Volume 4 Issue 2 October 2014 Knightly News J O H N G Phone: 402.715.8360 DATES TO REMEMBER FOR OCTOBER… Monday, 10/6 8:45 5th Grade Field Trip—Zoo Wednesday, 10/8 7:50 Walking Club 2nd Grade Gymsic IN-formance 9:00 Mrs. Dolezal’s Class 10:00 Ms. Kraft’s Class 12:00 Mrs. Krejci’s Class 1:00 Mrs. Thornton’s Class N E I H A R D T L Web: http://mps.jnes.schoolfusion.us/ E M E N T A R Y Address: 15130 Drexel St Tuesday, 10/14 4:20-8:00 P/T Conferences Thursday, 10/23 3:45 Yearbook Meeting Wednesday, 10/15 NO SCHOOL Wednesday, 10/29 8:00 Walking School Bus Thursday, 10/16 NO SCHOOL 8:20-11:00am P/T Conferences Thursday , 10/30 3:45 Pathfinders Meeting Friday, 10/17 NO SCHOOL Thursday, 10/9 3:45 Yearbook Meeting Tuesday, 10/21 6:00 PTO Meeting—Library Monday, 10/13 4:20-8:00 P/T Conferences Wednesday, 10/22 7:50 Walking Club PICTURE RETAKES W E E A r e t h e Friday, 10/31 Halloween Parties: 10:30 PreK AM Parade/Party 2:15 PreK—5th Grade Parade/Party K n i g h t ! ! ! Hello Neihardt Families, It’s hard to believe that it’s already October! This month brings Parent-Teacher Conferences, Halloween Celebrations, Picture Retakes, Spirit Wear, and much more! In the last week, we have sent out the link to set up your conference time to meet with your child’s teachers. The link and directions are also available on Neihardt’s website. The window to set up your conference closes next Wednesday evening. If you need any help setting up your conference, please call the front office at 402.715.8360. Our goal is to connect 100% of our families with their teachers. The enclosed article about how to prepare for parent teacher conferences has some helpful tips. Please take some time to review this. We LOVE our school and as a way to show it, on Fridays the staff and students are welcome to wear Neihardt Spirit Wear. We have enclosed our 14-15 Spirit Wear order form for all families. These are due no later than Tuesday, Oct. 14th. Delivery will be within a few weeks after the order closes. If you are planning ahead and want to purchase something for a gift, please mark this on the order form and we will hold it for you in the office to pick up rather than sending it home with your students. Celebrations and traditions are important to our school! This month we recognized ten students who have earned the 24/7 Knight Award. These students are nominated by the staff for being Kind, Respectful, and Responsible on a consistent basis. We are excited to share the good news in the neighborhood with a special 24/7 KNIGHT sign delivery to students’ homes. If you see these in the neighborhood, help us celebrate the great kids we have at our school. We also honored 25 students (see inside) for being caught doing the right thing during a VIK Event (Very Important Knight). This month’s celebration included a Fancy Lunch & Dessert with our staff. Our next assembly will be this upcoming week! Watch the newsletter for announcements about our next 24/7 Knights and VIK’s! Finally, it is a way off but mark your calendars for our next Family Event– Turkey BINGO on Friday, Nov 6th in the evening. This year we will have dinner as an option for our families before we start our game night. Watch for more details in the next few weeks! P a g e 2 K n i g h t l y PTO CORNER NEXT PTO MEETING PTO MEETING Tuesday, October 21st at 6:00-7:00 PM in Neihardt’s School Library FUN RUN RESULTS! I would like to thank everyone for their support on Neihardt’s FUN RUN! We had amazing results for are first year collecting over $27,000 in pledges!!! On Monday, October 6th you will be receiving a envelope for proceeds that will need to be collected and turned in by Friday, October 10th. Once again the PTO would like to thank our Neihardt Community for such a success event!!! Amanda Friskopp, PTO President We are the Knights...The Mighty Mighty Knights! We always try to do what’s right! N ew s Did you know that PTO is on FACEBOOK? Join us... NEIHARDT PTO Counselor’s Corner Please see attachment from our Counselor, Jenny Mangan on lessons she has had with your student(s) for the month of September. Some of the topics discussed were listening, following directions and goal setting. Take time to review this attachment and talk to your child on these developing skills we are working on. “ K n i g h t ” C e l e b r a t i o n s ” September 24th 24/7 Knight Awards and Ticket Drawings Winners Are Located in the attachments Congratulations to all our Ticket Winners!! V o l u m e 4 I s s u e 2 U p c o m i n g P a g e S c h o o l & C o m m u n i t y PICTURE RETAKES Wednesday, October 22nd 2nd Grade Gymsic IN-formance Wednesday October 8th POPEYE’S Wednesday, October 15th Here is the schedule 9:00—Dolezal’s Class 10:00 —Kraft’s Class 12:00—Krejci’s Class 1:00—Thornton’s Class Wednesday, October 29th Walking School Bus Performance’s are 45minutes Comfort attire and tennis shoes are the best choice! 3 E v e n t s Field Trips 5th Grade ZOO October 6th Kindergarten Vala’s October 8th See Attachment for BOX TOP CONTEST Classroom that turns in the most tops from October 3rd– October 31st Wins a Awesome PIZZA PARTY! BUZZ BOOK Look for the Buzz Book to come home with your youngest or only student next week Additional copies are available for second households by contacting the office at 402-715-8360. Only the names of those individuals who returned their completed Buzz Book form that was sent home in the summer mailing will be included in the Buzz Book. Please [email protected] if you have any questions. Treats for Teacher Conferences On Monday October 13th the PTO will provide dinner for our WONDERFUL teachers! We still need sweet treats, soda, and salty snacks. If you can help, please sign up at the link below, or contact Shawn Samson at [email protected] or 402-964-9764. Thanks in advance for your support!! www.SignUpGenius.com/go/70A0A4EA9AD2CAA8-neihardt/ Scholastic Book Fair Scholastic Book Fair will be at our school Oct 13, 14, and 16. This is a great opportunity to encourage the love of reading in our students by offering the types of books they want to read. Please complete the form attached and send it back to Mrs. Ward in the Library by Thursday, October 9th. You will receive verification of your time on Friday, October 10th. Thank you for supporting your child’s reading! S a f e t y P a t r o l Week of: 152nd & Monroe 152nd & Drexel Neihardt Exit Parking Lot Neihardt ________________________________________________________________________Crosswalk_______Entrance Sept. 30-Oct 6— Braden Y. Riese G. Trevor C.. Garrett D. Lara O. A.J. R. Savannah A. (PM ONLY) (PM ONLY) Lauren B. Oct .7-13 Joey A. Amanda R. Nina A. Audrey D. Zach R. Abby M. (PM ONLY) Kate C. (AM Only) Matthew W. Sam C. (PM Only) (PM ONLY) Oct. 14-27 Paige G. Mason G. Trevor D. Katie R. Kaylee P. Daja M. (PM ONLY) Joelle S. Elizabeth H. (PM ONLY) Oct. 28-Nov. 3 Kylee K. Natalie M. Ella A. Addison D. A.J. R. Erika A. (PM ONLY) Braden Y. Riese G. (PM ONLY) September Spirit Class winners are Mrs. White’s 1st Grade Class & Mrs. Albert’s Kdg.Class!! M i s s i o n o f N e i h a r d t E l e m e n t a r y The mission of Neihardt Elementary School, a collaborative community, is to guarantee each student will master the knowledge and skills necessary for achieving personal excellence and demonstrate responsible citizenship by engaging in diverse and challenging academic learning experiences in a safe, caring, respectful environment. Board Members Superintendent: Dr. Jim Sutfin President: Patrick Ricketts Vice President: Linda Poole Secretary: Mike Kennedy Treasurer: Dave Anderson Members: Paul Meyer and Mike Pate
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