CNIA AREA ACCENTS A confidential newsletter, published by the officers of the California Northern Interior Area (CNIA), a General Service Area of Alcoholics Anonymous. Articles appearing in the Accents are the opinions of their authors. Only actions of the Area Committee or Area Assembly speak for CNIA as a whole. In accordance with the Group Conscience of the CNIA Assembly, first and last names are published. Thus, respect the spirit of Tradition 11 when utilizing this newsletter. VOLUME 40 CONTENTS Notice of Venue Change 1 Written Translation Committee: Help us translate the diverse voices of our Area 2 Mini-PRAASA Agenda 3 Chair’s Report 3 Assembly Minutes (Unapproved) 4-8 Liaison/ Appointed Chairs’/ Officers’ Reports 4-5 District Reports 5-6 Old/New Business 7 Delegate’s Report 7-8 Area Inventory Questions 8 Mental Health Literature Motion 9-10 Written Translations Appoint Chair Proposed Job Description 10 Financial Report and Proposed 2015 Spending Plan 11-14 Mini-PRAASA Assembly Flyer 15-16 Winter Assembly Flyer 17-18 CNIA Contact Information 19 CNIA 2014/2015 Calendars 20 ISSUE 10 OCTOBER 2014 MINI PRAASA ASSEMBLY VENUE CHANGE Ladies and Gentlemen: Please be advised that Placer and Eldorado counties are in crisis due to the King Fire. As a result, the El Dorado County Fairgrounds will be used as evacuation and a command post for our weary fire fighters and displaced families. Our Mini PRAASA venue will not be available October 17-19. However, due to the excellent hard work of the Mini PRAASA Committee and DCM, a new venue has been secured: COLD SPRINGS GOLF COURSE 6500 CLUBHOUSE DR PLACERVILLE, CA 95657 There are a few updates and changes to be aware of: Please prepare to carpool as parking is limited-let us observe our 2nd legacy of Unity! The Best Western is still in close proximity, however, due to the fact over 7000 Firefighters are in Placer and Eldorado counties right now, there are probably not a lot of rooms available. If you need overnight accommodations please let us know. The meal offerings have changed due to no outside catering allowed. The Golf Course is providing lasagna for dinner, with a vegetarian and a meat sauce choice along with salad. With the short notice we received, and length of our event, we are extremely lucky to be in a venue with warmth and comfort that weekend! Thank you for your understanding and kind concerns. In the Spirit of a recent Grapevine quote “Through the Twelve Steps I was shown how to sweep aside the primacy of concern with self, to discard the selfishness and arrogance that stood in the way. All these were obstacles to love, and as I began to learn to turn my life and will over to God as I understood him, the first faint glimmerings of humility began to appear.” In True Gratitude and Love for Service, Your Alternate Chair CNIA 07 Nancy McOwen 916-698-0541 California Northern Interior Area (CNIA) Written Translation Committee: Help us translate the diverse voices of our Area As an Area, we have made a commitment to translate our meetings and written material into Spanish so our Spanishspeaking community can participate fully in our Area business. As well as a verbal translation committee that provides simultaneous translation of the Assemblies, Area Committee Meetings, and other events, we have a written translation committee that translates the Accents, service material, flyers, and all of the other documents produced by the Area. It also serves as a resource for the districts, so that their flyers, reports, and other documents are translated as needed. The task of translating our written material is getting bigger all the time, as we do a better job of truly meeting our commitment to ensuring everything available in English is also available in Spanish. We need help. If you are bilingual, please consider joining the written translation committee. Our diversity of experience is one of the most beautiful things about Alcoholics Anonymous and our Area. It is vital that our Spanish-speaking members get to fully participate in discussions and be a part of the Area group conscience. Working on written translations is one part of enabling that participation, and making sure the diverse voices of our Area are heard. We cannot meet our commitment without the help of our bilingual members, especially those from the linguistic districts. Programs such as Google Translate garble even the most basic sentences in standard English. They certainly can't translate the language of the heart that we use in AA and general service. I am currently coordinating the committee and all written translations for the Area. I accepted this commitment at the begining of the panel when Rodney, our Translation Chair, and Luz Maria, our past Translation Chair, called me to ask for help. My first instinct was to say no. Luz Maria talked to me patiently and explained what was needed. I said yes by the end of the conversation because I love Alcoholics Anonymous, general service, and Area 07. And because I know it's important that all members of Area 07, including our Spanish-speaking members, are truly included. So I said accepted, but I was scared. I was scared I didn't speak Spanish well enough. I was worried my translations wouldn't make sense and that our Spanish-speakers wouldn't get the quality of translation they deserved. I was scared I would make a fool out of myself and I was worried what everyone would think about me. I thought I didn't have the vocabulary for general service-- I had never read the entire Big Book or the Service Manual in Spanish. Doing my first few translations, I was panicked, my head was spinning, and I felt sick to my stomach. As usual, I found that I was reacting out of self-centered fear. And I found that I had to do it anyway and that there was a solution. The good thing about written translation is that I could work at my own pace. I looked words and phrases up in the Service Manual, in the Big Book, on the AA website (, and in past issues of the Acentos. I asked for help. Just the other day, I had to ask someone how to translate "sponsee" (a word that, oddly enough, my dictionary doesn't recognize). I found that, just like everything in AA and in service, I didn't have to do it alone. And I learned there's no such thing as a perfect translation, and that's okay. So, it's all right if you're nervous about joining the translation committee. You don't need special skills. You need to speak Spanish and English, but other than that there's no select group of people who are good enough to be translators. Don't worry if your spelling isn't perfect, or if you don't really use accent marks, or if you don't know all of the general service language or abbreviations. I edit all of the translations before sending them to the Accents/Acentos publisher, adding accents or correcting spelling as necessary. I've found that most of the translators have things that they're good at and areas where they need a little help. I certainly do. And again, there's no such thing as a perfect translation. You do need access to a computer and email. I send out digital files once or twice a month with a few pages to be translated. Your portion might be 2-3 pages of the minutes from the Area Committee Meeting, an article for the Acentos, a flyer, a letter from one of the districts, or a piece for our Area service binder. There are usually several days to do the translation, and I try to give you time over the weekend. The nice thing about written translation is that you can do it in a few hours here and there. So if you want to be of service to CNIA, make it possible for our Spanish-speaking community to truly be a part of the Area, learn more about general service and what's going on in CNIA, and have a few hours a month, join the written translation committee. Call or email me to make yourself available, or if you have questions and want to talk about it. I can be reached at (530) 864-5679 or [email protected]. Finallly, I want to thank the members of the committee: Alondra P., Amparo M., Jose G., Jose U., Juan Z., and Sam S. Thank you for your dedicated service to CNIA. It is a privilege to work with all of you. In Service, Celia B. Written Translation Committee CNIA AREA ACCENTS Page 2 OCTOBER 2014 MINI PRAASA AGENDA Placerville, CA October 17th-19th 2014 Friday, October 17th 4:00 – 7:00 p.m. Registration Opens 7:00 – 7:15 p.m. Call to Order 12 Traditions 12 Concepts GSR Preamble Introductions Housekeeping Roll Call 7:15 – 7:30 p.m. Weekend Overview “The Area Takes its Inventory” Lela M 7:30 - 7:45 p.m. Approval of PostConference Assembly Minutes Assembly reports: 2015 Winter Assembly 2015 Pre-Conference Assembly 2015 Post Conference Assembly 7:45 – 8:15 p.m. Liaisons, Appointed Chair, and Officer reports 8:15 - 9:00 p.m. Panel #1 Communicating our Legacies: Vital in a Changing World Recovery: Practicing Principles in all our Affairs Mike S GSR D27 Unity: The Home Group Frank R GSR D36 Service: Lighting up Dark Groups Matthew L Area 07 Registrar 9:00 – 10:00 p.m. Roundtables GSRS-DCMS-Area Officers and Appointed Chairs Saturday, October 18th 8:00 – 9:00 a.m. Registration Opens 9:00 – 9:15 a.m. Assembly Reconvenes Announcements Introductions Housekeeping 9:15 -10:00 a.m Discussion and Approval of 2015 Spending Plan 10:00 -11:30 a.m. Old Business Young People’s Chair Position motion New Business Mental Illness Pamphlet Agenda item Written Translations Appointed Chair Position 7th Tradition 11:30 –12:30 p.m. Delegate’s Report 12:30- 1:30 p.m. Lunch 1:30 - 5:30 p.m. CNIA Inventory 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. Dinner 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. Speaker Meeting: Ken M CNCA 06 Past Delegate Panel 61 8:00 - 8:30 p.m. ICE CREAM SOCIAL 8:30 – 9:30 p.m. Roundtables GSRS-DCMS-Area Officers and Appointed Chairs CHAIR’S REPORT – October 2014 Much appreciation to the brave fire fighters and volunteer workers who have assisted in the King’s Fire. Special prayers for all these workers and the affected residents of this tragic event. I feel blessed that we did not have to cancel or postpone our fall assembly. Kudos to the District 22 Assembly Committee and Alternate Chair Nancy Mc. for their work to find a new assembly meeting location. More kudos to ACCENTS Publisher Jenn D., E-Services Chair Brooke D, and linguistic translators Rodney M. and Celia B. for helping to carry the message of our change in venue. I look forward to an exciting weekend of activities and anticipate a great opportunity for growth at our MiniPRAASA Assembly. Besides conducting our California Northern Interior Area (CNIA) inventory, there will also be some Panels and Roundtables with very interesting topics. All this highlighted by our Saturday night Ice Cream Social and Speaker Meeting chaired by Ken M., California Northern Coastal Area (CNCA), Panel 61 Past Delegate. CNIA AREA ACCENTS ROUND TABLE TOPICS • Our Common Welfare through Gratitude in Action • Diversity in AA Our Heritage of Inclusion • Safety and Respect-Practicing Principles Begins in Our Home Group • Safeguarding our Traditions through the Evolution of Technology • Inventory-Looking Back to Move Ahead Sunday, October 19th 9:00 a.m. Assembly Reconvenes 9:00-9:30 a.m. Roundtable Report backsfrom Friday and Saturday nights 9:30 -10:45 a.m. DCM Reports 10:45 -11:45 a.m. Panel #2 Communicating our Legacies: Vital in a Changing World Recovery: Emotional Sobriety Susan K GSR D43 Sponsorship: What’s missing today? What are we doing right? Victoria A GSR D47 Unity: Spirituality-Is AA all Inclusive? Nancy K GSR D25 Service: The 6 Warranties: How do they apply in our groups? Gary B GSR D15 11:45 –12:00 p.m. Ask-it Basket & What’s On Your Mind 12:00 p.m. Assembly closes Under the business portion of the assembly we will discuss the 2015 Budget, the Young People in Alcoholics Anonymous (YPAA) Appointed Chair Motion, CNIA support of an Agenda Item for the 2016 General Service Conference (GSC) on developing literature for Alcoholics with Mental Health issues, and a new motion to create an Appointed Chair Position for Written Translations. All of these topics have been discussed at the Area Committee Meetings (ACM) over the last several months. Both the 2015 Budget and CNIA support of Mental Health Literature have recommendation by a substantial unanimity of the ACM body. There has been information distributed and discussed regarding creation of new appointed chair positions for YPAA and Written Translations too, so I hope all armed and ready to vote. Safe travels as I look forward to seeing you in Placerville at our Mini-PRAASA Assembly. Yours in Love and Service, Mike K. Area Chairperson CNIA 07, Panel 64 Page 3 OCTOBER 2014 Minutes (Unapproved) - CNIA 07 Post-Conference Assembly Sacramento, CA May 17-18, 2014 The Post-Conference Assembly of California Northern Interior Area (CNIA) was held at the Sacramento Association of Realtors Building, Sacramento, CA from 12 pm to 9:35 pm on May 17, 2014 and 9 am to 12 pm on May 18, 2014. Area Chair, Mike Kim, called the meeting to order followed by the Serenity Prayer. The GSR Preamble was read by Fausto, GSR, D54. The Twelve Traditions were read by Miles, GSR, D15, and the Twelve Concepts were read by Veronica, GSR, D47. Introductions Mike introduced Past Delegates: Inez Y – Panel 44, Woody Roderick – Panel 50, Marianne H – Panel 56, Lee Wilson – Panel 58, Melody T – Panel 60, Lela M – Panel 62 and Panel 60 CNIA Alt-Delegate – Dreigh P, Panel 63 CNCA Delegate – Padee Mc, Panel 63 CNCA Chairperson – Raymundo L, Panel 63 CNCA Registrar – Michael Q, General Service Trustee – Nancy H. District Roll Call All Districts were represented. Weekend Overview – Melody T, Past Delegate, Panel 60 Liaison Reports H&I – Will R, Liaison – On May 10 the steering committee met. Clearances in major institutions have improved. We are good financially and improving Grapevine distribution in major institutions. Melody T is the new coordinator for a Stockton prison medical facility. Fresno Intergroup – Mike – our name was changed to Central Valley Intergroup. D42 Sierra Fellowship meets weekly at Lemoore Naval Air Station. SACYPAA – Gina B, Alt-GSR – We have a speaker meeting and event on May 25 – Fiesta De Mayo. Spanish speaker from Grupo Volver A Nacer and English speaker from EBYPAA. Translation is available. SANJYPAA – Danny K, General Service Liaison – We were involved in Central Office’s Springfest. We voted in a prudent reserve and adapted SACYPAA’s bylaws. Contributions will begin. Consideration of the Minutes The correction to Winter Assembly CNIA AREA ACCENTS minutes: change Danny of SANJYPAA to “GSR” was incorrect; he should be “General Service Liaison.” The Winter Assembly minutes will be modified. 2014 Pre-Conference Assembly minutes were approved. Assembly Reports Pre-Conference Assembly – April 12-13, 2014 – Paul Kastner, D17 – Thanks to all volunteers. We had 211 registrations, sold 124 dinners and 122 bottomless coffees. Total income: $4,731. Total expenses: $3,339.29. Net proceeds to CNIA: $1,391.71. Special thanks to Dan G, Assembly Chair, for his hard work. Mini-PRAASA Assembly – October 17-19, 2014 – Becky B, D22 – Caterer has been selected – BBQ or veggie entrée. We’ve met with the staff at the Placerville Fairgrounds. Groups are volunteering. Placerville Best Western has 50 rooms at $109 a night through September 4. We have other hotels. You can register online. RV hookups are at the Fairgrounds but no tent camping. Winter Assembly – January 17-18, 2015 – Gina, D33 – Our site is the Sonora Fairgrounds; budget is complete; flyers and menu in process. Nancy will check in June. Pre-Conference Assembly – April 11-12, 2015 – Jess E, D43 – Selma High School (20 miles south of Fresno). We have a 90 room block between Best Western and La Quinta. We plan for 150 people at dinner. Pre-Registration flyers will be available at Mini-PRAASA. Appointed Chair Reports Accents – [email protected] – Jenn D – Thank you to Celia B, Alondra P, Michael J, Amparo M and Sam S for translating. We are looking for willing bilingual people with email. Please contact me at accents@ or Celia B at writtentranslation@ If you include the Accents on your website, please use the anonymous version on I plan to attend the first National AA Technology Workshop in St. Louis. Archives – [email protected] – Steve Hanson – Office was closed the first Saturday of this month due to gate difficulties. Please contact me if you have me scheduled. The Archives computer is being replaced. Page 4 BTG – [email protected] – Cindy C – I apologize for not being able to attend the Assembly. I attended the H&I Conference and I’m committed to our relationship. Information is given to inmates, hospitals and treatment facilities. We had 17 requests and 13 confirmed contacts. Ray W requested information on the white cards that suggests blue cards be sent within 1516 days before release. Thank you to the wonderful District volunteers. E-services – [email protected] – Brooke D – The E-Services Committee attended the Pre-Conference Assembly in Woodland and met. The Committee will replace the Archives computer and purchase a scanner and digital camera. CNIA 07 has been given permission to use the International Convention in Atlanta in 2015 logo on our website, provided the logo serves as link to the Convention’s homepage. A link to D22’s website will be created on Finance – [email protected] – Jenny M – Our Area Finance Committee discussed the 2015 budget. In June our Area servants will receive estimated budget worksheets. A draft budget will be presented at August’s ACM. After changes, the budget will be published in the Accents for voting at Mini-PRAASA. We are discussing different scenarios. We are grateful for your groups’ contributions to CNIA. Grapevine/La Viña – [email protected] – Steve C – I had displays at the ACYPAA Round-Up and the Butte County RoundUp. I have story submission guidelines, subscriptions, books and more. A new Grapevine book has the first 365 Daily Quotes. Kelley Moran, Delegate, brought some buttons about the 70th Anniversary of the Grapevine. La Viña’s 18th anniversary is July 26 in Las Vegas. Translation – [email protected] – Rodney M – present. No report. Officer’s Reports Registrar – [email protected] – Matthew L – All present DCMs received a group listing. If you’re a new GSR and have not completed a group change form, please one out. If you’re a DCM, please check the group listing for accuracy. Inactive groups have gone dark or no longer meet. Unknown groups have no contact person. Please provide a contact person to move OCTOBER 2014 them from unknown to active. Secretary – [email protected] – Jon C – I sent the Pre-Conference Assembly minutes to Accents and Translation on April 24. I participated in the Officer’s Conference Call on May 11. I look forward to attending the District 47 Unity Day on June 14. Thank you Area 07 for funding me to the Pacific Region AA Service Assembly. I had the honor and responsibility, along with Alt-Delegate Vikki Ray, of taking notes for Delegate Kelley Moran for the General Service Conference. Treasurer – [email protected] – Tom A – All bills are paid. Contributions throughout the year are consistent, but expenses are “front-loaded.” We expect to get out of the Prudent Reserve soon. It is important we maintain a balance high enough that the Prudent Reserve isn’t bottomed out. The Prudent Reserve is set at $7,600. Our current Prudent Reserve balance is $6,100.19 and is rising. Please bring this information to your groups as we’ll talk about this later. Alternate Chair – [email protected] – Nancy M – I participated in the Officer’s conference call on May 11. I attended the D23 business meeting to plan for the Rancho Cordova Fellowship quarterly speaker meeting on June 7 at 6pm. I will teach GSR school prior to the event! I conducted the group inventory for The Modesto Fellowship on May 10. Thank you to D17 for hosting Pre-Conference Assembly. Thank you to D22, D33 and D43 for preparing upcoming Assemblies. Sacramento and Yolo Unity Day requested to borrow CNIA’s old speaker and translation equipment. Chair – [email protected] – Mike Kim – I am grateful to serve with enthusiastic trusted servants. Officer’s meeting was on Sunday May 11 and next one is June 15. I missed the NCC Steering Committee Meeting but thanks to Alt-Delegate Vikki Ray for attending. NCC Conference is in Lodi June 27-29. CNCA 06 is having a Summer Assembly in Vacaville on August 9 and dinner in Winters on August 8; Lela M, Panel 62 CNIA Delegate, will speak. Alternate Delegate alt-delegate@cnia. org Vikki Ray – I serve as the CNIA PI/ CPC Liaison. On April 14 I attended the Greater Sacramento PI/CPC meeting in Citrus Heights. On April 27, I attended the NCCAA Steering Committee meeting in Stockton. Woody Roderick, Panel 50 CNIA Delegate, was appointed Interior Secretary. I made a couple connections CNIA AREA ACCENTS with law enforcement professionals at the H&I Conference. I participated in the Officer’s meeting on May 11. Past GSO General Manager Greg M will speak on June 1 at North Hall in Sacramento for a PI/CPC Sharing Session. Doug S, D37, Brooke D, D15, and Melody T, Past Delegate Panel 60, will also share. District Reports D-09 – Lance V, Alt-DCM – Some GSRs attended the Pre-Conference Assembly. Thank you D17 for providing rooms. On May 3, D09 met with 12 attending. We discussed the upcoming District workshop, District picnic and Post-Conference Assembly. The next District workshop is at Lake Siskiyou on June 28. Two positions are open at the District level (Alt-DCM and Alt-Unity Editor). Finances are tight. However, rent is paid, and we anticipate more contributions. D-11 – Maureen Renard, DCM – D11 met on April 27 with 15 GSRs and other AA members. A new GSR or someone interested in becoming a GSR comes every month. We are good financially. We discussed our PI/CPC Workshop panel discussion led by Alt-Delegate Vikki Ray on July 26 from 1pm-5pm. All groups report active meetings and several AAs are considering becoming GSRs. I was honored and privileged to attend PRAASA. D-15 – Brooke D, DCM – 14 people attended our April 28 D15 meeting with two new GSRs and one new Alt-GSR. Our District had eight group consciences given at the Pre-Conference Assembly. Our District finances have survived the spring and DCM travel. A budget committee was formed to create a 2015 budget (7-1-14 to 6-30-15). Our PI/CPC Committee is placing AA literature in all hospitals in the District and ensuring all public libraries have at least one copy of Alcoholics Anonymous or Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions. PI/CPC will participate in a monthly probation and parole event in Butte County. Our local Intergroups are progressing to merge after 20+ years. D-17 – Paul Kastner, DCM – 13 attended our last District meeting on the 3rd Monday: six GSRs, five Alt-GSRs, the PreConference Assembly Chair, and myself. Don M is reviewing Special Needs/ Accessibilities workbook and will report back. We elected a new Teleservice Chair, Scott J. This position handles contacts for District’s Teleservice and prints schedules. Page 5 D-19 – Steve, GSR – Our District has two new groups, the Wheatland and Brownsville Groups. All District positions are filled: BTG, GV, and PI/CPC. D-20 – Justin P, DCM – Our District meeting was April 26. Unity Day will be in September at St. Canice Hall. John B, Archives, and Kimmie B, Alt-DCM, are obtaining meeting histories for the Archives. Bridging the Gap wants to start a monthly meeting after the District meeting and talked of a PO Box, a BTG Chairperson and BTG Volunteer Guidelines. We filled the Treasurer’s position. D-21 – Betsy L, DCM – D21 meets the 4th Tuesday at 6pm. Now that Agenda Items are wrapped up we can start having our warm weather fun! Unity Day in Auburn is June 21; activities begin at 11am. Go to for District events. Financially, we are strong and have an exceptional team of GSR’s and Officers. D-22 – Becky B, DCM – D22 met on May 14 with 18 present. Groups reported doing fine financially. For safety, one group changed its bylaws to state no weapons are allowed in its rooms. Our PI Chair and an H&I Coordinator are planning to talk with hospital officials. A D22 member recently carried the AA message in Russia. 30 people requested to speak with AA members last month on our Teleservice line. We discussed what to expect at the Post-Conference Assembly. We also had a lively discussion regarding the Young People’s Appointed Chair position. The GSRs voted unanimously for me to attend Pacific Regional forum in July. D-23 – Joey Wiley, DCM – District meeting was held 7pm Monday April 28. Nancy M was invited to hold a GSR School before the quarterly Rancho Cordova Fellowship Speaker Meeting on June 7 at 6:30 pm. As DCM, I will submit a budget for 2014-15 for the district to review. We accepted the resignation of David C as Alt-DCM, and we elected Phillip C as new Alt-DCM. Our Treasurer reported we are doing well financially. D-24 – John B, DCM – The D24 Committee meets every 2nd Wednesday from 6:00-7:00pm. Our attendance is typically eight to ten GSRs, Alt-GSRs, DCM and Alt-DCM, and one or more guests. Our new H&I Liaison is Matthew B. As of May 9, we have a positive financial balance. Julie W volunteered to be our new Recording Secretary. Five D24 members attended the Pre-Conference OCTOBER 2014 Assembly and presented positions on agenda topics. D-25 – Tim K, DCM – I am the newly elected DCM. Lodi Teleservice changed their name to Alcoholics Anonymous 24 Hour Hotline. Jim from Galt is the AltDCM. D-27 – Rick Kivela, DCM – D27 meets on the Tuesday after the 3rd Saturday at 7:00 pm. Approximately 20 GSRs attended our last meeting. We discussed the Pre-Conference Assembly and the best way to bring information to the groups. Members suggested the Chairperson ‘mediate’ when people discussed nonAgenda Items to keep on topic. We also discussed Concept 4. D-29 – Judy B, DCM – We meet the last Monday at 6:30pm. 10 GSRs and Alt-GSRs attended today. A new group, The Golden Girls, has a GSR. Rebellion Dogs Group has changed its name to the Tahoe Park Group due to a situation with another group naming their group The Original Rebellion Dogs. They are also having a solutions inventory on May 24. We welcome Delegate Kelley Moran home from the General Service Conference and thank him for his report. D-30 – Laurese M, DCM – At our May 10 meeting, we read and discussed Concept V on the “Right of Appeal”. I’m amazed at the stimulating discussions we’ve had about the Concepts! We welcomed a new Alt-GSR and 14 attendees. We had reports from many hard working Trusted Servants/Committees: Alt-DCM, LCMs, PI/CPC, Hotline, Finance (the GSRs passed the budget for the next fiscal year!), Archives, Website, Grapevine, Unity Day and Gold Country Round Up!! D-33 – Gordon Norris, DCM – D33 met on May 12, 2014 at 6:00 pm. 15 trusted servants attended. The inventory workshop held March 24 received a good response. Several Groups will perform a group inventory. Nancy M will review 2015 Winter Assembly preparations on June 23. A possible Unity Day was discussed and it may be held in September. Some GSRs talked to their Groups about increasing 7th Tradition donations. We stressed funding at District, Area and National levels. D-34 – Jenny M, DCM – D34 meets on the 2nd Wednesday at 7:00pm. 16 members attended including Norm A, a new Alt-GSR from Primary Purpose Fellowship, and Brian W from Modesto Fellowship. Leslie K., Principles Study CNIA AREA ACCENTS Group, presented this month’s report on Tradition Four and Concept Four. I attended two group inventories at MCVYPAA and Modesto Fellowship. D34 event details can be found at under Special Events. D-36 – Gary M, DCM – Thank you to Kelley Moran for his report. D36 meets on the 3rd Sunday each month. 5 GSRs, 2 Alt-GSRs, 5 trusted servants, Alt-DCM and DCM attended. H&I is working on the June conference at the Atwater prison. PI/CPC is obtaining a spot at Atwater’s July 4 celebration. Archivist is ready with all binders. Our Recording Secretary will have to resign her position. The election for a new Recording Secretary will be at our May meeting. D-37 – Jeff Paine, DCM – Our meeting on April 16 at 7:15pm had seven GSRs, three Alt-GSRs, three liaisons and four members-at-large. We will choose dates for workshops on anonymity in May, create flyers, and contact E-Services for website posting. Concept Two report was given. PI/CPC committee is stocking 18 pamphlet racks in the District at cost of $90/month. These locations are open to non-AA members. D37 voted to pay for a room for GSRs to attend Post-Conference Assembly. I continue to visit fellowships without a GSR and share the importance of participation. D-41 – Dave D, DCM – D41 met was on Monday May 12 with the DCM, Secretary, three GSRs and one Member-at-Large. The April Minutes and Treasurer’s Report were presented and approved. Concept Five was read from the AA Service Manual and discussed. The Area 07 Delegate Report will be Saturday July 26 from 12:002:30 pm at St Columba’s Church 5073 N Palm Ave Fresno CA. A flyer will be at the June ACM. Districts 40-49 are welcome. D-42 – Darrel D, Alt-DCM – District meeting was held Monday, May 12. Five groups were represented with a new GSR from Northeast Fellowship. District finances are sound. Pre-Conference Assembly was discussed and one group requested greater lead time regarding GSC Agenda Items. District will improve effort to bring material to groups ASAP. D-43 – Hurley T, DCM – D43 meets on the 1st Sunday. Our May meeting was at 2 pm on May 4. Nine attended, including District officers and GSRs and Dave D, D41 DCM. We have a new group in our district, “Last Hoorah”, located at 3352 E. Balch in Fresno, CA, they meet at Noon on Wednesdays and Thursday nights at Page 6 7:30 pm, the candlelight meeting. Juan M. is the GSR and he attended. D-47 – John H, DCM – 16 attended the May D47 meeting with four new GSRs. We are financially sound. At my first meeting as DCM, 3 people attended; new GSRs attend each month. Our GSR, Secretary, Treasurer, CSO, Alphabet Soup Round Table Training Workshop is set for June 14 from 10am-2pm. Thank you to Nancy M and Jon C from Area for helping. Pat J, District Registrar, is updating group records. Thank you to Matthew L for support. Four GSRs received scholarships to attend Post-Conference. Eight attended today. The D47 GSRs are using future District meetings for more GSR training. We are considering a District inventory. D-53 – Rogelio R, DCM – Thank you Kelley for your report. We meet every Friday. We have one information meeting, one for GSR reports, and two are AA Service Manual studies. However, now we are concentrating on group inventory questions for the study meetings. Every week we visit groups. We have a Chairperson for the 2015 Election Assembly which we host. We are motivating groups to participate. 10 to 20 GSRs attend every meeting. The Regional Congreso, done in Spanish, is July 4-6 in Visalia. International Spanish speakers will share. D-54 – Luz Maria G, DCM – D54 meets on 1st and 3rd Thursday from 7pm9pm. We have nine GSRs (two new). We are hosting the 2014 Post-Conference Assembly. We have a strong feeling of unity and responsibility. Thank you to all that participate. A GSR asked about translation. The level of translation leaves this person wanting more. They don’t always understand what is being translated. They thank Area 07 for translating events. They ask for a translator that is closer to the language and to consider paying for translation. D-55 – Jesús, DCM – We are trying to visit groups that don’t have GSRs. Only five or six GSRs participate. We will continue to visit to motivate participation. Our meetings are the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays from 7pm-9pm. The first meeting we dedicated to the Agenda Topics. The second meeting was group information. D-56 – Francisco J, DCM – Our District meets twice a month and we have eight to ten GSRs participating. Our District is part of the Foro every December. We gathered $600 for the event. We have La Viña boards to promote subscriptions. OCTOBER 2014 The Winter Assembly committee has yet to give their report. Question: is there a La Viña conference in San Jose? Answer: Padee M, CNCA Panel 63 Delegate – CNCA D17 (Spanish Linguistic in San Jose) is hosting an event and Irene D from La Viña in NY will participate. Las Vegas has a 2 or 3 day event supported by most Pacific Region Areas. Additional Information: Lee Wilson, CNIA Panel 58 Delegate – the Hispanic community in the Pacific Region started the effort for a La Viña anniversary celebration. This is the 4th such celebration. All registration monies are used to buy La Viña subscriptions. Areas bid to host it. Now, four or five other Regions do it. 2014 General Service Conference Report – Kelley Moran Old Business – Discussion Items Young People’s Appointed Chair Motion Made by Regina K, GSR of North Hall in D24, at the 2013 Election Assembly: I motion that CNIA Area 07 create an Appointed Chair position that is specific to connecting young people’s groups and committees with Area General Service. This position would act as a liaison between already established groups, emerging groups, and Districts with a need. I’m concerned about finances and separation. // Website with YPAA links might facilitate communication w/o needing position. // Don’t we already have liaisons? // Only liaison used to be SACYPAA. It’s good there were 5 at Winter Assembly. // Is there a detailed description of the proposed position? Yes. (It is read. Available from Area Recording Secretary.) // I support so young people can be part of AA. // We don’t support; young people don’t follow Tradition 5. // It would be nice to have a table with all YP events. // I don’t see many young GSRs. // Young people are a part of AA. A liaison would help to serve. // Can we do this for 5 years and reevaluate? // People ask “can we afford?” We can afford anything; we just need to give up something else. // No age group is special. We need to stay together. // I’m 55 now. I briefly came in at 21; what if something had attracted me? // Old-timers (35+ years sober) at my group wished there had been more avenues when they came in. Responsibility Declaration – aren’t we responsible to be there? // I hear they CNIA AREA ACCENTS don’t come to us; maybe we should go to them. // We need to think about what commitments we want to honor re: new Appointed Chairs. // I’m young; not many older members asked me to sponsor them. Now in YPAA, I have two sponsees (aged 22 and 27). Young people’s enabled me to be of service. // AAWS and AAGV make separate items for young people. // If young people’s groups knew of General Service they might participate and contribute. // I arrived young, and young people are in my group. We’re unified in my group. // Hopefully, we can focus on Service Manual, Concepts and Traditions. Call for the vote was made by Jess E, GSR, D43. Due to timing, prior to voting Mike Kim, Chair, noted the following needs to be considered: time for Minority Opinion that needs to be heard; and, timing of Dinner, Panel and Roundtables. Mike, Chair, requested if the body is ready to vote or wait. Result was to wait. Panel 1: Our Second Legacy – Unity Moderator: Hurley T, D43 Timer: Lee K, D27 Tradition 1: Ron B, D29 Tradition 5: Lucinda A, D47 Traditions 2 & 9: Tracey S, D21 Tradition 12: Joshua F, D47 Three Roundtables – GSR, DCM and Area Officer/Appointed Chair Assembly closed at 9:35 pm Nancy M reconvened the Assembly on Sunday at 9:00 am with the Serenity Prayer, introduction of Past Delegates, etc. Roundtable Report Backs (notes available from your DCM) Luz Maria G, DCM, D54: thank you to all my GSRs for your service. We had 179 people registered. We sold 113 dinners. Panel 2: Our Third Legacy – Service and Service Sponsorship Moderator: Lynn S, D29 Timer: Mary, D09 Concepts 1 & 3: Jeff R, D37 Concepts 4 & 5: Colt U, D24 Concept 9: Drew, D36 Concept 12: Maureen Renard, D11 Delegate Report – Kelley Moran General Service Board (GSB) Report – Terrance Bedient, Class A Chair of GSB - last year GSB welcomed two new Class A Trustees: Honorable Ivan Lemelle, U.S. District Court Judge, and David Morris CPA (GSB Treasurer). The Board also Page 7 welcomed Trustee-at-Large U.S. Bob W, Southeast Regional Trustee Chet P, East Central Regional Trustee Bill F, General Service Trustee Bill N, and General Service Trustee Albin Z - 7 new members of the GSB. The GSB reviewed 14 initiatives to improve efficacy and cooperation between AA World Services Inc. (AAWS) and AA Grapevine Inc. (AAGV). The Board agreed that it would address initiatives related to governance and stewardship. AAWS and AAGV would address the remaining initiatives. The Board added a 15th initiative: “serving the fellowship.” The Conference Delegate Chair and the Chairpersons of the Conference Committees were welcomed to the first quarterly 2014 meeting of the GSB. The practice began in 1991 and benefits the Conference process in helping Delegate Chairpersons serve the Conference and AA as a whole. In February 2015, I will participate as Chair of the Conference Committee on Trustees. In February, the Board received an oral report on cultural sensitivity in AA literature with terms such as “dark district.” They also received a progress report on confidentiality and code of conduct. The Board received an ad-hoc committee report on group safety that reaffirmed a 2009 GSB report and supplied additional suggestions. The 23rd World Service Meeting will be in Warsaw, Poland. The theme is “The Three Legacies: Vital For All Generations.” Delegates from around the world will share their experience, strength and hope in carrying the AA message to alcoholics everywhere. Our GSO does not run AA in other countries around the world. AAGV Inc. is one of two corporations of the GSB. AAGV also publishes La Viña (Spanish language content). By charter, AAGV consists of seven to ten Directors. AAGV produced 12 issues of Grapevine, six issues of La Viña, an annual wall calendar and pocket planner and eight e-books. There is a real need for us to subscribe to the Grapevine. La Viña is increasing circulation and Grapevine is reducing. AAWS is a not for profit corporation composed of nine directors. Members are the 21 trustees of the GSB who elect nine directors responsible for oversight of the GSO, group services, printing and distribution of Conference-approved literature and service materials. AAWS OCTOBER 2014 owns copyrights on AA literature and is responsible for the translation of AA literature including titles licensed to AA boards in other countries. The AAWS Online Store was launched in two stages in 2013. Traffic has steadily increased. 40% of total literature sales are online. The AAWS Finance Committee focused on self-support through member contributions, looking for ways the service structure can be self-supporting through AA members and groups. December 2013 was the highest month in contributions ever recorded. International Translations: there are 69 translations of AA with 17 new translations pending. AAWS prints the Big Books in 38 languages with 34 printed by local service structures. 52 countries are licensed to print or distribute 1,597 publications in 50 languages. AAWS has published other literature published in 43 other languages for a total of 93 languages. Our 7th Tradition sent to GSO goes to this. GSO welcomed 1942 visitors, including several groups of 10 to 60 members. You can go to GSO in NY and visit our office. The Archives has the typewriter used to write the Big Book, Bill’s couch and other information. There is an open AA meeting Fridays at noon. Thank you for your service to Alcoholics Anonymous! Ask It Basket & What’s On Your Mind Adjourned at 12:00 pm with the Responsibility Declaration. Respectfully submitted, Yours in Love and Service, Jon C, Secretary CNIA 07 2014 INVENTORY QUESTIONS COMMUNICATING OUR LEGACIES: VITAL IN A CHANGING WORLD 1. Finance: Is Area 07 being fiscally responsible and a good custodian of the 7th Tradition monies entrusted to us? Are we budgeting and spending district contributions responsibly? Are our Finance Committee and Treasurer available for inquiries with transparent reporting? As an area, are we acting responsibly with the group and district contributions? 2. Assemblies: Are the Area 07 Assemblies really helping to carry the message? What could be done better or differently? Are the area assemblies serving the groups and are the groups aware of the purpose of the area assemblies? Do our assemblies need to be as long as they are…just because they’ve always been like that? By continuing the Area 07 tradition of not timing the GSRs Agenda Item reporting at Pre-Conference, are we encouraging or discouraging GSR participation? Would more GSRs attend the PreConference Assembly if the wait at the podium were shorter? 3. Elections/Officers/Trusted Servants: Our trusted servants are an important part of carrying the message of Alcoholics Anonymous. Do we, as an Area, make sure that we are well informed as we choose our trusted servants? How could we do it better? Is our Election Procedure effectively selecting leaders and nurturing Leadership qualities in those Trusted Servants? Can we have those making themselves available read their own resume? Do the Area Officers and Appointed Chairs exercise serious care in having the best possible assistance in carrying out their duties? I am Responsible. When anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help, I want the hand of A.A. always to be there. And for that: I am responsible. CNIA AREA ACCENTS Are they safe and supported when asking for help? 4. Service Sponsorship: Does Area 07 do an effective job informing new trusted servants about the role of the Area and about the importance of Service Sponsorship? What can we do to help new GSRs, DCMs and trusted servants understand their obligations? How can we let the new GSRs and new DCMs become aware who are available to be a service sponsor? How can we better educate new trusted servants about the importance of service sponsors? Regarding new DCMs; do the Area officers/Trusted Servants do a thorough job of sharing their experience with DCMs on procedures such as: •ACM meetings, group info change forms, •District group rosters, •Registering/preparing for Area Assemblies, •Submitting monthly reports to the Recording Secretaries, •Submitting bids for Assemblies, •ACM calendar •CNIA elections Do these duties fall to the Area officers & Trusted Servants? If not, who instructs/welcomes the new DCMs? 5. Serving All Districts: Is Area 07 considering the diversity and geographical challenges of our entire Area? How well are we reaching out to the Districts/Groups that do not have representation in our Area, in General Service? What can we do for the DCMs/GSRs from the outermost districts or districts with financial limitations so they can participate fully? Do we always consider & include the small, remote and/or bilingual Districts? A reminder for 7th Tradition contributions to CNIA: Don’t forget to include your group’s name, GSO ID and to sign the check! Please mail to: CNIA P.O. Box 161712 Sacramento, CA 95816-1712 Page 8 OCTOBER 2014 DISTRICT 15 REQUEST: WILL CINA SUPPORT A REQUEST TO ADD A DICUSSION OF NEW LITERATURE ADDRESSING MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES TO THE 2015 GENERAL SERVICE CONFERENCE AGENDA? District 15, California Northern Interior Area 07 August 16, 2014 California Northern Interior Area 07 Area General Service Committee Dear Area 07 Officers, Chairs, and Voting Members: On July 28, 2014 the voting members of the District 15 General Service Committee decided, with 100% unanimity, to support a motion requesting that the 2015 General Service Conference readdress the issue of creating Literature for the Alcoholic with Mental Health Issues. Two groups presented the request to the District Committee independently: the Paradise Women’s TGIF Meeting, and the Chico Sunday Night 12X12 Meeting. As part of the same motion, the Trusted Servants representing District 15 now ask that the CNIA support the creation of the literature as well. While this issue did not make it out of committee at the Panel 64 Conference, significant support was shown for the creation of literature, which focuses on “Alcoholics in Recovery with Mental Health Issues,” when our own Area 07 Delegate co-sponsored a floor action with the California Northern Costal Area 06 Delegate. We believe that this is a strong signal that creation of this literature is not a “dead issue”, and is worth ongoing consideration. Furthermore, we the General Service Representatives and Officers of District 15 firmly believe that the creation of this literature is “the next right thing” in our collective goal of helping the alcoholic who still suffers. Since the first printing of the book Alcoholics Anonymous, subsequent literature published by AAWS has come to reflect our ever-growing experience as sober members of AA. Conference approved pamphlets, flyers, and booklets have served as a tool for millions of prospective members, current members, sponsors, and members of the community at large to aid in their own recovery and to better serve the alcoholic who still suffers. Current literature published by AAWS includes publications targeted to a wide array of demographics, life situations, backgrounds, and specific needs. Currently, there are 58 free publications available from AAWS. Many of these valuable pieces of literature focus on specific characteristics of alcoholics such as gender, race, age, military service, or criminal history, just to name a few. As our basic text states, “We are average Americans. All sections of this country and many of its occupations are represented, as well as many political, economic, social, and religious backgrounds. We are people who normally would not mix. But there exists among us a fellowship, friendliness, and an understanding which is indescribably wonderful.” Bill Wilson’s primary vision was a Fellowship and a Program that could release any alcoholic from the grips of his disease, regardless of any other circumstance. We believe a piece of literature focused on the Alcoholic Living with Mental Health Issues will be another valuable tool to this aim; reaffirming our Third Tradition, while targeting an identified need among alcoholics both in and out of our rooms. AA literature is not solely distributed in meeting halls, Alano clubs, and church basements. Pamphlets, brochures, and flyers very often end up in doctor’s offices, health clinics, and psychiatric wards. AA has enjoyed a valuable relationship with the professional community since before “The Doctor’s Opinion” was added to the Big Book. Our current literature displays a consistent respect for mental health professionals in their work with sick alcoholics. But it has always been our position that no one has quite the perspective into the peculiarities of the alcoholic mind like another alcoholic. Literature sharing the first-hand accounts of alcoholics who have entered recovery, both from their spiritual malady and mental conditions, could be an invaluable resource to mental health professionals faced with the challenge of a patient or client who is a problem drinker. By providing professionals with clear examples of how AA can help an alcoholic even when severe mental health issues are present, we will be fostering Cooperation with the Professional Community in an even greater capacity. We are taught by our sponsors to “listen for the similarities instead of the differences” in other members’ stories. While this is advice is beyond value to the newcomer, the fact remains that not all alcoholics share an identical story. Sometimes sponsors are put in a position of trying to help a newcomer, or long time member for that matter, who faces a situation of which the sponsor has no personal experience or knowledge. The Conference Approved Literature published by AAWS represents the collective experience of our 80-year history. Experience that, as members of AA, we can draw upon to help another alcoholic, when our personal experience does not provide the answers we need. Mental illness is a unique challenge for anyone, let alone someone finally facing their problems with alcohol. The dual diagnosed alcoholic may be facing challenges his sponsor has never considered. This pamphlet would be a much-needed tool in bringing sponsors and sponsees together in our Common Solution, even when there is a difference in individual experience. Simple statistics dictate that not every alcoholic diagnosed with a mental condition is going to be able to find a sponsor who shares that part of his experience. A publication for the Alcoholic with Mental Health Issues will provide a needed resource for sponsors to reach out the hand of AA to new comers with stories different than their own. CNIA AREA ACCENTS Page 9 OCTOBER 2014 While there is literature that does address the needs of the alcoholic with mental health issues, we feel that the existing literature is “hidden” in books and pamphlets that a newcomer to Alcoholics Anonymous is hard-pressed to find on his or her own. Additionally, the stories in “Special Needs” and “Medication and Other Drugs” are targeted at a very specific audience and do not adequately cover the breadth of the issues that alcoholics with mental health issues can face as they try to recover. But perhaps the most important reason for the publication of this literature is the one we can’t yet identify; the alcoholic none of us has yet met. If there is even one alcoholic in the world who thinks AA isn’t for him, because he’s not “just an alcoholic,” but also diagnosed as mentally ill, then no cost is too great to let him know he’s welcome among us; that AA can do for him what it has done for millions of other people facing the full spectrum of human conditions. “When anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help, we want the hand of AA always to be there, and for that, We Are Responsible.” We the trusted servants of District 15 would like to ask the General Service Conference to extend its hand to a documented community of suffering alcoholics, and we invite the California Northern Interior Area of AA to join us in our request. Yours in Love and Service, Gary Besser General Service Representative, Sunday Night 12x12 Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, Chico, CA Recording Secretary, District 15, California Northern Interior Area 07 Brooke Daly District Committee Member, District 15 California Northern Interior Area 07 WRITTEN TRANSLATION APPOINTED CHAIRPERSON PROPOSED JOB DESCRITON The Written Translation Appointed Chairperson is selected by the Area Officers and appointed by the Area Chairperson, but the composition of the Written Translation Committee is flexible. Written Translation Committee Members do not have a vote at Area unless they are DCMs. The Area 07 Written Translation Committee is an integral part of the A.A. Service structure in Area 07. The Translation Committee was created and approved by the Assembly at the 2002 Pre-Conference Assembly. Responsibilities/Abilities include: • Promote unity, and the importance of being of Service, in the Area. • The candidate must have enough understanding of the English and Spanish languages in order to perform all the responsibilities described herein. • The candidate must be computer literate and comfortable with basic word processing and email. • Coordinate translation needs for the Area. • Work in conjunction with the ACCENTS Publisher to provide a Spanish-language Area ACCENTS (Accentos) in a timely manner. • Enlist and coordinate enough volunteer translators for timely verbal and written translation. • Coordinate with Verbal Translation Appointed Chair as needed. • Attend all Assemblies and submit a report on activities. • Submit expense reports to the Treasurer for reimbursement. • Submit a report for each Area Committee Meeting. This committee is crucial to carrying the message of A.A. unity, recovery, and service in our Spanish Speaking Districts. GSR Preamble: We are the General Service Representatives. We are the link in the chain of communication for our groups with the General Service Conference and the world of A.A. We realize that the ultimate authority in A.A. is a loving God as He may express Himself in our group conscience. As trusted servants, our job is to bring information to our groups in order that the group can reach an informed group conscience. Passing along this group conscience we are helping to maintain the unity and strength so vital to our fellowship. Let us, therefore, have the patience and tolerance to listen while others share, the courage to speak up when we have something to share, and the wisdom to do what is right for our groups and A.A. as a whole. CNIA AREA ACCENTS Page 10 OCTOBER 2014 CNIA Proposed Spending Plan 2015 and YTD Income and Expenses - 2014 January 1 through September 30, 2014 Jan. 1 through Sept. 30, 2014 Ordinary Income/Expense Income 4 · Contributed support 4010 · Group Contributions 4020 · Seventh Tradition 4021 · 7th - ACM 4022 · 7th - Assy Total 4020 · Seventh Tradition 4050 · Contribution - Other 4056 · By Individual Total 4050 · Contribution - Other Total 4 · Contributed support 4999 · Uncategorized Income 5 · Earned revenues 5110 · Literature Sales 5140 · Grapevine/La Viña Sales 5160 · Assembly Income 5164 · Winter Assy 5166 · Pre-Conference Assy 5168 · Post-Conference Assy 5170 · Mini-PRAASA 5161 - Election Assembly Total 5160 · Assembly Income 5310 · Interest-savings/short-term inv Total 5 · Earned revenues Total Income Expense 66900 · Reconciliation Discrepancies 7600 · Officers Expenses 7620 · Delegate 7621 · Mileage 7622 · Lodging 7623 · Registration, Meals, Coffee 7624 · Phone, Copies, Supplies 7627 · Forum 7628 · General Service Conference 7630 · NCCAA 7631 · PRAASA 7632 - International Convention Total 7620 · Delegate 7640 · Alt. Delegate 7641 · Mileage 7642 · Lodging 7643 · Registration, Meals, Coffee 7644 · Phone, Copies, Supplies 7647 · Forum 7649 · PI/CPC 7651 · PRAASA Total 7640 · Alt. Delegate CNIA AREA ACCENTS % of Budget 2015 Spending Plan Budget 34,568.93 80.39% 43,000.00 43,000.00 651.97 909.65 1,561.62 81.5% 72.77% 76.18% 800.00 1,250.00 2,050.00 800.00 1,200.00 2,000.00 144.00 144.00 36,274.55 60.00 57.6% 57.6% 80.08% 100.0% 250.00 250.00 45,300.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 45,100.00 0.00 537.00 1,741.50 21.48% 29.03% 2,500.00 6,000.00 2,000.00 3,000.00 472.00 1,391.71 2,524.00 0.00 18.88% 55.67% 100.96% 0.0% 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 4,387.71 0.89 6,667.10 43,001.65 43.88% 17.8% 36.03% 67.4% 10,000.00 5.00 18,505.00 63,805.00 2,500.00 10,000.00 2.00 15,002.00 60,102.00 -0.31 100.0% 0.00 0.00 384.51 261.93 122.00 1,116.51 570.52 900.00 98.00 487.79 48.06% 65.48% 101.67% 124.06% 114.1% 100.0% 24.5% 97.56% 800.00 400.00 120.00 900.00 500.00 900.00 400.00 500.00 3,941.26 87.2% 4,520.00 558.00 400.00 120.00 900.00 0.00 900.00 400.00 500.00 1,000.00 4,778.00 962.08 53.00 88.00 131.36 341.25 725.23 387.88 2,688.80 120.26% 13.25% 73.33% 87.57% 68.25% 290.09% 77.58% 98.85% 800.00 400.00 120.00 150.00 500.00 250.00 500.00 2,720.00 756.00 250.00 120.00 150.00 0.00 250.00 500.00 2,026.00 Page 11 OCTOBER 2014 CNIA Proposed Spending Plan 2015 and YTD Income and Expenses - 2014 January 1 through September 30, 2014 Jan. 1 through Sept. 30, 2014 7660 · Chairman 7661 · Mileage 7662 · Lodging 7663 · Registration, Meals, Coffee 7664 · Phone, Copies, Supplies 7670 · NCCAA 7671 · PRAASA Total 7660 · Chairman 7680 · Alt. Chairman 7681 · Mileage 7682 · Lodging 7683 · Registration, Meals, Coffee 7684 · Phone, Copies, Supplies 7691 · PRAASA Total 7680 · Alt. Chairman 7700 · Secretary 7701 · Mileage 7702 · Lodging 7703 · Registration, Meals, Coffee 7704 · Phone, Copies, Supplies 7711 · PRAASA Total 7700 · Secretary 7720 · Treasurer 7721 · Mileage 7722 · Lodging 7723 · Registration, Meals, Coffee 7724 · Phone, Copies, Supplies 7725 · Postage 7731 · PRAASA Total 7720 · Treasurer 7740 · Registrar 7741 · Mileage 7742 · Lodging 7743 · Registration, Meals, Coffee 7744 · Phone, Copies, Supplies 7751 · PRAASA Total 7740 · Registrar Total 7600 · Officers Expenses 7800 · Appointed Chair Expenses 7820 · Literature Chairman 7821 · Mileage 7822 · Lodging 7823 · Registration, Meals, Coffee 7824 · Phone, Copies, Supplies 7831 · PRAASA Total 7820 · Literature Chairman CNIA AREA ACCENTS % of Budget Budget 2015 Spending Plan 126.49 68.56 58.00 787.41 0.00 535.99 1,576.45 15.81% 17.14% 48.33% 393.71% 0.0% 107.2% 65.14% 800.00 400.00 120.00 200.00 400.00 500.00 2,420.00 254.00 250.00 120.00 500.00 0.00 500.00 1,624.00 481.27 242.62 110.00 438.69 407.59 1,680.17 80.21% 46.66% 91.67% 292.46% 81.52% 88.9% 600.00 520.00 120.00 150.00 500.00 1,890.00 455.00 250.00 120.00 150.00 500.00 1,475.00 152.63 94.25 88.00 6.59 407.04 748.51 25.44% 23.56% 73.33% 26.36% 81.41% 45.5% 600.00 400.00 120.00 25.00 500.00 1,645.00 306.00 200.00 120.00 25.00 500.00 1,151.00 975.54 151.86 119.00 501.15 537.40 498.18 2,783.13 162.59% 37.97% 99.17% 83.53% 134.35% 99.64% 106.23% 600.00 400.00 120.00 600.00 400.00 500.00 2,620.00 698.00 250.00 120.00 750.00 750.00 500.00 3,068.00 582.44 261.49 88.00 258.85 552.23 1,743.01 15,161.33 97.07% 65.37% 73.33% 51.77% 110.45% 82.22% 84.54% 600.00 400.00 120.00 500.00 500.00 2,120.00 17,935.00 387.00 250.00 120.00 500.00 500.00 1,757.00 15,879.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 600.00 400.00 120.00 100.00 500.00 1,720.00 272.00 250.00 120.00 100.00 500.00 1,242.00 Page 12 OCTOBER 2014 CNIA Proposed Spending Plan 2015 and YTD Income and Expenses - 2014 January 1 through September 30, 2014 Jan. 1 through Sept. 30, 2014 7840 · Grapevine/La Viña Chair 7841 · Mileage 7842 · Lodging 7843 · Registration, Meals, Coffee 7844 · Phone, Copies, Supplies 7851 · PRAASA Total 7840 · Grapevine/La Viña Chair 7860 · Bridging The Gap 7861 · Mileage 7862 · Lodging 7863 · Registration, Meals, Coffee 7864 · Phone, Copies, Supplies 7866 · Special Conference 7871 · PRAASA Total 7860 · Bridging The Gap 7880 · Accents Chairman 7881 · Mileage 7882 · Lodging 7883 · Registration, Meals, Coffee 7884 · Phone, Copies, Supplies 7891 · PRAASA Total 7880 · Accents Chairman 7900 · Archives Chairman 7901 · Mileage 7902 · Lodging 7903 · Registration, Meals, Coffee 7904 · Phone, Copies, Supplies 7906 · Special Conference 7911 · PRAASA Total 7900 · Archives Chairman 7940 · Translation Committee 7941 · Mileage 7942 · Lodging 7943 · Registration, Meals, Coffee 7944 · Phone, Copies, Supplies 7951 · PRAASA Total 7940 · Translation Committee 7960 · Other Appointed, Ad Hoc Commit 7969 · PI/CPC Total 7960 · Other Appointed, Ad Hoc Commit Total 7800 · Appointed Chair Expenses CNIA AREA ACCENTS % of Budget Budget 2015 Spending Plan 763.20 125.54 70.00 41.99 500.00 1,500.73 95.4% 31.39% 58.33% 21.0% 100.0% 74.29% 800.00 400.00 120.00 200.00 500.00 2,020.00 615.00 250.00 120.00 100.00 500.00 1,585.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 400.00 400.00 120.00 100.00 750.00 500.00 2,270.00 455.00 250.00 120.00 100.00 900.00 500.00 2,325.00 187.46 148.92 82.00 0.00 513.78 932.16 46.87% 37.23% 68.33% 0.0% 102.76% 61.33% 400.00 400.00 120.00 100.00 500.00 1,520.00 348.00 250.00 120.00 100.00 500.00 1,318.00 249.75 243.89 62.00 0.00 0.00 192.00 747.64 62.44% 60.97% 51.67% 0.0% 0.0% 38.4% 37.01% 400.00 400.00 120.00 100.00 500.00 500.00 2,020.00 168.00 250.00 120.00 100.00 500.00 500.00 1,638.00 894.71 198.01 88.00 0.00 0.00 1,180.72 223.68% 49.5% 73.33% 0.0% 0.0% 81.71% 400.00 400.00 120.00 25.00 500.00 1,445.00 1,255.00 250.00 120.00 25.00 500.00 2,150.00 362.42 362.42 4,723.67 72.48% 72.48% 41.09% 500.00 500.00 11,495.00 500.00 500.00 10,758.00 Page 13 OCTOBER 2014 CNIA Proposed Spending Plan 2015 and YTD Income and Expenses - 2014 January 1 through September 30, 2014 Jan. 1 through Sept. 30, 2014 8000 · Assemblies 8010 · Winter Assembly 8020 · Pre-Conference Assembly 8030 · Post-Conference Assembly 8031 · Facility Rent 8030 · Post-Conference Assembly - Other Total 8030 · Post-Conference Assembly 8040 · Mini-PRAASA 8050 · Election Assembly 8053 · Guest Expenses Total 8050 · Election Assembly Total 8000 · Assemblies 8100 · Accents, Grapevine/La Viña, Literature 8150 · Accents & Acentos Production 8153 · English Accents Printing 8156 · Spanish Acentos Printing 8158 · Accents & Acentos Postage Total 8150 · Accents & Acentos Production 8180 · AA Grapevine/La Viña Purchases 8190 · AA Literature Purchases Total 8100 · Accents, Grapevine/La Viña, Literature 8200 · Meeting Room Expenses 8210 · Rent, parking, other occupancy 8230 · Liability Insurance 8240 · Archives Facility Rental Total 8200 · Meeting Room Expenses 8500 · Misc expenses 8510 · E-Committee Expenses 8520 · Equipment & Support 8530 · Finance Committee Expenses 8540 · General Service Conference 8545 · Bookkeeping/Accounting 8545.1 · Accounting Fees Total 8545 · Bookkeeping/Accounting 8590 · Other Expenses Total 8500 · Misc expenses 8600 · Taxes & Fees 8620 · Sales taxes 8630 · Bank Fees 8633 · Bank Account Fees 8636 · Chargeback Fees Total 8630 · Bank Fees 8640 · Chargeback of Contribution 8642 · Chargeback of Sales 8650 · Taxes - other 8600 · Taxes & Fees - Other Total 8600 · Taxes & Fees Total Expense Net Ordinary Income Budget 2015 Spending Plan 0.00 0.00 0.0% 0.0% 2,500.00 2,500.00 3,139.63 0.00 3,139.63 0.00 100.0% 0.0% 125.59% 0.0% 0.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 102.31 102.31 3,241.94 100.0% 100.0% 32.42% 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 10,000.00 3,069.72 1,693.14 2,135.34 6,898.20 1,202.40 204.00 8,304.60 69.14% 80.63% 64.71% 70.1% 20.04% 8.16% 45.28% 4,440.00 2,100.00 3,300.00 9,840.00 6,000.00 2,500.00 18,340.00 4,400.00 2,200.00 3,000.00 9,600.00 3,000.00 2,000.00 14,600.00 600.00 700.00 2,055.00 3,355.00 75.0% 103.7% 76.11% 80.36% 800.00 675.00 2,700.00 4,175.00 800.00 700.00 2,700.00 4,200.00 119.52 852.85 145.90 2,500.00 39.84% 85.29% 48.63% 100.0% 300.00 1,000.00 300.00 2,500.00 150.00 1,000.00 150.00 2,500.00 950.00 950.00 0.00 4,568.27 100.0% 100.0% 0.0% 89.14% 950.00 950.00 75.00 5,125.00 950.00 950.00 4,750.00 593.00 89.85% 660.00 288.00 59.00 36.00 95.00 58.00 8.25 0.00 25.00 779.25 40,133.75 2,867.90 2,867.90 163.89% 100.0% 263.89% 100.0% 100.0% 0.0% 100.0% 102.94% 59.17% -71.31% -71.31% 36.00 0.00 36.00 0.00 0.00 36.00 25.00 757.00 67,827.00 -4,022.00 -4,022.00 100.00 2,500.00 Current Checking – 09/30/14 $ 7,124.02 Prudent Reserve – 09/30/14 $ 7,600.66 CNIA AREA ACCENTS % of Budget Page 14 100.00 25.00 413.00 60,600.00 -498.00 -498.00 OCTOBER 2014 California Northern Interior Area 07 MiniPRAASA 2014 October 1719th Hosted by District 22 COLD SPRINGS GOLF COURSE (Map on Back of Flyer) 6500 CLUBHOUSE DR PLACERVILLE, CA 95657 Friday Oct. 17th 2014 7-10pm Registration opens at 4pm Saturday Oct. 18th 9am10pm Registration at 8:00am Sunday Oct. 19th 9am-12pm Registration at 8:30am (Map and Lodging Information on back of this Flyer) Questions??? Contact Cindy 5304172258 [email protected] PreRegistration ends Oct. 1, 2014 Online Registration at PRE-REGISTRATION FORM — PLEASE DETACH AND MAIL ASAP TO ADDRESS BELOW Registration $16.00______ Name:____________________ BadgeName:________________ Bottomless Coffee $3.00______ District/Area:_____ Title__________ (or Check one Below) Dinner (Sat Night) $15.00______ DCM____ Alt DCM_____ GSR_____ Alt GSR____ Address:__________________________________ TOTAL:____________ Entrée Choice (check one) _____________________________________ Beef___ Chicken____ Veggie____ Pre-Registration Guarantees a meal Phone:_________________________________ E-Mail:________________________________ PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO DISTRICT 22: MAIL TO: DISTRICT 22 P.O. BOX 748 PLACERVILLE,CA 95667-0748 COLD SPRINGS GOLF COURSE 6500 CLUBHOUSE DR PLACERVILLE, CA 95657 Hwy 50- exit at Placerville Drive, turn north on Cold Springs, then left on Richards Ave. Veer right onto Clubhouse Drive. Contact Cindy at 530-417.2258 or [email protected] for lodging info. The new venue is still in Placerville. No need to change existing accomodations. Cold Spring Golf Course has limited parking. Please car-pool if possible. CNIA 2015 WINTER ASSEMBLY Hosted by District 33 MOTHER LODE FAIRGROUNDS Manzanita Hall 220 Southgate Drive Sonora, CA 95370 SATURDAY, JANUARY 17, 2015 Registration 10:00am; Assembly 12 Noon SUNDAY, JANUARY 18, 2015 Registration 8:30am; Assembly 9:00am ON-LINE REGISTRATION Paste this link into your browser: ****See Reverse for Lodging Recommendations**** Questions? Contact [email protected] If Electronic Registration is not your thing, please detach and mail to the address below (ONE FORM PER PERSON PLEASE) Full Name:_______________________ Name on Badge:___________ Service Position: _________________ District: ________ Address: _________________________________________________ Phone: ____________________ E-Mail: _____________________ Registration $12 Bottomless Coffee $3 Dinner $15 Choose Vegetarian or Chicken Cacciatore TOTAL ENCLOSED $_____ Make checks payable to District 33 Remember to bring Mail (before 12/15/14) to: seat cushions. District 33 Winter Assembly P.O. Box 1566 Jamestown, CA 95327 DIRECTIONS From Sacramento Get on CA-99 S Continue onto CA-49 S/W St Charles St. Continue to follow CA-49 S. Take right onto Stockton St. Fairgrounds will be on left. From Modesto Follow CA-108 E to CA-49 N/W Stockton St in Sonora. Turn right onto CA-108 E. Merge onto CA-49 N/W Stockton St via the ramp to Downtown/Sonora/Angels Camp. Fairgrounds will be on right. From Fresno Follow CA-99 N to E 16th St in Merced. Take the 16th St exit from CA-99 N. Follow G St, Snelling Rd and La Grange Rd to CA-108 E/CA-120 E. Follow CA-108 E to CA-49 N/W Stockton St in Sonora. Merge onto CA-49 N/W Stockton St via the ramp to Downtown/Sonora/Angels Camp. Destination will be on the right HOTELS NEAR MOTHER LODE FAIRGROUNDS IN SONORA SONORA INN 160 S. Washington St Sonora, CA 95370 (209) 532-2400 Approx. $49 - 69 INNS OF CALIFORNIA 350 S. Washington St Sonora, CA 95370 (209) 532-3663 Approx. $65 Fairgrounds RV Park $30 per night (209) 532-7428 RODEWAY INN 128 S. Green St. Sonora, CA 95370 (209) 532-2400 Approx. $49 - 69 COUNTRY INN SONORA 18730 Hwy 108 Sonora/ Jamestown 95327 (209) 984-0315 Approx. $59 - 69 Please mention “CNIA” for discounted room. Please make reservations at least 30 days in advance. C N I A T R U S T E D S E RVA N T S Delegate Kelley Moran 903 Tanner Ct. Folsom, CA 95630 [email protected] 916.601.3611 Alternate Delegate & PI/CPC Liaison Vikki Ray-Lewis 1450 Stabler Lane #47 Yuba City, CA 95993 [email protected] 530.844.6557 Chairperson Michael Kim 496 Pimentel Way Sacramento, CA 95831 [email protected] 916.612.3994 Alternate Chair Nancy McOwen 2349 Barcelona Way Sacramento, CA 96825 [email protected] 916.698.0541 Treasurer Area General Service Committee Meetings: 3rd Saturday of each month from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. East Yolo Fellowship 1040 Soule Street, West Sacramento, CA From 80/50 - Take the Jefferson exit and go south to Jackson. Turn left on Jackson and right on Soule. Tom Arstingstall 916.765.5366 6681 Butterfield Way Placerville, CA 95667 [email protected] CNIA contributions: PO Box 161712 Sacramento, CA 95816-1712 Recording Secretary Jon Catterson 6015 Via Casitas Carmichael, CA 95608 [email protected] 916.673.8627 Registrar Matthew Linton 6200 Rustic Hills Dr. Rocklin, CA 95677 [email protected] 916.899.1908 CNIA ARCHIVES CENTER Jenn Daly 14312 Troy Way Magalia, CA 95954 [email protected] 530.966.1564 1807 Navy Drive (at Fresno Ave) Suite #11 Stockton, CA 95555 (ROGERS Construction, Inc Near Port of Stockton) Second Floor Rear Steve Hanson 28 Laurel Street Valley Springs, CA 95252 [email protected] 209.772.2020 Accents Editor Archivist Bridging the Gap Eservices Committee Chair Ken Morse 14796 Carnegie Rd Magalia, CA 95954 [email protected] 530.873.1829 Brooke Daly 14312 Troy Way Magalia, CA 95954 [email protected] 530.966.1522 Literature Chair Mary O’Brien 228 Success Mine Loop Grass Valley, CA 95945 [email protected] 530.272.8112 Finance Committee Chair Jenny Miles 1109 Wildflower Dr. Modesto, CA 95355 [email protected] 209.450.9561 Grapevine Chair Steve Christiansen 402 W. Miner Yreka, CA 96097 [email protected] 810.625.8619 Translation Committee Rodney Morales 3532 E. Simpson Ave Fresno, CA 93702 [email protected] 559.375.0140 Pacific Region Trustee Joel Castellaw 4239 Collwood Lane San Diego, CA 92115 [email protected] 619.987.9895 From Fresno(and other points south): North on 99, West on 120, North on I-5, Exit at W Charter Way - turn left at bottom of ramp. Keep to right and after about 100 ft make a right on to Navy Drive. From Sacramento(and other points north): South on I-5, Exit at Fresno Ave - turn right at bottom of ramp. Keep to right and after about 100 ft make a right on to Navy Drive. . From both directions Continue on Navy Dr until just past Fresno Av. The Archives is located in the building on the NW corner of the inter-section of Navy and Fresno. The entrance is at the far end of the building, up the stairs. CNIA Archives Will Be Open the 1st Saturday Noon to 5 pm California Northern Interior Area Calendar 2013-2014 2014 (District) ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED CNIA AREA ACCENTS 6200 Rustic Hills Drve Rocklin, CA 95677 Sonora W. Sacramento Layton, UT W. Sacramento Foster City Fresno New York, NY Sacramento W. Sacramento Auburn Atlanta, Ga W. Sacramento W. Sacramento W. Sacramento W. Sacramento Fresno Fresno W. Sacramento Winter Assembly (D56) Modesto Jan 18-19 N Feb 15 ew LArea Committee W. Sacramento oc a Mar 7-9 San Diego t i o C PRAASA n f O Mar 15 Area W. Sacramento L DCommittee S or M Mar 21-23 NCCAA R ING ini-PRA San Ramon 65 0 P Apr 12-13 Pre-Conference Asmbly S G(D17) A Woodland 0 C S P L LACService Apr 27-May 3 General Conference BH OLF C ARyeABrook, sse NY E U R O V May 17-18 Post– Conference (D54) U U IL Asmbly S OSacramento RSE mbly Jun 21 Area Committee LE, CA E DRW. Sacramento 9 5 Jun 27-29 NCCAA 657Lodi Jul 11-13 Regional Forum Boise, ID Jul 19 Area Committee W. Sacramento Aug 16 Area Committee W. Sacramento Sep 20 Area Committee W. Sacramento Oct 3-5 NCCAA Sacramento Oct 17-19 Mini-PRAASA (D22) Placerville Nov 15 Area Committee W. Sacramento Dec 20 Area Planning Meeting W. Sacramento 2015 (Proposed) (District) Jan 17-18 Winter Assembly (D33) Feb 21 Area Committee Meeting Mar 6-8 PRAASA Mar 21 Area Committee Meeting Mar 13-15 NCCAA Apr 11-12 Pre-Conference Asmbly (D43) April 19-25 General Service Conference May 16-17 Post Conference Asmbly (D29) Jun 20 Area Committee Meeting Jun 5-7 NCCAA Jul 2-5 80Th International Conv July 18 Area Committee Meeting Aug 15 Area Committee Meeting Sep 19 Area Committee Meeting Oct 17 Area Committee Meeting Oct 30-Nov 1 NCCAA Nov 20-21-22 Election Assembly (D53) Dec 19 Area Planning Meeting CHANGE IN VENUE FOR ASSEMBLY MORE INFORMATION INSIDE FIRST CLASS U.S. Postage PAID PERMIT #154 RANCHO CORDOVA, CA
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