duty The deflected I and for reduces deflection Gunneskov, 609 kW, the is -4o. blade redueed Axial shaft angle maximum axial and the calculated is the of Engineering, tip radial curve blade shows a cal-culation The load the the of Riso, ref. for whlch maximum power cafcu- condition shapes are a bl-ade with the carried tip shown for cone deflection bending moment in the steel 4 0 o / oa s s h o w n i n f i q . 3.2I. shaft angle by is 60 25 % corres- bending moment IkNm] . - . : -. . . - _ ' : . l4aximum o Radial @ Inc1. conditions blade coning effect !n t - stay supporting point R a di u s iml I Turbular Fiqure i I t steel 3 .21 beam - 3 9 ' NIBE I DefIec t ions WINDMILL A '-- :': : Rad i us Operating conditions a t m a x i m u mp o w e r : or= 3.5 tud/=, u = 14 m/s Aerodynamic and centrifugal load without coninq offonf Do. with coninq effect. F-t :*-, Ll A J X O O J O U ) + ) - o c u,+(-'-i : : E rd - fro : -,: -_ : --- Sta;z supporting ...- point . C J o . r l --. :. c) G) .lJ (.f) , ___ lr (d : F , l :..!c --r E-{ : 1,0 Def 1ection Fiqure 3.20 t ml - - 4. A n = U DISCUSSION 4.1. The preliminary measurement system. This ad hoc measurement system was relatively easily established.; the main problem was the influence of the measurement system on some of After the channels separating the turbiners microcomputer. the system from the computer by amptifiers have been no problems in the recording of operational there parameters. by noise The recording of the rotor caused by the long cables occasionally but shared with caused the strain absorbing radio gauge preamplifiers on the preamplifier modifications channels has been hampered instal-l-ation siEnals. This to oscillate, have removed these oscillations. - and still The system has served ing preliminary data used by interested permitting validity wilL early of ideally of suit,ed beyond the while not Therefore on the mod B turbj-ne. than because it frequency 5-15?. is range of the amplitudes of However, the protter standing calculations. better obtainit may be a minjmum of instructions, thus turbine behavior and of the assessments of the design as a means of way. This means that a versatile persons with be estabrished accuracy in serves a similar The penalty The Brush protter able to resolve interest. the records in is is an not frequencies far the wj-nd turbines, are limited has proved reasonabry system to about reliable 5 cm. while several months in an unheated room j_n to record up to 6 channel-s the turbine tower, and its ability simultaneously has proved val_uable. 4.2. unattended for The results The measurement results values. However, they investigated The most a]so good agreement with show some anomarj-es that the predicted shourd be further. pronounced mod A wind are in turbine characteristics as they appear of the stayed, from the measurements sta1l-requlated are: a - 41 are Gravity forces forces. As indicated very important For the role out-of-plane clearly in in the FigkeePing loads it most dominant in-plane 3. 19 the the is in-plane resulting characteristic PlaY a blade moment low. struts for a turbine that during a normal as the mod A turbine coefficients Ftop sequence the blade passes through hiqh lift This means that the blade is exposed to condition. to a stalled loads of the same magnitude as those at high wind speeds ' which is regulated dFE - 4 2 References l.l: V. Askeqaard, C. Dyrbye, S. Gravesen: "Laboratory Tests on Gedser Wind Turbiners Research Laboratory, Structural Technical P. Nielsen: "Measurj-ng Program for Proc. University 1977. of Denmark. Report S 28/7 7 Nov. I.2z Blades". Two Windmills at Nibe, Denmark'. IEA Expert Meeting on LS-WEC's. September 26-27, L979, Boone, North Carolina, 1.3: P. Lundsager, C.J. Christensen, S. Frandsen: "The Measurements on the Gedser Wind Turbine I977-I979". The Wind Power Program of the Electric 1.4: USA. Utilities the Ministry of Commerce and of Denmark, November L979. P. Lundsager, C.J. Christensen, S. Frandsen, S.A. Jensen: "Analvsis of Data from the Gedser Wind Turbine Measurements L977-I979". The Wind Power Program of the Electric 2.Iz Commerce and in Denmark, May 1980. Utilities pe Nibem@ll€ (Measurements 27th of on Nibe 1980. and 28th, Department of Fl-uid A, den 27. og 28. Wind Turbine rn Danish). Mechanics, mod. februar A, AFM Notat February vK-62-800325. Technical the 1980" University Denmark. P. Lundsager, O. Gunneskov: "Stati.c deflection and eigenfrequency wind turbine Riso-M-2199, 3.22 of B. Maribo Pedersen: "M&linger 3.1: the Ministry rotors. Nov. O. Gunneskov, P. "Static Deflection Wind Turbine Risa-M-2200, of the Nibe of the Nibe Background". L979. Lundsager: and Eigenfrequency Rotors. (to Theoretical analysis Analysis appear) . Analysis and Results. A. Appendix A Note about Fatigue Lay-out Rotor rurbine Material the Minimizing Petersen divisj-on of the shown in turbines of feature An obvious the wind Problem Helge by 4'1 Fig. order in blade AI., produces which a blade are to pitch conventional problems design it. in The two Nibe is wind respect' this ,-i:\ -'-l'. B A Fiqure For the mod A the -\ blade is A.1. divided in an outer and an inner part,theouterbtadepartisstructually''Shrunk''tobeableto inner blade pass through the bearing at the end of the fixed For mod B the whole blade blade root and this limits is carried the by a large structural Two other sorutions are shown in Fig. ' n2gtt and Concept " 50" , respectivily bearing blade part' at the diameter' A.2 and A.3, named concept I - 44 I I I Wind I Concept t t2 9 t l Diameter 29 m Generator 250 I rI rr' iv^ ur 1r- g^ I a J - I. z KW r- 4 5 'l \ I I I I t_ -t-r ,V] \;n- I ) V I -I-Jr t l f I r l \li ut \ I I I I I \ \ tt, I I I I I , I I I I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Concept ' r5 0 ' t Diameter 50 m Power 1000 kW Fioure A.3. -:E:.+-- - 4 5 The wind turbine However, the struts outside of placed is hinged the to blade The wind lever in the A.2, are hinged the hub. structure turbine structure Fig. to the blade structure, Still the not is shown in fixed Concept to blade the A.3, blade, has strutted the and the interrupted Fig. "28", hinge root can pitch of the blade this way and bearlnq. "50", hub and surrounded being 9Oo. In by a shaft Concept bl-ades. has a canti- by the hollow I I blade. This As for tj-on the of hub. zero pitch all-ows the blade to tt29tt the bending Concept at the fn the it is to withstand less outer the bearing carrying outer difficult the bearing to fatique around the and increases design loads. carrying member. from posi- I moment decreases end of the member of rr50rr the at the a fixed carrying the member towards bendi-ng moment is towards structure the hub. strong However, enough I 47 PART II: FLAPWISE BLADE VIBRATIONS IN THE NIBE A W]ND TURBINE A T H I G H W I N D S P E E D S . M E A S U R E M E N T S ,A P O S S I B L E E X P L A NATION OF THE PHENOMENONAND THE SUGGESTION OF A MODIFICATION OF THE STAY SYSTEM J -t-r-r- - 4 8 1. Introduction A preliminary obtain measuring checks on the design behavj-our of the commissioning. A series pitch angle series power, has been reported During the the turbine using oscillatj-ons ing 2 Hz of the (Refs. eigenfrequency strip charts possible If tl:e explanation this first test run are rigid is of strong a frequency third m/s, flap- correspond.- fundamental should blades. shown in the mechanism that prove t.hat st.all-regulated relatively run with the range r2-L6 periods system, to the test flapwise 3 and 4) . of explanation conciude system from At wind speeds in were observed at the to maximum 2. 1980 a 24-hour measuring wise blade to Ref. 25i-h,of April preriminary the in of measurements, durj-ng whj-ch the at wj-nd. speeds close in was started. to and to monitor the Nibe wind Turbine 1tA" during of measurements has been reported was varied 24Lh to in order assumptions stall-regurated Ref . L, and a separate brade system has been established A modificat.ion of remedy should note with drives to be correctr wind turbines shown as a possible this a the phenomenon. w€ would ought to have the Nibe ,A, stay the phenomenon prove to be serious. 2. Measurements made 24-25 Aprj_l I980 strip charts measuring the were taken the channel-s listed system as described Brush writer 1. Wi-ndspeed at 2. Active of power in Ref. l. below, The sensors using the coupled to were 58 m height (kW) 3. Out of use 4. Trunnion 5. 6. Fig. moment orange blade rr It rr rt yellow fed 2.L shows the position rr rl of section 2, where the strain gauges are praced. From here the signal preamplifiers amplification 1000x and slip the bottom of the a Brush plotter with at is turbine transferrecl rings tower (cf. via down to Fig. 2.2) - 4 9 On this Hewlet.t-Packard frequency plotter printout for mainly is signal (the static the 20e" of approx. is flapwise fundamental signal. the the each revolution recorded on 24 AprLL 1980. For an upstart 2.4 indicates Fig. and wind shear) forces oscillation f requency) . The dynamic anrplitude average of high wind speeds. The (gravity sinusoidal moment of a trunnion trace at relatively by a two hertz superposed spectra. frequency of a typical earlier aS was recorded (Model 372IA) and an XY- analyzer of shows a record 2.3 Fig. the a was supplemented with the Brush plotter occasion pronounced peak that has one very trace is therefore, this can scarcely slow rotation; j-n the blade. No explanation of this a dynamJ-c effect be called phenomenon has been found, but a possible one is that the present also channel is of at very f rom that deal"t with trace with (above) compared with to the precJ-sely adjusted in dominant entirely trunnion f lapwise eigenfrequency Fig. is when the wind speed is at where oscillations spectrum is Fig. much like that close During in the signal is Fig. shown in the several a 2-Hz flapwise run' at the a time periods 2.5 below. 24-hour minutes oscj-llation, run where the to a power producti-on Lhe blad.es are close of peak at while and the corresponding Lo L5 m/s corresponding a. period however, There are short 2 Hz are dominant, of more than 500 kW, i.e. condiLion. L2 m/s. a sequence of 2.7 illustrates wind speed is approx. 24-hour the not be the rotor of shows a furLher a sequence of of a record could analyzer shown above, spectrum moment spectrum a normal 2.6 the be taken with should the frequency signal; are shown The spectra because the frequency some reservation to a corresponding that The specLra axis. frequency a linear (below). moment signal to the spectrum corresponding frequency the 2.4 of Fig. normai- trunnion is later. 2.5 reproduces Fig. The phenomenon seems to differ earlier" not been recorded has as this as large an offset although level, the signal cause an offset to r:adj-o waves; they will sensitive to a fully stalled Lhe dominant term having a large 7 .fu strain section force A+ T A g A2 I T s AI s Section at blade tip /6m f'rqure z. I + Eentng m)men/ //r' t /q krl/rn , T i c { u r e2 . 3 r_. I - 51 L U rt, cr a rU p) I I bf,i 0 3 9 Fl8fi t! \) 2 6 i$s ,i , d J - ) sa l, ll x o SjH" t.Y E- 'z tlJ ) f g. "H t! J 4 V v ru UJ L. rtr c 2 J c- o U .L o 2 c,L \ l- B z T c! € U < 2 v I I I I i!" I I I L a89 r! - l I n '--- 7 z,n .t( € FJ t' 1l I I llr ji$ t 1 - 1d l l r a / / C- u; x f s rul jt / ul -] J O 2 0 fs L TF rElSIlFElElFqrFFTrt-' " 1-'-Tfrl I r.{ ',-.1r"' ',rs.|#lr I rlrJ rtl 5 rnra,/s - - I I I ffi W fi-e-u-!s-aA F Frekvens Hz Frekvens Hz Piqure 2.5 ;.) E -**n y'i l ncl l I t: J ^^ /rrrrir/ > +__ '*-_=.-_-_._- , i . t tz n : rllaCe 2 (R) r :i , i u r e 2.:r ( '11+ll!ti1!$ltII]LFIU li+ lllu "l! 125 rarn/min : +-+_-{- ' - n--- , : : i l . r ----j- *1-*--1---1---1-: : r r i l r . - i : ' -*t- t -----r-i---]-T-'1*-i! j l i I + i r ' . j i l : : i i i i ! , i -+--i-i. t ! , l i*-:-r- I t l r l l . : ; t r l 66.4 l<Nrn 22^3 i---l--- 6 9. 9 ;'iqurg ?J ],rr! tr{r#r+r#fd + L &- h h AlLhough Figs. amplitude. 2.6 and 2.7 are taken at different paper speeds the character are clearly different 2.8i figure. rotor a normal In the is however, in to Fig. spectrum is 2.7 is two figures shown in shown below in the above part spectrum below the rotational just the from each other. The spectrum corresponding Fig. the signals of visible; the flapwj-se frequency fundamental of the of the frequencies, are dominant. ^ n J I v.ll4r/ ^ Fiq.2.8. Table 2.L shows a survey of phenomenon shown in Fig. amplitudes d.uring that are signals of Fig. is clearly associated significant,ly normaL operation. SignaI fig. 2.7 the kw 2 . 5 larger than 2.3 to the with l40ment middrampl. f ampl/stat I11t 19 kitlm 0.17 L70 67!50 kNm 0.74 2.6 490 92!33 kNm 0.36 2.7 570 9L!40 kNm 0.44 2.1. Survey of trunnion moments. The dynamic amplj-tudes However, 2.4 Table 2.7. - 5 1 operation. normal same as during the maximum moments are the so that lowerr are correspondingly averages static the to those at windspeeds similar present during the measurement series reported in Ref ' 2, where the the phenomenon was not observed. However, at that location and the degree lower than on 25 April, wind speeds were s1ightly observed phenomenon is This of turbulence In the gated as a possible freedom model for ree of 1e One possible to a simple are they that is vibrations. stall-induced possibilit'y, this investigate i.e. flutter, stall oscillationq stall-induced the oscillations of explanation caused. by so-called In order oscillations. the of explanation investi- are vibrations stall-j-nduced sections following si lower. was markedlY one degree of so that the principal freedom model has been established.r and compared with of the phenomenon may be investigated features the measured response of In this induced turbine. a. The air flow vefocity v' is parallel this is lowest c. supposed to have one degree of freeto the rotor plane. The reason for ej-genmode for flapwise load on the blade dependencY wise linear this way the is on the supposed to rest a single on the blade' supposed to have a Pieceangle of j-ncidence. In equation of motion term of the incidence is computed directly load consLant axis. rotor the mechanism is that The wind the to dom, perpendicular are: homogeneous, and has the laminar, movement is The tip assumptions simplifying The most important stallwind of a stall-regulated tip a blade of oscillations descri-be that are derived equations the chapt,er turbine. the is I inearized. d. The angle of speed vrr. The reason where the phenomenon is aerodynamic factor for efficiency therefore is this is that at from the wind the power level the assumed to be significant, j-nduction is small and the axial correspondingly small- L d!-- - e. 58 The development is based tip. for this The reason displacement deflections We consider largest with rotation of velocity vector the the the tip; or Conf igurat.ion the blade therefore not the as the the tip phenomenon occurs. 3.1. of blade tip. that translational of l-oad as well as shown in Fig. shows the blad.e tip x-direction deflection that. whether a configuration 3 .I. is at determine Fiq. The figure is on the moves in velocity the positive v* due to the the rotor. The tip is infruenced by the wind speed Vn, acting j-n t.he positive y-direction. The tip has the pitch angle oo rerative to the rotor plane, and the relative wind rt is i' has the angle assumed that the y-direction movement (i.e. following /Vn 0 = l ' " \tn The first stationary attack brade defl-ectj-ons onry, and by including assumingi that relation of is y is not o to the cause the tip tip chord. to move in the velocity smarl v of this compared. to vrr) the obtained: (r) - J _ V m term corresponds conditions, due to oscillat,ions. to while Thus, the angre of the attack second term is a during the change in g f - s9 V - d LI L V L I - - v The load The tip na = m m ! - o actj-ng on the blade is the description structural Eq. (2) depends on y. y. that This lj-near equatj-on (3) to couples is coupling load shown in Fiq. reaListic the with fundamental based on the frequency 0J7 6,and the load p(cl), and that due Thus the linear equation (3) has a load the because of solution by introducing linearized This Fig . 3.2. O one for curves 3.2. a tip curve 3.3. the piecewise form is linear oi), a load. The load assumption it then becomes (4) oiloloi+r, - Pi) / @t*, dependency on as can be seen by comparing where = (Pi*t the l----- Piecewise profile, in Fig. ni (o) = - i 0 * b i .i o. damping ratio the term of Zeui+tizy= P(cr) i+ i.e. by the described movement is j-s a f unction tip and E** - 50 = b. p . - I I . a,'c!, I I a. + (2eu * where the the velocit.ies (6) (cl-oi) 'vm. = Yi (s) C!.(O[(C!.,r, to cri correspond (3) we find Eq. into = ar6+b, * )my * r ' y limits (4) load Eq. the By introducing (5) is Thus,Eq. Yi- 1 Y ' range the velocity Yi+I' tfre time V! ana V! at (5) has the solution values Assuming initial Eq. interval in valid Bit y = y= * Ci" to, in this (7) "o" (urrt.-Q), where v^ = (' a . c lr + br . ) / u z ul , ry R "i g + u i /u ^ l- A ' l - ( v ! - v = 1s g L t o T c o s( o i t o - o i ) ]. If is a, for gi and negative Lras a sufficiently be negatj-ve, to damped but This a r c t a n f , 6 o L /t v ! - v = ) - B i ) / u i ) ,ito _ (8) the Lf the angle of attack Ioad curve each period energy is damping, in this numerical interval value is not increasing. means that where the solution large Fig. 3.2, consists into blade enters cr,pendle stationary of a part a di-splacement across negative the movement,. and a part where energy is taken the maximum of oscillations with pattern with may occur in which damping Bi, positive from the movement. the where 61 With a load movement cannot part of shown in Fig. as that the increase curve with movement. Therefore, 3.2 the amplitudes arbitrarily, positive of the because the damping on the slope will the term stall take flutter is energy from the not indicative of I It l - f . + . + I ' t l ' f _J 'qr c .\ ' l - 1 o ; r ; --i ' T o o V1 : f I -T--1 i : I Li__l $ a^-2 qr U >' o ^ o -.J d F < -.4 -20 -3? Fig. 3.3. 4415, that Aerodynamic is, 18 m, 2 m from efficient when it 8 0 8 Seclpn onqle of ottock, oe, deq the tip coefficients profile the blade Cl versus tip. the angle has some specifi-ed for for the blad.e profile the Nibe turbines The curve A shows the of attack o for roughness close this at NACA radius lift co- profile, to the leadj-ng edge. L--- _-A - 6 7 the mechanism limited The which of stationary oscillations of amplitude. equations solves the given consists an shown above equat,j-on initial- movement is In the into program pl.acement v (3) that simulation. a number if the program The blad.e over tip and. then of rf oscirlation dies in the following the l-oad corresponding to way: down a static It is dis- rs (a) J ]oad distribution speed v. appried the 5 the wind wind is revolutions i , i p^ = ir)-y^. - that oscillation. j-s a p p l i e d load a FORTRAN IV velocity, determine a stat,ionary in and,/or stepwise to the seen from Eq. I by dispracement large develops coded motion descrj-bed suffici-entry or of are is calculated, on a finite for this the actual blade at a given wind road d.istribution may be element model of the brade whereby the tip d.ispracement vj may be found. By means of Eq. (g) the load to be used in bire dimensionless Eq. (3) may be determined. If this is repeat.ed for a number of wind speeds the load curve Fig. 3.2 may be described at the degree of sophistication that is jud.ged to be necessary. Cal-culated rn this results chapter for a dut eond.ition some results are shown that are computed using the model for a pitch angle oo = -4 deg corresponding to the setting at high wind speeds. The wind load. is prescribed. as described in Chapter 3 with a wind load distribution taken from Ref. 5, and with described tip deflections computed by the beam model 3. The resurting wind road is shown in Fig. in Ref. 4.r. rn Fig . 4 -2 some results made for structural in varying damping is the model, with wind absorute some reservation. general conclusions are shown from a seri-es of calculations speed vrr. The influence of the ratio c of shown. Due to the simplifications inherent varues of However, given below. the results it should seems reasonable be taken to draw the - 63 With (i.e. a smooth load curve pronounced oscillations may occur stall-induced stationary corners), a curve without wind speed v3" This wind speed n reaches most probably corresponds to that at which the stall ' r A ' r turbine. which j-s 13-15 mrls for the Nibe the blade tip, spontaneously at When stationary a large a well-defined oscillations magnitude, rises and it speed. Oscillatj-ons may occur is load the Fig. case for 4.I. However, this magnitude that is Most probably, a limited of wind at wind speeds nelow vfl, which curve indicated with considerable, dotted lines dj-sturbancies for especially in of a the smooth curve. conditions these under realistic j-n a range of wind. speeds of periodically around. vf,, preferably mutually gust. The patterns different, in by a gust, may be initiated by another although increasing is therefore, extent oscj-Ilations with demands initial may occur oscillations again the the dynamj-c amplitude occur turbulent wind. The and they may be stopped shown in Fig. are expected 2.6 and 2.7, to be typical for this phenomenon. Changes j-n the only a small load curve determined oscillations darnping within structural influence has a large on the results, while The wind infl-uence. by the maximum of realistic the curve, the lirn-its shape of speed rf, =""*" the magnitude but have the to be of the the curve seems to depend on the sharpness of the maximum. If has a jump as indicated. in Fig. 4.I, the phenomenon may occur in in Fig. large 4.2. start,ing scarcely take a significantly If the curve amplitudes larger wind speed range as indicated has a plat.eau at are required the maxi:num such that the phenomenon will place. (.rxro) { Fiq. 4.1. B ) t---.-- Wind load applied in the mod.el. L- -'+-- v = Lr> (.) lp.: o.2 (o) afls = o'ls -'--. (x) eA -- o.\0 { \ \ tri b (Ir)2,3=o.Z q \ I / / , at \ ot /{ i! iP I'/ r1fo' t { ' Ej.q. 4.2. A gross est,imate Results of the tip measured moment amplitudes moment at for { { I pitclr^ an91e. oo = -4 deg. deflections wind speeds is to Fig . 3.2 of Part r corresponds of approx. to the The average 100 kNm, which, according to a tip d . e ft e c t i o n of the magnitude 40 kNm therefore order correspond may be made as forlows: high order that 0.6 m. The moment amplitude of the magnitude corresponds to displacement amplitudes of the 0.25 m, while of 0.40 m. Fig. 4.2 predicts d.ispracement amptitudes L - 65 range seem to since the on the velocity ment be most seem to of angle probable for occur of the maximum; of influence attack, displace- the vibratj-ons stal1-induced wind stall-regulated the turbines blades. flexible havinq on the based is mechanism sharpness of the with increase will the maximum; t'he size speeds around wind of range i n a most probably a maximum, the vibrationg is there wind- load. has axial the sPeed; wind a certain a maximum at if may occur vibrations stall-induced are on Lhrese calculations based The conclusions of measured results 5. Evaluation shows the magnitudes Fig. 5.1 fig. 2.3 and Fig. of moments t.he measured trunnion 2.7 and Table 2.L. The magnitudes are shown in the so-called to those predicted computationally relative published in Ref. 4 and originally "Belastni-nger p& rotorblao' rotor A'r in a note AFM VK-22-780108 ("Loads on rotor blade, rotor A"). Here the spectrum is converted Ioad moments. to trunnion It duty condition with the load from those should is cycles This in not wiII is this T h e steel as such incl-uded be considered therefore the assumed that 2? of approx. that, are 2.7 have characteristics found j-n the load spectrum. This 1n the evaluation t.he spectrum Lf it 500 kW' agree weII spectrum. because t.hey are and they approx. moments of Fig. The trunnion d.ifferent of aL a power output the normal 2.3, moments of Fig. the trunnion appears that able with dealt spectrum, the time be approx. case the 2L0 m m , r e s p e c t i v e l y r as loads Lhe lif etime spectrum, to be added to of the blades. 2.7 occur moments of Fig. in the nrunlcer of such moment -operation 106 per year or 3.107 d.uring 30 years. the corresponding stresses trunnion trunnion load the reason- of if significant of in is has the should outer so that are high; stresses be evaluated. and inner diameters the cross-sectional 282 mm and moment of I-*. - --,.+-- - 6 6 inertia is smallest 2.r5.10-4 trunnj-on taken, leading ) 33 N,/run-. This a large rf to the correspond.ing judged to reduce the are and if suppress the oscillations, fication of by stays it therefore is are 86 N,/^m2 and range cannot be considered cycles. drasticafly, small expected considered for such lifetime desirable to may be done by means of a modisystem as shown in Fig . 5.2. A point on the stay the blades stresses stress results and the moments, 131 klrlm and 51 klrlm, respectively, number of these m4. From Tabre 2.L the rargest near the it tip at radius 18 m is connected to the hub pointing forward. rf this is done, it wirl seem naturar at the same time to j-nterconnect the blades by means of stays as shown in the figure. By doing this, the oscillating roads due to gravity forces may be significantly red.uced. 6. Conclusion measurements on the Nibe 'A1' wind turbine 24 and 25 April 1980, using the preriminary measurement system, flapwise oscillations were observed at a frequency of 2 Hz and with During significantly trunnion. large amplitud.es of The oscj-Ilations power output NNE; the was rather to more than one minute one possibre explanation stall-induced stationary tions using are givenand that a simple this be expect,ed for a. were observed. is that the oscillations, show that ph-enomenon is and results the in turbulent from computa- model of be the case then the Nibe 'A,, wind. turbine: should caused by such oscillations should The oscillations especially 500 kw and. above. wind directi-on was turbulent. Durations from a few seconds one degree-of-freedom The results if r5O kNm in the steel periodically at wincl speed.s occurred 13-16 m/s at air the order be expected a blade tip are possible, forlowing to occur wind at a power output ought to period.ically, above 500 kw. b. The observed amplitudes immed.iate danger for the fatigue for life of t5O kl{rn do not t,he rotors. should However, be considered. represent the any implicatj-ons - 6 1 c. A n extension 1 5 m/s If the oscillations these pressed should of the operational be accompanied by measurements. prove to be a problem, by means of a modification blade tips are connected means of additional wind speed range above stays. of the to each other they may be sup- stay system, and to the whereby hub by L*- ---]-f-- - 58 0o \ N \ \s \ h \ Tapnomenl,k[VmR Signal //g. 2.3 Signal ftg. 2.7 Ejs-urs-J--l t_ - 6 9 \-_ -_._-__ - -"-..-=- V;nge i s/arls/i//r'ng Korde O.Em ; radi us Ro/orplan $ q) V'nge i bremses/i//ing I'i.gure 5.2 \ qJ tt =:- L-7C References. t . P . L u n d s a g e Lr H . P e t e r s e n . "Preliminary results from blade load measurements for Paper presented at 4th expert N i b e r r A r rw i n d t u r b i n e " . meeting "Rotor fatigue design problems". special Blade Technology with Stockholm April respect the to 21nd and 22nd 1980. B.l'laribo Pedersen. "Melinger pA llibe molle A den 27. og 28. februar (Measurementson the Nibe A windmill' february 1980". 27. og 28. 1980. In Danish). AFMnote VK-62-800325, Dept. of F1uid Mekanik, Techncal University ? of Denmark. P.Lundsag€r, O.Gunneskov. "static and eigenfrequency analysis deflection Nibe wind turbine rotors. Theoretical of the background". Risa-M-2199, November 1979. I A I H.Peter sen. "Rotorkonstruktionen elverkerne". for (The rotor erected by the electric r de to Nibe Vindmoller opfort af design for the two Nibe windmills utilities. In Danish) B.ivlaribo Petersen m.f I "status for molle A". ,rauau= for windmill A. In Danish) A F I I n o t e V K - 5 2 - 8 0 0 3 2 5 , D e p t . o f F l u i d t { e k a n ik , T e c h n i c a l University of Denmark. 1 R i s s - M -G l Riss National Laboratory I col I Lnl a ntl I nil t_l * Title and author(s) The dynanic wind o & the of staIl-regulated Depa::tment, or )epartrnent of rhysics and S.Frandsen H. Petersen' Sroup' s own registration number ( s ) pages + tv tables 't illustrations Abstract I Copies to The report is in two parts. In the first part I the prelirninary measureinent systen used is described, and a survey of the measurementsmade I |I I t h e e n d o f t ' 4 a r c h1 9 8 0 i s g i v e n ' R e s u l t s I " t l m e a s u r e m e n t s t h e r v i t h c o n c e r n e d p r e s e n t e d are torver eigenfrequencies, eigenfrequencies of the I of bothl stationary rotor and the characteristics until f lapv;ise bending liroments. The f indings are com- | I pared with the design assutnptions' and the agreel found to be good. In the second part blade the possible occurrence of stall-induced vibrations is investigated. Vibrations with ments is flapping one degree of eigenfrequency are reported freedo:n model with pendent load is presented. and a velocity-de- Calculated results are shown v.rith agree reasonabl-y well with A possible rnodificatio measured characteristics. of group stall vibrations. P.Lundsag€r, first 19 B 1 A l4easurements and a model for i .l November behaviour turbine. induced UALE the stay sYstem is suggested. Risd National Availa.cle on request from Risd Library, Fors@gsanleg RisO), Laborabory (Risd Bibliotek), DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark Telephone: (03) 37 L2 12, ext. 2262. Telex: 43116 I I
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