OCTOBER 2014 ISSUE Oct 5 Matt 21:33-46 Oct 12 Matt 22:1-14 Oct 19 Matt 22:15-22 Oct 26 Matt 22:34-46 IN THIS ISSUE Page 2 Pastor Mike’s Article Why pray if God is allknowing? “Why do we need to pray when God already knows what we are going to say?” – Katrine Numme, Everett, Wash. Anne: I love this question. Martin Luther acknowledges your question in his explanation of The Lord’s Prayer in the Small Catechism. About the petition where we pray for daily bread, he writes: “In fact, God gives daily bread without our prayer, even to all evil people, but we ask in this prayer that God cause us to recognize what our daily bread is and to receive it with thanksgiving.” God will care for us whether we pray or not, but we pray that God will use our prayers to make us mindful and thankful for that care. My favorite answer to your question comes from the Old Testament scholar Terrence Fretheim. He talks about prayer as a conversation we have with our heavenly parent. When our kids give us the silent treatment, we still love them, and we still work diligently to protect them and care for them. But it is hard on the relationship and hard to do everything we want to do for them when they refuse to talk to us. When we give God the silent treatment, God still loves us, and God still works diligently to care for us. But the relationship does suffer without those daily conversations. Page 3-6 What’s Happening at Immanuel Page 7 Youth Page 8 Celebrations & Prayers Page 9 Giving Back Page 10 Kelly: This is a great question. Your question seems to assume that the reason we pray is to get what we want. I believe that when we pray we are practicing two disciplines. The first discipline is that God exists and God cares about and for us. When we pray we exercise our belief that we are not alone and God is with us. God cares for and about us. The second thing we practice when we pray is hope. When we pray we invest our hope in God who is near to us in our time of prayer. The more we pray the less it becomes about what we want and the more it becomes about the nearness of God. Finally, I believe prayer is not something we need to do – prayer is something we get to do. In our time of prayer we get to be intimate with God. Prayer is the constant reminder that we are not alone. As Christians, when we pray we practice our belief that we are not alone and God is with us. Often our focus is on the object of our prayer, but what we desire is to know is that God is really there – and cares. When I was a child I would often get into trouble and I had a special place where I would go to pray. In my prayer I would often try to cut a deal with God. Here I am today, more than 50 years later and I have no idea what I was praying about then, but it was an intimate relationship with God. Worship Leaders Page 11 Calendar Page 12 Rosanne: Of all the creatures that God created, humans are the only creatures who have the ability to directly address God through our prayers, our praise and our thanksgivings. Thus we have been invited by God to make our requests known, to pray. Because of this invitation, we can assume that God listens to our prayers and that our prayers can even change the heart and mind of God at times. Any concerns we might have about God being “all-knowing” with regard to our prayers might best be left to some theological seminar in heaven! - See more at: http://elca.org/Living-Lutheran/Ask-a-Pastor/2014/08/140818-Why-pray-if-God-is-all- Suggested Readings knowing#sthash.bGXM06M8.dpuf Living in Christ, Loving God’s Grace and peace from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Over the summer I enjoyed leading a class on Luther’s small catechism for the adults of the congregation. Often times we learn the catechism and do not think much about it once we are confirmed. It was just a piece of confirmation. The same could be said for the rite of confirmation itself. What does it mean to be confirmed? What are we confirming or affirming? Now, some may respond that confirmation means we are an adult in the faith. Yes we take on the role of a mature Christian in the faith, but what does that look like? This month we will celebrate the rite of confirmation for one of our youth. As he prepares to be confirmed, it would be good for us as a congregation to take time to think about what confirming the faith means to us. To help us think, here is a central part of the rite: Affirmation of Baptism people. The presiding minister addresses those making public affirmation of baptism. You have made public profession of your faith. Do you intend to continue in the covenant God made with you in holy baptism: to live among God's faithful people, Teaching the to hear the word of God and share in the Lord's supper, to proclaim the good news of God in Christ through word and deed, to serve all people, following the example of Jesus, Word, and to strive for justice and peace in all the earth? Each person responds: I do, and I ask God to help and guide me. Reaching the world. Each of us, who is an adult in the faith, is called to live this out in daily life. What does it mean day to day to strive for these things? For starters to live among God's faithful people is to take part in God's church as it cares for each other and the world God gave it. Now it is your turn to prayerfully consider each piece. It would be a blessing to be able to share how you live out the faith with a young man who is getting confirmed, and to support him as he becomes an adult in the faith. Amen In Christ, Pr. Michael Neel ALTAR GUILD Our next meeting will be October 6th at 6:30 PM. RUTH CIRCLE Ruth Circle will meet on Tuesday afternoon, October 14th, at 1:30 p.m. in the meeting room at church. We have begun this year's bible study, which is called "Transforming Life and Faith; this month's lesson is titled "We Are Called." God has recruited prophets and disciples and US. We have been called through our baptism. Bible study leader is Jeanene Coziahr and hostess is Carol Foster. All ladies are invited. The WELCA meeting is scheduled for October 21st at 6:30 pm. The executive committee is serving and it will be our secret pal reveal. SERVANT HEARTS CIRCLE We will be meeting October 16th at 6:30 PM. For more information about Servant Hearts Circle, contact Brenda Corrigan at (630) 553-1525. **All Saint’s Sunday is on November 2nd. If there is a person you would like remembered on this day, please turn the information into the office by Thursday, October 30th! BUSY HANDS We will be getting together on October 8th and 22nd at 9:00 AM. In the meantime, the ladies are in need of your donations of blankets and sheets. The donations must be clean, unstained, and in good condition (gently used). The fabric from the donations will be used to create quilts for Lutheran World Relief, which supplies quilts to those in need around the world. If you are interested in serving in this group, please contact Linda Stephens at (630) 553-1854. The ladies have also made beautiful prayer shawls. If you know of someone who could use a prayer shawl, please take one. YOUNG ADULT BIBLE STUDY Join Pastor Mike on Tuesday October 7th and 21st from 7:30pm-8:30pm for a time of bible study, coffee, and fellowship! We are still looking for a spot. Keep a look out for more information. Highlights of recent events... GODS WORK, OUR HANDS We baked, packed, transported and distributed more than 100 dozen cookies! Thank you all for your hard work! CROP WALK Thank you to all who donated for the Kendall County Crop Walk. Immanuel's Luther League raised $492. We had a total of 20 walkers this year. Thank you to Jennie Mulvey, Bruce Sampson, Wendy & Sean Drane, Brittany Strause, Pastor Mike, Kit, Leo, Aidan and Oliver Neel, Brenda, Jennifer & Melanie Karales, Arissa Wallis, Dhane Hardecopf, Tommy Schoot, Joey Hart, Lesli & Trey Ambrose and Laura Devick. BLESSING OF THE PETS We had seven pets that came out to be blessed. Every pet received a take home charm. Everybody had a great time and there were many thanks given to God for the pets in our lives. Coming up October 4th... The 7th annual Holiday Shoppe and Bake Sale is a month away. Join Immanuel Lutheran Church for a showcase of baked goods November 1st from 10 AM to 1 PM! Find us at 10104 Immanuel Rd in Yorkville. Luther League Luther League would like to thank all those that gave to our Crop Walk fundraiser. We raised $492 and had 6 Leaguers walk and a total of 19 people walk from our church. The Luther League also worked the kids activity table. We put on a lot of tattoos for kids of all ages. A special thank you to Laura Devick for all her work in not only setting up this event but getting our church. We have some exciting activities planned for the next few months: October 10th -- BINGO at Hillside Nursing Home October 17th -- Haunted Maze for Leaguers November 14th -- Family Movie Night (Movie TBA) SUNDAY SCHOOL We had a great turn out for our first month of Sunday School. We have a record number of students registered; we have over 50 students registered from preschool through High School. We have 2 new teachers this year, Kathy Dove and Michelle Halbesma. This month, we will be starting to learn about Abraham and Sarah then towards the end of the month we will be going into the lives of Isaac and Rebecca. We have one student who will be confirmed in October; Joseph Hart. We are so proud of him and his biblical studies. Also in November, the Sunday School will be starting our fundraiser. We will be selling gift cards again. The gift cards do not cost you anything extra than the value of the card. The company we work with gives us a percentage of cards we sell. It is a great and easy fundraiser. See Brenda Karales if you have any questions. CELEBRATIONS October Birthdays Oct. 1 Oct. 3 Oct. 8 Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. 9 10 11 14 Oct. 16 Oct. 17 Bruce Devick Buddy Gauer Linda Stephens Randy Boldt Carter Reichert Louis Kreppert Sr.* Don Hausler Autumn Hartnett Robert Borneman Matthew Heiden Ruby Anderson* Glenn Borneman* Kim Borneman Kathy Hughes Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. 18 19 24 26 Seth Nelson Bev Borneman Trent Anderson Trey Ambrose Lea Bateman Susie Durland Oct. 27 Brenda Karales Oct. 28 Phyllis Corrigan Sharon Hosler Mason Morgart Oct. 29 David Dierzen Keith Collman Oct. 31 Aiden Lopez *80 years and older Celebrate your birthday Oct. 1 Oct. 6 Oct. 18 Oct. 19 Michael and Katherine Neel Kent and Lea Bateman Randy and Heather Gauer Joseph and Lindsey Bergthold Don and Bonnie Hausler** Oct. 22 Steve and Kim Borneman Oct. 25 Dick and Diane Nenne Oct. 26 Christopher and Kathy Dove **50 years and over with others! Bring a cake mix and icing for the Kendall County Food Pantry! Pray for: Pray for the safety of all of those who serve their country. Pray for all of those things that we may not be able to give words to, but lay heavy on our hearts. Becky Johnson Berg; Mary Ann Gorham; Betty Larson; Lynn Molitor; Lois Tweedt; Earl Worley; Millie Tripp; Glenn Sing; Art Riemenschneider; Cathy Merkel; Louis Kreppert; Russ Hughes; Ronnie Bretthauer; John Nolden; Louis Kreppert; Penny Darnell and Linda Gengler. DID YOU KNOW? Our newsletter can be downloaded from our web site at: http://www.immanuelyorkville.org/Newsletters.html Newsletter submissions are always welcome! Please submit all items by the 20th of each month to: [email protected] GIVING BACK IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH YEAR-TO-DATE FINANCIAL REPORT Do you have a couple of hours to spare on Thursday, October 2nd, 16th or 30th to help those in need? If so, sign up on the sheet on the back table and join Pastor Mike and others as they serve at Hesed House’s Clothes Closet from 4:30pm–7:00pm. This ministry provides those less fortunate with necessary clothing items. As always, Hesed House will also receive any clothing donations you may have. — January 1 – September 18 2014 INCOME 99,157.61 Operating Fund Income 5,500.00 Parsonage Income TOTAL INCOME $104,657.61 Collections for the Kendall County Food Pantry will be accepted until the last week of June. The pantry accepts all donations of food and necessities —personal products are always a critical need. Grab an “Inasmuch” bag from the back table and fill it with personal products and return it to the table. EXPENSES 2,479.00 Benevolence Resolutions 625.37 Christian Education 17,246.88 Church Administration 2,134.45 Parsonage Expenses 51,343.39 Pastoral Services 4,239.74 Property Insurance & Taxes Repairs & Maintenance 15,547.97 Utilities 24,296.42 $126,863.40 NET OPERATING INCOME $ (22,205.79) NET INCOME TITHES AND OFFERINGS MADE EASY 8,950.18 Worship & Fellowship TOTAL EXPENSES We are on our way to earning a check from Goodsearch! The more people that use Goodsearch.com to search the web with Immanuel selected as their cause, the bigger our check will be! Immanuel also earns a percentage from online purchases made via Goodshop. Make the switch and help us grow our check. $ (22,205.79) You can now access the online giving page for Immanuel Lutheran Church by scanning the QR code above. Simply scan the QR code with your smart phone (a code reader app is required), and your browser will take you to the online giving area. The online giving page allows you to regularly tithe or make a one-time offering for the operating fund, memorial fund, Sunday school fund, flowers for the altar, missions, and the building fund. OUR STAFF PASTOR ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT MUSIC DIRECTOR MICHAEL NEEL ANA PETRIC MICHELLE SMITH PHONE: (630) 553-5368 PHONE: (630) 553-5368 PHONE: (630) 553 5368 (630) 385.2406 [Emergency] EMAIL: [email protected] Jennie Mulvey John Anderson Sharon Hosler Jennie Mulvey Deborah Schoot Randy Gauer Duane Gerdin Glenn Borneman Jim Follmer Calvin & Jane Wallis Jennie Mulvey Jane Wallis Randy Gauer Duane Gerdin Glenn Borneman Jim Follmer Calvin & Jane Wallis Jennie Mulvey 10:30 Jane Wallis Jane Wallis Jane Wallis 10:30 Hayley Schoot Madyson Bergeson Ryan Bateman 10:30 ASSISTING MINISTER Parker Dove Kelly Borneman Trey Ambrose 9:00 ACOLYTES Calvin & Jane Wallis Jim Follmer Glenn Borneman 11:30 10:30 Duane Gerdin Randy Gauer Sandy Stone Randy Boldt Linda Stephens 9:00 9:00 Dale & Delores Dierzen Tom & Jeanene Coziahr Keith & Sandy Collman Virgil & Pat Lippold 10:30 Jane Wallis Dhane Hardecopf Calvin & Jane Wallis Jim Follmer Glenn Borneman Duane Gerdin Randy Gauer Laura Devick Sharon Robinson Earl & Connie Worley OCTOBER 26 Kyle & Brenda Corrigan OCTOBER 19 Steve & Michelle Halbesma OCTOBER 12 Brian & Arlene Anderson OCTOBER 5 9:00 TIME COUNTERS USHERS READERS GREETERS ROLE October WORSHIP LEADERS •10:30am | Worship •9:30am | Sunday School •9:00am | Worship Rite of Confirmation 26 •10:30am | Worship •9:30am | Sunday School •9:00am | Worship 19 27 20 28 •4:30pm | Hesed House • 5:30 PM | Confirmation •6:00 PM | Holiday Shoppe Set-Up 30 23 29 • 5:30 PM | Confirmation •9:00am | Busy Hands •6:30 PM | WELCA Meeting •7:30pm | Young Adult Bible Study 22 21 •7:00 PM | Council Meeting •9:30am | Sunday School •10:30am | Worship •4:30pm | Hesed House • 5:30 PM | Confirmation •1:30 PM | Ruth Circle •9:00am | Worship •6:30pm | Servant Hearts Circle 16 15 13 • 5:30 PM | Confirmation 9 14 12 •10:30am | Worship •7:30pm | Young Adult Bible Study •9:00am | Busy Hands Caring Visits •6:30pm | Altar Guild •9:00am | Worship •9:30am | Sunday School 8 7 Caring Visits • 5:30 PM | Confirmation 6 2 1 •4:30pm | Hesed House Thu Wed 5 Tue Mon Sun All Hollows Eve 31 24 Haunted Maze for Leaguers 17 Bingo at Hillside Nursing Home 10 3 Fri 25 18 11 4 4 to 7 PM | Oktoberfest Sat SUGGESTED READINGS FOR OCTOBER Oct 1 Oct 2 Psalm 28; Judges 16:23-31; Matthew 9:2-8 Psalm 80:7-15; Jeremiah 2:14-22; Colossians 2:16-23 Oct 3 Oct 12 Isaiah 25:1-9; Psalm 23; Philippians 4:1-9; Matthew 22:1-14 Oct 13 Psalm 34; Exodus 19:7-20; Jude 17-25 Oct 14 Psalm 34; Amos 9:5-15; Philippians 3:13—4:1 Psalm 80:7-15; Jeremiah 2:23-37; Oct 15 Psalm 34; Song of Solomon Philippians 2:14-18; 3:1-4a 7:10—8:4; John 6:25-35 Oct 4 Psalm 80:7-15; Oct 16 Psalm 96:1-9 [10-13]; Judges Jeremiah 6:1-10; John 7:40-52 17:1-6; 3 John 9-12 Oct 5 Isaiah 5:1-7; Psalm 80:7-15; Oct 17 Psalm 96:1-9 [10-13]; Philippians 3:4b-14; Matthew Deuteronomy 17:14-20; 21:33-46 1 Peter 5:1-5 Oct 6 Psalm 144; Ezekiel 19:10-14; Oct 18 Psalm 96:1-9 [10-13]; 1 Peter 2:4-10 Isaiah 14:3-11; Matthew 14:1-12 Oct 7 Psalm 144; Isaiah 27:1-6; 2 Corinthians 5:17-21 Oct 19 Isaiah 45:1-7; Psalm 96:1-9 [10-13]; 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10; Oct 8 Psalm 144; Song of Solomon Matthew 22:15-22 8:5-14; John 11:45-57 Oct 9 Psalm 23; Isaiah 22:1-8a; 1 Peter 5:1-5, 12-14 Oct 20 Psalm 98; Daniel 3:1-18; Revelation 18:1-10, 19-20 Oct 10 Psalm 23; Isaiah 22:8b-14; James Oct 21 Psalm 98; Daniel 3:19-30; 4:4-10 Revelation 18:21-24 Oct 11 Psalm 23; Isaiah 24:8b-14; Mark Oct 22 Psalm 98; Daniel 6:1-28; 2:18-22 Matthew 17:22-27 Tech Times Issue 00 Month Year www.immanuelyorkville.org Oct 23 Psalm 1; Numbers 5;5-10; Titus 1:5-16 Oct 24 Psalm 1; Deuteronomy 9:25—10:5; Titus 2:7-8, 11-15 Oct 25 Psalm 1; Proverbs 24:23-34; John 5:39-47 Oct 26 Leviticus 19:1-2, 15-18; Psalm 1; 1 Thessalonians 2:1-8; Matthew 22:34-46 Oct 27 Psalm 119; Deuteronomy 6:1-9, 20-25; James 2:8-13 Oct 28 Psalm 119:41-48; Deuteronomy 10:10-22; James 2:14-26 Oct 29 Psalm 119:41-48; Proverbs 16:1-20; Matthew 19:16-22 Oct 30 Psalm 43; 1 Samuel 2:27-36; Romans 2:17-29 Oct 31 Psalm 43; Ezekiel 13:1-16; 2 Peter 2:1-3 Reprinted from Sundays and Seasons.com, copyright 2006 Augsburg Fortress. Used by permission of Augsburg Fortress. License #26639.
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