MiFID 2: IMPLICATIONS FOR BVI, CAYMAN ISLANDS, GUERNSEY AND JERSEY (AND OTHER THIRD COUNTRY) FIRMS OCTOBER 2014 CORPORATE W W W.C A R E YO L S E N .C O M B R I T I S H V I RG I N I S L A N D S C AY M A N I S L A N D S GUERNSEY JERSEY C A P E TOW N LO N D O N 1 / SEPTEMBER 2014 | MiFID 2: Implications for Guernsey, Jersey, Cayman & BVI (and other third country) firms INTRODUCTION The Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (“MiFID”) is a European Union law that aims to harmonise the regulation of investment services across the member states of the European Economic Area and came into effect from 1 November 2007. Following the 2008 financial crisis, amendments to MiFID became the focus of tighter regulatory controls. On 2 July 2014, a revised MiFID entered into force and consisted of a recast Directive (MiFID 2) and a new Regulation (MiFIR). Over the next two years, EU member states will transpose the new rules which will be applicable from 3 January 2017. Both these level 1 texts will be supplemented by delegated and implementing acts and technical standards which will set out the detailed rules for certain areas. MiFID 1: NO CURRENT PASSPORT REGIME Guernsey, Jersey, BVI and Cayman Island firms are treated as non-EU “third country” firms by the EU. Access to EU markets is currently not harmonised under MiFID. Each member state decides its own regulations regarding access subject to certain EU Treaty principles and provided that a third country firm should not receive more favourable treatment than an EU firm. There is no “passport” by which a third country firm can establish an authorised branch in one EU member state and then provide those services in another EU member state. Each member state may require a new authorisation. MiFID 2/MiFIR: PASSPORT AVAILABLE TO ACCESS ELIGIBLE COUNTERPARTIES AND CERTAIN PROFESSIONAL INVESTORS For the first time, MiFIR allows third country firms to provide investment services or perform activities directly to “eligible counterparties” and “per se professional clients” (as defined in MiFID 2) throughout the EU. Under MiFIR, these firms may do so without necessarily having to establish a branch in an EU member state provided that: • the European Commission has determined that the firm’s country has a relevant legal and supervisory regime broadly equivalent to the EU’s • the firm applies to and is registered by the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) as a permitted third country firm. ESMA registration requires that: • the firm is authorised to provide the relevant investment services or activities in the jurisdiction of its head office • co-operation arrangements exist with the relevant third country. PASSPORT USING AN EU BRANCH Where a third country firm has established an authorised branch in an EU member state and that firm is established in a country with an EU Commission recognised MiFID equivalent regime, then the firm can provide its investment services to eligible counterparties and professional clients (within Section 1 of Annex 2) throughout the EU without having to establish further branches. There would also be no requirement for the branch to register with ESMA provided the branch complied with MiFID’s cross-border information requirements. 2 / SEPTEMBER 2014 | MiFID 2: Implications for Guernsey, Jersey, Cayman & BVI (and other third country) firms BRANCH NEEDED FOR RETAIL AND ELECTIVE PROFESSIONAL INVESTORS Under MiFID 2, an EU member state may require a third country firm, that wishes to access that state’s retail investors (or retail clients who elect to be considered professionals under Section 2, Annex 2, MiFID 2) to: • establish a branch in that state • be authorised by that member state’s competent authority in accordance MiFID 2 rules implemented by that member state. Furthermore the relevant member state’s authority may need to be satisfied that: • the third country firm is appropriately authorised in its home country (eg. Guernsey) • co-operation arrangements are in place between the EU member state and the firm’s country • the firm has adequate regulatory capital • the firm’s senior management systems and controls are sufficient • the firm belongs to an EU authorised or recognised investor compensation scheme. As each EU member state may decide whether or not to have this branch requirement, there is therefore no MiFID 2 passport available to a third country firm with an authorised branch in one EU member state wishing to provide services to retail and elective professional investors in another member state. MiFID 2 does not clarify the access requirements for third country firms seeking access to retail clients in a member state which has no branch requirement. OWN EXCLUSIVE INITIATIVE The MiFID and MiFIR restrictions do not apply where a third country firm provides its services at the ‘own exclusive initiative’ of the prospective client. 3 / SEPTEMBER 2014 | MiFID 2: Implications for Guernsey, Jersey, Cayman & BVI (and other third country) firms CONTACT US For further information or professional advice please contact our lawyers below. BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS T +1 284 494 430 HB Chambers, Rodus Building, Road Reef Marina, PO Box 3093, Road Town, Tortola, VG 1110, British Virgin Islands CLINTON HEMPEL Partner T+1 27 21 813 6595 [email protected] CAYMAN ISLANDS T +1 345 749 2000 PO Box 10008, Willow House, Cricket Square, Grand Cayman, KY1-1001, Cayman Islands JARROD FARLE Y NICK BULLMORE T+1 345 749 2004 [email protected] T+1 345 749 2012 [email protected] Managing Partner Partner ANTHONY MCKENZIE Partner T+1 345 749 2001 [email protected] 4 / SEPTEMBER 2014 | MiFID 2: Implications for Guernsey, Jersey, Cayman & BVI (and other third country) firms CONTACT US GUERNSEY T +44 (0)1481 727272 Carey House PO Box 98 Les Banques St Peter Port Guernsey GY1 4BZ Channel Islands CHRISTOPHER ANDERSON Partner ANDRE W BOYCE Partner T+44 (0)1481 741537 [email protected] T+44 (0)1481 732078 [email protected] TOM CARE Y DAVID CROSL AND T+44 (0)1481 741559 [email protected] T+44 (0)1481 741556 [email protected] GR AHAM HALL BEN MORGAN T+44 (0)1481 732028 [email protected] T+44 (0)1481 741557 [email protected] Partner Partner Partner Partner EMMA RUSSELL Partner T+44 (0)20 7614 5628 [email protected] 5 / SEPTEMBER 2014 | MiFID 2: Implications for Guernsey, Jersey, Cayman & BVI (and other third country) firms CONTACT US JERSEY T +44 (0)1534 888900 47 Esplanade St Helier Jersey JE1 0BD Channel Islands GUY COLTMAN NICOL AS CROCKER T+44 (0)1534 822289 [email protected] T+44 (0)1534 822409 [email protected] PETER GERMAN MIKE JEFFRE Y T+44 (0)1534 822372 [email protected] T+44 (0)1534 822370 [email protected] SIMON MARKS ROBERT MILNER T+44 (0)1534 822252 [email protected] T+44 (0)1534 822336 [email protected] JAMES MULHOLL AND DANIEL O’CONNOR T+44 (0)1534 822369 [email protected] T+44 (0)1534 822249 [email protected] ALE X OHLSSON ROBIN SMITH T+44 (0)1534 822365 [email protected] T+44 (0)1534 822264 [email protected] Partner Partner Partner Partner Partner Partner Partner Partner Partner Partner AL AN STE VENS Partner (LLP) T+44 (0)20 7614 5620 T+44 (0)1534 822422 [email protected] Please note that this briefing is only intended to provide a very general overview of the matters to which it relates. It is not intended as legal advice and should not be relied on as such. © Carey Olsen 2014 6 / SEPTEMBER 2014 | MiFID 2: Implications for Guernsey, Jersey, Cayman & BVI (and other third country) firms
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