Color Line – Indoor Peanco indoor 6019 White green 6018 Yellow green 1016 Lemon yellow 3020 Ferrari red 4005 Lilac Peanco A/S har siden 1993 udviklet og fremstillet kontorudsmykningsartikler i stål i samarbejde med førende arkitekter og leverandører til kontorudsmykning, hovedsagligt til lande inden for EU. Idégrundlaget er at fremstille produkter baseret på skandinavisk design, hvor den enkle form understreger funktionen og som fremstilles af kvalitetsråvarer. Produktion og produkter udvikles løbende, hvor flere funktioner er mønsterregistreret. 5009 Azur 7016 Anthracite 9004 Smoke black 9005 Deep black 9006 Pearl alu 9006-2 Light grey 9016 White Produktprogram: 1. Plantekumme i forskellige former og størrelser samt overflade til både inden- og udendørs brug. 2. Kontorudsmykningsartikler bl.a. info-tavler, brochureholdere, rumopdelere samt efter aftale. 3. Luftbefugtere/rensere til nedsættelse af gener ved tør luft og rum med statisk elektricitet. Denne brochure viser en del af Peanco´s produktprogram, se hele programmet på www., hvor der også vises interiør billeder samt reference oversigt. Peanco A / S entwickelt und fertigt seit 1993 dekorative Artikel für Büroeinrichtunenaus Stahl. In Zusammenarbeit mit führenden Architekten und Bauherren für Büro Dekoration, vor allem in Länder innerhalb der EU. Peanco A/S has since 1993 developed and manufactured office decor items in steel, in collaboration with leading architects and contractors for office decoration, mainly to countries within the EU. Aufgabe ist es Produkte im skandinavisches Design zu produzieren, dabei folgt die Form der Funktion. Produziert wird aus hochwertigen Materialien. The mission is to manufacture products based on Scandinavian design, where the simple form emphasizes function and is produced based on quality ingredients. Die Produktiontechnik als auch die Produkte werden kontinuierlich weiterentwickelt. Funktions- und Geschmackmuster sind angenmeldet. Production and products are continually developed, where several functions are registered pattern. Sortiment: 1. Pflanzschalen in unterschiedlichen Formen, Größen und Oberflächen für den Innen-und Außenbereich. Product range: 1. Plant bowls in different shapes and sizes, and surface for both indoor and outdoor use. 2. Dekorationselemente für das Büro sowie Informationstafeln, Prospektständer, Raumteiler und auftragsbezogene Bestellungen 3. Luftbefeuchter / Luftreiniger zur Verminderung der trockenen Luft und statischer Aufladung in Räumen Diese Broschüre zeigt einen Teil der Peanco Produktpalette. Das gesamte Programm finden Sie auf, mit Innenaufnahmen und einer Referenz-Übersicht. 2. Office decor items including information boards, brochure holders, room dividers and by appointment. 3. Humidifiers / purifiers for reduction of genes of the dry air and space with static electricity. This brochure shows a part of Peanco’s product range, view the entire program at, which also displays interior photos and a reference overview. Indholdsfortegnelse / Inhalt / Contents Indendørs blomsterkummer Im Hause blumenkübeln indoor planters Informationstavler Informationstafeln information boards Tilbehør/ Zubehör/ Accessories Runde/runde/round 5 11 Hjulkonsol/Rollen/ wheel console: 13 Runde koniske/ Runde konische/ round conical: 6 Plastindsats/ Kunststoffeinsats/ plastic insert Papirkurve Papierkorben Paper Baskets Firkantede koniske/ Viereckige konische/ square conical: 13 12 7 Trekantede/dreieckige/ triangular: Vandstandsmålere/ Wasserzähler/ water level meter: Askebægre Aschenbecker Ashtray 12 7 Luftbefugter Luftrenser Firkantede/Viereckige/ square: 8 Specielle/spezielle/ special 13 10 Espalier Espalier Espalier Luftbefeuchter Luftreiniger 13 14 Humidifier Aircleaner 3 Peanco colour line Bygningsindretning og arkitektur undergår løbende forandringer, baseret på udvikling af nye materialer og konstruktionsformer, sideløbende med ændringer i menneskers adfærdsmønster. Peanco´s nye colour line serie er baseret på Peanco´s mangeårige erfaringer med kombinationen af stål og kunststoffremstillede blomsterkummer. Disse erfaringer sammen med et nyudviklet mønsterbeskyttet sokkelsystem og samarbejdet med en af Europas mest anerkendte lakfremstiller, det svejsiske IPG Pulvertechnik AG, der er et af de førende firmaer for fremstilling af moderigtige farver til møbler og udvendige stålbeklædninger, giver mulighed for fremstilling af et fleksibelt produktprogram, både i form og størrelser, samtidigt med at de rene skandinaviske design linier bliver bevaret og hvor farverne er afstemt efter den enkelte kundes ønsker. Kombinationen af gennemprøvede indvendige kunststofplantekummer sammen med en dekorativ metalkappe giver designmæssige enkle linier, der er let at indpasse i næsten alle kontormiljøer. Basierend auf der Entwicklung neuer Materialien und Designs verändert sich die GebäudeArchitektur ständig, parallel zu den Veränderungen der menschlichen Bedürfnisse. Building interior and architecture are undergoing continuous changes, based on the development of new materials and designs, in parallel with changes in human requirements. Peanco’s neue Colour-Line-Serie basiert auf langjähriger Erfahrung bei der Kombination von Edelstahl- und Kunststoff-Pflanzgefäßen. Peanco’s new color line serie is based on Peanco’s longstanding experience with the combination of steel and plastic-made planters. Diese Erfahrungen und die Zusammenarbeit mit einem der renommiertesten europäischen Produzenten die Schweizer IPG Powder Technik AG,für die Herstellung modischer Farben für Möbeln und Stahl-Fassaden ermöglicht die Herstellung eines flexiblen Produktpalette, sowohl in Form und Größe. Die klare, skandinavischen Design-Linien bleibt erhalten, dabei kann Farbgebung auf jeden Kundenwunsch abgestimmt werden. These experiences along with a newly developed pattern protected socket system and cooperation with one of Europe’s most renowned paint manufacturer, the Swiss IPG Powder Technik AG, one of the leading companies for the manufacture of fashionable colors to furniture and exterior steel claddings allows for production of a flexible product range, both in shape and size, while the clean Scandinavian design lines will be preserved, but where the colors are matched to each customer’s needs. Die neuen Colour Line-Serie macht es möglich, die Vorteile von bewährten Innenraum Kunststoffe Pflanzgefäßen mit optimalen Pflanztiefe und dekorativen Metall-Ummantelungen miteinanderzu kombinieren .Die Colour-LineSerie bietet durch sein klares Design Gefäße, die einfach in nahezu jede Büroumgebung passen. Det nye mønsterbeskyttede sokkelsystem, der ud over at give et eksklusivt udseende også skjuler det hjulsæt, der er ønskeligt for at lette rengøring samt sikre planten de rigtige lysforhold. Das neue Sockel-System, mit mit eingetragenem Musterschutz, bietet eine exklusive Optik und verbirgt die Rollen. Die Rollen werden häufig an den Gefäßen gewünscht, um die Reinigung der Büros zu erleichtern und in den richtigen Lichtverhältnissen zu platzieren. Fordelene ved Peanco´s nyudviklede colour line sortiment er: Die Vorteile des neuen Peanco Colour-Line sind: • Kundetilpassede plantekummer i størrelse og form. • Maßgefertigte Pflanzgefäße in Größe und Form • Kundetilpassede plantekummer i farvevalg til omgivelserne. • Plantekumme baseret på enkle tidløse skandinaviske design linier. • Optimal vægt af plantekumme, da den indbyggede plantekumme har den rigtige plantedybde og dermed jordmængde, samtidig med at de øvrige anvendte materialer giver en robust, ikke tung plantekumme. • Plantekumme med hjul er lette at flytte ved rengøring og tilpasse planternes lysforhold. • Plantekummer der ikke beskadiger underlaget, selv efter flere års benyttelse. • Minimumsgaranti på 5 års tæthed ved normal brug. • Hurtig levering baseret på rationel dansk produktion. • Produkter baseret på europæiske miljøgodkendte råmaterialer. 4 • Kundenindividuelle Farbgebung • Pflanzgefäße in zeitlosem skandinavischem Design • Optimales Gewicht des Pflanzsgefäßes, da die eingebaute Pflanzerschale die richtige Pflanztiefe und damit ausreichendes Pflanzvolumen hat. Das verwendeten Materialien der Pflanzschale is darüber hinaus sehr robustund leicht • Die Pflanzgefäße mit Rollen sind leicht zu bewegen z.B. beim Reinigen oder beim Platzieren in den richtigen Lichtverhältnissen. • Die Pflanzschalen beeinträchtigen; selbst nach jahrelangem Einsatz, nicht die Subtratqualität, • Mindestens 5 Jahre Gewährleistung auf die Dichte bei normalem Gebrauch • Schnelle Lieferung durch rationale dänische Produktion. • Nutzung zugelassener Rohstoffe der Europäischer Umwelt Agentur. The combination of proven interior plastics plant basins together with a decorative metal sheath provides design simple lines that are easy to fit into almost any office environment. The new pattern protected socket system that in addition to providing an exclusive look also hides the wheelset which is desirable to facilitate cleaning and ensure the plant the right lighting conditions. The benefits of Peano’s newly developed color line range are: • Customized plant bowls in size and shape • Customized plant bowls in color adapted to the surroundings • Plant bowls based on simple timeless Scandinavian design lines • Optimal weight of plant bowl because the built planter have the proper planting depth, and thus soil volume, while the other materials used provides a robust, not heavy plant bowl. • Plant bowls with wheels are easy to move when cleaning and adjusting the planters light conditions. • Plant bowls which do not damage the substrate, even after years of use. • Minimum 5 year warranty on density of normal use • Quick delivery based on rational Danish production. • Products based on European Environment approved raw materials. Runde blomsterkummer Runde Blumenkübeln Runde blomsterkummer Runde blomsterkummer Colour deluxe 11.10 Colour11.10 standard Colour deluxe B367722 Runde Blumenkübeln Runde Blumenkübeln Colour standard 10.6 10.6 Colour deluxe Colour standard B365421 B306005 B309004 B303020 B363120 Stainless steel Colour basic 18.9 18.9 B373605K 5 Colour basic Colour basic B373603K B306021N Round planters 7.10 7.10 B309021N Stainless steel Stainless steel B303421N Size Size cm Dcm xH DxH 17 14 14 17 x 21 17 x 15 21 20 15 20 x 21 20 x 18 21 26 26 x 22 18 26 x 30 22 30 30 30 x 60 30 x 90 60 30 x 30 90 36 30 36 x 53 36 x 76 53 36 x 36 76 37 37 x 72 36 37 x 39 72 40 39 40 x 78 40 x 78 50 40 40 50 x 80 50 x 46 80 60 60 x 92 46 60 x 50 92 70 70 x 49 50 76 76 x 98 49 76 x 70 98 88 88 96 x 70 72 96 x 100 72 120 120 x 100 Wheel Wheel 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 4 4 9 9 9 6 6 6 9 9 RAL no. RAL no. 1016 1016 3020 3020 4005 4005 5009 5009 6018 6018 6019 6019 7016 7016 9004 9004 9005 9005 9006 9006 9006-2 9006-2 9016 9016 Round planters Round planters Colour Colour deluxe deluxe B1716rr B1716rr B1723rr B1723rr B2017rr B2017rr B2023rr B2023rr B2624rr B2624rr B3034rr B3034rr B3064rr B3064rr B3094rr B3094rr B3631rr B3631rr B3654rr B3654rr B3677rr B3677rr B3737rr B3737rr B3773rr B3773rr B4040rr B4040rr B4079rr B4079rr B5041rr B5041rr B5081rr B5081rr B6047rr B6047rr B6093rr B6093rr B7051rr B7051rr B7650rr B7650rr B7699rr B7699rr B8871rr B8871rr B9677rr B9677rr B120105rr B120105rr Colour Colour Standard Standard B1714rr B1714rr B1721rr B1721rr B2015rr B2015rr B2021rr B2021rr B2618rr B2618rr B2622rr B2622rr B3030rr B3030rr B3060rr B3060rr B3090rr B3090rr B3630rr B3630rr B3653rr B3653rr B3676rr B3676rr B3736rr B3736rr B3772rr B3772rr B4039rr B4039rr B4078rr B4078rr B5040rr B5040rr B5080rr B5080rr B6046rr B6046rr B6092rr B6092rr B7050rr B7050rr B7649rr B7649rr B7698rr B7698rr B8870rr B8870rr B9672rr B9672rr B120100rr B120100rr Colour Colour Lemon yellow Lemon Ferariyellow red Ferari Lilacred Lilac Azur Azur Yellowgreen Yellowgreen Whitegreen Whitegreen Anthracite Anthracite Smoke black Smoke black Deep black Deep Pearlblack alu Pearlgray alu Light Light gray White White Colour Colour Basic Basic 13736rr 13736rr 15039rr 15039rr 16045rr 16045rr 17648rr 17648rr Stainless Stainless Polished Perforated Polished Perforated B171421N B171421N B172121N B172121PN B172121N B172121PN B201521N B201521N B202121N B202121N B261821N B261821PN B261821N B261821PN B262221N B262221N B303021N B303021N B306021N B306021N B309021N B309021N B363021N B363021PN B363021N B363021PN B365321N B365321N B367621N B367621N B373621N B373621PN B373621N B373621PN B377221N B377221N B403921N B403921PN B403921N B403921PN B407821N B407821N B504021N B504021 PN B504021N B504021 PN B508021N B508021N B604621N B604621PN B604621N B604621PN B609221N B609221N B705021N B705021PN B705021N B705021PN B764921N B764921PN B764921N B764921PN B769821N B769821N B887021N B887021PN B887021N B887021PN B967221N B967221N B12010021N B12010021N Peanco no. rr Peanco 22 no. rr 22 10 10 20 20 04 04 24 24 21 21 03 03 23 23 02 02 01 01 06 06 05 05 5 5 Koniske runde blomsterkummer Runde konische Blumenkübeln Round conical planters Colour deluxe Colour standard Koniske runde blomsterkummer Runde konische Blumenkübeln B40269502 B36267702 B36267310 B30216302 6.1 Colour deluxe Colour basic B40354005K 14.13 B50358005K Stainless steel B36267321N B20153421N Size D1xD2xH 17/14x21 20/16x21 20/15x34 26/21x34 30/21x60 32/24x54 36/26x73 36/31x39 40/26x90 40/35x40 48/31x109 50/40x40 50/35x80 Colour deluxe B171423rr B201623rr B201534rr B262137rr B302163rr B322457rr B362677rr B363143rr B402694rr Colour Standard B171421rr B201621rr B201536rr B262134rr B302160rr B322454rr B362673rr B363139rr B402690rr B4831113rr B4831109rr RAL no. 1016 3020 4005 Colour standard 6 B40269010 B30216010 10.7 Colour Basic B30216021N Round conical planters 5009 6018 6019 7016 9004 9005 9006 9006-2 9016 Colour Basic B403540rrK B504040rrK B503580rrK Stainless steel B17142121N B20162121N B20153421N B26213421N B30216021N B32245421N B36267321N B36313921N B40269021N B483110921N Colour Lemon yellow Ferari red Lilac Peanco no. rr 22 10 20 Azur Yellowgreen Whitegreen Anthracite Smoke black Deep black Pearl alu Light gray White 04 24 21 03 23 02 01 06 05 Koniske firkantede blomsterkummer Konische viereckige Blumenkübeln Square conical planters Koniske firkantede Colour deluxe blomsterkummer Konische viereckige Square conical Colour standard Blumenkübeln planters Koniske firkantede blomsterkummer Konische viereckige Blumenkübeln 14.6 14.6 Square conical planters 9.6 9.6 Colour deluxe 14.6 9.6 Size Colour Colour Stainless Size Colour Colour Stainless W1xW2xH deluxe Standard steel W1xW2xH deluxe Standard steel B30/20x6020 B32/20x9010 25/20x40 B25/20x43rr B25/20x40rr B25/20x4021N 25/20x40 B25/20x43rr B25/20x40rr B25/20x4021N 30/20x60 B30/20x64rr B30/20x60rr B30/20x6021N Colour deluxe 30/20x60 B30/20x64rr B30/20x60rr B30/20x6021N B25/20x4022B32/20x90rr 32/20x90 B32/20x94rr B32/20x9021N 32/20x90 B32/20x94rr B32/20x90rr B32/20x9021N Size Colour Colour Stainless W1xW2xH deluxe Standard steel 25/20x40 B25/20x43rr B25/20x40rr B25/20x4021N 30/20x60 B30/20x64rr B30/20x60rr Dreieckige TriangularB30/20x6021N planters 32/20x90 B32/20x94rr B32/20x90rr B32/20x9021N Colour standard B32/20x9402 B30/20x6402 B25/20x4302 Colour standard Trekantede Trekantede blomsterkummer blomsterkummer Colour deluxe Trekantede 10.1 10.1 blomsterkummer Blumenkübeln Dreieckige Dreieckige Blumenkübeln Colour standard Blumenkübeln Triangular planters 17.2 17.2 10.1 Triangular planters 17.2 Colour deluxe B3X40/6410 Colour deluxe B3x40/6010 Stainless steel 10.1 tilpasset tilpasset 10.1 10.1 tilpasset Colour standard B3x40/4021N Colour standard Colour deluxe Size Size W3xH W3xH 3/40x40 3/40x40 3/40x60 3/40x60 3/40x90 3/40x90 Size W3xH 3/40x40 RAL no. no. 3/40x60 RAL 1016 3/40x90 1016 3020 3020 4005 4005 5009 5009 6018 RAL no. 6018 6019 1016 6019 7016 3020 7016 9004 4005 9004 9005 5009 9005 9006 6018 9006 9006-2 6019 9006-2 7016 9016 9016 9004 9005 9006 9006-2 9016 Colour Colour Stainless Colour Colour Stainless deluxe Standard steel deluxe Standard steel B3X40/44rr B3X40/40rr B3X40/4021N B3X40/44rr B3X40/40rr B3X40/4021N B3X40/64rr B3X40/60rr B3X40/6021N Colour deluxe B3X40/64rr B3X40/60rr B3X40/6021N B3X40/94rr B3X40/90rr B3X40/9021N B3X40/94rr B3X40/90rr B3X40/9021N Colour Colour Stainless deluxe Standard steel B3X40/44rr B3X40/40rr B3X40/4021N Colour Peanco no. no. rr rr B3X40/64rr Colour B3X40/60rr B3X40/6021N Peanco Lemon yellow yellow 22 B3X40/94rr B3X40/90rr B3X40/9021N Lemon 22 Ferari red red 10 Ferari 10 Lilac 20 Lilac 20 Azur 04 Azur 04 Yellowgreen 24 no. rr Colour Peanco Yellowgreen 24 Whitegreen 21 Lemon yellow 22 Whitegreen 21 Anthracite 03 Ferari red 10 Anthracite 03 Smoke black 23 Lilacblack 20 Smoke 23 Deep black 02 Azur 04 Deep black 02 Pearl alu alu 01 Yellowgreen 24 Pearl 01 Light 06 Whitegreen 21 Light gray gray 06 Anthracite 03 White 05 White 05 Smoke black 23 Deep black 02 7 Pearl alu 01 7 Light gray 06 White 05 8 Firkantede blomsterkummer Viereckige Blumenkübeln Square planters Colour standard Colour special Colour standard B40803002 B90355503 B70355306 Firkantede Firkantede Viereckige blomsterkummer blomsterBlumen kummer kübeln 13.2 Colour deluxe Colour deluxe Viereckige Blumenkübeln Square Size planters cm Wheels 9.13 Colour standard Colour deluxe Rettet billede 13.4 B70355306 B70355503 Colour Basic B70352902K Colour basic B40405505K Colour standard Colour standard Stainless steel 6.4 B50504021N 11.1 B30309010 B30306002 B30303620 9 B90353021N Square planters LxWXH Colour deluxe Colour standard 17x17x17 20x20x20 20x20x60 20x20x90 30x30x34 30x30x60 30x30x90 40x40x30 40x40x53 40x40x75 40x80x30 50x50x30 50x50x40 50x50x53 50x50x75 70x70x30 70x70x53 70x70x75 70x35x30 70x35x53 70x35x75 80x35x33 90x35x30 90x35x53 90x35x75 140x35x30 140x35x54 180x35x30 180x35x54 210x35x30 210x35x54 B171719rr B202022rr B202062rr B202092rr B303036rr B303062rr B303092rr B404032rr B404055rr B404077rr B408032rr B505032rr B505042rr B505055rr B505077rr B707032rr B707055rr B707077rr B703532rr B703555rr B703577rr B803534rr B903532rr B903555rr B903577rr B1403532rr B1403556rr B1803532rr B1803556rr B2103532rr B2103556rr B171717rr B202020rr B202060rr B202090rr B303034rr B303060rr B303090rr B404030rr B404053rr B404075rr B408030rr B505030rr B505040rr B505053rr B505075rr B707030rr B707053rr B707075rr B703530rr B703553rr B703575rr B803533rr B903530rr B903553rr B903575rr B1403530rr B1403554rr B1803530rr B1803554rr B2103530rr B2103554rr RAL no. 1016 3020 4005 5009 6018 6019 7016 9004 9005 9006 9006-2 9016 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Colour Lemon yellow Ferari red Lilac Azur Yellowgreen Whitegreen Anthracite Smoke black Deep black Pearl alu Light gray White Colour basic B404029rrK B404055rrK B505029rrK B707029rrK B703529rrK B803532rrK B903529rrK Stainless B17171721N B20202021N B20206021N B20209021N B30303421N B30306021N B30309021N B40403021N B40405321N B40407521N B40803021N B50503021N B50504021N B50505321N B50507521N B70703021N B70705321N B70707521N B70353021N B70355321N B70357521N B80353321N B90353021N B90355321N B90357521N B140353021N B140355421N B180353021N B180355421N B210353021N B210355421N Peanco no. rr 22 10 20 04 24 21 03 23 02 01 06 05 Specielle modeller Spezielle modelle Specielle Specielle modeller modeller Specielle modeller Specielle modeller Specielle modeller Stainless steel /Rosewood Spezielle Size Special Stainless cm Wheels steel/ Spezielle modelle L x W X H Special models rosewood modelle models Spezielle modelle Special models 44x44x30 4 B44443021N Spezielle modelle Special models 44x44x53 4 B44445321N 4 B44447521N Spezielle modelle44x44x75 Special models Stainless steel /Rosewood 18.7 18.7 18.7 18.7 B545453W 18.7 9.2 B743930W 3.21 9.2 Design: Tongue Wheels 3 4 3.21 Colour 3.21 Standard 3.21 B3736rrT 3.21 B4840rrT 54x54x30 Stainless 4 steelB54543021N /Rosewood Size Stainless 54x54x40 4 B54544021N Size Stainless cm Wheels steel /Rosewood steel/ Stainless 54x54x53 4 B54545321N Wheels rosewood steel/ L x W Xcm HSize Stainless 54x54x75 B54547521N /Rosewood LStainless x W cm X H 4 steel rosewood 44x44x30 4 Wheels B44443021N steel/ 74x74x30 4 B74743021N 44x44x30 B44443021N Stainless Size 44x44x53 B44445321N LxWXH 4 4 rosewood 74x74x53 4 B74745321N cm steel/ 44x44x53 B44445321N 44x44x75 4 4 4 B44447521N 44x44x30 Wheels B44443021N 74x74x75 4 B74747521N L x W X H rosewood 44x44x75 B44447521N 54x54x30 44x44x53 4 4 4 B54543021N B44445321N 74x39x30 4 B74393021N 44x44x30 B44443021N 54x54x30 B54543021N 54x54x40 44x44x75 4 4 4 4 B54544021N B44447521N 74x39x53 4 B74395321N 44x44x53 B44445321N 54x54x40 B54544021N 54x54x53 54x54x30 4 4 4 4 B54545321N B54543021N 74x39x75 4 B74397521N 44x44x75 B44447521N 54x54x53 B54545321N 54x54x75 54x54x40 4 4 4 4 B54547521N B54544021N 84x39x33 4 B84393321N 54x54x30 B54543021N 54x54x75 B54547521N 74x74x30 54x54x53 4 4 4 4 B74743021N B54545321N 94x39x30 4 B94393021N 54x54x40 B54544021N 74x74x30 B74743021N 74x74x53 54x54x75 4 4 4 4 B74745321N B54547521N 94x39x53 4 B94395321N 54x54x53 B54545321N 74x74x53 B74745321N 74x74x75 74x74x30 4 4 4 4 B74747521N B74743021N 94x39x75 4 B94397521N 54x54x75 B54547521N 74x74x75 B74747521N 74x39x30 74x74x53 4 4 4 4 B74393021N B74745321N 184x39x75 4 B184397521N 74x74x30 B74743021N 74x39x30 B74393021N 74x39x53 74x74x75 4 4 4 4 B74395321N B74747521N 74x74x53 B74745321N 74x39x53 B74395321N 74x39x75 74x39x30 4 4 4 4 B74397521N B74393021N 74x74x75 B74747521N 74x39x75 B74397521N 84x39x33 74x39x53 4 4 4 4 B84393321N B74395321N 74x39x30 B74393021N 84x39x33 B84393321N 94x39x30 74x39x75 4 4 4 4 B94393021N B74397521N 74x39x53 B74395321N 94x39x30 B94393021N 94x39x53 84x39x33 4 4 4 4 B94395321N B84393321N 74x39x75 4 4 4 B94397521N B74397521N 94x39x53 B94395321N 94x39x75 4 94x39x30 B94393021N 9.8 84x39x33 B84393321N 94x39x75 B94397521N 184x39x75 94x39x53 4 4 4 4 B184397521N B94395321N 94x39x30 44 4 B94393021N 184x39x75 B184397521N 94x39x75 B94397521N 94x39x53 B94395321N 184x39x75 4 4 B184397521N 94x39x75 4 B94397521N 184x39x75 4 B184397521N B80237902 B373621TN Size cm DxH 37x36 48x40 Special models Stainless steel 9.2 9.2 Size 9.2 LxWxH 9.8 Room dividers Wheels/ legs 9.8 9.8 Colour Deluxe 9.8 Colour Standard B373621TN B484021TN 70x35x75 4 B723775rr B703575rr 90x35x75 4 B923775rr B903575rr 140x35x75 4 B1423775rr B1403575rr Design: Tongue RoomB1823775rr dividers B1803575rr 180x35x75 4 B5576SE21N Design: Tongue Room Colour dividers Size Wheels/ Colour Colour Stainless Size Wheels/ Colour Colour B100237905 cm Size Wheels Design: legs Deluxe Standard Tongue Room dividers Colour Stainless Size Standard steel LxWxH legs Deluxe Standard DxH cmSize Wheels Wheels/ Colour Colour Standard steel LxWxH Colour Stainless Tongue 37x36DxHcm 3 Design: B3736rrT B373621TN 70x35x75 Size 4Room B723775rr Wheels legsdividers Deluxe B703575rr Standard Standard B373621TN steel LxWxH Wheels/ 37x36 B3736rrT 70x35x75 B723775rr B903575rr B703575rr Colour Colour Size 48x40 B484021TN 90x35x75 4 4 B923775rr DxH 4 3 B4840rrT Size Colour Stainless legs Deluxe Standard cm Wheels 48x40 4 B4840rrT B484021TN 90x35x75 4 B923775rr 140x35x75 4 B1423775rr B1403575rr 37x36 3 B3736rrT steel B373621TN 70x35x75 4 B723775rr B903575rr B703575rr LxWxH 11.94 Standard RAL 180x35x75 no. 140x35x75 Peanco B1803575rr no.rrB1403575rr DxH48x40 B1423775rr 4 4 4 B1823775rr B4840rrT B484021TN 90x35x75 Colour B923775rr B903575rr 101670x35x75 Lemon yellow 22 B703575rr 37x36 3 B3736rrT B373621TN 44 4 B723775rr 180x35x75 B1823775rr B1803575rr 140x35x75 B1423775rr B1403575rr 302090x35x75 10 B903575rr 48x40 4 B4840rrT B484021TN 4 B923775rr 180x35x75Ferari red 4 B1823775rr B1803575rr 4005140x35x75 Lilac4 B1423775rr20 B1403575rr 5009180x35x75 Azur4 B1823775rr04 B1803575rr Design: Hexagonal 6018 Yellowgreen 24 Size Colour Stainless B7030SE21N cm Wheels 6019 Whitegreen 21 11.9 RAL no. Colour Peanco no.rr Standard steel DxH 7016 Anthracite 03Peanco 11.9 RAL no. Colour no.rr 1016 Lemon yellow 22 6/40x30 3 B4030SErr B4030SE21N 9004 Smoke black 23 10Peanco 1016 Lemon yellow 22 no.rr 3020 Ferari red Colour 11.9 RAL no. B7030SE21N 6/40x53 3 B4053SErr B4053SE21N 9005 Deep black 02 20 10 22 Ferari 40053020 Lilac 1016 Lemonred yellow 11.9 RAL no. Colour Peanco no.rr 6/40x76 3 B4076SErr B4076SE21N 9006 Pearl alu 01 4005 Lilac 5009 3020 AzurFerari red 04 20 10 Design: Hexagonal 1016 Lemon yellow 22 6/55x30 4 B5530SErr B5530SE21N 9006-2 Light gray 06 5009 Azur 04 4005 Lilac 20 Design: Hexagonal 6018 Yellowgreen 24 Size 6/55x53 4 B5553SErr B5553SE21N 90163020 White 05 1024 04 Ferari red Colour Stainless 5009 Azur Yellowgreen Hexagonal 60196018 Whitegreen 21 cm Size Wheels Design:Colour Stainless Standard B5576SE21N steel 6/55x76 cm 4 Wheels B5576SErr 4005 Lilac 20 Whitegreen DxH Size 70166019 Anthracite 03 21 24 6018 Yellowgreen Standard steel 5009 Azur 04 6/70x30 DxH 4 Design: B7030SErr B7030SE21N Colour Stainless Hexagonal Anthracite 6/40x30 cm 3 Wheels B4030SErr B4030SE21N 90047016 Smoke black 23 03 21 6019 Whitegreen Standard B4030SE21N steel 6018 Yellowgreen Size 6/40x30 3 B4030SErr 9004 Smoke black 6/40x53 DxH 3 B4053SErr B4053SE21N 9005 7016 Deep black 022423 03 Anthracite Colour Stainless 1023 cm Wheels 6019 Whitegreen 6/40x53 3 B4053SErr B4053SE21N 9005 Deep black 6/40x766/40x30 3 B4076SE21N 9006 9004 PearlSmoke alu 012102 3 B4076SErr B4030SErr B4030SE21N black Standard steel DxH 7016 Anthracite 6/40x76 B4076SErr B4076SE21N 9006 Pearl 6/55x30 B5530SE21N 9006-2 Light gray 060301 02 6/40x53 4 3 3 B5530SErr B4053SErr B4053SE21N 9005 Deepalu black 6/40x30 B4030SErr B4030SE21N 9004 Smoke black 6/55x30 B5530SErr B5530SE21N 9006-2 Light grayalu 6/55x53 B5553SE21N 9016 White 052306 01 6/40x76 4 3 4 3 B5553SErr B4076SErr B4076SE21N 9006 Pearl 6/40x53 3 B4053SErr B4053SE21N 9005 Deep black 0205 06 6/55x53 4 B5553SErr B5553SE21N 9016 White 6/55x766/55x30 4 B5576SE21N 4 B5576SErr B5530SErr B5530SE21N 9006-2 Light gray 6/40x76 B4076SErr B4076SE21N 90069016 Pearl alu 01 05 6/55x76 B5576SErr B5576SE21N 6/70x30 B7030SE21N 6/55x53 4 3 4 4 B7030SErr B5553SErr B5553SE21N White 6/55x30 9006-2 Light gray 06 6/70x30 B7030SErr B7030SE21N 6/55x76 4 4 4 B5530SErr B5576SErr B5530SE21N B5576SE21N 6/55x53 9016 White 05 10 6/70x30 4 4 B5553SErr B7030SErr B5553SE21N B7030SE21N 10 6/55x76 4 B5576SErr B5576SE21N 10 6/70x30 4 B7030SErr B7030SE21N 10 10 en el c. . ext ves ves Displays 16.3 I3513521N-2 16.2 Displays 6.11 16.3 I2810421N I3513521N-2 I3513521N WxH 35x130 35x135 35x135-2 WxH I3513021N Displays 35x130 I3513521N I3513521N-2 35x135 35x135-2 Boden model Spec. Excl. font/text 3 shelves 66.11 shelves 6.11 I398521N I2810421N Boden model Spec. Excl. font/text 3 shelves 6 shelves Gulvmodel Floor model Gulvmodel No. Displays 3.19 Floor model Vægmodel Wand model No. WxH I3513021N 39x85 I3513521N I3513521N-2 28x104 28x138 Spec. Incl. 4x A4 plasticholders 3 shelves 4 shelves Vægmodel Wand model Floor model WxH No. 39x85 I3513021N 28x104 28x138 Spec. Incl. 4x A4 plasticholders 3 shelves 4 shelves I3513521N I3513521N-2 3.19 I398521N I2810421N Wall model Vægmodel No. WxH I398521N 39x85 I2810421N I2813821N 28x104 28x138 Wand model Spec. Incl. 4x A4 plasticholders 3 shelves 4 shelves I398521N I2810421N Wall infosign I2813821N WxH Spec. Stainless steel 6.6 I3513521N I2810421N Wall18.12 model No. 26x6 18.2 I3513021N 3.19 I398521N I3513521N-2 18.12 18.1 18.12 I3513021N Wall infosign WxH 26x6 Spec. Stainless steel Name and business cardholder No. Wall infosign I260621N WxH 26x6 Spec. Stainless steel WxH No. 18x5 I260621N Spec. Stainless steel 6.6 18.2 6.6 Vægmodel WxH 39x85 28x104 28x138 Wand model Wall model No. Spec. Incl. 4x A4 18.1 I398521N plasticholders 3 shelves I2810421N 4 shelves I2813821N Name and business cardholder I3513021N WxH 18x5 18.1 Name and business No. cardholder Spec. Stainless steel I180521N WxH 18x5 11 18.12 Spec. Stainless steel No. I180521N 11 I398521N Wall infosign WxH 26x6 Spec. Stainless steel No. I260621N 11 Papirkurv Papierkorb Paper basket Papirkurv Papierkorb 18.8 Paper 17.1 P406021PN 3 P263621PN P263805 P377021N Papirkurv Size DxH 26x36 Colour deluxe P2638rr Colour standard P2636rr Stainless steel Polished Perforated P263621N P263621PN 37x70 P3772rr P3770rr P377021N Papierkorb Askebæger Colour deluxe P2638rr Colour standard P2636rr Stainless steel Polished Perforated P263621N P263621PN 3.8 37x70 P3772rr P3770rr P377021N 40x60 P4062rr P4060rr P406021N P406021PN Info: deluxe og perforated med separat poseholder Info: deluxe und perforated mit separatem Beutelhalter Info: deluxe and perforated with a separate bag holder Askebæger 3.8 A263621N 12 A266621N Ashtray 3.26 Specifications Med papirfang Mit Papierfang With paper trap A280721N A261521N Aschenbecher 3.10 rettes As Size Colour DxH deluxe 28x7 26x15 28x20 26x36 A2638rr 26x66 A281521N 28x66 25x25x60 A252562rr 30x30x60 A303062rr 3.10 rettes A30306202 18.4 Med papirfang Mit Papierfang With paper trap Aschenbecher Aschenbecher 17.1 Size DxH 26x36 Specifications Paper basket 40x60 P4062rr P4060rr P406021N P406021PN Info: deluxe og perforated med separat poseholder Info: deluxe und perforated mit separatem Beutelhalter Info: deluxe and perforated with a separate bag holder Askebæger 18.8 A286621N P263621N A25256006 Size DxH 28x7 26x15 28x20 26x36 26x66 28x66 25x25x60 30x30x60 6.8 Colour deluxe A2638rr A252562rr A303062rr Ashtray Colour standard A2807rr 5.1 A2615rr A2820rr A2666rr A2866rr A252560rr A303060rr Stainless steel A280721N A261521N A282021N A 263621N A266621N A286621N A25256021N A30306021N s A A A A A A A Wheel 4 4 no Max load each wheel 40 kg 6.46 3.11 Espalier 4 4 Water level meter 3.11 Item no. 20x180 20x250 30x300 16.5 40x590 40x760 40x940 emno. Max kg. Wheels Ø50 dobbelt Wheels Itemno. 19353 19400 19502 19502x2 9.4 9.7 Max kg. 40 35 60 Size Colour 40 Stainless Ø50 Size Ø35 Ø40 Ø50 standard steeldobbelt x 150 T46150rr T4615021N Itemno. 46 19353 19400 19502 19502x2 65 x 150 T65150rr T6515021N Max kg. 40 35 40 60 20x20x5 25x25x5 30x30x5 35x35x5 40x40x5 85 x 150 T85150rr T8515021N 1202000 1252500 1303000 1353500 1404000 Size Espalier 9.6 3.12 Ø35x5 Ø40x5 13500 14000 4 4 4 Ø35 100152 6.29 100182 100302 100502 100602 120902 Wheels Plastic insert 9.1 Ø50 4 Size Ø22x15 Ø25x15 Ø30x22 Ø32x25 Ø35x25 Ø37x30 Ø40x30 Ø50x38 32x32x30 37x37x30 41x41x30 16.4 Ø40 Ø50 Polish spray/cloth 4 4 4 Polish Polish spray/cloth 16.4 spray/cloth Espalier 6.29 9.7 16.4 30x30x5 1303000 Microfiber Metalpolish Wheels 35x35x5 40x40x5 cloth Spray 1353500 32x36 1404000 670 ml Ø50T70502 Item T3236 Ø40 Ø50 4 no. 4 4 dobbelt Microfiber Metalpolish 19400 19502cloth19502x2Spray 35 40 32x36 60 670 ml Item no. T3236 T70502 Wheel console 13 6.29 13 Polish spray/cloth Size Colour Stainless No. Wheels standard steel 122150 46 x 150 T46150rr T4615021N 125150 16.465 x 150 3.12 T65150rrØ50T6515021N Size Ø35 Ø40 130220 85 x 150 Ø50 T85150rr T8515021N dobbelt 132250 Itemno. 19353 19400 19502 19502x2 135250 Max kg. 40 35 40 60 137300 140300 Wheel console 150380 1323230 Microfiber Metalpolish 1373730 cloth Spray 32x36 670 ml 1414130 Polish spray/cloth Item no. T3236 T70502 9.6 9.4 9.7 Ø50 dobbelt Size No. 19353 19400 19502 19502x2 Ø22x15 122150 4016.1 35 40 60Ø25x15 125150 130220 Ø40x5 Size Ø20x5 Ø25x5Ø30x22 Ø30x5 Ø35x5 132250 14000 Itemno. 12000 12500Ø32x25 13000 13500 Ø35x25 135250 Wheel 4 4 Ø37x30 4 4 4 137300 no 16.5 Max load each wheel 40 kg Ø40x30 140300 Polish spray/clothØ50x38 150380 32x32x30 1323230 37x37x30 1373730 6.46 41x41x30 1414130 Ø35 Ø40 4 Plastic insert 30x30x5 35x35x5 40x40x5 Plastic insert 1303000 1353500 1404000 16.1 Size Size T6515021N T4615021N 4 Stainless 4 steel 4 T4615021N T6515021N T8515021N Wheels Wheel console Water level meter 25x25x5 1252500 Colour 4 standard T46150rr 6.29 T65150rr T85150rr 6.29 Item no. Water level meter 9.4 4 Size 4 46 x 150 65 x 150 85 x 150 4 3.12 Water level meter Size 4 SizeWheel No. console Ø22x15 122150 Plastic insert 16.1 125150 Size Colour StainlessØ25x15 standard steel Ø30x22 130220 6.46 Size 132250 No. 46 x 150 T46150rr T4615021N Ø32x25 Ø22x15 122150 9.6 9.4 65 x 150 9.1 T65150rr T6515021N Ø35x25 135250 16.1 T85150rr Ø25x15 137300 125150 85 x 150 T8515021N Ø37x30 Ø30x22 130220 16.5 Ø40x30 140300 Ø32x25 132250 Ø50x38 150380 Ø35x25 135250 32x32x30 1323230 WaterØ20x5 levelØ25x5 meterØ30x5 Ø35x5 Ø37x30 137300 Size Ø40x5 20x20x5 25x25x5 37x37x30 1373730 Ø40x3014000 140300 Itemno. 16.5 12000 12500 13000 41x41x30 13500 1202000 1252500 1414130 Ø50x38 150380 Size Item no. Wheel 4 4 4 4 4 4 Size 4Ø35 32x32x30 1323230 no 20x180 19353 37x37x30 1373730Itemno. Max load each100152 wheel 40 kg 20x250 100182 40 41x41x30 1414130Max kg. 30x300 100302 9.7 40x590 100502 6.46 40x760 100602 40x940 120902 nsole x20x5 02000 4 6.46 20x180 100152 9.1 20x250 100182 Size 100302 Item no. 30x300 40x590 100502 20x180 100152 40x760 100602 3.11 20x250 100182 40x940 120902 Size Ø20x5 Ø25x5 Ø30x5 30x300 100302 Itemno. 12000 12500 13000 40x590 100502 Wheel40x760 Plastic 100602 4 4insert4 no 40x940 120902 Max load each wheel 40 kg er 4 16.4 13 20x20x5 1202000 25x25x5 1252500 30x30x5 1303000 35x35x5 1353500 40x40x5 1404000 4 4 4 4 4 Item no. Metalpolish 13 cloth Spray 32x36 6.29 670 ml T3236 T70502 Luftbefugter/ Luftrenser Humidifier/ Aircleaner Godt indeklima forøger arbejdsglæden og dermed produktiviteten. Med Peanco´s luftbefugtere/ luftrensere forøges luftfugtigheden samtidig med at støvpartikler i luften reduceres. Good environmental conditions improve working satisfaction and increase productivity. By Peanco´s aircleaner the humidity can be increased and dustparticles reduced. Dette modvirker: ● Hovedpine, træthed ● Irritation i øjne, næse og hals. ● Statisk elektricitet Kontakt os for bestemmelse af kapacitet. This counteracts: ● Headache, tiredness ● Irritation of eyes, nose and throat. ● Static electricity Contact us for determination of capacity. Luftbefeuchter/ Luftreiniger Gutes Raumklima steigert die Zufriedenheit bei der Arbeit und damit die Produktivität. Durch den Peanco Luftfilter wird die Luftfeuchtigkeit erhöht und Staubpartikel in der Luft reduziert. Dies hilft gegen: ● Kopfschmerz, Müdigkeit ● Reizung der Augen, der Nase und des Rachens ● Elektostatische Aufladung Kontaktieren Sie uns zur Bestimmung der benötigten Kapazität 14 % N 25 + ew Luftbefeuchter/ Luftreiniger Humidifier/ aircleaner L13x120+Ø36x54 L3x76/1350 + Ø37x36 Luftbefugter/ Luftrenser Luftbefugter/Luftrenser Luftbefeuchter/Luftreiniger Humidifier/aircleaner 3.7 2.10 L3x76/1350 L13x120 Size DxH Type Aqua pipe Aqua pipe Aqua pipe special Aqua pipe special Aqua ball Aqua ball Aqua ball 18.11 36 x 135 cm 50x160 cm 10x96 13x120 24x24 30x30 40x40 3.6 LØ40+B36/267321N No. L3x76/1350 L3x102/1650 L10x96 L13x120 LØ24/ LØ30/ LØ40/ 18.5 rettet LØ40+B367621N Approx. water consumption 24 hours 22Cº 1,5 L 3,0 L 0,8 L 1,5 L 0,5 L 0,8 L 1,3 L 6.57 LØ30+B30/216305 Spec. KW/24H 0,7 1,4 0,5 0,7 0,5 0,5 0,5 3.4 LØ30+LØ40+B30216021N +B36/267321N+B70703021N Ø40 + konisk Ø36/26x73 Ø30+ konisk Ø30x60 deluxe Ø40 + Ø30 + 70x70 Ø40 + cylinder Ø36x76 15
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