College Hill Church of Christ 7447 N. College Circle North Richland Hills, Texas 76180-6298 [email protected] Office: 817-281-8334 Information Line: 817-281-0338 Web Address: Sermon Notes: . ““T Thhee M Maaggnniiffiicceenntt D Deeffeeaatt”” G Geenneessiiss 3322::2222--3322 Schedule of Services: Sunday Bible Class: 9:00 a.m. Worship: 10:00 a.m. Evening: 5:00 p.m. Wednesday First Service: 5:30 p.m. Second Service: 7:00 p.m. Children’s Class: 7:00 p.m. Ladies Bible Class 10 a.m. Recorded Sermons: Visit our webpage: College Hill Church of Christ ORDER OF WORSHIP (October 12, 2014) Ethan Adams – Song Leader Mark Samsill – Welcome & Prayer Song # 660 “There is a Habitation” Song “Here I Am To Worship” Jack Bauer – Scripture (1 Corinthians 1:27-31) Song # 137 “Fairest Lord Jesus” Ron Baxter - Lord's Supper Song # 213 “He Gave Me a Song” Ron Baxter – Offering Song # 839 “When All of God’s Singers Get Home” Stephen Mead – Sermon Thank you for being with us in worship. Our desire is to please the Lord Jesus Christ and God the Father, honoring them as they have asked of us in scripture. “The Magnificent Defeat” Song # 612 “Take My Life, and Let It Be” Mark Samsill– Shepherd's Prayer Song # 138 “Farther Along” Jarvis Bull - Prayer Communion Daniel Keller Eldon Keller Brandon Lee Melvin Lewis Michael Little Clayton Lopez Jon Lopez Michael Marcum Spencer Marcum Jerry Nations Nursery Pam Almand Susan Lee Assisted Living Keith Pickett Jessy Wright PRAYER CONCERNS Euna Rhea has severe leg and foot pain due to circulation problems. She is in need of prayers and encouragement. Aline Reed is not well. Prayers are requested. Denise Dorsett is waiting for the results of her biopsy. Roxie Hammons was scheduled to be moved to a facility on Friday. Her condition has not changed and the prognosis is not good. Jeannie Looney, mother of Travis Owens, had a biopsy Friday for a mass on her pancreas. Prayers requested. Cards may be mailed to her at 7306 HollyOak Dr. Tyler, TX 75703. Eura Hinson, twin sister of Euna Rhea, fell and broke her hip. She is back at her assisted living facility but needs our prayers. She also has dementia. Twyla Keller, mother of Eldon Keller, was scheduled for thyroid surgery Wednesday but was in a car accident and will have to reschedule. She and Eldon’s dad are bruised and sore. Alyssa Ferguson, granddaughter of Vivian Ferguson, is waiting for MRI results and prayers are requested that it will not show any new growths. CONTINUING CONCERNS Tiffany Cromwell, Sue Benton, Larry Harp, Precious Cabrera, Aida Stolle, Carl Jennings, brother of Alvin Jennings, Randy James, father of Jon James, Gary Elliott, brother of Ann Bauer, Nathan Matlock, Ukrainian People, and our many loved ones battling cancer, and our shut-ins. OUR NEWS Members & Visitors Please Fill Out Attendance Cards & Put in the Collection Plates Directory Picture Updates: Swing by and get your picture made today or October 26th ! after morning service in the Communion Prep Room in the Hallway on the North side of the Auditorium. New Updates coming! Make sure your new picture is included. Ladies Bible Class is each Wednesday morning at 10 a.m. Go to for a detail of class & visitation dates. Childcare is available. “Piece Makers” Ladies Quilting” will meet Monday and Tuesday, October 20th & 21st, in the fellowship hall at 9 a.m. Mission Committee Meeting is Saturday, October 25th, at 5:30 p.m. at the Wolford’s home for anyone interested in helping. See Greg or Tammy if you have questions. Directory Changes: Greg Wolford- Phone number change: 817-637-8349. Wednesday Night Service Change: Starting this week, Clinton & Dana Pierce- Address change- 3937 Larkspur Drive, Haltom City, TX 76137. October 15th, we will provide two services due to the change of the seasons. Listed below is the schedule for Wednesday Nights: Albert & Denise Dorsett- delete home number. They use their cells listed in the directory. Wednesday Fest for October 15th is Homemade Lasagna. It is served from 5:45 to 6:45 p.m. Prices for Adults are $4 & children $2.50. Drink & Dessert included. Visitors are invited to come & eat free. SUNSET SUNDAY: On November 9th, Chris Swinford will be here to speak about SIBI. During the morning worship service we will take up the annual collection to help Sunset as they send out preachers to spread the Gospel. Prayerfully consider how you can help in this great ministry. 5:30 p.m. First Worship Service Begins. 5:45 to 6:45 p.m. Wednesday Fest Meals served. 7:00 p.m. Second Service Begins and Children’s Bible Hour & Class for 3 years through 5th grade. Harold & Theda Walling are reported as being well and enjoying life in Paris, TX. See Hans or Mary Wasner for more info. Trunk R Treat: Sunday, October 26th, after evening services in the back parking lot, Hot Dogs, Bounce Houses and Games will be provided. Plan to stay and provide treats (prepackaged candy or treats) to the kids and fellowship with one another. Candy Donations and 16oz Soft Drink bottles, & 1 Old Car Tire for the games are requested. Please place your donations in the back foyer in the brown box. Pick up flyers in the foyers and Invite your friends & neighbors! Remember this is an Outreach Event: If you are willing to be dedicated to meeting & talking with visitors about College Hill see Ethan Adams! Christ Haven Children’s Home Grocery Pick Up will be Tuesday, November 4th, at 9 a.m. Please place the following donated grocery items in the WHITE BOX in the back foyer: Paper Towels, Canned Carrots, Toilet paper (2 ply), Jams & Jelly, Tide Laundry (Liquid), Honey Nut Cheerios, Body Wash (Liquid), Velveeta Cheese, Mouth Wash (Mint), Pop Tarts, Shampoo, Peanut Butter, Baby Diapers (2, 3, &4), Snacks of any kind, Hand Sanitizer, Ritz Crackers. Elections will be held November. 4th in the fellowship hall. YOUTH ACTIVITIES FALL FESTIVAL / TRUNK R TREAT: Sunday, October 26th. All youth will be needed to help set up and run the activities. Let Ethan Adams know how you can help!
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