Green Harbor Yacht Club October 2014 Commodore’s Log

Green Harbor Yacht Club
October 2014
Club Officers:
Commodore: Jeff Fletcher
Green Harbor Yacht Club, Inc.
P.O. Box 209
Vice Commodore: Kevin Collins
Green Harbor, MA 02041
E-Mail: [email protected]
Commodore’s Log
by Jeff Fletcher
Although a chill is in the air, we still may have a number of
days left to enjoy the outdoors and hope to get a few more
boating days in. Hopefully the ocean will lie flat for all of
you to enjoy a few more weeks of fishing and cruising the
Had a great time at the Fishing Derby raffle and dinner this
past Saturday night. Congratulations to all that won prizes.
We will be doing a Meat Raffle in the near future. Our
tentative date is November 8th 2014 at 7pm to 9pm. We
will be emailing and posting at club. All kinds of goodies
will be raffled off.
Club Officers:
Secretary: Judy Degnan
Treasurer: William Last
of the board. Please note, any anonymous comments
are disregarded.
GHYC Website
by Ron McGrath
Over the last year I have been having problems with the
hosting company that host the GHYC website and have
moved the site to a different hosting company. I have
included a Members web page with Board Minutes and an
Annual Meeting Minutes. The Members page requires a
login password only. The password is the same for
everyone, the club’s zip code 02041. Hope you find the
new site attractive and useful.
Sailing Program
by Mac McDonough
When it came time to stand up and thank all the people for
The “Boys of Fall” are several weeks into the season and
their help during the season I knew
it looks like the Patriot’s offensive
I would forget someone. As it turns
line is turning it around. The NFL
I forgot many.
will be aired at the club, stop by
First of all I would like to thank
and root for your favorite team.
Please let us know by November 1st!
Cindy Goddard for her work with
Perhaps you’ll win a square or
Send an email to
the program in her spare time. It
not unusual for me to get a call
Stephen Bartlett @
The Boston Bruins kick off their
time or on a weekend with
[email protected]
season opener on Wednesday,
we needed.
October 8th @ 7:30 pm. The club
Please state which branch of our Armed
Thanks again to the board of
will be rooting for the Black &
Forces and include your years of service.
directors who came through,
Gold, come by to enjoy the game.
Thank you for your Service!
without hesitation, with everything
The club continues to be open 7
the program needed to succeed.
days a week, until further notice.
Finally, thanks to someone who has been there whenever
Secretary Notes
by Judy Degnan
we've needed a hand. Our reigning commodore's cup
champion, Pete Jones.
In order to keep members updated on Club events in a
timely manner, please send us your email address(es)
It takes a lot to make this whole thing work. THANKS TO
and/or cell phone number(s). In addition, any other
changes to your information please send to
[email protected]. Thank you!
Dock Master Report
by Mac McDonough
Membership News
by Judy Degnan
The Board approved probationary membership for Michael
& Pamela McNamara and accepted applications for
processing from Bryan & Cara Burton, Rebecca Dyer,
Anthony & Sarah Blair Markella, Michael & Jean
Lynch, and Tom & Sandy Neville. Any comments
regarding these applicants should be directed to a member
Once again thanks to John Reardon and Jay Freer for all
their help. And many thanks to the boaters for making our
job easier.
This great season is winding down and the boats come out
at about the same rate they go in.
Please remember to take your lines buoys and electrical
cords home.
Waterfront Committee
by Andy Laplume
As the 2014 boating season comes to a close, we would
like to remind Vessel Owners that all documentation,
pursuant to Section 5 in the Waterfront Rules &
Regulations, must be up to date and on file with the club
prior to launching your vessel in 2015.
Club Rental Information
by Kevin Joyal
The club rental form can be downloaded from our website, Before inquiring about availability,
please check our events calendar on the website. If you
do not have access to our website, please call Kevin
Joyal @ 781-834-9115.
Rental guidelines will be reviewed with you and a pending
rental date could be secured, if available. Once your
deposit is received your rental will be confirmed.
To address and clarify Section 5;
If the information on your Boater Information Form has not
changed, you do not have to submit one from year to year.
Vessel registrations generally run for 2 years. Please send a
copy when you receive your new registration. An up to date
copy must be on file.
A copy of the vessel title does not have to be submitted from
year to year. If you purchase a new boat, a copy of the
current title must be on file.
While on the property of the GHYC, each vessel must be
fully insured, pursuant to Section 4 of the Waterfront Rules &
Regulations, and a copy of the insurance certificate listing
the amount of coverage, must be on file. Insurance
coverage expiration dates can vary, so please be diligent in
sending in an updated policy as you renew them. The
bottom line is that your insurance certificate is up to date
when and while your boat is in the water!
Please notify the Dock Master in advance of your intended
berthing date.
If you should have any questions, please contact the Club
at [email protected] so a member of the
Committee can reply to you directly.
Beautification Committee
by Brian Bartlett
Thanks to Kathie Deady and
Stephen Bartlett, the Club is
welcoming fall with colorful
plantings and decorations. Come
by and take a look! This month
we also have to thank Kevin
Joyal for weeding both Islands
out along Dyke Road. This was a
time consuming job and his
volunteerism is very much
A Fall clean-up day is being
planned for Saturday 11/8 @9am with a rain date of
Saturday 11/15 @9am. Please consider donating a bit of
time to the club on clean-up day this fall. A good number
of volunteers means no one will have to work too hard or
too long and believe it or not, it can be a good time. And,
as always, if anyone is interested in participating in a little
ongoing maintenance on the islands, other plantings,
watering, or anything else to do with keeping up the
grounds, please feel to contact me at 781-834-8996.
Upcoming Club Rentals:
October 25th
Nov. 2nd
Events & Entertainment
6 to 11 pm
1 to 5 pm
by Nancy Dick
The 5th Annual Striped Bass Tournament took place on
Saturday, October 4th. Despite the
weather and rough seas, 50 anglers
participated in the tournament.
The tournament began shortly after the
Captain’s meeting on Friday, October
3rd and ended at 4 pm on October 4th.
Participants and over 40 additional members attended the
dinner event and enjoyed live music by Jimmy Sylvia.
Congratulations to Chris Bagnal for reeling in the only
Striped Bass and to Chuck Violisi for bringing in the largest
Bluefish and a skate to win the “fun” fish category. For
each category (Adult & Child), names were drawn for
placements where no fish was caught. Congratulations to
the other winners: Adult 2nd, Joel Grant; Adult 3rd, Ben
Joyal; Child 1st, Paul Richardson; Child 2nd, Caroline
Howlett; Child 3rd, Caitlin Howlett. Finally, the Captains
Award was given to Chris Bagnal.
Proceeds from this tournament will be distributed to South
Shore Hospital’s Breast Cancer Center and GHYC
Sailing program. Over 41 prizes from local merchants
were raffled and event t-shirts were sold to help raise
additional funds. Once all expenses have been paid our
committee will disburse the proceeds to the two programs.
Stay tuned to an announcement of the total contributions.
Thank you to all that attended and purchased raffle tickets
and a special thank you to all the members that
volunteered to help make the event successful!!
Parents, Aunts, Uncles and Grandparents,
this year’s Children’s Halloween party
will be held on Sunday, October 26th
from 12-3 pm. A costume parade will
take place at 2:30 pm, don’t miss a great photo
Please see the attached flyer. If you plan to attend, we
request you do RSVP with how many children will be
attending to the contacts as noted on the flyer. Your
RSVP will help the organizers order enough pizza for the
little ones!
Upcoming Events:
Kid’s Halloween Party 12-3 pm
Meat Raffle (time TBD)
Christmas Decorating Social
Adult Christmas Party
Children’s Christmas Party
**********VOLUNTEERS NEEDED**********
Please contact Nancy Dick as soon as possible.
[email protected] or 508-641-9454
The year is closing in on us and the Social Chair position is
available. As of 2015, I will not be able to run this
committee. Members interested in running the social
committee should inform the board as soon as
Please visit us @: and on Facebook
(GHYC) for updates on any of our social events.
Important Notices
Supervision of Children: Thank you to all our families for
keeping our junior membership safe while they are in the
club and on the docks. As a reminder, please abide by the
GHYC policy and standard boating regulations of children
must wear life vests at all times when on the docks.
Please do not throw the decorative seashells or rocks into
the water. The rocks on our property act as a retaining
wall and help to protect our yard from erosion.
Boat Fuel: All transfer of engine fuels from portable
containers to boats while docked at the club waterfront is
strictly prohibited.
Parking: The yellow line in the lot indicates tandem
parking. Please make sure you park on either side of this
line, it will help to maximize our parking.
Pets: Pet owners are responsible to clean up after pets on
GHYC property. Pets are not permitted in the Club.
Smoking: Smoking is permitted outside. Please dispose
of all smoking materials safely and properly, in ash
buckets provided for your convenience.
Trash: Please help to keep our grounds clean. Be
conscious of any trash you bring onto to the club grounds
and make an effort to dispose of it.
Other Local Events
GH Village Harvestfest
by Deborah Habel
This year's Harvestfest is scheduled for Saturday,
October 18th, from noon to dusk. Jim & Bob Silvia and
Basic Black will be entertaining us again this year. Over 30
artisans and vendors will be there for your viewing of their
one-of-a-kind gifts and items. You won't want to miss out
on the delicious soups and chowders at the Soupfest table!
For more information, call Deborah Habel, 781-834-9334.
Free admission. All proceeds help to support our GH
community in its upkeep and various local causes.
Green Harbor Yacht Club
Games & Fun!
Arts & Crafts
Kids Halloween Party
Sunday October 26 12-3 p.m.
***There will be a costume parade at 2:30***
Pizzas & Juice will be served
Desserts and Treats Appreciated!!!  
Please RSVP by Oct. 22nd to
Kerri Connell @ [email protected] or Jayme Moore @ [email protected]