The Family of Avon United Methodist Church 9:30 Informal Worship Service

The Family of
Avon United Methodist Church
8:15 Traditional Worship Service
Shirley Cox
Lighting of the Altar Candles
Cort Haney
Call to Worship
The Family of
Avon United Methodist Church
10:45 Traditional Worship Service
The Family of
Avon United Methodist Church
9:30 Informal Worship Service
Olivia and Nora Smith
Shirley Cox
Lighting of the Altar Candles
Call to Worship
*Hymn of Praise
No. 368
*Time of Praise
Glenda Wallace
Opening Prayer
*Scripture Reading
Greeting of the Family
“My Hope Is Built”
*Scripture Reading
Matthew 4:1-11
Please sign the Attendance Pad, pass it down your row, and return it to the center aisle.
Please use the cards in the pews/chairs to write your Joys and Concerns.
“In the Secret”
Children’s Chat
Special Music
Glenda Wallace
Sharing Our Prayer Concerns
Morning Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer
Children’s church for 1st-4th grade may go to Room 111 following the Lord’s Prayer.
*Favorite Hymn
“This Is My Father’s World”
“The Voice!”
Message Text: John 3:22-30
No. 144
Children’s Church for 1st-4th grade may go to Room 107 following the Children’s Chat.
Matthew 4:1-11
Dave Hoffmeyer
Abby Means
*Carrying the Light of God into the World
(Join hands if you wish)
The Worship is the service begins!
“Sing to the Lord A New Song” Chancel Choir
Sharing Our Prayer Concerns
Prayer Time
Silent Prayer
*A Time of Worship “Step By Step/Forever We Will Sing”
Morning Prayer
“The Voice!”
Message Text: John 3:22-30
Pastor Larry
Lord’s Prayer
*Favorite Song
* Closing Song
No. 381
No. 95
Children’s Chat
*Closing Prayer
Nicole Egli
*Scripture Reading
Matthew 4:1-11
No. 368
Please sign the Attendance Pad, pass it down your row, and return it to the center aisle.
Please use the cards in the pews/chairs to write your Joys and Concerns.
*Prayer of Dedication
Pastor Larry
*Closing Hymn
“Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us”
“My Hope Is Built”
Special Music
Silent Prayer
*Hymn of Praise
Please sign the Attendance Pad, pass it down
your row, and return it to the center aisle.
No. 95
*Prayer of Dedication
*Time of Praise
Offering Prayer
“We Want to See Jesus Lifted High”
“The Voice!”
Message Text: John 3:22-30
“Surely the Presence”
(Join hands if you wish)
“Power-Up Praise” - Abby Means, vocals, keyboard; Rhonda Hinkle,
vocals; Bill DuMond, vocals, guitar; Brad Ward, bass guitar; Bill Williams,
The Worship is the service begins!
“This Is My Father’s World”
No. 144
Pastor Larry
*Closing Hymn
“Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us”
Carrying the Light of God into the World
(Join hands if you wish)
The Worship is the service begins!
No. 381
Avon United Methodist Church
Monday Evening Informal Worship
7:00 pm
Those Assisting in Worship Today
Welcome Desk - Betty Mabis and Patsy Porter
8:15 am
Pre-Service Music
Greeters - Nancy Johnson
Song Leader - Duane Fleener
Sound Tech - Doug Richman
Nursery Attendant - Michelle Itczak
Medical Responder - Teana Norcutt
9:30 am
*Greeting of the Family
Greeters - Kim Vorpe and Betty Vogel
Sound Tech - Todd Van Duyn
Nursery - Kayla Logeais and Jennifer Hinshaw
Toddlers - Donna Mahler and Darlette DeAtley
Medical Responder - Glenda Ramer
*Favorite Song - “Great Is Thy Faithfulness”
10:45 am
*Favorite Hymn - “He Has Made Me Glad”
Offering Prayer
Reasons to Rejoice
Children’s Chat
Prayer Time
*Favorite Song - “The Battle Belongs To The Lord”
Greeters - David and P.Z. Sinclair
Song Leader - Duane Fleener
Sound Tech - Robb Dure
Nursery - Grace Fluharty
Toddlers - Dave and Gail Levstek
Medical Responder - Rita Bivens
Monday Evening
Greeter - Janet Miller
Song Leader - Brad Ward
Previous messages viewable at
10/5 & 10/6 - “We Are Not in Control!” - Pastor Larry
Message: “The Voice!”
9/28 & 9/29 - “Trusting God or Twisting God” - Pastor Mike
Message text: John 3:22-30
9/14 & 9/15 - “Are You Contagious?” - Pastor Larry
*Closing Song - “Surely The Presence”
*Closing Prayer
Please stay and enjoy refreshments in the Narthex.
Invite your friends to join us next Monday evening.
9/21 & 9/22 - “Find Your Spark” - Missions Team
October 12th & 13th, 2014
Traditional Praise Worship Service: 8:15 am
Informal Praise Worship Service: 9:30 am
Traditional Praise Worship Service: 10:45 am
Sunday School: 8:15, 9:30 and 10:45 am
Monday Informal Worship: 7:00 pm
Wednesday Worship at 6:15 pm
For the Week Ending October 5th, 2014
Last Week’s Worship: 619
Offering Plate: $ 21,418
On-line Offering: $ 5,556
Total Offering: $ 26,974
Building Fund Balance $ 344,750
If you miss a Sunday, set your offering aside!
Next Week’s Message:
“Times They Are A Changin’”
- Pastor Mike Collins
6850 East U.S. Hwy 36
Avon, Indiana 46123-8927[email protected]
Church Office: 317-272-4068
Office Hours: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Monday - Friday