PARISH NEWSLETTER St Teresa's Catholic Church The Presbytery, Brook Rd, Newbury Park, Ilford IG2 7JA Tel No & Fax 020 8590 2414 Reg Charity No 234092 Email: [email protected] Website: Parish Priest: Fr Eamonn J Power MA 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A) - 12 October 2014 Dear friends in Christ “In the Lord’s Own House Shall I Dwell…”:This weekend we move on to the 28th Sunday of year A and in the Psalm we hear the words of solace and comfort, promising us a place of rest and peace once this life comes to an end. It is probably true to say that of all the afflictions suffered by people, one of the worst is the fear of what happens at the end of life and what the future beyond holds for us. Being ever mindful of the scriptures, the Church tries to reassure us that we are made for eternal life with God, to be at the wedding banquet of heaven with Our Lady and all the saints. During this month of October let us continue to ask for the prayers of Our Lady, Queen of Heaven, that she may always intercede for us with her Divine Son. Silver Jubilee Thanks: Although I thanked all concerned on the night, I now wish to do so in print. So many thanks are due to all who helped with the celebration itself, especially the ladies of the CWL, the choir and musicians, especially Joe, Tony and Gerard, the flower ladies, sacristy helpers and altar servers, Gerry and Maureen, those who brought food and all those who helped with the routine but very important tasks of minding the car park, opening and serving bottles of wine and special thanks to Simon for preparing and supplying such a substantial amount of food. Thanks once again retrospectively to all those who helped with caring for my dear mother during her long period of illness. What a shame she could not have been with us to share the celebration! I must also thank Fr Kevin for his inspiring sermon. Thanks also to the charismatic Prayer Group for the beautiful chalice, their personal gift to me, for which they had been surreptitiously collecting money for some months! It will be used on all the important occasions for the Church and the parish, the next one being the visit of our new Bishop, Alan, for the weekend of the 1st and 2nd of November. Another very special thank you is extended to all those who contributed to my very special gift from the parish, which amounted to a substantial amount of money. With regard to the wine at the reception, this was my personal gift to the parish, which I was happy to pay from my own account, thus cutting any extra expense to the parish. However, I have, of course, reclaimed all the leftover wine, thus anticipating a very good start to my twenty-sixth year as a priest! Holy Hour: The Holy Hour with the Blessed Sacrament is restored this Sunday at 5.00 pm, with silent Adoration, rosary and Benediction and all are welcome. Rosary Intentions this Week: The rosary after weekday Mass is also restored this coming week, with the intentions as follows: Monday: For the defence of the unborn and an end to abortion. Wednesday: For a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Thursday: For a greater love for and deeper faith in the Sacramental presence of Jesus. Friday: For the sick and the suffering. For Your Prayers, Dyllis: I arrived back from Medjugorje to be greeted with the rather shocking news that our dear friend Dyllis has been afflicted with a stroke and is now in Queen’s. Let us keep her in our prayers at this time. I have not as yet had time to check out the situation, but will try to do so over the weekend and keep you informed. Prayer Group Back! With all due apologies to the regulars for our absence, because of the Silver Jubilee celebrations and the trip to Medjugorje, the Prayer Group returns in earnest on Tuesday at 7.30 pm, with all our usual activities, such as prayer and praise, scripture and prayers for healing and all are welcome. C’mon the Hammers! It obviously wasn’t all prayer and Medjugorje, as we managed to find a friendly bar where they had Sky Sports! So we managed to watch the Hammers and their 2-0 win over QPR! We now have an international break before the match next Saturday against Burnley! God Bless you all. Fr Eamonn Services During the Week Sat 11 Oct 6.00 pm Sun 12 Oct 08.00 am 10.30 am 5.00 pm Parish - Regular Notices Vigil Mass for the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Brothers and Sisters of Iraq. Intentions 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass George McMutty. RIP Mass Our Parish Community. Holy Hour. (Each weekday Mass will be preceded by Morning Prayer at 09.10 am.) Mon 13 Oct 09.30 am Tue 14 Oct 09.30 am 7.30 pm Wed 15 Oct 09.30 am Thur 16 Oct 09.30 am 1.00 pm 3.00 pm Frid 17 Oct 09.30 am Sat 18 Oct 6.00 pm Sun 19 Oct 08.00 am 10.30 am 6.30 pm St Edward the Confessor Mass CWL Intentions St Callistus I, Pope, Martyr Mass Patrick Curtis. Birthday Intentions Prayer Group St Teresa of Jesus Virgin (Avila), Doctor of the Church Mass Eddie O’Donoghue. RIP Weekday in Ordinary Time Mass Win O’Leary. RIP Freedom in Christ Conference Healing Mass of the Family Tree St Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop, Martyr Mass Anton Jesudasan RIP Vigil Mass for the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Our Parish Community. 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Petrona Nurse. Birthday Intentions Mass Jenna Fernandes. Thanksgiving One World Week Unity Service BAPTISM PREPARATION: If you are expecting a baby or have a baby for baptism in the next couple of months, please contact Helen Mac Mahon on 020 8590 9981 who will help you make the appropriate arrangements. SICK AT HOME OR IN HOSPITAL: If you know of any sick people in the Parish needing a priestly visit or to be kept in our prayers, please contact our Care of the Sick Coordinator, Wilma Lewandowski, on 020 8220 9135. PRAYERS FOR THE SICK: Please pray for Billy Brennan, C David, Greg Gallagher, Freda Godfrey, Diane Foster, Tyrone Foster, Fr Liam Hayes, Barbara Howard, Dan Keely, Monica Keely, Lorna Lawrence, Ann Matthews, Chris McNamara, Mary O’Driscoll, Giuseppe Palumbo, Lawrence Pereira, Kathleen & Pat Reynolds, Tony Sheridan, Soosaipillai Thruchelvam, Evalina Underwood, and Jack Wheatley. Also the sick Priests of the Diocese - Mgr Michael Corley, Frs Paul Dynan and Stewart Foster. ANNIVERSARIES IN OCTOBER: Mark Fletcher, Mary Harley, Dennis Halligan, Patrick Kelleher, William Mc Mahon, Jose Mira, Michael Murphy, Judith Opok, Joseph Palumbo and Protasio Soares. MASS REQUESTS: If you are asking for a number of Masses then you must use a separate envelope for each request and place your offering in each envelope. Also, if you want a Mass offered on a particular day, then you should aim to give the Parish Secretary about 8 weeks’ notice. Although every effort will be made to meet your preferred date please note that it will not always be possible. CHURCH HALL: The Church Hall is available for bookings by Parishioners and non Parishioners alike. Please contact 07887983310 for bookings and conditions. REFRESHMENTS AFTER 10.30 AM MASS ON SUNDAY: Refreshments will once again be served in the Hall after the 10.30 am Mass. Do come along for a chat and a “Cuppa”. Sacrament of Reconciliation The Priest is available in the Reconciliation Room on Saturday from 11.30 am to 12 noon and from 5.30 pm to 5.45 pm. Parish - Meetings this Week Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Legion of Mary in the Presbytery Room at 7.30 pm. Coffee Morning Group in the Pastoral Centre after Mass Mother’s Prayer Group in the Pastoral Centre at 7.00 pm Confirmation Group. In the Hall at 7.30 pm. Parish Council in the Pastoral Centre at 7.30 pm. Parish - In & Around CHURCH CLEANING: Team D. OFFERTORY COLLECTION: The collection for last weekend (inc Standing Orders of £167.00) raised a total of £810.64 of which 74% was “Gift Aided”. In addition, we received the sum of £1,000 from the group of parishioners who make their donations on an annual basis; all of this was “Gift Aided”. Thank you all very much for your continued support. CAFOD HARVEST FAST DAY: The retiring collection after all Masses last weekend to support the work of CAFOD has so far raised £292.43. Any monies received this weekend will be added to that figure and will then be sent to CAFOD along with other donations received this year. Many thanks for your generosity. ST AIDAN’S CATHOLIC PRIMARY ACADEMY: There will be an Open Morning on this coming Monday, (13 October) from 9.30 am to 10.30 am for prospective parents wishing their children to join the Nursery or Reception classes in September 2015. CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE: The group meets again on this coming Monday, (13 October) at 7.30 pm in the Pastoral Centre and new members are most welcome. LEGION OF MARY- HOUSE ROSARIES IN OCTOBER: The next house rosary will be held on this coming Friday, (17 October) at 6.30 pm at the home of the Patel family, 50 Brook Rd. All are welcome. FREEDOM IN CHRIST CONFERENCE: People can carry deep wounds and hurts from the past by what has happened to them, especially in childhood, or by certain activities contrary to the Word of God (e.g., fortune telling, tarot cards, New Age spiritualities). Christ came to set us free from all forms of spiritual bondage. This conference, which takes place this coming Thursday, (16 October) at 1 pm at St Teresa’s Church with Frs Eamonn & Angelus, will address this topic and conclude with a Mass for the Healing of the Family Tree at 3 pm. Come and see how the Lord can help bring greater healing and liberation to you and your family. FR EAMONN’S SILVER JUBILEE: A copy of the card accompanying the Parish gift to Fr Eamonn to mark the 25th Anniversary of his Priestly Ordination, as well as a number of photos of the evening celebrations, can now be viewed on the Parish website - just follow the links on the Home page under Photo Gallery. If you have any photos of the evening that you would like to share on the parish website or, if you would like a copy of any of the photos on the website, then please email gerry Gillan at [email protected] that we make this major fund raising occasion a resounding success. If you can help out in any way either in the preparation for the event or, on the day itself, then please give Jane McParland a call on 020 8599 7714 by next weekend if possible. Also, remember to look out for further information in a future Newsletter. And don't forget to put the date in your diary! MASS REQUESTS: If you are asking for a number of Masses then you must use a separate envelope for each request and place your offering in each envelope. Also, if you want a Mass offered on a particular day, please try and give the Parish Secretary about 8 weeks’ notice. A reminder too that If you don’t mind your Mass being said elsewhere, and we promise you it will be said, then READERS WANTED: There remains a serious shortage of Readers for the 6.00 pm Vigil Mass on Saturdays. If you regularly attend this Mass then please consider taking an active part in this important ministry and contact Maureen Gillan as soon as possible on 020 8599 0013 to volunteer your services. please indicate this on the envelope CHRISTMAS FAYRE: Our annual Christmas Fayre will take place on Sunday, 07 December (just 8 weeks away) and so we want to start planning for the event now to ensure SILENT RETREAT AT SION COMMUNITY: Sometimes, we look at the people of the Exodus and wonder why they blamed God, grumbled or did not trust Him when NEW PARISHIONERS: Please make yourselves known to Fr Eamonn and complete a Parish Registration Form (copies in the rack in the Porch) so that we may welcome and inform you about our parish life. +++++++++++++++++ Charity Night at Romford Greyhound clearly God was at work, often in Stadium on Friday, 24 October. Ticket miraculous ways. And then, we stop and look again, because we, ourselves are priced at £25 per person and include Entrance; a 3 Course Meal can be exactly like that in our own with Coffee in the Pavilion Restaurant journey to Him. What can we learn from the people of the Covenant? How and a Free Race Card. There are also sponsorship opportunities for are we being called to remain faithful to God's promises even in hard times? companies or individuals to have a This silent retreat with the theme 'Into race in their name at the event. The the Promised Land' is an opportunity to event is expected to be really popular step out of our daily routine and spend so please book early in order to avoid time with the Lord. Talks, Mass, prayer disappointment. For further details and to book tickets call Julie on 01268 & quiet reflection form part of the weekend which will run from 6 pm on 784544 or email [email protected] Friday 17 until 2 pm Sunday 19 STUDY DAY ON RELATIONS BETWEEN October. Book early as we have limited CATHOLICS AND JEWS: The Diocesan places. For more information please call Commission for Evangelisation and Allegra on 012772125011 or email Formation invites you to an Ecumenical [email protected] / admin Study Day on the subject of ‘Milestones in Modern Jewish Catholic Relations’ on Saturday, 25 October from 10.30 am until 3 pm. at Brentwood Cathedral Hall. The day will be led by Sr Margaret Shepherd of the Sisters of our Lady of Sion, who is an expert in the field. Please book your place by email to [email protected] or by phoning 01277 265 289. There is no charge and a light buffet lunch is RECOLLECTION FOR WOMEN: The next provided. Recollection evening will take place on Tuesday, 21 October from 6.45 pm to 9 THE ESSEX RECUSANT SOCIETY: The Society (Brentwood Diocesan Historical pm at St. Augustine's Church, Society) will meet again on Saturday, Barkingside. All are welcome. 25 October at 2.30 pm at The Grange, BCCS: The Brentwood Catholic 93 Queens Road, Brentwood. To mark Children’s Society will be hosting a TWO REDBRIDGE FAITH FORUM: A Multi Faith walk of Peace will take place next Sunday, 19 October: Gather at the Seventh Day Adventist Church, Coventry Road at 12 noon; visit four other places of worship finishing at 4 pm at the Sikh Gurdwara with a vegetarian meal. Come and join - for all or part of the walk. the 400th anniversary of Heythrop College, Michael Walsh will give a talk " From Louvain to Kensington: An English Jesuit Seminary on the Move". All are welcome. For further information please contact Miss Isobel Parks on 01268 289678. ABBOTSWICK QUIZ NIGHT: Please join us on Saturday, 25 October at 7.30 pm for our Quiz Night. Tickets cost £10pp with a light supper and refreshments provided. Advanced booking is essential and all are welcome! For more details, please contact Abbotswick on 01277 373959. LONDON MARATHON: Brentwood Catholic Children’s Society has Gold Bond places for runners in the London Marathon 2015 .If you are an experienced runner or someone who would value the opportunity to participate in this renowned event which takes place on Sunday, 26 April please contact Libby Phillips on 01268 784544 or [email protected] Closing date for completed applications is Friday, 31 October. If you have been lucky enough to secure your own running place through the ballot, we would invite you to join us and run for Brentwood Catholic Children’s Society. The London Marathon is a unique opportunity to raise much needed funds for the Diocesan Children’s Society and perhaps achieve a lifetime ambition! VOCATIONS EVENING: The Vocations Evenings are for you if you are aged 17-35, and considering where and how God is calling you. There is a particular focus on vocation to Priesthood and Religious Life and the group is open to all, women and men. The format of our next meeting on Friday, 7 November will focus around a new DVD about Holy Orders with some insights from Fr Stephen Wang, Chaplain to London University. We’ll watch that together and chat about it afterwards, then have a fish and chip supper and a time of prayer. The evening takes place in Brentwood and runs from about 7.30 pm – 9.15 pm and you can get more details from the Vocations Director, Fr Dominic, on 01268 281732 or foredooming@brentwoodvocatio LONDON MARATHON: Brentwood Catholic Children’s Society has Gold Bond places for runners in the London Marathon 2015. If you are an experienced runner or someone who would value the opportunity to participate in this renowned event which takes place on Sunday, 26 April please contact Libby Phillips on 01268 784544 or [email protected] Closing date for completed applications is Friday, 31 October. If you have been lucky enough to secure your own running place through the ballot, we would invite you to join us and run for Brentwood Catholic Children’s Society. The London Marathon is a unique opportunity to raise much needed funds for the Diocesan Children’s Society and perhaps achieve a lifetime ambition! SHRINES OF FRANCE PILGRIMAGE 2015: Visiting the sanctuaries of St Jean Vianney, St Margaret Mary Alacoque and St Claude La Colombiere between 6 -12 April next year. The tour includes overnight at Nevers to visit St Bernadette Soubirous and St. Amadour; overnight at Rocamadour then onto Lourdes for four nights. Superb accommodation. Scheduled Flights, luxury coach transfers. Full spiritual programme with Fr Joseph Whisstock. This is at a very relaxed pace, and will suit all. Please ring Sue Baillie on for 079 79746 707 for further information of this amazing not to be missed opportunity. Cost is £750 per person based on 2 sharing and a deposit will secure your place. IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF JESUS: The First Full Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land will take place between 1-9 July next year. Visit the sites in Jerusalem and Galilee, as well as visits to Christian Communities to see and hear about what is really happening in their lives. Detailed itinerary to follow soon. Cost £1595. If you are interested in joining this wonderful and exciting pilgrimage then please contact Fr Paul Fox at St Mary’s Church, Hornchurch on 01708 447761 or email hornchurchstmmg@dioceseofbrentwo CATHOLIC SINGLES is an organisation which helps single adult Catholics of all ages meet, either one to one or through social events. Please tel. 0161 941 3498, visit the website or email [email protected] THE PENSIONERS ADVICE SERVICE: The Service has reopened after the summer break. The Network continues to provide an East London Pensioners Advice Service every Thursday from 10.00 am until 1 pm at Durning Hall Community Centre, Earlham Grove, Forest Gate, E7 9AB. Durning Hall is 2 minutes from Forest Gate Rail station and is disabled accessible. For more information please contact Sally Mulready on 0207 428 0471. NEWSLETTER ITEMS: If you have any items that you would like to appear in the weekly Newsletter then please email them to [email protected] and copy to [email protected] The copy deadline for including items in the Newsletter is Thursday 12 noon. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee to include all requests we receive in the paper edition but we will make every effort to accommodate articles and insertion requests in the on-line edition including job vacancies. Job Opportunities THE PALMER CATHOLIC ACADEMY: The Governors are seeking to appoint from January 2015 a Head of English Department. Further details can be found on the school website or by contacting Mrs Armitage at the school on 0208 590 3808. ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC SCHOOL, DAGENHAM: The Governors are seeking to appoint a new Data Manager. Further details of the post are available from Mrs Hartley on 020 8270 4242 or email [email protected] Applicants are welcome to visit the School. Closing date for applications is Monday, 20 October. ST FRANCIS CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL, MALDON: The Governors are looking to appoint a new Deputy Headteacher. The start date is negotiable, but must be no later than September 2015. Visits are warmly welcomed and encouraged. Please telephone the school office on 01621 856698 to arrange a suitable time. Application form available online at Closing date for applications is midday on Friday, 24 October.
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